Obama’s ring

President Obama wears a gold band on his left hand. From his Harvard school days comes a humorous statement from a satirical Harvard student publication written by Obama about the ring:

Latest Accomplishments: … Deflecting Persistent Questioning about Ring On Left Hand.

The ring appeared in photos as early as 1987 [1981 – see update at the end of this article] when young Obama traveled to Kenya to meet relatives and visit the grave of his father.

WorldNetDaily’s Jerome Corsi has come up with a tale that there is an Arabic inscription about Allah or something on the ring (thoroughly debunked on the Urban Legends site). That suggestion is absurd on the face of it; if Obama were a closet Muslim, he’d never wear a ring that could be blown up to the size of a watermelon by any photographer with a foot-long telephoto lens. Corsi makes lots of stuff up, although I think this is originally the product of fellow smear author Joel Gilbert.

Conspiracy theory thinking

I think this is a very informative story about the mental defects in conspiracy thinking. There are excellent close-up photos of Obama’s ring out there, but Jerome Corsi at WND relies on photos blown up beyond their original resolution to add noise to them. In reality there’s nothing whatever written on the ring — just a regular flat wavy line pattern. Here’s the Corsi imagination photo:


Here’s what a clear photo (Free Republic, 2009) looks like:

imageWhat’s informative is that conspiracy thinkers are very good at imposing patterns where there are none, or in this case imagining information where there is just a regular wave pattern, with a little noise due to blur and glare in the photos. Conspiracy thinkers fill in the blanks with imagination. There’s nothing wrong with imagination so long as the mental facilities exist to filter out nonsense — conspiracy thinkers like Corsi lack that.

The same imagination gone awry in this article is found all through Corsi’s writing, from finding imaginary smiley faces in Onaka’s signature on the long-form birth certificate, to finding significance in people Obama has known over the years.

This silliness about the ring is emblematic for the birther movement as a whole.

Speculation, all speculation

Because it is pretty much all speculation where the ring came from, and the Arabic writing business has been completely debunked at the Urban Legends site, I might have just ignored the story completely except for the fact that I took some photos of Obama’s ring myself, and thought I would share them, for what it’s worth. Jerome Corsi has said that Obama replaced his ring with a generic patterned one after Corsi exposed the writing. My photos were taken October 17, 2011, a year before Corsi’s article was published.


imageI think I’ll go with the tourist souvenir theory for now. A commenter here pointed out that this style looks like a popular East African design of an elephant hair bracelet. Here’s an example of the elephant hair design in a ring.

WAIT, I think I can make out some writing, only it’s not Arabic, but Reformed Egyptian. I think it says “Corsi is a nut case.”


I have traced Obama’s ring back even further to his time at Occidental College around 1981. That is the year that he traveled to Indonesia to visit his mother and sister (and made his famous side-trip to Pakistan). It is clearly visible in a photo from that time:


Photo from PBS Frontline video “The Choice 2012.”

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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171 Responses to Obama’s ring

  1. sfjeff says:

    Dr. Hysteria: Did they mention the ring?http://www.wnd.com/2012/10/obamas-ring-there-is-no-god-but-allah/?cat_orig=us

    Oddly enough frontline didn’t refer to WND even once.

    However they did have real sources talking about real things from both Mitt and Obama’s backgrounds.

  2. ASK Esq says:

    Well, it was bound to happen, but WND has now gone totally, irrevocably, around the bend. The esteemed Jerome Corsi has an article that PROVES that Obama’s wedding ring, which is apparently a ring he wore (oddly, I admit) on his left hand long before he even knew Michelle, says, in Arabic “There is no God but Allah.” they get an anti-Islam “expert” to prove this. Of course, if you look at the photos they included in the article, you see that he simply drew Arabic letters over what is simply a wavy pattern on the ring. I have seen it pointed out previously that Arabic letters are such that random patterns can look like words in Arabic, but this is ridiculous.


    The other ridiculous story the birthers are hyping is that, as a child, Obama told his schoolmates in Hawaii that he was either Kenyan royalty or an Indonesian prince. Of course, a child telling wild stories is proof of…well, it must be proof of something.

  3. James M says:

    Dr. Hysteria:

    So if that ring is some common Muslim thing, it should be easy to locate another specimen.

  4. donna says:

    a close-up of obama’s ring

    More On Obama’s Ring


    according to an online arabic translator for “There is no god except Allah.”, i found:

    “لا اله الا الله”.

    wiki has a page on allah: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allah

  5. ASK Esq: a ring he wore (oddly, I admit) on his left hand long before he even knew Michelle

    I began wearing a ring on my left ring finger, when I became engaged. It’s common in Taiwan for men to wear an engagement ring, as women do.

    ASK Esq: in Arabic “There is no God but Allah.”

    From Hebrew, I know some Arabic. It says, “I got your ring right here.”

  6. If you have to source WND for a story, you’re pretty much lost from the start.

    Obama has worn the ring at least since his days at Harvard. Nobody that I know of who really knows anything says that it’s what WND claims.

    Dr. Hysteria: Did they mention the ring?

  7. Dr. Hysteria says:

    I sure don’t see no writin’ on your ring photos, but looks like you’ve only got one side of the ring pictured.

    Maybe Loren Collins can figger it all out; this is a Gilbert mystery sure to put some salam in his alekim!


  8. American Mzungu says:

    It reminds me of a braided design based on “elephant tail” bracelets that were very common in East Africa. I Googled elephant hair ring, and that braided look shows up in gold, sometimes even mixing elephant hair with gold.

  9. Dr. Hysteria: sure to put some salam in his alekim!

    Did you mean, ‘sure to put some salami in his ale, kimchi’?

  10. ASK Esq says:

    The Islam “expert” WND used is Mark A. Gabriel. He was born to a Muslim family in Egypt, converted to Christianity, got a few bogus degrees, and is now an outspoken critic of Islam. They also say that noted liar and retroactive mockumentary producer Joel Gilbert is also fluent in Arabic and a Middle East expert. At some point, Farah should realize the depth of the hole he’s digging himself into, and the fact that, at some point, it started being used for a latrine. But I think it more likely that he’ll just keep doubling down until even his own followers start to back away.

  11. American Mzungu says:

    The braided elephant hair design also shows up in Asian jewelry, based on Asian elephant tail hair rather than African elephant hair. It is supposed to bring good luck, according to Googled articles.

  12. Keith says:

    American Mzungu:
    It reminds me of a braided design based on “elephant tail” bracelets that were very common in East Africa.I Googled elephant hair ring, and that braided look shows up in gold, sometimes even mixing elephant hair with gold.


    It looks like the essential pattern is that the strand or strands of hair are bound by a ‘binding knot’; of some kind to join the ends. If there are multiple strands, there are likely to be multiple ‘knots’ to keep the strands gathered. This is exactly how Obama’s ring looks like to me. Except that Elephant hair appears to be black.

    Actual Elephant hair is now illegal for export, so manufacturers are using Giraffe hair instead. Or copper. Or brass. Or silver. Or gold.

  13. donna says:

    thanks doc

    it turns my stomach that they even disparage his ring – a ring important enough to him that he’s worn it for decades

    i wear lots of jewelry i find attractive – some with asian letters

    god knows what the words say

  14. LW says:

    Oh, that sneaky beer-drinking, pork-eating, not-going-to-mosque-ing, daughter-baptizing, Christian church-attending Muslim.

  15. I don’t know about Arabic, but he lies fluently in English.

    ASK Esq: They also say that noted liar and retroactive mockumentary producer Joel Gilbert is also fluent in Arabic and a Middle East expert.

  16. donna: some with asian letters
    god knows what the words say

    “I am a running dog of the west”

  17. American Mzungu: It is supposed to bring good luck

    For good luck, kiss a duck.

  18. donna: i wear lots of jewelry i find attractive – some with asian letters
    god knows what the words say

    “My parents went to China and all I got was this lousy ring”

  19. Arthur says:

    “We wants it, we needs it. Must have the Precious. He stole it from us. Sneaky little Obama! Wicked, tricksy, false!” — Jerome Corsi

  20. Stephen says:

    Actually the ring says “One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.” This proves that he is trying to overthrough our government and dominate the American people.

  21. donna says:

    i would be more concerned about the mormon “white horse prophecy” and the mormon’s “lying for the lord” than what obama’s ring says

    we already know that when the mormon church issues a directive, their flock hops to it or face excommunication

  22. Joe Acerbic says:

    Corsi is a lying sack of exrement. Not exactly sensational breaking news.

  23. Stephen: “One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.”

    I know some Arabic from Hebrew. It says, “I can get it for you wholesale.”

  24. Stephen: “One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.” This proves that he is trying to overthrough our government and dominate the American people.

    Gotta jump down spin around
    Pick a dress of cotton
    Gotta jump down spin around
    Pick a dress of wool

    Here’s what I’ve been looking for
    A genuine copy
    Of a fake Dior

    This proves Obama is trying to subvert retailers, and destroy businesses. They’re clever, those Africans. I heard it directly from Allan Sherman.

  25. Joe Acerbic: Corsi is a lying sack of exrement.

    Corsi is a walking outhouse.

  26. donna: i would be more concerned about the mormon “white horse prophecy”

    Since I know Hebrew, it’s a mistranslation.

    The correct translation is “white whores prophecy.”

  27. ZixiOfIx says:

    ASK Esq:
    (snip) which is apparently a ring he wore (oddly, I admit) on his left hand long before he even knew Michelle(snip)

    May I ask why it’s odd? Odd because Obama wore a ring on his “wedding finger” before he was married? Odd because his wedding ring may have been a family piece? Odd for some other reason?

    To me, it points to the ring possibly being a sentimental thing – maybe a family piece, being worn on the finger it comfortably fit on. If he continued to wear it after marriage as a wedding ring, that isn’t all that odd, either. I can’t count the number of people I know whose engagement rings or wedding bands were from family members.

    If it is because he wore it on the “ring finger” before he was married, many men (and a lot of women) don’t follow the “rules” where it comes to jewelry, assuming they are even aware of such things. The “rule” about wearing silver and gold at the same time is broken all the time.

    I wouldn’t even come close to calling this odd. No more than married men who don’t wear wedding bands at all.

  28. Rickey says:

    This proves that he is trying to overthrough our government and dominate the American people.

    Overthrough? Is that the opposite of an underthrough?

  29. ZixiOfIx says:

    i wear lots of jewelry i find attractive – some with asian letters

    god knows what the words say

    One of my best friends is ethnically Chinese, born in Taiwan of Chinese parents. He speaks Mandarin and can read written Chinese/Japanese. He tells me that many of the hanzi/kanji tattoos he sees are wrong, sometimes humorously so.

