Taitz wants to turn US into third-world country

Orly Taitz, born in a second-world country, wants to turn the United States into a third-world country, Egypt. “To hell with democracy. To hell with the Constitution,” seems to be the attitude in her headline (and article):

We need thousands of protesters in DC, as we are seeing in Tahrir square, we would see the results fast enough

Orly Taitz seems to think that the United States is a fragile democracy where a few thousand protesters can overturn the decision of over 100 million voters. Perhaps she doesn’t remember this mass demonstration in Washington just 4 years ago.

Obama Inauguration Photo

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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81 Responses to Taitz wants to turn US into third-world country

  1. Thinker says:

    Taitz is just having a temper tantrum. No one wants to play with her anymore. She hasn’t accepted that her 15 minutes are over. She needs to retire from her position as a professional seditionist and live out her life as a burden to her children.

  2. jdkinpa says:

    Thinker November 27, 2012 at 10:17 pm (Quote) #

    Taitz is just having a temper tantrum. No one wants to play with her anymore. She hasn’t accepted that her 15 minutes are over. She needs to retire from her position as a professional seditionist and live out her life as a burden to her children.

    She needs to broaden her sphere of possible litigants. Maybe these two will join her in a future lawsuit.

    GOP Attorney General of Virginia Suggests President Obama Stole The Election http://www.mediaite.com/online/republican-attorney-general-of-virginia-suggests-president-obama-stole-the-election/

    Idaho Lawmaker Wants States To Prevent Obama’s Re-Election…..

  3. I’ll keep saying it: Orly Taitz is a fascist, in the literal meaning of the word.

    I repeat for emphasis:

    Settler leader calls democracy an obstacle to Israel’s higher calling

    Veteran settler leader Benny Katzover: ‘We didn’t come here to establish a democratic state.’


  4. OT, but apropos:

    To readers: Orly Taitz is dangerous. This is where she comes from, and what she and her evangelical amen chorus want here. Remember, Farah is a Phalangist.

    Haaretz reports that settler leader Benni Katzover calls for dismantling democracy…the leader of the right-wing coalition aids “price tag” activists. Can we discuss the treason of the right yet?

    Katzover gains a point for no longer pretending, as most settler leaders still do, that he values democracy. Religious Zionism, as that pig who shows his cloven hoofs so that people will mistake it for a kosher animal, always claimed to support “Jewish democracy.” As anyone who actually studied in that world knows, democracy is described there as a Greek construct, alien to Judaism. When democracy is spoken of, the rabbis kept mentioning the biblical injunction “thou shall not follow a multitude to do evil.” It would be interesting to know how many settler leaders think like Katzover, but do not, as yet, dare say so openly.

    Read on: http://972mag.com/settler-leader-democracy-must-be-dismantled/32401/

  5. Zixi of Ix says:

    Taitz is just having a temper tantrum.

    Unfortunately, she’s in very good company and is playing to a crowd who desperately wants to hear and believe what she has to say. I am somewhat surprised that she isn’t more popular. I put it down to her nasty disposition, certainly not her message. When you have people like Judson Phillips (founder of the Tea Party Nation) spouting utter nonsense about how “we” can stop Mr. Obama from being certified through the electoral college, you realize just how close to mainline Republicanism Orly Taitz is.

    No one wants to play with her anymore. She hasn’t accepted that her 15 minutes are over. She needs to retire from her position as a professional seditionist and live out her life as a burden to her children.


  6. J.D. Reed says:

    Jdkinpa, the good lady in Idaho, and her co-believers, should realize that even if their cockamimie (sp.?) theory is true, they can’t thereby resurrect Mitt Romney’s fortunes. For if lack of a quorum among the electoral college disqualifies a majority vote for Obama, wouldn’t it by the very same logic disqualify the votes of every single one of the 538 electors? That would leave the House with NO candidates to choose among, rather than up to three. So they would be barred from completing the job, just as the electoral college would be.

    So where would that leave us? With John Boehner, not Mitt Romney, the new Republican president. That’s because with no president elected by the electoral college or the House, and no vice president by the electoral college or the Senate, for the identical reason, the next person in line for the presidency would take office, and that’s the Speaker of the House. John Boehner.

    As I’ve posted before, this is a pipe dream, but if it were legal and Republicans chose to usurp the office they lost in a fair popular election, the precedent would be set for future Democratic usurpations under the same circumstances. And for Republicans to do it again.

    That’s a road that only the not-very-bright, the blindly partisan, or the deluded, would want to head down. I wonder which category the Idaho lawmaker fits.

  7. John Reilly says:

    The idea that the Republicans can, by some legal trick, overcome Pres. Obama’s election, is truly insane. First, some Republican House members simply will not go along with this idea. They will recognize that stealing the election will turn out very bad, as they won’t have the cover of a Supreme Court decision. Second, whoever becomes President under this scenario will have a very difficult time governing. Third, when elections come around in 2014, the Obama political apparatus which successfully rallied minorities in a number of places on the claim that the Republicans were trying to steal or suppress their vote will roll out that campaign nationwide.

