The occasional open thread: wasted youth edition

Post your Obama conspiracy comments here not related to the other current articles. Comments will close after two weeks.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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351 Responses to The occasional open thread: wasted youth edition

  1. richCares says:

    Talking about old guys, Clinton’s convention speech in support of Obama occured during NFL’s opening season of Cowboys vs Giants and the Nielson rating says Clinton out drew the NFL. That will not make Romney happy!

  2. Misha:

    LOL! Is there a proper blessing for Orly Taitz???

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  3. G says:

    As my wife pointed out, Obama also ended up being scheduled opposite the VMAs – an issue when trying to capture the attention of the youth vote.

    Also – I thought it was interesting that Obama’s specific word choice to redefine what it means for ALL of us in this country to be invested in our country’s future and the obligation to work together – “citizenship”.

    I wonder if that also was meant as a subtle pushback at the Birthers…

    Whether it was or not, I’m sure it will cause them quite a bit of conniptions…

    richCares: Talking about old guys, Clinton’s convention speech in support of Obama occured during NFL’s opening season of Cowboys vs Giants and the Nielson rating says Clinton out drew the NFL. That will not make Romney happy!

  4. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter:

    LOL! Is there a proper blessing for Orly Taitz???

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

    Well, St. Polycarp is the patron saint of Diarrhea.(seriously!) Maybe we can start there?

  5. Lupin says:

    Great speech by President Obama. I particularly liked hearing this:

    “And yes, my plan will continue to reduce the carbon pollution that is heating our planet – because climate change is not a hoax. More droughts and floods and wildfires are not a joke. They’re a threat to our children’s future.”

    All in all, based on what I saw, I thought the DNC convention was outstanding.

  6. Lupin says:

    G: Also – I thought it was interesting that Obama’s specific word choice to redefine what it means for ALL of us in this country to be invested in our country’s future and the obligation to work together – “citizenship”.

    I wonder if that also was meant as a subtle pushback at the Birthers…

    Whether it was or not, I’m sure it will cause them quite a bit of conniptions…

    It never occurred to me, but if you’re right… I can’t wait!

  7. Lani says:

    It was a pleasure to see the Dems on the same page for once. Unlike the GOP speakers who contradicted each other and couldn’t stick to the plan.

    I wasn’t impressed with Obama’s speech when I only heard bits and pieces over my office computer while tending to other things. But when I later listened uninterrupted, I realized that every speech preceding his led up to his closing statement for the convention. In particular, I remember the mother who emotionally spoke about her daughter being able to have heart surgery if needed because ObamaCares removed the cap on insurance. And then he mentions in his acceptance speech that a girl needing heart surgery will be able to have it.

    Well played, DNC.

  8. Lupin says:

    The three speeches we saw (Michelle, Clinton, Obama) were all great. I liked Clinton’s the best, for its power & clarity, but I was happy to see Obama put forth the notion of several much needed reforms/actions/policies.

    Now of course will he get a chance to implement them, that’s another story.

  9. Paul Pieniezny says:

    US Citizen:
    Wonder if Romney knows what empty chairs mean to some people….,_May_2012.jpg

    Not only in that part of the world. When the Argentine junta was on its last heels (1980 or 1981, just before they tried their suicide pill with the Falklands), they were actually contemplating forbidding girls to dance with empty chairs.

    Because the symbolism behind it was getting too clear for everybody.

  10. donna says:

    what is the deal on the regurgitated story that “Pelosi Issued & Signed Two Different Certification Forms for Obama in 2008” ?

    and that “Hawaii refused to certify Barack Obama as being eligible to serve as POTUS under Hawaiian statute, so Nancy Pelosi took it upon herself to file fraudulent “Official Certification of Nomination” papers for Barack Obama and Joe Biden in all 50 states — they knew Obama was ineligible during the 2008 campaign, and they know he’s ineligible now.”


  11. Certainly the word “Citizenship” reminded me of the birthers, but then folks here have a specialized interest in that topic. The strongest association I made with his remark was with an organization I belong to, Civitan International, a civic service organization whose name is derived from citizenship, and whose purpose is to encourage good citizenship through community service.

    G: I wonder if that also was meant as a subtle pushback at the Birthers…

  12. donna says:


    if you know any young people, they have the tv on watching one thing while watching something streaming live on another platform

    the football game was on tv with the “closed caption” format while the convention was streaming live on another platform

    i don’t know if the ratings agencies will ever catch up with all of the ways people are watching particular broadcasts (and some at the same time)

  13. 1% Silver Nitrate says:

    donna: what is the deal on the regurgitated story that “Pelosi Issued & Signed Two Different Certification Forms for Obama in 2008″ ? that “Hawaii refused to certify Barack Obama as being eligible to serve as POTUS under Hawaiian statute, so Nancy Pelosi took it upon herself to file fraudulent “Official Certification of Nomination” papers for Barack Obama and Joe Biden in all 50 states — they knew Obama was ineligible during the 2008 campaign, and they know he’s ineligible now.”tia

    This looks like a variation on one Doc answered almost three years ago. There was nothing there then, there’s even less than nothing there now:

  14. G says:

    Just the typical and tired old Birther tactic in action – digging up dead zombie horses and trotting them out to beat them again…

    donna: what is the deal on the regurgitated story that “Pelosi Issued & Signed Two Different Certification Forms for Obama in 2008″ ? that “Hawaii refused to certify Barack Obama as being eligible to serve as POTUS under Hawaiian statute, so Nancy Pelosi took it upon herself to file fraudulent “Official Certification of Nomination” papers for Barack Obama and Joe Biden in all 50 states — they knew Obama was ineligible during the 2008 campaign, and they know he’s ineligible now.”tia

  15. richCares says:

    Zullo, the great detective, on a radio show said that the man who delivered Obama never told his children that he delivered the President. That is very true, but let’s expand it a bit, the man that who delivered Obama and died in 2003 never told his children that he delivered the President

  16. ASK Esq says:

    richCares: Zullo, the great detective, on a radio show said that the man who delivered Obama never told his children that he delivered the President. That is very true, but let’s expand it a bit, the man that who delivered Obama and died in 2003 never told his children that he delivered the President

    Well, let’s be fair to Zullo. He is referring to the general confusion that followed the story that came out years ago about a friend of the daughter of one of the OB-GYN’s at the hospital where Obama was born having told the story of her friend’s father telling them about “Stanley” having a baby. Everyone assumed that the doctor telling the story was the doctor who delivered him. When it came out that it wasn’t the doctor, we all realized that we had made an assumption that wasn’t actually spoken in the story. Zullo seems to think that we never corrected our mistake. perhaps because he and his ilk are incapable of admitting mistakes, they don’t recognize when others do.

  17. donna says:

    wayne allyn root just quit the libertarian party, says he will be running for US Senate as a Republican in the future AND predicts a romney “landslide”

  18. misha says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: Is there a proper blessing for Orly Taitz???

    May the lord bless and keep Orly heavily medicated.

    When Obama is re-elected, will Orly have a full breakdown on TV?

  19. G says:

    More proof that the GOP is devolving into a nothing more than a nut-farm. Wayne Allyn Root is a total kook and loser, nothing more. The Libertarian party benefits by being rid of him…the GOP just continues their downward trend by gaining him…

    donna: wayne allyn root just quit the libertarian party, says he will be running for US Senate as a Republican in the future AND predicts a romney “landslide”

  20. It’s true that the certification letters from the Democratic National Convention to the States certifying Barack Obama as the party’s nominee came in at least two versions, one of which stated explicitly that he was eligible and one that didn’t include that language. One of the states with the eligibility language was Hawaii and one without it was South Carolina; however, in South Carolina the statement of eligibility was provided by the South Carolina Democratic Party.

    Originally the birthers claimed that the eligibility language was missing from all 50 state letters, but the Hawaii letter put that claim to lie.

    In birther thought, the lack of eligibility language is PROOF that Nancy Pelosi, the DNC chair in 2008, knew Obama was no eligible and was unwilling to lie under oath, ignoring that the fact that she swore that he was on some of the certifications.

    donna: what is the deal on the regurgitated story that “Pelosi Issued & Signed Two Different Certification Forms for Obama in 2008″ ?

  21. donna says:

    grazie mille, doc

    i have seen this “story” regurgitated and was puzzled by it

  22. Not everyone:

    ASK Esq: Everyone assumed that the doctor telling the story was the doctor who delivered him.

  23. LMK says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter:

    LOL! Is there a proper blessing for Orly Taitz???

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter


    May God bless and keep the Orly …. far away from us!

  24. LMK says:

    During the DNC, I kept imagining the birthers having eye twitches every time a speaker called Obama President Obama or “your President”, Did seizures occur when Obama referred to himself as President?

    I checked in on some RWNJ sites the day after Michelle Obama’s speech; I was shocked by the blatant racism I found. I know I shouldn’t be shocked anymore, but I found the “in your face” racism rather disturbing. Of course, if a Dem ever said something about the racist comments, the Dem was attacked as being the racist.

    Sometimes I wonder what the hell is going on in this country.

  25. misha says:

    LMK: Sometimes I wonder what the hell is going on in this country.

    Religion – GW Bush: God told me to invade Iraq. Any other questions?

  26. donna says:

    LMK: Sometimes I wonder what the hell is going on in this country.

    i call it the “last ditch effort effect”

    they finally realized that this country is no longer WASP MALE

    women have more college and advanced degrees than men

    males are now receiving affirmative action to enter college – based on the application alone, women are overpowering them

    Jesse Lee Peterson, an Alabama reverend:

    “I think that one of the greatest mistakes America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should’ve never turned this over to women,” Peterson said in a 14-minute sermon in March. “And these women are voting in the wrong people. They’re voting in people who are evil who agrees [sic] with them who’re gonna take us down this pathway of destruction.”

    whites in texas are now the MINORITY

    republican strategist ed rollins: GOP bunch of old, fat, white guys

    the youth are leaving the church in droves due to conservative politics

    80% of evangelical teens are having sex

    99% of women & 98% of catholic women use contraceptives

    only 3 in 10 Say They Take the Bible Literally and they are the poor and uneducated

    dadt was repealed

    Support for Gay Marriage Outweighs Opposition in Polls

    while the country is center left, the gop approved the ‘Most Conservative Platform In Modern History’

    there are only 6% of young people to replace the old conservatives in the gop

    pat buchanan (and his ilk): “America is Disintegrating Because White America is an Endangered Species”

    oh yeah, and there’s a BLACK GUY IN THE WHITE HOUSE

  27. Northland10 says:

    I checked in on some RWNJ sites the day after Michelle Obama’s speech; I was shocked by the blatant racism I found.I know I shouldn’t be shocked anymore, but I found the “in your face” racism rather disturbing.Of course, if a Dem ever said something about the racist comments, the Dem was attacked as being the racist.

    There was this extra special comment at ORYR

    ANTI-Rikker said…
    Moochelle aka “Eviita Peron” with her fat arms bulging out of her cut out communist/ nation of Islam themed black & red blinged dress, deserves an academy award for her performance. Meryl Streep must have tutored her.

    Hmm.. She wore a pink and grey dress at the DNC. The Black and Red dress was the one from election night, 2008. Me thinks ANTI-Rikker never even saw her at the Convention. It was just another chance for him/her to spew hatred at Obama.

  28. misha says:

    donna: 80% of evangelical teens are having sex

    Sarah Palin says you’re a liar. Just ask her children.

  29. misha says:

    “Moochelle aka “Eviita Peron”

    Actually, Evita was the opprobrium placed on Sarah Palin as soon as McCain chose her.

  30. Bennett says:

    Dr. Conspiracy, do you have any thoughts on Lame Cherry’s claim about Obama’s birth?

  31. misha says:

    Bennett: any thoughts on Lame Cherry’s claim about Obama’s birth?

    I looked at that person’s site, and whoever wrote it is clinically insane.

    Semi-literate at best, borderline schizophrenic at worst.

  32. Sudoku says:

    Fingers crossed!

    misha: When Obama is re-elected, will Orly have a full breakdown on TV?

  33. misha says:

    Sudoku: Fingers crossed

    My greatest desire.

  34. Thomas Brown says:

    Dr. Conspiracy, do you have any thoughts on Lame Cherry’s claim about Obama’s birth?

    It’s the power of Fiction. As long as you don’t have to prove anything, you can assert anything.

  35. misha says:

    Bennett: any thoughts on Lame Cherry’s claim about Obama’s birth?

    Lame Cherry is an accessory after the fact, to Glenn Beck’s rape and murder. That’s why there isn’t any body.

  36. G says:

    Lame Cherry isn’t worth paying attention to, unless you are really into following severe mentally ill people and their sick fetish fantasies. LC is probably one of the most vile and putrid crazy people out there who has access to a keyboard. Why would you take anything seriously that someone that wacked-out says? No sane person is that gullible or incapable of realizing stark raving mad lunacy, when they see it…

    Bennett: Dr. Conspiracy, do you have any thoughts on Lame Cherry’s claim about Obama’s birth?

  37. ASK Esq says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Not everyone:

    I’m not sure if you’re referring to the original story or something in the comments. I didn’t read the comments, so I’m not sure. The story skews towards indicating that it was assumed Dr. West was the delivering doctor, as it mentions the objection that some claimed he had stopped delivering babies by 1961, without the follow-up that the story never said HE delivered Obama. Most of us on reading the roiginal story didn’t stop to think that she never said that Dr. West claimed to have delievered him, we all just kind of assumed that’s what was said. But, when we were shown to be wrong, we admitted it, which is what we do.

  38. ASK Esq says:

    LMK: During the DNC, I kept imagining the birthers having eye twitches every time a speaker called Obama President Obama or “your President”, Did seizures occur when Obama referred to himself as President?

    I wonder how they reacted when he referred to Americans as his fellow citizens, or started talking about the importance of citizenship.

  39. I was referring to my story linked, in which I point out that Barbara Nelson didn’t actually say that West delivered Obama.

    ASK Esq: I’m not sure if you’re referring to the original story or something in the comments.

  40. None at all.

    Bennett: Dr. Conspiracy, do you have any thoughts on Lame Cherry’s claim about Obama’s birth?

  41. Arthur says:

    I thought this was insightful.


    “How to Determine if Your Religious Liberty is Being Threatened”
    by Rev. Emily C. Heath, UUA.

    1. My religious liberty is at risk because:
    A) I am not allowed to go to a religious service of my own choosing.
    B) Others are allowed to go to religious services of their own choosing.

    2. My religious liberty is at risk because:
    A) I am not allowed to marry the person I love legally, even though my religious community blesses my marriage.
    B) Some states refuse to enforce my own particular religious beliefs on marriage on those two guys in line down at the courthouse.

    3. My religious liberty is at risk because:
    A) I am being forced to use birth control.
    B) I am unable to force others to not use birth control.

    4. My religious liberty is at risk because:
    A) I am not allowed to pray privately.
    B) I am not allowed to force others to pray the prayers of my faith publicly.

    5. My religious liberty is at risk because:
    A) Being a member of my faith means that I can be bullied without legal recourse.
    B) I am no longer allowed to use my faith to bully gay kids with impunity.

    6. My religious liberty is at risk because:
    A) I am not allowed to purchase, read or possess religious books or material.
    B) Others are allowed to have access books, movies and websites that I do not like.

    7. My religious liberty is at risk because:
    A) My religious group is not allowed equal protection under the establishment clause.
    B) My religious group is not allowed to use public funds, buildings and resources as we would like, for whatever purposes we might like.

    8. My religious liberty is at risk because:
    A) Another religious group has been declared the official faith of my country.
    B) My own religious group is not given status as the official faith of my country.

    9. My religious liberty is at risk because:
    A) My religious community is not allowed to build a house of worship in my community.
    B) A religious community I do not like wants to build a house of worship in my community.

    10. My religious liberty is at risk because:
    A) I am not allowed to teach my children the creation stories of our faith at home.
    B) Public school science classes are teaching science.

    Scoring key:

    If you answered “A” to any question, then perhaps your religious liberty is indeed at stake. You and your faith group have every right to now advocate for equal protection under the law. But just remember this one little, constitutional, concept: this means you can fight for your equality — not your superiority.

    If you answered “B” to any question, then not only is your religious liberty not at stake, but there is a strong chance that you are oppressing the religious liberties of others. This is the point where I would invite you to refer back to the tenets of your faith, especially the ones about your neighbors.

  42. RetiredLawyer says:

    Actually both answers to number 8 are a problem. In Europe having an official religion is a relic from the middle ages, and is not a problem; however, in many other countries the official religion is a major problem: Russia has absorbed the Orthodox church into the ruling regime, in most Muslim majority nations the Muslim religion is the basis for the civil law, resulting in prosecutions for blasphemy. (Witness the current prosecution of a young girl in Pakistan on absolutely no evidence).

    I thought this was insightful.