    I’d stick with jewelry, too 😀

  30. ZixiOfIx: The “rule” about wearing silver and gold at the same time is broken all the time.

    I’m reporting you to the Fashion Police.

  31. Stephen: Actually the ring says “One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.”

    Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
    Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
    Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
    One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
    One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
    One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. – J. R. R. Tolkien

    Stephen: This proves that he is trying to overthrough our government

    This proves you are a plagiarizer.

  32. Stephen: Actually the ring says “One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.”

    Three OS’s from corporate-kings in their towers of glass,
    Seven from valley-lords where orchards used to grow,
    Nine from dotcoms doomed to die,
    One from the Dark Lord Gates on his dark throne
    In the Land of Redmond where the Shadows lie.
    One OS to rule them all, One OS to find them,
    One OS to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
    In the Land of Redmond where the Shadows lie.


  33. JPotter says:

    The inscription is obviously on the inner surface of the ring. Got any pics of that, eh?

    ( 😛 )

    Stephen: “One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.”

    Obama is redistributing rings unto himself now? Agh! Will he stop at nothing???

  34. foreigner says:

    WND,Gilbert won’t show their photos, so do we have
    any photographer with a foot-long telephoto lens ?

    Obama will immediately get an exact duplicate
    without the Arabic …

  35. foreign(birth)er says:

    I am certain that the US President, one of the most photographed people on the planet, has never had a telephoto lens trained on him.

    What silly person would want a close-up photo of a President?

    [please nevermind that Obama has also been featured, medium and close, on multiple magazine covers in poses that include his left hand, featured this wondrous ring of enthrallment]

  36. foreigner says:

    you can see something here:

    looks like a big T with some smaller lines

  37. Dr. Hysteria says:

    The big surprise from this thread is someone would get engaged to marinsky!


  38. Paul Pieniezny says:

    misha marinsky: I began wearing a ring on my left ring finger, when I became engaged. It’s common in Taiwan for men to wear an engagement ring, as women do.

    From Hebrew, I know some Arabic. It says, “I got your ring right here.”

    Actually,among Dutch (and Belgian) protestants, it is common to wear an engagement ring on the left, and the marriage ring on the right (it is the other way round with Roman Catholics, though in the Belgian provinces of Antwerp and Vlaams-Brabant most people wear their marriage ring on the right, it is not religious there). They seem to have exported the custom to … Indonesia.

  39. Keith says:

    you can see something here:

    looks like a big T with some smaller lines

    That picture is not as good as any that the Doc provided.

    There is no writing of any kind. In any language.

    The design is clearly of three loops (representations of elephant hair) with thinner ‘wrappings’ to hold the loops together. It is one cast as one piece, of course, the design merely gives the impression of the elephant hair ring. (thanks to American Mzungu).

    This crafts page contains a photo of a real one (I think) and a link to instructions on how to make one from wire instead of elephant hair. Notice what it says about the wrapped knots – they not only hold it together, they form an ingenious sizing mechanism.
    How to make elephant inspired jewelry.

    I wear my mothers gold coin around my neck. Using the ring as a personal reminder of his ancestry is completely understandable.

  40. Californian says:

    Dr. Conspiracy,

    You wrote:

    “If the ring’s first appearance was during a visit to Kenya, it is perhaps a family item, perhaps belonging to his father, although the one clear image I could find of Obama Sr. doesn’t show a ring (not sure the age here). It could even be a tourist souvenir from Kenya. Obama’s stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, wore a ring, and he died in 1987, making this a possibility too.”

    Barack Obama went to Kenya in 1988:

    “Barack Obama is now 26 years old. Before beginning his law studies, he decides to visit Kenya. He arrives in the village of Alego, situated on Lake Victoria, his father’s hometown. He arrives there because he knows very little of his father. He wants to know who his father was, so he can understand his own identity.”


    It looks like “the ring’s first appearance” was not during his visit to Kenya.

    On the contrary, Corsi writes:

    “Photographs published last week by the New Yorker from Obama’s time at Occidental College, taken by fellows students, indicate that the ring Obama wore three decades ago is the one he is wearing in the White House.”

    As we all know, Barack Obama attended Occidental College from 1979 to 1981.

    Jerome Corsi tells us:

    “The ring was mentioned in a New York Times article in 2009 recounting the Obama’s wedding.

    In the story, Jodi Kantor described its ‘intricate gold design,’ noting it came from Barack Obama’s boyhood home of Indonesia and was not traditional, like Michelle’s.

    Kantor wrote:

    Just before the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. pronounced Barack Obama and Michelle Robinson man and wife on the evening of Oct. 3, 1992, he held their wedding rings – signifying their new, enduring bonds – before the guests at Trinity United Church of Christ. Michelle’s was traditional, but Barack’s was an intricate gold design from Indonesia, where he had lived as a boy.
    There was no mention in the article that Obama already had been wearing the ring for more than a decade.”

    You also wrote:

    “Because it is pretty much all speculation, I might have just ignored the story completely except for the fact that I took some photos of Obama’s ring myself, and thought I would share them, for what it’s worth. Now I ask my readers if they can see ANYTHING written on this ring at all.”

    Dr. Conspiracy, it could be “all speculation,” but the fact that your readers can’t “see ANYTHING written on this ring at all” doesn’t tell us the whole story, either.
    Is it possible to see what’s written on the ring under substantial magnification?

    As a conclusion, you wrote:

    “I think I’ll go with the tourist souvenir for now. A commenter here pointed out that this style looks like a popular East African design of an elephant hair bracelet. Here’s an example of the elephant hair design in a ring.”

    Obama’s ring may look like a “popular East African design of an elephant hair bracelet,” but if Obama visited Kenya 7-8 years after he supposedly started wearing the ring, that similarity doesn’t mean much, does it?

    What is my point? Obama surrounded himself with the huge wall, so to speak.
    We don’t know much about his life for sure. The mystery will remain until the media decides to investigate certain details of Obama’s life, which, in my opinion, is not going to happen any time soon.

  41. JPotter says:

    Californian: Californian

    Have by any chance recently misplaced a couple of watermelons?

  42. foreigner says:

    I found an old discussion about the ring with better photos here:


    they discussed whether it was an Indonesian design or African
    (used by black power movements or such) or both.

  43. foreigner says:

    so, where is the Arabic writing ?

  44. Paul Pieniezny says:

    so, where is the Arabic writing ?

    What writing? It is Corsi (the Swift Boat drunken sailor who founded the CCCP in Arizona) who claims there is Arabic writing there.

    The discussion you yourself linked to ended with dismissing the possibility of Arabic writing and some people saying it was African elephant tail hair, others saying it was an Indonesian serpentine design (there are batiks that look alike). It could even be both: Obama being given it by someone from Kenya, liking it because it reminded him of Indonesian batiks, and then starting to wear it on his left ring finger because that is how he remembered from Indonesia. When he got married, he may have been told that in America, men wear their marriage ring on the left, so he never switched as he would have done if he had been living and married in Indonesia or Holland. Of course to birfers, whether African, Indonesian or Arabic it all just (simultaneously, of course) proves that Obama is the Great Usurper who is out to subvert Real American values. Ha, I wonder on which ring finger Maarten Van Buren wore his marriage ring, but since he was a protestant, no, not really.

    All this is actually old stuff, as you proved yourself, but the birfers are very good at re-cycling an old zibit they imagine proves some negative point about Obama. They should get some Kyoto Award for it.

  45. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Californian: What is my point? Obama surrounded himself with the huge wall, so to speak.
    We don’t know much about his life for sure. The mystery will remain until the media decides to investigate certain details of Obama’s life, which, in my opinion, is not going to happen any time soon.

    Nonsense, we know much more about Obama’s life than about the life of any other of his predecessors. Until the 20th centure, future presidents had to rely on an inscription in their family bible to prove they were born in the United States. We all know about the controversy concerning Arthur, but Van Buren was probably born in New York Territory and not New York State (only since Goldwater do we know that does not make any difference) and Eisenhower’s place of birth is dubious although it probably was not Denison.

    Then there is Hoover. He spent so much time abroad that there are rightful doubts whether his total residency in the USA was fifteen years (we do not know how much of his youth was spent abroad). There is also a “rumor” that one President (and not the best one of them) may have been gay.

    And this is the paradox: if Obama had not come forward with the information, you would never have known when he visited Kenya. In other words, the more Obama tells you about himself, the more people like you start looking for horrible thoughts to think about him.

    One day, there will be a Presidential Museum where they might explain whether it was an elephant or a serpent. Or not. You will just have to wait.

  46. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Of course, this is completely off-topic but since we are discussing the other Great Usurper, David Eisenhauer, when googling for the controversy about his birthplace, I found someone writing this gem:

    “My mom met Dwight a few times, as he knew her boss; the dean of the dental school at Columbia University.”
    (source: http://cgi.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=19971)

    Those stupid Illuminati, while preparing future world history, they just could not help making these funny mistakes, bringing Ike, Obama and Orly together in one funny encounter.

    By the way, if there is a magical UNDO button, as the birfers believe, if Eisenhower’s birth certificate is fake, does that mean Germany won the war?

    The Greeks seem to think so, nowadays.

  47. foreigner says:

    WND says they showed it to experts and some identified
    it as there is no God but Allah, others said the resolution
    was too unclear, but they did have some text.
    But I didn’t find where on the ring they claim there is
    Arabic text or whether they ever showed a picture
    with the ring and the text to those experts or just
    the text (which they could have grasped anywhere).

    Easiest would be to ask Obama …

  48. foreigner: Easiest would be to ask Obama …

    Where did Mitt Romney bury the girl he strangled in 1987? Easiest would be to ask him.

    The mystery will remain until the media decides to investigate.

  49. Paul Pieniezny says:

    WND says they showed it to experts and some identified
    it as there is no God but Allah, others said the resolution
    was too unclear, but they did have some text.
    But I didn’t find where on the ring they claim there is
    Arabic text or whether they ever showed a picture
    with the ring and the textto those experts or just
    the text (which they could have grasped anywhere).

    Easiest would be to ask Obama …

    Experts? What experts? Gibert and Sullivan?

  50. The Magic M says:

    foreigner: Easiest would be to ask Obama …

    Yes, please. Let Romney do that and expose the GOP as a bunch of crazy old conspiracy believers.

    This has about as much substance as the people claiming GWB showing the “horn sign” was a deliberate satanist gesture. Why didn’t anyone ask GWB what he meant with that?


    Update: WND now touts an anonymous “Duke professor” as agreeing with their crapfoolery… Why am I not surprised?

