The occasional open thread: cracked pot edition

Post your Obama conspiracy comments here not related to the other current articles. Comments will close after two weeks.


About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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124 Responses to The occasional open thread: cracked pot edition

  1. JPotter says:

    Stephen Colbert on Fresh Air today, good stuff! He discussed his SuperPAC and faux candidacy, events that were followed by this blog …

  2. Xyxox says:

    Newest Obama conspiracy theory just out today. Obama controls how the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports unemployment since there is no way possible the unemployment rate could have dropped to 7.8%.

    Naturally there is no explanation as to why Obama didn’t work his magical powers to alter the unemployment rate before the 2010 mid-term elections, but that’s completely beside the point.

  3. Wile says:

    Newest Obama conspiracy theory just out today. Obama controls how the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports unemployment since there is no way possible the unemployment rate could have dropped to 7.8%.

    Naturally there is no explanation as to why Obama didn’t work his magical powers to alter the unemployment rate before the 2010 mid-term elections, but that’s completely beside the point.

    “”” I agree with former GE CEO Jack Welch, Chicago style politics is at work here. Somehow by manipulation of data we are all of a sudden below 8 percent unemployment, a month from the Presidential election. This is Orwellian to say the least and representative of Saul Alinsky tactics from the book “Rules for Radicals”- a must read for all who want to know how the left strategize .”””

    Congressman Allen West

  4. Xyxox says:

    I can hardly wait to see

  5. Arthur says:

    JPotter: Stephen Colbert on Fresh Air today, good stuff! He discussed his SuperPAC and faux candidacy, events that were followed by this blog …

    Yeah, that was a great interview. Thanks for linking it.

  6. donna says:

    Jack Welch, who famously cooked General Electric’s accounting books when he was CEO?

    yeah, he’s “credible”

  7. richCares says:

    Both Ryan and Romney have said their tax plan is “revenue neutral” which means no change in tax liabilities. The tax cut would be matched by eliminating deductions, making it neutral. WOW, gobbily Gook. If the net liability stays the same, why change anything. The real point is that even if all deductions are removed, it would never get close to the tax cut amounts. Revenue neutral is BS, pure BS.

  8. Thomas Brown says:

    Let me get this straight: when the Polls show Obama doing well, they’re “skewed,” but when they have good news for Romney, they’re accurate again? And when the job numbers are bad they’re right, but when they’re good they’re “cooked”?

    Got it.

  9. 1% Silver Nitrate says:

    Paul Ryan Has News for the Birthers: He’s Not One of Them

  10. Arthur says:

    You’ve got to read this letter to Susan Daniels from Geauga County Prosecuting Attorney in Ohio. It’s another magnificent birther smack-down.

  11. donna says:

    1% Silver Nitrate & Arthur

    grazie mille for the 2 links


  12. Rickey says:

    Elsewhere, Van Irion’s appeal of sanctions in Tennessee has been denied as premature. The appeal was filed before an amount was awarded, hence there is no “final and appealable” order to appeal.

    One would think that a lawyer would know that.

  13. JPotter says:

    10/5/12 QotD is pure LOLz 😀

  14. jayHG says:

    Thomas Brown:
    Let me get this straight: when the Polls show Obama doing well, they’re “skewed,” but when they have good news for Romney, they’re accurate again?And when the job numbers are bad they’re right, but when they’re good they’re “cooked”?

    Got it.

    Bingo!!!! Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!!!!! SCORE!!!!!!!!!!

  15. I saw this at the Washington Post:

    “Responsible” media won’t touch this subject but it’s well known that Obama needs to be “medicated” prior to public appearances. Before his acceptance speech in 2008 he got 10cc’s of intravenous dexedrine and a line or two of coke. Wednesday, obviously, they didn’t allow for the effects of altitude [which are real] and gave him too large a dose of ativan. Sources on request…”

  16. Speaking of crackpots, has anyone seen this:

    Congressman Calls Evolution Lie From ‘Pit of Hell’

    Georgia Rep. Paul Broun said in videotaped remarks that evolution, embryology and the Big Bang theory are “lies straight from the pit of hell” meant to convince people that they do not need a savior.

    He’s also a birther. Big surprise:

    “Broun…drew national attention in 2010 for saying he did not know if President Obama was an American citizen.”

  17. Scott Brown (R – Mars) called Obama a bastard:

    BROWN: Barack’s mom had him when she was what, 18 years old?
    GUEST: And married!
    BROWN: Well, I don’t know about that. [laughing]

    Brown then denied it:

    TP: You said that he, his mother wasn’t married when [Obama] was born. You’re not apologizing for that video?

    BROWN: Excuse me, now I wanna answer this question. I was asked whether the president’s parents were married. I said I didn’t know. That was the extent of the question.

  18. Broun humors a man who suggested assassinating Obama:

    Rep. Paul Broun, a conservative from northeast Georgia and one of President Obama’s most hardline critics in Congress, received this shocking question from a town hall attendee Tuesday night: “Who is going to shoot Obama?”

    Broun, a two-term congressman, addressed the question by saying, “I know there’s a lot of frustration with this president,” and by pointing to next year’s election as an opportunity to elect “somebody that’s going to be a conservative, limited-government president … who will sign a bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare.”

  19. RuhRoh says:

    Tim Adams has a new video up about his involvement with the Birthers.

    He’s still a Birther. He dropped out of the movement because Orly Taitz asked him to lie.

    He contradicts himself, first saying that the Birther issue is not resolved because no one wants to settle it, and then goes on to say it is settled.

  20. J.D. Reed says:

    A thought occurred to me recently while contemplating the birthers taking the word of a copy of young Barack Obama’s Indonesian school enrollment form where it states religion and name, but studiously avoiding mention of the place where it states place of birth. Typically, they metaphorically or literally avert their eyes because it affirms the president’s birth in Hawaii USA.

    These folks remind me of a not-so-bright drug smuggler pulled over by a drug enforcement officer in a rural Texas county. The agent, as he was trained to do, asked for consent to search. To which this mule responded, “You can search everywhere except under the front passenger seat.”

    Of course, that’s where the officer focused his search. Whether he considered this probable cause to search that area of the car without a warrant, or whether he obtained a quickie search warrant from a nearby judge, I don’t know.

    I fantacize about seeing Orly or some other birther lawyer in court offering the school enrollment form as evidence, but demanding that the judge instruct jurors not to look at the “place of birth” box. Of course, it would be just as futile as this mule volunteering only a partial consent to search.

