Flash: Kansas birther withdraws objection

The Manhattan, Kansas, Mercury reports that birther Joe Montgomery, who set the birther world aflame with his challenge to Barack Obama’s place on the Kansas ballot that caused the State Objections Commission to delay their decision in order to get more information, has withdrawn his objection in the wake of public criticism.

Montgomery, who is associated with Kansas State University, ignited a firestorm of outrage from people who get outraged for political purposes, civil rights leaders, and ordinary individuals firing off Tweets at University president Kirk Schulz.

Meanwhile the Objections Commission seems to “interpreting” their delay as not as lunatic as it sounds. Thanks again for excellent local news coverage from the Manhattan Mercury,  Mr. Montgomery’s home town.

Birthers who just hang out online with other birthers may be surprised at the reaction they get from normal people when they go public.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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112 Responses to Flash: Kansas birther withdraws objection

  1. Andy says:

    I would guess he doesn’t hang out with birthers at work. In fact, his coming out may have been harder on him than he expected, since he works at a large state university. In a PR department.

    *shakes head at silly birthers*

  2. Rickey says:

    I can hardly wait for John to chime in.

  3. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I can hardly wait for John to chime in.

    Yes, to quote my favorite undead ninja “GET OVER HERE!”

  4. Rennie says:

    Well _obviously_ Obama’s goons got to him.

  5. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Nah, it was Strongbad’s Cheet.

  6. Tarrant says:

    As Andy pointed out, given he is the spokesman for the Kansas State School for Veterinary Medicine and the announcer for the school marching band, it isn’t surprising that once the bad PR started coming his way, someone might have pointed out that the official spokesman for a university generally needs to have a reputation that won’t drive people away from the school.

    He may have simply chosen his job over his birtherdom.

  7. donna says:

    poor orly

    KS – Montgomery v Obama – Orly…

    Orly has put Koback on notice…

    You were, hereby, put on notice of the biggest case of elections fraud in the history of this nation. If you allow Mr. Obama on the ballot, while knowing of this fraud, you will be complicit in elections fraud and treason against the United States of America and the state of Kansas and you may be named as an additional defendant in an ongoing case of Judd et al v Obama et al 12-cv-1507 Central District of CA (see attached), as well as Taitz v Sebelius 12-3251-P Northern District of TX


  8. MattR says:

    He may have simply chosen his job over his birtherdom.

    In other words, a true patriot defending the constitution until it becomes inconvenient for him.

  9. bgansel9 says:

    Is it possible that birthers don’t realize how obnoxious their actions are? How could anyone consider trying to get a sitting president removed from the ballot to be a popular move?

  10. donna says:

    “How could anyone consider trying to get a sitting president removed from the ballot to be a popular move?”

    ESPECIALLY when no one else is asked for the same documentation nor is under the same scrutiny

  11. ObiWanConnoli says:

    He is a PR guy for the Kansas State University. He couldn’t possibly represent a diverse university student body with his bigoted ideology. KSU should let this guy know that sometimes free speech has its consequences.

  12. john says:

    I have no doubt that Joe Montgomery was threatened with great “harm” if he were to pursue this. This challenge certainly concerned the Obama Camp a great deal since the board who all Republicans who had made it known that weren’t completely convinced Obama is eligible with the documentation that is out there. The Obama Camp would have hard time threatening high ranking elected officials in Kansas, so they went after the root of the problem. Recall, the Clintons were threatened as well and never once discussed the eligiblity problem ever again.

  13. john says:

    Someone in Kansas should take up the complaint the Montgomery has dropped. On Monday he or she can come to the meeting loaded for bear. He or she can bring Larry Klayman, Mike Zullo, Mario Apuzzo and expert witness Herb Titus would testify to the meaning of NBC.

  14. G says:

    Of course! Being both obnoxious and unaware are key characteristics of being a Birther in the first place.

    bgansel9: Is it possible that birthers don’t realize how obnoxious their actions are? How could anyone consider trying to get a sitting president removed from the ballot to be a popular move?

  15. Northland10 says:

    Rennie: Well _obviously_ Obama’s goons got to him.

    Can’t have perfectly good goons just sitting around drinking coffee can we?

  16. bgansel9 says:

    G: Of course! Being both obnoxious and unaware are key characteristics of being a Birther in the first place.

    Then, what is this guy’s excuse? He decided the fight wasn’t worth it. Seems he wasn’t that crazy about going all in.

  17. G says:

    Many of them are just propagandists, cynically and foolishly thinking that they can manipulate an election and the gullible amongst the electorate.

    bgansel9: Then, what is this guy’s excuse? He decided the fight wasn’t worth it. Seems he wasn’t that crazy about going all in.

