Obama antichrist web site down in wake of Newtown shooting

You may have heard of the Westboro Baptist Church near Topeka, Kansas, from their practice of anti-gay picketing at military and celebrity funerals. Their latest publicity stunt is picketing a vigil for the victims of the recent Newtown, Connecticut, school shooting. There are not many things that I can think of lower than exploiting someone’s grief.

In retaliation for this latest, the hacking group Anonymous has posted online the names, business information, addresses and phone numbers of the members of the Church (it’s a small group).

I won’t publish a link to the member list, but I will publish Anonymous’ list of web domains owned by the church:

  • westborobaptistchurch.com
  • beastobama.com
  • blogs.sparenot,com
  • godhatesfags.com
  • priestsrapeboys.com
  • jewskilledjesus.com
  • signmovies.com
  • godhatesthemedia.com
  • godhatesislam.com
  • godhatesamerica.com
  • godhatestheworld.com
  • americaisdoomed.com (not listed by Anonymous)

Obama antichrist signI checked several of them this afternoon and the sites were all not responding, although just a minute ago, BeastObama came up long enough for me to snag the screen shot at the right, although the site remains extremely slow or times out. This could be a distributed denial of service attack, or something more pedestrian.

The Obama antichrist conspiracy theory is somewhat different from the usual ones in that instead of a conspiracy of individuals who allegedly keep the truth about Obama hidden, this conspiracy involves supernatural powers as well. One of the proofs of this conspiracy is that, according to them, saying “Yes, we can” backwards sounds like “Thank you, Satan.” Check out the video.

Popular imagination about the identity of the antichrist, or the “beast” mentioned in the New Testament book of Revelation has persisted since John wrote it some time near the end of the first century CE. During the Protestant Reformation, the Pope was one target of such speculation.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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39 Responses to Obama antichrist web site down in wake of Newtown shooting

  1. Lurker says:

    Al Gore’s Political Ties to Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas


    Is Fred Phelps a Democrat?

    Yes. Fred Phelps is a lifelong Democrat who ran for Governor of Kansas three times…in 1990, 1994, and 1998. Fred Phelps ran as a Democrat. Fred Phelps is a Democrat who strongly supported Al Gore for years, briefly broke away from Gore during the Clinton years because Phelps hates both Bill and Hillary Clinton with a passion (because of Bill’s infidelities), but has seemingly reconciled with Gore and loves him again. Phelps’ son is also a big Al Gore supporter and was a Gore delegate in 1988 to the Democrat Convention.

    (2) Is Westboro Baptist a Democrat organization?



  2. I should add that the Westboro Baptist Church isn’t affiliated with national Baptist denominations. But Democrat? They certainly don’t support Obama.

    Lurker: Westboro Baptist a Democrat organization?

  3. Daniel says:

    It take a very special kind of fool to use Freerepublic.com as a source

  4. J.D. Reed says:

    Daniel: It take a very special kind of fool to use Freerepublic.com as a source

    A hearty Amen to that, Daniel!

  5. Rickey says:


    Yes. Fred Phelps is a lifelong Democrat who ran for Governor of Kansas three times…in 1990, 1994, and 1998. Fred Phelps ran as a Democrat. Fred Phelps is a Democrat who strongly supported Al Gore for years, briefly broke away from Gore during the Clinton years because Phelps hates both Bill and Hillary Clinton with a passion (because of Bill’s infidelities), but has seemingly reconciled with Gore and loves him again. Phelps’ son is also a big Al Gore supporter and was a Gore delegate in 1988 to the Democrat Convention.

    Fred Phelps supported Al Gore in 1988 because Gore had opposed a “gay bill of rights” in 1984. By 1997 Phelps was denouncing Gore as a “fag pimp” and he picketed the funeral of Gore’s father. That’s quite a supporter.

    The only thing you need to know about Fred Phelps is that he is a vile, despicable individual. As for Al Gore, he has no control over who supports him.

  6. Lurker: Is Westboro Baptist a Democrat organization? Yes!

    Here are some more Baptists:

    -David Huckabee, Republican – tortured a dog to death. He hung, slit its throat and stoned it to death. His father stopped the State Police investigation.
    -Charles Colson, Republican – convicted felon
    -George Rekers, Republican – resigned in disgrace, after gay affairs revealed
    -Ted Haggard, Republican – resigned in disgrace, after gay affairs and amphetamine use revealed
    -Jesse James, American outlaw, son of a Baptist minister

    Here’s my favorite:

    Stop Baptist Predators – http://stopbaptistpredators.org/scandals/sbc_ministers.html

  7. Obama cannot be the anti-christ. He’s not Jewish.

    Lurker: Is Westboro Baptist a Democrat organization? Yes!

