Electoral College votes without birther impediment

Despite a handful of ill-timed birther lawsuits directed at the Electoral College or select members of it, the votes were cast yesterday without any impediment from the birthers. I would cite this as a pure victory for sanity over insanity except that it was marred by the remarks of three Republican party officials and electors from Arizona, reports USA Today. State GOP Chairman Tom Morrissey said:

I’m not satisfied with what I’ve seen. I think for somebody in the president’s position to not have produced a document that looks more legitimate, I have a problem with that.

He was ignoring his own Arizona Secretary of State’s demand for and receipt of a verification from Hawaii of the place of Obama’s birth.


The Huffington Post coverage of this story also reported an Orly Taitz lawsuit in Arizona:

The comments of the Arizona Republicans comes a week after birther queen Orly Taitz filed a lawsuit in federal court in Arizona against Vice President Joe Biden and Congress to block Biden from counting the electoral vote.

However, there is no case in Arizona in the federal PACER system in which “TAITZ” is a party, and only two unrelated cases for “BIDEN.”

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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64 Responses to Electoral College votes without birther impediment

  1. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    And yet birthers are still very much of the “Any. Day. Now.” mindset.
    The next “Any. Day. Now.” is Jan 6th.

  2. john says:

    Jan. 6th is the end all date. All it takes is 1 Senator and 1 Congressman to HALT the 2012 election and FORCE Congress to DEBATE Obama’s eligibility.

  3. Rickey says:

    HuffPo must be thinking of the Grinols case, which of course is in California.

    I would think that Grinols is now moot as far as the Electoral College is concerned, as well as the Governor and Secretary of State of California. And of course Orly’s petition in Grinols has already been denied because she once again failed to follow the rules. She has until Friday to re-file, but as they say those horses (except for the certification by Congress) have already left the barn.

  4. john: Jan. 6th is the end all date.All it takes is 1 Senator and 1 Congressman to HALT the 2012 election and FORCE Congress to DEBATE Obama’s eligibility.

    Agreed. Who are the two going to be? Have you written to potential legislators?

  5. This has been discussed before. If an objection is filed the House and Senate would immediately move to meet separately and quickly vote down the objection. It happened in 2004 when an objection was filed against the certification from Ohio.

    Jan. 6th is the end all date.All it takes is 1 Senator and 1 Congressman to HALT the 2012 election and FORCE Congress to DEBATE Obama’s eligibility.

  6. Rickey says:

    Jan. 6th is the end all date.All it takes is 1 Senator and 1 Congressman to HALT the 2012 election and FORCE Congress to DEBATE Obama’s eligibility.

    Well, they could DELAY Obama’s election by an hour or so. At the end of the day, however, we all know what the outcome will be.

  7. bovril says:

    Shame no one actually asked those 3 sleaze balls from AZ if they were equally unsatisfied that Rmoney hadn’t released ANY of the long squirrel squeal of documents they demand of the President.

  8. Darkwing56 says:

    Rickey: Well, they could DELAY Obama’s election by an hour or so. At the end of the day, however, we all know what the outcome will be.

    In 2009, Senator Inhofe (R-OK), the closest thing there is to a birther in the Senate, said that if he had raised the eligibilty issue as an objection during the electoral vote certification, he “would have been laughed out of theSenate.” So John is hoping against hope that even one Senator will raise the issue.

  9. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Any John Now, Day. Any John now.,

  10. JPotter says:

    Jan. 6th is the end all date.All it takes is 1 Senator and 1 Congressman to HALT the 2012 election and FORCE Congress to DEBATE Obama’s eligibility.

    Your message indicates you have made no progress. What’s the holdup? We demand results from our nuts! Nut up, ‘john’!

  11. Joey says:

    December 11th was the last day that any controversies regarding any state’s electors must have been filed by. No state recorded any controversy regarding their electors therefore any objection filed at te Joint Session of Congress will have no legal back-up and will be disposed of as a whine from the losing side.

