Obots in history! Zephaniah Smith

Joining the roll of eminent Americans of the “Obots in history!” series” today is Zephaniah Smith. Here is the biography of Congressman Smith from the Wikipedia:

He was born in Wareham, Massachusetts and moved with his parents to Lebanon, Connecticut. He completed preparatory studies and graduated from Yale College in 1778. He studied law, was admitted to the bar and commenced practice in Windham.

He served in the State’s House of Representatives serving as speaker in 1792, and clerk of the house for four sessions. Swift represented Connecticut in the U.S. House from 1793 until 1797 as a Pro-Administration candidate to the Third Congress and as a Federalist to the Fourth Congress (March 4, 1793-March 3, 1797).

He resumed the practice of law at Windham, and engaged in literary pursuits. He served as secretary of the French mission in 1800. Swift was a judge of the Connecticut Supreme Court beginning in 1801 and served as the Chief Justice from 1806 to 1819. He was a member of the Hartford Convention in 1814-15, and a member of the State’s House of Representatives 1820-1822.

One might think that the Chief Justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court would know a thing or two about the law, and it was he who wrote, 6 years after the ratification of the US Constitution, A system of the laws of the state of Connecticut: in six books (1795) which says:

The people are considered as aliens, born in some foreign country, as inhabitants of some neighbouring state in the union, or natural born subjects, born within the state.

It is an established maxim, received by all political writers, that every person owes a natural allegiance to the government of that country in which he is born. Allegiance is defined to be a tie, that binds the subject to the state, and in consequence of his obedience, he is entitled to protection…

The children of aliens, born in this state, are considered as natural born subjects, and have the same rights with the rest of the citizens.

Pg. 163, 167

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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34 Responses to Obots in history! Zephaniah Smith

  1. El Diablo Negro says:

    So…that’s why Obama has a SSN from connecticut…I am beginning to see the light.

  2. Daniel says:

    Allow me to take a moment to channel Mario….

    “HE’S WRONG!!!”

    Ewwww I don’t think I want to do that again…

  3. Thanks Doc for publishing your irresistible thought-provoking report on Zephaniah Smith.

    You,and your readership, might also check out my new ObamaFraud.5x.


    Thank you.

  4. Thomas Brown says:

    Read it and weep, Apuzzo.

  5. nbc says:

    Excellent find… As Thomas states it so well: Read and weep… Hilarious… So many slap downs in such a short time… I’d say a new record.

  6. Paul says:

    They’ve learned how to time travel! DAMN YOU OBAMA’S THUUUUGS!!!

  7. It’s an old citation that’s been on the Great mother page. I just happened to look up his biography and found some impressive things.

    nbc: Excellent find…

  8. nbc says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    It’s an old citation that’s been on the Great mother page. I just happened to look up his biography and found some impressive things.

    Reminds me as to how many supporting statements exist that contradict Mario… I must have read this one before, not realizing that Smith was in fact a Supreme Court Justice of Connecticut.

    There is just so much information out there that lays to rest Mario’s follies.

  9. MN-Skeptic says:

    Lucas D. Smith: You,and your readership, might also check out my new ObamaFraud.5x.


    Thank you.

    Great idea! Print copies of Obama’s birth certificate and hand them out. You might want to update your site. Obama’s birth certificate is found here: http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/rss_viewer/birth-certificate.pdf. I hate to tell you that you’ve been punk’d if you think the President of the United States was born somewhere else than Hawaii. But you’re not the only gullible person around. Glad to set you straight!

  10. JPotter says:

    Always happy to see a new entry in the “Obots in History” series. The gang at Amazon used to use early American citations beat the trolls over the head. No, birfers, the Constitution was not a Magic Rest Button. They could never answer why our Constitution doesn’t define NBC, or even who is/isn’t a citizen. “Many constitutions do, why doesn’t ours?” Someday it will occur to them, and they’ll go on a states’ rights rant. They have no concept of history as a living thing. The evolution ( 😉 ) of political systems. No ability to conceive of how we got from a point in the past to where we are now. Things change, and they don’t like it.

  11. ASK Esq says:

    Lucas D. Smith:
    Thanks Doc for publishing your irresistible thought-provoking report on Zephaniah Smith.

    You,and your readership, might also check out my new ObamaFraud.5x.


    Thank you.

    Sure, we might. Of course, we also might stick our heads in buckets filled with syphillitic leeches, but that seems just as unlikely.

  12. US Citizen says:

    Almost 200 years have passed, Smith is long dead and yet still right.
    Yet only 4 years have passed and Orly, Klayman and Apuzzo are still wrong. Funny, that.