    Falwell: ‘The anti-Christ is walking among us in the shape of a Jewish male.’
    Hagee: ‘The anti-Christ will be Jewish, as was Karl Marx, as was Adolph H—–.’

  8. Lurker: Is Westboro Baptist a Democrat organization? Yes!

    90% of dog catchers are Republicans.

  9. ZixiOfIx says:

    We went toe-to-toe with the members of Westboro several years ago during a counter-protest. They were in town to protest two churches, one Catholic, & I think the other was Methodist. I held signs and helped walk parishioners to their cars, standing between them and the members of Westboro.

    They are like robots, screaming their obscenities, focusing on the elderly and infirm when they leave services, trying to intimidate them and drive them into the streets. During Mass/services, they scream outside, yelling and cursing, trying to disrupt worship. They do everything with mechanical precision, without emotion, and they all have that thousand-yard stare that indicates that no one is home inside their heads.

    I was surprised at their lack of emotion and at how much they curse. They’d make sailors and rappers blush, but everything they say is with a flat, emotionless delivery.

    In short, they seem brainwashed or abused or both. I have nothing but pity for them, especially the children among them. Just imagine what deeply miserable lives they must have to be willing to do what they do. One look at them, and you realize how much physical and mental damage hate actually does to people. They act like soulless hulls of people, not people. It was frightening.

    In the same way, I pity birthers. Once in a while on birther sites, you hear someone say that no one in their family speaks to them, or that they won’t speak to anyone in their family. There were two threads on FR at Thanksgiving full of posters who are estranged from their families because of their politics. People who will be alone because their politics made them impossible to be with.

    Being alone because they can’t get past their hatred is tragic.

  10. ZixiOfIx: There were two threads on FR at Thanksgiving full of posters who are estranged from their families because of their politics. People who will be alone because their politics made them impossible to be with.

    Being alone because they can’t get past their hatred is tragic.

    Eric Dondero on Whether He Would Let a Democrat Drown

    But nobody had the same reaction as Eric Dondero, a former Ron Paul aide who blogs at LibertarianRepublican.net. In a post yesterday, Dondero, reasoning that the only recourse to Obama’s victory is “outright revolt,” laid out the terms of the “personal boycott” against Democrats which he plans to maintain for the rest of his life and that he hopes his followers will as well. What does the boycott entail? Cutting all ties with Democratic family members, friends, and lovers; refusing to work for a Democratic boss; spitting on the ground when a Democrat talks to you…

    All family and friends, even close family and friends, who I know to be Democrats are hereby dead to me. I vow never to speak to them again for the rest of my life, or have any communications with them. They are in short, the enemies of liberty. They deserve nothing less than hatred and utter contempt.

    I strongly urge all other libertarians to do the same. Are you married to someone who voted for Obama, have a girlfriend who voted ‘O’. Divorce them. Break up with them without haste. Vow not to attend family functions, Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas for example, if there will be any family members in attendance who are Democrats.

    Do you work for someone who voted for Obama? Quit your job. Co-workers who voted for Obama. Simply don’t talk to them in the workplace, unless your boss instructs you too for work-related only purposes. Have clients who voted Democrat? Call them up this morning and tell them to take their business elsewhere.

    Have a neighbor who votes for Obama? You could take a cr– on their lawn. Then again, probably not a good idea since it would be technically illegal to do this. But you could have your dog take care of business. Not your fault if he just happens to choose that particular spot.

    Read on: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2012/11/eric-dondero-boycott-democrat-libertarian.html

  11. Keith says:

    misha marinsky: I strongly urge all other libertarians to do the same. Are you married to someone who voted for Obama, have a girlfriend who voted ‘O’. Divorce them. Break up with them without haste. Vow not to attend family functions, Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas for example, if there will be any family members in attendance who are Democrats.

    But be sure to do it slowly.

  12. Zixi of Ix says:

    misha marinsky: Eric Dondero on Whether He Would Let a Democrat Drown

    But nobody had the same reaction as Eric Dondero, a former Ron Paul aide who blogs at LibertarianRepublican.net. In a post yesterday, Dondero, reasoning that the only recourse to Obama’s victory is “outright revolt,” laid out the terms of the “personal boycott” against Democrats which he plans to maintain for the rest of his life and that he hopes his followers will as well. What does the boycott entail? Cutting all ties with Democratic family members, friends, and lovers; refusing to work for a Democratic boss; spitting on the ground when a Democrat talks to you…

    Nothing surprises me any more. Nothing. Sad and disgusted, sure. Surprised? Nope.

  13. Paul Pieniezny says:

    misha marinsky:
    Obama cannot be the anti-christ. He’s not Jewish.

    Falwell: ‘The anti-Christ is walking among us in the shape of a Jewish male.’
    Hagee: ‘The anti-Christ will be Jewish, as was Karl Marx, as was Adolph H—–.’