  18. When I hear this story, and when I think about the latest Taitz lawsuit against 31 defendants that has the potential to expose her to considerable costs, I am reminded of a story from the Bible, in Luke Chapter 14:

    “For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it? “Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who observe it begin to ridicule him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’”

    bgansel9: Then, what is this guy’s excuse? He decided the fight wasn’t worth it. Seems he wasn’t that crazy about going all in.

  19. LW says:

    john: Someone in Kansas should take up the complaint the Montgomery has dropped.

    I of course have no idea what actions you’ve taken beyond your not-at-all-irrational posts that I’ve been privileged to see here, nor do I know what state you live in.

    So help me out: which complaints have you filed in your state? Because it sounds like you’d be totally awesome at it.

    Perhaps if you share here which complaints you’ve filed, how you’ve gone about it, and the results you’ve achieved to date, it will serve as an inspiration for “someone in Kansas.”

  20. ASK Esq says:

    john: Someone in Kansas should take up the complaint the Montgomery has dropped.

    Well, I saw that Orly is looking for donations so she can get out to Kansas on Monday. Why don’t you buy her a round-trip ticket so she can pick up the ball that Montgomery dropped? Or are you just talk?

    (By way of disclaimer, I don’t know if Orly started this particular round of begging before Montgomery dropped his objection. Of course, knowing Orly, she wouldn’t become aware of that until some time next month.)

  21. Lupin says:

    I find it helps if I portray in my mind john dressed in a giant chicken suit as he types his rants.

  22. SluggoJD says:

    I have no doubt that Joe Montgomery was threatened with great “harm” if he were to pursue this.This challenge certainly concerned the Obama Camp a great deal since the board who all Republicans who had made it known that weren’t completely convinced Obama is eligible with the documentation that is out there.The Obama Camp would have hard time threatening high ranking elected officials in Kansas, so they went after the root of the problem.Recall, the Clintons were threatened as well and never once discussed the eligiblity problem ever again.

    Any yet, you, our phony birther IMO, have never been threatened, no matter how much you BS. Odd.

  23. G says:


    I find it helps if I portray in my mind john dressed in a giant chicken suit as he types his rants.

  24. nbc says:

    john: Someone in Kansas should take up the complaint the Montgomery has dropped. On Monday he or she can come to the meeting loaded for bear. He or she can bring Larry Klayman, Mike Zullo, Mario Apuzzo and expert witness Herb Titus would testify to the meaning of NBC.

    ROTFL.. And still lose… But if you really care, I am sure you will be sending some money… Or is that not part of the plan? All words, no actions?…

  25. Jim F says:

    I don’t know which state John lives in but all the better if it is a swing state. John, get out there and lodge a challenge before its too late and then you will be able to give a first hand account of how the Obama goons got to you.

  26. Loren says:

    “Birthers who just hang out online with other birthers may be surprised at the reaction they get from normal people when they go public.”

    Some of us pieced together Joe Montgomery’s online handles, and sure enough, it looks like you may have banned one of them from commenting here.

    Apparently he didn’t learn from the experience, and got lost in the echo chamber of FreeRepublic.

  27. G says:

    Oh my!!! So, he’s also a Freeper and an online Birther troll…

    “Birthers who just hang out online with other birthers may be surprised at the reaction they get from normal people when they go public.”

    Some of us pieced together Joe Montgomery’s online handles, and sure enough, it looks like you may have banned one of them from commenting here.

    Apparently he didn’t learn from the experience, and got lost in the echo chamber of FreeRepublic.

  28. Tarrant says:

    Birthers who just hang out online with other birthers may be surprised at the reaction they get from normal people when they go public.

    Most birthers that I’ve talked to (and practically all that you see on the likes of Freep, ORYR, etc.) believe quite passionately that the majority of America is with them, but that they are scared off by something – “race riots” if the President is removed, a run on the banks, a run-of-the-mill Constitutional crisis, the President declaring himself Supreme Overlord, etc. They often talk about how if they just that one courageous leader or win in court it will wake the masses who will rise up and at that point Congress/the judiciary won’t be able to ignore it anymore.

    This is why they’re always so startled one, by the reactions of ther family and friends (and often complain of being ostracized); two, by the turnout at Birther events (three for a Usurpathon to a small roomful for a well-publicized Sheriff Arpaio event, although one notes even those are now being canceled due to low sales); and three, by the reaction of the general public when they go full birther in cases like this (even more stupid for a guy who works PR for a university).

    All they see is their echo chamber, where the occasional non-birther trying to talk sense is simply shouted down and insulted incessantly until they give up, the birthers declare victory, and pat each other on the back. To them it seems like everyone is a birther and the anti-birthers a small minority, and when they head to the Real World, a la Montgomery, they are shocked at the reception.

  29. gorefan says:

    john: I have no doubt that Joe Montgomery was threatened with great “harm”

    Actually, he says not so much.

