Please do not shoot Orly Taitz!

I wish people wouldn’t do stuff like this. Someone commenting under the name “The Eliminator” at Orly’s blog says he has been hired to shoot her, but will refrain if paid half a million dollars. Orly is paranoid enough as it is. This only makes things worse.


The IP address, which of course Orly published in order to enlist her readers to identify and then to report to the police and the FBI, appears to come from New York City, which narrows it down a lot.

EARTH TO TAITZ: Report it to the police or the FBI yourself. They are the only ones who can find out who is associated with an IP address. Nobody else can file a complaint for you.

I should point out that no official O-bot would do something like this unless the shooting is with a camera.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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44 Responses to Please do not shoot Orly Taitz!

  1. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Honestly, I think it is someone feeding on her paranoia.
    She actually thinks people are out to get her.

  2. When I ran an IP trace, it showed a proxy server of GoDaddy in Arizona.

    Also, is a payday loan site.

    I think it’s a gag.

  3. What else could it be?

    misha marinsky: I think it’s a gag.

  4. Keith says:

    I followed your link to the memo from Obot central. It referred to a death threat at another site.

    I notice that you don’t have that site on the ‘Ugly’ list.

    I can pretty much understand why. Inventing a whole new category beyond “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly” would just ruin a perfectly good homage to a great movie.

  5. Daniel says:

    Wouldn’t surprise me if it was Orly herself making it up and using the IP of someone who had disagreed with her in the past. The first sentence of the second post has a diction that is curiously Orlyesque.

  6. Rickey says:

    Wouldn’t surprise me if it was Orly herself making it up and using the IP of someone who had disagreed with her in the past. The first sentence of the second post has a diction that is curiously Orlyesque.

    Agreed, and there also is the reference to U.S. dollars. An American would put a dollar sign before the 500,000.

  7. orly taitz says:

    I reported this to police and FBI.
    Polce deputy (His last name was I believe Ackerman) came to my office and told me that if someone appears at my office, to call them, they will take it seriously and will be there shortly in full force.
    I asked, if soeone shoots me, how can I call them? He had no answer
    FBI stated that I need to show something over $10,000 for them to get involved

  8. Thrifty says:

    It’s just a scam. I’ve received those E-Mails too. As I said in the open thread, it’s a variation on the “exiled Nigerian millionaire” scam.

    A real hitman would just see you as another hit and would sooner kill you without warning and take his fee from his clients than try to extort you and piss off those clients.

    If someone were working independently and wanted to scare you into a payoff, it’d be easier to kidnap one of Orly’s loved ones and hold him or her for ransom.

    I’ve twice pointed this out in the comments section at Orly’s site. Neither comment got through moderation. I suspect that they are being censored either to garner attention and pity from Orly’s fans (a Munchausen syndrome type thing) or possibly just to scam money out of them (help me raise the money to stop this mad man!)

  9. roadburner says:

    or possibly just to scam money out of them (help me raise the money to stop this mad man!)


    the police will tell her it’s a scam and to ignore it, but don’t be suprised if she uses it as a fund raiser to pay her sanctions with

  10. Thrifty says:

    roadburner: bingo!

    the police will tell her it’s a scam and to ignore it, but don’t be suprised if she uses it as a fund raiser to pay her sanctions with

    If that were indeed the case, wouldn’t that be criminal fraud by Orly?

  11. The Magic M says:

    Given Orly’s tradition of only letting anti-Orly stuff through moderation which is beyond the pale (and very likely made up by birthers themselves), I find it hard to believe this is an actual Orly hater. With her track record, who would feel so intimidated by her that he would have to intimidate her?

    This cries “I must be onto something, see here, people are threatening my life” all over the place.

  12. El Diablo Negro says:

    I beleive you should take all threats to your life seriously, until proven otherwise. Especially in this day and age (unfortunatly).

