The occasional open thread: Is it butter? edition

Place your Obama conspiracy comments that don’t relate to current articles here. The discussion will close automatically in two weeks.


About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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175 Responses to The occasional open thread: Is it butter? edition

  1. donna says:

    Chart: Almost Every Obama Conspiracy Theory Ever

    Barack Obama’s presidency has been an inspiration to many Americans—especially nutjobs. Ever since the first-black-president-to-be appeared on the national political stage, a cottage industry of conservative conspiracy theorists has churned out bizarro, paranoid, and just plain racist effluvia—some of which has trickled into the political mainstream. Below, we’ve charted some of the Obama-baiters best (i.e. worst) work. (Scroll down for more detailed descriptions of the conspiracy theories in the diagram.)

  2. Secret Service agent assigned to guard the President apparently commits suicide amid misconduct investigation.

    Cue the conspiracy theories in 3, 2, 1 …

  3. donna says:

    Game=Changed! Daily Caller Has Guy Who Thinks He Knows Obama’s GPA

    Barack Obama’s Columbia GPA Ferreted Out By The Daily Caller Via Random Guy From The Interwebs

  4. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    There are five stages in dealing with butter substitutes:
    “I refuse to accept that its not butter!”
    “I’m so angry that it’s not butter!”
    “I’d give anything for it to be butter!”
    “I’m so depressed that it isn’t butter!”
    “I’ve accepted that this isn’t butter!”

  5. Keith says:

    I’m getting bored with losing Pulitzer Prize worthy posts every time I forget to sign on every time I enter the sight.

    Anybody else?

  6. donna: Mark Cuban Offers Donald Trump $1 Million To Shave His Head (VIDEO)

    Don’t do it – that’s cruelty to animals. Common among conservatives.

    Seamus, David Huckabee, and now an offer to skin that badger.

  7. Which site? If you sign in here, click the “remember me” box and you’ll stay on for a month (on the same browser) or I can delete your account and you don’t have to sign in at all.

    Keith: sign on every time I enter the sight.

  8. LW says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    There are five stages in dealing with butter substitutes:
    “I refuse to accept that its not butter!”
    “I’m so angry that it’s not butter!”
    “I’d give anything for it to be butter!”
    “I’m so depressed that it isn’t butter!”
    “I’ve accepted that this isn’t butter!”


    Long ago I came up with an idea for a product named “Gee, I Can’t Believe Your Hair Smells Like Butter.” I’m not sure what the product would be, but I’ve got the name ready in any event.

  9. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    misha marinsky:
    I can’t believe it’s not Polish sausage:

    Damn, now I’m craving some “Chicago Dave’s”, which is unfortunate, as that establishment has been closed for years now. The man made a mean gyro.

  10. Waaay OT:

    In Israel, medical marijuana expands with little controversy, government support

    “When push comes to shove, and people see how suffering people are benefitting, I’m sure everyone will get behind it,” said Yuli Edelstein, Israeli Minister of Public Diplomacy, as he toured Israel’s largest marijuana growing farm, Tikun Olam, on Thursday and lauded the facility as an example of Israel’s technological and medical

    Tikun Olam literally means ‘world repair.’ We’re a wild tribe.

    Read more:

  11. Remember the Huckster telling Christians not to vote for Obama?

    Mittens is playing that tune now:

    Mitt Romney Robocall Warns Christians Obama A ‘Threat To Our Religious Freedom’

    “Christians who are thinking about voting for Obama should remember what he said about people of faith: “They … cling to guns or religion.” And remember when Obama forced Christian organizations to provide insurance coverage that was contrary to their religious beliefs?
    That’s the real Barack Obama. That’s the real threat to our religious freedom. Mitt Romney understands the importance of faith and family. That’s why so many leaders of the Christian community are supporting Romney.

    They know we can’t underestimate the threat Barack Obama poses to our faith, our values, our freedom.”

  12. Gail Collins mentions Seamus 60 times:

    This has been going on way too long. Stop torturing yourself! Whatever Colorado is going to do, it’ll do it on Tuesday. Clean the basement. Read a novel. Consider purchasing a new pet. If it’s an Irish setter, you can name it Seamus.

    5) Forget about the fact that Mitt Romney once drove to Canada with the family dog strapped to the roof of the car.

    If he loses, nobody will care. If he wins, we’ll have so many other things to worry about.

  13. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Which site? If you sign in here, click the “remember me” box and you’ll stay on for a month (on the same browser) or I can delete your account and you don’t have to sign in at all.

    I meant ‘cite’ of course.

    And I keep forgetting about that check box.

    Sometimes I’m just too stupid to breathe I guess.

  14. Keith says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Damn, now I’m craving some “Chicago Dave’s”, which is unfortunate, as that establishment has been closed for years now. The man made a mean gyro.

    Will somebody please, for the love of Edesia, please tell me what is the difference between a gyro and a souvlaki?

  15. Keith says:

    Keith: Will somebody please, for the love of Edesia, please tell me what is the difference between a gyro and a souvlaki?

    I guess that should have been more like “for the love of Hestia”.

  16. Keith: Will somebody please, for the love of Edesia, please tell me what is the difference between a gyro and a souvlaki?

    What’s the difference between a pat on the back, and a kick in the ass?

    When a slice of bread lands on the floor, why is it always on the buttered side?

  17. Keith says:

    misha marinsky: What’s the difference between a pat on the back, and a kick in the ass?

    When a slice of bread lands on the floor, why is it always on the buttered side?

    I dunno. Mythbusters screwed up the experiments. They dropped the bread slices from the top of their building instead of the top of a table. Dumbasses.

  18. Northland10 says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Damn, now I’m craving some “Chicago Dave’s”, which is unfortunate, as that establishment has been closed for years now. The man made a mean gyro.

    Maybe another Obama Conspiracy. His “commie/marxist Chicago thugs” closed it down. I bet “Chicago Dave” allowed ketchup on the dog. It’s an anathema.

  19. JPotter says:

    Keith: When a slice of bread lands on the floor, why is it always on the buttered side?

    Knife-buttered bread is no longer flat. Aerodynamics dictates convex (unbuttered) side presents the path of least resistance.

    For more interesting results, use some sort of spray on butter. I wouldn’t recommend eating that stuff tho.

    Gyro / souvlaki … I guess technically nothing, but gyros are served in sandwich form, whereas souvlaki is not? Other than that, about 4 letters. That’s my experience. Neither should be eaten on Sunday.

  20. JPotter says:

    Obama conspiracy sprouts at NASA:

  21. Daniel says:

    Sometimes I’m just too stupid to breathe I guess.

    Be that as it may, you’re still smarter than a birther.

  22. Northland10 says:

    JPotter: Neither should be eaten on Sunday.


  23. Majority Will says:

    Fear Mongering at its Finest

    “The Obama you’ve seen for the last four years is nothing like the radical man who will be unleashed for the next four. The first Obama term was just a small taste of things to come. Without having to answer to voters again, Obama will be his REAL radical self. Without restraint, Obama will ignore Congress, and govern by Executive Order. These radical Executive Orders from “Obama unleashed” will change America forever.”