    I disagree with Mr. Reed, though. I believe the Republicans in the House may elect anyone they wish as Speaker. I am not aware of a Constitutional requirement that the Speaker be a member. So under the warped scenario the Republicans could select Gov. Romney as Speaker, and try to ram through his selection by the House as President.

    Attacking African Americans, Hispanics, women, etc. did not work well this year for the Republicans. Basing a political party on white male country club members (like me) is a losing strategy on the wrong side of history. Deciding to usurp the elected President and steal the White House through a dubious legal trick will lose a substantial number of white male country club members.

    What are these people thinking?

  8. JPotter says:

    Those poor, domed mosques….they only have one minaret to share between them!

  9. bgansel9 says:

    J.D. Reed: That’s a road that only the not-very-bright, the blindly partisan, or the deluded, would want to head down. I wonder which category the Idaho lawmaker fits.

    Desperate times call for desperate measures. 😛

    I hope they try it, and find themselves sitting on the sidelines thereafter because they don’t play with others very well.

  10. Lupin says:

    To be fair, these are mostly a few folks having “vapors” on talk radio catering to the insane mob posse. When the smelling salts of reality are applied, they quickly backpedal.

    For example:

    “After the interview, Noah Wall, political spokesman for Cuccinnelli, said in an email that Cuccinelli never meant to question the legality of President Barack Obama‘s campaign: ”There is no question that President Obama legitimately won re-election. Ken was simply talking about the fact that there were problems on election day which need to be addressed.””

    Even WND backed down from their stupid electoral college quorum theory.

  11. Lani says:

    I wound up in that crowd almost 4 years ago, having lost a bet to my son that Obama would be the Democratic candidate (let alone win). Don’t mind losing the bet at all – it was a great experience. I’d like to see Orly’s buddies crowd the mall with 1.5 to 2 million people in as orderly a fashion as we did. Despite body to body crush, we maintained calm. If someone became unruly, they were shushed with “not today – not on THIS day”.

    Despite the low temperature and the massive crowd, it was like a pilgrimage to witness and honor a profound change in our country. Kind people along the way handed out water, coffee and hand-warmers to us.

    In such a large crowd, it was easy to lose contact, and my son wound up climbing over various obstructions and ending up with some press people close to the main event. They adopted him and took him to a party at the Longworth building where he had warmth, food and interesting conversations.

    I wound up a refugee in the Air & Space Museum, where employees had kindly spent the night so they could open it as a shelter. I collapsed in a quiet area honoring women pilots, only to awake to find many families joining me. On one side, a Black family had brought the kids from Maryland to witness the event, with a little boy nuzzling against me for warmth. On the other side, a Chinese American family who had traveled from San Francisco, very close, smiling quietly as we were all too chilled and exhausted to speak. We were sprawled on the floor together, sharing body heat, cold but happy. When I next awoke, the entire area was filled with people of all ages and all backgrounds. And we rested and napped and shared water & food and cared for the little children and enjoyed the warmth in peace.

    One of the best days of my life. Best bet I ever lost.

    Top that, Taitz!

  12. What is Orly Taitz in office? Avigdor Lieberman, the former bouncer.

    He’s a bull in a china shop. You have been warned.

    Bibi openly campaigned for Magic Pants. Magic Pants can repay the favor, and “baptize” Bibi posthumously, so Bibi can go to the planet Kolob.

    You can’t make this stuff up.

  13. Thrifty says:

    I get this feeling that folks like Orly don’t want a minority to overturn the will of the majority as decided by the election. Rather, I think that they believe they ARE the majority, they were already ripped off by a fraudulent election, and they just want to set things right.

    Not saying that they’re right, but that they have delusions which make them interpret reality differently than you think they are.

  14. donna says:


    WOW what a WONDERFUL story & experience that will be passed down through the generations

    thanks for sharing it


    cuccinelli is running for governor of va – lt. gov bolling just dropped out of the race –

    Bolling’s decision sets the table for a titanic 2013 clash between Cuccinelli, the state’s Attorney General and a fierce social conservative with a national grassroots following, and likely Democratic nominee Terry McAuliffe, the irrepressible former chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

    cuccinelli is also anti-science, anti-equality, and launched fringe partisan crusades

  15. The Magic M says:

    Thrifty: I get this feeling that folks like Orly don’t want a minority to overturn the will of the majority as decided by the election.

    The other way around. That’s why they always shouted “we are a republic, not a democracy ” (by the latter they meant “dictatorship of the majority”) – at least until it looked like Obama would lose the popular vote, that is.

    They are the minority who wants to tell the majority what to do/elect/etc. simply because they have deluded themselves that the law and the Constitution are on their side.

  16. TELL ME says:

    can anyone say that they have SEEN the FILED original BC document that the RAT is supposed to have in Hawaii?

    If not then SHUT UP and do your job as a citizen and PROVE who the White House RAT is supposed to be

  17. Thomas Brown says:

    TELL ME:
    can anyone say that they have SEEN the FILED original BC document that the RAT is supposed to have in Hawaii?

