Birther Certificate

A giant birth certificate is on display in a store window in New York City, reports the Urban Infidel blog. The blog, unfortunately, takes a decidedly birther slant on the window display saying:

The perfect stocking stuffer for a crumbling Republic.  A ceramic tray commemorating the phony birth certificate that Obama and his team of amateurs hastily cobbled together and trotted out to sate the growing disbelief of the American public.

I don’t know what that thing is. I see what looks at first like Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate, only the text isn’t in a typewriter font like the original, and a printed Seal of the State of Hawaii appears that’s not on the original. On the original, the seal is an impression in the paper and appears to the left of the one in the photo. It’s also missing the security paper background. The Time of Birth is differently formatted. I guess this is a mock-up necessary to make it look good at high resolution. Somebody went to a lot of trouble to sell some commemorative trays.

The blog is also celebrating National Empty Chair day.

H/t to RuhRoh.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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10 Responses to Birther Certificate

  1. BatGuano says:

    “I guess this is a mock-up necessary to make it look good at high resolution. Somebody went to a lot of trouble to sell some commemorative trays.”

    bingo. my guess is that it was completely rebuilt ( handwriting and all ) in adobe illustrator as vector art to keep clarity at such a large size ( it would also keep the file size low ).

    i’m curious if the birthers will claim this to be yet another “version” of the COLB.

  2. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I did get a chuckle from that site, in the form of “Start your holiday time family fights early this year!”
    A birther cracking a clever joke. Never thought I would see the day.

  3. donna says:

    i’m a cooker and a baker

    i’m planning to create an obama birth certificate using filo dough

    among others, the greeks use it in layers in their dishes and the french actually have a dessert called “mille feuilles” = one thousand leaves/layers

    i hope my creation, using fruit and nutzz, drives the birthers the rest of the way over the edge

  4. Pastor Charmley says:

    It’s fascinating to me that on the one hand the Birthers, like the Truthers (whom I have been watching since 2004), are convinced that there is some nefarious conspiracy going on, but on the other hand are quite sure that the the conspirators are not that good at it, as they are continually leaving clues that amateurs can find. There seems to be this rather odd view taken by conspiracy nuts that on the one hand the conspirators are highly competent and well-connected, so that they can suppress all sorts of records that would otherwise reveal the truth, but on the other hand they are so inept that they have to rely on “amateurs” to do their forgeries.

    Balderdash! If President Obama and his backers really wanted to forge a Hawaii birth certificate for him, then the result would be perfect, certainly not something that amateurs could pick apart. It’s the same with 9/11 and the Pentagon. One never saw actual air crash investigators saying it looked suspicious, only amateurs.

  5. The Magic M says:

    That “BC” looks like the one being sold on a food plate that was posted here (or on nbc’s site) some weeks ago. I remember saying the same about it as BatGuano:

    BatGuano: i’m curious if the birthers will claim this to be yet another “version” of the [LFBC].

    Pastor Charmley: but on the other hand are quite sure that the the conspirators are not that good at it, as they are continually leaving clues that amateurs can find

    The conspiracist “explanation” for this is that the forger was somehow “forced”, or otherwise unhappy, to do his job and therefore left “clues” for the outside world that it is a forgery (see “TXE” or “smiley face”).
    (The other, equally dumb “explanation” was that Obama himself hastily forged it; this one obviously stemming from the desire to pinpoint any “crime” directly on Obama himself.)

    I haven’t seen similar claims about “insiders” trying to give hidden clues to the “outside” world from truthers or moon hoax believers, so this must be unique to the birther movement.

  6. John Potter says:

    Pastor Charmley: One never saw actual air crash investigators saying it looked suspicious, only amateurs.

    They’re still watching the X-Files and wanting to believe. The truth is out there!

  7. Keith says:

    Pastor Charmley: Balderdash! If President Obama and his backers really wanted to forge a Hawaii birth certificate for him, then the result would be perfect, certainly not something that amateurs could pick apart. It’s the same with 9/11 and the Pentagon. One never saw actual air crash investigators saying it looked suspicious, only amateurs.

    One of the proofs that they are full of horse manure, is that even though the ‘conspirators’ felt no compunction against killing 3 plane loads of innocent people and 3000+ innocent people in the Towers and the Pentagon, these amateur ‘physicists’ and aviation ‘experts’ are still alive, even though they have discovered the conspiracy.

  8. The Magic M says:

    Keith: these amateur ‘physicists’ and aviation ‘experts’ are still alive, even though they have discovered the conspiracy

    Which in fact enforces the self-delusion “I am too important” or “I am too well-known” so that “if I should disappear, people will know who was behind it and will kick off a revolution because I was so important”.
    Remember conspiracy believers suffer from a God complex anyway because they see themselves as the “enlightened” ones who can’t be brainwashed and are so intelligent they uncovered a conspiracy that has fooled everyone else.
    (The “I am never wrong” meme ties in there, that’s why you never see them correct any claim, even if it turns out to be incompatible with their later theories.)

  9. G says:

    Such things are ironically a sign of deep-seated insecurity, in those who behave that way. They wrap themselves in their false-bravado, excessive ego and endless doubling down instead of admitting error, because they are really too fragile and weak to admit and accept their own failings and insecurities. It is a sham shield that they project and they have to constantly lie to themselves and others, because they can’t face up to their own insecurities about who they really are…

    The Magic M: Which in fact enforces the self-delusion “I am too important” or “I am too well-known” so that “if I should disappear, people will know who was behind it and will kick off a revolution because I was so important”.
    Remember conspiracy believers suffer from a God complex anyway because they see themselves as the “enlightened” ones who can’t be brainwashed and are so intelligent they uncovered a conspiracy that has fooled everyone else.
    (The “I am never wrong” meme ties in there, that’s why you never see them correct any claim, even if it turns out to be incompatible with their later theories.)

  10. Bob says:

    I went by and looked at this today. I think it’s more a piece of art than anything else.

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