    “It’s not like physical intimidation,” he said. “It’s just being abusive with the kinds of messages.”

    Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/2012/09/14/2489641/manhattan-man-drops-challenge.html#storylink=newsletter#storylink=cpy

    Oh, and Koback says the case is over and will be closed on Monday.

  30. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Someone in Kansas should take up the complaint the Montgomery has dropped.On Monday he or she can come to the meeting loaded for bear.He or she can bring Larry Klayman, Mike Zullo, Mario Apuzzo and expert witness Herb Titus would testify to the meaning of NBC.

    Keep grasping for those straws, John. The more pathetic the grab, the more entertaining it is for the rest of us. Your comebacks for your birther heroes getting spanked are wearing thin thought. We’ve heard “Well someone threatened them!” too many times. It just isn’t all that funny anymore. Maybe you should take a break to get some fresh material. Oh wait, you guys are fast running out of time. Recycling your old jokes is really your only option, isn’t it?

  31. gorefan says:

    john: Someone in Kansas should take up the complaint the Montgomery has dropped.

    IIRC there was a very narrow window for when objections could be filed and it has closed, so no new objections can be filed. It’s doubtful that someone else can come in and refile montgomery’s origianl objection.

  32. Andy says:

    gorefan: IRC there was a very narrow window for when objections could be filed and it has closed, so no new objections can be filed. It’s doubtful that someone else can come in and refile montgomery’s origianl objection.

    That is correct, though I was very tempted to take it up and do as piss poor a job as I could, just to make it look silly for the Objection Board even considering this.

  33. bgansel9 says:

    john: Someone in Kansas should take up the complaint the Montgomery has dropped.

    Orly is NOT in Kansas (not a resident), and she is going to Kansas to try to save the ballot challenge. Do you agree that she is not “Someone in Kansas” and that she probably doesn’t have a right to do this?

  34. G says:

    Agreed. They simply refuse to see a world beyond their own beliefs and selectively segregate amongst themselves. So reality often provides a rude awakening…at least temporarily, before they quickly retreat into their cocoons and pretend again that they alone exist and rule the world…

    Tarrant: All they see is their echo chamber, where the occasional non-birther trying to talk sense is simply shouted down and insulted incessantly until they give up, the birthers declare victory, and pat each other on the back. To them it seems like everyone is a birther and the anti-birthers a small minority, and when they head to the Real World, a la Montgomery, they are shocked at the reception.

  35. bgansel9 says:

    Tarrant: two, by the turnout at Birther events (three for a Usurpathon to a small roomful for a well-publicized Sheriff Arpaio event, although one notes even those are now being canceled due to low sales)

    Yeah, even Pat Boone couldn’t draw them in. LMAO!

  36. bgansel9 says:

    Tarrant: All they see is their echo chamber, where the occasional non-birther trying to talk sense is simply shouted down and insulted incessantly until they give up, the birthers declare victory, and pat each other on the back. To them it seems like everyone is a birther and the anti-birthers a small minority, and when they head to the Real World, a la Montgomery, they are shocked at the reception.

    It sounds like they all need some mental intervention.

  37. gorefan says:

    Andy: I was very tempted to take it up

    Could you even take up his original objection?

    I’m beginnning to suspect that Montgomery withdrew the objection because he saw he was going to lose and didn’t want an official finding that the President was eligible.

  38. Andy says:

    gorefan: Could you even take up his original objection?

    I’m beginnning to suspect that Montgomery withdrewthe objection because he saw he was going to lose and didn’t want an official finding that the President was eligible.

    Probably not. But as a “concerned citizen,” I would love to have had the opportunity to assure that Mr. Obama was deemed eligible in even the reddest of red states.

  39. G says:

    Agreed. I suspect that a lot of the internal flack he got (the stuff that he actually cared about) was from members of his own party, pulling him aside in anger and letting him know “that dog don’t hunt”… and that forcing an outcome would just be worse for his “movement”.

    gorefan: Could you even take up his original objection?

    I’m beginnning to suspect that Montgomery withdrewthe objection because he saw he was going to lose and didn’t want an official finding that the President was eligible.

  40. Thinker says:

    I’m sure Orly Taitz will do us that favor. As the losing-est birfer lawyer, she helps Obama all the time because several of her losses are now used as precedent in more recent lawsuits. She is planning on being at the board meeting on Monday. I’m sure if anyone can assure Obama’s position on the ballot in Kansas, it is Orly.

    Andy: Probably not.But as a “concerned citizen,” I would love to have had the opportunity to assure that Mr. Obama was deemed eligible in even the reddest of red states.

  41. Andy says:

    I’m sure Orly Taitz will do us that favor. As the losing-est birfer lawyer, she helps Obama all the time because several of her losses are now used as precedent in more recent lawsuits. I’m sure if anyone can assure Obama’s position on the ballot in Kansas, it is Orly.