    If not then SHUT UP and do your job as a citizen and PROVE who the White House RAT is supposed to be

    Why yes. The vital-records officials in Hawaii have seen the actual, original on-file document, and have sworn under penalty of law that the information released by the White House was accurate.

    Obama is exactly who he has always said he is. Get over it.

    The real rats gnawing at the fabric of this great country are the conspiracy-nuts wallowing in anger and denial, who drag this country down with every childish, preposterous assertion and nut-ball complaint.

    So who are the real rats? Look in the mirror.

  18. gorefan says:

    TELL ME: can anyone say that they have SEEN the FILED original BC document that the RAT is supposed to have in Hawaii?

    Dr. Alvin Onaka has seen it at least six times and has written certified verifications about its contents.

    Dr. Chiyome Fukino has seen it at least twice – and in several interviews has said as much.

    Dr. Loretta Fuddy has seen it at least once and said so in a written letter.

    Now it is time for you to do your job as a citizen and an American to accept the facts and the recent election.

  19. ScottRS says:

    TELL ME:
    can anyone say that they have SEEN the FILED original BC document that the RAT is supposed to have in Hawaii?

    Yes. Officials of the State of Hawai’i have repeatedly affirmed that the records of the State include the President’s birth certificate. Those affirmations, and particularly that affirmation in the form of the birth certificates issued to the President (and subsequently imaged and posted online in various forms) are prima facie evidence in any court in the US – city, county, state or federal. No birther has ever overcome that inconvenient fact, and none ever will.

  20. TELL ME says:

    Au contraire… the stream of publicity and contradictions by Hawaii whatever,s have caused the MAJOR question to be asked. Let us SEE the ORIGINAL, that’s the story SO live with it … a LIAR and a FRAUD is in the White House. Where’s your OBLIGATION to adhere to DEFENDING American RIGHTS being implemented? Your kind are the problem that needs to have a SOLUTION derived, so that this FRAUD can never again be perpetrated on the American citizens.

    2.5 million dollars to DEFEND a LIE and an IMPOSTOR more than justifies PROVING who that White House RAT is supposed to be.
    If it turns out that the RAT is eligible then ALL AMERICANS will treat him no differently than any other president.

  21. Scientist says:

    TELL ME: a LIAR and a FRAUD is in the White House

    Not presently, but one will be visiting there tomorrow http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/obama-romney-to-have-private-lunch-thursday

  22. donna says:

    TELL ME: Let us SEE the ORIGINAL

    who’s “us”?

    have you read ANY of the court decisions?

    “2.5 million dollars to DEFEND a LIE”?

    DEBUNKED ages ago on this blog and elsewhere – what was mccain defending?

    For the sake of comparison, the Roll Call story noted that the campaign for Obama’s 2008 Republican opponent John McCain — which was a smaller operation — had spent more than $1.3 million on lawyers since the election.

    Donald Trump claims Obama has spent $2 million in legal fees defending lawsuits about his birth certificate


  23. Sudoku says:

    Could you list all the presidents who have released their original birth certificates?

    Thanks, we’ll wait.

    TELL ME: an anyone say that they have SEEN the FILED original BC document that the RAT is supposed to have in Hawaii?

  24. Really says:

    STUPID QUESTION needs an answer.

    Be real.. how many presidents have documents that are TRULY questionable like; a BC, a DRAFT card, an SSN.

    Don’t forget the 2.5 million to defend PHONY documents from being revealed.. and a LAW LICENSE that was terminated for reasons that are not available to the American citizens.

    UGH! what a DISGUSTING piece of CRAP that exist in America’s White House.

    In the past, Ma. around the 1960’s Ma. elected and HONORABLE and SHINING example that the Minority Community could be proud of having as their knight in shining armor.

    Brooke was elected as an A.G. and also a Senator for Ma. BROOKE lifted the minority community’s IMAGE and earned the respect of ALL Ma. residents.

    The RAT in the WHITE HOUSE through his LYING and DECEPTIONS have brought the MINORITY community into view as RACIST who didn’t vote to promote and DEFEND American rights. They shot themselves in the a** by weakening their RIGHTS given them by the SUPREME LAW. MLK had the RIGHT to demonstrate for American RIGHTS and he would surely HATE what the current White House RAT has done to WEAKEN American unanimity.



  25. Scientist says:

    Really: Be real.. how many presidents have documents that are TRULY questionable like; a BC, a DRAFT card, an SSN.

    The majority of Presidents lacked ALL those documents. See, my CAPS LOCK key works too.

  26. Paul Pieniezny says:

    TELL ME: Let us SEE the ORIGINAL,

    Wait, WHY? Which US Presidents have you ever seen the original birth certificate of? I mean the one that the hospital sent to the DOH?

    Reagan and Eisenhower did not even have a copy of a birth certificate before they started their campaign for the White House.

    So, tell me why you only want an original from this occupant. Rhetorical question of course, I already know the only answer you can “derive”.

  27. Repeating a totally debunked allegation about $2.5m on legal defense doesn’t make it true. Stating that something is “truly questionable” does not make it so.
    And SHOUTING on key words in a sentence does not impress anybody. It simply makes you read like, well, a shouting jerk.

