Monthly Archives: November 2012

Sibley at it again X 2

Write-in presidential candidate Montgomery Blair Sibley, who filed and lost a number of federal lawsuits against Barack Obama already, was back in court again yesterday. Which flavor of birther ice cream are we having today? “Please sir, I would like … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits | Tagged , | 6 Comments

LSU math professor backs junk calculation in Monckton paper

WorldNetDaily continues to push crank analysis of the President’s birth certificate. I wrote in my article “Miscalculating the odds” about Christopher “Lord” Monkton’s silly foray into probability theory, where he calculates the probability that President Obama’s birth certificate is legitimate … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate | Tagged , , | 211 Comments

Scanning Orly

Orly Taitz, if she’s still going to try to be a lawyer, really ought to invest a few dollars and get herself a decent scanner. Her scans are barely readable, and sometimes not readable at all. An example is the … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits | Tagged , , , | 28 Comments


I noted previous Orly Taitz titles1 about secessionist movements in Texas and Louisiana in the wake of Obama’s re-election. I didn’t mention the fact that there have been secessionist movements in the South for about as long as there has … Continue reading

Posted in Media, Racism | Tagged , , , , | 141 Comments

Moot court

“Moot court” is an extracurricular activity law students hold  to practice their skills at writing briefs and making oral arguments. In this instance, the phrase “moot” derives from the Anglo-Saxon term gmot, a meeting of prominent persons (the same root … Continue reading

Posted in Ballot Challenges | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

No post on Sunday

Harry Potter fans will remember from the first book in the series where Vernon Dursley asks why Sunday is his favorite day of the week, and Harry Potter correctly answers “no post on Sundays,” in reference to the fact that … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers, Media | Tagged | 16 Comments