    Very true. My temptation lies in the fact that I can see Ad Astra, the statue on top of the Statehouse, from where I’m typing. 🙂

  42. misha says:

    Lupin: I find it helps if I portray in my mind john dressed in a giant chicken suit as he types his rants.

    Nah. I portray John typing his rants from the back seat of a tiny car, crammed in with ten other clowns.

    Here’s a picture of John typing: http://www.hogwild.net/images/Misc/clown-car-drawing.jpg

  43. bgansel9 says:

    Andy: Very true.My temptation lies in the fact that I can see Ad Astra, the statue on top of the Statehouse, from where I’m typing.

    Andy, you can email the KS AG. Look up his website and contact him.

  44. gorefan says:

    G: Agreed.

    One of the reasons I suspect that’s true is Loren has made a very strong case that Montgomery is a very prolific birther whose internet names are very well known. I cannot image that someone with that history would suddenly drop his objection over some negative press and e-mails. Afterall this is a Constitutional crisis.

    From his history, I think he was absolutely shocked that the two real lawyers in the room (SoS Kobach is/was a law professor) told him his understanding of the Minor case was wrong. The last thing he wanted was an extremely conservative legal expert going on record to say President Obama was an NBC. Talk about a death blow to the movement.

  45. Tarrant says:

    Frrm his history, I think he was absolutely shocked that the two real lawyers in the room (SoS Kobach is/was a law professor) told him his understanding of the Minor case was wrong.The last thing he wanted was an extremely conservative legal expert going on record to say President Obama was an NBC.Talk about a death blow to the movement.

    Indeed – here’s the guy who wrote SB70, who likely knows everything there is to know about immigration law, and who told him to his face that his two-parent theory was nonsense.

    That’s gotta hurt. Montgomery probably idolizes Kobach for the various types of legislation he pushes, and here he is telling him he doesn’t know his NBCs from his ABCs.

  46. G says:

    Good points and kudos to Loren for figuring out who Montgomery is. I am aware now of which Birther and Freeper he is…so yes, quite striking that he backed down so quickly.

    But in terms of the Constitutional Crisis issue – at least he finally got up from hiding behind his keyboard and tried to pull his nonsense in the real world. …took him long enough, for someone who proclaimed this as a “crisis”…

    gorefan: One of the reasons I suspect that’s true is Loren has made a very strong case that Montgomery is a very prolific birther whose internet names are very well known.I cannot image that someone with that history would suddenly drop his objection over some negative press and e-mails.Afterall this is a Constitutional crisis.

    From his history, I think he was absolutely shocked that the two real lawyers in the room (SoS Kobach is/was a law professor) told him his understanding of the Minor case was wrong.The last thing he wanted was an extremely conservative legal expert going on record to say President Obama was an NBC.Talk about a death blow to the movement.

  47. G says:

    Good points.

    Tarrant: Indeed – here’s the guy who wrote SB70, who likely knows everything there is to know about immigration law, and who told him to his face that his two-parent theory was nonsense.

    That’s gotta hurt.Montgomery probably idolizes Kobach for the various types of legislation he pushes, and here he is telling him he doesn’t know his NBCs from his ABCs.

  48. Andy says:

    bgansel9: Andy, you can email the KS AG. Look up his website and contact him.

    I did. Within minutes of their decision. And the SOS. And the Lt. Governor. 🙂

  49. gorefan says:

    Tarrant: Indeed

    G: Good points.

    From Kobach’s point of view, if he rules President Obama is not a NBC, than he might as well being saying that Senator Rubio and Governor Jindal are not NBCs. I doubt he wants to commit that kind of political suicide.

  50. Northland10 says:

    gorefan: From his history, I think he was absolutely shocked that the two real lawyers in the room (SoS Kobach is/was a law professor) told him his understanding of the Minor case was wrong. The last thing he wanted was an extremely conservative legal expert going on record to say President Obama was an NBC. Talk about a death blow to the movement.

    Was he a little afraid that the Obots might find great joy in throwing that back in the birthers face on a regular basis?

  51. Orly begs to differ 😆

    gorefan: Oh, and Koback says the case is over and will be closed on Monday.

  52. gorefan says:

    Reality Check: Orly begs to differ

    I hope she goes to Kansas early Sunday so she can be well rested for the hearing.

  53. ASK Esq says:

    “Orly begs to differ”

    Orly reminds me of Bluto rousing the Deltas before the climax of Animal House.

    Without the successful result, of course. If Orly tried to get the birther hordes to sabotage a parade, there would be one marble in the street.

  54. donna says:

    KS – Montgomery v Obama – Orly follies

    Orly is getting excited:

    “Please, advise me at what time will I be able to testify, how much time will be allocated and in what chamber of the Capitol the hearing will be held.