  28. gorefan says:

    Really: how many presidents have documents that are TRULY questionable

    All of the previous Presidents have had TRULY questionable documents. Every single one of them. Prove me wrong.

  29. Arthur says:

    TELL ME: Let us SEE the ORIGINAL, that’s the story SO live with it

    Not you, nor anyone you know, will ever see President Obama’s “ORIGINAL birth certificate.” I guess you’ll just have to continue to live in fear and anger, harboring malignant conspiracy theories that eat away at your happiness and peace of mind. That’s the story you get to live with. Hope the next four years are swell.

  30. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Really: Be real.. how many presidents have documents that are TRULY questionable like; a BC, a DRAFT card, an SSN.

    Funny, the point is precisely that we never saw these papers from any other WH occupant.

    And do not try to fool or confuse us by taking another name. I guess you are one of those +-15 birfers who gave Denise from Oregon a whooping minus 290 in the Daily Mail comments section the day before the election, just because she said Nate Silver would be proven right?

  31. Arthur says:

    Really: and a LAW LICENSE that was terminated for reasons that are not available to the American citizens.

    Yawn . . . this is getting old, but what the heck:

    Q: Did Barack and Michelle Obama “surrender” their law licenses to avoid ethics charges?

    A: No. A court official confirms that no public disciplinary proceeding has ever been brought against either of them, contrary to a false Internet rumor. By voluntarily inactivating their licenses, they avoid a requirement to take continuing education classes and pay hundreds of dollars in annual fees. Both could practice law again if they chose to do so.


  32. donna says:

    which was the first president who was born in a hospital?

    carter by accident – his mother was a nurse and delivered baby boy carter while at work

  33. Joe Acerbic says:


    Be real.. how many presidents have documents that are TRULY questionable like

    Truly anything is “questionable” when the questioners are reality denying amoral kooks.

  34. US Citizen says:

    RAT = Really Awesome Trailblazer

  35. Crustacean says:

    Kudos to Dr. Conspiracy for posting dissenting opinions like those of “Tell Me” and “Really” (weird how they have the same CAPS LOCK issues, huh?). I know a lot of political blogs will “lose to spam” the posts of dissenters – I’m recalling Dr. C’s mysteriously lost posts on Orly Taitz’s site that he so wonderfully described recently. Unless it’s an indecorous personal flame attack, for a blogger to censor such posts is a sign that something’s seriously wrong with their point of view, don’t you think? Plus, it reduces the blog to little more than an echo chamber.

    Speaking of echo chambers, I’ve recently become obsessed with a blog called “Fellowship of the Minds.” Birtherism is just a part of their menu. If you want to see lots of proof of the “pathology of the left” and exactly how Obama is planning to destroy “Amerika,” this is a great place to go. If you choose to post, though, don’t be surprised if it never shows up – especially if you are polite and hit them with actual facts. I think my obsession (a little unhealthy, I’m beginning to suspect) is related to the fact that the lead blogger (“Dr. Eowyn,” who has been referenced on this site before, related to the British Nat’l Archives story), is a professor emeritus of political science who has published books that, as far as I can tell, are non-fiction and well regarded.

    I’m trying to understand how someone who is a respected academic, and who presumably is an expert on doing research, would rely on sources such as Breitbart, WND, Canada Free Press, et al. What kind of pathology could lead a person to such desparate lengths?


  36. Thrifty says:

    Have you ever been pulled over by the police for speeding, expired registration, broken tail light, various other traffic violations? If not, have you ever had to produce identification for any purpose?

    What did you produce in those instances?

    TELL ME: Au contraire… the stream of publicity and contradictions by Hawaii whatever,s have caused the MAJOR question to be asked. Let us SEE the ORIGINAL, that’s the story SO live with it … a LIAR and a FRAUD is in the White House

  37. sfjeff says:


    Tell Me and Really won’t be here beyond today to tell us what he imagines to be real

    He will do the usual Birther drop by, drop their bag of crap, ring the door bell and run away- giggling all the time at his ‘cleverness’

  38. Arthur says:

    sfjeff: He will do the usual Birther drop by, drop their bag of crap,

    Outside their fetid tide pools, most birthers have the staying power of a sand castle at high tide.

  39. Thomas Brown says:

    Crustacean: If you want to see lots of proof of the “pathology of the left” and exactly how Obama is planning to destroy “Amerika,” this is a great place to go.

    Around me, if anybody starts a conversation with “Obama wants to destroy America,” the conversation is over. They have shown themselves to be not worth talking to.

    As virulent as the criticism of George Bush was, no rational person claimed he was “bent on destroying the country.” It was obvious that he loved America and was doing what he thought was in our best interest. We disagreed, and that’s what elections are for.

    You can’t give Obama the same consideration? Then STFU.

  40. Thrifty says:

    Did our Birther of the day just cycle through 3 names in 2 and a half hours? o_O

  41. Daniel says:

    TELL ME:
    Where’syour OBLIGATION to adhere to DEFENDING American RIGHTS being implemented?

    I am defending American rights,… from seditious anti-Americans like you.

