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Tweet of the Day:
I hate hearing after all of the hard work that @MittRomney never wanted to become President.
— @realDonaldTrump via web
Dear readers and associates of The Obama Conspiracy website and the Was Obama Born In Kenya blog,
Please take a few minutes to review the 4 new intrinsically astounding WOBIK blog reports from Lucas D. Smith!
“Count Chocula and the Mombasa documents (1932 & 1961).”
“Kick the bucket.”
“Lucas D. Smith on gun buy-back programs.”
“My absence from WOBIK on or about Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.”
Please exercise your free speech in the comments section at our blog. There are no stipulations of political correctness on the blog. Speak your mind, give us your thoughts, both objective and subjective. Share your ideas, hunches, inklings or your expertise. Please provide recommendation and corrections if you spot errors in fact within the blog report. Lastly, remember that posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so and thank you.
I asked in the last open thread about the whereabouts of Squeekey and it seems no-one is talking.
I have a sneaking suspicion that she is currently masquerading as performance artist called Linda Joy Adams.
Sounds silly, I know, well…
You may be right
I may be crazy
But it just may be a lunatic you’re looking for
Turn out the light
Don’t try to save me
You may be wrong for all I know
But you may be right
(with apologies to B. Joel)
I personally don’t know anything.
While I question it’s veracity, I don’t blame Trump, or other Republicans, for being disappointed by revelation that Romney didn’t really want to be president.
Butterdezilliion has posted at Free Republic: Crunch Time – HELP NEEDED.
She reports how she has filed a criminal complaint in Lincoln, NE, apparently against Bob Bauer. At a Lincoln police station she found a sympathetic Officer Flood, who promises to bring her complaint to the attention of the state AG.
But mostly she talks about faxing a letter about her complaint to every GOP member of Congress, and encouraging everyone to write to Congress in support of her letter, with the goal of raising an objection when Congress counts the electoral votes.
She goes on at some length, and there’s plenty of crazy, such as this: “I will remind you all that Larry Grathwohl listened to Obama’s friends from Columbia University talk about the logistics of exterminating 25 million people they expected to resist ‘re-education’.”
Well, they should read Gabriel Garcia Marquez’ One Hundred Years of Solitude to learn how to exterminate people en masse without anybody acknowledging it.
And remember, too, that not posting a comment is also a vote.
I recall it was her and/or Dr. K(H)ate, that claimed with with confidence that the $2 Million trip to South Asia a few years back was Obama running away as he could not take it anymore. They claimed he knew he was done and was skipping town to get out of the office.
She certainly has the inside track on the President’s intentions.
Considering Butterdezillion is a vocal proponent of the idea that Hawaii confirming Obama was born in Hawaii is somehow a confirmation that Obama was NOT born there, I would take everything she says with a HUGE grain of salt. Her posts are truly crazy. I can just imagine her trying to explain her problem to a police officer. He’s probably trying to figure out how best to just get rid of her without her getting violent. He knows he’s talking to a crazy lady.
Orly has a new press release out. The title says that Chief Justice Roberts is going to rule on Noonan, et al. I chose not to click on the attachment that was the only thing related to this headline, as it was a link to her site, and I didn’t want to wreck my computer. However, the body of the release deals with Grinols. There are two amusing things in here. First, Orly now claims that “For over two hundred years all the letters sent by the US Post Office contained a postal stamp with a four digit year. The only time a postal stamp was found with a two digit year, is on Obama’s Elective (sic) Service certificate.” Apparently Orly has managed to track down and examine every single postmark and stamped document done by the Post Office for the last 200 years. Truly an impressive feat. The other item I got a chuckle from is Orly explaining how she sent $753.20 to each federal official and $975.40 to President Obama for them to fly to California for the hearing. First, I assume this means she sent them money for one-way tickets, and how they get back is their own business. Second, she uses this to ask for more donations, since, after all, these people will be cashing the checks she sent them and flying right out to Sacramento to take part in her circus.