    I also wonder what happens in court when a judge says something against Mario’s claims.
    Does he say “I understand, your honor” or lash back in the way he’s repeatedly done here with juvenile retorts?

  13. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    So, Zephaniah Smith was a 1950s style robot? I did not know that! So it must have been him I saw fighting the Aztec Mummy!

    Doc, you always pick the best pics for these articles.

  14. SluggoJD says:

    Lucas D. Smith:
    Thanks Doc for publishing your irresistible thought-provoking report on Zephaniah Smith.

    You,and your readership, might also check out my new ObamaFraud.5x.


    Thank you.

    As moldy as a 30-year old sweater in a closet without moth balls.

  15. SluggoJD says:

    MN-Skeptic: Great idea! Print copies of Obama’s birth certificate and hand them out. You might want to update your site. Obama’s birth certificate is found here: http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/rss_viewer/birth-certificate.pdf. I hate to tell you that you’ve been punk’d if you think the President of the United States was born somewhere else than Hawaii. But you’re not the only gullible person around. Glad to set you straight!

    You’re obviously late to the party – He, Lying Lucas Smith, is a notorious fake birth certificate con man, who somehow convinced hundreds of stupid people that he personally went to Kenya in search of a mythical creature, and ended up with President Obama’s birth certificate. Never mind he can’t show proof he’s been to Africa, posted a video purportedly from Kenya that was actually from Central America, screwed up and put the wrong hospital administrator’s name and “signature” on the fake BC, screwed up an said he went there in Spring, but then later went there in February, claims he floated in air thanks to the Virgin Mary, steals books all the time, been in jail, threw hot oil on people, was supposedly giving away a kidney to a sick person but then tried to extort money for it at the last minute….and I’m just getting started!

    Poor He, Lying Lucas Smith, is starving for attention these days.

  16. MN-Skeptic says:

    SluggoJD: You’re obviously late to the party – He, Lying Lucas Smith, is a notorious fake birth certificate con man, who somehow convinced hundreds of stupid people that he personally went to Kenya in search of a mythical creature, and ended up with President Obama’s birth certificate.

    My reply was strictly tongue in cheek. 😆

  17. Lucas D. Smith:You,and your readership, might also check out my new ObamaFraud.5x.

    I’m sorry, but this is Obama’s actual Kenya BC:


  18. Majority Will says:

    SluggoJD: You’re obviously late to the party – He, Lying Lucas Smith, is a notorious fake birth certificate con man, who somehow convinced hundreds of stupid people that he personally went to Kenya in search of a mythical creature, and ended up with President Obama’s birth certificate.Never mind he can’t show proof he’s been to Africa, posted a video purportedly from Kenya that was actually from Central America, screwed up and put the wrong hospital administrator’s name and “signature” on the fake BC, screwed up an said he went there in Spring, but then later went there in February, claims he floated in air thanks to the Virgin Mary, steals books all the time, been in jail, threw hot oil on people, was supposedly giving away a kidney to a sick person but then tried to extort money for it at the last minute….and I’m just getting started!

    Poor He, Lying Lucas Smith, is starving for attention these days.

    And admitted committing statutory rape on this forum. That trumps trying to sell a “haunted” house, identity theft and fraud from forging signatures on checks or bribing police officers.

  19. ZixiOfIx says:

    Lucas D. Smith:
    Thanks Doc for publishing your irresistible thought-provoking report on Zephaniah Smith.

    (snipped your web address)

    We’re all still waiting for the photos of your passport proving you’ve been to Kenya, Lucas. It’s been months and months, and every time it’s requested, you disappear as if you have something to hide.

    Why do you claim that showing your passport records would put you in danger when the opposite is true?

    As has been pointed out numerous times before, claiming that you are in possession of the “real birth certificate” is so much more dangerous than just having gone to Kenya.

    Any yutz with the cash could manage to go to Kenya – nothing about that puts you in danger. What would really put you in danger would be claiming that you have the “real” BC (as you have done). If you really had it, and it was real, Mr. Obama would know it.

    You have nothing to lose by showing your passport records. Unless, of course, you didn’t go to Kenya at all. Right?

  20. Monkey Boy says:

    SluggoJD: You’re obviously late to the party – He, Lying Lucas Smith, is a notorious fake birth certificate con man, who somehow convinced hundreds of stupid people that he personally went to Kenya in search of a mythical creature, and ended up with President Obama’s birth certificate.Never mind he can’t show proof he’s been to Africa, posted a video purportedly from Kenya that was actually from Central America, screwed up and put the wrong hospital administrator’s name and “signature” on the fake BC, screwed up an said he went there in Spring, but then later went there in February, claims he floated in air thanks to the Virgin Mary, steals books all the time, been in jail, threw hot oil on people, was supposedly giving away a kidney to a sick person but then tried to extort money for it at the last minute….and I’m just getting started!