  42. Zixi of Ix says:


    As others have said, many people have seen it and attested to seeing it. Additionally, there are photos of the copy Mr. Obama provided. Oh, and you can get a copy on Mr. Obama’s BC on his website on a mug. Oh, and bumper stickers.

    On the other hand, there are no copies available from Senator McCain, even though he admits that he wasn’t born in the United States. The version floating around out there is an admitted fake. Mr. McCain allowed Washington Post reporter Michael Dobbs to see it, but not to photograph it. Do you find that strange? If so, why haven’t you demanded to see Mr. McCain’s?

    We’ve never seen Sarah Palin’s birth certificate, either, even though she says she was born less than 400 miles from Canada.

    Mitt Romney released his birth certificate, but birthers were strangely disinterested in seeing his taxes, in spite of his many admitted dealings with the Chinese and in spite of his father being born in Mexico. No one asked to see Mr. Romney’s church records, his college transcripts, his school records, employment records, etc., either. Ditto Mr. McCain, Mr. Ryan, Mrs. Palin, etc.

    In fact, of all the candidates in the last two elections, Obama is the only one who has had these demands made of him.

    It really makes you wonder, doesn’t it? If it really is an issue of “we have a right to see these records” versus what it actually looks like, which is that birthers simply dislike the scary black guy in office and, in their impotent rage, want to attempt to harass him. If this is the case, it isn’t working. It really is impotent rage.

    It isn’t working because Mr. Obama actually sold mugs and stuff with his birth certificate on them, making money off the birther issue.

    Money which he then used to beat the snot out of Mr. Romney in November.

    Mr. Obama’s His campaign even used Jerome Corsi and his book by name in the ad selling the mugs. That isn’t exactly hiding from the issue, is it? http://www.barackobama.com/news/entry/youll-like-this

  43. Crustacean says:

    Did our Birther of the day just cycle through 3 names in 2 and a half hours? o_O

    I only see two, so in case I’m the third name you’re referring to, please let me set the record straight: I am NOT, nor have I ever been, a birther. I interpreted Thomas Brown’s “STFU” comment has not having been directed at me, but rather at the “Fellowship of the Minds” bloggers who think Obama is hell-bent on destroying the USA.

    At least I hope that’s the case. I just have a fascination with their point of view (kind of like rubbernecking at a traffic accident – I didn’t say I was PROUD of it, OK?). I will occasionally post comments there because, against all evidence to the contrary, for some reason I feel that, if you present the truth to someone enough, eventually they will come around and see the light. OK, so I’m not the sharpest lobster in the pot (see how I misspelled “desperate”?), so sue me. (In case Orly Taitz ever reads this, please don’t sue me; that was just a joke!!)

  44. Disgusting says:

    Prove that the documents in question are not forgeries. All that is said on this site is irrevelant to the facts at hand. The facts at hand demonstrate that there’s a huge discrepancy with 3 forged documents that are needed to be Potus, so why are forged documents not recognized as facts that are indicative that an investigation is necessary.
    Would anyone hire a contractor who had forged documents to present to a customer to prove that the contractor is qualified to do the customer’s work?

    The legal system now in use is plagued with legalisms that are used to evade the forged document facts. The forged documents are the objects needed to be proved irrelevant to the isssues at hand concerning eligibility of what some say is a rat in the white house.
    rat = real american threat and not by any means the following;
    RAT = Really Awesome Trailblazer

    BTW! it took six years to get Nixon, and it took a few years to get Clinton… the rat is next.

  45. Disgusting, you are an idiot. The burden of proof rests with people asserting that the documents are forgeries, not the other way round.
    Asserting that they are forgeries proves nothing, other than the ability of the accusers at bloviation. The discrepancies exist only in your own mind. No properly accredited and experienced expert has ever made a compelling case that the documents are forgeries, and the total score for attempted legal actions is past 0-160, so it is safe to say that no court system is buying what is being alleged.
    But…you can hang out here if you like and continue to amuse us by bloviating and tilting at windmills. Just get used to the ridicule.

  46. Thrifty says:

    Oh sorry. I was miscounting when I put you into that number. New names + partial quoting (or misuse of the quote function) can lead to these sorts of misunderstandings.

    But now it looks like he has adopted the moniker “Disgusting”, so we are indeed up to 3 now.

    Crustacean: I only see two, so in case I’m the third name you’re referring to, please let me set the record straight: I am NOT, nor have I ever been, a birther. I interpreted Thomas Brown’s “STFU” comment has not having been directed at me, but rather at the “Fellowship of the Minds” bloggers who think Obama is hell-bent on destroying the USA.

  47. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Prove that the documents in question are not forgeries.

    As someone else stated, it is up to the accusers to come up with evidence.
    Innocent until proven guilty.

  48. Paper says:

    Oh sorry, the original doesn’t actually exist on this plane of existence.

    But I do have a patent pending for a process that accesses all originals directly on their plane of existence as original Platonic Forms. Right now, the cost is very high, $50,000 per item/page to access an Original. Hopefully, that price will come down, but in the meantime, you can work with Orly Taitz or others to collect the money, and I will be glad to provide you an authentic viewing of the real absolute original, using my patent pending process.