    I can be contacted at cellular phone949-683-5411, which I will have with me, while travelling to Kansas.”

    Pursuant to KSA 25-308 I hereby join the challenge against Mr. Barack Hussein Obama and request time to be allocated during September 17. 2012 hearing for testimony and authentication of evidence submitted herein.

    Poor Orly, again she fails to familiarize herself with the relevant statutes.



  55. Majority Will says:

    Good points and kudos to Loren for figuring out who Montgomery is.I am aware now of which Birther and Freeper he is…so yes, quite striking that he backed down so quickly.

    But in terms of the Constitutional Crisis issue – at least he finally got up from hiding behind his keyboard and tried to pull his nonsense in the real world.…took him long enough, for someone who proclaimed this as a “crisis”…

    My guess is that backing down was to prevent being fired. If it is the same person, this obsessive and prolific birther bigot is up there with Slimy Sam for many thousands of idiotic birther posts across the internet with lots of copying and pasting.

    An easy and quick review of time stamps would most likely prove he has been stealing time from his employer. Based on the volume of posts I’ve seen, birthering was more than a full time job.

  56. misha says:

    donna: I can be contacted at cellular phone949-683-5411

    I just called to order a pizza, la Firesign Theatre. She told me to stop calling. “This is not funny.”

  57. bgansel9 says:

    Majority Will: An easy and quick review of time stamps would most likely prove he has been stealing time from his employer. Based on the volume of posts I’ve seen, birthering was more than a full time job.

    Pilfering time from the employer? Hehe. They wouldn’t do that, WOULD THEY? 😛

  58. bgansel9 says:

    misha: I just called to order a pizza, la Firesign Theatre. She told me to stop calling. “This is not funny.”

    LMAO! (and thanks for the Firesign reference).

  59. misha says:

    misha: I just called to order a pizza, la Firesign Theatre. She told me to stop calling. “This is not funny.”

    I just sent her a text, asking why she can’t get me a pizza.

  60. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Ewwwww you called her? Now you’ll have to burn your phone and pour holy water on the ashes!

  61. donna says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Ewwwww you called her? Now you’ll have to burn your phone and pour holy water on the ashes!

    lol YOU owe me a new computer screen

  62. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    B-But…It was indirectly Orly Taitz fault, so um…Look! A distraction!

  63. misha says:

    I just sent her a text: Obama is having you followed. Watch your back.

  64. gorefan says:

    Montgemory’s ballot objection – typical birther stuff.


  65. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Oh you are just AWFUL! I love it!!!

  66. I am very gratified by the restraint shown by Loren and other commenters in not publishing the screen name of Joe Montgomery here. My privacy policy exists to allow all commenters to express their views without fear of reprisal in their personal lives; however, once someone goes public with their views, that rationale for privacy ends.

    When a person files a lawsuit, or makes a very public statement, as has Joe Montgomery, they are no longer a private commenter but a part of the story. Joe Montgomery is now a very public birther, His screen name here (and on DOZENS of other web sites) is ksdb (the call sign of the Kansas State University campus radio station). Squeeky noted last February that ksdb’s handle at the Free Republic forum is edge919.

    Loren: Some of us pieced together Joe Montgomery’s online handles, and sure enough, it looks like you may have banned one of them from commenting here.

  67. Thomas Brown says:

    misha: I just sent her a text, asking why she can’t get me a pizza.

    Ask her to send one to the Philatelists’ Club at Communist Martyrs High.

  68. I thought the Philatelists’ Club was at Morse Science High.

    Thomas Brown: Ask her to send one to the Philatelists’ Club at Communist Martyrs High.

  69. bgansel9 says:

    So, I guess if Orly can just drop all of her plans on a Monday to fly to Kansas, that must mean the reason why the Fictitious Business license for her Dental office expired is BECAUSE SHE GAVE UP DENTISTRY? I mean, I guess she didn’t have any appointments, right?

    Imagine giving up what could have been a very lucrative career to concentrate on an enterprise where one has to BEG for money. LOL That’s hilarious!

    License Number: 6971
    License Status: RENEWED/CURRENT Definition
    Expiration Date: August 31, 2012

    (The license says “Renewed/Current” but look at the Expiration date. I emailed them. They are a bit slow up on the uptake. They asked me if I had gotten the renewal form. I had to inform that that I wasn’t Orly Taitz). LOL


  70. jayHG says:

    Good points and kudos to Loren for figuring out who Montgomery is.I am aware now of which Birther and Freeper he is…so yes, quite striking that he backed down so quickly.