Don’t you know that saying that information matches is not the same as saying it is identical? After all, matching means, um, well, hmm…yeah, that’s where she loses me.
OK, just one more. Corsi, over at WND, is now saying that it was Obama’s decision on having Schatz replace Inouye, rather than Abercrombie, apparently as a reward for not asking the DOH to show him Obama’s birth certificate.
It’s hard to take butter seriously with her claim that there are 7 different types of citizenship in the US
i don’t know how much they could have paid me to go on this cruise – perhaps enough to cover the delousing
Steaming past Guantánamo, en route to the Cayman Islands, a boatload of Republicans ponder the plight of a party at sea.
The cruise, featuring the star columnists of William Buckley’s 57-year-old conservative biweekly, had been planned long in advance, and everybody had believed it would be a victory party. An -e-mail from the magazine’s publisher arrived a few days before we embarked: “Do not despair or fret. At least not next week.”
Most of the roughly 600 National Review cruisers, who’d signed up for what was billed as the “conservative cruise of a lifetime,” were in their prime during the Reagan years—the greatest days to be a conservative. Nostalgia and loss hung in the air, with much talk of endings, both personal and national. To sum up his feelings about the election, John Wohlstetter, a national-security author in his mid-sixties who had met Buckley several times (“utterly gracious, and he listened”), recalled the words of a long–forgotten liberal lamenting a loss: “The people have spoken, the bastards.”
Kevin Hassett, a former economic adviser to Mitt Romney: “Minorities came out like crazy,” said Hassett, sighing. “White people didn’t get to the polls. There are far more African–Americans voting than they expected.”
after being read the riot act by pollster scott rasmussen and Evangelical operative Ralph Reed re minorities, comments by the “reluctant patients”: “That depressed me!” one woman said. To my right, a man snapped, “That’s bullshit!”
The man was Bing West, former assistant secretary of Defense under Ronald Reagan, a former Marine and a National Review contributor.
West, mocking Rasmussen, said: “If you stupid Republicans weren’t so goddamn bigoted you would have won the election!”
James Lileks, a National Review columnist from Minnesota, warmed up the crowd with one-liners: “If we can put a man on the moon, we can put 50 million Democrats up there as well!”
their “sense of fear was everywhere on the ship, fear of an impending debt crisis that would crush all fortunes, fear that the Anglo majority was now marginal for the first time in their adult lives, fear that the country the cruisers once knew had fully given way to something more … diverse, foreign, incomprehensible.”
Jonah Goldberg: “This is a more downbeat bunch this year,” he said. “We lost in 2008, but it was almost boisterous and fun. This, a little less so. People were dyspeptic.
“Their conception of what the country is about, they really were sure the country would reject Barack Obama,” he continued. “I do think it hits them hard. The fear I have, why this election stung, I think, Obama has successfully -de-ratified some of the Reagan revolution in a way that Clinton never could and didn’t even try to. That’s what freaks people out, that feeling in their gut, either Obama has changed the country, or the country has sufficiently changed that they don’t have a problem with Obama. That’s what eats at people.”
To all the Obots who have recently descended upon ORYR:
I hope you’re happy–thanks to all of you giving thumbs down to birther b.s., the moderator has removed the option to vote a comment up or down.
And THAT’S why we never can have nice things!
Well it would be all thumbs up anyway, as the admin there is now enforcing thought control. Despite the lovely empty words at the bottom of his webpage, LOL.
I took it as “You Obots are always right, and I am SICK of it! So ORYR is going to exist in its own bubble of birther goodness! Safe from the harsh reality that we’re not going to get our way!”
My prediction is that by banning people and removing the voting feature, the number of page views and/or comments will do down.
I agree. For every birther spouting an “any day now” tirade, there were at least four comments ridiculing them.
Now the ORYR moderator is deleting previously approved comments made by even the most moderate of dissenting voices. And thus, the lid on the birther echo chamber closes and the locks are spun.
Politico ran an article speculating about the reasons behind Gov. Abercrombie’s decision.