    “In a second term, with no voters to answer to, Obama will be free to wreck the American economy just as he was taught by a slew of radical, Marxist, American hating mentors — Barack Obama Sr., Frank Marshall, Saul Alinsky, Professors Cloward & Piven, Bill Ayers, and Reverend Jeremiah Wright. These aren’t liberals. They are publicly avowed radicals and communists.

    In Obama’s second term I believe he will unleash economic Armageddon — the total collapse of the U.S. economy and our financial system.”

    – Wayne Allyn Root

  24. Majority Will says:

    Rupert Murdoch ‏@rupertmurdoch

    Thanks Bloomberg right decision.@Now Christie, while thanking O, must re- declare for Romney, or take blame for next four dire years.

    Fox News. We’ll Report What He Decides.

  25. donna says:

    “Mitt Romney is the only sane choice for Libertarians”

    Susan B. Anthony: No man is good enough to govern any woman without her consent.

  26. LW says:

    Wayne Allyn Root:

    just as he was taught by a slew of radical, Marxist, American hating mentors… Saul Alinsky…

    …who died in California when Obama was 10…

    “Forget it, he’s rolling.”

  27. Keith says:

    Daniel: Be that as it may, you’re still smarter than a birther.

    Gee thanks. So’s the thing I flushed down the commode this morning.

  28. Northland10 says:

    Wayne Allyn Root:

    …who died in California when Obama was 10…

    “Forget it, he’s rolling.”

    Toga, Toga,

  29. JPotter says:

    Keith: So’s the thing I flushed down the commode this morning.

    C’mon, keep it clas—eh, never mind.

  30. LW says:

    CDR went on an editing spree to teh WP article “Barack Obama presidential eligibility litigation” last night (17 edits in 7 hours), easily beating Mario’s measly two edits to the same article.

    WP readers will now know that Kerchner v. Obama was not filed at some vague namby-pamby time like “January 2009,” but “2:50 a.m. EST on January 20, 2009,” dammit.

    By comparison, slacker Orly Taitz didn’t file her suit until “3:27 PM PST,” by which time Obama had already started usurpin’ away.

    Serious omission of his CDR-ness thankfully now corrected: “add my military officer rank, which was a legal brought point in the case, i.e., the commissioned officer’s oath to the Constitution”

  31. LW says:

    Sorry, I had the wrong link for “17 edits” above, which left out his removal of the term “conspiracy theories.”

  32. donna says:

    PA’s michael smerconish in


    The Pulse: The smearing of a president: From start, unrelenting, unfair

  33. Keith says:

    JPotter: C’mon, keep it clas—eh, never mind.

    I understand what you are trying to say even if you decided against saying it. I tried to say it as ‘classy’ as I could but I couldn’t come up with anything classier than ‘commode’. ‘Privy’ maybe, but my idea of a privy doesn’t include flushing.

    I suppose I could have said ‘my morning contribution to the Werribee Wetlands‘ but unless you live in Melbourne you wouldn’t have a clue what I am talking about, and its all about communication, isn’t it?

  34. Keith says:

    Interesting (to me, anyway).

    HuffPo: 100 years of losers: FDR as Vice Presidential Candidate in 1920

    This is the first and only photo I can ever remember that shows FDR not only walking, but energetically striding out – and at the head of a parade too!

    So when did his polio reappear?

    Edit: Google is my friend! It wasn’t childhood polio reappearing later in life. He became ill about a year after this photo. Though thought to be polio at the time, it is now thought to be Guillain-Barré syndrome,

  35. GLaB says:

    LW: *applause*Long ago I came up with an idea for a product named “Gee, I Can’t Believe Your Hair Smells Like Butter.” I’m not sure what the product would be, but I’ve got the name ready in any event.

    Great! Something to do with the warehouses full of old popcorn butter now that tropical oils are verbotten.

  36. JPotter says:

    Keith: I suppose I could have said ‘my morning contribution to the Werribee Wetlands‘

    Wow, that’s one heckuva treatment plantI Having a father in the ‘wastewater’ business, I speak with (some) authority.

    I was definitely not objecting to your comment … just having some fun with the stunning level of indefensibility the birfers have achieved! I mean, who else can you reasonably compare to excrement in polite company? It’s not a pretty list….

  37. JPotter says:

    Catching up on the Sunday punditry, I see skewerism is alive and well LOLz /*sigh*

  38. JPotter says:

    JPotter: I see skewerism is alive and well

    … and this morning, a new term “organic enthusiasm”.

    The malarkey has again piled a little, piled a little deeper.

    (link not quite safe for work) 😉

  39. JPotter says:

    And a new Hypocrite of the Day:

    Oklahoma Legislator gets $51K in Workers’ Comp Case

    This man has a bright future. Have to keep an eye on him ….

  40. JPotter: And a new Hypocrite of the Day: Oklahoma Legislator gets $51K in Workers’ Comp Case
    This man has a bright future. Have to keep an eye on him ….

    Sounds like socialism to me…

  41. Bran Mak Morn says:

    Birthers should know Romney admits he was born on the moon!

  42. donna says:

    AMAZING – using the music of “One Day More” from Les Misérables

    One Term More!

    the video & new lyrics:

  43. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Regardless of who wins the election, we still get to point and laugh at the birthers.
    I’m already making the rounds, asking them how all that “frogmarching” they had planned was going.

  44. donna says:

    at midnight, the little town of dixville knox, nh goes to vote

    The town’s ~25-odd registered voters all gather to cast their ballots at midnight, and the polls are closed one minute later. Then the votes are counted.

    Read more:

  45. W. Kevin Vicklund says:

    I heard Obama was campaigning with Bruce Springsteen yesterday. Under Orlylaw, isn’t he an expert witness?

  46. Comment from my friend Ed on Facebook:

    When I bought my new Ruger .380 pistol yesterday at Sports Academy in [town name], there was a brisk business in rifles and handguns. I ask the busy sales clerks if weapon’s sales were so intense because of the looming election the oldest sales clerk said, “No, it’s been like this for the last four and one half years. Barack Obama has been our best salesman.” I then asked him what federal laws had been changed in that time frame; “none,” he replied.

  47. The Magic M says:

    W. Kevin Vicklund: Under Orlylaw, isn’t he an expert witness?

    No, a potential defendant.

  48. The Magic M says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Regardless of who wins the election, we still get to point and laugh at the birthers.
    I’m already making the rounds, asking them how all that “frogmarching” they had planned was going.

    But you see, if Romney wins, they will still delude themselves “he will start impeachment right away”, then “he will start impeachment after taking office in January”, then “he will start impeachment once he’s secured the support of enough members of Congress” etc.

    I expect the first “Romney is a traitor” calls no sooner than mid-2013 (if he wins). Until then, they will still believe in their beloved “any day now”.

  49. donna says:

    doc: 500 reasons to vote for Obama and not Romney.

    Error 404 – Page not found!

