Orly dinged for $4,000

With this article, I am introducing a new topic category on the blog: Sanctions. Up until now, there haven’t been many legal penalties levied against birthers for frivolous lawsuits, the most notable being the $20,000 sanction against Taitz by federal judge Clay D. Land in Georgia in the Rhodes v. MacDonald case. Taitz received a minor $250 sanction in the birther-related case of Liberi v. Taitz. Minor costs were assessed against Carol Greenberg in Greenberg v. Brunner. Sanctions have been awarded, but the exact amount not yet determined in Liberty Legal Foundation v. National Democratic Party of the USA, Inc.

In the case of Taitz v. Obama filed in Orange County Superior Court, Taitz bizarrely filed a motion to compel Occidental College to provide copies of Obama’s college records before she had even bothered to subpoena them. Occidental College was not amused and asked the Court to award them costs for having to appear in this frivolous matter. The Court agreed to the tune of $4,000. Attorney for Occidental College Carl A. Botterud told the Court in a declaration that Taitz had threatened him with criminal action for “committing treason and obstructing justice.” (Taitz seems to think that the RICO statute makes her a free-lance prosecutor.) The court said that this sanction was not a “punishment” but cost shifting, which I believe means she doesn’t have to report it to the California Bar. See report at The Fogbow.

On her web site Taitz reportedly said, “As of now I need your help to pay … the $4,000 for the crazy decision to protect the non-existant (sic) college records of the Kenyan usurper.” Is she admitting that there are no college records to get?

This isn’t the first time that Occidental College has been demanded to violate federal education privacy law (FERPA) to disclose Obama records; this happened in Keyes v. Bowen. A request for sanctions was threatened (but not made) in the Keyes case.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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18 Responses to Orly dinged for $4,000

  1. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Wednesday was Halloween.
    Yesterday was payday/50% discount on Halloween candy day.
    Now this.
    This week just keeps getting better and better.

  2. “Orly dinged for $4,000”

    Just wait when Obama is re-elected. She’s going to go full throttle off the deep end.

  3. bob says:

    Taitz is reporting on her site that one of her supporters overheard an Oxy official say (words to the effect of) that no such records exist.

  4. Bayou Belle says:

    “The court said that this sanction was not a “punishment” but cost shifting, which I believe means she doesn’t have to report it to the California Bar.”

    A sanction is a sanction. It must be reported to the State Bar of California.

  5. JPotter says:

    bob: Taitz is reporting on her site that one of her supporters overheard an Oxy official say (words to the effect of) that no such records exist.

    If her flying monkeys are asking for something other than a transcript, that’s probably the answer they will get. Depressingly few permanent records in academia.

    Help to pay her new “fine”? Is it too much to ask Deep Reds to take responsibility for their own actions? You know, some of that individual whatthehellever Limbaugh is always blubbering about?

  6. roadburner says:

    yep, she’s finally cracked.

    not only has she printed her comments in an eye-numbing shade of blue, she,s now become that most irrational of birfoons – the capslock commando!

    i wonder if her husband has locked himself in his den and turned the TV volume up yet?

  7. roadburner: i wonder if her husband has locked himself in his den and turned the TV volume up yet?

    Right about now, I’m sure he’s sorry he got tangled up with that miserable refusenik.

    If you want to know what they’re really like, read about Natan Sharansky. I was a supporter until he went off the deep end.

    Good night. I got myself arrested at a Soviet embassy demonstration for the likes of them. Plus, Israel got the Russian mob along with all of those Soviet immigrants.

    They make the Sicilian mob look like gentlemen.

  8. JPotter: Is it too much to ask Deep Reds to take responsibility for their own actions? You know, some of that individual whatthehellever Limbaugh is always blubbering about?

    Sorry, personal responsibility is only for liberal fascists. Conservatives’ motives are as pure as the driven snow.

    Remember “the devil made me do it”? Well, now it’s “the liberals made me do it.”

    Hey Orly – I got your sanction money right here.

  9. Besides transcripts, it is very unlikely that any records exist.

    bob: Taitz is reporting on her site that one of her supporters overheard an Oxy official say (words to the effect of) that no such records exist

  10. aarrgghh says:

    doc: On her web site Taitz reportedly said, “As of not I need your help to pay … the $4,000 for the crazy decision to protect the non-existant (sic) college records of the Kenyan usurper.” Is she admitting that there are no college records to get?