    TELL ME:
    Let us SEE the ORIGINAL,

  49. Crustacean says:

    Disgusting: Prove that the documents in question are not forgeries

    Wait, prove that they’re NOT forgeries? How ’bout you prove that they are, and then we’ll talk…

    Disgusting: The legal system now in use is plagued with legalisms

    Zounds! Our legal system uses legalisms?!! Next thing you’ll tell me our education system uses educators!! Clearly, we are living at the End of Days.

  50. Jim says:

    The facts at hand demonstrate that there’s a huge discrepancy with 3 forged documents that are needed to be Potus.

    Would you mind showing me in the constitution what 3 documents are REQUIRED to be POTUS? Because, if memory serves me right, no other candidate or POTUS has proven their documents are not forgeries.

  51. Disgusting: BTW! it took six years to get Nixon, and it took a few years to get Clinton… the rat is next.

    I completely agree with you. I found Obama’s Kenyan BC right here:

  52. Bob says:

    Obama has done everything he can do to prove eligibility (and has proven it as far as any sane person is concerned) but if you Birthers still feel he has not you it’s now up to you to show that he isn’t. And yelling “forgery!” isn’t even evidence much less proof.

  53. Paper says:

    Good point. All those other presidents had absolutely no discrepancies or missing documents. Way too perfect, don’t you think? Very suspicious. I mean, I was just reviewing the original birth certificates for George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Franklin Pierce, Abraham Lincoln and Grover Cleveland. Such beautifully perfect documents! Too perfect.

    No mistakes? Nothing missing? Clear evidence that George Washington could lie and did lie. Only liars are so perfect. Don’t get me started on James Polk!

    STUPID QUESTION needs an answer.

    Be real.. how many presidents have documents that are TRULY questionable like; a BC, a DRAFT card, an SSN.

  54. Thrifty says:

    I have Barack Obama’s original birth certificate inside this box. But the box is booby-trapped and if you open it, the box will burst into flames, incinerating the box and its contents, plus causing some third degree burns to the poor sap who opens it.

  55. Keith says:

    Folks, what does the sign just below the “Quote of the Day” say?

    Edit: I take that back. I know its fun to pick scabs.

  56. Scientist says:

    Disgusting: it took a few years to get Clinton

    News flash! They never “got” Clinton. He was found Not Guilty by the Senate, completed his 2 terms and left office with an approval rating over 60%. Today he is one of the most admired figures in the US and around the world. He draws big crowds and earns huge fees speaking anywhere he wants to go on the planet. He may well be back in the White House in 2017 as “First Gentleman”.

  57. Paper says:

    Okay, I have to admit, I did see the original, but actually while I was forging it.

    Just so you know, I was hired to forge it with exactly the same correct original information. All the information is correct. The President was born in Hawaii. But also the b.c. was forged. That’s just the way it is.

    The point was to get a bunch of people riled up and so crazy about it that they would help Barack Obama win, by turning everyone off with their rabid inability to pay attention to what is actually relevant.

    It seems to have worked.

    TELL ME:
    can anyone say that they have SEEN the FILED original BC document that the RAT is supposed to have in Hawaii?

  58. Paper says:

    He meant they got Clinton a pension, and then got him his very own Clinton Initiative, got him some extremely well-paying and prestigious good speaking gigs, while only requiring that Clinton pay the piper by coming out and helping President Obama win re-election.


    Scientist: News flash!They never “got” Clinton.

  59. LW says:

    I think the problem people have with Obama’s birth certificate is that he did not in fact have one until he was in his 30s, when he got a couple of people to assert they were there when he was born in the US, at which point a BC was created for him by the state out of whole cloth.

    Oh, wait: that was Reagan. Never mind. Carry on.

  60. Thomas Brown says:

    Actually, I have Obama’s birth certificate in a box I borrowed from a Herr Doktor Schrödinger; so the BC exists as simultaneously phony and authentic. It will never collapse into one state or the other until observed, but not by infantile thick-skilled arrogant nobody name-shifting vermin who think they deserve anything other than mocking, derision and contempt.

  61. donna says:

    Zixi of Ix: Mitt Romney released his birth certificate

    seriously? have you looked at it? imagine if obama had released one like it


  62. Paper says:

    Even worse, I think. President Obama had the audacity not to get a birth certificate until he was born. Why the delay!!!

    I think the problem people have with Obama’s birth certificate is that he did not in fact have one until he was in his 30s,

  63. Thinker says:

    You must be one of Orly Taitz’s panty sniffers. She recently made this same ahistorical claim. The Watergate break-in happened in June, 1972. Nixon resigned in August, 1974. Would you like to revise your statement now that you have been presented with the actual facts? Or are you going to do the typical birfer dance and pretend that facts don’t exist?

    BTW!it took six years to get Nixon, and it took a few years to get Clinton… the rat is next.

  64. US Citizen says:

    Disgusting, I certainly feel your plight.
    I have somewhat of the opposite situation.
    I have Jesus’ original birth certificate hanging on my wall, but no one will believe me because his dad didn’t sign it.