    Poor He, Lying Lucas Smith, is starving for attention these days.

    Amen, sister–in spades. (But, you probably forgot to mention that he probably steals juice from the power company.)

  21. i wasn’t able to locate a real portrait of Smith.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Doc, you always pick the best pics for these articles.

  22. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    I recently took a trip to the Dominican republic one if Lucas smiths favorite hangouts I was equally surprised I didn’t run into him and that it looked nothing like Kenya.

  23. Thomas Brown says:

    I’m sure there is a connection between the Bible literalists and Constitution literalists: the desire to stop thinking. Thinking is hard. Claiming the KJB and the Constitution are perfect, changeless, sacred texts is far easier than, well, what saner and braver people do with them.

  24. Sam the Centipede says:

    Thomas Brown:
    I’m sure there is a connection between the Bible literalists and Constitution literalists: the desire to stop thinking.Thinking is hard.Claiming the KJB and the Constitution are perfect, changeless, sacred texts is far easier than, well, what saner and braver people do with them.

    And in both cases, we see dishonesty in the “literal” interpretation: it is mangled to fit with the interpreter’s prejudices, with figurative meanings allowed (or excused under the guise of words having changed their meanings over time) when it helps the interpreter, but barred if they would favor an opposite interpretation.

    And dishonesty in arrogantly persisting in claims to have the one true understanding even when more plausible alternatives are pointed out.

    And a love of “cargo cult” debate, as when Mario comes by and spouts the same bloviating bilgewater without ever addressing any of the many defects in his insane and dishonest reasoning.

  25. JPotter says:

    Thomas Brown: I’m sure there is a connection between the Bible literalists and Constitution literalists: the desire to stop thinking. Thinking is hard. Claiming the KJB and the Constitution are perfect, changeless, sacred texts is far easier than, well, what saner and braver people do with them.

    Sure is, they drink at the same cess pool. There is a long tradition of publishing fanciful histories for various reasons. For instance, the Klan in the 20s published a ‘textbook’ called Bramble Bush Government. I’ve been looking for it. I can only find descriptions, which are hysterical …. (No, not intending to associate all fundamentalists / literalists with the Klan. Just an example).

  26. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: i wasn’t able to locate a real portrait of Smith.

    Doc, his last name was Swift, not Smith.

  27. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    i wasn’t able to locate a real portrait of Smith.

    I know, it just made for a good laugh.

  28. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: i wasn’t able to locate a real portrait of Smith.

    I suggest the Obot dressed as Blackstone. Putting a tricorn on him would be a lot easier tho. 😉

  29. Thomas Brown says:

    JPotter: Sure is, they drink at the same cess pool. There is a long tradition of publishing fanciful histories for various reasons. For instance, the Klan in the 20s published a ‘textbook’ called Bramble Bush Government. I’ve been looking for it. I can only find descriptions, which are hysterical ….(No, not intending to associate all fundamentalists / literalists with the Klan. Just an example).

    I’ll keep an eye out. I have a library of abolitionism-thru-Jim-Crowism literature, so I run across all kinds of odd stuff.

    This may be similar to the kind of illustrations in “Bramble”: “‘OH BOY!’ or “We ain’ gwine steal no mo!” -J. P. Alley; see ABE Books.

  30. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    JPotter: Doc, his last name was Swift, not Smith.

    It would explain why Lucas Smith decided to show up.

  31. JPotter says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: It would explain why Lucas Smith decided to show up.

    You really think he has an alert on “Smith”? LOL
    Maybe just for certain domains 😉

  32. Thomas Brown says:

    From Wikipedia:

    Zephaniah Swift (February 27, 1759 – September 27, 1823) was an American jurist, author, and politician from Windham, Connecticut. He was born in Wareham, Massachusetts and moved with his parents to Lebanon, Connecticut. He completed preparatory studies and graduated from Yale College in 1778. He studied law, was admitted to the bar and commenced practice in Windham.

  33. donna says:

    America’s First Legal Text — Subscribed to by George Washington, John Adams, and James Madison — Reveals the Meaning of “Natural Born.”

    AND Zephaniah Swift


  34. Thomas Brown says:

    Or was that a sly reference to Dr. Zachary Smith, the antagonist on Lost in Space… the show that prominently featured a Robot that spouted ‘Warning! Warning, Will Robinson!”?

    Of course, an Obot would say “Warning, Will Romney!”

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