    Here’s a link to the National Archives page on Key Dates for the Electoral process which explains the December 11th deadline for controversies.

  12. elmo says:

    Somehow, I suspect no black person could present a birth certificate that looks “legitimate” enough to satisfy Mr. Morrissey.

  13. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I wonder how birthers enjoy anything in life.
    They’re so consumed by their windmill chasing, that there can’t possibly be time for them to experience anything life has to offer. I can just picture Christmas day for a birther, in a family of rational relatives. Ranting and raving all through the big meal with the family, and the games, and present opening, utterly ruining the day for everyone else.

  14. Andrew Vrba, PmG: I wonder how birthers enjoy anything in life…Ranting and raving all through the big meal with the family, and the games, and present opening, utterly ruining the day for everyone else.

    Exactly. RWNJ are the same people, who scream they need to carry a firearm for protection.

    Small penis syndrome.

  15. john says:

    Birthers really need to start haunting their Senators and Congressmen to get them to file that written objection. Once filed, the objection, what ever that may be, must be heard by Congress. Congress is LEGALLY and CONSTITUTIONALLY REQUIRED to DEBATE the Objection. Congress CANNOT IGNORE the objection. So if the Objection is based on the SSN fraud committed by Obama, Congress HAS to Debate the objection and hear the evidence. Such a debate cannot last more than 2 hours and each Congressman or Senator is given at the most 2 minutes to talk about the objection before a vote is taken.

  16. john says:

    Which ever Senator or Congressman would raise an eligibility objection would most likely solidify their position forever. Senator Boxer received over 5,000 Roses for raising her objection. Based on polling, there is an absolutely overwhelming number of GOP voters who doubt Obama’s eligibility or feel he hasn’t proven it.

  17. john says:

    I believe an objection would be sustained in the House because of GOP majority and because GOP Congressmen can’t stand Obama. But I think the senate would be much tougher sale because of Dem Majority.

    There are many Senators and Congressman who were fully committed that Romney WAS SUPPOSE to win. Many are simply shell-shocked that Obama has been reelected and would love to uphold any objection raised.

  18. Thomas Brown says:

    Jan. 6th is the end all date.All it takes is 1 Senator and 1 Congressman to HALT the 2012 election and FORCE Congress to DEBATE Obama’s eligibility.

    Congress debating Obama’s eligibility would make as much sense as Congress debating whether your head is in any way different than a head of broccoli.

  19. MattR says:

    December 11th was the last day that any controversies regarding any state’s electors must have been filed by. No state recorded any controversy regarding their electors therefore any objection filed at te Joint Session of Congress will have no legal back-up and will be disposed of as a whine from the losing side.

    Here’s a link to the National Archives page on Key Dates for the Electoral process which explains the December 11th deadline for controversies.

    Dec 11 was the deadline for states to resolve any controversies with electors. That does not apply to any objection raised by a Congressman or Senator (as indicated by the Jan 6 entry on the page you linked to).

  20. Keith says:

    The votes are starting to pour in.

    Early result counting has Obama in front 18 to 14.

    This is going to be a cliff hanger folks.

  21. MattR says:

    There are many Senators and Congressman who were fully committed that Romney WAS SUPPOSE to win. Many are simply shell-shocked that Obama has been reelected and would love to uphold any objection raised.

    And almost every one of them realizes that while Romney was SUPPOSED to win, Obama actually did win both more individual votes and more electoral votes so it would be political suicide to vote to reverse that.

  22. BatGuano says:

    here’s a radio interview with morrissey where he says he’s not a birther……… then proceeds to spew the birther.


  23. Thrifty says:

    I know. Remember when the objections back in 2004 led to John Kerry’s successful election to the post of president?

    Jan. 6th is the end all date.All it takes is 1 Senator and 1 Congressman to HALT the 2012 election and FORCE Congress to DEBATE Obama’s eligibility.