When ORYR et al throw in the towel and become insular asylums they look like nothing more than Buffalo Bill watching himself dance nude in the mirror… telling themselves lies they desperately need to believe, wearing the skin they’ve peeled off the corpse of credible internet jouralism.
ORYR is now a complete circle jerk. No dissenting opinions, scrubbing of threads. Such good Americans.
Since the birther movement is founded on lies, it is incompatible with free and open debate. There should be no surprise here.
that’s really going to upset *falcon* , as he was soooo proud of the positive rep he was getting from the voting system.
guess getting voted down was too much for them there after getting the same in the election 😀
Dear readers and associates of The Obama Conspiracy website and the Was Obama Born In Kenya blog,
Please take a few minutes to review my new report:
“The First Grader (Kimani Ng’ang’a Maruge the Mau Mau freedom fighter).”
Please exercise your free speech in the comments section at our blog. There are no stipulations of political correctness on the blog. Speak your mind, give us your thoughts, both objective and subjective. Share your ideas, hunches, inklings or your expertise. Please provide recommendation and corrections if you spot errors in fact within the blog report. Lastly, remember that posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so and thank you.
I found a glitch in the program and was able to vote repeatedly.
you mean you bussed people in from other websites?
shame on you!
Michele Bachmann Wins WND’s ‘Woman Of The Year’ Award
runner-ups: Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R), German Chancellor Angela Merkel and outspoken conservative antifeminist Phyllis Schlafly, among others, to win the honor.
Judging women based on the qualities of “goodness, womanliness, perseverance and character,” WND lauds Bachmann for being a “gutsy, pro-life fiscal conservative who dared to vote against raising the debt ceiling.”
WND continues: “She’s a God-fearing, gun-loving advocate of tax cuts and domestic oil drilling — and has proven to be one of Obamacare’s worst nightmares.”
Bachmann has been a relentless warrior for conservative values, waging combat against the federal health-care takeover.
(2010 PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year: ‘A government takeover of health care’)
I saw that! I’m so glad you said something cause I was waiting for an open thread to send you guys to read all of her rankings.
Does she actually she can send some fax and members of the US Congress and various and sundry others are bound to do what she wants??!!??? I am about to think she’s some sort of person just fooling around on the net.
Ah yes, “Falcon” — one of the more bird-brained of the harpies who flock to ORYR. At the end of a difficult day I can always be thankful for one thing: he’s not my neighbor.
Shucks Yoda, I thought it was one of your Jedi mind tricks!
No one cares Lucas
He, Lying Lucas Smith, is a very lonely guy.
Yeah, without his ORYR e-peen, Falcon is going feel inadequate and useless-er.
Well I DID get other people to vote repeatedly too.
Hi, You Lucas D, Smith, How is the Belgian Dutch language course going? Any problems with the past perfect Imperative or the conjugation of subordinating conjunctions? I could help with that, having written theses about those two.
You ask a good question, why is Butterdezillion doing this. On the one hand, she’s clearly hoping to have an objection raised when counting the electoral vote. While I don’t think there’s any chance of that, asking Congress to do what Congress has the power to do makes more sense than asking courts to do what courts do not have the power to do.
But her rant also seems to contain a vague notion that Congressmen who don’t act will at some unspecified future time be held accountable, because she is documenting that she provided them with this information. She specifically mentions her fax log.
This seems to be a common piece of birther mythology, that someday they will be in charge of the government, and when that happens they will execute every Congressman, judge, journalist, state election official, and blogger who ever failed to agree with them. And, of course, the Obamas.
I know what the birther diehards’ next move will be.
From one of the major league ‘tards at ORYR:
“Nixon got re-elected… sworn in… and then what happened? Did the simple act of swearing him in save him? NO. And he did it in public not hidden behind closed doors.”
So get ready for four years of poorly thought out impeachment lawsuits.
Not birther related per-say, but still RWNJ related.