    Other than that, it’s just people to whom Arabic looks like snake traces in the sand – yet calling themselves “experts” – talking about what they allegedly see. It’s a good example for seeing patterns where there are none.

  51. foreigner says:

    OK, here it is:


    Joel Gilbert

    theblaze.com also had a story

  52. foreigner says:

    hmm, it doesn’t really match that supposed Arabic text.
    You need some phantasy …

  53. Keith says:

    The Magic M: Update: WND now touts an anonymous “Duke professor” as agreeing with their crapfoolery… Why am I not surprised?

    That would be Coach K. No doubt about it.

  54. roadburner says:

    both my wife and i have `mizpah’ engraved inside out wedding rings along with the date of our wedding.

    she’s catholic and i’m (lapsed) anglican, so go figure.

  55. RuhRoh says:

    WND is really working hard to push this fantasy. There are four stories about it on their front page.

  56. foreigner says:

    seems that both parts, upper and lower are just snake-lines,
    and in the upper part a part broke out of one line (or was damaged,hit with

  57. It looks just like my pictures, only not as sharp.

    foreigner: looks like a big T with some smaller lines

  58. The Magic M says:

    foreigner: http://magictour.free.fr/ringo.JPG

    Will the freepers scrub this in order to not refute WND’s newest pet theory?

    Or will they just claim Obama has been using a secret Muslim ring that just looks like the innocent ring and has “swapped” it by now?

    Gilbert’s images remind me of the birther who did all kinds of colour manipulations on Obama JPGs to “prove” they were altered. Or the birther who colour-manipulated a close-up of JPG artifacts on child Obama’s hand to “prove” he is one of the lizard people. Or something.

    Next up on WND:
    “Obama eyelid blinks spell I-L-O-V-E-S-H-A-R-I-A in Morse code”
    “Obama speech played backwards says ‘Madonna was right'”
    “White specks on Obama BC are mirrored Braille for “forged by Mike””


  59. That’s a good image. If you take the meandering pattern to the right and flip it 180 degrees, make it transparent and overlay it on the left, one can see that it’s the same pattern. No letters, just a line that folds back on itself.

    This is the same kind of imagining that we see in analysis of the of the long-form birth certificate. It’s characteristic of conspiracy theory thinking in general — seeing patterns that aren’t there and lacking the discrimination to filter out nonsense.

    foreigner: http://magictour.free.fr/ringo.JPG

  60. foreigner says:

    or Gilbert manipulated it a bit

    where did he get the black background from ?

  61. elmo says:

    Nice debunking of this latest bit of tomfoolery at Urban Legends:


  62. I left this comment at WND:

    I think this is a very informative story about the mental defects in conspiracy thinking. There are excellent close-up photos of Obama’s ring out there. The folks at the Free Republic forum went over the ring in excruciating detail way back in 2009. There’s nothing whatever written on the ring — just a regular flat wavy line pattern.

    What’s informative is that conspiracy thinkers are very good at imposing patterns where there are none, or in this case imagining information where there is just a regular wave pattern, with a little noise due to blur and glare in the photos. Conspiracy thinkers fill in the blanks with imagination. There’s nothing wrong with imagination so long as the mental facilities exist to filter out nonsense — conspiracy thinkers like Corsi lack that.

    The same imagination gone awry in this article is found all through Corsi’s writing, from finding imaginary smiley faces in Onaka’s signature on the long-form birth certificate, to finding significance in people Obama has known over the years.

    This silliness about the ring is emblematic for the birther movement as a whole.

  63. Rennie says:

    Then there is Hoover. He spent so much time abroad that there are rightful doubts whether his total residency in the USA was fifteen years (we do not know how much of his youth was spent abroad).

    I’m not aware the Hoover spent any substantial amount of time abroad during his “youth”. He lived in West Branch, IA until he was 11, and then in Oregon. From 1891-1895 he was at Stanford; that covers his first 20 years. Although he traveled extensively in his 20s and 30s, both for his work and for war relief, by 1917 he was head of US Food Administration during WWI and thereafter was part of Harding’s and then Coolidge’s cabinet.

  64. foreigner says:

    yes that’s a good picture too. Does it show gold on Obama’s skin ?

    Gilbert didn’t show where he got his picture from,
    I didn’t find it

  65. I have updated this article with better images, more discussion, and other information learned from commenters here.

  66. A victim must be found.

    Paul Pieniezny: Experts? What experts? Gibert and Sullivan?

  67. this old hippie says:

    I have a mezuzah on my door that was given to me as a housewarming gift from a friend who is Jewish. While extremely sentimental to me it doesn’t make me Jewish. I also used to wear my aunt’s Eastern Star ring. I’m not an Eastern Star but it was a family heirloom. These people will stop at nothing.

  68. WAIT, I think I can make out some writing, only it’s not Arabic, but Reformed Egyptian. I think it says “Corsi is a nut case.”

  69. Hundreds of professional and amateur observers also convinced themselves that they could see canals on the surface of Mars from the Earth…

  70. I have a plaque that says Shalom Y’all.

    this old hippie: I have a mezuzah on my door that was given to me as a housewarming gift from a friend who is Jewish.

  71. In the Koran.

    foreigner: so, where is the Arabic writing ?

  72. foreigner says:

    OK, but why this “Corsi is a nut case” etc. ?
    Also, it was Gilbert, not Corsi

  73. Scientist says:

    If you read the ring in a mirror, it says, “Mitt Romney is Satan”. Absolute 100% fact.

  74. Wile says:

    Anyone willing to look at this with an open mind will immediately recognize that the pattern on the ring is neither elephant hair, serpentine, nor arabic in nature….but rather a ramen-noodle pattern.


    I seem to remember the Maruchan Noodle Company having a promotion back in the early seventies in which they placed a single gold ring in one of the eleventy gazillion soup packets they produced that year.

    I guess we now know who the lucky winner was!

    Another pattern that I am seeing in all of this is how often the zibits that have been scavenged by birthers in an effort to boost one smear…come back to bite them in the rear by completely discrediting future smears.

  75. Thomas Brown says:

    OK, but why this “Corsi is a nut case” etc. ?
    Also, it was Gilbert, not Corsi

    Are you maintaining Corsi is NOT a nut case? Sure. And Jeffrey Dahmer was “just an excitable boy.”

  76. Bob says:

    daed si yentraCcM luaP

  77. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Rennie: by 1917 he was head of US Food Administration during WWI

    He was doing that from London. Hoover was in the London telephone book for many years. During the campaign of 1928, some Democrats suggested Hoover did not fulfill the residency requirement, because he was in the London telephone book of 1913. It was then argued that the successful election of Jefferson and JQ Adams proved that the 15 year requirement did not mean “resident in the USA during the last 15 years”.

    We do not know how much time Hoover spent with his mother’s family.

  78. jayHG says:

    “I think I’ll go with the tourist souvenir theory for now.”

    Or it could just be a ring like the one I found at a street fair and liked and so I bought it, or the one I have from leaving dinner and walking into an antique shop, or the one I have from the gift shop at the natural history museum.

    I don’t know why these are not any of the theories of why President Obama has that ring. Each one of those are just as plausible as a Kenyan souvenir or his father gave it to him or anything like that, not to mention crazy Jerome Corsi’s nutjob Allah is God theory.

    Why isn’t it that the ring is JUST A RING!!???…from whereever Obama got it and meaning absolutely nothing more than Barack Obama just happened to like it and so he got it — bought, purchased gift, who knows, but more importantly, WHO ON EARTH CARES……..sheesh!!

  79. LW says:

    The obvious name for this sect is “ringers,” but that seems too generic and non-specific; too easy to miss the intended target.

    Given what I would imagine is the constant look on their face of tight-mouthed astringent dismay, I suggest we modify this to “puckered ringers.”

  80. ASK Esq says:

    ZixiOfIx: (snip) which is apparently a ring he wore (oddly, I admit) on his left hand long before he even knew Michelle(snip)

    May I ask why it’s odd? Odd because Obama wore a ring on his “wedding finger” before he was married?

    Yes, that’s it exactly. In this country, at least, that is an uncommon thing for a man to do. I’m not saying that no men do it, I’m just saying that it is not common, and, therefore, odd. I wasn’t passing judgment, I was just saying it was an unusual thing to do.

  81. ASK Esq says:

    I’ve seen it pointed out (I don’t think it was here, but if it was, sorry) that Islam forbids men from wearing gold. If so, wouldn’t a man’s gold ring that says “There is no God but Allah” be an oxymoron? I suppose at this stage of the game it is too much to hope that the birther claims could have any sort of internal logic. Can we expect them to become even more bizarre from now on?

  82. elmo says:

    Anyone willing to look at this with an open mind will immediately recognize that the pattern on the ring is neither elephant hair, serpentine, nor arabic in nature….but rather a ramen-noodle pattern.

    That can only mean one thing! Obama isn’t Muslim. He’s a Pastafarian!!!!


  83. ASK Esq says:

    Wile: I seem to remember the Maruchan Noodle Company having a promotion back in the early seventies in which they placed a single gold ring in one of the eleventy gazillion soup packets they produced that year.
    I guess we now know who the lucky winner was!

    So Obama really was the Maruchan Candidate.

  84. jayHG says:

    ASK Esq:
    “…ring, which is apparently a ring he wore (oddly, I admit) on his left hand long before he even knew Michelle…”

    Why odd? I wear a ring on my “ring” finger cause that’s where it fits. I put ring in quotes cause I consider all my fingers “ring” fingers, but that’s neither here nor there.

    My point is there is nothing odd about Obama wearing that ring on that particular finger. It’s more likely worn gthere cause thats where it fits. That theory is more likely than all this wild conjecture from birthers.

    In my old age, I’ve learned that there is likely no deeper reason for people doing any particular thing, like wearing a ring on any one of their 10 fingers, than that that’s where they want to wear it. The reasoning is just likely no deeper than that.

  85. Rennie says:

    Paul Pieniezny: He was doing that from London. Hoover was in the London telephone book for many years. During the campaign of 1928, some Democrats suggested Hoover did not fulfill the residency requirement, because he was in the London telephone book of 1913. It was then argued that the successful election of Jefferson and JQ Adams proved that the 15 year requirement did not mean “resident in the USA during the last 15 years”.

    We do not know how much time Hoover spent with his mother’s family.

    But we do. After his mother died, Hoover lived with his Uncle, John Minthorn, in Oregon from 1885 to 1891. He was enrolled at the Friend’s Pacific Academy in Newburg from 1885 to 1888. After that he moved with his uncle to Salem, where he worked in his uncle’s office and took night classes at Capital Business College in Salem. He entered Stanford University in the fall of 1891.