  21. Rickey says:

    J.D. Reed:

    These folks remind me of a not-so-brightdrug smugglerpulled over by a drug enforcement officer in a rural Texas county. The agent, as he was trained to do, asked for consent to search. To which this mule responded, “You can search everywhere except under the front passenger seat.”

    That’s a candidate for a Darwin Award.

    I don’t understand why anyone, under any circumstances, would give police officers consent to search a car. Make them try to get a search warrant.

  22. Keith says:

    Yeah, yeah, they say RMoney won the debate with Obama.

    But who won this one: Romney Debates Himself?

  23. RuhRoh says:

    J.D. Reed:
    A thought occurred to me recently while contemplating the birthers taking the word of a copy of young Barack Obama’s Indonesian school enrollment form where it states religion and name, but studiously avoiding mention of the place where it states place of birth. Typically, they metaphorically or literally avert their eyes because it affirms the president’s birth in Hawaii USA.

    Or why they take copies of Indonesian school registration papers as irrefutable proof of something yet refuse to believe that copies of any documents supplied by U.S. entities are valid, true and correct.

  24. Thrifty says:

    Yesterday, I saw an old Law and Order episode entitled “Nullification”. An armored car driver is shot and killed during a robbery. The suspects are later found to be members of an extremist militia. They are all put on trial for conspiracy to commit robbery and murder. One of the group’s members and one of the suspects decides to act as their counsel. He’s not a lawyer, but he worked as a bailiff once upon a time.

    The entire trial is a series of theatrics as prosecutor Jack McCoy presents an actual case, while the defense counsel lets loose a series of irrelevant and stupid arguments. On the stand, he provides some dumb, flowery speech about the tyranny of government and such. Defendants randomly launch into obnoxious speeches and are ejected from the courtroom. A clearly agitated McCoy frequently objects. It was a sight to see, and really reminded me of Birther court actions. It’s a good episode from season 8, and is on Netflix Instant View if you wanna see it.

  25. Thrifty says:


    I don’t understand why anyone, under any circumstances, would give police officers consent to search a car. Make them try to get a search warrant.

    I think a lot of people believe that if they have nothing to hide, there’s no reason NOT to be fully cooperative with the police. This can of course lead to a dangerous situation where a person who is indeed innocent (but who the police believe to be guilty), will believe naively that justice will prevail and that only guilty people need lawyers.

    I think that among law abiding citizens, there’s a certain mix of fear and respect of police officers. Someone pulled over by the cops is already a little intimidated; that person probably doesn’t want to make the situation worse by being antagonistic toward the officer and demanding the officer get a warrant.

    But I’m wondering about your question. I can see why a person carrying illegal substances would not consent to a search. But why would a truly innocent person not consent to a search? I’ve got nothing illegal in my car. What would I have to lose by letting the cops take a look around? As I see it, it’s different than a police interrogation room where the cops already suspect you are guilty and are trying to trip you into incrimination.

  26. bovril says:


    The issue is not about YOUR innocence it is all about the presumption of innocence as a whole.

    It is the burden of the police to demonstrate that there is a reasonable level of suspicion before they get to paw at their will through your life and possesions.

    Unfortunately in the US there has been a nasty erosion of the principle of the police as servants of the public into a Us v Them mentality by the police.

    What the police forget and I get particularly exercised when they use the phrase “civilian” when they tak of the public is that they ARE members of the public with certain specific, bounded and limited police authorties.

    They are not the military and they most certainly do not get a free pass because of a badge…see Arpaio et-al.

    Police want to look through my possesions, not a problem, get a warrant and follow the law.

  27. bovril: Police want to look through my possesions, not a problem, get a warrant and follow the law.

    IANAL, but I have a paralegal cert. from Old Dominion University in Norfolk.

    Courts have ruled since the Great Depression, a search warrant is not required to search a vehicle.

    Long haul truckers have argued the sleeper compartment is their home, and therefore a warrant is needed to search that compartment. Courts have consistently ruled against that, saying the entire truck is a vehicle, and a warrant is not needed to search any part, bumper to bumper.

    Also, there is no habeas corpus at Customs.

    It’s not a sudden erosion; it’s been progressing since Prohibition.

  28. Thrifty says:

    I dunno Bovril. I see your point, but it seems needlessly antagonistic for an officer to ask to search my car and me to say “get a warrant!” with a sort of implied “screw you”.

    But to this point of presumed innocence. Why am I presumed innocent? Okay yes, in the context of me actually being accused of a crime, standing as a suspect at interrogation or as a defendant in a court of law, I get it. But in general, what makes me different from, say, an actual criminal with a trunk full of explosives ready to blow up the nearest offices of the federal government? It’s like this. One day about 4 years ago, I drove to Washington DC to attend a Weird Al Yankovic concert. When I was there, and searching for parking, I pulled into a parking garage near the concert hall. On my way in, a police asked me to pop open my trunk. I did. Why not? I’m just attending a concert, not plotting to blow up a building. Why should I demand a warrant? But on the other hand, smuggling explosives into this building is something someone could do, and would have motive to do. It’s the nation’s capital after all. Why am I presumed innocent?

    And I think Misha makes a good point that I forgot to mention.

  29. Scientist says:

    Thrifty: One day about 4 years ago, I drove to Washington DC to attend a Weird Al Yankovic concert. When I was there, and searching for parking, I pulled into a parking garage near the concert hall. On my way in, a police asked me to pop open my trunk. I did. Why not? I’m just attending a concert, not plotting to blow up a building. Why should I demand a warrant? But on the other hand, smuggling explosives into this building is something someone could do, and would have motive to do. It’s the nation’s capital after all. Why am I presumed innocent?

    This stuation does not involve the legal presumption of innocence, but rather your use of a particular facility (the parking garage). You would have been free to decline to park there if the search bothered you. The same is true of airport securty. You can avoid being searched by not flying, but if you want to get on the plane you must consent.

    misha, IANAL either, but I disagree that the cops have a right to search your car without a warrant. If you are pulled over for speeding, and the cop sees drugs in plain sight, he can search the car. But, if he doesn’t see them but suspects you have them, he can ask your permission or get a warrant. Of course, he can hold you until he gets the warrant, so most people consent. Customs are different and you are considered to consent simply through presenting yourself at the entry ponit.

  30. Scientist: But, if he doesn’t see them but suspects you have them, he can ask your permission or get a warrant.

    Not exactly: “The motor vehicle exception is a legal rule in the United States which allows the search of a motor vehicle without the search warrant normally required by the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

    The motor vehicle exception was first established by the United States Supreme Court in 1925, in Carroll v. United States.”

