Life in the emergency lane

imageOrly Taitz did a much better job redacting the account number on the image of the check for $710 she sent to the California Supreme Court than she ever did redacting President Obama’s social-security number in her court filings. The check was for an “emergency” petition [Link to Taitz web site] to the Court to stay the election. The title of her article is:

Emergency petition for STAY of certification of election results filed with the Supreme Court of CA. I don’t believe they will do a thing, but from here it goes to Anthony Kennedy at SCOTUS. He is rather mad at what is going on in the last 4 years, particularly Obamacare, he might grant a stay, we’ll know soon enough. I need people to look through their statutes and seek emergency stay provisions in their Supreme Courts. We need to send similar Applications for stay up to Alito, Thomas and Scalia

The plaintiffs are Orly Taitz, Edward Noonan and Keith Judd.

Orly is clearly deluded on two points. The first is her allegation that:

Plaintiffs have uncovered one and a half million invalid voter registrations in the state of California

That’s based the State’s registration database not having valid dates of birth for many registrants. That said, some state voter registration databases are out of date, not having removed people that moved away. (One of the things we worked on in the vital statistics software business was providing interfaces between death registration systems and voter registration systems to remove deceased voters.) This is why sometimes there are more registered voters than there are adults in the population. It’s especially true in small towns with large universities. But voter registration is not the same thing as voting, and these ineligible voters (moved away or died) don’t vote and they don’t effect the outcome of the election. What Orly would need to show, and she obviously cannot, is that enough ineligible persons voted in the elected to change the outcome.

The second thing Orly is deluded about is the belief that all the government officials, state and local, know she’s right and they only say otherwise because of corruption or cowardice. The believes that there is a judge out there somewhere who will grant her wishes and rewrite history to make her the heroine and the scary black man in the White House the villain.

Other recent Taitz emergencies (links to Taitz web site):

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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25 Responses to Life in the emergency lane

  1. Thomas Brown says:

    Orly deluded? Say it ain’t so.

  2. Thrifty says:

    Doc C wrote:

    That said, some state voter registration databases are out of date, not having removed people that moved away. (One of the things we worked on in the vital statistics software business was providing interfaces between death registration systems and voter registration systems to remove deceased voters.) This is why sometimes there are more registered voters than there are adults in the population.

    Public records can be woefully out of date, like you say. Back in August, my parents received at their house a summons for my sister to appear for jury duty in the Superior Court of Delaware. I don’t know where they are getting their information from, but my sister was able to get out of jury duty by explaining that she had moved to Alabama in 2003 and that the address they had on file for her had not been valid for 9 years.

    I guess they accepted her excuse, because two weeks later they sent a “You are excused from jury duty” letter to my parents house in Delaware.

    What really confuses me about the ordeal is that the house where Mom and Dad are living now is not the same one we were raised in and not the same one my sister lived in when she moved down south. They sold that house in 2008. So I guess somehow the court system’s records were updated to show that our family no longer lived at the old address, but never that most of the people living there had moved away.

  3. realist says:

    Doc… love the listing of Orly’s “emergencies”.

  4. Rickey says:

    As Doc has pointed out, there are many reasons for ineligible voters to be on the list of registered voters, death and moving away being the primary ones. And of course California has many colleges and universities, where a student may vote once or twice and never vote again.

    In my lifetime I have voted in New York, Arizona, California and Colorado. I don’t ever recall notifying the local Board of Elections that I was moving, and I suspect that it never occurs to most people to do so.

    Of course, even if Orly succeeded (she won’t), it would make no difference. Obama doesn’t need California’s electoral votes.

    Incidentally, the latest popular vote totals have Obama at 50.86% and Romney at 47.43%. Obama’s lead is now up to almost 4.4 million, and reportedly there are still about 2 million votes to be counted in California and New York.

  5. The Magic M says:

    Rickey: Of course, even if Orly succeeded (she won’t), it would make no difference. Obama doesn’t need California’s electoral votes.

    Isn’t she at least partly doing this to get a do-over (or an “Orly declared winner”) for her Senate election?

  6. Thrifty says:

    Rickey: Of course, even if Orly succeeded (she won’t), it would make no difference. Obama doesn’t need California’s electoral votes.

    Orly seems to think, as shown by some of her statements regarding whatever nonsense she’s up to in Mississippi, that these challenges are like dominoes. Find that elusive snipe known as “The One Honest Judge”, to rule in her favor for one state, and suddenly the other 49 are all up for review and the electoral college won’t be able to vote.

  7. richCares says:

    Why do they let this mentally disturbed woman file any cases, that is really a shame and needs to be ended!