    But in terms of the Constitutional Crisis issue – at least he finally got up from hiding behind his keyboard and tried to pull his nonsense in the real world.…took him long enough, for someone who proclaimed this as a “crisis”…

    Is he diagones

  71. G says:

    Dr. C answered this:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I am very gratified by the restraint shown by Loren and other commenters in not publishing the screen name of Joe Montgomery here. My privacy policy exists to allow all commenters to express their views without fear of reprisal in their personal lives; however, once someone goes public with their views, that rationale for privacy ends.

    When a person files a lawsuit, or makes a very public statement, as has Joe Montgomery, they are no longer a private commenter but a part of the story. Joe Montgomery is now a very public birther, His screen name here (and on DOZENS of other web sites) is ksdb (the call sign of the Kansas State University campus radio station). Squeeky noted last February that ksdb’s handle at the Free Republic forum is edge919.

    jayHG: Is he diagones

  72. Jules says:

    john: I have no doubt that Joe Montgomery was threatened with great “harm” if he were to pursue this. This challenge certainly concerned the Obama Camp a great deal since the board who all Republicans who had made it known that weren’t completely convinced Obama is eligible with the documentation that is out there.

    And what evidence do you have of this? What evidence do you have that the GOP didn’t try to convince Montgomery to withdraw the objection for fear of having their party explicitly associated with birtherism and discredited in the minds of moderate voters?

    john: The Obama Camp would have hard time threatening high ranking elected officials in Kansas, so they went after the root of the problem.

    Why would the Obama campaign need to threaten anyone? If realistically threatened with removal from the ballot, Obama could have provided either his short-form or long-form certificate and that would settle any questions of fact.

    In the event that officials in Kansas tried to remove Obama from the ballot based on the “twofer” theory, then he would be able to take them to court and ask for the decision to be quashed. In any event, the fact that no birther ballot challenge has had any success to date either at the administrative or judicial level indicates the legal strength of the birther position.

    john: Recall, the Clintons were threatened as well and never once discussed the eligiblity problem ever again.

    Again, what evidence do you have of this? Although some birthers have made this allegation, making one unsubstantiated allegation does not substantiate another allegation that you choose to make.

    The accusation is not even credible. How could Obama have seriously threatened the Clintons duting the 2008 primary cycle? Hillary Clinton was the perceived frontrunner at first and political threats would have seemed empty. Threats of physical harm would not make sense, as the Clintons have enjoyed Secret Service protection for some time and would be able to notify relevant authorities and avail themselves of such protection.

    If I may note my suspicions that may or may not be correct, I believe that you may well not believe this nonsense and are just trolling.

  73. elmo says:

    I just sent her a text: Obama is having you followed. Watch your back.

    Now, you do realize that Orly is going to submit your text message as “evidence” that Obama goons are after her, right?

  74. Yoda says:

    Orly is the gift that keeps on giving. She is comic gold. I too look forward to the thought of Orly curled up in a fetal position rocking back and forth with drool coming out of the corners of her mouth after she gets a major smack down in her kitchen soup lawsuit.

  75. misha says:

    Yoda: I too look forward to the thought of Orly curled up in a fetal position rocking back and forth with drool coming out of the corners of her mouth after she gets a major smack down in her kitchen soup lawsuit.

    That is going to happen when Rmoney concedes.

  76. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    John will never back up what he says with evidence, because the evidence doesn’t exist. He keeps repeating this crap, because he doesn’t understand that finding something on a glorified blog full of birther lies, like WND, is the antithesis of evidence.

  77. Well, this clown needs an Irish Poem:

    There once was a guy from Manhattan
    The home of the K State Wildcatten.
    He sank with a thud,
    Neath a “critical” flood-
    He forgot all his hatches to batten.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  78. misha says:

    elmo: Now, you do realize that Orly is going to submit your text message as “evidence” that Obama goons are after her, right?

    I just sent her a text: Don’t go to Kansas. You might have an accident…

  79. misha says:

    You should have seen me in college, before Caller ID.

    A classmate left his wallet behind, in a break room. One of our classmates sounded like an announcer, so we called him:

    “Mr. Smith, this is Sears calling. We just wanted to confirm your purchase of two console color TVs and a refrigerator. We’re going to deliver them to [an address in Niagara Falls]. Will someone be home?”

    We had a classmate who drove a Datsun B-210. Fifteen of us literally picked up the car, and put it on someone’s lawn.

  80. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    misha: I just sent her a text: Don’t go to Kansas. You might have an accident…

    You win the internet!

  81. roadburner says:

    ASK Esq:

    Without the successful result, of course. If Orly tried to get the birther hordes to sabotage a parade, there would be one marble in the street.

    and she’d be the one that slips on it


  82. Judge Mental says:

    misha: I just sent her a text: Don’t go to Kansas. You might have an accident…

    Looks like she’s already had one in the form of falling for a punking by someone pretending to be Montgomery asking if she’ll help him reinstate his objection while he hides out at a safe house.