My brother got me money for Christmas, and I ordered myself some PC games, an old favorite of mine being “Medal of Honor: Allied Assault”, which I ordered from
The German weapons officer looked VERY familiar for some reason, then something in my head sorta clicked!
German Weapons Officer:
Cover image of a Glenn Beck book:
Does Electronic Arts know something that we don’t? 😉
When worlds collide: my son is currently on the road with his high school marching band. Right at this moment, they’re marching in the Fiesta Bowl parade. I just noticed that one of the other participants is… Shurf Joe Hisself. I don’t know how many people are manning the guy wires to keep him from floating away.
…he was riding on top of some kind of armored vehicle that looked very similar to the “Eat Me” float from Animal House.
Nice font selection for your New Year’s harlequin graphic, Doc.
Conservative Fact Check does an about face on the birther issue.
Of course, it seemed as if it were actually a parody site.
Newest craptastic misrepresentation and lie:
BREAKING NEWS – Hawaii state registrar Alvin Onaka has publicly certified to AZ SOS Ken Bennett that Barack Obama’s HI birth certificate is legally non-valid and the White House image is a forgery.
Is that the game that tracked when you shot people in the nuts?
I like the second article how they think they shouldn’t televise the GOP primary debates. What a great idea don’t show the american people how crazy your candidates are.
That’s butterdezillion’s recent claim and letter she sent to Republicans in Congress. And it is being spread by Al Hendershott, the guy who doesn’t understand real estate trusts or public databases.
Why yes, I believe it is!
and still counting …………….
obama’s popular vote lead over romney has jumped to 4,965,519 votes (65,892,366 to 60,926,847).
and he BROKE 51%: obama 51.06%/romney 47.21%
obama is the first president to win 2 terms with 51% or more since Eisenhower
and mitt gets the 47% he “desired”
New York State has updated its results but the vote counting apparently has not been concluded. I assume that the high number of provisional ballots cast due to Sandy is to blame for the delay. Certification was scheduled to be done by December 10.
In relation to my previous comment, about how birthers dream of the day when they can execute everyone who disagrees with them, we have this recent comment at ORYRby “ron”:
I could only cast 73 votes for Obama when the batteries died in my Soros Vote Machine Hacking Device (cleverly disguised as a flag pin.)
H.J.Res. 122: Establishing the date for the counting of the electoral votes for President and Vice President cast by the electors in December 2012.
The meeting of the Senate and House of Representatives to be held in January 2013 pursuant to section 15 of title 3, United States Code, to count the electoral votes for President and Vice President cast by the electors in December 2012 shall be held on January 4, 2013 (rather than on the date specified in the first sentence of that section).
This isn’t really a new claim for the buttery one. She’s been pushing this logical contortion ever since Onaka issued his verifications. Of course, no birther has taken her aside and explained to her that she is making no sense. At least the freepers call out Sven when he talks about Obama having naturalization papers somewhere, or having been in the custody of a Connecticut charity because he flew back from Indonesia as an unaccompanied minor.
The Mind’s Compartments Create Conflicting Beliefs
How our modular brains lead us to deny and distort evidence
Michael Shermer
Scientific American, Jan 2013, p. 77
Shermer strikes again!
The same issue also opens with an eloquent, passionate defense of objective reasoning, and an indictment of anyone who wants to enjoy the fruits of science without regard for their implications:
Creation, Evolution and Indisputable Facts
A science teacher asks if scientists and biblical literalists can get along
Jacob Tanenbaum
Scientific American, Jan 2013, p. 11
If you need a really good laugh before this year is over, go here:
Have a look at their members, especially here:
I guess the last station is Paddington.
What I looked at was amateurish and stupid.
Sad and pathetic.
Two women are sitting together on a US Air flight, to Boston. One says, “I’m going to Boston to get scrod.”
The other replies, “I’ve never heard it put in the past pluperfect before.”
Attention Thrifty: I have at least eight jokes in my repertoire. This is a new one, since the others were becoming stale. [Takes a bow.]