  24. MN-Skeptic says:

    Birthers really need to start haunting their Senators and Congressmen to get them to file that written objection.Once filed, the objection, what ever that may be, must be heard by Congress.Congress is LEGALLY and CONSTITUTIONALLY REQUIRED to DEBATE the Objection.Congress CANNOT IGNORE the objection.So if the Objection is based on the SSN fraud committed by Obama, Congress HAS to Debate the objection and hear the evidence.Such a debate cannot last more than 2 hours and each Congressman or Senator is given at the most 2 minutes to talk about the objection before a vote is taken.

    Short debate then. All a congressman has to do is whip out his copy of the U.S. Constitution, check the requirements for being president, see that a valid social security number is not one of the requirements, end of discussion. Two minutes top for the entire debate.

  25. Thomas Brown: debating whether your head is in any way different than a head of broccoli.

    Please, don’t leave me an opening. It’s waaaay too easy.

  26. Thomas Brown says:

    misha marinsky: Please, don’t leave me an opening. It’s waaaay too easy.

    Please proceed, pilgrim.

  27. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Birthers really need to start haunting their Senators and Congressmen to get them to file that written objection.Once filed, the objection, what ever that may be, must be heard by Congress.Congress is LEGALLY and CONSTITUTIONALLY REQUIRED to DEBATE the Objection.Congress CANNOT IGNORE the objection.So if the Objection is based on the SSN fraud committed by Obama, Congress HAS to Debate the objection and hear the evidence.Such a debate cannot last more than 2 hours and each Congressman or Senator is given at the most 2 minutes to talk about the objection before a vote is taken.

    Social Security numbers are not required to be president under the constitution.

  28. JPotter says:

    I believe an objection would be sustained in the House because of GOP majority and because GOP Congressmen can’t stand Obama.But I think the senate would be much tougher sale because of Dem Majority.

    There are many Senators and Congressman who were fully committed that Romney WAS SUPPOSE to win.Many are simply shell-shocked that Obama has been reelected and would love to uphold any objection raised.

    In other words, you assume that they (Congress) are eager to shirk their duty and obligations to the good governance of the American people by placing their individual desires (which you helpfully project for them) before objective reality, not to mention the will of the voting public?

    Well, dang, these are Deep Reds we’re talking about. They habitually, willfully attempt to up end basic science and arithmetic and have a track record of absolute immunity to dread diseases like “critical thought”, “reason”, and “logic”. ‘john’ may be on to something here.

  29. Thrifty says:

    John, I’m confused.

    These Republican congressmen whom you say would sustain an objection to the electoral vote due to issues of Obama’s eligibility…. are they the same Congressmen who you just hours ago said were helping to cover up Obama’s ineligibility because they knew public knowledge of it would throw the country into chaos? Or is there a secret double Congress that I don’t know about?

    To recap:

    2008-2012: Congress knows Barack Obama is ineligible to be president but does not act to stop him because they know this would mean chaos.
    2013: Congress still knows that Barack Obama is ineligible to be president but does act to stop him because….. ????

    I believe an objection would be sustained in the House because of GOP majority and because GOP Congressmen can’t stand Obama.But I think the senate would be much tougher sale because of Dem Majority.

    There are many Senators and Congressman who were fully committed that Romney WAS SUPPOSE to win.Many are simply shell-shocked that Obama has been reelected and would love to uphold any objection raised.

  30. John has to be jy1977, right? No one else is that naive.

  31. Rickey says:

    .So if the Objection is based on the SSN fraud committed by Obama, Congress HAS to Debate the objection and hear the evidence

    Evidence? What evidence?

  32. Rickey says:


    There are many Senators and Congressman who were fully committed that Romney WAS SUPPOSE to win.Many are simply shell-shocked that Obama has been reelected and would love to uphold any objection raised.

    Because what could be more patriotic than voting to invalidate the votes of 65.6 million Americans? The Founding Fathers would be so proud of you.