    Hoover and his family were of very modest means until he made his money as an engineer, and had to be frugal to afford his schooling and living expenses. I haven’t seen anything to suggest he even left the country before 1897, when he went to Australia (he recounts in his memoirs that this was the first time he’d been east of the Mississippi).

  86. foreigner says:

    Gilbert got his photo from here
    (and they in turn maybe got it from the NYT article ?)
    then he blacked the darker areas so to make his case.

    I’m slowly catching up with all the articles

    Gilbert has a video now:
    right at the beginning he “extracts” the hand with the ring out of
    another image in the video, suggesting it came from that picture,
    but it didn’t. It’s from the Huffington-post picture, where we don’t know
    the context.
    Well the ring is lower resolution but matches. He increased the black
    and made a black background, ok. Maybe he really didn’t see it
    much better, although he enhanced the effect.

  87. jayHG says:

    foreigner: OK, here it is:http://www.obamasrealfather.com/downloads/Obama_Ring_Analysis.pdfJoel Gilberttheblaze.com also had a story

    Here WHAT is????

  88. jayHG says:

    The Magic M: Will the freepers scrub this in order to not refute WND’s newest pet theory?Or will they just claim Obama has been using a secret Muslim ring that just looks like the innocent ring and has “swapped” it by now?Gilbert’s images remind me of the birther who did all kinds of colour manipulations on Obama JPGs to “prove” they were altered. Or the birther who colour-manipulated a close-up of JPG artifacts on child Obama’s hand to “prove” he is one of the lizard people. Or something.Next up on WND:“Obama eyelid blinks spell I-L-O-V-E-S-H-A-R-I-A in Morse code”“Obama speech played backwards says ‘Madonna was right’”“White specks on Obama BC are mirrored Braille for “forged by Mike””

    Magic STOP IT……….you’re killing me……LOL!!!

  89. Scientist: If you read the ring in a mirror, it says, “Mitt Romney is Satan”.Absolute 100% fact.

    Bob: daed si yentraCcM luaP


  90. sfjeff says:

    Californian: What is my point? Obama surrounded himself with the huge wall, so to speak.
    We don’t know much about his life for sure. The mystery will remain until the media decides to investigate certain details of Obama’s life, which, in my opinion, is not going to happen any time soon.

    And what about the mystery of Romney’s ring?

    Seriously- who but the most ardent conspiracy theorists care about crazy theories involving rings?

    Considering we still have troops in Afghanistan, drone strikes on terrorists around the world, a Syrian uprising that threatens to involve Nato(and that Mitt wants to supply arms to), unrest through much North Africa, continued high unemployment in the United States, slow industrial growth, a anemic world economy…….and people want to focus on whether a ring says something in arabic or not?


  91. bgansel9 says:

    Californian: What is my point? Obama surrounded himself with the huge wall, so to speak.
    We don’t know much about his life for sure. The mystery will remain until the media decides to investigate certain details of Obama’s life, which, in my opinion, is not going to happen any time soon.

    We know PLENTY about Barack Obama’s life. Your choice to not believe any of it doesn’t give you carte blanche to spread lies.

  92. Rennie: I’m not aware the Hoover spent any substantial amount of time abroad during his “youth”.

    Hoover lived overseas from 1897 – 1919: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Hoover

  93. Rickey says:


    Easiest would be to ask Obama …

    What? No demand for the ring to be examined by forensic experts?

  94. BillTheCat says:

    foreigner: seems that both parts, upper and lower are just snake-lines,and in the upper part a part broke out of one line (or was damaged,hit with

    Feeling stupid yet and maybe ready to not jump to conclusions when you read something on the “Blaze” or “WND”, or will it be business as usual for you?

    We all know the answer here, of course, but just thought I’d ask in case you became rational.

  95. Joey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy,

    You wrote:

    “If the ring’s first appearance was during a visit to Kenya, it is perhaps a family item, perhaps belonging to his father, although the one clear image I could find of Obama Sr. doesn’t show a ring (not sure the age here). It could even be a tourist souvenir from Kenya. Obama’s stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, wore a ring, and he died in 1987, making this a possibility too.”

    Barack Obama went to Kenya in 1988:

    “Barack Obama is now 26 years old. Before beginning his law studies, he decides to visit Kenya. He arrives in the village of Alego, situated on Lake Victoria, his father’s hometown. He arrives there because he knows very little of his father. He wants to know who his father was, so he can understand his own identity.”


    It looks like “the ring’s first appearance” was not during his visit to Kenya.

    On the contrary, Corsi writes:

    “Photographs published last week by the New Yorker from Obama’s time at Occidental College, taken by fellows students, indicate that the ring Obama wore three decades ago is the one he is wearing in the White House.”

    As we all know, Barack Obama attended Occidental College from 1979 to 1981.

    Jerome Corsi tells us:

    “The ring was mentioned in a New York Times article in 2009 recounting the Obama’s wedding.

    In the story, Jodi Kantor described its ‘intricate gold design,’ noting it came from Barack Obama’s boyhood home of Indonesia and was not traditional, like Michelle’s.

    Kantor wrote:

    Just before the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. pronounced Barack Obama and Michelle Robinson man and wife on the evening of Oct. 3, 1992, he held their wedding rings – signifying their new, enduring bonds – before the guests at Trinity United Church of Christ. Michelle’s was traditional, but Barack’s was an intricate gold design from Indonesia, where he had lived as a boy.
    There was no mention in the article that Obama already had been wearing the ring for more than a decade.”

    You also wrote:

    “Because it is pretty much all speculation, I might have just ignored the story completely except for the fact that I took some photos of Obama’s ring myself, and thought I would share them, for what it’s worth. Now I ask my readers if they can see ANYTHING written on this ring at all.”

    Dr. Conspiracy, it could be “all speculation,” but the fact that your readers can’t “see ANYTHING written on this ring at all” doesn’t tell us the whole story, either.
    Is it possible to see what’s written on the ring under substantial magnification?

    As a conclusion, you wrote:

    “I think I’ll go with the tourist souvenir for now. A commenter here pointed out that this style looks like a popular East African design of an elephant hair bracelet. Here’s an example of the elephant hair design in a ring.”

    Obama’s ring may look like a “popular East African design of an elephant hair bracelet,” but if Obama visited Kenya 7-8 years after he supposedly started wearing the ring, that similarity doesn’t mean much, does it?

    What is my point? Obama surrounded himself with the huge wall, so to speak.
    We don’t know much about his life for sure.The mystery will remain until the media decides to investigate certain details of Obama’s life, which, in my opinion, is not going to happen any time soon.

    Gee, I see it differently. President Obama is the only president in American history for whom I personally know the exact moment of his birth ((7:24 pm)’, the hospital he was born in (Kapiolani), and the attending physician at his birth (Dr. David A Sinclair).
    I’ve read his parents’ divorce decree, his father’s Immigration Service Memos, I’ve seen the President’s elementary school application and I’ve read scores of other documents from every phase of his life and practically every single year of his life.
    I have more information about Barack Obama than any other president.
    Quick…what was the exact moment of George Washington’s birth? Time’s up!

  96. J.D. Reed says:

    Californian, I was taught in logic class not to buy into vague generalities. You say a lot of info is hidden about the president, but you don’t specify. Thus you rate zero credibility. Inform us about types of biographical info that was routinely available from previous presidents, but not from Obama. Along with any supporting documentation, of course.

    Bet you can’t do it.

  97. jayHG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I have a plaque that says Shalom Y’all.

    Did you see that piece on PBS some time ago, I believe, about Jews in the south? It was called “Shalom Y’all!!”

    I’m from the south……I loved that phrase!!!

  98. Rennie says:

    misha marinsky: Hoover lived overseas from 1897 – 1919: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Hoover

    Yes, thank you for the Wikipedia link. Hoover lived in the US from his birth (1874) until he was in his early 20s. By 1897 he was not a “youth”, he was a man. It is also not accurate to say that he lived abroad for the entire period from 1897 to 1919. From 1908 to 1914, he was based in the US and lectured at US schools like Columbia and Stanford, although he also traveled extensively during that period. Likewise, once Wilson appointed him as Food Administrator, he was based in Washington, although he did spend time overseas organizing food relief as part of his duties.

  99. Lisa Zimmerman says:

    lets put a face with the hand. http://fellowshipofminds.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/ring1.jpg?w=500 Not sure where you got the hand in your pic since there is no face to go with it but clearly not the same ring.

  100. Wile says:

    elmo: That can only mean one thing! Obama isn’t Muslim. He’s a Pastafarian!!!!


    ASK Esq: So Obama really was the Maruchan Candidate.

    We’ll just have to throw both of those against the wall to see which one sticks.

  101. LW says:

    Lisa Zimmerman:
    lets put a face with the hand. http://fellowshipofminds.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/ring1.jpg?w=500Not sure where you got the hand in your pic since there is no face to go with it but clearly not the same ring.

    Are you addressing this to Doc Conspiracy? Are you saying he’s lying about these being photos of the president?

    Note that pictures 2 and 4 above do indeed include portions of the president’s face; picture 2 especially is quite obviously the president.

    This is also quite obviously the same ring, and the images are higher resolution than the ones being proffered by the puckered ringers. Those are not Arabic letters; they’re loops.

  102. LW says:

    From Y!A, 2007: “Why can’t Muslim men wear gold jewelry?

    The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) saying, “Gold and silk has been permitted for the women of my community (umma), and forbidden for its men.” [Ahmad, Nasa’i, and Tirmidhi, who deemed it rigorously authenticated (sahih); this has been related in more than 8 chains of transmission, which confirm each other]

    Men and Gold
    The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should not wear silk or gold.” [Ahmad, with a sound chain of narration]

    The Beloved of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) also said, “Whoever of my community dies wearing gold, Allah shall prevent them from wearing it in Paradise.” [Tabarani]

    Ali (Allah be pleased with him) reported that, “The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) forbade gold rings.” [Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Nasa’i, Ibn Maja]

    The hadiths regarding the prohibition of gold for men are numerous. Imam Nawawi (Allah have mercy on him) transmits scholarly consensus ( ijma`) that it is prohibited for men to wear gold jewelry.

  103. LW says:

    I really, really like how yet again something the birfers obsess on turns out to actually be solid proof against their own thesis.