Factcheck is having a look back at some of 2012’s dumbest lies
Massive compilation of Republican leaders who are birthers or who pander to them:
Rick Perry is bat guano crazy as it is, so it surprises me not that he’s a birther.
People like him turn my stomach though. He’s very much of the “People who aren’t white, straight, christian and capitalist are sub-human scum!” mindset.
No kidding. They forgot to put the PayPal button under “Patriots’ Financial support”. Not gonna get far that way. What amateurs!
Voting is back at ORYR, but you can only vote “thumb’s up.”
Actually, I’d kind of like that here. Many times I want to express agreement, but I’m too indulgently lazy to make the few simple key strokes it takes to register support and agreement.
Maybe I could outsource my “thumb’s-uping” to North Korea or something. Speaking of which, there are some humorous cartoons mocking Kim Jong Un on College Humor:
✌ 😎
New: Strunk’s Appeal In New York Electoral Challenge;
Obama Eligibility; Benghazi Coverup; Treason & Sedition
Christopher-Earl: Strunk in esse private U.S. Citizen secured beneficiary with injury in re the criminal usurpation of the office of POTUS by Barack Obama’s ineligibility under U.S. Constitution Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 and related law in Petitioner’s Original Proceeding for writ of mandamus FRAP Rule 21 Order of:
A. Stay New York State Justices in the matter of their denial of Petitioner due process and equal treatment due under the 14th Amt. of the U.S. Constitution and NYS Constitution and related law as to denial of trial of the facts as compelling public interest as to forgery crime aided and abetted by Electors- a Quo Warranto matter;
B. The Governor of New York for a NEW U.S. Senate Election in New York to comply with the 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
C. The Clerk and Speaker of the U.S. House with Majority / Minority Leaders and President of the U.S. Senate respond to the incompatibility of any Person serving as an electoral college member while holding an office of trust or profit under the 14th Amdt United States and Constitution Article 2 Section 1 Clause 2 (A2S1C2);
D. Congress to show cause why under the 12th, 20th, 25th amendments and U.S. Constitution Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 (A2S1C5) Barack Hussein Obama II should be eligible to take the oath of office of POTUS January 20, 2013;
E. Congress barring the New York Electoral College vote for Barack Obama.
F. Congress to show cause why it should not hold the $43 Trillion Dollar theft by Barack Obama et al. since 2003 null and void under the 14th Amendment Section 4; […]
the petition also includes the murder of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens in Benghazi and allegations that obama supports our enemies
page 3 of 317: hearing scheduled 1/22/2103
Thank you for the link and the names of republican Birthers. It was remarked in one comment that the list may be very long. That’s fine with me. Then longer, and more complete the list, the better. Let’s make sure that this insanity doesn’t get forgotten.
Happy New Year to every one at
Mario has a new posting out about why Congress must not confirm the electorial college votes.
It is actually well argued…taht is until near the end when he goes off the tracks and talks about Supreme Court precedents (Minor and WKA).
mario ends his diatribe with:
Our historical precedents have spoken as to who is a “natural born Citizen.” The U.S. Supreme Court has confirmed the definition to be a child born in the country to citizen parents. Congress is constitutionally bound to apply this definition to Obama. Congress’s failure to apply this definition to Obama and to again declare him President of the United States would amount to nothing more than treason upon the constitution and the nation by allowing a de facto president to continue in that all powerful office for a second term rather than a constitutionally legitimate one. The fate of the nation is in the hands of Congress on January 4, 2013.
According to a poster at ORYR, Obots have a new name; we are now just a bunch of “sneaky, sleazy, stinky slinkies.”
Oooooo! Those birthers . . . they just make me so angry!
Here is a very powerful argument as to why disobediece to the Constitution is not only permissible, but actually may be a virtue
The Constitution is not only not the answer to the current problems of the US, it is, in some ways, the cause, or at least an enabler.
Missouri State Speaker of the House Tim Jones…
Primaried and soon-to-be former US Rep. Jean Schmidt…
Bonus footage…
Former US Rep.Tom Tancredo…
Senator David Vitter…
So anyone know why the birthers are suddenly, en masse, operating under the misinformed(surprise!) assumption that Hawaii’s DoH has suddenly “invalidated” Obama’s BC?