  33. Dave B. says:

    Well, duh.

    john: Which ever Senator or Congressman would raise an eligibility objection would most likely solidify their position forever.

  34. You know, that stuff they print from the Internet.

    Rickey: Evidence? What evidence?

  35. Feinne says:

    An objection based on eligibility is doomed to failure because the President was certified as eligible as soon as congress accepted the 2008 election results.

  36. JPotter says:

    Thrifty: 2008-2012: Congress knows Barack Obama is ineligible to be president but does not act to stop him because they know this would mean chaos.
    2013: Congress still knows that Barack Obama is ineligible to be president but does act to stop him because….. ????

    It’s doublethink, don’t ya know, a prerequisite to any serious attempt at birfing. Quite the opposite of lintelligence, something les birfers could greatly benefit from. Well, benefit from by becoming incapable of birfing. They just can’t see the benefits of that. 😉

  37. JPotter says:

    Feinne: An objection based on eligibility is doomed to failure because the President was certified as eligible as soon as congress accepted the 2008 election results.

    But….but….but…so much ‘new’ [invented] ‘evidence’ has since come to light … !

  38. J.D. Reed says:

    john: I believe an objection would be sustained in the House because of GOP majority and because GOP Congressmen can’t stand Obama. But I think the senate would be much tougher sale because of Dem Majority.There are many Senators and Congressman who were fully committed that Romney WAS SUPPOSE to win. Many are simply shell-shocked that Obama has been reelected and would love to uphold any objection raised.

    B.: .

    John, reckon a third party can be found to hold your money when you put it where your mouth is regards an objection would be sustained in the House? Never would happen and it’s unreasonable to even think it might.
    I doubt that you’ll see objections lodged in both houses, but if you do, then I’ll go on record that only a handful of the far right fringe of the House of Reps would vote to sustain, and no more than a couple in the Senate would go that way.
    You believe a House majority will so vote, or at least fervently hope it does. If objections go before each House, let’s see who’s closer to reality. If I’m right, frankly, I’ll be the first to crow.

  39. Rickey says:

    Which ever Senator or Congressman would raise an eligibility objection would most likely solidify their position forever.

    Solidify? Like hardening of the arteries?

  40. If two morons (1 senator and 1 representative) decided to lodge an objection it has to be against a specific state certificate of vote. One state, even California, wouldn’t deprive Obama of a majority so they would have to make jackasses of themselves multiple times.

  41. Paper says:

    Oh right. Not only do they have mountains of evidence from the Internet, which somehow I keep forgetting is evidence, they are all dating French models, which no doubt increases their sense of authority. As in: “What do you know, anyway? I’m the one dating a French model!”

    Just like so:


    Dr. Conspiracy:
    You know, that stuff they print from the Internet.

  42. john says:

    “If two morons (1 senator and 1 representative) decided to lodge an objection it has to be against a specific state certificate of vote. One state, even California, wouldn’t deprive Obama of a majority so they would have to make jackasses of themselves multiple times.”

    Actually not. The Objection can be any one state or an objection to all the states as a whole. In addition, the objection doesn’t necessarily have to deal with validity of the votes themselves but can be an objection to candidate itself that has received those votes. Once filed, the objection MUST be heard and debated. The Senate and House each take up to 2 hours where each Senator and Congressman has a max of 2 minutes to speak their piece and then they vote.

    The objection by Congress is lot like when the minister at a wedding asks the audience if their is any objection why this man and woman shouldn’t get married. Please speak now or forever hold your piece.

  43. Pip says:

    I am not a birther, but I have seen the evidence that the short and long forms are forgeries, and also in addition evidence that fake documents have been planted in the Hawaii archives.

    I am not a birther, but one cannot doubt the compelling evidence that all copies of the newspapers from that time, physical, digital, microfiche, have been altered to insert a false birth announcement.

    I am not a birther, but everyone knows the grandmother either tricked Dr. Sinclair into purgery, probably by offering him a home-cooked meal (always a temptation for hard working doctors), or used her government contacts to get false information recorded on the original birth documents.