    Also, the exclusionary rule does not apply to vehicles.

  31. Rickey says:

    misha marinsky: IANAL, but I have a paralegal cert. from Old Dominion University in Norfolk.

    Courts have ruled since the Great Depression, a search warrant is not required to search a vehicle.

    Yes, but there still has to be probable cause, does there not? If a police officer asks for permission to search a car, it tells me that the officer is at the very least uncertain about whether there is probable cause. If I get stopped because a headlight is out, I’m not about to give permission to have my vehicle searched.

  32. Keith says:

    misha marinsky: Not exactly: “The motor vehicle exception is a legal rule in the United States which allows the search of a motor vehicle without the search warrant normally required by the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

    The motor vehicle exception was first established by the United States Supreme Court in 1925, in Carroll v. United States.”

    Also, the exclusionary rule does not apply to vehicles.

    They still need probably cause; you aren’t resorting to quote mining and text truncation to make your point are you? That’s naughty.

    Here is the complete quote from my Law School text book (Wikipedia) (the same as your link):

    The motor vehicle exception was first established by the United States Supreme Court in 1925, in Carroll v. United States.[1] The motor vehicle exception allows an officer to search a vehicle without a search warrant as long as he or she has probable cause to believe that evidence or contraband is located in the vehicle.

    Drug sniffing dogs are often used to supply that probably cause at border crossings for example. They will walk the dog past every car, but they can only search when the dog signals. Of course if they want to search a car anyway, they just say that the dog signaled whether it did or not.

    It appears that whether or not a dog alert can be used as probable cause is in front of the Supreme Court right now! Florida v Harris (warrant-less search of a truck) and Florida v Jardines (is the dog sniff itself a warrant-less search of a house).

    Or maybe a passenger’s pacemaker might set off a radiation alarm:
    Raul Castro, Former Arizona Governor, Detained At Border Checkpoint

  33. I’ve added Birther Headlines to the Quick Reference links (page bottom right). The site describes itself as:

    Birther Headlines is a daily snapshot of the leading blogs focused on President Obama’s birth certificate, breaking news coverage of ballot challenges against him in the 2012 election, and stories featuring Congressmen, Senators, Lawyers and other local politicians who question his eligibility.

    The page displays quickly and provides a good overview of what the birthers are up to.

  34. donna says:

    trump: “You may go back and interview people from my kindergarten,” he continued. “They’ll remember me. Nobody comes forward. Nobody knows who he is until later in his life. It’s very strange. The whole thing is very strange.”

    today: Childhood friend introduces Obama

  35. The Magic M says:

    donna: trump: “You may go back and interview people from my kindergarten,” he continued. “They’ll remember me.

    I bet they do – they will remember the white kid who bullied or stuffed them face first in the wastebin, rather than the shy and polite black kid who was friendly towards anyone.

  36. RuhRoh says:

    Birthers once again prove this has nothing to do with race by displaying an empty chair with two watermelons, a noose, a Go Back To Kenya sign and a Romney sign. How would anyone reach the conclusion that racism plays any part in their actions?

  37. donna says:

    Birther Scorecard & String Cite: Birthers Win *O* – Lose – 165 | Pending – 10 | Total – 175 | Updated October 9, 2012

    i seem to recall more recent cases that were denied cert and were not included (?) in this update

  38. Like anybody cares, but I’ve been going through my older articles removing “(updated)” from the titles. I put that there to let folks who may have read an article know that something has been added or changed. Once an article becomes non-current, that no longer adds value, but detracts from the title. Not all have been edited. I update LOTS of articles.

  39. donna says:

    another fake conspiracy debunked

    Why The Obama Foreign Donation ‘Scandal’ Is Pure Fiction

    ironically, erick erickson from red state was one of the debunkers

  40. Rickey says:

    another fake conspiracy debunked

    Why The Obama Foreign Donation ‘Scandal’ Is Pure Fiction

    ironically, erick erickson from red state was one of the debunkers claimed that the absence of a requirement to provide a credit card verification code makes it easier for foreigners to contribute, but that is nonsense. The CVV or CCV does nothing to verify where the contribution is coming from.

  41. foreign(birth)er says:

    donna: The Obama Foreign Donation ‘Scandal’ Is Pure Fiction

    I thought it was quietly swept under the rug when rMoney announced his London/Israel panhandling tour?

  42. Keith says:

    another fake conspiracy debunked

    Why The Obama Foreign Donation ‘Scandal’ Is Pure Fiction

    ironically, erick erickson from red state was one of the debunkers

    Heck, the Obama campaign wouldn’t even let me buy a coffee mug. I’m a US Citizen living in Australia.

    The website had no way to enter a non-US address, and when I asked about it they said they could not help me, sorry.

  43. JPotter says:

    Keith: Heck, the Obama campaign wouldn’t even let me buy a coffee mug. I’m a US Citizen living in Australia.

    Bummer, guess they can’t take a chance. Want me to buy it for you and forward it?

    They might show up on eBay … after the election.

  44. donna says:

    ASK Esq: “The other ridiculous story the birthers are hyping is that, as a child, Obama told his schoolmates in Hawaii that he was either Kenyan royalty or an Indonesian prince. Of course, a child telling wild stories is proof of…well, it must be proof of something.”

    i THOUGHT no one knew obama

    that’s what the fraud trump said

    i posted THIS in response to a birther regurgitating that “royalty” story:

    10/8 Childhood friend introduces Obama

  45. donna: More On Obama’s Ring

    WHTC is an AM station in Holland, MI. Holland is an economically depressed town, where people still park their cars diagonally. You should see the place.

    The stimulus funded a Volt battery plant there. The main attraction in Holland is the Gerald Ford museum. They roll up the sidewalks after 10 PM.

  46. bob j says:

    “I will need all hands on deck and all the witnesses lined up. If Zullo nad Arpaio are not responding again, I personally am coming to AZ to slap them silly and drag them to IN.”

    This is a quote from Orly’s site. There has talk on this site of the possibility of Orly trying to incite a lone wolf; is it possible that she could be that wolf? Threatening a sheriff with physical violence is no laughing matter; even if the sheriff is, himself, a laughing matter. She also seems to think the President is addressing her directly. An article from her website:

    “Unbelievable, Barack Obama is taunting me yet again by releasing the same idiotic statement “Release the Mugs”. I am getting really angry at this arrogant criminal with forged IDs”

    What is the commitment level of her crazy?

  47. bob j: What is the commitment level of her crazy?

    I predict, if Obama is re-elected, Oily will have a breakdown in public.

