Birther activist joins Romney press cohort

Rachel Maddow did a wonderful segment on her program about what she calls the “conservative media bubble” and attributes such in-bred thinking for Mitt Romney’s major debate gaffe disbelieving Obama when he said that he lad labeled the Libya embassy attack an “act of terror” the day after it happened.  She talked about conservatives holding to contrafactual views because it makes them feel comfortable. The segment was titled “Right-wing truthers lead Romney to debate disaster.”

The lead in was the appearance of Where’s the Real Birth Certificate author Jerome Corsi as part of the accredited press corps traveling with the Romney campaign. Maddow barely scratches the surface of available examples of the nuttiness of Corsi and the online tabloid web site he works for, WorldNetDaily.’s Dylan Byers broke the story and did a feature on the Corsi appearance on the Romney plane. I’ll be interested to see what if anything the Romney Campaign does in response to these news stories: defend the freedom of the press, or throw Corsi under the bus out the emergency exit without a parachute.

We see the same insular news sources in birtherism all the time, where they actually believe that Sheriff Arpaio conducted a real police investigation, that everybody was taught in Civics class that US Presidents must have citizen parents, Ann Dunham posed nude for Frank Marshall Davis in 1960, and that Obama stole the social-security number of a guy born in Connecticut in 1890.

Maddow made the quote of the day when she said:

Do not confuse your WorldNetDaily-caliber conservative therapeutic alternative reality fantasy babble for what actually happened.

Of course, debate gaffe’s are not all that important in my book. What is important is that those who actually govern us (not to be confused with political candidates) do so based on the best available facts, and not what they tell each other.

Here’s the video from Maddow’s show:


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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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16 Responses to Birther activist joins Romney press cohort

  1. donna says:

    she has the very best research dept and when she errs she quickly discloses it

  2. Bob says:

    Excellent. She’s very good at articulating the issues.

    I remember Rachel Maddow’s first day on Air America and being impressed by her.

  3. Bob says:

    WND’s target audience seems to frequently misunderstand what the authors of articles are even trying to say. Everything gets confused for them because so much of the content is just innuendo or ridiculously hyperbolic.

    This article for instance:


    The comments are all over the place, irrelevant, and thus completely pointless. They don’t even agree on the content of the article. I’ve wondered if the editors try to be confusing on purpose.

  4. They most certainly do.

    Bob: I’ve wondered if the editors try to be confusing on purpose.

  5. ASK Esq says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: They most certainly do.
    Bob: I’ve wondered if the editors try to be confusing on purpose.

    Doc, I must respectfully disgree. There is no need to assume malicious intent when sheer incompetence is the likely explanation.

  6. Underdog says:

    Mittens clearly needs a new fact checker after the last debate, we should listen carefully in the next one for references to the ‘gay’ marriage/praise Allah ring.

  7. Horus says:

    When President Obama said “Please proceed Governor”, we knew Romney was toast.

  8. WND headlines often say things not supported by the articles and they hide important facts until the very end. I go with intent.

    ASK Esq: Doc, I must respectfully [disagree[. There is no need to assume malicious intent when sheer incompetence is the likely explanation.

  9. donna says:

    Horus: we knew Romney was toast.

    it’s interesting cause i knew that but apparently the right wing nutzz thought the opposite

    obama said “please proceed, governor” (with the lay-up and i’ll come in for the 3-pointer

    did you see jon stewart “on How Obama Allowed Romney to Proceed into a Wall”?

    Jon Stewart reviewed Tuesday’s debate last night on The Daily Show, and with Libya attack, the one spot Mitt Romney could’ve had “an ace in the hole,” Romney flubbed and ended up looking like Wile E. the Coyote the Coyote to Barack Obama’s roadrunner.

    Romney asked why the U.S. didn’t know it was a terrorist attack. Obama responded by saying he told the American people the day after the attack that it was an act of terrorism, which was good and forceful “but still does not fully explain the colossal confusion-fueled f**k-ups that were Benghazi.” Romney still had a chance…that is, “as long as Romney doesn’t inexplicably walk into some weird, nitpicky semantic trap that hadn’t even really been set.”

    Romney seemed to doubt that Obama said it was an act of terror at all. Obama’s response? Please proceed, Governor. “There’s your first clue,” Stewart said. “When you’re feel you’re about to spring what you, Governor Romney, think is the checkmate moment of the debate, and your debate opponent says to you, ‘Please, proceed,’ ‘Hold on, are you trying to open that door? Let me open it wider. The door you appear to want to walk through.

    “You might want wonder if, a la Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner, that door your opponent your door is pointing to is merely paint on a rock.” And indeed, Romney got fact-checked: Moderator Candy Crowley confirmed that Obama said it was an act of terror.

  10. Keith says:

    Mittens clearly needs a new fact checker after the last debate, we should listen carefully in the next one for references to the ‘gay’ marriage/praise Allah ring.

    You aren’t suggesting that Mitt ‘flip’ his position about needing fact checkers are you? Not ‘Mr. Consistency’ Rom…? What?


    Never mind.

  11. Bernard says:

    Not every reporter is lucky enough to get credentialed to be part of the Romney press pool, especially when his “paper” is neither on paper nor broadcast but only on the internet. Corsi got into this elite group only because someone in the Romney inner circle worked some magic for him, which suggests that Romney’s people believe that Corsi will be especially helpful to Romney.

  12. Joe Acerbic says:

    ASK Esq: There is no need to assume malicious intent when sheer incompetence is the likely explanation.

    Those are not mutually exclusive, especially in the case of Whirled Nuts Daily.

  13. Soebarkah says:

    Candy Crowley went on record after the debate and admitted she was the one that made the gaffe in a blatant attempt to cover for Obama. In reality the entire Obama Admin went on for 2 weeks trying to convince the American people this was an uncoordinated uprising over some You Tube video. Candy Crowley did her best to cover for him but any half wit viewing the debate that night knew better.

  14. gorefan says:

    Soebarkah: Candy Crowley went on record after the debate


  15. donna says:


    gee where to begin – 3 TIMES in 2 DAYS obama said “act(s) of terror” beginning in the rose garden

    why don’t you pull up the debate transcript and see how candy gave EACH of them a lifeline in her comment?

    any halfwit? charlie cook of the cook report wrote today: No doubt Republicans were kicking themselves on Wednesday morning after the second debate over how badly Romney muffed the Libya question.

  16. Northland10 says:

    Soebarkah: any half wit viewing the debate that night knew better.

    So, are you claiming your a half-wit? Okay. Who am I to argue.

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