Thanks for linking to Strunk’s latest. His point F really hooked me:
$43Tn? Where did that figure come from? 2003? Is he throwing the Shrub under the bus too? Or blendering all the Presidents in his mind? Congress should nullify this imaginary crime …. by citing the 14th amendment section dealing with civil war debt incurred by the South and claims related to Emancipation?!?
Wow. he can’t be that crazy, can he? Oh, yes, yes he can … as this (relatively) short excerpt demonstrates:
This is really astounding stuff. It’s a 317-pg stream-of-(un)consciousness ramble, every line packed with multiple, uncited allegations (I did remove the citations he does make above, they were all (surprise!) from the web). He tossess out the craziest memes as if they were self-evident (still looking for a breakdown of his missing $43Tn…). A thunderous demonstration of why Strunk must be named the nuttiest nutter in the birfer butter, heck, maybe even the entire Conspirasphere. He’s more voluminous and random than Taitz, and farther down the rabbit hole than Epperly. I picture Strunk keeping this file open at all times, constantly firing off new crazy into it whenever he finds something new or a couple of axons misfire in his head.
I’ve been working with my son on the importance of showing your work. Strunk, and birfers in general, need the same lessons. So much effort for naught.
Because it sounded too good to be true. And January 6th keeps looming ever nearer. I, too, would like to know what tree fell in which forest, and who managed to think they heard it.
This appears to me to be the repeat of a pattern that has been going on for awhile. Someone posts a story about some birther legal nonsense and suddenly it spreads through the birther universe faster than a prairie fire. It ties into their hope that something is going to work and any day now. And as January 4th (actual date of Congress EC vote count) approaches there is a greater sense of desparation so a story about Butterdezillion sending Congress a letter “proving” that Dr. Onaka’s verifications are in fact not verifications is just the grasping of that last straw.
Is that all it is? Oh, how disappointing, I thought it was something new. Got to love the “telephone” effect of the web, how memes morph quickly, being accepted, truncated, blended, and regurgitated. Mkaes it hell to follow, much less contain / refute.
Because its exactly the opposite of the truth.
And because its just what they do.
Yep, birthers have been c&p the article without telling the backstory which Doc covered in “Reverse engineering Dr. Onaka”.
Hope floats; stupid bounces.
Because butter lettuce dezillion did a thousand back flips and then came up with this and starting posting it (mostly on free republic) as fact. They are over there now sort of asking questions about it and some are getting mad, saying it’s miselading and one said it was an outright lie and said someone was playing with the birthers.
butternutdezillion then came onto the thread and starting dancing and getting more and more tangled, but she’s so crazy that I can’t keep up with her. So that’s where this is all coming from…….a crazy woman with children who I think volunteers at her kid’s school. Some have said that she teaches, but I think that she’s just a substitute or something. At any rate, it’s frightening to think that she does even that. I think she’s going to go postal one day and shoot up the place….seriously.
Here is her original post at freerepublic
At comment #7 she adds the letter she wrote to Congress.
And here is Al Hendershott’s (filed several ballot challenges in Alabama and the original Harrison J. Bounel promoter) freerepublic post.
What’s interesting about the Al’s article (at his website) is that he never mentions Butter and makes it sound like it is exclusive to him.
NY has finally certified, House Dems’ popular vote lead over GOP has expanded to 1,362,351 (59,645,387 to 58,283,036):
Pending revisions, semi-final results for prez are:
Obama 65,899,557 (51.06%) &
Romney 60,931,959 (47.21%).
hawaii still hasn’t certified
So, over the “Fiscal Cliff” we go…hope someone has a glider or parachute.
the political mascots should be changed.
Republicans get the Democrats donkey for being stubborn asses
Democrats should get a bearded hippie for being too laid back
Then you will really appreciate this,
And this:
Or maybe not . . .