  65. US Citizen: I have Jesus’ original birth certificate hanging on my wall

    I have the True Cross™ on my wall. I bought it in Chinatown. It came with a Certificate of Authenticity, written in Mandarin.

  66. ZixiOfIx says:

    Prove that the documents in question are not forgeries.All that is said on this site is irrevelant to the facts at hand.The facts at hand demonstrate that there’s a huge discrepancy with 3 forged documents that are needed to be Potus, so why are forged documents not recognized as facts that are indicative that an investigation is necessary.

    A bunch of officials in Hawaii say differently. A bunch of judges say differently, too. And all the senators. Including Paul Ryan, who sends copies of Mr. Obama’s birth certificate to anyone who writes to complain to him.


    But don’t worry. If you’re correct, you should be able to prove it, right? Start by hiring a forensic document expert. Not a guy who works in a copy shop, or who has experience with Photoshop. A real document inspector, with prior court experience and certifications.

    Birthers have never hired an certified document examiner, or if they have, they’ve never produced the evidence. Is there a reason you’ve never hired a forensic document examiner? I mean, here’s your chance to save the world, and you won’t spring for a couple hundred bucks for an expert who could make all the difference in the whole world?

    There can be only one reason for this. Either you (birthers) know the BC is real and you just want to gripe, or you (birthers) don’t want to know the truth.

    Would anyone hire a contractor who had forged documents to present to a customer to prove that the contractor is qualified to do the customer’s work?

    I don’t know what you’re talking about, but would like to ask you a related question? Why do birthers put so much faith in convinced criminals like Lucas Smith and known liars like Polarik and known lousy lawyers who never win like Ms. Taitz?

    Do you somehow feel better losing repeatedly and associating with losers?

    The legal system now in use is plagued with legalisms that are used to evade the forged document facts.The forged documents are the objects needed to be proved irrelevant to the isssues at hand concerning eligibility of what some say is a rat in the white house.

    Anything to excuse repeated failures, right? Not one single honest judge in 150+ cases? Or are you up to 200 staggering loses yet? At any rate, the conspiracy gets bigger and bigger, doesn’t it?

    BTW! it took six years to get Nixon, and it took a few years to get Clinton… the rat is next.

    Bill Clinton was reelected and served a full eight years in the White House. He’s now a respected statesman. So much so that the GOP, including Brietbart, tried to claim that Mr. Clinton supported Mr. Romney in his comments before the election. Conservatives beg for Mr. Clinton’s approval at this point. He makes a ton of money for speaking, and helped get Mr. Obama reelected.


    Awfully nice try, though.
    ‘A’ for effort.

  67. ZixiOfIx says:

    Zixi of Ix: Mitt Romney released his birth certificate

    seriously? have you looked at it? imagine if obama had released one like it

    /snip url/

    Exactly. Mr. Romney releases what looks like a poor Xerox copy and it’s never questioned for even a moment by birthers. For the record, I have no doubt that Mr. Romney was born when and where he said he was. It’s the fact that birthers never even think of asking anyone but Mr. Obama.

    Bonus from the early birther days: Mr. Romney’s certificate is a “Certificate of Live Birth” and not a “Birth Certificate”, which many early birthers were convinced was proof of a forgery or which invalidated Obama’s certificate in some way.

    Extra Bonus: It’s not exactly the same thing as the “African” entry on Mr. Obama’s birth certificate, but pretty close – Mr. Romney’s mother is listed as having been born in the state of Utah, but his father is listed as having been born in Mexico. Not, for example, Juarez (a city) or Chihuahua (a state in Mexico). Just “Mexico”. Mexico has like 30 or so states. Not long on details, is it?

    Extra Extra Bonus: Mr. Romney’s COLB was issued in January of 2012, but birthers could care less about whether or not Mr. Romney’s certificate is original or not. Only Mr. Obama’s counts in that regard.

    Extra Extra Extra Bonus: VOID VOID VOID is down the left and right sides of Mr. Romney’s certificate. Can you even imagine the fuss if the same was on Mr. Obama’s certificate?

    Extra Extra Extra Extra Bonus: Mr. Romney released his COLB to Reuters, but nowhere, including the original Reuter’s article, can I find an image which shows the entire COLB. The bottom always seems to be missing.


    Birthers never cared about any of this though, because they are the very worst kind of hypocrites.

  68. ZixiOfIx says:

    US Citizen:
    Disgusting, I certainly feel your plight.
    I have somewhat of the opposite situation.
    I have Jesus’ original birth certificate hanging on my wall, but no one will believe me because his dad didn’t sign it.

    Never approach Him while He’s eating in a restaurant and ask for an autograph. He will totally smite you.

    In the book, MASH, the basis for the movie and subsequent TV series, the three surgeons decide to send their servant Ho-Jon to Hawkeye’s former college in the United States. To raise the money for his tuition, Trapper grows a beard, dresses like Jesus, and they take photos of him in various poses. They sell copies for a dollar a piece and raise thousands.