  13. Smirk4Food says:

    Thrifty: If that were indeed the case, wouldn’t that be criminal fraud by Orly?

    This could go a couple of ways

    If she actually knows it’s a scam (e.g., she asked a fan to post it on her behalf), but raises funds for other purposes, then yes.

    As long as her only knowledge of it being a scam is just law enforcement’s opinion, she could fund raise off of it. But only to use that money to pay off the “hired killer.”

    If she uses the “blood money” for other purposes, then she’s guilty of fraud.

    The fraud would hinge not on the postings, but on what she told her minions her plans for the money, when she intended to use them for other purposes.

  14. Thrifty says:

    El Diablo Negro:
    I beleive you should take all threats to your life seriously, until proven otherwise. Especially in this day and age (unfortunatly).

    See, what I keep saying is that it’s not a death threat. It’s spam. Notice that the message does not explicitly mention Orly by name. The person sending this message most likely doesn’t know Orly from Adam, and sent a couple hundred thousand identical messages to other E-Mail addresses via a spamming program. I’ve received similar messages from fictional hitmen. See the Snopes link I posted above. Orly is just one of the very few gullible enough to fall for it.

  15. Bob says:

    Orly also thinks that Michelle Obama is personally monitoring her website. She knows this because variations in the website’s traffic correspond to the Obama’s travel schedule.

    Orly’s fantasy is to be threatened.

  16. Ms Taitz

    I agree with Doc that I most certainly do not condone threats like this and wish people would not even do them as jokes. I suspect what the police are telling your is that there is a 99.99% probability that this is a scam or a joke and without something other than one blog post from a proxy to go on they really have other things to do than investigate this.

    Also, don’t you think allowing comments like this through moderation is a bad idea and just might encourage others to mess with you? That is of course unless you have other motivations like creating pity from your supporters or trying to show that this is how “obots” typically act.

    orly taitz:
    I reported this to police and FBI.
    Polce deputy (His last name was I believe Ackerman) came to my office and told me that if someone appears at my office, to call them, they will take it seriously and will be there shortly in full force.
    I asked, if soeone shoots me, how can I call them? He had no answer
    FBI stated that I need to show something over $10,000 for them to get involved

  17. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Well with her recent sanctions it’s a way to get her supporters to donate money. “Please give money my life is in danger”

  18. Dave says:

    If I was in Taitz’s shoes… OK, that’s a little hard to imagine, but anyhow, if this happened to me, I’d be pretty upset. But it has come to my attention that posting death threats on blogs is not as illegal as one might expect. It’s not illegal unless the threat is credible. I’m not sure what the threshold is for credibility. One can understand the police not investigating when the threat doesn’t cross that threshold. But it leaves the blogger in the very unpleasant spot of having been threatened, and basically having nothing you can do about it.

    In this particular case, it appears that the creep demanding the half million has not specified any way to get him the money. That does make it seem less serious.

    The idea above about this being comment spam is an interesting one, but if that were true I’d expect to see the exact same text on other blogs. I tried a google search, and that text only appears on Taitz’s blog. So I think that’s not the case here.

  19. The Magic M says:

    Bob: Orly also thinks that Michelle Obama is personally monitoring her website.

    Many birthers (or birther website owners) think Obama is personally posting on birther websites. (Back in the day, even one of my postings made many birthers claim “you must be Obama himself”, I think it was over at the Pee-and-Eeh.)

    It’s two birds (I just typed “births”…) with one stone: it enforces both the “Obama is afraid of us and takes us very seriously” and the “Obama is not actually doing any work” meme at the same time.

    And just remember another “any day now” flurry caused by one birther website tracing a visitor’s IP back to the US Army Provost Marshal General’s office (however (in-)accurate that may have been). They were going “OMG the only person who can actually arrest the President is following us!” for days.

  20. Thomas Brown says:

    I say it’s Orly herself. First, all the “hit-man” emails posted on Snopes are really long. Orly is among the laziest people on the planet. Second, the Snopes samples are fairly literate.

