Monthly Archives: November 2012

Did birthers cost Mitt Romney the election?

I don’t think anyone will ever definitively answer that question, but I think it deserves to be asked. Over the last two and a half years there’s been an effort to go at me in a way that is politically … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 Presidential Election, Birthers | Tagged , | 29 Comments

Barnett @ Western Journalism

I was somewhat bemused, in the wake of so much fizzling and popping among the birthers after they proved ineffective at changing the outcome of the 2012 presidential election, to see a new article published today trying to discredit Obama’s … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate | Tagged , , | 7 Comments


Today is dedicated to a little housekeeping after the election. I scanned the birther blogs and wrote about that. I finally fixed the bullet list for my Recommended Books and got the blog software up to date. I dropped by … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 Presidential Election | Tagged , | 27 Comments

Winding down

I don’t know whether the birther movement is folding up its tents and going home, or  just pausing to catch second wind. In any case, I needed some sort of introductory theme to justify mentioning that Orly Taitz’s lawsuit in … Continue reading

Posted in Ballot Challenges, Orly Taitz | Tagged , , | 27 Comments


How are the birthers taking their defeat? I  wrote already about Orly Taitz reconsidering her options. Many of the “usual suspects” haven’t published since the election, but here are some reactions from the Bad and the Ugly lists. Canada Free … Continue reading

Posted in The Blogs | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 14 Comments

Orly weighs options

Orly Taitz writes on her blog that she is contacting the various plaintiffs in her cases to see if they want to proceed, or withdraw. She concludes: I will see in the near future, if there will be support from … Continue reading

Posted in Orly Taitz | Tagged , | 27 Comments