I am not a lawyer, but I have been told that Civil RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) is one of the most complex areas of the law. Orly Taitz “just started” [link to Taitz web site] the Civil RICO statement in her Mississippi case YESTERDAY and it is due MONDAY (actually it was ordered to be filed in May).
Why is there a standing order that a RICO statement must be filed? In Gutierrez v. Givens, 1 F.Supp.2d 1077, 1087 (S.D.Cal.1998), the Court explained that it was “…the filtering out of meritless complaints.” YES!
Orly has asked her readers if she left anything out of a long list of “criminal” activities. Interestingly, Orly mentions one subversive organization, “Fogbow,” not named as a defendant in her suit. Fogbow leader “Foggy” appears (right) in a photo taken at the recent Obot conference. Orly writes in her RICO statement:
“Fogbow”-subversive organization, created with the purpose of aiding and abetting Obama in usurpation of U.S. Presidency with forged IDs and by defaming and slandering civil rights leaders, ike (sic) Plaintiffs herein, who are bringing civil challenges to Obama and destroy their ability to make a living.
Orly Taitz has never, to my knowledge, been paid by anyone as a lawyer, and she cannot credibly claim that this is way she makes her living. If anything, she gains by contributions to her web site which would not exist save for the allegations she makes of a criminal conspiracy. According to Taitz (pulling this out of the clouds, I suppose):
Financial backers to … Fogbow, specifically the largest financial backer believed to be billionaire George Soros. further discovery will be necessary to ascertain identity of backers and members of “Fogbow”).
Well, the identities of the financial backers and members of Fogbow are hardly a secret. Here’s a group photo of them.
Curiously, the RICO statement has a section asking for a list of “alleged wrongdoers, other than the Defendant(s), and state the alleged misconduct of each wrongdoer.” Indeed Orly goes on and on about every perceived slight received at the hands of people who are non-parties to her suit. By repeating the following material from the Orly Taitz web site, I am not not giving any credence, attributing any validity, nor making any statement on the accuracy of these allegations.
Fogbow consists of a number of attorneys, who work for high ranked judges as clerks or staff attorneys, for IRS, state bars, military attorneys and other organizations. they used their positions to aid and abet Obama and slander, defame and impoverish ones who sought legal resolution and prosecution of forgeries by Obama
Fogbow attorneys used pseudonyms
One of the organizers of Fogbow is a California attorney and an attorney for the Democratic party –Scott J. Tepper, who uses a pseudonym “Sterngard Friegen“. Tepper is a part time investigator for the CA bar. Tepper misused and abused his position as a part time investigator to launch collateral attacks on Taitz, in order to attack her CA license and prevent her from going after Obama and his forged IDs. While CA bar decided not to take any action against Taitz, she suffered over $10,000 financial damage in legal fees having to hire attorneys, specializing in bar representation to fend attacks by Tepper. Typically bar investigates complaints coming from clients or parties to legal actions. Tepper was never a client of Taitz or a party to any legal action, where she was either a party or attorney. Tepper abused his position as a California bar investigator, went with a thin tooth comb through any legal action, where Taitz was a party and bombarded CA bar with complaints seeking to attack her license in order to prevent her from representing other parties against Obama. at the same time Tepper co-founded subversive organization “Fogbow”, used pseudonym Sterngard Friegen and attacked Taitz with defamatory remarks, sexually charged remarks, seeking de-humanize her, assassinate her character. His remarks, as well as remarks of other members of Fogbow resulted in estimated damage of over $500,000 in lost income for Taitz in her dental practice. Additionally, members of Fogbow wrote to multiple dental insurance companies seeking to affect Taitz contracts with those insurance companies. Members of Fogbow and others wrote defamatory statements to tenants, who subleased office space from Taitz. Those tenants were harassed and intimidated. Lost rental income is estimated to be over $400,000. Members of Fogbow and others harassed and intimidated clients and witnesses of Taitz, seeking their withdrawal from cases. this harassment and intimidation resulted in estimated loss of income of over $500,000 for Taitz, as an attorney, in her legal practice.