  104. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Rennie: Yes, thank you for the Wikipedia link. Hoover lived in the US from his birth (1874) until he was in his early 20s. By 1897 he was not a “youth”, he was a man. It is also not accurate to say that he lived abroad for the entire period from 1897 to 1919. From 1908 to 1914, he was based in the US and lectured at US schools like Columbia and Stanford, although he also traveled extensively during that period. Likewise, once Wilson appointed him as Food Administrator, he was based in Washington, although he did spend time overseas organizing food relief as part of his duties.

    During WWI, Hoover worked in London to feed the Belgians. But he had lived in London before the war, working for a Burma mining company (which was the basis of his fortune, actually)



    (and Wikipedia, where the 1900-1914 story has a problem describing Hoover’s activities in Russia- looks like something important was deleted – it’s a conspiracy).

    My memory said Hoover had been raised by relatives. I did not know which relatives. (see below) But I believe you. So, if years before 21 count (it has been argued the 14 year rule was invented because 14 is the difference between 35 and 21), he had accumulated enough US residence to run as soon as he turned 35.

    Note that this page

    has a different story about what happened to young Herbert immediately after his mother’s death than Wikipedia (which sources to a Chronology page that no longer exists).

  105. Keith says:

    ASK Esq: I’ve seen it pointed out (I don’t think it was here, but if it was, sorry) that Islam forbids men from wearing gold.

    I’m pretty sure that is absolutely false.

    Gold is extremely popular for men as necklaces and rings and belt-buckles and watches and etc. throughout the middle east. The market for gold is huge in Muslim countries.

    Edit: I’ve seen LW’s response. I still don’t buy it. I’ll check it out further.

  106. donna says:

    Prohibition of Muslim men wearing gold and silk

    by Sheikh `Abd Allah Nâsir al-Sulamî

    By Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid


  107. Loren says:

    LW: Are you addressing this to Doc Conspiracy? Are you saying he’s lying about these being photos of the president?

    Once again, we get to watch the goalposts get moved a little further.

    In this case, there are good reasons why you’re unlikely to see a clear, high-resolution shot of the ring’s detail in the same photo as Obama’s face. First of all, one’s hands are frequently moving (whether shaking hands, signing papers, gesturing, etc.), and even small movements can cause blurriness that will obscure the pattern.

    Second, a lot of the time one’s hands are not going to be in the same plane as one’s face. So if the camera is focused on the subject’s face (as will normally be the case in photographing the President), then his hands are going to be ever-so-slightly-less in focus.

    Third, the ring is small. To get a high-resolution photo of the ring in the same frame as Obama’s face, then he either needs to have his hand very near his face (and, again, not moving it), or the picture would need to have a far greater pixel ratio than most photographers would likely be using.

    Also, consider that even if the President *posed* for a picture of his ring (such as, in an effort to debunk a stupid internet rumor), he likely would do it by placing his hand on a table or somesuch, not by holding near his face.

    Take all those together, and it’s no surprise that the best photo of the ring is one that doesn’t also show his face. And to demand that it *should* is to insist that all the above problems be overcome.

  108. LW says:

    Keith: I’m pretty sure that is absolutely false.

    Gold is extremely popular for men as necklaces and rings and belt-buckles and watches and etc. throughout the middle east. The market for gold is huge in Muslim countries.

    Edit: I’ve seen LW’s response. I still don’t buy it. I’ll check it out further.

    Just to be clear: I don’t hold myself out to be any sort of authority. I had never heard about this myself until this afternoon. However, a google search for

    islam men gold

    …seems to be overwhelmingly on the side of it being a real thing. I only found one page (in an admittedly cursory search) that classified this as a “misconception.”

  109. All the photos I took and presented in the article include Obama’s face in the un-cropped originals.
    I was not very close to Obama and my equipment is way short of what the professionals use. I don’t doubt that there are thousands of professional photos of Obama that show the ring clear and sharp and his face sitting on hard drives around the country. Heck, if the ring had been turned differently, I might have had one myself.

    Getty Images, where the one at Urban Legends came from, has over 211,000 images of Barack Obama.

    Loren: Take all those together, and it’s no surprise that the best photo of the ring is one that doesn’t also show his face. And to demand that it *should* is to insist that all the above problems be overcome.

  110. Californian says:


    “Gee, I see it differently. President Obama is the only president in American history for whom I personally know the exact moment of his birth ((7:24 pm)’, the hospital he was born in (Kapiolani), and the attending physician at his birth (Dr. David A Sinclair).
    I’ve read his parents’ divorce decree, his father’s Immigration Service Memos, I’ve seen the President’s elementary school application and I’ve read scores of other documents from every phase of his life and practically every single year of his life.
    I have more information about Barack Obama than any other president.”

    Since you know everything about Obama, let’s concentrate on one short period of his life.

    “Ann Dunham marries Lolo Soetoro. When Barack Obama, Jr., is 6 years old, the family moves to Jakarta, Indonesia, Lolo’s hometown. In Indonesia Barack Obama becomes familiar with poverty, beggars, and children dying from illnesses. The house they live in has no stable electricity and the streets in their neighborhood are not paved. Ann gets a job as an English teacher at the American embassy. Barack Obama Jr. attends Franciscus Assisi Primary School, which is a Catholic school.”


    Jerome Corsi wrote:

    “In an interview during the 2008 presidential campaign, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof questioned Obama about his Islamic education in Indonesia, where he lived from 1967 to 1971.

    After acknowledging that he once got in trouble for making faces during Quran study classes in his elementary school, Obama recited for Kristoff the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, the Adhan.

    The prayer incorporates the Shahada, the expression of Islamic faith, with each line repeated twice:
    Allah is supreme! Allah is supreme!
    I witness that there is no god but Allah
    I witness that Muhammad is his prophet
    Kristof noted Obama recited the prayer in Arabic ‘with a first-rate accent.’”

    What schools did young Barry attend in Indonesia?

    Here is the answer from the New York Times:

    “The school — Santo Fransiskus Asisi, a Roman Catholic school that had been founded just in 1967 — is still located a couple of blocks away. When the 6-year-old Barry entered the school, there were only three grades with a total of 150 students. Now, about 1,300 students from kindergarten through high school study there, said the principal, Yustina Amirah. Mr. Obama has spoken about growing up here and hearing the Muslim call to prayer, but Ms. Amirah said that since the school’s founding, everyone had hewed to the institution’s official religion.

    ‘Barry followed church services like everybody else,’ Ms. Amirah said.
    Sometime in the third grade, after his family moved to a different part of the city, Mr. Obama transferred to Elementary School Menteng 1, possibly the most famous primary school in Indonesia. Founded as a Dutch colonial school in 1934, it has long drawn the children of the country’s ruling class because of its location in Menteng, traditionally the wealthiest residential neighborhood in Jakarta.
    Nowadays, though many wealthy Indonesians send their children to international schools here, the Menteng public school still draws the children of the elite, so much so that the principal, Hasimah, said she could “count on one hand” the students, out of a total of 400, who are not driven to school every day by their parents or drivers.
    A mosque was built on the school grounds in 2002, a sign of the growing influence of Islam in Indonesia’s public life. But the school four decades ago did not even have a prayer room, in keeping with the state’s secularism at the time, Ms. Hasimah and students from the era said. “


    Wikipedia provides this information:

    “Obama attended two schools during the four years he lived in Indonesia as a child (1967–1971). From the first grade until some time in the third grade he attended the Roman Catholic St. Francis Assisi School, where classes began and ended each day with Christian prayers. He was registered there as Muslim because of his stepfather’s nominal religion. At some point during the third grade he transferred to State Elementary School Menteng 01, also known as Besuki School, for less than a year. Besuki is a secular public school. Students there wear Western clothing, and the Chicago Tribune described the school as “so progressive that teachers wore miniskirts and all students were encouraged to celebrate Christmas”.[15][16][17]
    Soon after Insight’s story, CNN reporter John Vause visited State Elementary School Menteng 01 and found that each student received two hours of religious instruction per week in his or her own faith. Vause was told by Hardi Priyono, deputy headmaster of the school, “This is a public school. We don’t focus on religion. In our daily lives, we try to respect religion, but we don’t give preferential treatment.”[18] Interviews by Nedra Pickler of the Associated Press found that students of all faiths have been welcome there since before Obama’s attendance. Akmad Solichin, the vice principal of the school, told Pickler: “The allegations are completely baseless. Yes, most of our students are Muslim, but there are Christians as well. Everyone’s welcome here … it’s a public school.”[19]”


    If everything I quoted is true, where did Barack Obama study Quran? At the Menteng public school?

    But the CNN reporter John Vause learned “that each student received two hours of religious instruction per week in his or her own faith.” If Barry studied Quran, he did it as a Muslim, didn’t he?

    Are you confused by now? So am I.

    Now, let me clarify the issue. I don’t care whether Barack Obama is a Muslim, a Christian or belongs to a different religious group. What I am saying is this: We tried to cover just 4 years of the young Obama’s life and came across the contradicting information. This is just an example.

    Are you still going to insist that you know “every phase of his life and practically every single year of his life?”

  111. James M says:

    Californian: Now, let me clarify the issue. I don’t care whether Barack Obama is a Muslim, a Christian or belongs to a different religious group.

    Life is too short to spend it on things you don’t care about.

  112. Arthur says:

    Californian: If everything I quoted is true, where did Barack Obama study Quran? At the Menteng public school?

    From reading your post, the only source you included that suggested Obama had anything more than a passing understanding of Islam was Jerome Corsi. Corsi is a demonstrated liar, especially when it comes to Barack Obama.

  113. donna says:


    Catholic school in Indonesia seeks recognition for its role in Obama’s life

    “Facts are facts,” he said. “We want to explain to the world a fact of life: Obama went to Asisi for nearly three years.”

    The school recently put up a big board outside his first-grade classroom; it features inspirational quotes from Obama and Saint Francis.


  114. CarlOrcas says:

    Californian: The mystery will remain until the media decides to investigate certain details of Obama’s life, which, in my opinion, is not going to happen any time soon.

    What “certain details”?

  115. Rennie says:

    Paul Pieniezny: During WWI, Hoover worked in London to feed the Belgians. But he had lived in London before the war, working for a Burma mining company (which was the basis of his fortune, actually)



    (and Wikipedia, where the 1900-1914 story has a problem describing Hoover’s activities in Russia- looks like something important was deleted – it’s a conspiracy).

    My memory said Hoover had been raised by relatives. I did not know which relatives. (see below) But I believe you. So, if years before 21 count (it has been argued the 14 year rule was invented because 14 is the difference between 35 and 21), he had accumulated enough US residence to run as soon as he turned 35.

    Note that this page

    has a different story about what happened to young Herbert immediately after his mother’s death than Wikipedia (which sources to a Chronology page that no longer exists).