  69. Northland10 says:

    Disgusting: 3 forged documents that are needed to be Potus,

    I am always amused how birthers and Really Disgusting and his other sock puppet can say this and think people would actually take them seriously.


  70. Sudoku says:

    You’re in luck! For the mere price of your soul, plus postage, handling and 75 IQ pts., the expanded version is available at WND, FAUX News, ORYR and other birth-tastic sites. Act now, and they will double your order!


  71. donna says:


    extra +++ bonus: mitt’s mother’s age (36) does not comport with her DOB (November 9, 1908 )

  72. Not a problem. It’s here; you must have skipped over it. Just go to the home page of this site, then read it, then click the “Older entries” button and read that page. Keep doing that until you find the proof you are looking for.

    Glad to be of help.

    Disgusting: Prove that the documents in question are not forgeries. All that is said on this site is irrevelant (sic) to the facts at hand.

  73. LW says:


    BTW!it took six years to get Nixon

    You must be one of Orly Taitz’s panty sniffers. She recently made this same ahistorical claim. The Watergate break-in happened in June, 1972. Nixon resigned in August, 1974. Would you like to revise your statement now that you have been presented with the actual facts? Or are you going to do the typical birfer dance and pretend that facts don’t exist?

    Clearly, Disgusting is thinking with Starr-y eyes. The Watergate investigation only started after there was evidence of wrongdoing, so it was necessarily somewhat abbreviated.

    In Clinton’s case, Starr dug in starting in 1994, and didn’t let the fact that he found no wrongdoing in the investigation he was appointed to conduct to stop him from valiantly trying to find something–anything–to pin on Clinton, and just four short years later, his efforts were rewarded (somewhat).

    I think that’s the disgusting behavior — excuse me — I think that’s the behavior Disgusting is hoping will hold the day with Obama.

  74. Paper says:

    I got one of those, too! In Cantonese, though. I keep it next to my George Washington birth certificate collection, all seven versions.

    misha marinsky: I have the True Cross™ on my wall. I bought it in Chinatown. It came with a Certificate of Authenticity, written in Mandarin.

  75. Paper says:

    With a wave of my hand:

    “These are not the proofs you are looking for.”

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Not a problem. It’s here; you must have skipped over it. Just go to the home page of this site, then read it, then click the “Older entries” button and read that page. Keep doing that until you find the proof you are looking for.

  76. ZixiOfIx says:


    extra +++ bonus: mitt’s mother’s age (36) does not comport with her DOB (November 9, 1908 )

    OMG. We’re through the looking glass here, people.

    Honestly, I never noticed. Thank you so much. She wasn’t the first person or the last to shave a few years off their age or not complain when someone else did it.

    Also, her maiden name was Lafount, but she later adopted the punctuation LaFount. Things that make you go Hmmmmmm.

    Just two more things to add to the list of inconsequential stuff. Unless you’re a birther and the man in question is Barack Obama. In that case, this would be Big Stuff. We’d be talking an-entire-chapter-in-a-Corsi-book kind of Big. We’re talking donate-to-a-WND-billboard-fund kind of Big.

    P.S. In nod to birther’s wacky theories, as far as I can tell, there are no photos of Mrs. Romney pregnant with ‘lil Mitt.

    Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

    It shouldn’t actually make anyone wonder. If it does, please seek psychiatric help.

  77. ZixiOfIx: Things that make you go Hmmmmmm.

    C+C Music Factory – Things That Make You Go Hmmm

    Dynamite song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ib5H5auk-c

  78. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Thrifty: But now it looks like he has adopted the moniker “Disgusting”, so we are indeed up to 3 now.

    Self-fulfilling prophecy. Statisticians, historians and psychologists know about these things.

    May be the reason why the Romney campaign one day before the election revealed their (skewed) internal polling to a British boulevard paper (the Daily Mail). making it appear as if it was accidental. They knew the right-wing DM would run big with it, and the news would reach back to the USA. They may have been hoping it would influence the outcome, discourage Obama supporters to or … making it easier to hide vote suppression.

    SFP. Almost worked in Ohio. Elsewhere it did not, on the contrary. Statisticians call that last one Self-defeating prophesy.

  79. Paul Pieniezny says:

    misha marinsky: C+C Music Factory – Things That Make You Go Hmmm

    Dynamite song:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ib5H5auk-c

    Another tribute to Doc C:


    That is not a flash mob, by the way. They did not exist at the time overhere. The Confettis asked the police permission to hold up traffic for twenty minutes with twenty dancers, but the crowd (of all ages) started dancing along spontaneously. The clip was not taken in one go, however.

  80. Rickey says:

    Scientist: News flash!They never “got” Clinton.He was found Not Guilty by the Senate, completed his 2 terms and left office with an approval rating over 60%.Today he is one of the most admired figures in the US and around the world.He draws big crowds and earns huge fees speaking anywhere he wants to go on the planet.He may well be back in the White House in 2017 as “First Gentleman”.

    And compare Clinton to GWB, a political pariah who was ignored at his party’s convention and invisible during the campaign (except for a closed-door speech he gave at an investment conference in the Cayman Islands).

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