  50. donna says:

    Charlie Pierce at Esquire:

    Election Day: A Light at the End of Our Obstacle Course

    it ends with:

    For three days now, I have watched people wait for four and five hours just to get the right paperwork to fill out so they can wait another hour or two to cast their ballots. I admire them, but I admire them for themselves. I will not use their stubborn insistence on being heard to absolve the people who have turned the system into a blind and unreasonable obstacle course. No matter who wins today, this election has been a spiritual and a logistical embarrassment, and to borrow the courage and perseverance of these people as testimony to our collective greatness as a democratic people is an outright obscenity. We do not own those things, and we have no right to borrow them. We let all this happen to our country.

    Ultimately, though, there is no other answer to the asinine way we have come to elect a president in this country than to revive the creative spirit of self-government by sheer numbers, to build a political commonwealth the old-fashioned way, by having so many people pitch in on the job that the people trying to get us to give up on the process become broken and dispirited and abandon their own work in despair.

    Let Rick Scott do his worst. Let your right hand be your referee.

    Read more:

  51. donna says:

    Kansas Ballot Challenge–DISMISSED

    From the Docket:


    11/06/2012 – Removed from active docket on 11/06/12.

    Documents not yet available.

  52. It’s snowing in Philly.

  53. Scientist says:

    Dean Chambers, the “unskewed polls” guy has done something no birther will ever do-he admitted he was wrong and Nate Silver was right

  54. donna says:

    Ted Nugent Calls Obama Voters ‘Pimps, Whores and Welfare Brats’

    Count Ted Nugent a sore loser: the vocal conservative rocker went on a disgruntled Twitter tirade after President Barack Obama locked up a second term last night. “Pimps whores & welfare brats & their soulless supporters hav a president to destroy America,” Nugent wrote in the first of a storm tweets. “So Obama still demands the hardest workers provide for the nonwotkers. Shared opportunities my ass,” he followed, before tweeting, “What subhuman varmint believes others must pay for their obesity booze cellphones birthcontrol abortions & lives.”

    Calling Americans “soulless fools,” Nugent lamented the “economic & spiritual suicide” of re-electing Obama. “I cry tears of blood for The Last Best Place & the warriors who died for this tragedy,” he continued. He even went after the Supreme Court, writing, “So 4 SCOTUS idiots dont believe in self defense. Pure evil.” It all harks back to when Nugent was questioned by the Secret Service earlier this year.

    Read more:

  55. I’m going to belabor the Seamus story:

    Mitt Romney’s Irish Setter Loved Riding on Top of the Family Car

  56. donna says:

    Keith: Questions like what will the flag look like?

    lol i’ll get my sewing kit out right now

    if you remember, mittens said he Would Support Puerto Rico Statehood Bid, Gov. Fortuno Says (8/30)

    He pledged that if we ask for statehood on November 6… that he would provide the leadership necessary to complete that process,” Fortuño said, referring to Mitt Romney.

    Any change would require approval by the US Congress, but no territory has ever been denied a petition for admission to the States.

  57. Roger Rivard Loses Reelection To Wisconsin Assembly After Saying ‘Some Girls Rape Easy’

  58. Gail Collins is still writing about the dog on the roof:

    If all else fails, strap John Boehner to the roof of a car.

  59. Thrifty says:

    I’m super excited about the prospect of Puerto Rican statehood. I really hope they go through with it. While it would be a shame if the number of states and senators were no longer a nice, round number, I’d love to see a new state in my lifetime.

    I’ve seen designs for a 51 star flag. It’s still pretty even. 3 rows of 9 and 3 rows of 8 adds up to 51.


    Puerto Rico’s voters endorse seeking US statehood but ballot results raise questions

    Questions like what will the flag look like?

  60. RuhRoh says:

    I’m super excited about the prospect of Puerto Rican statehood.I really hope they go through with it.While it would be a shame if the number of states and senators were no longer a nice, round number, I’d love to see a new state in my lifetime.

    I’ve seen designs for a 51 star flag.It’s still pretty even.3 rows of 9 and 3 rows of 8 adds up to 51.

    Since Congress would have to vote on Puerto Rican statehood and Congress is still controlled by Republicans, it seems unlikely. I somehow don’t see the R’s creating a new state of Hispanic voters.

  61. LW says:

    RuhRoh: I somehow don’t see the R’s creating a new state of Hispanic voters.

    But, but… Marco Rubio! The Univision spray tan! Clearly, the GOP loves those people!

  62. LW says:

    The avs weren’t always circles, right? I like it; it makes me feel like I’m in the opening credits for a ’60s sitcom.

  63. LW says:

    Thrifty: I’ve seen designs for a 51 star flag

    Apparently the design for flags is at least nominally under the purview of the United States Army Institute of Heraldry.

  64. Thrifty says:

    They’d still have to come up with a reason for blocking it that didn’t sound completely stupid. From what I hear, territories applying for statehood are rarely opposed. I know Texas statehood was a huge hot button issue in the early 1840s, but since then it’s usually pretty smooth sailing.

    RuhRoh: Since Congress would have to vote on Puerto Rican statehood and Congress is still controlled by Republicans, it seems unlikely.I somehow don’t see the R’s creating a new state of Hispanic voters.

  65. LW says:

    Other things we’ll have to deal with:

    ♪FIFTY-one NIFTY-hon United States♪
    ♪From the thirteen original colonies…♪

  66. Scientist says:

    Thrifty: They’d still have to come up with a reason for blocking it that didn’t sound completely stupid. From what I hear, territories applying for statehood are rarely opposed. I know Texas statehood was a huge hot button issue in the early 1840s, but since then it’s usually pretty smooth sailing.

    Have to? I don’t know. This is Congress. It took New Mexico several tries and more than 50 years, largely due to fact that it had a majority Spanish and Native American population

    My understanding of the recent election in Puerto Rico is that there were several questions regarding statehood on the balllot and there was some variance regarding the votes on the various questions. Also, the pro-statehood Governor was replaced by a pro-association one in the same election. At a minimum, I think there needs to be a clear and ambiguous vote by people of the island. Even with that, I can’t see the Republicans admitting a state where Spanish is an official language, but let’s them prove me wrong.

    By the way, I have visited there several times and love it, especially the Rincon area at the Western tip.

  67. I wasn’t aware of this video before. This is the original (I think) presentation that Jerome Corsi made to the Surprise Tea Party in Arizona, that launched the Arpaio circus.

  68. Thrifty says:

    Well who knows? They’ve spent years fighting a health care reform plan identical to the one they developed in 1993, so I wouldn’t put anything past them.

    I dunno. Admission of a new state as controversy seems so 19th century.

    Scientist: Have to?I don’t know.This is Congress.It took New Mexico several tries and more than 50 years, largely due to fact that it had a majority Spanish and Native American population

    My understanding of the recent election in Puerto Rico is that there were several questions regarding statehood on the balllot and there was some variance regarding the votes on the various questions.Also, the pro-statehood Governor was replaced by a pro-association one in the same election.At a minimum, I think there needs to be a clear and ambiguous vote by people of the island. Even with that, I can’t see the Republicans admitting a state where Spanish is an official language, but let’s them prove me wrong.

    By the way, I have visited there several times and love it, especially the Rincon area at the Western tip.

  69. donna says:


    thanks for the link – i like this one

    A Version Used By Puerto Rico Statehood Movement

  70. JPotter says:

    Thrifty: Admission of a new state as controversy seems so 19th century.