    I felt sorry for Loretta Lynn. Oily, I’ll cheer.

  48. bob j: “I will need all hands on deck and all the witnesses lined up. If Zullo nad Arpaio are not responding again, I personally am coming to AZ to slap them silly and drag them to IN.”

    “Unbelievable, Barack Obama is taunting me yet again by releasing the same idiotic statement “Release the Mugs”. I am getting really angry at this arrogant criminal with forged IDs”

    She’s deranged.

  49. MN-Skeptic says:

    misha marinsky: WHTC is an AM station in Holland, MI. Holland is an economically depressed town, where people still park their cars diagonally. You should see the place.

    The stimulus funded a Volt battery plant there. The main attraction in Holland is the Gerald Ford museum. They roll up the sidewalks after 10 PM.

    Holland, MI is a very religious, conservative city with a strong Dutch heritage. It’s known for its Tulip Time Festival, not for the Gerald Ford Museum. That’s 30 miles away in Grand Rapids. Its economy is mostly on a par with the rest of Michigan. Because it’s on Lake Michigan, it does get tourists in the summer. It’s also home to Hope College. (Just an FYI. I’ve been there once, visiting my sister who still lives there.)

  50. I was also there once in the 90’s on a business trip.

    MN-Skeptic: Holland, MI is a very religious, conservative city with a strong Dutch heritage. It’s known for its Tulip Time Festival, not for the Gerald Ford Museum. That’s 30 miles away in Grand Rapids. Its economy is mostly on a par with the rest of Michigan. Because it’s on Lake Michigan, it does get tourists in the summer. It’s also home to Hope College. (Just an FYI. I’ve been there once, visiting my sister who still lives there.)

  51. ASK Esq says:

    misha marinsky: bob j: What is the commitment level of her crazy?
    I predict, if Obama is re-elected, Oily will have a breakdown in public.

    I was actually thinking that, attention whore that she is, Orly has a secret hope for Obama to be re-elected. After all, if he loses, she’ll no longer have any excuse to get in front of TV cameras.

  52. ASK Esq says:

    MN-Skeptic: Holland, MI is a very religious, conservative city with a strong Dutch heritage. It’s known for its Tulip Time Festival, not for the Gerald Ford Museum. That’s 30 miles away in Grand Rapids. Its economy is mostly on a par with the rest of Michigan. Because it’s on Lake Michigan, it does get tourists in the summer. It’s also home to Hope College. (Just an FYI. I’ve been there once, visiting my sister who still lives there.)

    I seem to recall an indie film I saw once that was set at a Dutch-themed amusement park there, but I could be wrong.

  53. Northland10 says:

    I have been in and around there from time to time, having grown up only 1.5 hours away.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I was also there once in the 90′s on a business trip.

  54. RuhRoh says:

    IN – Orly v Election Commission – Cause Set for Hearing

    Orly will be extremely unhappy with the proceedings and probably add Judge Reid to her RICO by October 23.

  55. donna says:


    HOPEFULLY, costs & SANCTIONS will be added

    the ditz is also suing cnn in another lawsuit

  56. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Now that we are less than a month away from the election, the birthers are scared poopless, because they’ve realized that no one in a position of power has fallen for their bologna.

  57. RuhRoh says:

    NH State Rep Stella Tremblay just discovered Phil Berg. She’s forwarding Berg’s videos to the NH SOS and her fellow Reps. I guess she missed Orly’s flying NH circus.

  58. sfjeff says:

    Did anyone else watch the VP debates tonight?

    Anyone else notice that our Vice President is really Irish?

    Both Joe and Paul confirmed it.

    I guess they both slipped up and let out the sekrit the Konspiracy is trying to hide

    Our Vice President is a sekrit Irish Catholic!

  59. JPotter says:

    sfjeff: Our Vice President is a sekrit Irish Catholic!

    O’bama and Biden the spearhead of an Irish coup!

    Manchesterian* candidates!


    * I know Manchester is in England. Fudging a bit to force the pun. 😛

  60. Paul Pieniezny says:

    It is London 1913. After visiting the continent, collecting the birth certificates of Taft, Teddy Roosevelt, Harry Serguey Truman and LBJ from Jean Jaures (who stole them from the French surete where they had been stored after those 4 applied for French citizenship under the Huguenot law) and hiding them all over Europe (eg the bell tower of St Marie-l-Eglise in Normandy, the back of a panel of the Sacred Lamb in Ghent, ..), young David Eisenhauer {as written in his passport) is now ready for the second part of his secret assignment.

    He’s hiding in a niche across the street from the residence of American (if he can still be called American, as he speaks fluent Cockney and Mandarin Chinese) financier Herbert Hoover. He watches while HH leaves the house and drives off in his horse cab on his way to his office. He then quickly crosses the street and hits the door knocker of the HH house. The butler opens. Says DE:
    “Good morning. David Eisenhower. I am a young American discovering the roots of the country that I love so much. However, when I was in Germany, the gotverdamnd sauerkrauts confiscated my US passport and gave me a German one. I heard Mr Hoover helps out stranded Americans, so …”
    “Ï am sorry Sir, but Mr Hoover has just left, he will only be back for tiffins.”
    “No problem, I can wait, I do not have any place to go anyway.”
    “I am sorry Sir, but you said David. Are you Jewish by any chance, because I happen to know an address where you could be helped as expertly as by Mr Hoover.”
    “No, I am not Jewish. But since all over Europe, I have been asked that question, I am seriously considering switching to my middle name.”
    “No problem, Sir, will you wait in the salon d’hotes? I am sure Mr Hoover will not mind me serving you a nice cup of Chinese tea and biscuits with Australian marmalade. That should take about twenty minutes at the most.”
    “OK. I’ll wait.”
    David speeds to the salon, finds the telephone and immediately calls the Official Switch (operative since July 13th, 1912) to lodge a complaint with the operator.
    DE: Hullo, Mr Herbert Hoover here. I have just noticed that although I have been living here since at least 1910, my telephone number is still not listed in the London directory.
    Operator: Sorry, Mr Hoover, I will have a look at my directory enquiries book to see what is the matter. Oh, I see. It says here: ‘Do not list.’ And under the column Reason someone wrote ‘eligibility’. Hm, I guess that is a spelling error for ‘illigibility’. It appears someone must have written a letter on your behalf which was unreadable. Do you want me to mark your number for listing?
    DE: Yes, by all means.
    Operator: Now there we are. I have corrected it. However, you are too late to be listed in 1914. You will appear in the 1915 edition at the earliest. Is that allright, Sir?
    DE: No problem, thank you very much.