Bill Bryan, uses pseudonym “Foggy”, a former CA attorney, who rescinded from the CA bar in the midst of discipline investigation and after multiple suspensions. …
Staff attorneys, law clerks, employees of several courts, who worked in a coordinated effort to manipulate dockets, manipulate cases in order to derail any legal challenges to Obama. Some of these attorneys worked in concert with at least two convicted forgers, who directly or through their attorneys submitted perjured statements to courts in order to derail cases challenging Obama. One of attorneys engaged in derailment of anti Obama cases is believed to be an attorney for Perkins Coie, Siddharth Velamoor, who worked as an attorney for Judge David O. carter, who presided over the cases Keys, Barnett et al v Obama et al.
But it gets crazier. Anti-birther web sites come in for attack as part of the criminal conspiracy.
“Oh for Goodness sakes”- subversive web site, created to defame and slander civil rights attorneys, and civil rights leaders who bring forward legal challenges against Obama and to destroy ability of such attorneys to make a living
“Orly’s World”- web site created to defame civil rights leaders and attorneys, who bring forward evidence of forgery in Obama’s documents and to affect ability of civil rights attorneys and leaders to make a living
One of the things that distinguish between the “paranoid style” to use historian Richard Hofstadter’s term for conspiracy theory thinking and clinical paranoia is that the conspiracy theorist does not see the conspiracy as directed at him personally.
I left the following comment at Orly’s site (unlikely to be published):
Dr. Conspiracy: It’s rather silly spinning all this nonsense on Fogbow when they aren’t even plaintiffs (sic) in your suit. Heck, without this “criminal conspiracy” you wouldn’t be raking in all these PayPal contributions. You’ve never made your living practicing law and a claim that anyone in your suit is preventing you from making a living is ludicrous. Your whole fame depends on them, without whom you would still be a no-name dentist.
In addition, she writes up all her RICO allegations in the Judd v. Obama case, again defendants who are not parties to the Mississippi lawsuit.
After wasting all that time venting, and probably defaming non-parties, she does mention John Doe(s) who forged the President’s birth certificate and other things. The defendants actually named in her Mississippi RICO action are:
- Barack Obama
- Obama for America
- Nancy Pelosi
- Alvin Onaka
- Loretta Fuddy
The document on her site is only a draft, but it is clearly a mess, mentioning, for example Keith Judd as a plaintiff, when he isn’t. While wasting huge amounts of text on non-parties, the bulk of the statement isn’t filled in at all (so far).
Read more:
- Filed version of Taitz RICO statement.
Gotta luv Taitz’ inability to use the correct wording:
“Tepper abused his position as a California bar investigator, went with a thin tooth comb through any legal action, where Taitz was a party and bombarded CA bar with complaints seeking to attack her license in order to prevent her from representing other parties against Obama.”
I’ll presume she meant fine tooth comb.
Fogbow hasn’t prevented anyone from pursuing a career as a mail order bride.
Orly Taitz is a fascist. I guess you can take the girl out of the Soviet Union but you can’t take the Soviet Union out of the girl.
I don’t think the RICO complaint will survive a motion to dismiss. Even if her allegations of fact were true, she has alleged no causal relationship between any defendant’s illegal conduct and any commercial loss on her part.
Using pseudonyms. I can hear Lena’s righteous indignation from halfway across the state.
Nice article, Doc C.
One question:
You refer more than once to Fogbow, its members or other non-parties as not being named as a plaintiff in her suit. Did you mean defendant or am I misunderstanding something?
Beat me to it, June Bug.
Also this: “The plaintiffs actually named in her Mississippi RICO action are:
Barack Obama
Obama for America
Nancy Pelosi
Alvin Onaka
Loretta Fuddy
“Subversive organization”????
Does she think she’s back in the Soviet Union and she’s some sort of Commisar?