  8. JPotter says:

    “Orly Taitz did a much better job redacting the account number on the image of the check ….”

    Soo-pwize, soo-pwize, soo-pwize. Another tell of narcissm. Such inner focus, like an inward tunnel …. here’s an interesting socio-psychological analogy: Taitz as black hole, sucking up everything in reach, smashing it into insanity, and blasting it all out as Hawking radiation.

  9. Northland10 says:

    She took the author of the Arizona and Alabama immigration laws to court because he did not follow her demands yet she still thinks she will find her “honest” judge.

    Thrifty: Orly seems to think, as shown by some of her statements regarding whatever nonsense she’s up to in Mississippi, that these challenges are like dominoes.Find that elusive snipe known as “The One Honest Judge”, to rule in her favor for one state, and suddenly the other 49 are all up for review and the electoral college won’t be able to vote.

  10. Anyone care to speculate if and when she will get hit with defense costs, and the amount?

    I’m going to say $100K in total.

  11. Well, conventional wisdom says she’ll get zinged for the Mississippi case, which has dragged on a very long time, and is very frivolous, is very much multiplied in unnecessary complexity, and is very much lacking in candor from Taitz. I’m thinking a figure in excess of a quarter million will be requested. I don’t know what the judge will do.

    I have to realize that I’m biased on this question and I listen to other people equally biased.

    misha marinsky: I’m going to say $100K in total.

  12. Getting that list, of necessity, meant a good bit of time searching around Orly’s web site. While doing that, I concluded that I should create a petition on the White House web site that Orly Taitz get a new blog theme and hire a professional web designer to fix that mess so that decent folks don’t have to deal with it.

    You know, her article titles aren’t written in upper case. The example in my article is how they are written. It’s the crappy theme that forces them to upper case. That’s maybe OK for a 1-line title, but not for War and Peace.

    realist: Doc… love the listing of Orly’s “emergencies”.

  13. Bob says:

    Orly sez:

    “He [Anthony Kennedy] is rather mad at what is going on in the last 4 years, particularly Obamacare, he might grant a stay . . . ”

    Is she saying Anthony Kennedy would base a decision on politics rather than the law?

  14. LW says:

    I don’t get the whole title thing with her. The blog software I’m most familiar with has a little teeny line for the article title, and a vast savanna-like expanse for the body text, with formatting toolbars and stuff; I kinda assume most software of this type would be laid out that way.

  15. US Citizen says:

    Orly sez:

    “He [Anthony Kennedy] is rather mad at what is going on in the last 4 years, particularly Obamacare, he might grant a stay . . . ”

    Is she saying Anthony Kennedy would base a decision on politics rather than the law?

    Orly sees the world through Orly eyes.
    ie: If someone is angry at someone else, they’re more apt to take the opposing side’s position.
    She just doesn’t understand the word “law.”

  16. Rickey says:

    misha marinsky:
    Anyone care to speculate if and when she will get hit with defense costs, and the amount?

    She is being hit with defense costs in Taitz v. Sebelius, but it remains to be seen what the amount will be.

  17. jayHG says:

    Bob: Orly sez:“He [Anthony Kennedy] is rather mad at what is going on in the last 4 years, particularly Obamacare, he might grant a stay . . . ”Is she saying Anthony Kennedy would base a decision on politics rather than the law?

    I was wondering how she knows he’s “mad.”

  18. Objective Doubter says:

    Hello Doc. I’d like to add something regarding her numbers (since I worked at an NGO on HAVA and such, so I have some expertise). The fundamental problems with OrLena’s premise are:

    1) registration voted (as you pointed out).

    2) the actual qualifications of the registrant trump the way the form is filled out.

    So, let’s say, there is no birth date filled in on a registration form — one of the premises OrLena used in counting “fraudulent” registrations. I, for one, have NO BIRTH DATE on my original registration form. When I first registered at my current address 34+ years ago, it wasn’t written in. (I remember signing up, in front of the market, my first week as a home owner.) By Orly’s rule, my registration is invalid. Nope. Each registrant whose form is without a birth date but who in actuality is 18 years or older, is a valid registrant. I have to say that there are many, many such cases. On my street alone — since I have walked my precinct many times using a Registrar of Voters’ list — about a quarter of my neighbors who are clearly over 18 have no birth date in the system.

    Similarly, if the registration form is signed, it includes a statement that the registrant swears that he/she is a US citizen. That trumps the absence of a state/country of birth, and again, if it is the actuality, it’s a good registration.