    Come now: who does “do a shooting of you” sound like?

  21. orly taitz: Polce deputy (His last name was I believe Ackerman) came to my office and told me that if someone appears at my office, to call them, they will take it seriously and will be there shortly in full force.

    Something similar happened to me. I was falling asleep, and my cat whispered into my ear “Four legs good, two legs bad.”

    I now sleep with one eye open.

  22. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Anyone else getting the impression that Orly seemingly wants to be a “martyr” for “the cause”? That somehow, something happening to her would get Congress, or the Supreme Court to “act”?

  23. Sudoku says:

    I think she is addicted to attention, support, sympathy, whatever. She had the choice to not let the comment through and pass it on to the authorities if she considered it serious. Instead, she broadcasts it and asks her followers to tract the IP address and report it.

    Why do that if not for the attention and the possible ensuing fundraising potential?

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Anyone else getting the impression that Orly seemingly wants to be a “martyr” for “the cause”? That somehow, something happening to her would get Congress, or the Supreme Court to “act”?

  24. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Why do that if not for the attention and thepossible ensuing fundraising potential?

    What she fails to understand, is that there IS such thing as bad press.

  25. SluggoJD says:

    Thomas Brown:
    I say it’s Orly herself.First, all the “hit-man” emails posted on Snopes are really long.Orly is among the laziest people on the planet.Second, the Snopes samples are fairly literate.

    Come now: who does “do a shooting of you” sound like?

    I have to agree with this – it sounds like she posted it, herself.

    An advanced google search on the phrase “do a shooting of you” returns 5 hits, all Orlyhits. Nobody talks like that in the sane world.

  26. Horus says:

    Police are useless when if comes to threats. I had to move 3000 miles to get away from someone who was threatening my life and the lives of my family. Police don’t act on threats, even when they know for a fact that the person making the threats has an arsenal of guns.

  27. US Citizen says:

    If Orly commits provable fraud, it can bring fines of up to a million dollars.

  28. Keith says:

    Thomas Brown: Come now: who does “do a shooting of you” sound like?

    Google translate?

  29. US Citizen says:

    Keith: Google translate?

    It’s either Orly herself or some mafioso type.
    If it’s her, it’s just more fiction to drum up dollars.
    If it’s the latter, she should consider going “underground.”
    Those folks are very serious and not to be ignored.

    I wonder if Orly would submit to a lie detector test.
    If not, what is she hiding? 😉

  30. Sudoku says:

    OM! Sorry to hear that was necessary. I hope all is well.

    Police are useless when if comes to threats.I had to move 3000 miles to get away from someone who was threatening my life and the lives of my family.Police don’t act on threats, even when they know for a fact that the person making the threats has an arsenal of guns.

  31. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Keith: Google translate?

    Even then it looks like a camera shooting is meant.

    FWIW I tried it out on Google translate English to Russian and the Russian version is a normal sentence referring to taking pictures.

  32. It sounds like either someone with a limited command of American English, or someone trying to sound like they have a limited command of American English. It reminds me of a 419 scam email more than anything.

    In one post, The Eliminator said: “And if you desire, you may pay me off so I do not do a shooting of you. Price is 500,000 US Dollars.”

    When have you ever seen Orly use the “US Dollars” phrase?

    Thomas Brown: I say it’s Orly herself. First, all the “hit-man” emails posted on Snopes are really long. Orly is among the laziest people on the planet. Second, the Snopes samples are fairly literate.

    Come now: who does “do a shooting of you” sound like?

  33. Thomas Brown says:

    That’s a good point. Another objection would be that the messages didn’t call Orly by name. Could Orly refrain from doing that if she wrote them to herself?

  34. US Citizen says:

    I still feel that Orly is a foreign agent sent here to upset our country.
    She’s obviously foreign and has never shown her birth certificate or naturalization papers.
    A real law school might require those, so she went to a correspondence school.