    Aren’t you confusing the Anti-Christ with the Whore of Babylon?
    Isaiah 1:21; Jeremiah 2:20; Jeremiah 3:1–11; Ezekiel 16:1–43; Ezekiel 23, Galatians 4:25

    Obviously, the Whore (or sometimes called the Beast) must be Jewish.

    And a good candidate would be Ayn Rand. She had a lot of names. one of which must be worth 666.

  14. Those web sites were still having problems this morning.

  15. Cue the conspiracy theories in 3, 2, 1 …

    Conspiracy theorists have declared the Newtown school shooting a “false flag operation.”

    I got suspicious when the first identifying call of the shooter was not the shooter but his brother. How did they know the brothers name, “Ryan”, when the shooter is suppose to be dead? How did they know his name so early even before knowing the shooters name? Its why it triggered a need for me to go down this rabbit hole since other false flag shootings were confirmed as bogus or done by mind control subjects and black ops.


    EVENT was a DRILL. No children are dead. Stop believing these lies produced by the Greenberg family who just so happens to live close by on Flower Farm ln. You will see the business Hoffman contracting is registered to Tony Greenbergs Home at #12 Flower Farm ln. Look in that direction for clues to who is behind the scenes pulling the strings.

    These guys argue that folks had better stock up on guns before the government takeover on December 21.

  16. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I don’t approve of Anonymous’s methods, but it is nice to see them attack someone who actually deserves it for a change.

  17. donna says:

    doc: These guys argue that folks had better stock up on guns before the government takeover on December 21.

    yesterday, msnbc profiler & analyst Clint Van Zandt said that he received an email from a friend who had just attended a gun show and the automatic weapons were being purchased from everyone in sight

  18. JPotter says:

    Zixi of Ix: “…spitting on the ground when a Democrat talks to you…”

    They really are in the 19th century!

    donna: automatic weapons were being purchased from everyone in sight

    That’s the purpose of gun shows. I believe I am the only person at my place of employ who doesn’t own at least one assault rifle.

  19. JPotter says:

    ZixiOfIx: Being alone because they can’t get past their hatred is tragic.

    No kidding, particularly when all it takes to be tolerated is the ability to shut the hell up for a day. Y’know, recognize that there are things bigger than the individual. Like … their family. If they can’t care that much, they deserve to be alone.

  20. Pastor Charmley says:

    I am not in the least bit surprised that Barack Obama has been identified by someone as the Antichrist. Not because I think he is, but because practically every US President of the 20th century has been identified by someone somewhere as the Antichrist, even Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford (though admittedly only a very small number of people ever thought that of Ford). That being so, it would be surprising if Obama was NOT identified as Antichrist by someone! In fact practically every world leader currently living has been identified by someone, somewhere, as the Antichrist. Not just Putin and Assad, but David Cameron, British Prime Minister, Australian PM Julia Gillard, and even the Canadian PM Stephen Harper! To my knowledge President Mursi of Egypt has not yet been so identified, but it’s early days yet.

    Tony Blair has been identified as Antichrist, and his popularity briefly spiked when it looked like he might be appointed President of the European Commission. Of course the man who actually took the job, José Manuel Barroso, is identified as Antichrist on a number of websites because we all know that the EU is the beginning of the Antichrist’s rule, don’t we? Most comically in my opinion, former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown was identified as Antichrist before he lost the last general election in spectacular fashion. Oddly, I have been unable to find anyone identifying John Major, PM before Blair, as Antichrist, though Margaret Thatcher was a popular candidate back in the day. PMs before Thatcher were identified as Antichrist with less regularity for some reason.

    Pin the tail (and horns) on the Antichrist is a popular game in some circles. I have a book somewhere in which the author says that because Satan does not know the timetable for Armageddon, he has to have at least one potential Antichrist ready at all times. You can imagine that I do not take this book at all seriously. I suspect that one may take any world leader of any note and find someone, somewhere, willing to identify him or her as the Antichrist. To my knowledge, no-one has identified me as Antichrist yet, but then I am only the minister of a small Church in a depressed city in the English Midlands.

  21. Truth says:

    The Antichrist already rules and operates openly but like the scriptures predicted, only those who have eyes to see and ears to hear would recognize him:

  22. Pastor Charmley: To my knowledge, no-one has identified me as Antichrist yet

    Of course not. You’re not Jewish. Just ask Falwell and Hagee.

  23. JPotter: I believe I am the only person at my place of employ who doesn’t own at least one assault rifle.

    You are not a True American™.

    You need a firearm to protect your home, in case a Japanese student accidentally walks down your driveway. That’s the American Way.

    The parents of a Japanese exchange student who was shot to death when he went to the wrong home while looking for a Halloween party are suing the Baton Rouge man found innocent of manslaughter in the case.