    “How to Determine if Your Religious Liberty is Being Threatened”
    by Rev. Emily C. Heath, UUA.

    1. My religious liberty is at risk because:
    A) I am not allowed to go to a religious service of my own choosing.
    B) Others are allowed to go to religious services of their own choosing.

    2. My religious liberty is at risk because:
    A) I am not allowed to marry the person I love legally, even though my religious community blesses my marriage.
    B) Some states refuse to enforce my own particular religious beliefs on marriage on those two guys in line down at the courthouse.

    3. My religious liberty is at risk because:
    A) I am being forced to use birth control.
    B) I am unable to force others to not use birth control.

    4. My religious liberty is at risk because:
    A) I am not allowed to pray privately.
    B) I am not allowed to force others to pray the prayers of my faith publicly.

    5. My religious liberty is at risk because:
    A) Being a member of my faith means that I can be bullied without legal recourse.
    B) I am no longer allowed to use my faith to bully gay kids with impunity.

    6. My religious liberty is at risk because:
    A) I am not allowed to purchase, read or possess religious books or material.
    B) Others are allowed to have access books, movies and websites that I do not like.

    7. My religious liberty is at risk because:
    A) My religious group is not allowed equal protection under the establishment clause.
    B) My religious group is not allowed to use public funds, buildings and resources as we would like, for whatever purposes we might like.

    8. My religious liberty is at risk because:
    A) Another religious group has been declared the official faith of my country.
    B) My own religious group is not given status as the official faith of my country.

    9. My religious liberty is at risk because:
    A) My religious community is not allowed to build a house of worship in my community.
    B) A religious community I do not like wants to build a house of worship in my community.

    10. My religious liberty is at risk because:
    A) I am not allowed to teach my children the creation stories of our faith at home.
    B) Public school science classes are teaching science.

    Scoring key:

    If you answered “A” to any question, then perhaps your religious liberty is indeed at stake. You and your faith group have every right to now advocate for equal protection under the law. But just remember this one little, constitutional, concept: this means you can fight for your equality — not your superiority.

    If you answered “B” to any question, then not only is your religious liberty not at stake, but there is a strong chance that you are oppressing the religious liberties of others. This is the point where I would invite you to refer back to the tenets of your faith, especially the ones about your neighbors.

  43. ASK Esq says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I was referring to my story linked, in which I point out that Barbara Nelson didn’t actually say that West delivered Obama.

    Sorry, Doc. I didn’t read well at 1 AM.

  44. Northland10 says:

    Arthur: I thought this was insightful.


    “How to Determine if Your Religious Liberty is Being Threatened”
    by Rev. Emily C. Heath, UUA.

    Most Excellent.

  45. Emerich de Vattel, in The Law of Nations, advocated for a mandatory state religion, and the prohibition of the public practice of any other.

    RetiredLawyer: Actually both answers to number 8 are a problem. In Europe having an official religion is a relic from the middle ages, and is not a problem; however, in many other countries the official religion is a major problem: Russia has absorbed the Orthodox church into the ruling regime, in most Muslim majority nations the Muslim religion is the basis for the civil law, resulting in prosecutions for blasphemy.

  46. G says:

    I think the entire list is a great list.

    I don’t see any problem with how #8 reads at all and find it to be consistent in its phrasing, with the intention of the rest of the list. By definition, having an official state religion, opens the doorway to potential oppression of practice by other faiths, or of those with no faith at all.

    RetiredLawyer: Actually both answers to number 8 are a problem. In Europe having an official religion is a relic from the middle ages, and is not a problem; however, in many other countries the official religion is a major problem: Russia has absorbed the Orthodox church into the ruling regime, in most Muslim majority nations the Muslim religion is the basis for the civil law, resulting in prosecutions for blasphemy. (Witness the current prosecution of a young girl in Pakistan on absolutely no evidence).

  47. Paper says:

    A bit of humor from British science fiction that I think is appropriate to the question of being fair to Birthers, which I think I just saw mentioned here somewhere, not to mention that that concern is sometimes pressed by some to a ridiculous degree.

    To keep fairness in perspective:

    From Asylum of the Daleks (Dr. Who)

    Darla: The gravity beam will convey you close to the source of the transmission. You must find a way to deactivate the force field from there.

    The Doctor: You’re going to fire me at a planet? That’s your plan? I get fired at a planet and expected to fix it?

    Rory: In fairness that is slightly your M.O.

    The Doctor: Don’t be fair to the Daleks when they’re firing me at a planet!

  48. I really tied into a nutcase named SheridanBucket on YouTube:

    Here’s his big quote:

    A COLB is issued in circumstances where no official of the state, acting or otherwise, is present at the time and place of birth; so, the state issues a legal document based on the word of the person requesting it (e.g. birth at home, sea, etc) after the fact.

    A BC is issued when an official IS present a the time and place of birth, and documents what “the state” witnessed.

  49. G says:

    The depths of convoluted made-up distortions and contortions by angry ignorants, in desperation to cling to their unfounded biases and delusions, never cease to amaze me…

    Dr. Conspiracy: Here’s his big quote:
    A COLB is issued in circumstances where no official of the state, acting or otherwise, is present at the time and place of birth; so, the state issues a legal document based on the word of the person requesting it (e.g. birth at home, sea, etc) after the fact.
    A BC is issued when an official IS present a the time and place of birth, and documents what “the state” witnessed.

  50. Northland10 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Here’s his big quote:

    A COLB is issued in circumstances where no official of the state, acting or otherwise, is present at the time and place of birth; so, the state issues a legal document based on the word of the person requesting it (e.g. birth at home, sea, etc) after the fact.

    A BC is issued when an official IS present a the time and place of birth, and documents what “the state” witnessed.


  51. Arthur says:

    As you probably know, James Taylor sang at the DNC this week, and so here is Jimmy Fallon doing a funny parody of Taylor’s “Fire and Rain,” called “Romney and Bain.”

  52. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Birtherfest was canceled due to poor ticket sales:

    A refund? Not that they would have known the difference! Birthers are used to blowing money and getting nothing in return.

  53. donna says:

    awww canceled? i have a family member who offered to pay for my trip (if i could guarantee people wouldn’t be killed ….. i’m sicilian ….. we don’t get made we get even)

    from the ditz’s website:

    Attorney Orly Taitz will be challenging Obama in two states in two days: September 24 MS and September 26 in IN. Other states to follow at later dates.

    [blah blah blah]

    Taitz is asking supporters to be there in court to support her and donate for her work and for the expenses of these cases and other cases currently in different stages in TX, CA and other states.


    Every law abiding U.S. citizen should be filing such criminal complaint in his local court. Obama now availed himself to prosecution in every jurisdiction

  54. misha says:

    Paper: Obama having fun:

    I saw it, too. Great!

    Birthers don’t realize it, but they are helping re-elect Obama.

    “I have a great relationship with the blacks.”

  55. MN-Skeptic says:

    Birtherfest was canceled due to poor ticket sales:

    One of the scheduled speakers was the producer of the film “We Will Not Be Silenced.”
    Can you say “irony”?

  56. donna says:

    latest from birtherstan:

    larry flint is ready to cough up a cool $1 million for an up close and personal look at something lusted after by Democrats everywhere: Namely, Mitt Romney’s tax returns. Flynt is offering the reward to anyone who can dig up new evidence of the GOP candidate’s “unreleased tax returns and/or details of his offshore assets, bank accounts, and business partnerships,” reports CNN.

    and from the ditz (taitz):

    My Challenge to Larry Flynt: how much will you pay for the application for CT Social Security number 042-68-4425, which Obama is fraudulently using and a few corrupt judges are covering up? While you are at it, pay for Obama’s nonexistant original SS application and his nonexistant original BC


    “few corrupt judges” – can she quantify “few”?

  57. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The more I read her increasingly desperate, and insane, ramblings, the more I doubt that Orly Taitz is a real lawyer. She makes too many grammar and spelling mistakes for someone who supposedly holds a degree. She can’t use “I’m from Aquabania!” as an excuse, because I know people who have English as second or even third language, and their usage of written English is, I dare say, better than mine!

    And as a “legal professional” you would think that she would easily be able to grasp the concept of “Innocent until proven guilty”. If her dentistry is as good as her legal prowess, its a miracle that she hasn’t been sued for malpractice yet.

  58. Majority Will says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: If her dentistry is as good as her legal prowess, its a miracle that she hasn’t been sued for malpractice yet.

    She has been sued for medical malpractice several times.

  59. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    LOL! Please tell me there is a news article about it!

  60. misha says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:Please tell me there is a news article about it!

    Here’s the the ganze megillah: Attorney at Raw

    I plugged the last name “Taitz” into the Orange County Superior Courts website today and it returned 34 results. Among them was an assault and battery case in which her husband, Yosef Taitz, was the defendant, and about a dozen medical malpractice and breach of contract cases against Orly and her practice.

    My hunch here is that Orly’s primary motivation for becoming an attorney was so she could defend herself from the inevitable lawsuits that would arise from entrusting a crazy person with sharp objects.

  61. Lupin says:

    From the great Nate Silver:

    Some of the data, in fact, suggests that the conventions may have changed the composition of the race, making Mr. Obama a reasonably clear favorite as we enter the stretch run of the campaign.

  62. donna says:


    Former Science Advisor To Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu And Founder Of Israel Science And Technology Declares Obama Birth Certificate Forged: Slams U.S. Congress, U.S. Senate, And U.S. Courts Lack Of Action

  63. misha says:

    donna: Former Science Advisor To Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu And Founder Of Israel Science And Technology Declares Obama Birth Certificate Forged: Slams U.S. Congress, U.S. Senate, And U.S. Courts Lack Of Action

    “Ariel University Center of Samaria” – Samaria is what the Settlers call the West Bank. Ariel is the largest settlement, and they pressured the government to open a university there.

    This is what happens when you cross Aipac, and their evangelical stooges.

    And this is what happens when Bibi lets Settlers run amuck: 5 Jewish teens suspected of breaking Arab’s leg

    Police say three of the suspects, aged 16, confessed to assaulting Ibrahim Abu Ta’a, 28, for ‘taking advantage of a Jewish girl’,7340,L-4278679,00.html

  64. G says:

    This smacks of just another lame Birther attempt to trot out dead horses.

    I’m pretty sure that I’ve seen the name of that particular Israeli birther quack before, touting this very same charge, many, many months ago…

    …So here he is surfacing, yet again, railing against PDFs…nothing new to see.

    donna: 9/9/2012Former Science Advisor To Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu And Founder Of Israel Science And Technology Declares Obama Birth Certificate Forged: Slams U.S. Congress, U.S. Senate, And U.S. Courts Lack Of Action

  65. Thinker says:

    Orly better be careful about her comments about Larry Flynt. I’m sure he could come up with some good porn parodies of her. Maybe he could pay homage to Darren Huff by getting an Orly look-alike to star in the next episode of Tranny Hunters.

    and from the ditz (taitz):
    “My Challenge to Larry Flynt: how much will you pay for the application for CT Social Security number 042-68-4425, which Obama is fraudulently using and a few corrupt judges are covering up? While you are at it, pay for Obama’s nonexistant original SS application and his nonexistant original BC”

  66. Northland10 says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: The more I read her increasingly desperate, and insane, ramblings, the more I doubt that Orly Taitz is a real lawyer. She makes too many grammar and spelling mistakes for someone who supposedly holds a degree. She can’t use “I’m from Aquabania!” as an excuse, because I know people who have English as second or even third language, and their usage of written English is, I dare say, better than mine!

    And as a “legal professional” you would think that she would easily be able to grasp the concept of “Innocent until proven guilty”.

    She may well be qualified as a lawyer and can properly write in English, but that is not what she is doing here. She does not care if she actually use written English correctly or even is she serves somebody properly (how else can you explain the same mistakes make over and over again). For her, it is about filing, filing and more filing. It is about making people see her work. CEL3 once mentioned that he would tell Orly that the needed to review the brief and check the facts and she would tell him no. What was important was the filing, not what was actually in the brief. It was more, more, faster, faster (now I have to wash the Brain out for that statement).

    For most people, a $20,000 fine (up from $10,000 for the nastygram response to the show cause order), would cause them to rethink their strategy.

  67. misha says:

    Thinker: Orly better be careful about her comments about Larry Flynt. I’m sure he could come up with some good porn parodies of her.

    Attention Orly Taitz:

    Lisa Ann, who plays lead role in Larry Flynt’s “Who’s Nailin’ Paylin?”, in real life began erotic dancing in 1990 to pay her way through school to become a certified dental assistant.

  68. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    misha: Here’s the the ganze megillah: Attorney at Raw

    I plugged the last name “Taitz” into the Orange County Superior Courts website today and it returned 34 results. Among them was an assault and battery case in which her husband, Yosef Taitz, was the defendant, and about a dozen medical malpractice and breach of contract cases against Orly and her practice.

    My hunch here is that Orly’s primary motivation for becoming an attorney was so she could defend herself from the inevitable lawsuits that would arise from entrusting a crazy person with sharp objects.

    Oh GOD! That is so good that its fattening!

  69. donna says:

    misha: this article may (or may not) interest you

    Does Israel have options?

    The country’s leaders don’t believe deterrence or diplomacy will work with Iran. But war could be catastrophic

  70. Dave B. says:

    That’s funny, I looked through his biography and didn’t see anything at all about his qualifications, experience or credentials as a forensic document examiner. Not that I expected to, considering no such genuine examiner would make such a goofy claim in the first place.


    Former Science Advisor To Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu And Founder Of Israel Science And Technology Declares Obama Birth Certificate Forged:

  71. Sudoku says:

    Thanks for that, I had hadn’t seen it.

    As you probably know, James Taylor sang at the DNC this week, and so here is Jimmy Fallon doing a funny parody of Taylor’s “Fire and Rain,” called “Romney and Bain.”

  72. Lupin says:

    Continuing on the topic of citizenship:

    It would appear that conversely, your Congress has granted honorary US citizenship to seven people: Mother Teresa, Winston Churchill, the Marquis de Lafayette, Casimir Pulaski, Raoul Wallenberg and William and Hannah Callowhill Penn.

    @ Dr. C: Re T Jefferson: your source is VERY compelling; I just wish I could find a French document to that effect.

  73. OMG!!! The Sept. 22 Birfapalooza has been cancelled!!! Lack of ticket sales.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  74. donna says:

    another one bites the dust ……

    OH – Daniels v Husted – Dismissed

    Judge David Fuhry Dismisses Obama CT Social Security Number Case: Ohio Secretary of State Has No Statutory Authority To Bar Obama From Ballot; Use Of An Improper Social Security Number Does Not Disqualify Obama’s Ballot Access

    Link to the ruling: … der-9-7-12

    Sheriff Arpaio’s Commander Mike Zullo Blames
    John Boehner For Congressional Inaction On Obama!

  75. Arthur says:

    Joseph Farah says that supporting birtherism has reduced his ad income, but he’s convinced that Obama’s birth certificates are fraudulent and happy with WND becoming synonymous with the birther movement.

  76. Arthur says:

    Sudoku: Thanks for that, I had hadn’t seen it.

    Glad you enjoyed it–Fallon is remarkably good at imitating the vocal style of folk and rock musicians, and he’s a good guitar player, too. He’s got some guitars that I would love to play.

  77. donna says:

    WND’s Joseph Farah Insists Birtherism Is Bad For Business

    “There are advertisers who are afraid of WND because they think we’re obsessed or we’re out on a wild goose chase or it’s just too controversial,” Farah told TPM in a phone interview recently. “We would be making more money if we pretended like the rest of the media there’s no controversy here, there’s no question about that.”

    A former California newspaper editor, Farah started out thinking most of WND’s profits would come from ad sales. Though he claims the site reaches eight million unique visitors a month, most of WND’s profits come from the WND Superstore, which sells items like a magnetic “Birther On Board” bumper sticker, and from WND Books, which has published tomes by Sen. James Inhofe, former lobbyist Jack Abramoff and anti-Muslim activist Pam Geller.


  78. gorefan says:

    donna: Sheriff Arpaio’s Commander Mike Zullo Blames

    In the video Zullo says there are not going to be any more news conferences (24:00).

  79. donna says:

    gorefan: In the video Zullo says there are not going to be any more news conferences (24:00).

    before the election … right after zullo discusses obama’s selective service application lol

    it’s sooooo sad that the major media organizations are not interested in the birthers otherwise the “usurper” would be out of office fer sure

    ‘the most important scandal in america’s history”

    talking charges?

    “credible evidence” “irrefutable”

    and boehner’s to blame – it’s too bad boeher is not a republican and/or speaker of the house…. oh wait he is

    it’s too bad az’s governor, sec of state and 2 us senators are not republican ….. oh wait they are

    any day now ……

  80. donna says:

    You think you’re having a bad day?

    Remember this: In 1976 Ronald Wayne sold his 10% stock in Apple for $800! Now its worth $58 Billion!