    Laying down the receiver, DE waits for the butler to bring the tea and biscuits, has some and then tells the butler:
    “I am sorry, I changed my mind. I will go to the US Embassy first. I am sure that they will tell Mr Hoover if his help is needed in my case. Thanks for the tea and biscuits and tell Mr Hoover his marmalade is delicious.”
    “No problem, Sir. Önly we seem to be out of Australian marmalade, so I served you mango chutney. I will tell Mr Hoover. And in case we do not meet again, bon voyage home.”
    “No, I am sure we’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t when, but I know we’ll meet again”.
    “Oh, I will try to remember that, Sir. Have a good day, Sir.”

    And that, little children, is how David, pardon, Dwight Eisenhower established his “illigibility” for the election of 1952.

  61. Steve says:

    Occasionally, I’ve heard a theory that if it looks like President Obama is likely to lose, there will be some sort of emergency and President Obama would suspend the election.
    This guy (John T. Reed, I like his football stuff, which is why I started reading his site, but otherwise, it seems like he’s gone off the deep end) seems to think Obama will do this to become President for life.

    Here is the part where he says that:

    “By the way, at least we know that Obama cannot run for a third term. Why not? It says so right there in the Constitution.


    I think his suspending elections and serving for life will be one of those heretofore unknown emergency powers triggered by hyperinflation. The four Justices appointed by Obama plus one pre-Obama liberal Justice will uphold such implicit-in-the-Constitution extraordinary powers.

    Don’t laugh. It could get you in trouble. At present, Obama responds to complaints about his violating the Constittuion by daring critics to sue him or vote him out of office. But as he told Dmitri Medvedev, he will have more “flexibility” after he election.”

    There’s no way that could ever happen, right?

  62. Keith says:

    Steve: Occasionally, I’ve heard a theory that if it looks like President Obama is likely to lose, there will be some sort of emergency and President Obama would suspend the election.

    That isn’t a theory; its an hallucination and it isn’t worth the electrons used to transmit it to my screen.

  63. Keith: its an hallucination


  64. Steve: Occasionally, I’ve heard a theory that if it looks like President Obama is likely to lose, there will be some sort of emergency and President Obama would suspend the election.

    Kelly Keisling, a GOP state representative, is touting the same thing:

  65. I don’t know if anyone else has seen this:

    Jason Thompson On Obama: ‘We Have The Opportunity’ To Send The President Back To Kenya

    In a clip posted on YouTube from a Republican Party Of Kenosha County brunch event, Jason Thompson commented that “we have the opportunity” to send President Barack Obama “back to Chicago — or Kenya,” drawing applause from the crowd.

    Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus was among the other speakers, adding that “we have an opportunity to save America” by electing Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.

  66. Majority Will says:

    “The head of a charity in northeastern Ohio where Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan and his family were photographed cleaning dishes over the weekend said Monday that Ryan was not authorized to be on the premises and ‘did nothing’ while there.”

    “Ryan was photographed cleaning ‘large metal pans that did not appear to be dirty’ during a 15-minute visit . . .”

    This gives new meaning to pandering.

  67. Thinker says:

    Have people seen Paul Irey and Doug Vogt’s Washington Times ad? Hilarious! Part of it is written in font that is unreadable and it has several misspellings. And that’s without even getting into the stupidity of the overall analysis of fonts and pixels. Classic birfer buffoonery!

  68. JPotter says:

    By the time he arrived, the food had already been served, the patrons had left, and the hall had been cleaned.
    Upon entering the soup kitchen, Ryan, his wife and three young children greeted and thanked several volunteers, then donned white aprons and offered to clean some dishes. Photographers snapped photos and TV cameras shot footage of Ryan and his family washing pots and pans that did not appear to be dirty.

    No kiddin’. That is one clean kitchen. What the heck were these photos supposed to be for? Particularly with the desolate look of the place. Deep Reds are to believe they run the place all by their lonesome? Oh, right. That mythical individualism. Christ feeding the masses here. He gives and he gives and he gives, this man!

    “Our campaign and Congressman Ryan were pleased to bring attention to the meaningful charitable contributions the St. Vincent De Paul Society makes to people in need,”

    Right, just as stalkers* delight in highlighting the attractiveness of their targets.


    * I was going to go with ‘rapists,’ but thought better of it. 😉

  69. Keith: I think I need to break into my popcorn stash for this one…

    Thanks for the tip – I missed it.

    The rabbi would hate my family. I come from a long line of social rebels. My mother’s father, in whose house I grew up in, went from rabbinical student to communist, to socialist, to bootlegger.

    As I wrote before, my mother let me bring girlfriends home overnight. My wife and I lived together for a year before marrying. She and my mother got along fairly well.

    BTW, I think Silverman is great.

    A man is making aliyah, and is at Customs. The inspector opens the first suitcase, and sees it is stuffed with paper money. “Wow, there must be thousands here. How did you get this much?”

    The man says, “I went around the world. In every city, I went into every men’s room, took out a knife, and said “Give me $20 for Israel, or I’ll cut your balls off.”

    The Customs inspector says, “Looks like it worked. What’s in the second suitcase?”

    “Sometimes they didn’t like to give.”

  70. Majority Will says:

    FINALLY! The Romney Tax Plan explained . . .

  71. LW says:

    I guess Romney’s saving the whole BC thing for the last debate.


  72. Mitt Romney has ‘binders full of women’

    Romney, in tonight’s town hall debate with President Barack Obama, speaking of inequalities in the workplace explained: ”I went to a number of women’s groups and said, ‘Can you help us find folks,’ and they brought us whole binders full of women.”

    That’s just how Mitt rolls; it already has its own URL:

  73. donna says:

    Internet Takes Off With Mitt Romney’s ‘Binders Full of Women’

    Despite all the fireworks over taxes, oil and Libya, the most buzz-worthy social media moment of Tuesday night’s presidential debate was Republican nominee Mitt Romney’s comment about “binders full of women.”

    The inadvertently funny comment came in response to a question about pay equity for women from a member of the audience of the debate between Romney and President Obama at Hofstra University.

    Romney was explaining that as the governor of Massachusetts searching for qualified women to fill cabinet posts, women’s groups brought him “binders full of women” who were good candidates.

    “And I said, ‘Well, gosh, can’t we — can’t we find some — some women that are also qualified?” Romney said. “I went to a number of women’s groups and said, ‘Can you help us find folks,’ and they brought us whole binders full of women.”

    The response was swift.