    I am not a birther, but I have seen the Kenyan testimonies and documents, and we know some of the most important documents in Kenya have been destroyed.

    I am not a birther, but no matter where the President was born, he didn’t have two citizen parents.

    I am not a birther, but just statistically speaking, not all the liars and fools can be liars and fools.

    I am not a birther, but the people will rise up and force Congress to find the man just elected by the people ineligible.

    I am not a birther, but I really want to be a birther. Please. Pretty please?



    here’s a radio interview with morrissey where he says he’s not a birther……… then proceeds to spew the birther.

  44. 1% Silver Nitrate says:

    Rickey: Evidence? What evidence?

    Dr. Conspiracy: You know, that stuff they print from the Internet.

    Well, of course. Here’s a piece of evidence I got off the Internet:

    The [Social Security] Area Number is assigned by the geographical region. Prior to 1972, cards were issued in local Social Security offices around the country and the Area Number represented the State in which the card was issued. This did not necessarily have to be the State where the applicant lived, since a person could apply for their card in any Social Security office. Since 1972, when SSA began assigning SSNs and issuing cards centrally from Baltimore, the area number assigned has been based on the ZIP code in the mailing address provided on the application for the original Social Security card. The applicant’s mailing address does not have to be the same as their place of residence. Thus, the Area Number does not necessarily represent the State of residence of the applicant, either prior to 1972 or since.

    However, since this particular piece of evidence could undoubtedly be backed up by the sworn testimony of the Commissioner of Social Security, it would absolutely be of greater probative value than any purported evidence plucked from recesses where the sun don’t shine at http://www.wnd.com & similar venues.

  45. Arthur says:

    john: I believe an objection would be sustained in the House because of GOP majority and because GOP Congressmen can’t stand Obama.

    In order to rationalize Congress’ inaction on the eligibility issue, I’ve observed that many birthers have a Janus-like capacity to, on the one hand, argue that every politician, regardless of party, is a traitor who knows “the truth” but is helping to keep Obama in office for personal gain; and on the other hand, to argue that the Republicans hate Obama and are eager to bring up the eligibility issue but are restrained from doing so because they fear some kind of retaliation, even though bringing the president down would be the biggest gain to Republicans since the discovery of hanging chad.

    Of course, I’ve never seen a birther consider, even in order to dismiss it, the idea that Republican leaders have considered the issue and think the facts are with the president.

  46. JPotter says:

    Pip: I am not a birther, but

    I am not a looney!

    It’s people like you what cause unrest.


  47. Majority Will says:

    Pip: #Iamnotabirtherbut

    There’s a real easy test for anyone claiming to not be a birther.

    To not be a birther that person must be able to state all of the following exactly:

    “I truthfully believe that President Barack Obama is a natural born citizen of the United States of America by the virtue of his birth on U.S. soil. President Obama met all of the necessary legal requirements for obtaining and holding the office of President of the United States of America which are natural born citizenship and attaining at least the age of thirty five years and fourteen years of U.S. residency as declared in the U.S. Constitution.”

    Apuzzo can’t do this. Taitz can’t do this. Berg can’t do this. They are, and probably always will be, birthers.

  48. Rickey says:

    I was just looking at the summons which Orly thinks she served upon the California electors. She served the electors by serving the Attorney General. Why does she think that she can effect service upon the electors by serving the Attorney General? The electors aren’t state employees, and even if some of them are state employees they aren’t acting in the course of their employment when they cast votes as Presidential electors.

    To make mattters worth, Orly sent out the summonses yesterday, a day after the electors voted.

    Incompetence, thy name is Orly.


  49. donna says:

    ny electors also voted tho all votes have not yet been counted

    New York is one of several states where electors are not bound by law to cast their votes for the candidates who won the state’s popular vote on Election Day, Nov. 6.