    Reviewing the terms of the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850, alongside the Confederacy’s dreams of Southern Empire, I would expect the Deep Reds to be overjoyed at the prospect of a new southern state to exploit.

  71. LW says:

    Apologies if everyone but me had already heard this, but I thought this is amusing:

    Some time before Billy Graham endorsed Mitt Romney (but after Graham’s son wrote an op-ed saying “Sure, it’s OK to vote for a Mormon!”), his minions went through the Billy Graham Evangelic Association web site and removed six references to Mormonism, most notably this document. (Thanks yet again to the Wayback Machine)

    Oddly enough, if you follow the non-archived URL, you’ll see that the page’s title remains: “BGEA: What is a cult?” But instead of content, you get, “Our apologies, but the article you requested doesn’t exist.”

    Their explanation:

    “We removed the information from the website because we do not wish to participate in a theological debate about something that has become politicized during this campaign.”

    You’ll of course note that this is not the same at all as saying, “We removed this because we no longer believe that Mormonism is a cult.”

    I wonder how long they’ll wait before they restore the page?

  72. Wile says:


    I’m getting a 404 when I try to access the “Debunker’s Guide”.

    Did I miss the decommissioning celebration.

  73. RuhRoh says:

    New conspiracy: Petraeus didn’t actually resign. Obama cut a deal with him/fired him so he wouldn’t have to testify about Benghazi.

    It’s all over every single political board and news site. This one is going to get some legs, unfortunately.

  74. JPotter says:

    RuhRoh: Obama cut a deal with him/fired him so he wouldn’t have to testify about Benghazi.

    Sent in an obot seductress to lure him to his own destruction? O the humanity!

  75. LW says:

    RuhRoh: Obama cut a deal

    I think I need more information on the quid pro quo for this deal.

    “Hey David, if you resign in disgrace, in return I’ll… well, I don’t know, really. Say, could you use a nuclear power plant?”

  76. Scientist says:

    RuhRoh: New conspiracy: Petraeus didn’t actually resign. Obama cut a deal with him/fired him so he wouldn’t have to testify about Benghazi.

    How does his resignation prevent Congress from subpoenaing him if they chose to?

  77. LW says:

    Scientist: How does his resignation prevent Congress from subpoenaing him if they chose to?

    +1 …my point, made more explicitly.

    You’d almost think these conspiracy theorists don’t always think it all the way through.

  78. RuhRoh: New conspiracy: Petraeus didn’t actually resign. Obama cut a deal with him/fired him so he wouldn’t have to testify about Benghazi.

    It’s all over every single political board and news site. This one is going to get some legs, unfortunately.

    I’m waiting for ‘he did it because he’s a liberal.’

  79. LW says:

    I’ve also already seen what I think was an implication that this somehow ties into the Secret Service agent’s suicide. I don’t visit the Bad/Ugly sites, so I don’t know if that’s actually a common theory already.

  80. Paper says:

    More pointedly, he *is* testifying:

    “Congress intends to continue to investigate the incident, and Petraeus was expected to testify during a closed-door hearing next week before the Senate Intelligence Committee.”

    Scientist: How does his resignation prevent Congress from subpoenaing him if they chose to?

  81. RuhRoh says:

    I’ve also already seen what I think was an implication that this somehow ties into the Secret Service agent’s suicide. I don’t visit the Bad/Ugly sites, so I don’t know if that’s actually a common theory already.

    You don’t have to go to the Bad/Ugly sites. Any news site that accepts comments is full of this malarkey.

  82. donna says:

    Fox News accidentally insults the intelligence of every Mitt Romney voter in the country.

    10 best & worst educated states and how they voted

  83. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    As seen on Obama Conspiracy Theories!

    Obama Ukulele bobble head on eBay. Free shipping from Hawaii

    Nah, what the people are really clamoring for are replicas of your spiffy hat. I hear that its the new “Energy Dome”, 😉

  84. The Give Us Liberty 1776 blog has an article: CHECK IT OUT! … THESE STUPID IGNORANT OBOTS CANCELED YOUR VOTE …

    It has a video, mostly of young people waiting in line 2 hours to vote, giving their reasons for why they were supporting Obama. They seemed to have identified real issues that were important to them, not the nut case conspiracy theories of the “votes they canceled.”

  85. bob j says:

    I know that Misha has claimed that Orly is trying to incite a lone wolf. This poster at her site seems to be taking it as ” the way”

    “Thomas The Paine
    November 8th, 2012 @ 5:59 pm

    Like I said before, the only vote that counts, comes from the barrel of a gun!

    Time for a real election!”

    This is the 4 or 5th post by this screen name, about overt violence, on her heavily moderated site. What responsiblity does a blog host have when it comes to speech such as this?

  86. Paper says:

    One wonders, in her quest for IP addresses, what she may be providing quietly to the Secret Service. I mean, maybe she actually works for the CIA, purposefully acting as a magnet to draw out all the crazies.

    Well, I shouldn’t say too much and jeopardize her cover.

    bob j:
    This is the 4 or 5th post by this screen name, about overt violence, on her heavily moderated site. What responsiblity does a blog host have when it comes to speech such as this?

  87. Wile says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    It works for me. The Following URL’s should work:

    I see.

    The link under the ‘Features’ tab works fine. It’s the link at the bottom of the page under ‘Quick Reference’ that is broken.

  88. LW says:

    Could you add a new category: The Hilarious? I swear, this could be a parody account.

  89. LW says:

    Mrs.Taitz, I’ve been up since 4am listening to the Conservatives on the radio.They ALL sound toungue tied, Speechless.
    I was reading some quotes this morning and THIS ONE sticks out the most:
    “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” – Copy to Clipboard
    — Thomas Jefferson

    Lest we forget that among his many other accomplishments, Thomas Jefferson was also the inventor of the paste buffer.

  90. JPotter says:

    Obamanation 2.0! Time for a new WND poll!

    Pretty humorous selections. And predictable results. And, hey, it’s a multiple choice poll! But now, in an effort to further hedge their bets, they require a login to vote. Booooo ….

    Oh, and look, they are running a classic still,* proclaiming (yet again) the Death of America. The oft-born rumors of America’s death have been greatly exaggerated. Heck, I thought America was dead once, too; turns out, I was just in Nebraska. 😉


    * Really, WND? The Planet of the Apes? Really? I sure hope they paid for that usage ….

  91. LW says:

    Blerg; went there and didn’t find the poll — is it only presented at all if you’re logged in?

    I did, however, harvest an exciting new crop of pop-unders (“Are you SURE you want to leave this page without learning more about Phlogiston 390?”), and saw some great front page ads not labeled as ads, including the wonderful one about building my own home bunker.

    But that’s not what I came to talk to you about today.

    Folks, I want to tell you that Obama may have stolen — yes, Karl, not “suppressed,” but stolen — this election, thanks to the “dirty trick” of voter-not-ID!

    Because, he won every state where voter ID has been implemented! As long as you don’t count Washington, Colorado, Ohio, Virginia, New Hampshire and Michigan! And WND doesn’t!