  83. Keith says:

    misha: We had a classmate who drove a Datsun B-210. Fifteen of us literally picked up the car, and put it on someone’s lawn.

    My brother drove a B-210. I thought he bought the only one. He never got it picked up and put onto somebody’s lawn though.

    I had a Honda 600 Coupe about the same time. Some wags at the Computer Center picked it up and turned it 90 degrees in the parking space. They were laughing their collective asses off until I got in and turned it around inside the width of the space and drove away. That thing had about a 2 foot turning circle (OK slight exaggeration).

    I got a flat tire on it once and my jack was missing. My buddy held it up and I swapped the tire real fast. You could completely dismantle that car with a screwdriver and a wrench.

  84. Thomas Brown says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I thought the Philatelists’ Club was at Morse Science High.

    Ya caught me. Now all I can do is cut the soles off my shoes, sit in a tree and learn to play the flute!

  85. ObiWanCannoli says:

    Judge Mental: Looks like she’s already had one in the form of falling for a punking by someone pretending to be Montgomery asking if she’ll help him reinstate his objection while he hides out at a safe house.

    The name “Joseph Montgoumery”, bad spelling and punctuations are dead giveaway that the email is fake. I don’t think a PR guy will write that bad.

  86. This may well be the case. Some of his messages were posted from what looks like a home DSL IP address, but others were from the Kansas State network. On January 15, 2010, he posted 58 messages from KSU between 8:58 AM and 5:50 PM (Central time). There was only one one-hour period during that day when he didn’t comment, and this is just one web site.

    I see why I banned him — too many posts. He may have some sort of Internet addiction problem. I certainly understand how that can happen.

    Majority Will: An easy and quick review of time stamps would most likely prove he has been stealing time from his employer. Based on the volume of posts I’ve seen, birthering was more than a full time job.

  87. richCares says:

    Orly is in Kansus and she thinks she is communicating with Montgomery, probably a spoof, which one of you guys are the spoofer? Big Laughs to come.

  88. Keith says:

    OMG! Its the Wizard of Oz all over again! Even the Wicked Witch of the West has come back.

    Is there such a thing as a Zombie Witch? I know Zappa sang about a Zombie Wolf, but I haven’t heard of a Zombie Witch before.

  89. misha says:

    ObiWanCannoli: The name “Joseph Montgoumery”, bad spelling and punctuations are dead giveaway that the email is fake.I don’t think a PR guy will write that bad.

    Plus, the e-mail addy is josephmountgomery, not ‘montgomery.’


    From the shonde’s site:

    Does anyone know, how do I get to the Superior court in Topeka going from the Capitol? I never was in KS (which of course is the sasme with 32 other states where I went to challenge BO and his forged IDs)

  90. G says:

    misha: Plus, the e-mail addy is josephmountgomery, not ‘montgomery.’

    TOTAL popcorn!!! I think this one truly deserves a trophy for Best Birther Punking Event!

    From the shonde’s site:

    Does anyone know, how do I get to the Superior court in Topeka going from the Capitol? I never was in KS (which of course is the sasme with 32 other states where I went to challenge BO and his forged IDs)

  91. Judge Mental says:

    I would have thought the biggest giveaway was him describing himself as Joseph Mountgomery Burns in the very first sentence of his first e mail.

  92. Majority Will says:

    Judge Mental:
    I would have thought the biggest giveaway was him describing himself as Joseph Mountgomery Burns in the very first sentence of his first e mail.


  93. richCares says:

    Monday meeting over, Obama is on the ballot
    Taitz was ignored

  94. Rickey says:

    Monday meeting over, Obama is on the ballot
    Taitz was ignored

    From what I’m seeing at The Fogbow, the meeting lasted for 11 minutes. And now it appears that Orly is going to add Kobach and the other members if the Objections Board to her lawsuits.

  95. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Monday meeting over, Obama is on the ballot
    Taitz was ignored

    Which is by far the best way to wound her deeply; Pretend that she isn’t there.

  96. bgansel9 says:

    Rickey: Orly is going to add Kobach and the other members if the Objections Board to her lawsuits.

    So, we now know who John Does 1 through 3 are. It’s time for the other John and Jane Does to piss off Orly so she can get angry and add them too!

    (Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t those named in a lawsuit supposed to have done something BEFORE the actual lawsuit began? I’ve never heard of retroactively suing before. Is this normal and I’m just not aware of it?)

  97. Arthur says:

    “Kobach said today that he’s convinced that Obama’s birth certificate on the White House website matches the certified copy from the Hawaii Department of Health.

    “’That for me settles the issue,’ he said. ‘It says that he meets the natural born citizen qualification.’”


  98. gorefan says:

    “Kobach said today that he’s convinced that Obama’s birth certificate on the White House website matches the certified copy from the Hawaii Department of Health.