  81. G says:

    Well, that sure doesn’t bode well for WND’s future. I seriously doubt that the stink of failed crazy birtherism will go away, even if the movement itself mostly implodes after the election is over.

    Therefore, in a matter of months, WND could be faced with a real finacial crisis in their own house – unable to move much of their birther merchandise and unable to regain legit advertisers…

    That would certainly be a deserved fate for that crazy trash rag.

    donna: WND’s Joseph Farah Insists Birtherism Is Bad For Business“There are advertisers who are afraid of WND because they think we’re obsessed or we’re out on a wild goose chase or it’s just too controversial,” Farah told TPM in a phone interview recently. “We would be making more money if we pretended like the rest of the media there’s no controversy here, there’s no question about that.”A former California newspaper editor, Farah started out thinking most of WND’s profits would come from ad sales. Though he claims the site reaches eight million unique visitors a month, most of WND’s profits come from the WND Superstore, which sells items like a magnetic “Birther On Board” bumper sticker, and from WND Books, which has published tomes by Sen. James Inhofe, former lobbyist Jack Abramoff and anti-Muslim activist Pam Geller.more

  82. donna says:


    wing nutzz daily will sell more merchandise if obama is re-elected

    if it’s obama, it will still be “any day now”

    if it’s romney , it will be what? mexican father beat kenyan father?

  83. The Magic M says:

    G: even if the movement itself mostly implodes after the election is over

    I doubt it will. Did trutherism implode after Obama was elected? To borrow Obama’s slogan, birtherism will at least see “four more years”.

  84. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Zullo made another trip to Hawaii and was again shut down. He’s whining about it being a liberal state protecting liberals. He tried to harrass Verna Lee at the assisted living facility she is at and the staff wouldn’t let him near her. Oh and the cops came. More crap about him not getting the records, etc. Too funny

    Gillar again making a fool of himself

  85. Dave B. says:

    He doesn’t honestly think WND would have a niche as an honest purveyor of news, does he?

    WND’s Joseph Farah Insists Birtherism Is Bad For Business

    “We would be making more money if we pretended like the rest of the media there’s no controversy here, there’s no question about that.”

  86. gorefan says:

    I wasn’t sure if this has been discussed, so here it is

    Larry Klayman sent a letter to Robert Bauer and “each DNC Executive Committee member, as well as each state Democratic Party chair, secretary of state and state attorney general” claiing that Dr. Onaka did not verify President Obama’s birth certificate. He is claiming that they will be guilty of perjury if they certify President Obama for the general election.

  87. misha says:

    gorefan: Larry Klayman sent a letter…claiing that Dr. Onaka did not verify President Obama’s birth certificate. He is claiming that they will be guilty of perjury if they certify President Obama for the general election.

    Klayman is clinically insane.

  88. Dave B. says:

    Has Zullo given up on finding that duck?

    gorefan: In the video Zullo says there are not going to be any more news conferences (24:00).

    before the election …

  89. gorefan says:

    misha: Klayman is clinically insane.

    More than you might have suspected. He appears to be taking legal advice from Butterdezillion.

  90. MattR says:

    Well, that sure doesn’t bode well for WND’s future.I seriously doubt that the stink of failed crazy birtherism will go away, even if the movement itself mostly implodes after the election is over.

    Therefore, in a matter of months, WND could be faced with a real finacial crisis in their own house – unable to move much of their birther merchandise and unable to regain legit advertisers…

    That would certainly be a deserved fate for that crazy trash rag.

    I disagree. Farrah is not saying he depends on birther merchandise specifically, rather he depends on the sale of right wing conspiracy merchandise in general (and has depended on that over advertising since the site started – which makes me doubt his claims about birtherism hurting the bottom line because he has scared away advertisers ) Even after the election is over or Obama is out of office and birtherism goes away, there will still be a market for Islamophobic books by Pam Geller or books explaining why liberals and the media are ruining the country.

  91. G says:

    Yeah, but Trutherism is fairly moribund. Look, just because a number of crazies will cling to their silly conspiracy myths until their dying breath, does not mean that their “movement” is still “vibrant”. Heck, the Flat Earth Society is still alive, kicking and holding meetings – but nobody pays much attention to them at all, except for a few laughs.

    Trutherism has rightly faded to the margins, as have the PUMAs, as have the Moon Landing Deniers…etc.

    Yes, I realize that there will be Birthers that will be screaming at Invisible Obama for the remainder of their sad little lives.

    However, I contend that their movement will lose a lot of steam, once the driving incentive of preventing his re-election has been resolved. Much of the energy of Birtherism has always been stoked and kept alive by the propagandist con artists, who’ve always been behind their Cult. Once he’s been re-elected and re-inaugerated, there really isn’t much that they can do about it. They’ve pretty much killed their own court chances, by developing such a volumous case history against them.

    So, I expect them to howl loudly, but eventually fade into relative obscurity, within 3-6 months after the inaugeration. Other than attempting to up the volume on pushing for secession or worse, they will pretty much be out of other viable options by then and an increasingly smaller number of people will pay any attention to their shrill tantrums.

    The Magic M: I doubt it will. Did trutherism implode after Obama was elected? To borrow Obama’s slogan, birtherism will at least see “four more years”.

  92. G says:

    That is a valid point. However, at some point, I see somewhat diminishing returns there too. You can only go to the well of the same shrinking base of crazy for so long, before you’ve squeezed much of their pockets dry. I’m not saying that WND will necessarily “collapse” (as much as I’d love to see that happen), but I think there is valid reasoning to suspect that their overall operation and staff size will end up taking a hit and shrinking, at least for awhile.

    MattR: Even after the election is over or Obama is out of office and birtherism goes away, there will still be a market for Islamophobic books by Pam Geller or books explaining why liberals and the media are ruining the country.

  93. donna says:


    as a follow-up,

    Complete Klayman Letter

    it ends with;

    Now we need to let these people know that WE are aware of this reality, and that we are watching what they do, knowing they have to commit crimes themselves in order to pass Obama along as if nothing was wrong.


  94. donna says:

    Poll: 15 percent of Ohio Republicans credit Romney for killing Osama bin Laden

    The question:

    “Who do you think deserves more credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden: Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?”

    A total of all respondents showed that 63 percent said President Obama, 6 percent said Mitt Romney and 31 percent said not sure.

    But when the question was broken down in the crosstabs which breaks the question down by party, it showed that 15 percent of Republicans who said that they were “Very Conservative”, believe Romney deserves the credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden.

    Several recent studies such as this one from Fairleigh Dickinson University shows that Fox News viewers are misinformed, and the same study showed that Fox viewers are more misinformed than those who did not watch any news at all.

    In Canada, they have a law that says you cannot call yourself a News outlet and lie to your audience. Fox News last year applied for a license to broadcast in Canada and they were turned down because of that law. Some hear in the U.S. say that would be an infringement on the 1st amendment and free speech if such a law were in place here in the United States.

    You be the judge, 15 percent of “Very Conservative” Republicans said that they think Mitt Romney gave the order to kill Osama bin Laden.

    There have been several studies done over the last few years on Fox News misleading and misinforming their viewers, for more studies Google, “Fox News viewers are misinformed”.

  95. donna says:

    poor mario

    NJ – Purpura v Obama – NJ Supreme Court DENIED

    Mario is the attorney on case. I would like to hear from Mario how he feels about the expected outcome.

    Reality Check reports

    Oh Yes, cost was assigned to the losing party.

    Last week New Jersey Attorney Mario Apuzzo kept perfect his record of all losses in Birther cases. RC Radio can confirm that the New Jersey Supreme Court has denied his petition for certification for appeal of the denial of his ballot challenge of President Obama’s eligibility in Purpura et al v. Obama. The case was initially denied by Administrative Law Judge Jeff Masin. The Secretary of State affirmed the denial and that was later affirmed on appeal by three judge panel in the New Jersey Superior Court. The court analyzed Apuzzo’s claims and said in their decision on May 31st that “We have carefully considered appellants’ arguments and conclude that these arguments are without merit.” The refusal by the Supreme Court to certify the petition for certification is the end of the line for appeals at the state level. The only option left is to appeal the denial to the US Supreme Court, which to date has not seen fit to hear even one case appealed from any court or petitions claiming original jurisdiction in the highest court.

  96. MattR says:


    In Canada, they have a law that says you cannot call yourself a News outlet and lie to your audience. Fox News last year applied for a license to broadcast in Canada and they were turned down because of that law. Some hear in the U.S. say that would be an infringement on the 1st amendment and free speech if such a law were in place here in the United States.

    Speaking of zombie lies that just won’t die. Fox News has been broadcasting in Canada since 2004. As the CBC points out in their story about Fox getting approval to broadcast, “The CRTC rejected a CCTA application to bring Fox to Canada last November because Fox News U.S. and Winnipeg-based Global Television were planning to create Fox News Canada, a combination of U.S. and Canadian news. However, in March, a Fox U.S. executive said there were no plans to create the combined channel. ” I have not been able to find any news story or other primary source explicitly tying that rejection to Fox’s looseness with the truth nor have I seen a credible explanation for why the Canadian law would have applied to Fox News Canada but not Fox News (US)

    (EDIT: My conjecture for that rejection is that Canada is very sensitive about limiting foreign influence in the media and making sure Canadian voices are not drowned out. For example, they make sure that radio stations play a minimum percentage of Canadian artists. So I think they rejected Fox News Canada which would compete with traditional Canadian news programs but allowed the American Fox News in since it was not providing Canadian news. The latter part of this is mentioned in the CBC article I linked)

  97. donna says:


    don’t know if this helps

    CRTC ditches bid to allow fake news

    After ignoring the committee’s letters for years, CRTC finally relented and said in December it would consider changing the regulation to apply only in cases when broadcasters know the information they are sharing is untrue and when it “endangers or is likely to endanger the lives, health or safety of the public.”

    But the CRTC’s call for public input on the proposal resulted in a tidal wave of angry responses from Canadians who said they feared such a move would open the door to Fox TV-style news and reduce their ability to determine what is true and what is false.

    In the face of the outcry, the regulations committee, which is composed of both MPs and senators, met last Thursday and decided it would no longer pursue the matter with the CRTC.

  98. MattR says:


    I realize that quote was not yours but from an article you were quoting, but it is one of those urban legends that drives me nuts.

    IMO, just as crazy as the fact that 15% of Republicans this Romney is more responsible for Osama’s death is that 47% don’t know who to credit while only 38% actually credit Obama. Among independents it is 36% who are unsure but at least 64% credit Obama, while Romney gets 1% (I assume the total is 101 due to rounding). I am having trouble deciding if that is evidence for the racism that still exists in our country or if it just more evidence for how stupid our population is or both. And it reminds me of my favorite George Carlin bit ever: “Think about how stupid the average American is. Now realize that half the country is dumber than that.”

    (EDIT: I’ve seen those article or similar but they don’t present any actual evidence that Fox was denied for that reason.)

  99. Sudoku says:

    The New Jersey Supreme Court has denied Petition for Certification for Purpura, Moran v Obama. NBC has the denial posted.

  100. nbc says:

    HT: Reality Check Radio… He located the minimalistic ruling… Mario has a sad… Still dealing with the unexpected (really??) loss.

    Let’s pray for appeal to the US Supreme Court. With Mario’s track record…

  101. Thanks nbc. Mario is still digesting another loss. He is 0-9 now.

    nbc: HT: Reality Check Radio…

  102. nbc says:

    Well, given his attempt to abandon reason and logic with his citizen of the US claims, and his clear unfamiliarity with US v WKA, the dissenting judge, the government briefs and appellant briefs, not to mention the lower case ruling, I am not surprised that he continue to struggle with its interpretation.

    In the mean time Orly is grabbing the headlines with a lawsuit with a felon as the plaintiff 🙂

  103. donna says:


    the ditz will rationalize this as her felon is better than the felon in the white house

  104. misha says:

    donna: the ditz will rationalize this as her felon is better than the felon in the white house

    My felon is better than your felon.
    Iko, Iko
    My felon said to your felon
    Iko, Iko
    I’m gonna set your flag on fire
    Iko, Iko

  105. John Potter says:

    Ouch, even Rasmussen has Obama at +5. Which cherry will the wingers pick now?
    Is the orchard fresh out?

  106. John Potter says:

    Obama, Romney to address Clinton Global Initiative

    Mark your calendars, it’s in 2 weeks!

    No, they aren’t head-to-head, or even addressing the same topics, but you know it will be nitpicked and comparisons made hot-and-heavy.

    “Romney is scheduled to lead a panel looking at ways to redesign the global food production system.”


    “Obama is set to address a session later that day looking at how banks and other financial institutions can help the world’s poor.”

    Queue more comparisons to the Messiah, as Obama addresses the moneychangers on the issue of poverty.

  107. G says:

    How can anyone be that stupid and misinformed to believe that Romney had anything to do with that? I doubt these folks are that stupid. I just think that they are simply such die-hard partisan loyalists, that they’ll simply tell a pollster such things to proclaim their loyalty, without grasping just how ludicrous the position they are taking sounds…

    donna: You be the judge, 15 percent of “Very Conservative” Republicans said that they think Mitt Romney gave the order to kill Osama bin Laden.

  108. G says:

    Thank you for repeating that important clarification. Whenever misinformation arises, it needs to be swatted down, so that well-intentioned people can learn their error and not perpetuate the myths.


    MattR: Speaking of zombie lies that just won’t die. Fox News has been broadcasting in Canada since 2004. As the CBC points out in their story about Fox getting approval to broadcast, “The CRTC rejected a CCTA application to bring Fox to Canada last November because Fox News U.S. and Winnipeg-based Global Television were planning to create Fox News Canada, a combination of U.S. and Canadian news. However, in March, a Fox U.S. executive said there were no plans to create the combined channel. ” I have not been able to find any news story or other primary source explicitly tying that rejection to Fox’s looseness with the truth nor have I seen a credible explanation for why the Canadian law would have applied to Fox News Canada but not Fox News (US)(EDIT: My conjecture for that rejection is that Canada is very sensitive about limiting foreign influence in the media and making sure Canadian voices are not drowned out. For example, they make sure that radio stations play a minimum percentage of Canadian artists. So I think they rejected Fox News Canada which would compete with traditional Canadian news programs but allowed the American Fox News in since it was not providing Canadian news. The latter part of this is mentioned in the CBC article I linked)

  109. G says:

    LMAO! Now that song is stuck in my head…but then again, I love that song, so I don’t mind. 😉

    misha: My felon is better than your felon.Iko, IkoMy felon said to your felonIko, IkoI’m gonna set your flag on fireIko, Iko

  110. Sudoku says:

    I think the buzz started when Canada’s conservative Sun News applied for a license to launch a TV station during the time CRTC was debating amending its rules. There were protest against the amendment claiming it would create “FoxNews North”. Once the rumor started,it

  111. donna says:

    “I think the buzz started when Canada’s conservative Sun News applied for a license to launch a TV station during the time CRTC was debating amending its rules.”

    i think so too

    When Stephen Harper moved to abolish anti-lying provision of the Radio Act, Canadians rose up to oppose him fearing that their tradition of honest non partisan news would be replaced by the toxic, overtly partisan, biased and dishonest news coverage familiar to American citizens who listen to Fox News and talk radio. Harper’s proposal was timed to facilitate the launch of a new right wing network, “Sun TV News” which Canadians call “Fox News North.”

  112. WND now has “Israelis:Birth Certificate Is Phony” headline up. I stayed up all night to do a rebuttal to it, so that people who searched some of the terms would have something true pop up also.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  113. Keith says:

    For those with an who have an objection to US Presidents having dual citizenship I give you Mitt Romney.

    Statements of Fact:
    1. George Romney (Mitt’s father) was born on July 8, 1907 in Colonia Dublán in Galeana in the state of Chihuahua (one of the Mormon colonies in Mexico).

    2. Mitt Romney claims to have been born in Michigan (his Michigan BC doesn’t look like mine and has void written all over it, but anyway…)

    3. Much of the Mexican Nationality Law is explicitly specified in the Constitution. The constitution declares that Mexicans by birth (born Mexicans) include the following:

    3a) individuals born in Mexican territory regardless of the nationality of their parents;
    3b) individuals born abroad if one or both of their parents was a Mexican national born in Mexican territory;
    3c) other folks satisfying other conditions

    4. Mexican law distinguishes between ‘Nationals’ and ‘Citizens’.
    4a) Nationality is the attribute of the person in international law that describes their relationship to the State,
    4b) citizenship is given to those nationals (those who hold Mexican nationality) that have certain rights and responsibilities before the State.

    5. The 34th article of the Mexican constitution establishes that Mexican citizens are those Mexican [nationals] that are 18 years of age or older, and that have an “honest way of living”.