    “‘They brought me whole binders full of women’ Did I just hear that? #debate,” tweeted @MichaelAusiello.”

    “‘They brought us binders full of women,’ doesn’t sound good in any setting,” added the New York Times’ Nick Bilton.

    It wasn’t long before the internet took the comment and ran with it.

    A new “Tumblr” account popped up with images inspired by the comment, including one from the now-famous “Texts from Hillary” meme.

    “Romney still uses binders? LOL,” read the caption attached to a photo of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

  74. @Donna: see my links above.

  75. donna says:

    google images:

    why the f * ^ %k don’t i have a binder full of women?


    Hugh Hefner: binders full of women? oh yeah i’ve got hundreds of them

  76. James M says:

    Tonight’s birther dog whistle was pretty subtle:

    “We have — we have a president talking about someone’s plan in a way that’s completely foreign to what my real plan is.”

  77. RuhRoh says:

    WND has a new article up using “ThoughtPrint Decoding”, which they swear is a science, to “prove” that Obama’s speech to the U.N. September 25 was a confession of his ineligibility and a call for the public to storm the White House should he be re-elected.

    What’s next for these lunatics? Tea leaves? Taro cards? Entrails?

  78. What struck me when he said this is that “binders” is another word for “handcuffs.” Maybe we can find something about that in a 1950’s fetish magazine.

    donna: Romney was explaining that as the governor of Massachusetts searching for qualified women to fill cabinet posts, women’s groups brought him “binders full of women” who were good candidates.

  79. The Magic M says:

    RuhRoh: What’s next for these lunatics? Tea leaves? Taro cards? Entrails?

    Naw, “thought print decoding” already surpasses those in lunacy.
    It’s also called “the art of seeing what’s not there” or “how to extract any meaning I want from any given text”.
    It’s a bit like XOR encryption. For any given text T encoded with any XOR key K (=> f(T,K)) and any other given text T’, you can easily construct a key K’ so that f(T, K) = f(T’, K’).
    Thus if I encode the US Constitution with a key K, you can find a key K’ so that it looks like I encoded an Al Quaeda pamphlet with said K’:
    Let K’ := f(f(T,K), T’).
    Then f(T’, K’) = f(T’, f(f(T, K), T’)) = f(T, K)
    since XOR’ing is an Abelian operation and XOR’ing twice with the same key is the identity operator.

  80. Weird email.

    Over the last few weeks I have been getting emails from a person banned from this site. Specific issues were mentioned about why he was banned, the Gilbert photos, and “Obama is a bad guy” in general. I replied to a few of them. This was received today:

    Comments: I went to my ’email’ for the first time in six weeks. It seems you have actually written me back a few times….I did not know this was going on. The email address I use is not really what I use normally, its there to catch useless flak, its not really mine. I declined to open your responses, so I dont know what you said back to me. I know its not possible for the emails to be consequential, coming from an obvious paid ‘partisan hack.’

    Needless to say, this guy is going in my auto-archive and mark as read filter. I would reply to him with this information so he won’t waste time writing emails to me, but hey, he doesn’t read my emails. 😈

  81. I actually understood that.

    The Magic M: It’s a bit like XOR encryption.

  82. Women in binders respond to Romney debate comment:

    donna: why the f * ^ %k don’t i have a binder full of women?

  83. JPotter says:

    Crowley for President.

    The binders thing was clearly a Freudian slip. Binders full of women … escort services. Shopping for people to use, as rMoney shops for corps to pump and dump. Corporations are people, my friends. And some people are corporations.

    Dr. Conspiracy: Weird email.

    Wow, that guy even has his online identities wrapped in tinfoil.

  84. J.D. Reed says:

    Hey, I never heard what happened to the Iowa folks who became overly curious and took an illegal peak at the president’s financial aid records, while they worked for a private contractor that processes government education data.
    They were indicted, last I read, but did any of them plead guilty, go to trial, or were charges dismissed with a stern warning not to do it again (and perhaps firing by their employer)?

  85. Mercedes Costoyas plead guilty and received probation. She said she was “just curious” and didn’t know it was illegal.

    Patrick E. Roan plead guilty and was sentenced to community service and a $25 court fee.

    John P. Phommivong plead guilty and was sentenced to 1 year probation.

    Andrew J. Lage, Anne C. Rhodes, Patrick E. Roan, Lisa Torney, and Julie L. Kline also plead guilty and received 1 year probation.

    Sandra Teague (who by the way is black) was found guilty by a jury and sentenced to 2 years probation (she faced a maximum of 1 year in jail and a $100,000 fine). She also was fired by the company, Vangent.

    Information from the Quad City Times.

    J.D. Reed: Hey, I never heard what happened to the Iowa folks who became overly curious and took an illegal peak at the president’s financial aid records, while they worked for a private contractor that processes government education data

  86. donna says:

    is this true?


    Obama has removed all references to his father the COMMIE Frank Marshall Davis in the audio versions of his book.


  87. LW says:

    The thing that shouldn’t get buried in all the “binders” fun:

    Romney wasn’t even telling the truth.

  88. JPotter says:

    donna: is this true?‘DREAMS From My Father’: REVISED VERSIONObama has removed all references to his father the COMMIE Frank Marshall Davis in the audio versions of his book.TIA

    Were there any references to FMD in Dreams From My Father to begin with? I don’t think there were. Last audio edition I see was from 2005. Usual birther crap. “How do you know the references were removed?” “Because they aren’t there!”

    LW: Romney wasn’t even telling the truth.

    Well, duh. In JPotterian archetypes, rMoney is an exquisite example of the Bullsh*ttin’ CEO. Constantly ‘selling’, prattling on with a mix of whatever he wants to be true and whatever he believes the audience wants to hear, and bulldozing onward, unable to recognize or process new or contrary information.I had the misfortune of working for just such a man for 2 years. Such men aren’t even capable of realizing there’s a problem with “creating reality” on the fly.
    The spin out some Truth, and trust others will make it happen. When it inevitably doesn’t, and they are confronted, spin some more.

    I am not sure I would call this ‘evil,’ as evil requires conscious intent. I would call it functionally insane.

    You can’t trust anything a Bullsh*ttin’ CEO says, but you can almost always predict what they will say. Makes good drinking game fodder.

  89. James M says:


    Were there any references to FMD in Dreams From My Father to begin with? I don’t think there were. Last audio edition I see was from 2005. Usual birther crap. “How do you know the references were removed?” “Because they aren’t there!”

    Only baggers seem to have bought Obama’s books in multiple formats and have parsed every word, phrase, and punctuation mark.