Looks like she’s finally lost what little hold she had left on reality!
She’s up there now, with Major Tom. Probably bogarting all of the narcotics too! The selfish witch!
When she finally ends up in the booby hatch, maybe the Fogbow chaps will send her a card, thanking her for all the free publicity, and of course, the laughs.
Love the group shot! The faces came out perfectly.
I know right? That one on the far left! *wolf-whistle* What a hottie!
It’s Orly’s fault that I have this problem:
Didn’t Orly herself consort with convicted forgers? Orlyworld is terribly confusing.
The RICO statement is supposed to flesh out the specifics of the allegations — who, what, where, date and time, how (direct causal link), etc. Orly’s responses fail this requirement. For example, in her allegations against me in the response to Section 3, noticeably missing are the names and details of persons — the plaintiffs, the “other civil rights leaders” who are unidentified — who supposedly suffered hardship presumably of a tax nature. Does she have evidence their returns were audited? If so, that the adjustments increased the plaintiffs’ taxes? And that the tax deficiency was wrongfully asserted? Did the plaintiffs and other “civil rights leaders” avail themselves of the administrative and judicial review opportunities afforded by law, and if so, did they prevail? Did the courts find abuse of agency discretion? How was the alleged abuse of position in furtherance of a racketeering enterprise? These would be necessary to make a prima facie case. The RICO statement sadly comes nowhere close to describing any culpable conduct by the alleged nonparty co-conspirators.
Hasn’t Orly’s world shut down? I haven’t heard about it for ages (and only visited the one time).
Orly’s World may no longer exist. It was made a private group shortly after I left it. A private group can not been seen even through a search so it may still be there.
OK, it’s still there,
I skipped over your mention when I did my article, but since you bring it up, I agree. When I was a math student we called stuff like this :”hand waving” which is what you do at the blackboard when there are holes in your proof.
One big difference is the theorem exercises we there trying to prove in math class were actually true, which at least gave us a fighting chance at a rigorous proof. In Orly’s case the RICO conspiracy is a fiction, and therefore it can’t be proven.
I have no doubt Orly’s “experts” will be able reveal the identity of the Obots in the photos. Her Adobe Illustrator layer expert attended the world renowned ITT tech and smileys are no match.
She’s still translating on the fly. Until and unless she begins thinking in English, it will always be a second language. And she’ll continue to sound like Google Translate Under the Influence.
Mississippi Ballot Challenge: Smack
The attorney for the Mississippi Dems, Samuel Begley, sends the following email to Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq., as posted to her website:
Dear Ms. Taitz In response to your letter to me dated October 11, 2012 and e-mailed today, your claims are preposterous, your evidence non-existent, any evidence of a fraud exists only in your own mind, and (as we wrote in our motion for judgment on the pleadings) ignoring you does not constitute a RICO violation. Also, under Mississippi law your current ridiculous claims are time barred and as an out of state resident you have no standing to bring them. If I have not made it clear in the past, go away.
I would like nothing better than to see Mr. Begley and Mr. Tepper have the opportunity to argue in court against Orly. Especially if she was given the opportunity to display the “merits” of her case…
Orly’s World is alive and well.
I think Orly has converted to Scientology. All this talk about “subversives”?
MS – Orly v Democrat Party – The genius of it all
Did Orly run out of time or space? The RICO Statement asks a clear question:
State whether the alleged unlawful conduct is in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1962(a), (b),(c), and/or (d).
Yes it is
MS – Orly v Democrat Party – Attachments…
Wait wait… not just two responses, but also attachments… First exhibit is the infamous response by Begley 🙂
10/15/2012 50 ATTACHMENTS – Exhibits 1 thru 8 in Support of 48 Response in Opposition to Motion, 47 Response in Opposition to Motion, filed by Orly Taitz. (ND) (Entered: 10/16/2012)
SDMS – TvMSDPM – ECF 49 – 2012-10-15 – Taitz RICO Statement