    So what OrLena calls invalid really isn’t.

    Just one more note. Because Mad Moldovan has no regard whatsoever for expertise, she once again gets things wrong. Plus it behooves her to not know what the experts could tell her, then she can rant all the more. Were she to spend $300 or so, any novice Election Law attorney would explain this to her. FCOL, I’m not even an attorney and I know it. But once again her desire to be dramatic and center stage wastes the strained resources of California.

    What an evil witch.

  19. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I can’t wait to see her crash and burn. It will be a spectacle.

  20. Takes one to know one.

    jayHG: I was wondering how she knows he’s “mad.”

  21. Yeah, it’s kinda strange.

    Certainly the WordPress interface is laid out as you describe; the Windows Live Writer that I use is the same.

    There are other ways to post to a WordPress blog, for example, by email and various other plug-ins.

    Whatever she is doing, it is clear that she’s as bad a blogger as she is a lawyer. Poorly informed, lazy, and largely unconcerned for the people who have to read her stuff.

    LW: I don’t get the whole title thing with her. The blog software I’m most familiar with has a little teeny line for the article title, and a vast savanna-like expanse for the body text, with formatting toolbars and stuff; I kinda assume most software of this type would be laid out that way.

  22. Any day now.

    Rickey: She is being hit with defense costs in Taitz v. Sebelius, but it remains to be seen what the amount will be.

  23. Thinker says:

    This is just costs, not fees. If the government decides to go after her, it will only be a couple hundred dollars.

    Rickey: She is being hit with defense costs in Taitz v. Sebelius, but it remains to be seen what the amount will be.

  24. Defendants:

    Kathleen Sebelius (Govt)
    Barack Hussein Obama (Govt)
    Nancy Peolsi (non Govt)
    Brian Schatz (non Govt)
    Lynn Matusow (non Govt)
    Alvin Onaka (Hawaii state govt)
    Michael Astrue (Govt)
    William A. Chatfield (former Govt)
    Alice Travis Germond (non Govt)

    The following are allowable costs:

    (1) Fees of the clerk and marshal;
    (2) Fees of the court reporter for all or any part of the stenographic
    transcript necessarily obtained for use in the case;
    (3) Fees and disbursements for printing and witnesses;
    (4) Fees for exemplification and copies of papers necessarily obtained for use
    in the case;
    (5) Docket fees under section 1923 of 28 U.S.C.;
    (6) Compensation of court appointed experts, compensation of interpreters, and
    salaries, fees, expenses, and costs of special interpretation services under
    section 1828 of 28 U.S.C.

    For details on fees and costs see the CRS report “Awards of Attorneys’ Fees
    by Federal Courts and Federal Agencies

    Thinker: This is just costs, not fees. If the government decides to go after her, it will only be a couple hundred dollars.

  25. ZixiOfIx says:

    Doc… love the listing of Orly’s “emergencies”.

    I once read a study which showed that some people pass along falsehoods, knowing on some level that they’re telling a lie, but telling it anyway because they think they’re acting for the greater good and because it makes them feel important. The more “urgent” the message, the bigger the supposed stakes, the more the subjects felt okay about lying. The lie serves to give them a sense of belonging they don’t otherwise have.

    I believe this to be largely true, and it seems to be especially true of birthers.

    So, they may not admit it, but they know that Mr. Obama probably wasn’t born in Kenya. But they have to get rid of him because they absolutely believe that he’s a Communist.

    They may not admit to themselves that there is absolutely no evidence Mr. Obama killed his grandmother, but they’re going to say he did because they absolutely believe that he’s a socialist who is ruining our great nation.

    And so on. Everything is a very big deal and everything is always critically important.

    With birthers, you’ll notice that most everything is an emergency. Every pronouncement is breathless. Every article will be a secret revealed, an exclusive. Notice the National Inquirer tone of WND birther articles.

    The people involved on the pro-birther side parade their degrees and inflate their experiences. Mike Zullo isn’t a guy who was a cop once, years ago. He’s a seasoned detective. Or, as I saw last week, he’s a “sleuth”. Orly Taitz isn’t a part time dentist, she’s Doctor Orly Taitz, Esquire. Even after he was drummed out of the Army, entitled to no rank at all, former Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin is Colonel Lakin, and once in a while, he’s even been General Lakin. He’s suddenly highly decorated, and he’s a brave patriot standing up in the last line of defense against a communist.

    Every issue is a Constitutional crisis of epic proportions.

    Birthers can’t simply disagree with the President. They have to conflate what he does and what he is with war crimes.

    If I can find the study, I’ll post a link.

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