    So, thanks to voter ID Obama lost in Tennessee and Georgia, which as the article points out, “do not traditionally vote Republican” once you get past the last three presidential elections and most of the ones before that.

    (Surprisingly, the article doesn’t mention that in Indiana, one of the two other photo ID states, Obama actually squeaked by McCain in 2008. Not so surprising that they don’t mention Kansas, solidly red since 1968.)

  92. Thrifty says:

    I actually got a comment through moderation over at Orly’s site. I used a different name, intentionally going for one of those stupid, outlandish, patriotic names. So it’s the first comment, by “TrueAmerican1776”.

  93. LW says:

    Er, I meant to say Obama lost every state where voter ID was implemented


  94. donna says:

    Did you hear the one about Obama’s Muslim ring?

    So this morning, I see this tweet for a Family Research Council crazy:

    Pres. Obama, who wears a ring that says “No god but Allah,” wins the Muslim vote 85-4. Get used to it.
    — @BryanJFischer via web

  95. Paper says:

    Ok, well, now apparently it will be Morell, the acting director, who will be testifying. So, conspiracy proven. That’s that, folks…

    More pointedly, he *is* testifying:

    “Congress intends to continue to investigate the incident, and Petraeus was expected to testify during a closed-door hearing next week before the Senate Intelligence Committee.”

  96. nbc says:

    LW: Er, I meant to say Obama lost every state where voter ID was implemented

    Typical logical fallacy of confusing between correlation and causation. Obama would have lost in most of these states anyway but the republicans in charge decided to make it even more likely by suppressing the vote.

    Poor people… And their hypothesis is furthermore flawed as the data do not support the claim

  97. LW says:

    nbc: And their hypothesis is furthermore flawed as the data do not support the claim

    Even after they threw out a huge wad of evidence that contradicted their claim.

    Voter ID continues to appear to be a solution in search of a problem.

  98. JPotter says:

    Did Obama not also lose the same ‘Voter ID’ states in 2008?

    It’s an EEG in search of a brainwave.

  99. Keith says:

    On “Above Top Secret” they are starting to go to work on Rubio:

    From member eLPresidente:

    Marco Rubio is NOT a natural born citizen.

    Why were the founding fathers so fanatic about only natural born citizens being eligible to be president?

    They just fought an entire revolution to stop tyranny, ending the label of ‘subjects’ to the British Crown in exchange for Independence to be American ‘citizens’. One of the few ways to stop the system from being corrupted was to make sure there was no loyalty to another nation.

    According, Art. II, 1, cl. 5 was drafted to read:

    “No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”

    Vatttels’ Law of Nations (which definitions of the Constitution was written under) 212: Natural-born citizens are those born in the country of parents who are citizens – it is necessary that they be born of a father who is a citizen. If a person is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.…

    Rubio meets the birthplace requirement to be a natural born citizen. He was born in Miami, Florida, in the United States.
    However, he does not meet the second requirement–the parental citizenship test. To be a natural born citizen, a person’s parents must be U.S. citizens. Marco Rubio’s parents, Mario and Oriales Rubio, were both born in Cuba and immigrated to the U.S. as refugees to escape Castro. The both obtained permanent legal residency in the United States. They became citizens nearly four years after Rubio’s birth, making it impossible for them to confer natural citizenship upon Rubio.

    On Sept. 9, 1975, Marco Rubio’s parents also petitioned for naturalization. Their petitions list the same date of admission to the United States as the petition of Rubio’s brother. It is unclear why Rubio’s parents waited 15 years to seek naturalization.

    The parents’ naturalization papers have begun to circulate on the Internet as part of a “birther” controversy related to Rubio’s eligibility for future presidential tickets. The controversy, which was reported this week in the St. Petersburg Times, has been compared to the frenzy surrounding President Obama’s birthplace, but in reality it bears a closer resemblance to the fight over Sen. John McCain’s eligibility in the 2008 election.

  100. Dunno. Works for me.

    Wile: The link under the ‘Features’ tab works fine. It’s the link at the bottom of the page under ‘Quick Reference’ that is broken.

  101. I see on Orly’s site that Texas and Louisiana want to leave the United States. Fair weather patriots.

  102. JPotter says:

    JPotter: Did Obama not also lose the same ‘Voter ID’ states in 2008?

    To answer my own question …. Obama won Indiana in 2008, lost it in 2012. Indiana is one of four ‘strict’ Voter ID states. The other 3 went red in both elections.

    So, is ‘voter ID’ then vindicated?


    Indiana passed Voter ID in 2005.

    Dang wingnuts just can’t win for losing.

  103. LW says:

    JPotter: Indiana passed Voter ID in 2005.


  104. donna says:

    doc: I see on Orly’s site that Texas and Louisiana want to leave the United States. Fair weather patriots.

    a while back, i found this “Scalia: “There Is No Right to Secede:”

    his letter:

    the anti-obama-ites are fooled again

    word is: Did Undelivered Military Ballots Give Election to Obama?

    apparently the right were fooled by “The Duffel Blog” which specializes in “faux news.”

  105. Thrifty says:

    Not really. A handful of fanatics want to secede. It’s a pretty miniscule proportion of the population.

    These calls for secession are just mind boggling. Do they not remember what happened last time states tried to secede?

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I see on Orly’s site that Texas and Louisiana want to leave the United States. Fair weather patriots.

  106. LW says:

    Stiil enjoying the heck out of the “@BryanJFischer” parody Twitter account:

    “CO2 is not a pollutant. It is plant food.”

    He’s not quite as consistent as @pourmecoffee , but still a great source of amusement.

  107. LW says:


    It turns out that in St. Lucie County, Florida, “only one precinct had had less than 113% turnout”!!!11!!one!!!

    You can actually go to the county elections website ( ) and see the results!

    Be sure to ignore, as so many nutjob sites have, this note!

    note* – turnout percentages will show over 100% due to a two page ballot.

    But wait — even after the “two page ballot” part was pointed out to them, asks the totally valid math question:

    However, according to the SOE there were 247,713 or 141.10% of cards cast. A valid question is what happened to the other 58.9% of cards cast?

    In the comments, “Charles Wesley” politely responds:

    NOT a valid question! Since turnout was actually about 71%, multiply by 2 that’s 142, the others were never voted. STUPID idiots…

    (h/t to parody Twitter account “@bryanjfischer” for pretending to fall for this one)

  108. Rickey says:


    It turns out that in St. Lucie County, Florida, “only one precinct had had less than 113% turnout”!!!11!!one!!!

    Somebody I know who loves Allen West posted that on Facebook this morning. I pointed out him that if you actually counted the number of ballots which were cast, the turnout was 71%, not 142%.

    Apparently the second voter card was all proposed amendments and a lot of voters didn’t want to bother with them and only filled out and cast the first one.

    The manual recount of early ballots was done this morning. It led to a slight change in the final talley in West’s favor, but not enough to trigger a full recount.

  109. Wile says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Dunno. Works for me.

    Well, alrighty then.

    I guess it’s just my home and business computers that have been affected.

    I blame Orly. I get that she’s a hack, but can she actually hack?

    Or maybe it’s because I’m in Texas…early secession groundwork?