    Why has Orly refused to release her records four years into her crusade?
    What is she hiding?

  35. Zixi of Ix says:

    orly taitz:
    I reported this to police and FBI.
    Polce deputy (His last name was I believe Ackerman) came to my office and told me that if someone appears at my office, to call them, they will take it seriously and will be there shortly in full force.

    Normally, when one gets a visit from an officer, that officer takes a report and leaves their business card or some way for you to get in touch later if the need arises. Did he leave a business card? If so, it should have his name on it.

    I asked, if soeone shoots me, how can I call them? He had no answer

    The police are not bodyguards and do not protect or offer to protect specific citizens in most cases.

    FBI stated that I need to show something over $10,000 for them to get involved

    The meaning of the above sentence is unclear. Are you saying that an FBI agent stated that the FBI needed to be paid over $10,000 for them to get involved?

  36. roadburner says:

    Zixi of Ix:

    The meaning of the above sentence is unclear.Are you saying that an FBI agent stated that the FBI needed to be paid over $10,000 for them to get involved?

    convenient price for he flying monkeys to pay, and she probably thinks it’ll pay the sanctions to date.

    i smell a con….well, more than normal

  37. Saint James says:

    Reality Check: orly taitz:
    I asked, if soeone shoots me, how can I call them? He had no answer
    FBI stated that I need to show something over $10,000 for them to get involved

    So what’s next?…I suspect Orly is going to sue the FBI for conspiring with President Obama to get her and/or include the FBI in her RICO lawsuit. She wants to paint the FBI to be a corrupt agency for blatantly asking a payoff even with the other police officers around. Orly is not the person who will take me for a ride…sorry!

    Although threats should be taken seriously, how can one trust Orly when she cries wolf? She have accused her perceived “enemies” to have threatened her life and her family by tampering her car, etc etc!

    I also smell a con!

  38. I think she’s saying that she needs to show a loss over $10,000 before the FBI will get involved.

    Zixi of Ix: The meaning of the above sentence is unclear. Are you saying that an FBI agent stated that the FBI needed to be paid over $10,000 for them to get involved?

  39. “FBI stated that I need to show something over $10,000 for them to get involved”

    That’s because she only deals in wholesale.

    FBI: “You need to show a loss of over ten thousand dollars.”

    Orly: “I can get it for you wholesale.”

  40. Zixi of Ix says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I think she’s saying that she needs to show a loss over $10,000 before the FBI will get involved.

    Thank you. Your reading seems most likely.

    It sounds as though the FBI recognizes that it is an attempt to commit some sort of theft or fraud and not an actual threat against Ms. Taitz.

  41. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I think she’s saying that she needs to show a loss over $10,000 before the FBI will get involved.

    She could show them her check to Judge Land. Meanie Judge make-uh me sooooo ahn-greee! He rip me off big time! Not even let me feeee-nisshhh!

  42. JPotter says:

    Screen name “Falcon” has posted a comment requesting Orly to, “Please, just die”.

    I wonder how often she receives threats, active or passive? She’s much more useful living. It would be wodnerful of her to see the light and repudiate her erroneous ways, but, failing that, she serves a vital purpose as is. She keeps nuts focused on futility, and draws them out, like moths to a flame. She isn’t helping these people, but she could be doing so much worse. Her demise would do nothing to help them. (Not that her conversion would either!)

  43. Lupin says:

    It is almost certainly a scam, but I for one would rather see Orly live in misery under the Obama regime than be terminated. However, I would very much like to see her “defanged”, ie: disbarred, so that she no longer wastes precious court time & taxpayers’ dollars.

  44. The Magic M says:

    Paul Pieniezny: Even then it looks like a camera shooting is meant.

    I guess that’s what the poster intended – if anyone actually comes after him, he can claim he was referring to a photo shoot, not an assassination (not that it would actually help him, but it’s often amazing what laymen think about the law).

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