    A. George Romney was a Mexican National due to sentence 3a. He was born in Mexico.

    B. George Romney was a Mexican Citizen due to sentence 5. He was a Mexican National with an “honest way of living” and, from the age of 18, entitled to the rights granted to all Natural Born Mexican Citizens.

    C. Mitt Romney is a Mexican National due to sentence 3b and conclusion A. At least one of his parents was a Mexican National born in Mexico.

    D. Mitt Romney is a Mexican Citizen due to sentence 5. He was a Mexican National with an “honest way of living” (I expect there are some wags who would dispute that, but anyway…) and, from the age of 18, entitled to the rights granted to all Natural Born Mexican Citizens.

    E. Mitt Romney is a Natural Born American Citizen due to sentence 2. Birth in Michigan is, like birth in Hawai’i, birth on American soil.

    F. Conclusion D and conclusion E, when taken together mean that

    Mitt Romney is a DUAL CITIZEN

    Those paying attention will notice that Romney’s dual citizenship is the result of Mexican Law and United States Law that do not recognize the other. Mexico doesn’t say its law is subservient or superior to American law, and vice versa. This means that they are mutually inclusive; both apply and there is no conflict. Romney is according to Mexican law one of its Citizens, and according to American law one of its Citizens, BOTH AT THE SAME TIME. Dual Citizenship.

  114. Scientist says:

    Keith: The 34th article of the Mexican constitution establishes that Mexican citizens are those Mexican [nationals] that are 18 years of age or older, and that have an “honest way of living”.

    Maybe Mitt lost his Mexican citizeship as a result of shady Bain deals and his tax avoidance.

  115. donna says:


    at that time, in order to own property in mexico as a “foreigner”, you had to swear allegiance to mexico if mexico had a war with the US

  116. Welsh Dragon says:

    Keith: . George Romney was a Mexican National due to sentence 3a. He was born in Mexico

    Whoa! In 1907 George would have could only have been a Mexican National if his father had naturalized. There’s no evidence he did and some circumstantial evidence he didn’t.

    The constitution changed in 1917 to make children born in Mexico of foreign parents Mexican Nationals but it’s not clear that had a retrospective effect.

    Even if it did there were conditions – in 1928/1929 George would have had have opted for Mexican Citizenship and been resident in Mexico for the previous 5 years.which he was not.

    But wait there’s more- in 1934 (IIRC) there was an amendment to the constitution that removed these conditions but it’s not clear if this was retrospective.

    Nationality law sometimes makes my brain hurt.

  117. Whatever the final conclusion is on Mitt Romney’s Mexican citizenship, this discussion points out to me how utterly silly it is to assert a definition of presidential eligibility based on foreign statutes.

    Welsh Dragon: Whoa! In 1907 George would have could only have been a Mexican National if his father had naturalized. There’s no evidence he did and some circumstantial evidence he didn’t.

  118. Birther at WND: We have got to get persons to the poles in November and get [Obama] out.

    Dr. Conspiracy: I agree, we need to get all Republicans to the “poles” in November. I suggest the North and the South Poles.

  119. G says:


    Dr. Conspiracy: Birther at WND: We have got to get persons to the poles in November and get [Obama] out.Dr. Conspiracy: I agree, we need to get all Republicans to the “poles” in November. I suggest the North and the South Poles.

  120. Dave B. says:


    3. Much of the Mexican Nationality Law is explicitly specified in the Constitution. The constitution declares that Mexicans by birth (born Mexicans) include the following:

    3a) individuals born in Mexican territory regardless of the nationality of their parents; 3b) individuals born abroad if one or both of their parents was a Mexican national born in Mexican territory; 3c) other folks satisfying other conditions

    You’re referring to the Constitution of 1917.
    Here’s Article 30 of the Constitution of 1857, in its entirety, in Spanish:

    “Art. 30. Son mexicanos:
    I. Todos los nacidos dentro ó fuera del
    territorio de la República, de padres mexicanos.
    II. Los estrangeros que se naturalicen
    conforme á las leyes de la federación.
    III. Los estrangeros que adquieran bienes
    raices en la República ó tengan hijos
    mexicanos, siempre que no manifiesten la
    resolución de conservar su nacionalidad.”

    which translates

    “Art. 30. Mexicans are
    I. All persons born within or without the Republic, of Mexican parents (or fathers).
    II. Aliens naturalized in conformity with the laws of the Federation.
    III. Aliens who acquire real estate in the Republic, or have Mexican children, if
    they do not declare their intention to retain their nationality.”

    The Constitution of 1857 didn’t recognize jus soli citizenship.

    Article 30 of the Constitution of 1917 is much longer, and includes this reference to persons born in Mexico of foreign parents:

    “Se reputan mexicanos por nacimiento los que nazcan en la Republica
    de padres extranjeros, si dentro del año siguiente a su mayor edad manifiestan ante la Secretería de Relaciones Exteriores, que optan por la nacionalidad mexicana y comprueban ante aquella que han residido en el país los últimos seis años anteriores
    a dicha manifestación.”

    which translates, roughly,

    “Persons born within the Republic of foreign parentage shall be considered Mexicans by birth, who within one year after they come of age shall declare to the Department of Foreign Affairs that they elect Mexican citizenship, and who shall furthermore prove to the said Department that they have resided within the country during the six years prior to the said declaration.”

    which is a very qualified recognition of jus soli citizenship.

    You can access the original Constitutions of 1857 and 1917 from here:

    You can read a side-by-side translation of the two Constitutions here:

  121. Dave B. says:

    I wholeheartedly concur with Doc about how “how utterly silly it is to assert a definition of presidential eligibility based on foreign statutes”; but in the interest of being more fully informed, I’ve gone a little further down this rabbit hole.
    Here’s a fairly current English translation of the Constitution of Mexico:
    and in Spanish:
    Here, on page 80 (page 30 of the pdf)
    is a digest of Mexico’s nationality laws as of 1954, close to contemporaneous with Mitt Romney’s birth. So while the Constitutional conditions Keith referred to wouldn’t have applied to George Romney at his birth in 1907, could they be applied to Mitt Romney, at his birth forty years later? I don’t believe so. I haven’t yet tracked down an exact text or translation of Mexico’s nationality law contemporaneous with Mitt Romney’s birth, but according to the UN source there,
    “In accordance with the provisions of article 3,
    Mexicans who voluntarily acquire a foreign nationality
    lose their Mexican citizenship.”
    It’s very likely that George Romney had no claim to Mexican citizenship when his son was born.
    And that’s my little bit of sound and fury on the matter.

  122. JPotter says:

    Polling suggest the “convention bump” has legs. Just wait til the debates. Romney will not fare well in a direct comparison (Putting it mildly….!). And feeding young pup Ryan to the old pro Biden? That’s nearly inhumane. I don’t think a double-digit lead is out of the question. I hope Obama grabs on to it and runs with it in his second term. The people will vote for reality; nutters, get on the bus of GTFO. (*ahem*)

  123. Keith says:

    I have to admit that when I was writing that article, that I doubted that the current Constitution was in effect in 1907. There have been a couple of Revolutions since then after all.

    From Dave B.’s recitation of the 1857 Constitution, George’s father would have been a become a Citizen when he acquired property. Unless of course, the property was held in common amongst the colonists, and that means he would have been a Communist.

    So that only leaves the ‘intention to retain their [prior] nationality’. That would have to be a document filed with the Mexican Government, one would assume. Since Governments never lose such important documents, and this document has not surfaced it must mean that Mitt Romney is spending tens of Peso’s to keep it hidden.

  124. Judge Mental says:

    bgansel9: Orly Taitz sues all of her enemies all at once:

    Plot…..window…..leaving……biyeeeeeeee!! Nutty as a fruitcake.

  125. misha says:

    bgansel9: Orly Taitz sues all of her enemies all at once:

    The 20K did not shut her up. Amazing.

    The best part is an 87-year-old got their SSN for the first time, in 1977, and Obama has been using it.

    Orly reminds me of a joke I heard in Tel Aviv:

    A refusenik has marriage proposed. She tells him she wants to talk to her rabbi, first.

    She goes to her rabbi and says, “When I first told the Romanian authorities I wanted to emigrate I was fired from my job, and the state would not let me have another. So I took to street walking and shoplifting to make ends meet. Finally, the authorities had enough of me, and let me come here.”

    The rabbi says, “Well, you’re here now, a man has proposed marriage, you’re starting over. Mazel tov.”

    “There’s just one problem, rabbi.”

    “Problem? How should there be a problem?”

    “What should I tell my fiancé?”, she asked.

    “Tell him everything, but don’t tell him you’re Romanian.”

  126. Arthur says:

    misha: “There’s just one problem, rabbi.”
    “Problem? How should there be a problem?”
    “What should I tell my fiancé?”, she asked.
    “Tell him everything, but don’t tell him you’re Romanian.”

    In Iowa, we have the same joke, but the punch line is, “don’t tell him you’re from Nebraska.”

  127. JPotter says:

    Arthur: “don’t tell him you’re from Nebraska.”

    “I thought I was dead, too, Bob. It turns out I was just in Nebraska.” — Little Bill Daggett

  128. The Magic M says:

    Spunky Gumption: Another cock-and-bull conspiracy

    Yup. Because y’know, your opponent must always embody the opposite of *everything* you stand for, not just part of it.
    So Obama cannot be a heterosexual Christian Marxist pro-Israel usurper traitor, or a gay Muslim Democrat anti-Israel legal President, he needs to be a gay Muslim Marxist Fascist anti-Israel usurper traitor (and so on).

    As an aside, I would love to put one of the “he’s worse than Hitler” crowd in a room with a Holocaust survivor. The loon would leave the room either educated or with a very bloody nose, either of which would make me happy.
    When I was in high school, my school invited a survivor to talk to us. I would recommend that not just for German schools, it seems there are many people in dire need of being educated.

  129. Arthur says:

    JPotter: “I thought I was dead, too, Bob. It turns out I was just in Nebraska.”

    That’s one of my favorite westerns.

  130. Arthur says:

    Corsi’s big surprise appears to be a claim that Obama is gay . . . or that he was gay. I odn’t know for sure; I really couldn’t get through the whole “article.”

  131. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    That made me facepalm so hard that everyone in the room now has a concussion.

  132. donna says:

    FL – Collette v Obama – Closed.

    RCR Radio reports that the Collette case is now officially ‘dead’


  133. misha says:

    Arthur: Corsi’s big surprise appears to be a claim that Obama is gay . . . or that he was gay. I odn’t know for sure; I really couldn’t get through the whole “article.”

    I left this comment, still in moderation:

    I was Obama’s gay lover in Chicago. He told me he was born in Kenya, and gave me a copy of his Mombasa birth certificate. I have posted it as a public service:

  134. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I think someone should start a rumor that Corsi is a big effeminate dandy, and see how he likes it. And since we’ll be making up complete fabrications about him, lets throw something in about how he “chews his food before swallowing”, “bathes regularly”, and “isn’t the grand dragon of the KKK”.

  135. misha says:

    Arthur: Corsi’s big surprise appears to be a claim that Obama is gay . . . or that he was gay. I odn’t know for sure; I really couldn’t get through the whole “article.”

    Read my comments before they are flagged.

  136. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I’m proudly banned for life from posting at WND.

  137. misha says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:I’m proudly banned for life from posting at WND.

    I’m working on it.

  138. John Wayne says:

    A prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community claims Barack Obama’s participation in the “gay” bar and bathhouse scene was so well known that many who were aware of his lifestyle were shocked when he ran for president and finally won the White House.

    “It was preposterous to the people I knew then to think Obama was going to keep his gay life secret,” said Kevin DuJan, who was a gossip columnist in Chicago for various blogs when Obama was living in the city as a community organizer and later a state senator.

    “Nobody who knew Obama in the gay bar scene thought he could possibly be president,” said DuJan.

    DuJan, founder and editor of the Hillary Clinton-supporting website, told WND he has first-hand information from two different sources that “Obama was personally involved in the gay bar scene.”

    “If you just hang out at these bars, the older guys who have been frequenting these gay bars for 25 years will tell you these stories,” DuJan said. “Obama used to go to the gay bars during the week, most often on Wednesday, and they said he was very much into older white guys.”

    Obama, DuJan said, is “not heterosexual and he’s not bisexual. He’s homosexual.”

    Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, who worked with the National Security Agency from 1984 to 1988 as a Navy intelligence analyst, confirmed DuJan’s

  139. Rickey says:

    John Wayne:

    Obama, DuJan said, is “not heterosexual and he’s not bisexual. He’s homosexual.”

    Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, who worked with the National Security Agency from 1984 to 1988 as a Navy intelligence analyst, confirmed DuJan’s


    By the way, Wayne Madsen was never a Navy Intelligence analyst for the NSA. He left the Navy in 1985 after being passed over for promotion. He then got a job with RCA working as a consultant on contracts for the NSA (which had nothing to do with Navy Intelligence).

    If DuJan can’t even get easily verifiable facts such as those right, why should be believe anything else that he says?

  140. donna says:

    DOJ Seeks to Dismiss Berryville Resident’s FOIA Request

    On Aug. 31, a Justice Department trial unit defending the president in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by Berryville resident George Archibald filed motions asking U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton to keep results of the FBI’s investigation under seal and to dismiss the case.

    Archibald countered by asking Judge Walton to reject the administration’s legal arguments that the FBI records are exempt from release under the FOIA because they relate to FBI investigative methods that must remain secret.

  141. Northland10 says:

    Arthur: Corsi’s big surprise appears to be a claim that Obama is gay . . . or that he was gay. I odn’t know for sure; I really couldn’t get through the whole “article.”

    Must be running out of material. The Hillbuzz and Larry Sinclair BS has been around since nearly the beginning.

  142. Northland10 says:

    Posting a reponse to troll Wayne here since Doc will likely delete his OT spams he made in other posts:

    John Wayne: A prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community claims Barack Obama’s participation in the “gay” bar

    That is so 2008. Do try to keep up.

  143. Arthur says:

    misha: Read my comments before they are flagged.


  144. Terry K. says:

    John Wayne is actually quoting from Jerome Corsi’s latest missive. Since his birther stuff has imploded, Corsi has been obsessing over rumors of Obama’s purported homosexuality. I cover Corsi’s pivot on my website.

  145. Bob says:

    John Wayne:
    A prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community claims . . .

    We’ve heard that “game changer” several times before.

  146. bgansel9 says:

    John Wayne: A prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community claims Barack Obama’s participation in the “gay” bar and bathhouse scene was so well known that many who were aware of his lifestyle were shocked when he ran for president and finally won the White House.

    This has exactly WHAT to do with Orly’s desire to sue the entire non-birther world? Use an open thread.

  147. I believe John Wayne has posted here under another name previously … just a guess.

    John Wayne: A prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community,,,

  148. Terry

    Thanks for all the great work you do. I need to have you back on RC Radio some time. Corsi and I had an email exchange in the summer and he hinted that some big “game changer” was going to happen on August 14. Of course nothing happened. He may have been referring to the Navy Seal Swiftboat thing that failed miserably. I think he is in complete panic mode that nothing is working and he is running out of smears to invent against Obama. It is quite pathetic.

    Terry K.:
    John Wayne is actually quoting from Jerome Corsi’s latest missive. Since his birther stuff has imploded, Corsi has been obsessing over rumors of Obama’s purported homosexuality. I cover Corsi’s pivot on my website.

  149. I think John Wayne deserves an Irish poem:

    There once was a Birther named Wayne,
    Who thought he was Obama’s Bane.
    But his comments all stank,
    With an odor quite rank,
    ‘Cause he got them from Corsi, The Stain.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  150. G says:

    Well said!

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: I think John Wayne deserves an Irish poem:There once was a Birther named Wayne,Who thought he was Obama’s Bane.But his comments all stank,With an odor quite rank,‘Cause he got them from Corsi, The Stain.Squeeky FrommGirl Reporter

  151. G says:

    Agreed on both points. As you said, Kudos to Terry’s great work.

    Also, yes, WND is getting increasingly desperate and sleazy with every failed retread they keep trotting out and just failing even more miserably in the process. No matter how hard they try, they can’t pull of their desired Swift Boat 2.0 scams. They are increasingly pathetic and inconsequential and barely worth paying attention to anymore, despite their attempts to ramp up the salacious sleeze factor. It is no longer shocking nor new and certainly not at all believable. Only the most depraved of the ODS crowd will swallow this swill…and those folks are utterly inconsequential and beyond hope anyways.

    Reality Check: Terry
    Thanks for all the great work you do. I need to have you back on RC Radio some time.
    Corsi and I had an email exchange in the summer and he hinted that some big “game changer” was going to happen on August 14. Of course nothing happened. He may have been referring to the Navy Seal Swiftboat thing that failed miserably. I think he is in complete panic mode that nothing is working and he is running out of smears to invent against Obama. It is quite pathetic.

