Monthly Archives: September 2012

Framer v. Farmer

Introduction The authorities say that it is abundantly clear that those born US Citizens in the country are natural born citizens1, from whom we elect may Presidents. They also say that in all likelihood those born US citizens anywhere are … Continue reading

Posted in Citizenship, Featured Articles | Tagged , , , , | 11 Comments

Woodman wakes

…and just WOW John Woodman, the self-described “tea-party conservative,” had suspicions about the PDF file of the President’s long form birth certificate released by the White House. His independent investigation into which he invested over 500 hours, culminated in the … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate | Tagged , , , | 107 Comments


Some years ago I used an attorney for a real estate transaction. The other party asked the attorney whether he specialized in real estate. The attorney replied that while real estate “kept the doors open” what he really liked was … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits, Orly Taitz | Tagged , , | 10 Comments

Birther Certificate

A giant birth certificate is on display in a store window in New York City, reports the Urban Infidel blog. The blog, unfortunately, takes a decidedly birther slant on the window display saying: The perfect stocking stuffer for a crumbling … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate | Tagged , | 10 Comments

Orly in Indiana

There was a time when this web site was just about all Orly Taitz articles. Lately, though, she just doesn’t get the Obot juices going like she used to. Today was Orly’s big hearing in Indiana, and I must admit … Continue reading

Posted in Ballot Challenges, Lawsuits, Orly Taitz | Tagged , , , | 45 Comments

Miscalculating the odds

I used the non-specific words “wildly implausible” directed at commenter John here on this forum to described his speculation on various fraud scenarios in Hawaii.  I actually did a calculation once on the probability that Obama was born in Kenya, … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate, WorldNetDaily | Tagged | 38 Comments