    This is what I get…
    “Error 404 – Page not found!
    The page you are trying to reach does not exist, or has been moved. Please use the menus or the search box to find what you are looking for.”

  110. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Keith: Marco Rubio’s parents, Mario and Oriales Rubio, were both born in Cuba and immigrated to the U.S. as refugees to escape Castro.

    That is a lie already. His parents left Cuba in 1956. At the time, Batista and the Us gambling Maffia were still running Cuba.

    Of course, all this is good news for John McCain, er, I mean John Hickenlooper.

  111. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I see on Orly’s site that Texas and Louisiana want to leave the United States. Fair weather patriots.

    I can understand Texas ….. but Louisiana?!? What would they do, hook up with Quebec? Or are they trusting Texas to let them be their new dead weight?

  112. Keith says:

    Paul Pieniezny: That is a lie already. His parents left Cuba in 1956. At the time, Batista and the Us gambling Maffia were still running Cuba.

    Of course, all this is good news for John McCain, er, I mean John Hickenlooper.


    Its all so depressingly familiar.

  113. Rickey says:

    JPotter: I can understand Texas ….. but Louisiana?!? What would they do, hook up with Quebec? Or are they trusting Texas to let them be their new dead weight?

    I wonder how much the new Republic of Texas would have to pay the Feds for the 3 million acres of land which the Federal Government owns in Texas, including about a half million acres of military bases?

  114. LW says:

    Wile: Well, alrighty then.

    I guess it’s just my home and business computers that have been affected.

    I blame Orly.I get that she’s a hack, but can she actually hack?

    Or maybe it’s because I’m in Texas…early secession groundwork?

    This is what I get…
    “Error 404 – Page not found!
    The page you are trying to reach does not exist, or has been moved. Please use the menus or the search box to find what you are looking for.”

    Fails for me, too.

    The Wayback Machine appears to be in on the conspiracy, as well; it seems to think that page never existed.

  115. JPotter says:

    Rickey: I wonder how much the new Republic of Texas would have to pay the Feds

    They didn’t pay much in 1861. How did that work out?

  116. LW says:

    Paul Pieniezny: Keith: Marco Rubio’s parents, Mario and Oriales Rubio, were both born in Cuba and immigrated to the U.S. as refugees to escape Castro.

    That is a lie already. His parents left Cuba in 1956.

    It’s the story Rubio himself used to tell, until he was caught corrected last year:

    Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) responded to a Washington Post report alleging that he embellished details about his parents’ emigration from Cuba on “The O’Reilly Factor” on Fox News Monday night.

    “The bottom line is, it misses the point. I don’t need to embellish my narrative. My narrative is very simple — I am the son of exiles and of immigrants, and that has framed my political thought,” he said.

    Rubio’s official biography stated that his parents “came to America following Fidel Castro’s takeover.” The Post examined documents showing that Rubio’s parents left Cuba over two-and-a-half years before Castro took power in 1959, however. Rubio said that he was going on family lore, but after the Post story was published, his official Senate bio was corrected to say that Rubio “was born in Miami in 1971 to Cuban exiles who first arrived in the United States in 1956.”

    Rubio also described two years ago to NPR a nine-month wait his mother endured in Cuba while waiting to return to the United States in 1961. Documents showed that his mother and two children arrived in February 1961 and left the following month.

    “Look, if they want to say I got the dates wrong, they’re right and I admit that, I didn’t know, but I got the dates wrong. But if they want to say that my parents weren’t exiles and I misled people about the essence of my personal story, that’s not fair. It’s outrageous. And I really wish they would have corrected their article because I don’t think it accurately reflects what I’ve said or what the essence of my story is,” he said on Fox News Monday night.

  117. donna says:

    Birthers say Marco Rubio is not eligible to be president

  118. donna: Birthers say Marco Rubio is not eligible to be president

    Actually, I go to those forums and egg them on.

  119. gorefan says:

    donna: Birthers say Marco Rubio is not eligible to be president

    That article is one year old.

  120. Keith says:

    IMO, the point of the exercise is actually not to ‘attack’ the citizenship of Obama or Rubio. It is to try to establish doubt in the minds of the unthinking about the children born in the United States to illegal immigrants – the anchor baby issue.

    ‘They’ blow as much smoke as they can possibly can. Two or more kinds of born citizen. Jurisdiction means ‘legal’. Jurisdiction means already a citizen. Vattel is written into the Constitution. Minority opinion in debates over the 1866 Civil Rights Act are more authoritative than the actual 14th Amendment that replaced it. The IRS defines Citizenship law. etc, etc, etc. “Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt” is the tool of the propagandist.

    Picking on high profile ‘test-cases’ as they come up is much easier than finding an actual target. Once a significant portion of the population has been ‘converted’ they can then focus on anchor babies.

    It is the responsibility of those who know better to ensure that ‘they’ do not get away with it.

  121. donna says:

    gorefan: That article is one year old.

    does that matter to those who think both parents have to be citizens for their child to be natural born?

    the issue re-surfaced when rubio was thought of as a VP candidate

    May 24, 2012 Obama, Rubio birthers should read the law

    But what about Rubio? …… some do contend that Rubio is not eligible for the presidency. (The eligibility requirement for vice president is the same as president.) “Rubio is, quite simply, not a ‘natural born citizen’ by the accepted legal, English-language standard as it has been known throughout American history,” wrote WorldNetDaily founder and editor Joseph Farah in February. “He was born in Florida to two non-U.S. citizen parents.”

  122. gorefan says:

    donna: does that matter to those who think both parents have to be citizens for their child to be natural born?

    Not really I was just clearifing, also it needs to be updated since Kerchner now includes Senator Santorum on the pile of candidates who are not natural born citizens.

  123. Scientist says:

    donna: does that matter to those who think both parents have to be citizens for their child to be natural born?

    Maybe it’s better to ask “Do those who think both parents have to be citizens for their child to be natural born” matter? The data from last Tuesday say “No!”.

  124. RuhRoh says:

    Indiana isn’t finished with Orly yet. An Order To Show cause hearing is now scheduled for 11/27.

    Via TheFogbow:


    11/08/12 CAUSE SET FOR RULE TO SHOW CAUSE ON 11/27/12 AT 11:00 OCLOCK A.M.

  125. Interesting. Orly Taitz has an audio recording of her vacated trial in Indiana, according to a court filing in Mississippi.

  126. Majority Will says:

    Ted Nugent On Obama Election: ‘Pimps Whores & Welfare Brats’ Voted For ‘Economic & Spiritual Suicide’

    “Nugent was not alone in his anti-Obama ranting after the incumbent’s victory. Donald Trump called for a “revolution.” Former “SNL” cast member Victoria Jackson said “America died.” And born-again Christian actor Stephen Baldwin tweeted that God’s wrath is now upon the U.S.”

  127. Majority Will: “Nugent was not alone in his anti-Obama ranting after the incumbent’s victory. Donald Trump called for a “revolution.” Former “SNL” cast member Victoria Jackson said “America died.” And born-again Christian actor Stephen Baldwin tweeted that God’s wrath is now upon the U.S.”

    They’re all C-list has-beens.