  152. SluggoJD says:

    John Wayne:
    A prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community claims Barack Obama’s participation in the “gay” bar and bathhouse scene was so well known that many who were aware of his lifestyle were shocked when he ran for president and finally won the White House.

    “It was preposterous to the people I knew then to think Obama was going to keep his gay life secret,” said Kevin DuJan, who was a gossip columnist in Chicago for various blogs when Obama was living in the city as a community organizer and later a state senator.

    “Nobody who knew Obama in the gay bar scene thought he could possibly be president,” said DuJan.

    DuJan, founder and editor of the Hillary Clinton-supporting website, told WND he has first-hand information from two different sources that “Obama was personally involved in the gay bar scene.”

    “If you just hang out at these bars, the older guys who have been frequenting these gay bars for 25 years will tell you these stories,” DuJan said. “Obama used to go to the gay bars during the week, most often on Wednesday, and they said he was very much into older white guys.”

    Obama, DuJan said, is “not heterosexual and he’s not bisexual. He’s homosexual.”

    Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, who worked with the National Security Agency from 1984 to 1988 as a Navy intelligence analyst, confirmed DuJan’s

    LOLOLOL, John Wayne was a pussy, and anyone who goes around using his name is a smelly little brown thing.

  153. G says:

    It is nothing but rinse and repeat with these folks… I mean, how many times can old news be trotted out, as if it will somehow make some difference this time…

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: G:Have you seen Corsi’s latest re-tread: FrommGirl Reporter

  154. Lupin says:

    Wingnuts are truly crazy: Clinton was a hound dog and that was bad. Obama would be gay, and that is bad too. Of course, with Romney they have the perfect store dummy.

  155. The Magic M says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: lets throw something in about how he “chews his food before swallowing”, “bathes regularly”, and “isn’t the grand dragon of the KKK”.

    Lies, lies and more lies? 😉

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I’m proudly banned for life from posting at WND.

    They managed to ban both my commercial and my private IP. I feel much better now that I have an excuse to stay out of the cesspool comments.

  156. misha says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I think someone should start a rumor that Corsi is a big effeminate dandy, and see how he likes it. And since we’ll be making up complete fabrications about him, lets throw something in

    Your wish has been granted:

  157. Interestedbystander says:

    Wayne Masden? Seriously? He has about as much credibility as I, Lucas Smith. I first heard about him when he was claiming to have a copy of the cheque that bought the 2004 election (literally) by paying for all the black box voter fraud. He has popped up roughly every six months since with a new and ever more ludicrous conspiracy theory but the promised evidence never appears. Hmmm sounds familiar have Wayne and Corsi ever been seen in the same room together? I am a bit disappointed he couldn’t do better than a gay smear with Obama
    – although it offends me that being gay is considered a smear by these bigots. Pathetic.

  158. Majority Will says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I think someone should start a rumor that Corsi is a big effeminate dandy

    I would prefer to not imply homophobia or any other kind of bigotry as that would be birther level ignorance.

    Or is there a universal manliness guidebook?

  159. bovril says:

    I see Mittens and I see Ken of Ken and Barbie fame but more plastic and with fewer balls

  160. G says:

    Misha, you should have altered your parody more, so WND doesn’t try to go after you for plagiarism.

    Of course, WND, being a homophobic gay-bashers, deserves a taste of their own sick medicine.

    But beyond rephrensible folks like at that cheap cesspoolo, who deserve to be satirically hoisted upon their own petard in irony, I agree with Majority Will and don’t support homophobia or other types of birther level bigotry.

    misha: Your wish has been granted:

  161. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    LOL! I particularly liked the little bits like “Chuck Norris’ Diarrhea warning for America”.

  162. Terry K. seems to think that all the allegations that obama’s a homo are sleazy.

    Why don’t he Be Proud!

    Terry K.’s a homophobe.

  163. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter:

    Have you seen Corsi’s latest re-tread:

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

    Corsi strikes me as the type who has a freezer full of the exact same TV diner, owns only one pair of underwear, and fears variety in all it’s forms.

  164. nbc says:

    The Long Form: Terry K. seems to think that all the allegations that obama’s a homo are sleazy.

    I personally would be proud to have a gay President but the sleaziness refers to the desperate acts of spreading innuendo and rumor.

    Hilarious… They must really be believing that Mitt is not going to carry it.

  165. G says:

    No, you are missing the point of what is actually sleazy here – slurs and innuendo. No one is being homophobic by pointing out that salacious lies of any kind are sleazy. I wouldn’t have a problem with having a gay president either, but don’t lie about a person’s love life, tell lies about their parents love lives or the status of their birth – all sleazy tactics by the Birthers – all which are beneath contempt.

    The Long Form: Terry K. seems to think that all the allegations that obama’s a homo are sleazy.Why don’t he Be Proud!Terry K.’s a homophobe.

  166. G says:

    Wow…amazingly photo-realistic art!!!

    gorefan: Here is a change of pace. This is talent.

  167. Rickey says:

    To the surprise of no one, “gifted legal mind” Jerry Collette failed to transfer his ballot challenge case to Tallahassee and it has been dismissed.

  168. Arthur says:

    If you want to know just how depraved some of our fellow Americans can be, then see what they are saying about the murder of Ambassador Stevens at ORYR.

  169. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I normally don’t say things this dark, but I sincerely hope the writer of that hit piece realizes the disgusting low he has hit, then does the world a favor by killing himself in the most undignified way possible.

  170. bgansel9 says:

    Kansas officials on what they call the Kansas Objections Board are discussing this afternoon whether to allow Obama’s name on the Kansas ballot? Why does this not require a legal challenge? WTF?

  171. Arthur says:

    bgansel9: Kansas officials on what they call the Kansas Objections Board are discussing this afternoon whether to allow Obama’s name on the Kansas ballot? Why does this not require a legal challenge?

    Very odd, indeed; nevertheless, I expect the challenge (i.e., Obama is not a NBC because his father wasn’t an American citizen) will be quickly rejected.

  172. misha says:

    bgansel9: Kansas officials on what they call the Kansas Objections Board are discussing this afternoon whether to allow Obama’s name on the Kansas ballot?

    Kansas voted to teach creation instead of evolution, so no surprise.

  173. G says:

    Here is the update. The KS board (all GOP) was upset that the Democratic Party pulled the “Empty Chair” Routine, made famous in GA. They are meeting again on Monday and demanding supporting documentation from the Dems. (The update can be found at the same article link).

    State Democratic Party officials dismissed Montgomery’s objection and said they would not be attending today’s hearing in Topeka. “This is a fictitious and baseless suit,” state Democratic Party spokesman Dakota Loomis said. “It should be cleaned up by the end of the day.”

    Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, and maternal grandparents, Stanley and Madelyn Dunham, are Kansas natives.

    UPDATE: 5:52 p.m. — The all-Republican Objections Board voted unanimously on Thursday afternoon to delay a final decision on Obama’s eligibility for the state’s ballot until a meeting Monday, pending either documentation on the president’s citizenship from Hawaii officials or the presence of the Obama campaign.

    According to tweets from the meeting, Kobach proposed that the board meet again Monday to discuss Obama’s citizenship and look into receiving more documentation. Board members expressed concern that Obama’s campaign did not attend the hearing, instead submitting a letter defending the president and saying he is eligible for the ballot in Kansas. State Democratic Party spokesman Dakota Loomis told HuffPost earlier Thursday that Democrats would not be attending the hearing, which he dismissed as “fictitious and baseless.”

    Joe Montgomery, the Kansas State University employee who brought the objection, attended the hearing. Tweets from meeting attendees indicated that the entire board had concerns about Obama’s campaign not attending.

    As Misha pointed out, this is the same state that tries the most to push Creationism. I suspect the entire GOP board is a bunch of gullible dullards… The Dems better just get their crap together and show up on Monday. It would be stupid to let something this frivolous have a chance of of blowing up further, just because they were too lazy to properly smack it down.

    bgansel9: Kansas officials on what they call the Kansas Objections Board are discussing this afternoon whether to allow Obama’s name on the Kansas ballot? Why does this not require a legal challenge? WTF?

  174. Yoda says:

    To the extreme right wing the worst possible insult you can say to a man is that he gay. The amusing thing is that they don’t realize that to people who don’t care about sexual orientation, it is not insulting at all

  175. misha says:

    G: It would be stupid to let something this frivolous have a chance of of blowing up further, just because they were too lazy to properly smack it down.

    “If you argue with a fool, make sure you’re not doing the same thing.”

  176. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    To the extreme right wing the worst possible insult you can say to a man is that he gay.The amusing thing is that they don’t realize that to people who don’t care about sexual orientation, it is not insulting at all

    Correction. The ultimate insult to a right-wing fundie, is “Non-white, non-christian, homosexual”. “Female” if you go back to the 70s.

  177. donna says:

    Kansas Citizen saddened by developments

    The Fogbow reports

    Letter sent to all three:

  178. Since no mere mortal has come forward to take credit for and demonstrate the ground-breaking lfbc scanning technique, perhaps we can theorize it was produced by the forge-fairy…

  179. Yoda says:

    Yo Long Form, kindly tell me anthing that appears on the pdf that is not on the original lfbc. While you are at it, do you realize that a pdf is not an official document?

  180. The Long Form: perhaps we can theorize it was produced by the forge-fairy…

    What the hell is a “forge-fairy”? I’m with Yoda, because official documents are the only thing that Orly has any right to complain about!

  181. Rickey says:

    The Long Form:
    Since no mere mortal has come forward to take credit for and demonstrate the ground-breaking lfbc scanning technique, perhaps we can theorize it was produced by the forge-fairy…

    More likely it was scanned by a low-level clerical worker who took it to a scanner, pressed some buttons, looked at the result and thought “This looks fine,” and then never gave it another thought.

    You do realize that a .pdf copy is not an official document?

  182. Oh h e double hockey sticks. All this time wasted over a not official document.

    Someone should mention it to that goofy smoothie who thought posting it on a White House server would solve everything.

  183. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Well, retard. Do you mind me calling you retard?
    When someone posts a picture of say…a car, it is generally accept by people who are sane, that it is in fact a picture of a car, and not the car itself. But I don’t expect the mentally retarded to fully grasp “Real” vs “Representation”. I feel the need to be verbally abusive, because after what I’ve seen your ilk do today, I see no reason to ever regard you with an ounce of civility, I reserve that right for people who act like human beings. Are all these syllables too much for you?

  184. I agree with Adrew Virba PMS!

  185. Andrew, feel free to call me whatever makes you feel good about yourself.

    After all, doesn’t this site exist to make people like you feel good about themselves?

  186. Terry K. says:

    The Long Form:
    Terry K. seems to think that all the allegations that obama’s a homo are sleazy.

    Why don’t he Be Proud!

    Terry K.’s a homophobe.

    Silly boy. I don’t care if Obama is gay or not. I do care that the people accusing him of being gay have no credibility, are doing nothing but repeating never-verified rumors, and are pushing said rumors to distract from the collapse of a discredited conspiracy theory and to scare homophobes into not voting for him (as if the homophobe electorate hadn’t already been sufficiently appalled by him).

    To quote a certain popular radio host, I live in Realville — something that can’t be said about the likes of Jerome Corsi. Or, it seems, Mr. Long Form.

  187. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    And unlike Long Form, we don’t gleefully hang with groups who take someone’s brutal and senseless death and try to pin it onto someone else, for the purpose of furthering an agenda, or any other reason for that matter.
    I’m not sure which makes me sicker, the birthers who cooked up that little connection, or the ones who condone them doing so. I used to think birthers were just belligerent, racist scum, but now I can see that they are something far more cancerous. And as someone who has lost loved ones to cancer, I don’t use words like “cancerous” lightly.

  188. El Diablo Negro says:

    The Long Form:
    Andrew, feel free to call me whatever makes you feel good about yourself.

    After all, doesn’t this site exist to make people like you feel good about themselves?

    When I read WND, I feel real good about myself.

  189. G says:

    No, this site exists to monitor, investigate (which usually results in debunking) and comment on the various Obama Conspiracy Theories out there. Simple as that.

    While there happens to be a fair amout of joking around at times, that is merely a side-effet and not the purpose of this site.

    Apparently, you are one of those people who needs to feed your confirmation bias and therefore can only understand and project your own limitations onto others. Sorry, but the rest of the real world is more complex than that.

    We are here about facts, not feelings.

    While you may not appreciate the attitude and language you’ve engendered from others, they have still made a valid point that you cannot get away from – you seem obsessed with complaining about a scanned image and can’t seem to grasp the simple distinction between an actual object and an image of that object. Hence, why you have received both mocking and ire.

    You should spend some time in reflection and reexamination of your own biased presumptions, emotional neediness and faulty conclusions.

    The Long Form: Andrew, feel free to call me whatever makes you feel good about yourself.After all, doesn’t this site exist to make people like you feel good about themselves?

  190. No. That is not the purpose of this site. It is primarily a fact-checking site, with a little entertainment thrown in.

    The Long Form: After all, doesn’t this site exist to make people like you feel good about themselves?

  191. The White House birth certificate served its purpose: shutting up Donald Trump.

    The Long Form: Someone should mention it to that goofy smoothie who thought posting it on a White House server would solve everything.

  192. Lupin says:

    Aren’t we getting into “THIS IS NOT A PIPE” surrealism, here?

  193. Majority Will says:

    G: As my wife pointed out, Obama also ended up being scheduled opposite the VMAs – an issue when trying to capture the attention of the youth vote.

    Digital Video Recorders.

  194. G says:

    Well, that certainly was the intent. As we’ve seen, nothing shuts up Donald Trump. But he’s widely viewed as just a loudmouthed billionaire clown and not taken seriously on this silly issue.

    Dr. Conspiracy: The White House birth certificate served its purpose: shutting up Donald Trump.

  195. G says:

    LOL! Yes, we are! Kudos for that reference.

    Lupin: Aren’t we getting into “THIS IS NOT A PIPE” surrealism, here?

  196. Tarrant says:

    To the extreme right wing the worst possible insult you can say to a man is that he gay.The amusing thing is that they don’t realize that to people who don’t care about sexual orientation, it is not insulting at all

    Indeed. The thing that’s funniest (and most telling) about the “accusations” is that they aren’t trying to make the argument that he’s hurting his family, or whatever. I’ve known gay men who, because of societal pressure early in their lives, got married to a woman, had kids, etc. and only later in life could be themselves, and while it was a trial and yes, there was a lot of hurt, in the end it was better for all involved. No, they’re not trying to make an argument like that.

    No, the “crime” is simply being gay in the first place. The President is not gay, but it says something about Corsi et al when their entire accusation is not about the people that would be affected were he living a closeted life, but simply that he has a sexual orientation that many conservatives find icky.

  197. roadburner says:

    sorry doc, this is off topic, but i cannot let this slide without saying something.

    ORYR has sunk to a new despicable low.

    not much boils my piss to the extent this has. rejoicing over the death of a felow american, posting his picture either dead or dying, and making such a flippant headline is beyond the realms of decent behaviour. his family i sincerely hope never see this.

    this is crossin the line.

  198. G says:

    Yeah, even for them, that was one of the most disgusting and vile post threads they have ever put forward…beyond shameful. There is something seriously ethically wrong with those folks…

    roadburner: sorry doc, this is off topic, but i cannot let this slide without saying something. has sunk to a new despicable low.not much boils my piss to the extent this has. rejoicing over the death of a felow american, posting his picture either dead or dying, and making such a flippant headline is beyond the realms of decent behaviour. his family i sincerely hope never see this.this is crossin the line.

  199. 1% Silver Nitrate says:

    roadburner: sorry doc, this is off topic, but i cannot let this slide without saying something. has sunk to a new despicable low.not much boils my piss to the extent this has. rejoicing over the death of a felow american, posting his picture either dead or dying, and making such a flippant headline is beyond the realms of decent behaviour. his family i sincerely hope never see this.this is crossin the line.

    “Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist.”
    It’s been taken down already.

  200. G says:

    It has not been taken down. It is still there. If you go to the main ORYR site, you can still find that despicable image and their entire post and commentary. It is their 3rd article under their Thursday 9/13 entries.

    1% Silver Nitrate: “Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist.”It’s been taken down already.

  201. Keith says:

    Trools are starting to garner the attention of officialdom in Australia.

    Political tweeters may troll too close to home

    Suddenly, politicians of all persuasions have begun worrying that we need to ”do something” about ”trolls” and the misuse of social media. ”Twitter should reveal the identities of the anonymous trolls who are breaking the law by abusing others online and co-operate with any police investigation to help reveal who these trolls are,” a spokeswoman for the Attorney-General, Nicola Roxon, said.

    The Twitter debate about federal politics is fierce, as you’d hope it would be. Some of the regular partisan participants, on all sides, are not shy in using their 140 characters to spruik the full force of their views. So far so good.

    But some, in a constant stream of tweets written under pseudonyms, regularly make comments that are sexually explicit and insulting, haranguing, abusive or just way beyond the outer limits of what most people would think was in acceptable taste.