  90. JPotter says:

    James M: Only baggers seem to have bought Obama’s books in multiple formats and have parsed every word, phrase, and punctuation mark.

    The ever-obsessive Obama Derangement Syndrome! Obsess over something a person professes to hate doesn’t say much for the person. ODS might well be renamed Obama Envy Syndrome.

    I only obsess over things I like. *ahem*

  91. foreigner says:

    is there an electronic version of dreams from my father ?
    maybe a scan. It has no keyword list

  92. Judge Mental says:

    Donna….an acquaintance of mine who works in the book industry in the USA, and whose reliability has been proven again and again, happens to have access to a publishing industry database which involves republished books including abridgments. He checked out this rumour two weeks ago via that database and confirmed that although the 2005 audio version has been “re-editioned” (just a convenient made up word) several times thereafter, the text of the audio CD’s have never changed. He confirmed there has never been any such thing as an unabridged version of the CD’s.

    You can take it to the bank that this rumour is as fabricated as the alleged arabic script on the ring. Anyone making this claim should be challenged with confidence to come up with some evidence of such changes. They won’t be able to.

  93. donna says:

    graziel mille, ALL

    i only asked because i have seen this BS before and i HATE having stuff hang out there with no way to refute it – i am certainly NOT going to review the book, etc as i would a court doc or anything else that would garner my interest enough

    again, thanks

  94. JPotter says:

    In Dreams, Obama does refer to meeting a poet named ‘Frank’ who live in Waikiki. In the text, he never uses the names ‘Marshall’ or ‘Davis’. Perhaps nutters, listening to this, are assuming Obama has anonymized this person. Maybe if they could read ….. 😉

    With ‘Dreams From My Real Father,’ Have Obama Haters Hit Rock Bottom?
    by Michelle Goldberg Sep 28, 2012 4:45 AM EDT

  95. LW says:

    is this true?


    Obama has removed all references to his father the COMMIE Frank Marshall Davis in the audio versions of his book.


    Looking at the quacking about this on The Blaze, their claim is that this Frank-eliding was done in 2005, for the original (Grammy -winning!) audiobook.

    So, according to their theory, Obama had a change of heart about mentioning Davis between 1995 and 2005, but only thought it mattered to people who listened to books rather than read them.

  96. J.D. Reed says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Mercedes Costoyas plead guilty and received probation. She said she was “just curious” and didn’t know it was illegal.Patrick E. Roan plead guilty and was sentenced to community service and a $25 court fee. John P. Phommivong plead guilty and was sentenced to 1 year probation.Andrew J. Lage, Anne C. Rhodes, Patrick E. Roan, Lisa Torney, and Julie L. Kline also plead guilty and received 1 year probation.Sandra Teague (who by the way is black) was found guilty by a jury and sentenced to 2 years probation (she faced a maximum of 1 year in jail and a $100,000 fine). She also was fired by the company, Vangent.Information from the Quad City Times.

    Hey, thanks much, Doc!

  97. RuhRoh says:

    Rachel Maddow is reporting that the Romney campaign today credentialed Jerome Corsi as a reporter traveling with the campaign. Wow.

  98. RuhRoh says:

    Judd v. Obama was dismissed sua sponte today. Orly hasn’t reported that on her website yet, although she has reported that she’s refiling.

    Here’s the order:

  99. donna says:

    thanks all for the “commie” frank marshall davis info


    Onboard the Romney plane: Jerome Corsi

    Jerome Corsi, the political writer and conspiracy theorist, is traveling with the Mitt Romney press corps today.

    Corsi, 66, writes for World Net Daily and is the author of several anti-Obama books, including Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President.

    Asked why he was traveling with the Romney campaign, Corsi told POLITICO, “I am a Senior Staff Reporter for WND covering the campaign.”

    In recent months, Corsi has argued that President Obama may be gay or bisexual and that his wedding ring bears the Islamic declaration of faith, “There is no god except Allah.” In 2004, Corsi wrote the controversial Unfit for Command: Swift boat veterans speak out against John Kerry, which was criticized for factual inaccuracies. Per The Guardian, U.S. news outlets “have accused Corsi of being anti-Islamic, anti-Catholic, anti-semitic and homophobic, and of exploiting racial prejudices in an attempt to ‘scare white America.'”

    Romney campain press secretary Andrea Saul did not respond to a request for comment.

    romney >drudge >jerome corsi >romney

  100. donna says:


    Judd v. Obama

    PRICELESS & thanks

  101. James M says:

    donna October 17, 2012 at 9:55 pm (Quote) #

    I have a theory.

    The main thing that jumped out at me in last night’s debate was Romney’s expressions about his blind trust.

    Currently, his trustee relationship (through his attorney R. Branford Malt) is not all that blind. It complies with the OGE and FEC standards for a Presidential candidate, might pass muster as an interim arrangement for a President Elect, but is not at all sufficient for a sitting President.

    I have no doubt that he is projecting some internal misgivings about the changes that he will have to execute in order to be in compliance with the rules and the US Code that governs the trust requirements for the President. The rules are much stricter than those applied while he was Governor.

    Mitt Romney has never, for a hot minute, undertaken the degree of relinquished control of his finances that will be required (by law!) as President. As his prospects start to coalesce and he is forced to confront this spectre, it must be front and center in his mind.

    So he asked the President if he had looked at his pension lately. That is an interesting question, because the Presidential pension is a fixed annual $191,300.00 cash payment on the first day of the Federal Fiscal Year until age 80. There are no investments at work in this program, it is simply a line item in the Federal budget.

    The President’s retirement fund is separate from his pension. That will be a FERS account with a TSP component. The President may make investment elections at the start of the Fiscal Year, but otherwise, the performance and income reports of his TSP account are subject to the same OGE rules as all his other investments.

    The Federal TSP functions mostly like a 401(k). There are diversified, granular investment options. There is the basis Treasury fund (“G”, used internally to finance the program), the Blackrock funds (“F,C, S, and I”) which are essentially the index funds used for risk mitigation in the program administration, and these are exposed to the employees as the “L” funds, which roughly correspond to your usual mutual fund choices in your typical opaque 401(k). It kind of stinks if you want to micromanage your investments. There’s a bond-ish one, a fixed income option, a small cap, a common stock, and a set of index funds with target dates. There isn’t a whole lot of flexibility, but the funds themselves are traded on the open market so non-federal-employees can invest in, say, various forms of Blackrock “C”.