    “’That for me settles the issue,’ he said. ‘It says that he meets the natural born citizen qualification.’”


    That is a perfect quote. In one short statement he killed both the birth certificate nonsense and the NBC nonsense. And he said they “match”.

  99. Bob says:

    Capitol police gave Taitz the bum’s rush after the hearing.

  100. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    From http://cjonline.com/news/state/2012-09-17/kansas-board-drops-obama-ballot-complaint

    “Kobach, in an interview, said he found no reason for people to hold the State Objections Board up to ridicule because it was responsibly doing its job to faithfully consider each complaint.

    He said the document from officials in Hawaii confirmed the birth records released by the White House were accurate.

    “That, for me, settles the issue,” Kobach said. “There can be no doubt.”

  101. G says:

    LOL! Such is the price to be paid by the KS Board for attempting to pander to this cynical farce in the first place. As always, these situations end up as a clown show and just entice the crazies (like Orly) to show up…

    Both comical and shamefully pathetic at the same time…

  102. Rickey says:

    bgansel9: So, we now know who John Does 1 through 3 are. It’s time for the other John and Jane Does to piss off Orly so she can get angry and add them too!

    (Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t those named in a lawsuit supposed to have done something BEFORE the actual lawsuit began? I’ve never heard of retroactively suing before. Is this normal and I’m just not aware of it?)

    That’s a good question, and one which a real lawyer should answer. I would think that in a real RICO case a plaintiff might be able to cite actions which occurred after the filing to show evidence of an ongoing conspiracy, but the officials in Kansas could not possibly have been conspiring with any of the defendants originally named by Orly.

    In fact, Orly probably considers all of us to be co-conspirators, even though it is unlikely that any of us have ever had direct contact with any of her defendants. I do hear from Soros every month, but for some reason Orly hasn’t sued him.

  103. gorefan says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: He said the document from officials in Hawaii confirmed the birth records released by the White House were accurate.

    Under the precedent set by Secretary of State Bennett, I would image any SoS could get their very own verification. It certainly sounds like Kansas got one. If so I hope it gets posted online. Maybe someone from Kansas can request a copy form the SoS’s office.

  104. donna says:

    kobach has connections with AZ – he helped draft SB1070 with the now recalled russell pearce

    he is romney’s immigration guy – bennett is a mormon and romney’s az co-chair

    to THINK they have no contact belies credulity

  105. Horus says:

    donna: You were, hereby, put on notice of the biggest case of elections fraud in the history of this nation. If you allow Mr. Obama on the ballot, while knowing of this fraud, you will be complicit in elections fraud and treason against the United States of America and the state of Kansas and you may be named as an additional defendant in an ongoing case of Judd et al v Obama et al 12-cv-1507 Central District of CA (see attached), as well as Taitz v Sebelius 12-3251-P Northern District of TX

    Such bile from someone who was not even born here!

  106. Scientist says:

    donna: You were, hereby, put on notice of the biggest case of elections fraud in the history of this nation

    This nation? Is that all? I thought it was the biggest case of fraud in the history of the Universe.

  107. jayHG says:

    gorefan: That is a perfect quote. In one short statement he killed both the birth certificate nonsense and the NBC nonsense. And he said they “match”.

    Nope…..they are already saying that he said it “matches” not that is a true and correct copy of, blah blah blah.

    ….so sorry…..no good in freeper birfer world.

  108. misha says:

    donna: kobach has connections with AZ – he is romney’s immigration guy – bennett is a mormon and romney’s az co-chair
    – to THINK they have no contact belies credulity

    Which is why it is critical to re-elect Obama. If you liked Iraq, you’ll love Iran.

    Romney Says He Will Let Netanyahu Control America’s Military – no joke

    “I’d get on the phone to my friend Bibi Netanyahu and say, ‘Would it help if I said this? What would you like me to say and do?'”


  109. misha says:

    Horus: Such bile from someone who was not even born here!

    Exactly. This is chutzpah from a refusenik. I got myself arrested at a DC Soviet embassy demonstration for the likes of her.

    Send that wallaby back, Jack.

  110. donna says:

    misha: Romney Says He Will Let Netanyahu Control America’s Military

    and the UNELECTED norquist said he’s just wants a candidate with enough digits to hold a pen

    maybe we should just vote for netanyahu and skip the middle man

    leaked from a secret video, romney told donors that if he had been born mexican he would have a better chance – today, i noticed romney was all tan …. hmmmmm

  111. Keith says:

    misha: Send that wallaby back, Jack.

    No thanks. Australia doesn’t want her.

  112. ObiWanCannoli says:

    Orly got punked by a fictitious Joseph Montgoumery Burns. I didn’t even notice the last name “Burns” until I read it on blogs. I was laughing out loud! And the icing on the cake was “call me Montey”. Looks like she took everything out from her blog.

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