    But what if they are political staffers? People inside the political process? People directly responsible to the politicians who are so deeply concerned about trolling? I can’t prove that any are, but I have often had cause to wonder. And so have many others.

    (the article goes on to describe one particularly foul Twit that must be a ‘Canberra Insider’)

    Uphill battle as trolls spread hate

    IF THE teenage thug who was the protagonist of the 1971 film A Clockwork Orange operated in today’s world, he’d probably have an alter ego as an internet ”troll”. In the film, gang leader Alex masks his identity beneath outlandish make-up and a pseudo-uniform so he and his mates can more readily inflict random acts of violence for pleasure.

    Many of today’s internet thugs seem to derive the same perverse enjoyment from ”flaming” their online targets – the virtual equivalent of assaulting strangers with baseball bats. ”Trolling is extremely fun,” explained one, identified to The Saturday Age only as Apples212. ”I’ve been trolling … ever since I can remember. It’s extremely relaxing, as all you really have to do is put the ‘bait’ out there, sit back, and wait for someone to bite … Trolling always makes me feel calm and relaxed, it is one of the best feelings I’ve ever done.”

    Trolling has been all over the mainstream media in recent weeks, courtesy of much-publicised Twitter attacks on minor celebrity Charlotte Dawson, and rugby league footballer Robbie Farah. NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell rushed to Farah’s defence, Sydney’s Daily Telegraph sallied forth with a front-page declaration of war against trolls and federal Attorney-General Nicola Roxon promised to consult state colleagues to see ”what other action, if any, can be taken to improve the law in this area”.

  202. donna says:

    TN – LLF v NDP – Cost $22,800

    Yes!!! Now let’s hope the Court will agree…


    Given that the Sanctions Order grants sanctions for only part of this work, the TNDP Defendants’ counsel has reviewed the time entries and seeks a sanction award for a total number of 61.3 hours, which constitutes under the current, applicable billing rates for the respective attorneys performing the applicable work, a total fee amount of $22,800.

    imagine if orly gets hit with $23k x 15-16 defendants = total needed = $368,000

    well she loaned her “ca campaign” over $200k so she must have the money – but have no fear, she will use this figure to BEG for MORE money –

    woe is MOI, i need $23k x 15-16 defendants cause every judge and official is corrupt and paid off – did you see kansas? he was coerced too – i rest my case – total needed = $368,000

  203. misha says:

    donna: the TNDP Defendants’ counsel has reviewed the time entries and seeks a sanction award for a total number of 61.3 hours, which constitutes under the current, applicable billing rates for the respective attorneys performing the applicable work, a total fee amount of $22,800.

    I left this at NBC’s site:

    Remember the Sharper Image? They sued Consumer Reports over CR’s rating of their air purifier, and lost. CR then sued for defense costs, and won $500K.

    Sharper Image had to liquidate to raise the $500K, which had to be paid in one lump sum.

    That’s why Sharper Image is no more.

    CR had been sued by Bose Audio and Suzuki automobiles previously, and won both lawsuits.

    $20K did not shut up Orly, so it’s going to take a lot more. I am fed up with those malcontents.

    I recommend Freud’s “Civilization and Its Malcontents,” which I have read twice.

  204. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Is anyone else saving up their energy for laughing themselves sick, once Orly’s super-mega-lawsuit gets smacked down? I get the feeling that this is her Waterloo, and that she’ll finally snap like the elastic on a pair of Wayne Knight’s briefs.
    She reminds me of some of history’s craziest dictators. Their plans always escalated to “Saturday morning cartoon villainy” levels of stupid, right before it all came crashing down. I’d say that suing everyone who as ever done so much as look at her funny certainly qualifies!
    I can see the judge now! “So…you’re basically suing everyone who has had to good sense to tell you NO…correct?”

  205. misha says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I get the feeling that this is her Waterloo, and that she’ll finally snap like the elastic on a pair of Wayne Knight’s briefs

    I’m waiting for the public breakdown, when Obama is re-elected. Intrade has him at 66%; 538 has him at 91%.

    When Loretta Lynn literally had a breakdown on stage, I felt sorry for her; she deserved better. When Orly finally cracks up, I will be cheering. I hope cameras are there to record it. Comedy gold.

    Netanyahu, the [NYT] editorial states, is “Trying to browbeat President Obama into a preemptive strike,”,7340,L-4281691,00.html

    Between that and Orly’s antics, you are about to see fireworks.

  206. misha says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Article on anti-Islamic film. Interesting developments:<

    Warning NSFW:,29553/

    No One Murdered Because Of This Image – Following the publication of the image above, in which the most cherished figures from multiple religious faiths were depicted engaging in a lascivious sex act of considerable depravity, no one was murdered, beaten, or had their lives threatened, sources reported Thursday.

  207. misha says:

    Rosh Hashanah starts tomorrow evening, so a healthy and happy new year to everyone.

  208. G says:

    Thank You and to you and yours as well!!! 🙂

    Rosh Hashanah starts tomorrow evening, so a healthy and happy new year to everyone.

  209. misha says:

    Speaking of Rosh Hashanah,

    Jad and Robert pit physics against a bible story with this simple question: could a team of trumpeters really bring down the walls of Jericho?

    Yasha got a bottle of Geritol
    Geritol, Geritol
    Yasha got a bottle of Geritol
    And he knocked a whole in the wall
    That’s all
    No wall – Allan Sherman, music of “Joshua Fit The Battle Of Jericho”

  210. JD Reed says:

    misha: … when Obama is re-elected. Intrade has him at 66%; 538 has him at 91%. .

    My computer was down a few days, and when I got back on I noticed Obama’s Intrade numbers, about 10 percentage points higher than when my computer balked. Any explanation that anybody has given?

  211. misha says:

    JD Reed: Any explanation that anybody has given?

    Mitt Romney.

  212. Majority Will says:

    L’shanah tovah tikatev v’taihatem!

    Rosh Hashanah starts tomorrow evening, so a healthy and happy new year to everyone.

  213. misha says:

    Majority Will: L’shanah tovah tikatev v’taihatem!

    And to bears: Celebrating Rosh Hashanah With…Bears

  214. Majority Will says:

    It bears saying that was grizzly but still a nice Kodiak moment with some of our polar opposites. It could also be panda-ring but just barely.

    misha: And to bears: Celebrating Rosh Hashanah With…Bears

  215. misha says:

    Majority Will: L’shanah tovah tikatev v’taihatem!

    !שה טובה דוב גריזל

  216. Majority Will says:

    !וסלמון טוב

    misha: !שה טובה דוב גריזל

  217. misha says:

    Majority Will: !וסלמון טוב

    Monty Python- Fish Slapping Dance:

  218. misha says:

    Majority Will: but just barely

    “but just bearly”


  219. Majority Will says:

    misha: “but just bearly”


    It’s pun-ishment either way.

  220. JPotter says:

    Just came across this in my local showtimes ….

    TheBlaze Presents Glenn Beck’s Unelectable 2012 2nd Showing

  221. Thomas Brown says:

    misha: Warning NSFW:,29553/

    No One Murdered Because Of This Image – Following the publication of the image above, in which the most cherished figures from multiple religious faiths were depicted engaging in a lascivious sex act of considerable depravity, no one was murdered, beaten, or had their lives threatened, sources reported Thursday.

    That would make for a novel version of “The Aristocrats!”

  222. misha says:

    Thomas Brown: That would make for a novel version of “The Aristocrats!”

    Speaking of “The Aristocrats”:

    Christine O’Donnell to appear in “The Aristocrats”? –

  223. misha says:

    JD Reed: I noticed Obama’s Intrade numbers, about 10 percentage points higher than when my computer balked. Any explanation that anybody has given?

    President Barack Obama’s lead over Republican challenger Mitt Romney among Jewish voters is growing…

    According to the polling data taken between July 1 and September 10, 70 percent of registered Jewish voters plan to vote for President Obama.

    Read on:

  224. G says:

    Agreed! Definitely NSFW, but it also makes a very important point.

    Thomas Brown: misha: Warning NSFW:,29553/
    No One Murdered Because Of This Image – Following the publication of the image above, in which the most cherished figures from multiple religious faiths were depicted engaging in a lascivious sex act of considerable depravity, no one was murdered, beaten, or had their lives threatened, sources reported Thursday.

    That would make for a novel version of “The Aristocrats!”

  225. G says:

    LMAO! Spot on, Misha!

    I’m watching SNL right now and they’ve pretty much been pointing out the same thing all night so far…hilarious how they’ve skewered Mitt! The opening segment has Obama declaring Mitt Romney as his secret campaign weapon to win re-election. ROTFL!

    JD Reed: My computer was down a few days, and when I got back on I noticed Obama’s Intrade numbers, about 10 percentage points higher than when my computer balked. Any explanation that anybody has given?

    misha: Mitt Romney.

  226. JPotter says:

    Ganesha is such a giver. She/he/it gives and she/he/it gives and she/he/it gives …. wide open for Zoroaster to jump on in anytime.

    Or L. Ron Hubbard.

  227. OMG!!! There is MAYHEM in the streets of Manhattan Kansas!!! Oh, the Humanity!!!

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  228. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Ermahgerd! Meyherm!!!

  229. donna says:

    Scribd Launches Editorially-Curated Content Categories

    Scribd, the online PDF and document hosting repository, on Monday announced it was launching editorially curated categories, such as the Election 2012 page, a screenshot of which is shown below:

    under “birthers’

    Taitz Timeline – C7 – Report (12 pages as of 7/13)

  230. donna says:

    Lawsuit filed to get Obama off Vermont ballot over birth eligibility

    The losing candidate in last month’s Republican U.S. Senate primary cites his reading of constitution; state GOP dismisses claim

    Paige, in an interview, said his case relies on the premise that Obama is not a “natural born citizen,” based on a reading of what that term meant to the country’s founders when the Constitution was written.

    “A ‘natural born citizen’ is an individual who is born of parents who were citizens at the time of the person’s birth,” Paige said. He cited the 1758 legal treatise “The Law of Nations” by Emerich de Vattel as the source of the natural-born-citizen definition.

  231. Paige’s lawyer/complaint writer/witness is Mario “The Mangler” Apuzzo, Esq. Since he has never won, I am calling him “The Un-Champ Monster.”

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  232. misha says:

    Romney just lost the election:

    SECRET VIDEO: Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

  233. misha says:

    Romney might as well go home:

    Secret Footage of Romney Was Filmed at Estate of Sex Party-Throwing Hedge Fund Manager


  234. That was my reaction; however, the Romney campaign and the Republicans are defending Romney’s remarks. The 47% who pay no tax number may actually be right with the all the people out of work. Of course, Romney’s base (millionaires) totally agree with what Romney said.

    misha: Romney might as well go home

  235. John Potter says:

    He’s committed to the conservative alternate reality now. This election should be a test of how well that alternative sells, and ultimately, a rejection of it.

    It IS true that a large chunk of the populace pays no net income tax. That’s not a new condition. Income taxes, from their beginning in the civil war, were always progressive (targeted at above-average incomes … the wealthy fight with their wallets, the middle class with their sweat, the poor with their lives). What is new is the far right’s co-option of the white working class into the upper classes hyper-obsession over it. Pointing out that the poor pays no income tax in a vacuum implies they contribute nothing to society. A cruel falsehood! This is the rich expressing denial over the nature of their wealth.

    And the painting of the first “non-white” President as a champion and proponent of welfare, despite his being a self-made man, is its own wheelbarrow of stereotype.

    The Obama campaign has been gifted yet another very fertile hay field!

    Be nice if the media would call this like it is, instead of merely pointing out that “Romney said some awkward stuff” … as if he was merely telling some fat cats what they wanted to hear, rather than expressing his opinion among the ‘safety’ of his own kind LOL.

  236. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I’d LMAO, but since it is The New Yorker, I shall instead put on my monocle and “guffaw” instead. And they said I was crazy, when I bought a “guffawing” monocle! Well, scratch that! Actually they said I was crazy when I told them that all census takers are actually robot death wizards.

    Hey, anyone else notice how Ocrazy seems to have piped down? It’s been several hours and no new squawkings/poopies.

  237. The Magic M says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Hey, anyone else notice how Ocrazy seems to have piped down? It’s been several hours and no new squawkings/poopies.

    Maybe hubby locked her internet for a day because she squandered too much money on her KS trip.

  238. misha says:

    The Magic M: Maybe hubby locked her internet for a day because she squandered too much money on her KS trip.

    Maybe it was the text I sent her: you are being followed

  239. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    That was my reaction; however, the Romney campaign and the Republicans are defending Romney’s remarks. The 47% who pay no tax number may actually be right with the all the people out of work. Of course, Romney’s base (millionaires) totally agree with what Romney said.

    The poorest states in the country – i.e., the states which are most likely to have a large percentage of residents who pay no income taxes – are almost all likely to vote for Romney:

    1 Mississippi
    2 Arkansas
    3 West Virginia
    4 Tennessee
    5 South Carolina
    6 Montana
    7 Kentucky
    8 Alabama
    9 North Carolina
    10 Louisiana

    Romney essentially said that everyone who supports Obama is a freeloader

  240. The Magic M says:

    misha: Maybe it was the text I sent her: you are being followed

    Maybe she took a detour around Tokyo to shake those nasty followers off.

    Then again, I wouldn’t be surprised if the thought “I have followers? Well good to know, after all, it’s all about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”.

  241. Scientist says:

    John Potter: It IS true that a large chunk of the populace pays no net income tax.

    And only a small percentage of those are welfare recipients. Many are retired-if you retire on only Social Security or even on SS + a small pension,you will pay no federal income tax. Or a single mom, with 2 kids, working as a server in a diner, making $25,000/year. How much would Mr Romey and his fat-cat donors suggest these folks ought to pay in income tax? Keeping in mind that they pay FICA (at least the diner waitress does), some state income tax in many states, sales tax and property tax (which, even if you don’t own a house, is figured into your rent).

  242. Sudoku says:

    Jon Stewart did a great job on “class warfare” when republicans were saying they needed to expand the tax base and that 50% of the US doesn’t pay taxes. The lowest 50% of the country only own 1% of the wealth. I cannot access his videos from my current local, but it is worth the watch.

    There is also this PolitiFact article about Michael Moore’s comment that the wealthiest 400 Americans have more wealth than 50% of the country. It was rated “true”.

    John Potter: It IS true that a large chunk of the populace pays no net income tax. That’s not a new condition.

  243. gorefan says:

    Romney and the Hispanic vote:

    I wonder why is he afraid to be seen with Kris Kobash?

  244. Arthur says:

    Wanna’ see a soverign citizen (probably also a birther) get taken down after acting like a prick? Feast your eyes:

    I’m opposed to violence, especially the excessive use of force by police, but somehow this seemed so right.

  245. misha says:

    Arthur: Wanna’ see a soverign citizen (probably also a birther) get taken down after acting like a prick? Feast your eyes:…somehow this seemed so right.

    I thoroughly enjoyed that. Is there any way to embed the video?

    When I was in the Jefferson ER in asthmatic respiratory distress, two police officers brought in a streetwalker who was tasered. She looked like she had been to Afghanistan and back.

  246. G says:

    Yeah, that D-bag was antagonizing the situation every step of the way. Glad to see he got tasered and thrown in jail.

    Wanna’ see a soverign citizen (probably also a birther) get taken down after acting like a prick? Feast your eyes:

    I’m opposed to violence, especially the excessive use of force by police, but somehow this seemed so right.

  247. G says:

    That was a very well written and persuasive article. Recommended reading for everyone! Thanks for sharing that.

    Does ‘Innocence of Muslims’ meet the free-speech test?,0,3112718.story

  248. John Potter says:

    Rickey: Romney essentially said that everyone who supports Obama is a freeloader

    This Obama supporter aparently missed the freeloadin’ classes.


  249. Thomas Brown says:

    I guess when my wife starts collecting the Social Security and Medicare coverage she has earned while working for the same University for 45 years, Rmoney believes that will make her a “government-dependent freeloader.”

    What a tool.

  250. John Potter says:

    That’s rMoney to you, freeloader!

    “An unintentional act or remark causing embarrassment to its originator; a blunder: “an unforgivable social gaffe”.

    This is not a gaffe, in my estimation. Yet, the media insists it is so.

    There may be some other classification ir falls under.

  251. misha says:

    Where did Mitt Romney bury the girl he strangled to death in 1987?

  252. Thrifty says:

    Maybe “Freudian Slip” is a more appropriate term?

    I think the sentence that stuck out the most to me was “It’s not my job to care about these people.”

    John Potter:
    That’s rMoney to you, freeloader!

    “An unintentional act or remark causing embarrassment to its originator; a blunder: “an unforgivable social gaffe”.

    This is not a gaffe, in my estimation. Yet, the media insists it is so.

    There may be some other classification ir falls under.