    Anyone who has been a Federal employee for a minute and a half will be well aware of the TSP options, and I’m sure some of the curmudg^H^H^H^H^H^H fine contributors to the Good Doctor’s website will correct me on the particulars.

  102. RuhRoh: Rachel Maddow is reporting that the Romney campaign today credentialed Jerome Corsi as a reporter traveling with the campaign.

    Trump and now Corsi.

    A man is known by the company he keeps. – English proverb

  103. Yes, of course there is.

    Dreams from My Father

    foreigner: is there an electronic version of dreams from my father ?
    maybe a scan. It has no keyword list

  104. Based on my limited understanding of what happened, this was a failure of training by the company first and foremost. I think the suspended sentences were appropriate.

    J.D. Reed: Hey, thanks much, Doc!

  105. donna says:

    James M :

    funny you should mention that – this pm i began a rough draft of something similar – it’s not finished but you’ll get the gist and i have sources too

    from the debate

    ROMNEY: “Yeah. Just going to make a point. Any investments I have over the last eight years have been managed by a blind trust. And I understand they do include investments outside the United States, including in — in Chinese companies.”

    remember this comment from mitt: (DUE TO HIS ARROGANCE & GREED) he wasn’t going to “manipulate my life” just to become president.

    flashback 1994 mitt: “The blind trust is an age-old ruse.”

    and mitt’s “blind trust” is REALLY A RUSE

    instead of a fiduciary third party empowered to administer the business of the trust without any input from the beneficiary, mitt’s administrator is HIS ATTORNEY


    so mitt and his ATTORNEY chat about his investments and their conversation is covered by privilege whereas an administrator WOULD NOT be covered by privilege in any proceeding

    Along with granting full management discretion, the blind trust also prevents the administrator from providing any information about the day to day operations of the trust to the beneficiary.

    but his ATTORNEY is under NO SUCH restrictions

    he also said: if he’s elected, he’ll move his wealth into a new, stricter blind trust, governed by federal rules.

    Obama never had a federal blind trust, his campaign said, because he had liquidated all of the stocks he previously held in a regular blind trust when he was a U.S Senator.

    A New York Times article from March 2007 quoted then-candidate Obama saying that he had done so because, “I became concerned that I might not be able to insulate myself from knowledge of my holdings, that this trust instrument wasn’t working the way I wanted it to.”

    The article said that from then forward, Obama’s holdings were kept in the form of mutual funds and a debt fund, which he said he thought were too diversified to need a blind trust.

    so IF, GOD-DESS FORBID, he’s elected, he will be OBLIGATED TO “MANIPULATE HIS LIFE”

    Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney insists that he didn’t shut down his tax shelters in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and Switzerland because it would “avoid the truth” and he wasn’t going to “manipulate my life” just to become president.

  106. James M says:


    funny you should mention that – this pm i began a rough draft of something similar – it’s not finished but you’ll get the gist and i have sources too

    Thank you Donna. I was going to mention the “age old ruse” and the same point on attorney-client privilege, but I was already getting a bit long-winded.

  107. foreigner says:

    I found it here as pdf:
    1.3MB,237 pages , 834KB as text-file , 13700 lines =195 pages
    would I be allowed to upload it as a text file so it could be searched and quoted
    in internet ?
    they seem to have other Obama books for free, which would make sense before the election

  108. Keith says:

    Overheard in the Twitterverse*

    Dear Religion,

    This week I safely dropped a man from space while you shot a child in the face for wanting to go to school.

    Yours sincerely, Science.

    *I believe it is correctly attributed to Ricky Gervais, but I do not have direct knowledge of that..

  109. donna says:

    Dinesh D’Souza Resigns From Presidency Of Christian College

    Conservative activist Dinesh D’Souza resigned Thursday as president of The King’s College, a small evangelical school based in Manhattan.

    The move came following recent reports that the 51-year old D’Souza was engaged to a 29-year old woman, while still in the course of a divorce from his wife of 20 years, and that the two had shared a hotel room at a recent Christian conference. However, the Daily Beast reports that it is not immediately clear what the ultimate cause of D’Souza’s resignation was — and that the board had other complaints, as well:

    According to several sources at the college, members of the King’s faculty and board alike had grown hostile to D’Souza’s presidency over what they saw as a failure to earn his reported million-dollar salary. D’Souza has spent much of the past few months promoting his documentary, 2016: Obama’s America, and his high profile in the media was seen as rarely benefitting the college. It may even have been seen as a detriment: According to a former staffer familiar with the college’s public relations, King’s employees have been explicitly tasked with disentangling D’Souza’s extracurricular activities from the college’s reputation.

    D’Souza has in the last two years spearheaded a book and movie alleging that President Obama has a “post-colonial” ideology from Kenya, with the president having a secret aim to take down America’s economic and political power leading the world.

  110. sfjeff says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Yes, of course there is.Dreams from My Father

    The search function on Amazon is wonderfully helpful when rebutting people who are so quick to post fake quotes. Not perfect- but very helpful.

  111. Rasmussen poll:

    Being “Tea Party” now perceived worse than runner up “liberal.”

  112. Thomas Brown says:

    I just remembered something… wasn’t America founded by anti-colonialists? Seems like I read that somewhere.

  113. US v. Wong Kim Ark is the featured article at the Wikipedia today!

  114. donna says:


    i looked at that poll

    the choices were: teaparty, liberal, conservative, moderate, and progressive

    they give you the results for all except “progressive”

    they also omit results on the next poll:

    1* Many people have different ideological perspectives on fiscal issues and social issues. When it comes to fiscal issues such as taxes, government spending and business regulation, are you politically conservative, moderate or liberal?

    2* When it comes to social issues like abortion, public prayer, and Church-state topics, are you politically conservative, moderate or liberal?


    Voters remain more conservative on fiscal issues than on social matters. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 43% consider themselves conservative when it comes to fiscal issues such as taxes, government spending and business regulation. That’s consistent with regular tracking since May of last year. Thirty-seven percent (37%) say they are fiscal moderates. Eighteen percent (18%) define themselves as liberal on fiscal matters, up four points from a month ago and the highest number of self-described fiscal liberals to date.

    it’s REALLY annoying

  115. donna says:

    arpaio’s county tells latino voters to vote 2 DAYS LATE on nov 8th

  116. Thomas Brown: I just remembered something… wasn’t America founded by anti-colonialists?Seems like I read that somewhere.

    Actually, Washington and the rest were secret communists. Thomas Jefferson was a secret Muslim – he kept the Koran in his library.

    D’Souza is right about colonial rule. The British stopped suttee. Pakistan is sliding back to the 8th century.

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