    They did so, however, unanimously voting for Obama and Biden. Electors and guests, including schoolchildren witnessing the historic event, applauded when the vote counters announced the winners.


  50. Pip says:


    I believe watching the BBC automatically makes you a dual citizen, or a British spy, and thus ineligible to be President.

    JPotter: I am not a looney!

    It’s people like you what cause unrest.


  51. Pip says:

    #Iamnotabirtherbut there is no definition of birther in the US Constitution, nor any constitutional requirement for a non-birther loyalty oath.

    On the other hand, #Iamnotabirtherbut I believe that any electors who are not birthers owe Orly Taitz a darn good explanation for why not.


    Majority Will: There’s a real easy test for anyone claiming to not be a birther.

    To not be a birther that person must be able to state all of the following exactly:

    “I truthfully believe that President Barack Obama is …”

  52. AlCum says:

    Jan. 6th is the end all date.All it takes is 1 Senator and 1 Congressman to HALT the 2012 election and FORCE Congress to DEBATE Obama’s eligibility.

    What’s to debate? Really, what? Obama’s the first and only president in US history to conclusively document his proven eligibility by releasing his authenticated and certified birth certificate to the public. There is no debate. Case is closed.

  53. LW says:

    Rickey: To make mattters worth, Orly sent out the summonses yesterday, a day after the electors voted.

    She probably got the date confused with the 21st, since for her, Obama’s successful and unhindered re-election is as apocalyptic as it gets.

  54. G says:

    Well John, I will say this for you, you’ve at least improved your game here, post election:

    After all these years of mostly just repeating yourself across threads, with little actual true dialogue, you seem to at least be attempting to participate in actual conversation a bit more. Kudos.

    After all these years of just offering birther-babble whines, without seeming to take any meaningful actions for your cause, it seems you’ve finally put forth a real sincere effort (at least from your perspective) towards the “best legitimate attempt” you are in a position to effect here: petitioning your local congressman directly (I believe you said you got him to attend your local Tea Party meeting about this topic) and trying to persuade him to take up your cause in this Objection scenario. So Kudos to you there too.

    After all these years of mainly regurgitating easily disproven nonsense, you finally seem to be talking about an actual Constitutional process with a fairly correct general understanding of how it can work. I give you the biggest Kudos here, as I’m glad to see you learning something useful and real and actually putting real thought of how to apply it properly…as much as you can, that is.

    You’ve even demonstrated honest awareness of how unlikely it will be to get the Senate to go along with this Objection gambit and have even shown an honest indication that you realize it is a true “long shot”, but also really the last “best legitimate shot” you folks have… by pining your hopes that some cynical bitter partisanship-based desperation in the GOP controlled House might sway them to try to pull a Birther Objection stunt….

    The others here have already repeatedly expressed why that is most likely to be no more successful than Boxer’s “protest” for Kerry in 2004…and I fully agree with their assessments of the situation…

    but hey, of all the Birther scenario plots to “thwart” Obama out there, what you are proposing is about as good as it can realistically get for the folks in your position… so a final Kudos to you for suddenly becoming as close to a voice of pursuing a “reasonable attempt” as there is within the entire Birther movement…. (again, this is not saying much, but Kudos to you all the same).

    So hey, in the spirit of the holidays, after an election result that certainly has you feeling down, may you at least take comfort in knowing that you’ve done what you can reasonably do…and that even when your longshot gambit fails, you know you’ve tried your best…and you don’t have to worry about him ever running for re-election again.