  253. Thrifty says:

    Romney Apologizes To Nation’s 150 Million ‘Starving, Filthy Beggars’

    I retract my earlier statements about The Onion becoming less funny.

  254. G says:

    ROTFLMAO!!! I’m still wiping tears away from that one…! 😉

    Romney Apologizes To Nation’s 150 Million ‘Starving, Filthy Beggars’

    I retract my earlier statements about The Onion becoming less funny.

    *meh* I found that one to be fairly weak. The Onion does better with full-throttle over-the-top snark, as in the first article. This one failed to provide any in-article content to drive home why Ryan as a savior for the poor is ironic…

    JPotter: Romney Campaign Sends In Champion Of The Poor Paul Ryan For Damage Control

    They’re on a roll!

  255. Thrifty says:

    Yeah I didn’t really like the Paul Ryan one all that much. The other article had such great lines. They just kept hammering the theme of “Romney denigrates poor people” over and over and over again.

    “I know just how hard it must be to get through a miserable, destitute life that is rife with crying babies whose shrieks consistently disrupt the affluent members of society who actually contribute something to this world,” said the GOP candidate, adding that he wanted to make amends for his recent statements and reach out to what he called the country’s “snaggle-toothed street people” and “hell-spawned savages.” “I know it can be challenging to wake each morning, covered in your own feces and refuse, and get back out there on the streets to beg for spare change and food scraps, always one step from dying right there in an alley.”

    ROTFLMAO!!!I’m still wiping tears away from that one…!

    *meh*I found that one to be fairly weak.The Onion does better with full-throttle over-the-top snark, as in the first article. This one failed to provide any in-article content to drive home why Ryan as a savior for the poor is ironic…

  256. donna says:

    tonight, peggy noonan wrote in the wsj:

    Time for an Intervention

    What should Mitt Romney do now? He should peer deep into the abyss. He should look straight into the heart of darkness where lies a Republican defeat in a year the Republican presidential candidate almost couldn’t lose. He should imagine what it will mean for the country, for a great political philosophy, conservatism, for his party and, last, for himself. He must look down unblinkingly.

    The central problem revealed by the tape is Romney’s theory of the 2012 election. It is that a high percentage of the electorate receives government checks and therefore won’t vote for him, another high percentage is supplying the tax revenues and will vote for him, and almost half the people don’t pay taxes and presumably won’t vote for him.

    My goodness, that’s a lot of people who won’t vote for you. You wonder how he gets up in the morning.

    I wrote recently of an imagined rural Ohio woman sitting on her porch, watching the campaign go by. She’s 60, she identifies as conservative, she likes guns, she thinks the culture has gone crazy. She doesn’t like Obama. Romney looks OK. She’s worried about the national debt and what it will mean to her children. But she’s having a hard time, things are tight for her right now, she’s on partial disability, and her husband is a vet and he gets help, and her mother receives Social Security.

    She’s worked hard and paid into the system for years. Her husband fought for his country.

    And she’s watching this whole election and thinking.You can win her vote if you give her faith in your fairness and wisdom. But not if you label her and dismiss her.

    there’s much more and it’s worth reading

  257. donna says:


    Arpaio investigator: Hawaii still covering up for Obama

    Mike Zullo back from another trip to Honolulu with ‘more evidence’
    Published: 3 hours ago

    When Arpaio dispatched Zullo for the second trip, the assignment was kept confidential for Zullo’s safety and to prevent media links. Only Arpaio and the chief deputy of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office were aware of the assignment.

  258. MattR says:


    When Arpaio dispatched Zullo for the second trip, the assignment was kept confidential for Zullo’s safety and to prevent media links. Only Arpaio and the chief deputy of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office were aware of the assignment.

    Is Zullo hiding in some bunker with 24 hour protection when he is in Arizona? If not, I love the implication that Hawaii is some savage wasteland where Zullo will face countless untold dangers he doesn’t have to face at his home.

  259. misha says:

    donna: WND EXCLUSIVE

    I left this in the comments: Where did Mitt Romney bury the girl he strangled to death in 1987?

    Let’s see how soon it is deleted.

  260. donna says:


    can’t you visualize zullo skulking around in hawaii? is he wearing a raincoat, hat and dark glasses?

    gee that wouldn’t make him stand out

    dontcha know that in az he’s under the protection of arpaio’s police dept?

  261. Rickey says:

    Romney Apologizes To Nation’s 150 Million ‘Starving, Filthy Beggars’

    I retract my earlier statements about The Onion becoming less funny.

    On The Daily Show tonight, Jon Stewart showed a clip from “The Simpsons” of Montgomery Burns holding a meeting and synched it to the audio of the Romney tape. Very funny.

  262. misha says:

    donna: is he wearing a raincoat, hat and dark glasses?

    Yeah, and he’s not wearing anything under the raincoat.

  263. G says:

    *yawn* How pitiful that they are still trying to flog their dead horse Swift Boat 2.0 Fail…

    donna: WND EXCLUSIVE
    Arpaio investigator: Hawaii still covering up for Obama
    Mike Zullo back from another trip to Honolulu with ‘more evidence’

    Yes! That was quite hilarious and makes for an indelible image…

    Rickey: On The Daily Show tonight, Jon Stewart showed a clip from “The Simpsons” of Montgomery Burns holding a meeting and synched it to the audio of the Romney tape. Very funny.

  264. gorefan says:

    donna: WND EXCLUSIVE

    For some reason Corsi and WND do not recognize the certificate numbers for the girl born on Aug. 23, 1961 or Stig Waidelich. probably because they ruin their theory.

  265. The Magic M says:

    donna: WND EXCLUSIVE

    Did WND just admit the birthers’ numbering theory was bogus?

    They quote Verna Lee:
    “The birth certificates were kept together in a certain room until we numbered them all in a bunch at the end of the month”

    So there goes “they got their number the day the were filed/accepted”. The only thing WND left open was to ask whether they were numbered by date or, as the evidence points to, alphabetically.

    But didn’t birthers, and WND, claim for years that the number was assigned immediately, not “at the end of the month” as we have always claimed? Didn’t birthers say that theory was “bogus”?

    And if the numbering was made by filing/acceptance date, why was it done at the end of the month? That would make no sense. Numbering at the end of the month would only make sense if it was done in an order different from chronological.

    I wonder if WND will let that stand or if they will scrub it.

  266. bovril says:

    It would appear that Mittens the Muppet got his magical 47% figure from a report from the Census Bureau where it describes how said percentage of household have at least one member who receives at least one governmental benefit……

    What he forgets is this includes…..




    VA Benefits

    Social Security


    Miitary personnel exempted from tax for combat pay

    Mortgage interest tax relief

    Food stamps, Earned Income Tax Credit, Child tax credit

    So, based on that, plus the demographics of Bitter Old White Geezer Party looks lIke MIttens was in fact talking about his “base” mostly……………

  267. The Magic M says:

    bovril: So, based on that, plus the demographics of Bitter Old White Geezer Party looks lIke MIttens was in fact talking about his “base” mostly…

    So next we can expect him to turn a figure of “5% of foreign countries have nuclear weapons” into “5% of foreign countries threaten global extinction and must be destroyed”? Seriously, someone who gets basic statistics so wrong is a potential threat if given too much power. Who knows if he’ll listen to his advisors, or if those have similar “issues” with understanding?

  268. Majority Will says:

    MattR: Is Zullo hiding in some bunker with 24 hour protection when he is in Arizona?If not, I love the implication that Hawaii is some savage wasteland where Zullo will face countless untold dangers he doesn’t have to face at his home.

    Maybe Zullo should stop wearing Greg Brady’s tiki necklace.

  269. donna says:


    there’s more

    Half of US social program recipients believe they “have not used a government social program”

  270. Scientist says:

    donna: Half of US social program recipients believe they “have not used a government social program”

    And this would be a real dilemma for Romney/Ryan, in the increasingly unlikely event that they were to wiin. They would have won thanks to voters who expect them to cut other people’s benefits but not theirs.

  271. misha says:

    misha: I left this in the comments: Where did Mitt Romney bury the girl he strangled to death in 1987? Let’s see how soon it is deleted.

    I now have been permanently banned.

  272. Tarrant says:


    there’s more

    Half of US social program recipients believe they “have not used a government social program”

    This is the real issue here, and the real problem.

    Many conservatives are openly cheering this little speech. Romney has doubled-down on it, saying it was inelegantly stated but absolutely accurate. If you go to Freep you’ll see tons of people cheering and talking about “welfare queens” and blah blah blah.

    When someone brings up Social Security, Medicare, students, veteran’s benefits, and a host of other things, they get shouted down. “Mitt wasn’t talking about THOSE programs!!! He’s talking about the deadbeats!” Well, the only way to reach Romney’s numbers quoted is by including all those people. But much like the Tea Partiers that protested the ACA by saying “Government should stay out of Medicare!”, they don’t believe that THEIR government programs are a problem…in many cases they have convinced themselves or forgotten that they even ARE government programs.

    And Romney knows this. Many on Social Security won’t think “He was talking about me!” They’ll think exactly what the party wants them to think – the Reagan-esque “welfare queen” living large on the backs of taxpayers, and not themselves or the retired veteran living off his pension.

  273. misha says:

    Tarrant: They’ll think exactly what the party wants them to think – the Reagan-esque “welfare queen”

    The term “welfare queen” is most often associated with Ronald Reagan who brought the idea to a national audience. During his 1976 presidential campaign, Reagan would tell the story of a woman from Chicago’s South Side who was arrested for welfare fraud:

    “She has eighty names, thirty addresses, twelve Social Security cards and is collecting veteran’s benefits on four non-existing deceased husbands. And she is collecting Social Security on her cards. She’s got Medicaid, getting food stamps, and she is collecting welfare under each of her names. Her tax-free cash income is over $150,000.”

    In 1976, the New York Times reported that a woman from Chicago, Linda Taylor, was charged with using four aliases and of cheating the government out of $8,000. She appeared again in the newspaper while the Illinois Attorney General continued investigating her case. The woman was ultimately found guilty of “welfare fraud and perjury” in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois.

  274. G says:

    Also, many conservatives simply think “minorities” whenever they think of government benefits…

    Tarrant: This is the real issue here, and the real problem.
    Many conservatives are openly cheering this little speech. Romney has doubled-down on it, saying it was inelegantly stated but absolutely accurate. If you go to Freep you’ll see tons of people cheering and talking about “welfare queens” and blah blah blah.

  275. sfjeff says:

    G: Also, many conservatives simply think “minorities” whenever they think of government benefits…

    Matter of fact I think often that is simply a way of implying ‘minorities’ or more specifically ‘black’ without saying it.

  276. misha says:

    Think the fundies here are nuts?

    Modesty Squad Made Up Of Haredi Women Harasses Seculars And Tourists In Jerusalem

    Instead, haredi modesty patrols have begun to harass shoppers in Mahane Yehuda in a bid to drive away secular shoppers – especially secular women shoppers.

    A Ynet reporter recently watched as an all female haredi modesty squad began to harass secular shoppers:

    Read this:

  277. G says:

    Yes, it is an intentional dog-whistle in that regard.

    sfjeff: Matter of fact I think often that is simply a way of implying ‘minorities’ or more specifically ‘black’ without saying it.

  278. Arthur says:

    Media bypass: ‘Dreams’ mailed to 1 million
    Crucial swing state targeted with ‘true story’ of Obama’s radical origins

    “One million copies of the documentary film that presents evidence Barack Obama’s real father was Communist Party activist Frank Marshall Davis have been mailed to households in the crucial presidential-election swing state Ohio.

    “Filmmaker Joel Gilbert told WND his mass distribution of his documentary ‘Dreams from My Real Father’ is an attempt to bypass an establishment media blackout.”

    I wonder who’s paying for this?

  279. donna says:

    WA – Jordan v Obama – Appeal

    Jordan has filed a Statement of Grounds for Direct Review with the WA Supreme Court

  280. misha says:

    Arthur: Barack Obama’s real father was…Frank Marshall Davis

    Nonsense. It was Darth Vader. He said so: “I am your real father.”

    Arthur: I wonder who’s paying for this?

    Sheldon Adelson

  281. G says:

    Good question on who is paying for that cr@p. Possibly that AZ Tea Party nutter, Tom Ballyntine (sp?). He was the one behind all the other WND/AZ nonsense and I suspect has always been one of the major Birther movement financiers behind the scenes. Or whoever is in league with the Kercheners…

    Either way, if that POS video shows up at my OH house, I’ll let you folks know.

    Media bypass: ‘Dreams’ mailed to 1 million
    Crucial swing state targeted with ‘true story’ of Obama’s radical origins

    “One million copies of the documentary film that presents evidence Barack Obama’s real father was Communist Party activist Frank Marshall Davis have been mailed to households in the crucial presidential-election swing state Ohio.

    “Filmmaker Joel Gilbert told WND his mass distribution of his documentary ‘Dreams from My Real Father’ is an attempt to bypass an establishment media blackout.”

    I wonder who’s paying for this?

  282. Setting aside what is, and instead opting for the hypothetical…

    How many would be in favor of a higher citizenship standard for the President/Commander-in-Chief?

    My experience so far has been that many anti-birthers are not opposed to the possibility of setting the bar higher for those whose responsibilities include civilian leadership of a powerful military.

    I personally believe it’s worth an academic discussion, even though ultimately I don’t know if I would want it changed.

  283. ASK Esq says:

    Bill DuBerger: How many would be in favor of a higher citizenship standard for the President/Commander-in-Chief?

    A higher standard than we already have? After all, naturalized citizens are not eligible, you have to be natural-born. I have no problem with that, but I would have a problem with trying to raise the bar even higher by creating a third type of citizenship.

  284. G says:

    WA – Jordan v Obama – Appeal
    Donna – I got a “404 page not found” error when I tried to access that link.

    Jordan has filed a Statement of Grounds for Direct Review with the WA Supreme Court

  285. misha says:

    News just in – Jesus had a wife

    They registered at Bubbes, Bupkis and Beyond.

    Thank you. I’ll be here all week.

  286. Scientist says:

    Bill DuBerger: How many would be in favor of a higher citizenship standard for the President/Commander-in-Chief?

    In my opinion, the Founders missed the boat by focussing on how one acquires citizenship. Laws ought to be based not on theoretiical conjectures, which is what the discussion above consists of, but data. There is, as far as I am aware, no data whatsoever that naturalized citizens are any less loyal than the natural born. In fact, the converse might well be true, since those who choose a country or a religion may appreciate it more than those who acquire it by an accident of birth.

    Foreign countries that want influence in Washiington don’t waste their time sending their people here to acquire citiizenship and “insinuate themselves into the counsels”, they simply send cash and purchase those with impeccable American credentials. So, I think a ban on having accepted foreign cash, say for the 10 years preceding taking office, would be far more effective than the NBC stuff.

    For that matter, I think the influence of foreign governments concerns me much less than the influence of powerful domestic lobbies, particularly corporate interests. I would favor getting rid of the NBC thing and enacting some very tough laws aganst the buying of influence, which amounts in many cases to legalized bribery, plain and simple.

  287. misha says:

    Mitt Romney’s father, George Romney, was public aid recipient as child after family fled Mexico

    George Romney’s family fled from Mexico in 1912 to escape a revolution there, and benefited from a $100,000 fund established by Congress to help refugees who had lost their homes and most of their belongings.

    “[George Romney] was on welfare relief for the first years of his life. But this great country gave him opportunities,” Lenore Romney said in the video, which apparently dates back to George Romney’s 1962 run for governor of Michigan.

    Read on:

  288. G says:

    I don’t see the need for one, but then again, I think your question at the moment is still to vague (what would “higher” imply, exactly?), in order to form any sort of opinion.

    I’m fine with the existing law as-is. I also can understand the arguments made by Scientist and many others that the NBC clause is antiquated and not of much value.

    But I guess I’m scratching my head at what a “higher citizenship” standard would mean and how in any way, it would be “better”, instead of merely “more restrictive”.

    Nor do I think it is a good idea to create some new 3rd-class of citizenship. Citizenship via virtue of either birth or naturalization works just fine for me.

    Bill DuBerger:
    Setting aside what is, and instead opting for the hypothetical…

    How many would be in favor of a higher citizenship standard for the President/Commander-in-Chief?

    My experience so far has been that many anti-birthers are not opposed to the possibility of setting the bar higher for those whose responsibilities include civilian leadership of a powerful military.

    I personally believe it’s worth an academic discussion, even though ultimately I don’t know if I would want it changed.

  289. Rickey says:

    A birther named Michael Ferguson has filed a ballot challenge in Illinois. Nothing new here – the usual misinterpretation of Minor v. Happersett, etc.

  290. jayHG says:

    Office topic, but did anyone hear that Joe Montgomery aka edge919 is no longer announcer for K-State Marching Band:

    Montgomery was also the announcer for the K-State Marching Band, a position that he no longer holds.