    “admitting” is not quite the right word, since it implies acknowledging error or surrender. but there’s really no way the nitrous queen could not be vindicated by whatever occidental might or might not have on file since valid-appearing records prove forgery while non-existent ones prove coverup. so orly’s actually endulging herself a gotcha! moment frosted with catty sarcasm.

  11. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Besides transcripts, it is very unlikely that any records exist.

    That is almost certainly the case. However, the Fogbow member who was present reports that the attorney for Occidental refused to confirm or deny that the records exist when he was asked by Orly.

    Of course, even in the unlikely event that Obama did apply to Occidental as a foreign student, it would not be proof that he was a foreign student. One of my classmates in college got in-state tuition by claiming that he lived at a relative’s address in Connecticut while he really lived in New York. There are people who live in New York City who registered their vehicles to the addresses of relatives upstate so they can qualify for lower insurance premiums. In Obama’s case, I haven’t seen any evidence that he would have gained any advantage, financial or otherwise, by applying as a foreign student.

  12. Bob says:

    Orly is fomenting violence on her website:

    “Thomas The Paine
    November 1st, 2012 @ 5:09 pm
    It’s clear now that the only vote that can make a difference, it the one coming from the barrel of a gun.”


    She probably lets less than 10% of comments through and she allows that one.

  13. Misprision of felony?

    Bob: Orly is fomenting violence on her website

  14. US Citizen says:

    Ob One Trumpobi please save us. You’re our only hope!

  15. Rickey: There are people who live in New York City who registered their vehicles to the addresses of relatives upstate so they can qualify for lower insurance premiums.

    My cousin did that. He lives in Queens, but has Kansas plates on his car, where his parents live.

  16. Bob: Orly is fomenting violence on her website: “Thomas The Paine November 1st, 2012 @ 5:09 pm It’s clear now that the only vote that can make a difference, it the one coming from the barrel of a gun.”


    She probably lets less than 10% of comments through and she allows that one.

    Here’s the remainder: “Nothing will change until We The People turn Washington DC and ALL its inhabitants into a radioactive wasteland. And, put troops on the Potomac, just in case that any survived!”

    “Orly is fomenting violence on her website”

    That’s been my contention all along.

  17. Keith says:

    misha marinsky: My cousin did that. He lives in Queens, but has Kansas plates on his car, where his parents live.

    Some people in Tucson used to go to Texas to buy a car because the sales taxes were lower. Arizona twigged to the scam at some point, and put on a surcharge on registrations of cars bought new, out of state less than 8 months (or something like that) before registration in Arizona.

    Arizona also requires you to get AZ plates if you are there working for 6 months or more.

    The Highway Patrol used to drive around car parks at the mines south of Tucson looking for out of state cars and checking their owners were complying. I have seen it happening.

    (this info is from many many years ago; it may well have changed by now)

  18. Steve says:

    Keith: Some people in Tucson used to go to Texas to buy a car because the sales taxes were lower. Arizona twigged to the scam at some point, and put on a surcharge on registrations of cars bought new, out of state less than 8 months (or something like that) before registration in Arizona.

    Arizona also requires you to get AZ plates if you are there working for 6 months or more.

    The Highway Patrol used to drive around car parks at the mines south of Tucson looking for out of state cars and checking their owners were complying. I have seen it happening.

    (this info is from many many years ago; it may well have changed by now)

    There are many people who live in Northeastern Massachusetts who register their cars in New Hampshire to pay lower insurance premiums. In fact, while I’m not sure if it’s still true. I do remember there was a time when auto insurance was not required in New Hampshire unless it was a brand-new car.
    About 20 years ago, I bought a rather cheap car from a guy who owned a dealership near the state line. I had a hard time getting the title to the car so I could register it because apparently, the previous owner was a Mass. resident who illegally registered the car in New Hampshire.
    One day I was eating lunch in a local roast beef place and complaining about it. A guy in the next booth overheard me and joked that he did that. Then he said to me “You’re not a cop, are you?”
    I was a little too slow-witted that day to mess with him about that.

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