    May you find some small amount of internal peace with this effort of yours and I hope that allows you to spend some holiday time offline with loved ones, focused on just enjoying their company and the holiday season, knowing that you’ve done those efforts and that you get to “vent” here. Try to hold onto that small bit of internal tranquility, so that you don’t spoil any real-world personal time encounters with non-Birthers with unnecessary discussions of political matters beyond yours or their control…

    In other words, if this little bit of long-shot “strategic hope” you are clinging to can get you through the holidays and New Year celebrations, then may your season be Merry and may the New Year find you in good health…and when next year’s Inaugeration ceremony is over and done with, may you be able to finally come to terms with it, knowing you’ve done what you could and that by then, the matter has become as resolved as it is going to ever be – whether the end result is something you wanted or not.

    john: Actually not. The Objection can be any one state or an objection to all the states as a whole. In addition, the objection doesn’t necessarily have to deal with validity of the votes themselves but can be an objection to candidate itself that has received those votes. Once filed, the objection MUST be heard and debated. The Senate and House each take up to 2 hours where each Senator and Congressman has a max of 2 minutes to speak their piece and then they vote.
    The objection by Congress is lot like when the minister at a wedding asks the audience if their is any objection why this man and woman shouldn’t get married. Please speak now or forever hold your piece.

  55. G says:

    Well, AZ Birther Tom Morrissey has now announced he’s suddenly quitting his position…citing…get this…knee surgery! LOL!


    An excerpt:

    PHOENIX — A couple of days after breathing new life into the conspiracy theory that Barack Obama is not eligible to be president, the chairman of the Arizona Republican Party says he’s not running for another term.

    The announcement is a surprise as Tom Morrissey had publicly said he would seek a second two-year term during the GOP’s annual organizational meeting next month.

    Morrissey said Wednesday it was a tough decision but he is stepping down because of health reasons. On Monday, Morrissey and a pair of other Republicans questioned the authenticity of Obama’s certificate, rekindling a long debunked theory.

    Yet more proof that Birfing is bad for one’s career…even in the GOP…even in AZ.

  56. Ruben siaz says:

    I think Birthers must begin the process of searching for their Senators, Congressmen if they wish see them file that written objection. If it is filed then restrict it, this can be anything, should be heard by Congress. This is a must to exist.

  57. Scientist says:

    john: Once filed, the objection MUST be heard and debated. The Senate and House each take up to 2 hours where each Senator and Congressman has a max of 2 minutes to speak their piece and then they vote.

    How exactly would the debate go, since AFAIK, no one in Congress is a forensic document expert.? I suppose, if the objections were lodged sufficiently far ahead, the Speaker could request a paper bc directly from Hawaii (the pdf is actually legally irrelevant). But then, what exactly would there be to debate?

  58. Northland10 says:

    Scientist: How exactly would the debate go, since AFAIK, no one in Congress is a forensic document expert.?I suppose, if the objections were lodged sufficiently far ahead, the Speaker could request a paper bc directly from Hawaii (the pdf is actually legally irrelevant).But then, what exactly would there be to debate?

    John’s definition of “debate” is something more akin to, “they vote to kick out the usuper.” As Birthers believe that he is ineligible, full stop, they see no need for and actual debate or discussion.

  59. Orly should stand outside the House chamber with 535 copies of her exhibits to hand out as they are leaving to go debate.

    john: The Senate and House each take up to 2 hours where each Senator and Congressman has a max of 2 minutes to speak their piece and then they vote.

  60. Scientist says:

    Pip: I am not a birther, but

    Arizona Republican chair Tom Morrissey says, “I am not a birther, but In my opinion, what I have seen from the president, produced as a birth certificate, does not convince me that it is a real document.”


    By the way, I am not a Flat Earther but, in my opinion, what I have seen from the planet, as a celestial body, does not convince me it is round.

  61. Pip says:

    I am not a flat-earther, but though I have gone around the world, I just don’t believe myself.



    By the way, I am not a Flat Earther but, in my opinion, what I have seen from the planet, as a celestial body, does not convince me it is round.

  62. According to Politico.com Tom Morrissey, isn’t going to run for re-election as Arizona GOP chair.


  63. G says:

    Yeah…he’s stepping down because of his “knee surgery”…right….

    More proof that Birtherism is poison to any serious political career.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    According to Politico.com Tom Morrissey, isn’t going to run for re-election as Arizona GOP chair.


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