    “Everyone has their opinions, but sometimes you have to be careful with what you say,” said Frank Tracz, director of the band and professor of music. “There is a lot of negativity brought along by this situation, and we decided it was best if he no longer did our announcing.”

    Found this on free republic. They were saying “isn’t Joe Montgomery our own edge 919? Where is he?” and Tex-Con said “I don’t think he’s in a talkative mood these days” or something like that.

  291. LW says:

    Bill DuBerger: How many would be in favor of a higher citizenship standard for the President/Commander-in-Chief?

    If you mean “citizenship” in the sense of the category that used to be on elementary school report cards, I’d be all for it.

  292. LW says:

    jayHG: did anyone hear that Joe Montgomery aka edge919 is no longer announcer for K-State Marching Band:

    As a former band guy, and a current band parent, I say: yay.

  293. gorefan says:

    Butterdezillion is out with a new white paper on birth certificate numbering:

    The only thing I find interesting in the report is that she has apparently located a number of babies who died in July and August 1961. The infant mortality rate must have been high in 1961.

    Other than that the report is a whole bunch of fanciful switching of baby’s certificate numbers.

  294. gorefan says:

    Rickey: A birther named Michael Ferguson has filed a ballot challenge

    This looks more like he wants a criminal investigation for election fraud not just having the name removed from ballot.

  295. Northland10 says:

    LW: If you mean “citizenship” in the sense of the category that used to be on elementary school report cards, I’d be all for it.

    Did somebody get a U in elementary school?

  296. LW says:

    Northland10: Did somebody get a U in elementary school?

    Mitt “The Barber” Romney at Cranbrook? OK, that was high school.

  297. Keith says:

    G: I don’t see the need for one, but then again, I think your question at the moment is still to vague (what would “higher” imply, exactly?), in order to form any sort of opinion.

    The only ‘higher’ sort I could think of would be bred specifically for the job from specially chosen genetic stock. But then we would have a debate on whether to use the ‘Windsor’ model or the ‘Berlin’ model.

  298. It sounds like a solution in search of a problem. The scrutiny of a presidential campaign is a much better measuring tool for a candidate than the circumstances of his birth.

    Bill DuBerger: How many would be in favor of a higher citizenship standard for the President/Commander-in-Chief?

    My experience so far has been that many anti-birthers are not opposed to the possibility of setting the bar higher for those whose responsibilities include civilian leadership of a powerful military.

  299. When I was a marching band announcer (and this was a long time ago), I wasn’t paid.

    jayHG: Montgomery was also the announcer for the K-State Marching Band, a position that he no longer holds.

  300. Benji Franklin says:

    Bill DuBerger: How many would be in favor of a higher citizenship standard for the President/Commander-in-Chief?

    I’d guess about 500 U.S. Citizens – probably very close to the number of genuine birth certificate carrying Birthers out there!

    They already all agree on what that higher standard should be too. Any standard which Obama cannot meet.

  301. John Potter says:

    Benji Franklin: genuine birth certificate carrying Birthers

    … birfer certificate-carryin’ Birfers …

  302. Keith says:

    Etch-a-Sketch strikes again…

    Mitt Romney: ‘My Campaign Is About The 100 Percent’

    “I know I’m not going to get 100 percent of the vote, and my campaign will focus on those people we can think we can bring in to support me,” he continued. “But this is a campaign about helping people that need help.”

    Romney has been fighting since Monday to tamp down outrage over his secretly videotaped remarks at a private fundraiser on the 47 percent of Americans whom he claimed will vote for President Barack Obama because they feel they are “entitled to health care, to food, to housing.”

  303. John Potter says:

    Keith: Etch-a-Sketch strikes again…

    His initial press conference reaction to the “47%” video was priceless. What a tap dance!

  304. Thrifty says:

    Not me. I kinda think that the standards we have now are too high. Not “too high” as in, they present a problem that need to be fixed. Just “too high” as in “not really necessary”. The process of becoming President is extremely long and expensive. Only 2 people in a country of 300 million get a serious shot at it in the final election, and probably about a dozen even get looked at during the pre-nomination phase. It’s not exactly a job which requires us to expand our labor pool.

    Bill DuBerger:
    Setting aside what is, and instead opting for the hypothetical…

    How many would be in favor of a higher citizenship standard for the President/Commander-in-Chief?

    My experience so far has been that many anti-birthers are not opposed to the possibility of setting the bar higher for those whose responsibilities include civilian leadership of a powerful military.

    I personally believe it’s worth an academic discussion, even though ultimately I don’t know if I would want it changed.

  305. G says:

    Good points. IMHO, it is not the citizenship clause which is a concern, but campaign finance reform, which is sorely needed.

    Thrifty: Just “too high” as in “not really necessary”. The process of becoming President is extremely long and expensive. Only 2 people in a country of 300 million get a serious shot at it in the final election, and probably about a dozen even get looked at during the pre-nomination phase. It’s not exactly a job which requires us to expand our labor pool.

  306. John Potter says:

    “Cut and paste something you don’t understand, from some wacko site, it is not really posting facts.”

    Dimbulb Birfer “gginc” posting at amazon forums

  307. Thrifty says:

    Birtherism joke at The Onion: “What about that Whole Birth Certificate Thing?” Romney Suggests to Staff.

    I guess it’s sort of a multi-layered joke, referring less to Birtherism and more to the Romney campaign’s desperation to regain its footing after his the incident earlier this week.

  308. donna says:

    Hedges vs. D’Souza: “Obama’s America: 2016”

    Since it first screened at a theater in Houston in July, the low-budget documentary was heavily promoted by Houston-based conservative talk show host, Michael Berry after which it spread by word of mouth and opened in even more theaters locally and then nationally. 2016: Obama’s America has since been endorsed by Glenn Beck, Rupert Murdoch and others. In fact Murdoch tweeted the following after watching the film: “Truly scary if no answer. Every voter should see and decide for self what future they want for America.”

    But Entertainment Weekly’s Owen Gleiberman has called the film “an outrageously unsubstantiated act of character assassination,” which espouses “the standard right-wing argument that Obama has always been out to hide what a radical he is,” and the “underlying message is that Obama is a stranger, a man you “don’t know,” a refugee from another land, another culture,” and that “[d]eep down, he’s an angry Third World upstart just like his father.”

  309. Thrifty says:

    Yeesh. Obama’s Intrade odds are up to 70%.

  310. donna says:

    for lovers (like MOI) of the former series “WEST WING”

    A Very Political ‘West Wing’ Reunion ON YOUTUBE

    The gang’s all here! In a political ad for Bridget Mary McCormack, a candidate for Michigan’s Supreme Court, the cast of Aaron Sorkin#$%$ drama reunited to encourage residents to vote.

    The missing link?

    Mary Catherine McCormack, the candidate’s sister, player National Security Adviser Kate Harper on the series.


    entitled: Walk and Talk the Vote – West Wing Reunion – Bridget Mary McCormack

    new on wing nutzzz daily:

    Are Obama insiders secretly making retirement plans for the Obamas with the expectation the president will lose his bid for re-election in November?

    The source told WND that highly confidential internal polls conducted by the Obama campaign indicate Obama cannot win re-election, despite public surveys that show him in the lead. “The public polls are mostly political,” the source argued. “Obama radicals want Romney supporters to feel discouraged and give up. Truth is that Romney’s winning.”

  311. LW says:

    On the bright side, apparently the current GOP candidate is so enthusiastic about race relations that he’ll even dye himself to suit the occasion.

  312. G says:

    Yeah, what was up with that weird dark “fake tan” that he put on for his Univision interview?

    How tone deaf can one be to think that giving the appearance of appearing in “brown face” to a latino audience, wouldn’t be noticed and come across as an offensively sleazy way to “pander” to them…

    His campaign is so bad at times that it invokes Poe’s Law…it is almost hard to believe that they aren’t knowingly sabatoging themselves at every turn…

    On the bright side, apparently the current GOP candidate is so enthusiastic about race relations that he’ll even dye himself to suit the occasion.

  313. Dave B. says:

    Just shutting that hooftrap of his every once in a while might do him more good than anything. It seems to be the source of most of his problems.

    On the bright side, apparently the current GOP candidate is so enthusiastic about race relations that he’ll even dye himself to suit the occasion.

  314. G says:

    For those that don’t know what we’re talking about and haven’t seen the image of Romney’s unbelievably bad “brown face tan” for his Univision latino audience, here’s a good picture:

    Seriously, Romney. WTF??!?

    Yeah, what was up with that weird dark “fake tan” that he put on for his Univision interview?

    How tone deaf can one be to think that giving the appearance of appearing in “brown face” to a latino audience, wouldn’t be noticed and come across as an offensively sleazy way to “pander” to them…

    His campaign is so bad at times that it invokes Poe’s Law…it is almost hard to believe that they aren’t knowingly sabatoging themselves at every turn…

  315. misha says:

    Thrifty: Yeesh.Obama’s Intrade odds are up to 70%.

    As I write, Intrade has Obama at 69.7%; Nate Silver has Obama at 94.4%.

  316. G says:

    Indeed! Then again, the professional comedians are loving it…so much endless material.

    Who would have thought that someone as stiff, boring and lacking in charisma or empathy could provide such endless late night fodder… 😉

    Speaking of which – FYI to everyone: SNL is running weekly Thursday night “political comedy” episodes during this election season.

    The first one is tonight at 8:00pm. The show runs for a half-hour.

    I’m sure Romney’s antics of this week will provide a lot of their material, as it did on their hilarious Saturday night opener from last weekend.

    Dave B.:
    Just shutting that hooftrap of his every once in a while might do him more good than anything.It seems to be the source of most of his problems.

  317. G says:

    Just so folks aren’t confused, the 94.4% prediction for Obama can be found on the “Now Cast” tab on Nate Silver’s site.

    The “Nov 6” Presidential tab still shows 75.2% for Obama.

    If anyone is confused about why such a difference, the “Now Cast” is based on where the polling stands today. The “Nov 6” forcast has to be more hedging and conservative in its projection, as there are still 6 weeks (and 3 debates) for Romney to “theoretically” improve his standing…

    For those looking at the intrade figures, the betting for Obama & Romney are the top two “Hot Market” items listed. There are also a lot of other political Senate races being bet upon. SO it is well worth bookmarking and checking out:

    Right Now, Obama is going at 69.5% chance and Romney is 30.5%.

    Highest bid for Obama share is $6.95 right now, where Romney is only $3.03… so expect Romeny to continue to lose value…

    misha: As I write, Intrade has Obama at 69.7%; Nate Silver has Obama at 94.4%.

  318. From the mail bag:

    I see you still support the creature in the White House…golfer ( gofer?) in Chief.

    There are two choices- one can stand with humanity or one can stand with the oligarchs who are wrecking the planet. You have made your choice, aligning with the genocidalists. Have you always supported the racist Planned Parenthood? Or de-industrialization that will murder untold millions (carbon taxes)?

    Looks like to me you dont belong in civilization. You are unpatriotic scum, just rotten partisan trash.

    Wonder where he got the Planned Parenthood thing?

  319. Dave B. says:

    But he’s going to have to say something during those debates, isn’t he?


    The “Nov 6″ forcast has to be more hedging and conservative in its projection, as there are still 6 weeks (and 3 debates) for Romney to “theoretically” improve his standing…

  320. misha says:

    “Looks like to me you dont belong in civilization. You are unpatriotic scum, just rotten partisan trash.”

    Why, thank you. I try.

  321. donna says:

    doc: Wonder where he got the Planned Parenthood thing?


    i wonder what the jerk’s alcohol level is

  322. misha says:

    donna: i wonder what the jerk’s alcohol level is

    No, he just needs lithium.

  323. MattR says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Wonder where he got the Planned Parenthood thing?

    Not sure if this is a serious question or not, but if it is – there is a right wing meme that since Planned Parenthoods are located disproportionately in minority nieghborhoods and blacks comprise a disproportionate amount of the abortions performed by Planned Parenthood, it is really a plot to decrease or eliminate the black population in United States. It is of course laughable and ignores the socioeconomic factors that go into where Planned Parenthood sets up clinics as well as who have abortions there.

  324. I don’t know if you caught Stephen Colbert’s bit this week about the Romney 47% remark. Colbert embraced what Romney said, and put on a silk hat and tails. He then tossed shrimp to the masses looking for a handout, a child, an old person, a soldier…

    What is especially ironic about that scene is that shrimp, according to a special report on the PBS News Hour is imported mainly from Thailand where it is processed by illegal immigrants, children and exploited labor.

    G: Indeed! Then again, the professional comedians are loving it…so much endless material.

  325. G says:

    de-industrialization??? WTF??? That whole post is a whole hot mess of stupid.

    Dr. Conspiracy: From the mail bag:
    I see you still support the creature in the White House…golfer ( gofer?) in Chief.
    There are two choices- one can stand with humanity or one can stand with the oligarchs who are wrecking the planet. You have made your choice, aligning with the genocidalists. Have you always supported the racist Planned Parenthood? Or de-industrialization that will murder untold millions (carbon taxes)?
    Looks like to me you dont belong in civilization. You are unpatriotic scum, just rotten partisan trash.

    😉 After the debates, I expect Romney’s poll numbers to really crater (as much as they can in this deeply partisan & ODS-suffering environment)

    Dave B.:
    But he’s going to have to say something during those debates, isn’t he?

  326. G says:

    LMAO! Yes I did! I was laughing so hard! (I couldn’t believe that one guy caught the 2nd shrimp in his mouth too…)

    Jon Stewart was also great – really skewered Fox News. I’m excited to see his upcoming debate with Bill O’Reilley. It sold out quickly. I think it will be on Oct 6 and viewable online…for $4.95. Stewart is giving his part of the proceeds all to charity.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I don’t know if you caught Stephen Colbert’s bit this week about the Romney 47% remark. Colbert embraced what Romney said, and put on a silk hat and tails. He then tossed shrimp to the masses looking for a handout, a child, an old person, a soldier…

    What is especially ironic about that scene is that shrimp, according to a special report on the PBS News Hour is imported mainly from Thailand where it is processed by illegal immigrants, children and exploited labor.

  327. G says:

    Wow… ironic indeed! I didn’t know that.

    BTW – The 8pm SNL “thursday” special had quite the Fox News & Romney smackdown for its opening segment…and further slammed Romney in the first news update too. I hope they put that episode online at their site for those who might have missed it. Great stuff!

    Dr. Conspiracy: What is especially ironic about that scene is that shrimp, according to a special report on the PBS new hour is imported mainly from Thailand where it is processed by illegal immigrants, children and exploited labor.

  328. Thrifty says:

    After the debates, I expect Romney’s poll numbers to really crater (as much as they can in this deeply partisan & ODS-suffering environment)

    I was looking forward to the debates before, but after Monday’s debacle, I can hardly wait.

    First one is October 3rd, right?

  329. Thrifty says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I don’t know if you caught Stephen Colbert’s bit this week about the Romney 47% remark. Colbert embraced what Romney said, and put on a silk hat and tails. He then tossed shrimp to the masses looking for a handout, a child, an old person, a soldier…

    He tossed shrimp out willy-nilly into the studio audience? I sure hope his cleaning crew is thorough.

  330. G says:

    You should see how the Scots “across the pond” are reacting to Romney’s statement…

    Romney really has been quite the turd. To see such international allies already use him as such a joke punchline says a lot…

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I don’t know if you caught Stephen Colbert’s bit this week about the Romney 47% remark. Colbert embraced what Romney said, and put on a silk hat and tails. He then tossed shrimp to the masses looking for a handout, a child, an old person, a soldier…

    What is especially ironic about that scene is that shrimp, according to a special report on the PBS News Hour is imported mainly from Thailand where it is processed by illegal immigrants, children and exploited labor.

  331. LW says:

    G: Just so folks aren’t confused, the 94.4% prediction for Obama can be found on the “Now Cast” tab on Nate Silver’s site.

    The “Nov 6″ Presidential tab still shows 75.2% for Obama.

    OK, thanks! I saw the 90+ number quoted by someone on HuffPo, too, and thought they were just pulling numbers out of nowhere, given that Silver had just tweeted “76.1”.

    So I was surprised to see Misha quoting the same much higher number… now I know why.

  332. Thrifty says:

    “It’s like Romney jazz man! It’s the words you don’t hear!”

    “This inartfully stated liberal smear is an accurate expression of Mitt Romney’s political message and it is a win for Romney.”


    G: Jon Stewart was also great – really skewered Fox News.

  333. Majority Will says:

    Will Romney cozy up to Latinos by asking them to call him Juan Percent?

  334. Rickey says:

    Thrifty: He tossed shrimp out willy-nilly into the studio audience?I sure hope his cleaning crew is thorough.

    No, it was a group of staffers (I presume) who lined up on the stage. A few of them caught the shrimp in their mouths.

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