    I recommend you go directly to the source. Hoover’s memoirs are available online. It is not accurate to say that the Hoovers were “living” in London or to imply that it was their home during this period. Yes, they lived there for months at a time and even kept a house there, but they also traveled throughout Europe and Asia during those years. However, the US was their base between 1908 and 1914. They wanted their sons to be raised as Americans, and Hoover was an active trustee at Stanford beginning in 1912.

    This was the period when Hoover was freelancing,and the source of his fortune was his mining investments. It is true that the Hoovers had been staying in London for several months in 1914, but it was never a permanent move; they were planning to return to the US in August of 1914, before the war broke out.

    As far as Hoover’s boyhood, the NPS site is accurate, not Wikipedia.

  116. CarlOrcas says:

    Californian: If Barry studied Quran, he did it as a Muslim, didn’t he?

    No chance, in your mind, that he could have studied the Quran because he wanted to learn about another religion?

  117. ASK Esq says:

    Californian: If Barry studied Quran, he did it as a Muslim, didn’t he?

    His stepfather listed Muslim as his religion, since that was the religion into which he was born. As such, that’s the instruction Obama would have been given. It seems he didn’t take it too seriously. If you think his being able to remember the call to prayer is significant, I still remember songs I learned in grade school Spanish, but little else of the language.

  118. foreigner says:

    I think the DrC article was written late at night and before WND published the followup,
    or before Dr.C read it
    I’m skeptical to WND since long, but didn’t know blaze.com before.
    people here use to put me in the birther,idiot,troll category.
    It’s just a scheme. Maybe because I want the WH to say
    how the pdf was created, Hawaii to release info, Obama
    say where he got the ring and whether there is Arabic in it.
    Lisa Zimmermann,
    the high-res freerepublic pic has the face on it
    the urban legends website pic (Jul.2009-Getty images) clearly shows goldish particles
    on Obama’s skin, that shouldn’t happen with pure gold. And the Oct 2009
    freerepublic pic had an additional damage at wave/bar between the 2 areas
    I had been searching a lot before I had finally found where the Arabic was supposed to be
    will Gilbert,WND show the better images now and withdraw their claims and video ?

  119. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Rennie: I recommend you go directly to the source. Hoover’s memoirs are available online. It is not accurate to say that the Hoovers were “living” in London or to imply that it was their home during this period. Yes, they lived there for months at a time and even kept a house there, but they also traveled throughout Europe and Asia during those years. However, the US was their base between 1908 and 1914. They wanted their sons to be raised as Americans, and Hoover was an active trustee at Stanford beginning in 1912.

    I will gladly let you have the last word on this, since you know more about Hoover and this is in fact a threadjack. I (and as I understand Misha as well) will probably stand by the opinion that from about 1903-1917 (when the US entered the war and Hoover’s organizational talents were needed in the States), the Hoover family had London as their home base, travelling all over the world from there. Both their sons were born in London. Herbert Hoover was in the London telephone directory. It is not true either that in 1914 he was sent to London to deal with the Belgian problem as some sort of diplomat He was already there, dealing with stranded Americans.

    He was definitely determined to get back to the US, no doubt about that. And he was proud to be American, offering up his time (which was literally worth a lot of money) to help fellow compatriots.

    http://www.usconstitution.net/constfaq_q19.html (saying Herbert Hoover officially living in London – I only got the year wrong here, 1913 did not count but 1915 did)

    The first source said “After Hoover’s outstanding accomplishments in Europe, he returned to the U.S. with his reputation secure as a Great Engineer–the practical idealist.” To return to the US, he must have left it. A lot of Hoover’s activities between 1917-1922 also took place abroad. I suspect he was then officially resident in the US, however. Without those 5 years, he would not have had 14 years of residence after 21, which is perhaps what the Founders intended (just playing Vattel here).

    There was also an article in the NYT at the time titling Hoover was eligible after all, since the Constitutional requirement meant “14 years in all”. Cannot find it anymore on the web, but I do remember the article itself was unavailable the last time it came up.

  120. foreigner says:

    wnd has a poll about that story :

    and a note:
    Note: Jerome Corsi is available to discuss this story with media.

    maybe some media-guy can test the discussion


    Farah wrote about it too:
    > Joseph Farah is founder, editor and CEO of WND

    WND’s first story about the ring is more than 2 months old
    they should have found the better pictures in the meantime

  121. Rennie says:

    Paul Pieniezny: I will gladly let you have the last word on this, since you know more about Hoover and this is in fact a threadjack. I (and as I understand Misha as well) will probably stand by the opinion that from about 1903-1917 (when the US entered the war and Hoover’s organizational talents were needed in the States), the Hoover family had London as their home base, travelling all over the world from there. Both their sons were born in London. Herbert Hoover was in the London telephone directory. It is not true either that in 1914 he was sent to London to deal with the Belgian problem as some sort of diplomat He was already there, dealing with stranded Americans.

    He was definitely determined to get back to the US, no doubt about that. And he was proud to be American, offering up his time (which was literally worth a lot of money) to help fellow compatriots.

    http://www.usconstitution.net/constfaq_q19.html (saying Herbert Hoover officially living in London – I only got the year wrong here, 1913 did not count but 1915 did)

    The first source said “After Hoover’s outstanding accomplishments in Europe, he returned to the U.S. with his reputation secure as a Great Engineer–the practical idealist.” To return to the US, he must have left it. A lot of Hoover’s activities between 1917-1922 also took place abroad. I suspect he was then officially resident in the US, however. Without those 5 years, he would not have had 14 years of residence after 21, which is perhaps what the Founders intended (just playing Vattel here).

    There was also an article in the NYT at the time titling Hoover was eligible after all, since the Constitutional requirement meant “14 years in all”. Cannot find it anymore on the web, but I do remember the article itself was unavailable the last time it came up.

    But your sources don’t support what you’re saying. Yes, Herbert Junior was born in London…and the NARA bio says “within 5 weeks he was packed in a basket as his family set off on a world journey”. It also notes that London was their “home away from home” – meaning not their official home or home base. Hoover’s own memoirs directly state that the US was their home base from 1908 to 1914.

    I never said Hoover was sent to Britain in 1914 as a diplomat. He was coincidentally there when war broke out and stayed to help.

    Some quotes from his memoirs:

    1902: “Housekeeping is always a problem for itinerants. We felt early that we should have a mooring in America. In 1902 we joined with Mrs. Hoover’s father, Mr. Henry, in building a cottage in Monterey as a geographical anchor. Subsequently in 1907 we moved the anchorage to Stanford University where we acquired a six room cottage.” (p 76)

    “For me, the period of six years that ended with the outbreak of the World War was one of even larger engineering undertakings in many different parts of the world. Instead of relief from work, although Mrs. Hoover and I traveled less constantly than during the eight preceding years and spent more time in the United States, we certainly did move.” (p99)

    “Although Mrs. Hoover and I moved about with less velocity in this six year period, yet we still had complicated living and domestic problems. The central theme was to have the boys grow up in America, to make the United States the home base, for me to move about the world as my profession necessitated and for Mrs. Hoover to take part in such movements where possible.” (p. 122)

    Hoover did not live abroad in any sense after September 1919. The family divided their time between California, New York and Washington. He briefly ran for president in 1920 and then joined Harding’s cabinet as Secretary of Commerce in March of 1921, neither of which would have been possible had he been living or spending substantial time abroad. He continued to be involved in relief efforts but he directed them from the US.

  122. Paul Pieniezny says:

    ASK Esq: His stepfather listed Muslim as his religion, since that was the religion into which he was born. As such, that’s the instruction Obama would have been given. It seems he didn’t take it too seriously. If you think his being able to remember the call to prayer is significant, I still remember songs I learned in grade school Spanish, but little else of the language.

    Yes, but that “Muslim” was on a slip of paper from the Roman Catholic school he went to before. It could be argued that they did so because neither parent wanted him to “be prepared for first communion”, which is what they do at elementary RC schools all over the world in those days.

    However, there could have been a second reason why “Barry” was listed as a Muslim even at public school. Indonesian law at that time only accepted 5 religions: Islam, protestantism, Roman Catholicism, Hinduism and Buddhism. You were and are not allowed to be an atheist in Indonesia. Mixed marriages are not allowed, except between Muslim men and non-Muslim women and the wife is supposed to convert (actually, this is left at the discretion of the Islamic cleric presiding over the marriage, who will at least insist on the children being raised as Muslims), Today, rich Indonesians often avoid the problem by marrying abroad (like Israeli Jews marrying non-Jews in Cyprus to avoid Israel’s stringent laws on marriage and religion).

    As for the Spanish songs, could one of them have been this one – if you cannot remember the words, neither could I until I clicked on the Joan Baez link.

  123. sactosintolerant says:

    Thanks to this story, I’ve been banned from Corsi’s twitter account and from commenting on WND. James Johnson is not happy with me.

  124. JPotter says:

    foreigner: wnd has a poll about that story :

    I do love me a good WND poll, so i hopped over. Good goddesses they’re getting even longer!

    Bonus crackup: on a page about a ringly obsession, a sidebar add pushing high-end, gaudy engagement rings LOL

    Not quite as good as when they run ads for PDF creation / management suites, but close … !

  125. Amin says:

    I think that is a rarity, in the biggest democracy country people still questioned ring someone and be associated with a person’s beliefs …

  126. Jeff Robison says:

    ASK Esq: If you think his being able to remember the call to prayer is significant, I still remember songs I learned in grade school Spanish, but little else of the language.

    Exactly. Along those same lines, I must confess that anytime I read the Preamble, I hear the music from Schoolhouse Rock following right along.

  127. Zixi of Ix says:


    Are you still going to insist that you know “every phase of his life and practically every single year of his life?”

    I honestly do not know which elementary school President Bush went to, or which high school he attended, or which (if any) languages he knows besides English, or which faiths he has studied, or who he dated, or any of that, yet I voted for him. I don’t know what he carries in his pocket. I know all of that about Obama and have never voted for him.

    What you have said is what Young–Earth Creationists (YEC) say. They accept no positive proof as persuasive, while demanding more proof every time any is offered. Thus, no level of proof will convince them, ever.

    YEC: There are no transitional fossils (fossils which would show the evolutionary transition between two life forms), between species A & B, therefore evolution is a lie.

    Evolutionist: Sure there are. Tons of them! See? (shows transitional fossil C).

    YEC: Well, maybe, but there aren’t any transitional fossils between A & C or C & B! That makes evolution a lie!

    Evolutionist: Here ya go! Here’s fossil D between A & C and E between C & B.

