Rush plays the idiot, tells lie

We have campaign finance laws in the United States that prohibit political contributions from foreigners; if you make a political contribution, you’ll be asked to state that you aren’t one. This is also true when you buy merchandise from the Barack Obama store, including the insanely popular (just kidding) button pictured below.


Rush Limbaugh thought it ironic saying:

You have to prove your citizenship to buy one of those, because it’s a campaign contribution. I kid you not, folks. [My call screener Bo] Snerdley is in there laughing. He’s got fluids coming out of every bodily orifice in there laughing so hard. It’s true. They’re the ones out there selling all the birth-certificate stuff, trying to make money.

Limbaugh is lying. You don’t have to prove your citizenship; you just have to say so. And anyhow, Obama has already proven his citizenship. So, has anybody seen Rush’s birth certificate?

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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21 Responses to Rush plays the idiot, tells lie

  1. US Citizen says:

    More ludicrous is that Obama is providing something just like a small business would.
    What’s the alternative?
    Taking a donation? (like ALL politicians do?)
    Giving it away and providing an example of “everyone gets stuff for free” from the government?

    Here he’s providing a great example of capitalism.
    Surely anyone who gets something from the Obama store gets longterm collectibility.
    There’s no collectibility with Rush.
    It’s not even legally possible.

  2. misha says:

    “So, has anybody seen Rush’s birth certificate?”

    I’d call him a Martian, but I don’t want to insult Mars.

  3. richCares says:

    you have often touted Cory Booker, I just saw his speech at the Dem convention.
    WOW, he was better than all the repub’s combined. Very powerful speech, Mr Booker will have a great career

  4. misha says:

    richCares: misha you have often touted Cory Booker, I just saw his speech at the Dem convention. WOW, he was better than all the repub’s combined. Very powerful speech, Mr Booker will have a great career

    He will be our president. If I am wrong about 2016, feel free to call me on it. Living across the river from NJ, I can say he has an impact on Philly.

  5. Joe Acerbic says:

    Limbaugh’s BC shows that he’s a natural born liar.

  6. The Magic M says:

    Joe Acerbic:
    Limbaugh’s BC shows that he’s a natural born liar.

    Does he have two liar parents? 😉

  7. I think overall, the speakers at the DNC on the first day totally overwhelmed the RNC first day. I watched the entire RNC first day (Monday) gavel to gavel, but just some of the DNC. I thought Lilly Ledbetter was the most effective speaker that I saw. (I didn’t see Booker.)

    richCares: Very powerful speech

  8. His mother was a hamster and his father smelled of elderberries.

    The Magic M: Does he have two liar parents?

  9. Paul says:

    Rush doesn’t have to “play” the idiot. He’s got it down to an art.

  10. John Potter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I think overall, the speakers at the DNC on the first day totally overwhelmed the RNC first day.

    LOL 😉

  11. Rickey says:


    you have often touted Cory Booker, I just saw his speech at the Dem convention.
    WOW, he was better than all the repub’scombined. Very powerful speech, Mr Booker will have a great career

    The mayor of San Antonio, Julian Castro, was outstanding as well. Commentators last night were unanimous in saying that the Republicans made a serious blunder by having Chris Christie follow Ann Romney.

  12. I looked the speech up and listened to it also. He was good. What was more interesting is that Democrats seem to be running on their platform, while the Republican candidate is running away from theirs.

    richCares: you have often touted Cory Booker, I just saw his speech at the Dem convention.

  13. LW says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: What was more interesting is that Democrats seem to be running on their platform, while the Republican candidate is running away from theirs.

    Frank Conniff tweeted: “After watching GOP convention last week, it’s odd to see speakers actually say the name of their Presidential candidate.”

  14. Maybe that’s why Ann Romney kept repeating it. Stephen Colbert did an edited video of her speech emphasizing how often she said “Mitt Romney.”

    LW: Frank Conniff tweeted: “After watching GOP convention last week, it’s odd to see speakers actually say the name of their Presidential candidate.”

  15. Joe Acerbic says:

    The Magic M: Does he have two liar parents?

    Irrelevant: the Constitution does not require that. Natural born liar simply means liar from birth.

  16. G says:

    Yeah…the extent of that blunder was enormous. Chris Christie ended up undercutting and doing damage to Romney’s convention in two serious ways:

    1st – Ann Romney’s whole theme was “its all about love”…and then Chris Christie comes out and his whole opening bluntly and forcefully says “forget love, its all about respect”…I mean WTF…what a mixed message and way to completely undercut what was just said previously!

    2nd – Chris Christie’s speech was ALL ABOUT Chris Christie. Barely mentions Romney at all and then the argument to audience was still to tell them that if they get behind Chris Christie then Chris Christie will help to get Romney elected… some of the most self-serving choice of words I’ve ever seen at these conventions…

    Politically speaking, that was a disaster.

    Rickey: Commentators last night were unanimous in saying that the Republicans made a serious blunder by having Chris Christie follow Ann Romney.

  17. G says:

    Both of those very important points you two just made pretty much sums up the difference between the extremely stark contrast of the two main choices in this election….

    Dr. Conspiracy: What was more interesting is that Democrats seem to be running on their platform, while the Republican candidate is running away from theirs.

    LW: Frank Conniff tweeted: “After watching GOP convention last week, it’s odd to see speakers actually say the name of their Presidential candidate.”

  18. Jules says:

    There are some circumstances where a donor has to provide evidence of his/her US citizenship. I made a modest donation to the Obama campaign earlier this year, and received the following e-mail from the Obama campaign:

    Thank you for your recent contribution to Obama for America. Because you provided a foreign address when making your contribution, we must ask for a copy of your current and valid U.S. passport photo page in order to comply with Federal Election Commission regulations. See, 11 CFR 110.20 (a)(5)(ii) and (a)(7). Even though you provided a passport number when donating online, we are still required to ask for a copy of the photo page of your U.S. passport.

    Please fax a clear copy of your U.S. passport photo page to the attention of Shauntá Floyd, Compliance, at 312-267-0129 or send it via e-mail to You may also mail a copy to my attention at PO Box 8102 Chicago, IL 60680-8102.

    Needless to say, I was able to comply with the campaign’s request.

  19. jayHG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I think overall, the speakers at the DNC on the first day totally overwhelmed the RNC first day. I watched the entire RNC first day (Monday) gavel to gavel, but just some of the DNC. I thought Lilly Ledbetter was the most effective speaker that I saw. (I didn’t see Booker.)

    Loved, loved, LOVED Lilly Ledbetter. Her speech coupled with that accent made my night! When she said “I don’t have a Swiss bank account” I gave her a standing ovation right there in my living room.

  20. bgansel9 says:

    misha: I’d call him a Martian, but I don’t want to insult Mars.

    No, it’s okay. Mars, being the god of War, NEEDS to be insulted, daily!

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