  128. Talk about ODS:

    Cops: Woman angered by Obama re-election runs over husband for not voting

    PHOENIX — An Arizona woman, in despair at the re-election of Democratic President Barack Obama, ran down her husband with the family car in suburban Phoenix on Saturday because he failed to vote in the election, police said Monday.,0,708252.story

  129. RuhRoh says:

    Sorry for going off-topic, but I wasn’t able to find the current “open thread”.

    The Cold Case Posse is trying to get attention again, this time with an affidavit from Mike Zullo accusing Hawaiian officials of malfeasance in the matter of Obama’s birth records.

    And the WND article:

    The article doesn’t explain what prompted the affidavit or how it will be used.

  130. The open thread can be found by clicking the “Open Thread” menu item at the top of every page.

    RuhRoh: Sorry for going off-topic, but I wasn’t able to find the current “open thread”.

  131. JPotter says:

    RuhRoh: The article doesn’t explain what prompted the affidavit or how it will be used.

    If you make it longer, it makes it better! Birf!Birf!

    Monckton also has another column, revealing his new theory birth certificate theory … complete with his pretty princess ‘coat of arms’.

    What’d I tell ya? 7 days to rest, and off to the races again. Like house flies, only slower.

  132. RuhRoh says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    The open thread can be found by clicking the “Open Thread” menu item at the top of every page.


  133. donna says:

    Educating the Confused – Larry Klayman


    “That is why God did us a favor this week. He made it crystal clear that We the People must rise up and not rely on a Republican Moses to deliver us from the bondage and slavery Obama and his rising tide of supporters have in store for us. If we do not forcefully but peacefully act now, our freedoms and our republic will soon die and go the way of ancient Greece, Rome and other lost civilizations.”

    Actually, He made it clear that his preferred resident of the White House is President Obama. People prayed to God to elect the righteous candidate and He obliged. Why Larry is somehow disagreeing with the Lord’s decisions is beyond me. Do they really think that they know better than the Lord?


  134. JPotter says:

    The fate of WTBC?

    After its initial sine wave dive to oblivion, the looming election kept the Corsi’s opus on life support, trolling along at a steady sales rank of ~43,000 for most of 2012.

    Now that the climax has come and past, the Drift Boat has run aground. It’s forum is dead, the last few holdout birfers disappearring days before the election (a few came back for defiant gasps, but have scattered once more). For the first time since publication, the forum is off the Most Active list.

    Even the fresh material (Petraeus, Seal Team 6 sanctions, fiscal squabbles, election cleanup, secession fad) haven’t teased former diehards like Hermitian out of hiding. He’s gone on to more reliably echo-ey chambers no doubt.

    The book has dropped to #63,000, and will continue to dive, until it finds a new bottom.

    However, hold fast to your copies, friends. I predict WTBC? will ultimately command a premium price! (Well, depending on how many copies WND really printed 😉 ) Hardcore nuts never forget their passions. Researchers will be looking for copies for future theses. It will, unfortunately, live on as ‘secret knowledge’ to some. A curiosity to others.

    The few people that do want, will really want it.

    Give it 10-20 years. You may yet see a positive return on birtherism!

  135. The Magic M says:

    misha marinsky: An Arizona woman, in despair at the re-election of Democratic President Barack Obama, ran down her husband with the family car in suburban Phoenix on Saturday because he failed to vote in the election

    I don’t pity the fool who doesn’t secede from his birther family members in time.

  136. Dave B. says:


    The Cold Case Posse is trying to get attention again, this time with an affidavit from Mike Zullo accusing Hawaiian officials of malfeasance in the matter of Obama’s birth records.

    I haven’t got all the way through it yet, but from what I’ve read so far that affidavit could be submitted as proof that Mike Zullo is a lying dumb-ass.

  137. sponson says:

    [Moved to the Open Thread. Doc]
    Off topic, Canadian born rising Canadian-born Texas politician Ted Cruz sees no reason he can’t run for U.S. President. His definition of “natural born citizen” doesn’t include the idea of being born on U.S. soil. I agree with him on that point, “born a citizen” is my interpretation of the phrase.

  138. donna says:

    sheriff joe wants a white house invite to discuss immigration with obama?

    i would have an easier time

    Arpaio would like to discuss amnesty — along with border security issues — with Obama “man to man” directly at the White House. He would also like to reach out to Hispanic groups he said have misunderstood his intentions and bought into the negative “propaganda” about him.

    “I wish the president would invite me to the White House,” Arpaio told Breitbart News. “We’ll have some wine and beer, and light up cigars.”

    hmmm i DO AGREE with one thing: Arpaio wants politicians to quit saying they “must secure the border first” before discussing other immigration issues, because he sees those words as code words to punt on issues in the interior that are just as important. “They’ll never secure the border 100 percent,” Arpaio said. “So it’s a cop-out so you don’t do anything in the interior.”

    he insists he could have productive discussions with Obama. “I won’t even ask you for your birth certificate,” Arpaio quipped, of Obama.

  139. Scientist says:

    Death of Key West man linked to Obama’s reelection

    A Key West man who told his partner that “if Barack gets re-elected, I’m not going to be around” was found dead on Nov. 8, with the words “F— Obama!” scrawled on his will and two empty prescription bottles nearby.
    Henry Hamilton, 64, owner of Tropical Tan off Duval Street, was “very upset about the election results,” his partner Michael Cossey told Police Officer Anna Dykes.
    Police spokeswoman Alyson Crean said a cause of death is awaiting autopsy results from the Monroe County Medical Examiner’s Office but said, “There’s absolutely no evidence of foul play.”
    According to Dykes’ report, Cossey returned to the South Roosevelt Boulevard condo he shared with Hamilton after a late night of playing cards with friends and fell asleep on the couch around 6 a.m.
    A friend of Hamilton had been worried about him and had a standing request to police to make welfare checks. Officer Pablo Rodriguez did just that and when he went to the condo, he woke up Cossey, prompting the discovery of Hamilton’s body in the bedroom.
    Dykes reported finding two empty prescription bottles, one for Xanax and one for Seroquel, used to treat anxiety and schizophrenia, respectively.
    Cossey told police Hamilton “has been very stressed about his business,” and the last time they had spoken was “when we watched the election results” on Nov. 6.
    President Obama, a Democrat, defeated Republican challenger Mitt Romney to win a second four-year term.

    Read more here:

  140. RuhRoh says:

    The state of Indiana is investigating how a recording of Orly Taitz’s October 22nd hearing was illegally posted to the internet.

    I wonder if this investigation is in any way related to the Order to Show Cause hearing scheduled for November 27th?

  141. donna says:

    we have a new birther?

    Senior Editor of Foreign Policy Magazine Benjamin Pauker: Obama Born In Kenya

  142. RuhRoh says:

    Doesn’t sound like Pauker’s a birther. Sounds like ORYR wants to pretend he’s a birther.

  143. donna says:

    Top Georgia GOP Lawmakers Host Briefing on Secret Obama Mind-Control Plot

    President Obama is using a Cold War-era mind-control technique known as “Delphi” to coerce Americans into accepting his plan for a United Nations-run communist dictatorship in which suburbanites will be forcibly relocated to cities. That’s according to a four-hour briefing delivered to Republican state senators at the Georgia state Capitol last month.

    seriously? these people are anti-science when it comes to climate change & evolution but believe in mind control?