    YEC: Well, maybe, but there aren’t any transitional fossils between A & D or D & C or C & E or E & B? That makes evolution a lie!

    And so on. It literally never ends.

    In the end, whether Obama took classes in being a Muslim or went to RCIA, or joined the Krishnas and gave out flowers at the airport, it doesn’t matter. He’s an natural born American citizen. Being Muslim doesn’t and can’t make him any less American. Living in Indonesia as a child doesn’t make him less American or more foreign. Anyone who thinks it could wouldn’t vote for him to start with, so there is very little to gain in attempting to correct their wrong thinking.

    For the record, I have a Mezuzah on my door, a Chairman Mao fridge magnet in the kitchen, two first class relics in my home, carry a rosary, have a largish collection of Hindu Ganesh statuary (Obama carries around a Hanuman) a Greek name (his is Biblical and Middle Eastern), and can sing several songs in Dutch but don’t know exactly what I’m singing (he knows the call to prayer). We celebrate most of the Dutch & German holidays. I speak one other language fluently.

    All of that adds up to the fact that I’m an American whose family has been here since before the Constitution was ratified.

    Obama is an American, too.

  128. The Magic M says:

    Joey: Quick…what was the exact moment of George Washington’s birth? Time’s up!

    I bet 100% of birthers don’t even know the first names of his parents.
    In fact, the only first names of the parents of any President I know are Obama’s and GWB’s.
    And I bet no birther can name the birth hospital, names of grandparents (both maternal and paternal) etc. of any President other than Obama.

    foreigner: WND’s first story about the ring is more than 2 months old

    Yes, first it was a “secret gay partnership ring”, now it’s a “secret Muslim allegiance ring”, next week it will be a “secret ‘get out of FEMA camp free’ ring” with an additional secret engraving on the inside stating “I will always love you, Liberace” written in tengwar.

  129. foreigner says:

    below is the German law from wikipedia, translated with bing

    don’t you have such a thing ?


    Amending claims (media law)
    from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Navigate to: navigation, search the media law amending claim has aimed to eliminate the ongoing consequences of unlawful assertion of fact or image publishing.

    An untrue fact was published in a medium (E.g., press, radio), which or the person concerned may request an adjustment of the claim. Unlike as in the reply the medium itself must make here a rectification, while only an opinion of the person concerned must be published in the reply.

    However, such claim assumes a false assertion of fact. Furthermore, a continuing deterioration of personality-right of the person concerned is set out. An adverse effect may be as a result of the publication of a portrait.

    The editorial staff of the medium is then obliged to make an adjustment to the own Declaration, which is suitable to eliminate the prejudice of the rights of the person concerned. Primarily, this will be done in the form of a cancellation of the entire claim, a correction of the faulty part of the assertion or a distancing from the common content. The correction has to be made (same rubric, broadcast, positioning), at the comparable spot as the hoax to attract the same audience.

    Can be the right also to a further report in individual cases; If for example in detail a criminal trial and allegations in this connection has been reported, it may be required that also a later successful acquittal is reported.

    The media law amending claim is based on a judge’s legal rights training and uses the analogous application of 823 para 1, 1004 para 1 sentence 2 i.V.m. section 249 para 1 BGB establishes. Depending on the facts of the case also the section 824 and 826 can be BGB relevant. In doubt before the Court, the claimant must demonstrate that the alleged fact is untrue and that by claiming a continuing nuisance exists which can be removed by the required adjustment.

    The infringement by an untrue factual claim can last for many years and not usually done. The infringement is not eliminated by a reply or an omission obligation, these claims may be claimed therefore, also next to each other as well as also claims.

  130. JPotter says:

    In the right light, the ring clearly says …. ‘OVALTINE’.

  131. Paper says:

    No need to put you in any of those categories, whether or not any of them are accurate. It’s simply that the things you say you want are irrelevant, trivial, unnecessary, and/or worthless. You do not want things that matter. That s fine (you can want what you want), but you also lambast the WH, for instance, as if it contributes to all this nonsense because it doesn’t spend it’s time on such irrelevant matters.


    people here use to put me in the birther,idiot,troll category.
    It’s just a scheme. Maybe because I want the WH to say
    how the pdf was created, Hawaii to release info, Obama
    say where he got the ring and whether there is Arabic in it.

  132. Clarence LeBlanc says:

    I’ve been reading Corsi and WND since they both appeared on the scene. Corsi has a real problem many can relate to. He got fired…let go…anyway he is unemployed. His plan B, “Where’s the Birth Certificate” published by WND books was kinda blown out of the water when the white house released the BC two weeks before the book release. He then wrote an e-book…you guessed it…”where’s the “real” BC” . He did sell some books but it,s not a retirement fund. He now writes for WND. For those who are not initiated; They call her “a lesbian who is being controlled by the left wing media and is probably on Soros’s payroll” You’re all thinking Rachel Madow? Wrong for WND that would be Ann Colter…that left wing hippy. Other RINOS…Bill O’Reilley….massive sell out. Fox News…kindly refered to as Faux News do to their obvious left leaning. (I’m not making this stuff up).

    So now Corsi is there but his hard hitting journalistic prowess has come with him. Last week we got….”Bath house Barry”. Corsi knows for a fact the President is Gay. According to him President Obama is stuff of legend in bath houses across Chicago. He has pictures of President Obama with a college roommate who he claims were lovers. He has a pic of a staffer who is a good looking black guy and they are lovers and the President and the first lady sleep in separate beds. Finally Rev. Wrights church are were all the Gay black men go to be matched up by Rev Wright with woman who would simply love to marry a gay man on the “down low”. The discussion boards are flooded with people agreeing but don’t dare call them racists…they simply despise the President because he is a Gay, Kenyan, Communist, Muslim biding his time lulling us to sleep in the first term to spring his plan into action. His plan:

    He will declare martial law and Fema camps around the US will be open for business. Their business will be rounding up anyone who opposes King Obama. These will basically be extermination camps. WND has provided us with pics of flatbed trucks loaded down with coffins. This will happen if he loses right away or if he wins it will happen in a few years but here is the kicker. In November everyone will be armed because the first part of his plan in the second term is to disarm everyone with the help of the UN. We all have a chance to fight if the GOP wins the election, if the GOP loses then it’s going to be a hard fight because once he abolished the second amendment they will slowly disarm We the People. (you may be laughing but they talk about what weapons and ammo they have and finish most post with lock and load)

    So now you all know a bit more about Corsi and the happy place he lives called World Net Daily . They got someone in the white house briefing room and finally got to ask a question in the wake of the Obama admin allowing Gays in the military:

    “includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, but also repeals the military ban on sex with animals, or bestiality.” Does the commander-in-chief approve or disapprove of beastiality in our armed forces?

  133. The Magic M says:

    Clarence LeBlanc: So now you all know a bit more about Corsi and the happy place he lives called World Net Daily .

    You just explained to a forum of physicists what gravity is. 😉

  134. The Magic M says:

    Clarence LeBlanc: According to him President Obama is stuff of legend in bath houses across Chicago.

    There probably is a commemorative placque of him in some of those, written in Arabic and with invisible “gay ink” that only those initiated in the homosexual arts can read. 😉

    (Hey, it’s no worse than “the second part of the Shahada is written on the inside of the ring”. I could write for WND, too!)

  135. Rickey says:


    After acknowledging that he once got in trouble for making faces during Quran study classes in his elementary school, Obama recited for Kristoff the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, the Adhan.

    The prayer incorporates the Shahada, the expression of Islamic faith, with each line repeated twice:
    Allah is supreme! Allah is supreme!
    I witness that there is no god but Allah
    I witness that Muhammad is his prophet
    Kristof noted Obama recited the prayer in Arabic ‘with a first-rate accent.’”

    50 years ago I memorized this prayer in Latin:

    Suscipiat Dominus sacrificium de manibus tuis ad laudem, et gloriam nominis sui, ad utilitatem quoque nostram, totiusque Ecclesiae suae sanctae

    I still know it and I pronounce it perfectly, but it is no reflection at all of my adult religious orientation.

  136. foreigner says:

    > In a follow-up story, WND will address a high-resolution photograph
    > cited in the ObamaReleaseYourRecords.com posting, which is
    > distributed by Getty Images.

    > Don’t you find that [Gilbert’s] behavior upsetting

  137. Zixi of Ix says:

    misha marinsky: Zixi

    Please don’t! I’m still working off the fine for wearing white after Labor Day.

  138. Zixi of Ix says:

    ASK Esq: Yes, that’s it exactly. In this country, at least, that is an uncommon thing for a man to do. I’m not saying that no men do it, I’m just saying that it is not common, and, therefore, odd. I wasn’t passing judgement, I was just saying it was an unusual thing to do.

    Thank you for clarifying.

    I find it slightly unusual at best. Everyone has their quirks which may seem strange without knowing the back story (assuming there is one). Most of the time, a quirk is a quirk and nothing more. The evidence surrounding Obama’s ring indicates that it is nothing more or less than a personal memento of some sort.

  139. I’m still waiting for Corsi to address half a dozen other instances where he’s been caught lying. Don’t hold your breath.

    foreigner: > In a follow-up story, WND will address a high-resolution photograph
    > cited in the ObamaReleaseYourRecords.com posting, which is
    > distributed by Getty Images.

  140. I don’t normally read comments at WND.

    foreigner: I think the DrC article was written late at night and before WND published the followup,
    or before Dr.C read it

  141. foreigner says:

    you could be right – I can no longer find that remark at WND, they removed the link
    from their mainpage and Gilbert’s -pdf is no longer available

  142. It wouldn’t be the first time they scrubbed an embarrassingly bad story.



    foreigner: I can no longer find that remark at WND, they removed the link
    from their mainpage and Gilbert’s -pdf is no longer available

  143. foreigner says:

    let’s make a list (and post it to WND regularly)

  144. Keith says:

    LW: Just to be clear: I don’t hold myself out to be any sort of authority. I had never heard about this myself until this afternoon.However, a google search for

    …seems to be overwhelmingly on the side of it being a real thing. I only found one page (in an admittedly cursory search) that classified this as a “misconception.”

    I understand your point, and cannot deny your findings, they are the same as mine.

    It just doesn’t square with my personal knowledge of many Muslim guys wearing lots of bling and using it as a ‘hedge’, sort of a personal savings account.

    The evidence says I’m wrong, my experience says something is amiss, somewhere.

