Obama birth certificate appears in Frontline documentary

Last evening, PBS aired “The Choice 2012,” a program from the acclaimed documentary series Frontline, examining the early years and development of both Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. The narration about Barack Obama’s birth was accompanied by panning close-up images of the long-form birth certificate. (This appears just past the 17 minute mark.)

The documentary was insightful, and I learned some things about both candidates. The Obama portion appeared to rely heavily on David Maraniss’ book, Barack Obama: The Story.

Watch the program:


Watch The Choice 2012 on PBS. See more from FRONTLINE.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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11 Responses to Obama birth certificate appears in Frontline documentary

  1. sfjeff says:

    I really liked the program- I thought it really presented interesting information about both candidates.

    I thought the part about Romney being a bishop in Boston was very interesting- and if he was any other denomination other than Mormon that would come up more- I think it shows a personal side to Mitt.

    Good show- shows what kind of quality info PBS puts out there.

  2. The Mormons don’t have a paid professional clergy, so it’s really something different than, say, a Catholic bishop.

    sfjeff: I thought the part about Romney being a bishop in Boston was very interesting- and if he was any other denomination other than Mormon that would come up more- I think it shows a personal side to Mitt.

  3. sfjeff says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: The Mormons don’t have a paid professional clergy, so it’s really something different than, say, a Catholic bishop.

    yeah- I rather rushed my comments- I thought what his role as bishop entailed and that he spent 20-30 hours a week working with parishioners was very interesting- and very humanizing. If he was a mainstream Protestant, this would have been part of the story that Mitt told.

    Oh and the part of hardships of his grandfather and father- and how that also is skipped over because of the polygamy issue.

    I say this not because I think these are bad things- or that I think that Romney should care about these things but about what it says about politics in America.

  4. I think the spreadsheet said that he’d get move votes by not talking about that stuff.

    sfjeff: I say this not because I think these are bad things- or that I think that Romney should care about these things but about what it says about politics in America.

  5. Jordan says:

    Obama was most likely born in the USA, what he is hiding is that he is Frank Marshall Davis Jr., a Muslim with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and his whole life has been created to bring down the “great satan”, America.

    Even the worst gambler on the planet could not get every single thing (bet) wrong in 4 straight years. So it begs the question…..is it deliberate?

  6. Not sure what that means, nor who got what wrong. The only thing that is consistently wrong is the conspiracy theories about Obama.

    Jordan: Even the worst gambler on the planet could not get every single thing (bet) wrong in 4 straight years. So it begs the question…..is it deliberate?

  7. Scientist says:

    Jordan: Even the worst gambler on the planet could not get every single thing (bet) wrong in 4 straight years

    The stock market is way up and unemployment is down. The Yankees won a great one last night. A lot seems right to me…..

  8. Thomas Brown says:

    Obama was most likely born in the USA, what he is hiding is that he is Frank Marshall Davis Jr., a Muslim with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and his whole life has been created to bring down the “great satan”, America.

    Even the worst gambler on the planet could not get every single thing (bet) wrong in 4 straight years.So it begs the question…..is it deliberate?

    1) Obama was definitely, not probably, born in the USA.

    2) Frank Marshall Davis was NOT his father. That’s wingnut horse guano. And where do you get off essentially calling the President’s dead mother a slut? Shame on you.

    3) Davis had no involvement whatsoever with the Muslim Brotherhood.

    4) If you mean that Obama is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, then you’re even crazier. He is a red-blooded American, a Christian, a brilliant scholar, and a good father and husband. You aren’t fit to tie his shoes.

    5) The only people getting anything wrong is Birthers, who are the moral and political equivalent of intestinal bacteria. Yourself included.

  9. Northland10 says:

    You might want to see Orly’s legal record.

    Obama was most likely born in the USA, what he is hiding is that he is Frank Marshall Davis Jr., a Muslim with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and his whole life has been created to bring down the “great satan”, America.

    Even the worst gambler on the planet could not get every single thing (bet) wrong in 4 straight years.So it begs the question…..is it deliberate?

  10. JPotter says:

    Jordan: Even the worst gambler on the planet could not get every single thing (bet) wrong in 4 straight years. So it begs the question…..is it deliberate?

    This is the classic gambler’s fallacy, that the probabilities of a specific instance are influenced by the outcomes of other instances.

    You’re not talking about a random selection of a wide-ranging body of legal work, but rather god-knows-how-many instances of the same ridiculous “case”. And it’s a “case” only in the sense in that it has been filed in courts of law (much to their dismay).

    If you make the same bonehead play in 1 sportsbook or 1 million sportsbooks, you aren’t more likely to win with the placing of each additional wager, you’re simply digging in deeper.

    Wrong is wrong no matter how many times presented.

    Objectively, is the stupid made less stupid by repetition? (subjectively, this question deserves a very depressing answer).

  11. Stanislaw says:

    Obama was most likely born in the USA, what he is hiding is that he is Frank Marshall Davis Jr., a Muslim with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and his whole life has been created to bring down the “great satan”, America.

    Even the worst gambler on the planet could not get every single thing (bet) wrong in 4 straight years.So it begs the question…..is it deliberate?

    As usual, I have to call Poe’s Law on this one.

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