    Read on: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1993-07-14/news/9307150026_1_masaichi-and-mieko-hattori-yoshihiro-hattori-webb-haymaker

  24. Pastor Charmley says:

    Funnily enough, I do get mail from Hagee. It gets filed in the round file under the table in the Church vestry. The “Prince Charles is Antichrist” leaflet gets taken home and laughed at because it’s actually funny.

  25. Horus says:

    Westboro church is nothing more than a small organized group of psychopaths.
    Most of them are related to it’s leader Fred Phelps, proving once again that the nut doesn’t fall far from the tree.

  26. J.D. Reed says:

    Lurker: . Fred Phelps is a Democrat who strongly supported Al Gore for years, briefly broke away from Gore during the Clinton years because Phelps hates both Bill and Hillary Clinton with a passion (because of Bill’s infidelities), but has seemingly reconciled with Gore and loves him again.”

    Please, Lurker, if you’re not just a lurking troll, provide evidence that Fred Phelps “loves” Al Gore again. Some authoratative and credible source. FREEP so does not coount!

  27. Pastor Charmley says:

    Horus, I completely agree. Though I move in very conservative circles, I know no-one who does not despise Phelps and regard his group as decidedly cult-like.

  28. I own two kick-ass water pistols.

    JPotter: That’s the purpose of gun shows. I believe I am the only person at my place of employ who doesn’t own at least one assault rifle.

  29. Keith says:

    Pastor Charmley:
    Horus, I completely agree. Though I move in very conservative circles, I know no-one who does not despise Phelps and regard his group as decidedly cult-like.

    Calling Phelps group a cult is an insult to cults everywhere.

    Their use of the word ‘Christian’ to describe themselves is a purposeful self delusion, designed to fraudulently claim the authority of the Christ for themselves.

    If Jesus appeared to Phelps today, he’d probably set him on fire for wearing a dress.

  30. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I own two kick-ass water pistols.

    And you pull the look off nicely!

  31. Pastor Charmley says:

    There is one thing missing from Phelps and Co. that rather defines Christianity, and that is grace. The favourite verse of Evangelicals (and I speak as one) is John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in him might not perish but have everlasting life.” The message of the Phelps clan is, “God hates (insert name here, basically everyone but us)”. The Apostle Paul says, “The love of Christ constrains us…” (2 Corinthians 5:14) speaking of Christ dying for all. But Westboro’ must say, “the hatred of everyone else constrains us.” Horrible bunch. My heart very much goes out to the children of the family, who are being brought up in such a completely hate-centred atmosphere.

    Sadly ignorant people use Phelps and Co. as a stick to beat Christians with. Which is deeply silly, because every Christian who knows of them condemns them! And they of course condemn everyone else, including every Christian in the world. And in the nastiest way possible!

  32. Keith says:

    Pastor Charmley: There is one thing missing from Phelps and Co. that rather defines Christianity, and that is grace.

    I know what you are saying, but I must respectfully disagree to this extent: I would put it that “the one thing missing from Phelps and Co.” that sets them apart from other people that call themselves “Christians” is a complete and utter lack of Christianity.

  33. Pastor Charmley: Sadly ignorant people use Phelps and Co. as a stick to beat Christians with.

    Not true. I use Willard Romney and David Huckabee:

    Huckabee Squashed Charges Against His Son For Stoning, Hanging Dog

    (Miller County, Arkansas) Two boy scout counselors, 17 year old Clayton Frady and 18 year old David litickabee [sic], the son of Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, have admitted to catching a stray dog during their summer session at Camp Pioneer in Hatfield, AR, and hanging the dog by his neck, slitting his throat and stoning him to death.


    “people use Phelps and Co. as a stick to beat Christians with”

    Google “Christian pharmacist refuses to fill prescription.” You will get this: “About 686,000 results.”

  34. misha marinsky: Google “Christian pharmacist refuses to fill prescription.” You will get this: “About 686,000 results.”

    Correction. I googled it a second time, and got this: “About 904,000 results”

  35. Truth: The Antichrist already rules and operates openly but like the scriptures predicted

    Guilty as charged. Mwahahahahahahahahahahahaha…

  36. Rudy concludes: Frank Phelps loves people more than he does.


    Thanks to Bad Fiction for the link.

  37. The Westboro web sites are still timing out.

  38. G says:

    Folks under the banner of “Anonymous” have been going after the Westboro Church A-holes for a long time now…

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    I don’t approve of Anonymous’s methods, but it is nice to see them attack someone who actually deserves it for a change.

  39. G says:


    JPotter: No kidding, particularly when all it takes to be tolerated is the ability to shut the hell up for a day. Y’know, recognize that there are things bigger than the individual. Like … their family. If they can’t care that much, they deserve to be alone.

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