  144. Dave says:

    In other Obama conspiracy news, Mother Jones has a disturbing article: Top Georgia GOP Lawmakers Host Briefing on Secret Obama Mind-Control Plot. The conspiracy theory is nothing new — Agenda 21, with the US being brought under a UN dictatorship, forced relocation of rural population to cities, mandatory contraception, and, yes, mind control (“a process known as the Delphi technique”). What is remarkable is that the GOP caucus of the Georgia state Senate invited a crazy person to brief them on this. And it included a brief video of Dick Morris endorsing the whole thing. Yes, that Dick Morris.

  145. Dave says:

    Hmm. As they say, great minds think alike.

  146. donna says:

    bachmann’s religious freak pastor ordered to pay rachel maddow $24,625.23


    another loss for klayman

    Larry Klayman – Dean v NBC

  147. G says:

    Geez, these people are a bunch of retarded lunatics… *face palm*

    Top Georgia GOP Lawmakers Host Briefing on Secret Obama Mind-Control Plot

    President Obama is using a Cold War-era mind-control technique known as “Delphi” to coerce Americans into accepting his plan for a United Nations-run communist dictatorship in which suburbanites will be forcibly relocated to cities. That’s according to a four-hour briefing delivered to Republican state senators at the Georgia state Capitol last month.

    seriously?these people are anti-science when it comes to climate change & evolution but believe in mind control?

  148. G says:

    bachmann’s religious freak pastor ordered to pay rachel maddow $24,625.23


    another loss for klayman

    Larry Klayman – Dean v NBC

  149. JPotter says:

    Dave: forced relocation of rural population to cities,

    HORRORS! They might have to interact with …. those people. People: every xenophobes worst nightmare.

    Silly wingnuts. Crack a history book. Those ebel commies always disperse people to the countryside (rendering them helpless, politically powerless). It’s the rightwing goose-steppers that always jam people into tight spaces (the better to liquidate them).

    Lefties hate the land and nature, so they send their enemies there to work it. Righties resent cities and civilization, so they cram their enemies into’em and wall them off.

  150. Arthur says:

    donna: achmann’s religious freak pastor ordered to pay rachel maddow $24,625.23

    Wonderful news!

  151. Arthur says:

    California PBS station’s report on ethical issues regarding Judge Gary Kreep:

  152. donna says:


    thanks for the giggle

    more on klayman – he really needs a padded room – he’s rapidly decompensating

    Idiot Republican Says Conservatives Are the New N-words

  153. JPotter says:

    donna: more on klayman – he really needs a padded room –

    OW! KKKlayman’s hood poked me in the eye!

    Still, it was worth reading for the giggles LOL

    The way he uses “white people” and “conservatives” interchangeably …. sieg fail!

    How about this suggestion … if the wingnut LARP sessions they call “citizen grand juries” want a shred of my attention (note, I did not say ‘respect’), then they have to put forth some effort and throw in some cosplay. Get in the spirit, ye olde bastids!

  154. G says:

    Thanks. That was a good article you just posted, calling out Klayman for the hate-driven crazy kook that he is. My only criticism of it is that it didn’t delve that much into how his personal religious extremism is coloring his brand of kkkrazy. Make no doubt about it, Klayman is clearly part of what I consider the “American Taliban”.

    I also consider folks like him to be a direct deranged product of what the Southern Strategy has done to foul our politics. Speaking of which, an excellent article on that, with the original audio capturing its creator, Lee Atwater, revealing the intended use and disguise of racism and dog-whistles in how he helped to cynically “reshape” the GOP into the hate-based model that dominates it today:


    thanks for the giggle

    more on klayman – he really needs a padded room – he’s rapidly decompensating

    Idiot Republican Says Conservatives Are the New N-words

  155. G says:

    While I’m at it, two more post-election analysis reflections to share:

    1. Good snark on crappy Gallup pollster losers for hating on Nate Silver:

    2. An analysis of whether the crazy has reached “Peak Wingnut” status, post-election:

  156. Keith says:

    donna: suburbanites will be forcibly relocated to cities

    I always thought that suburbs WERE cities, just, well, sub-urban cities. So what is the deal with that?

  157. Keith says:

    JPotter: The way he uses “white people” and “conservatives” interchangeably …. sieg fail!

    I guess if they are white and not conservative they must be “n” lovers or Jews or or Commies or something else that just doesn’t figure into his reality configuration.

  158. G says:

    Looks like the Birthers have a new campaign – robocalls for impeachment:

    The Conservative Majority Fund, a conservative group known primarily for its birther conspiracy spreading, has launched a robocall campaign to gin up support for the president’s impeachment.

    Here is some of them message in the robocall. You can also hear it at the story link:

    Our only recourse now is to move forward with the full impeachment of President Obama. We suspect that Obama is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and that there may be grounds for impeachment as is laid out in the constitution. Further, he may not even be a U.S. citizen because nobody, I mean no one, has seen an actual physical copy of his birth certificate. Impeachment is our only option. And Republicans are already considering Obama investigations. As the nation’s most effective conservative group we are launching the official impeach Obama campaign.

  159. Paper says:

    “Call me, maybe.”

    Looks like the Birthers have a new campaign – robocalls for impeachment:

  160. G says:

    LOL! 😉

    “Call me, maybe.”

  161. JPotter says:

    Now that would be an irritating robocall!

  162. Dave says:

    Except, like all good comedy, Wonkette’s post is quite unfair. The Gallup post never mentions Nate Silver and says nothing negative about people who analyze polls. It just says that if papers stop funding polls, then the poll analyzers will have nothing to analyze.

    I did find Gallup’s post a bit hard to understand, as in what motivated him to post this obvious point. My best guess is, they’ve heard a lot of their customers hinting that they can’t afford to fund Gallup in the future. Which would be a shame.


    1.Good snark on crappy Gallup pollster losers for hating on Nate Silver:

  163. RuhRoh says:

    Strunk apparently has a show cause hearing Monday, November 19 in Brooklyn regarding his latest lawsuit that seeks to keep the electoral college from voting for Obama.

    I’m not attending this one as post-Sandy I could get to Baltimore more quickly than I could to Brooklyn.

  164. donna says:


    1.Good snark on crappy Gallup pollster losers for hating on Nate Silver:

    thanks for the links

    what i find weird about gallup is that there are (now) no gallup poll numbers listed on the RCP averages in swing states – i know gallup conducted them because there are articles about those polls – to wit: 10/15/2012 Gallup Shows Florida Swinging Romney’s Direction

    did they “scrub” those polls numbers?

  165. RuhRoh says:

    I thought that this H. Brook Paige, Apuzzo-penned VT ballot challenge case had already been dismissed, but apparently it was dismissed recently as a Burlington Free Press reporter is tweeting the dismissal today.

    sam hemingway ‏@samuelhemingway
    Vt. judge tosses “natural born citizen” birther case against Obama; says court lacks jurisdiction and case lacked merit. #vtpoli #vt

    No link to the story, and I was unable to find it on the Burlington Free Press site.

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