  145. Hiernonymnous says:

    Whatever the design is, it can’t be Arabic:

    1. Even in the low-resolution photos, the alternating vertical lines are clearly connected at the top. Arabic is a script that is connected at the bottom of letter. There are diacriticals that can occur over letters that indicate vowels,doubling of consonants, nunation, and so on, but it is not possible to connect the top of one letter to the top of the next, nor does a letter exist that consists of two vertical lines connected by a curve.

    2. In the initial segment, purporting to read “la ilah,” the second letter is supposedly an alif, but there is a trailing line to the left of the alleged letter. Such a trailing line cannot happen in an alif, not even in decorative script – because that line is all that distinguishes the alif from an initial or medial lam. There are stylistic conventions in Arabic for the representation of alif and lam together, but they do not resemble what is seen in this picture in the slightest.

    3. Even in Corsi’s overscribbling, the final ha (‘h’) in ‘ilah’ is too unformed for even quick scribbling on paper, much less decorative work in gold. The upward hook Corsi draws (but isn’t actually reflected in the photo) resembles the hook that might indicate the final form of lam or kaf, but could not possible indicate ha without looping over to the left and closing. The high-resolution photos make it quite clear that there are no partial hooks or breaks, but it’s telling that even Corsi’s attempts to impose such on the photos don’t accurately reflect what he claims.

    It’s sad that this even needs to be said, but as a reasonably competent reader of Arabic, these lines aren’t even close enough to Arabic writing to merit discussion. Corsi has become a parody.

  146. Keith says:

    Keith: The evidence says I’m wrong, my experience says something is amiss, somewhere.

    What I’m having trouble reconciling is the supposed gold ban with this:

    Gold Souq,Kuwait

    Life in Kuwait

    Bahrain Gold City

    YouTube: Gold Souk Dubai

    Gold Souk in Baghdad 1985

    Rising gold prices sink Middle East marriage hopefuls

    Signature Hotels Guest Information: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

    The gold market is busiest during the Umrah and Hajj period. During this time, pilgrims often take the opportunity to bring something precious from there trip. Tradition dictates that husbands bring something from the souk to their wives and that the wives bring something for the whole family back home.

    A couple dozen Gold Souk photos in various countries.

    I really, really, don’t see any evidence that this so called ban has any affect what-so-ever on the Middle Eastern Muslim-in-the-street.

    In Indonesia:

    Jakarta’s Pawnshops Profit Big During Ramadan

    Although the Idul Fitri holiday is still three weeks away, lines at pawnshops in Greater Jakarta are growing as people flock to sell gold, jewelry, cars, motorbikes and even houses in exchange for cash during the spending heavy month of Ramadan.

    Jakarta Post: Gold Rush

    I suspect that I have beat that dead horse quite enough.

  147. Bo Pop says:

    Clean up America…

    Your Liberal neighbor’s house cat, (that doesn’t stay in the house), is deficating in the roses and killing birds. Put it out of it’s misery…. then throw it back over the fence.

  148. bovril says:

    Translation of “bo pop”

    Zarg…wibble plim, f’tang f’tang ole bum biscuit barrel…Your hovercraft is full of eels…grunt futtock…ANY DAY NOW!!!!!

  149. Zixi of Ix says:

    Keith: What I’m having trouble reconciling is the supposed gold ban with this:

    Gold Souq,Kuwait


    I suspect that I have beat that dead horse quite enough.

    You seem to be over-thinking this. The Koran says that men can’t wear jewelry, but Muslim men often do.

    The Bible says that the faithful are forbidden from wearing clothes made from mixed fibers, but most do on a regular basis.

    Douay-Rheims Bible, Leviticus 19:19 –
    Keep ye my laws. Thou shalt not make thy cattle to gender with beasts of any other kind. Thou shalt not sow thy field with different seeds. Thou shalt not wear a garment that is woven of two sorts.

    Many Jews don’t keep kosher. Again, their scripture says they should, but they don’t.

    Muslims are like anyone else – they are not necessarily more or less super observant than any other faith. Most Muslims take what makes sense of their scripture as it applies to every day life, and tend to ignore other parts. They’re moderates, just like Christian moderates, Jewish moderates, Hindu moderates, and so on.

    Muslims are exactly like the rest of us in this regard. It really is that simple.

  150. Leviticus 19:19 – Thou shalt not make thy cattle to gender with beasts of any other kind.

    Attention Joseph Farah and Jerome Corsi.

    Thou shalt not wear a garment that is woven of two sorts.

    We gave the world communism – Karl Marx, and we gave the world the Fashion Police.

    “Thou shalt not wear thine colorless cloth after the day to celebrate thine labor.”

    Many Jews don’t keep kosher.

    I don’t. My mother kept a glatt kosher kitchen. I have the antithesis.

  151. Northland10 says:

    Translation of “bo pop”

    Zarg…wibble plim, f’tang f’tang ole bum biscuit barrel…Your hovercraft is full of eels…grunt futtock…ANY DAY NOW!!!!!

    I think you spelled plim wrong, though it is hard to tell. Having read “bo poop’s” comment, it may have reset my internal spell check to stupid.

  152. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Translation of “bo pop”

    Zarg…wibble plim, f’tang f’tang ole bum biscuit barrel…Your hovercraft is full of eels…grunt futtock…ANY DAY NOW!!!!!

    I read it as “Boop bop shabble-shibble-gooble, Jell-o Pud-DING!”

  153. Update:

    I have traced Obama’s ring back even further to his time at Occidental College around 1981. That is the year that he traveled to Indonesia to visit his mother and sister (and made his famous side-trip to Pakistan). It is clearly visible in a photo from that time (see end of article).

  154. Wile says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    I have traced Obama’s ring back even further to his time at Occidental College around 1981. That is the year that he traveled to Indonesia to visit his mother and sister (and made his famous side-trip to Pakistan). It is clearly visible in a photo from that time (see end of article).

    Looks like the same picture found in the WND article.

  155. foreigner says:

    hadn’t he a gold ring on the 5th finger of his right hand in the picture
    of the Punahao? finishing ceremony at 26:00 in that video

  156. foreigner: hadn’t he a gold ring on the 5th finger of his right hand in the picture
    of the Punahao?

    Don’t be ridiculous. It’s the same ring worn by the Green Lantern.

  157. It was a ring, but it looks like a different shape.

    foreigner: hadn’t he a gold ring on the 5th finger of his right hand in the picture
    of the Punahao? finishing ceremony at 26:00 in that video

  158. foreigner says:
  159. foreigner says:

    and this:

    btw. DrC, where is the Hawaii 1961 coding manual ? You said you ordered it through library-exchange, but we never heard about it

  160. Melinda says:

    Donna, I see no reason to bring Mormonism into this discussion. The White Horse Prophesy is not accept by the Mormon church since only ONE man claimed to have heard Joseph Smith say it. The ONE man is not even a known historical figure or leader in the church. The church debunked it over a hundred years ago. You have committed the same crime as the people who claim/spread the ring theory. All claims like this must be researched before you go spouting off falsehoods. You are religion bashing and that does not belong on any side of the political divide. You should be ashamed.

  161. Melinda: The White Horse Prophesy

    It’s actually the “white whores prophecy.”

  162. Melinda: Donna, I see no reason to bring Mormonism into this discussion.

    Arizona SoS Bennett is also a Mormon. Remember, he demanded written proof from Hawaii that Obama was born there, or he was going to take Obama off the ballot.

    – SALT LAKE CITY — A Mormon church-owned NBC affiliate in Utah won’t air an upcoming sitcom about a gay couple that invites a surrogate mother into their home, as they try to have a baby, because the station deems the content inappropriate for its audience. The affiliate also does not broadcast SNL.


    – SLC deeded a public road to the Mormon church, which then curtailed non-Mormon citizens’ activities there:

    First Unitarian Church v. Salt Lake City Corporation – http://www.acluutah.org/msappeal.htm

  163. Melinda: All claims like this must be researched before you go spouting off falsehoods.

    The planet Kolob is not on my solar system chart. Heathens stole my myths.

  164. foreigner says:

    I’m reading in Obama books … and it becomes clear that the idea of him
    being a Muslim is absurd. I wonder whether Corsi or Gilbert or birthers did
    read his books

    see e.g. the audacity of hope , Chapter Six Faith

  165. foreigner: I’m reading in Obama books … and it becomes clear that the idea of him being a Muslim is absurd.

    If you play his audio books backward, Obama clearly says “I am a Pastafarian.”

  166. LW says:

    I wonder whether Corsi or Gilbert or birthers did
    read his books

    It’s almost–almost–as if Corsi or Gilbert or birthers do not consider academic rigor to be their primary goal. But then, you might ask, what would their primary goal be? It’s a pretty puzzle.

  167. donna says:

    if you read the book authored by the brit author, firstbrook, (and interviewed on c-span) …… The Obamas: The Untold Story of an African Family ……. you will see he spent time in kenya and traced President Obama’s African family back 23 generations – the majority of obama’s family in kenya are 7th day adventists

    misha marinsky:

    Mormon Feminists Don’t Like Romney


  168. Rev. E. A. Hernandez says:

    Sir this is a beautiful article and I enjoyed reading it, mostly I enjoyed the excellent tone and the facts. I believe you stated that you took those famous photos of Obama’s ring. That was his first original ring if we may call it that.

    As a ring historian but certainly not an Obama expert I merely wanted to draw to your attention the fact that Obama wears at least four different wedding rings, one of them being that first ring, which he has had since at least 1981, and known as a Kenyan Elephant Hair design.

    I do not know how or why Obama came into possession of the ring, but I have seen a photograph of him with his mother wearing that ring on his right hand. The photograph of him with his grandmother in Kenya on his very first visit also shows him wearing that ring and he is wearing it in the famous photograph with his maternal grandparents.

    He found it humorous to deflect questions about the ring in college, but I also happen to know his friends ribbed him constantly for wearing a wedding ring as a single young man.
    “Latest Accomplishments: … Deflecting Persistent Questioning about Ring On Left Hand.”

    The intricate swirly ring that you see is an Indonesian sweetgrass “swirl” promise ring design; it was purchased in Indonesia when he and Michelle went to Bali. It is clear that it was intended for the wedding, and it was indeed the ring that Michelle put on his finger.

    Since then, Obama alternates the Kenyan and Indonesian rings with at least one plain gold band because he is petrified of losing the two precious keepsake rings. Often he simply removes whichever ring he is wearing and pockets it. I have extensive photographs proving all of this.

    Thank you again for a beautiful entry. Would you consider updating it? The photographs I have are in the public domain but they are not mine; I have no printed material which I can reference other than the material President Obama has published himself. Please email me if you have the time at your convenience and thank you once again. You are literally the only author who has addressed the subject, but you did not have the answers.

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