WASHINGTON — A Democratic aide says the White House and congressional Republicans have reached an agreement to avert the so-called fiscal cliff.
A harness, rope, and pulleys then. lol
Happy New Year to the assembled birther debunkers. It has been an interesting and educational four years.
Oh hell, here’s one guaranteed to get de birfers all a’froth:
White House Down
“Channing Tatum stars as a United States Secret Service agent who must rescue the President of the United States (Jamie Foxx) from a paramilitary group that has taken over the White House.”
Scheduled for a 6/28/13 release.
It will have wingers splittin’ time between indulging in their torture porn fantasies and decrying the depiction of Real ‘Mericans as violent, paranoid wackjobs.
I smell the sickly sweet smell of ‘sovereignism’ in that one.
It’s another symptom of the stead drip method. 6 months from now, birthers will have forgotten this all originated from an old word-twisting game – and was completely untrue – and the “fact” that “Hawaii has confirmed the BC is fake (but the MSM ignore it)” will have become part of their closed world-view (alongside “nobody remembers Obama from college”, “Obama was introduced to a postman as a foreign student” and “Obama wrote in his autobiography that he was born in Kenya”). And they will spout it again as another of their “1,001 reasons I am a birther”.
Well, you can already smell “crank” when you see them start off with claiming that defendants need to “prove allegations wrong” or have to “reply using their full legal name” (which already shows they will go “Barack Obama is not his full, nor his legal name” if any reply should ever be filed).
ROTFLAMO!!!! Wow, those were a steaming pile of WTF goodness! I ended up watching all 4 insane episodes. Thanks for corrupting me. 😉
I found both articles to be interesting reads, although they really haven’t touched upon anything that hasn’t been said by others before.
What I was saddened by is the delusional defensive state found within most of the commentary sections on both articles, which sadly proved the very thesis of the first article right there…yet at the same time, demonstrated that the prescription given in the closing section is certainly easier said than done…
As one of the commentators correctly noted in the first article, many people are more reflexively fearful of admitting they are wrong than they are of honestly examining their own motivations for their beliefs and ideologies… so I really don’t know how “reachable” most people are from their own self-delusions…
That was an excellent article!
Beyond the actual lies which they debunked, their summary assessment of why this bunk occurs and persists in the first place is spot on:
As with the JPotters article about Compartmentalization, it really sadly comes down to just that…
BE ADVISED, your Oath of office requires you to act in a manner which upholds the United States Constitution, our State Constitutions, and the Rule of Law. This shall serve as Notice to you of the massive fraud which has occurred in the 2012 election. As a public servant, your highest duty is to the people of the United States. Failing to do your duty, after having been so noticed, will be a direct violation of your Oath, with malice aforethought.
ending with
As a result, we must hereby demand that you avoid all appearance of impropriety and/or illegalities by ensuring that the Congressional Certification is postponed until an appropriate and thorough investigation is completed into the extensive fraud existing during the 2012 election cycle. Anything short of a full investigation will assure the American people that their best interests are no longer a concern of their representatives, and that said representatives are complicit in the most flagrant fraud ever perpetrated on the American citizens.
Please govern your actions accordingly.
Ms. Barbara Ketay
Committee Chairman
The North American Law Center
Ugh! What a horrible way to start off the New Year… 😉
Me too. So much there to wonder about. Like, why would anyone act like it’s headline news when some random gun shop owner posts an anti-Obama rant on his blog?
And John’s been over there trying to drum up support for getting one Rep and one Senator to sign an objection to the electoral vote — and whatever you think of that, I have to point out that, unlike 99% of what birthers do, this is a procedure that actually exists, and works the way he says it does. All he gets for his trouble is curt dismissals, from the same people who enthusiastically support the bungling of birther lawyers who can’t get anything right.
I glad you enjoyed them! They are wonderfully crazy.
Yeah, visiting ORYR is like entering a really disturbing freak show.
a plea from the ditz
Can someone send me Corsi’s article showing that immigration records were missing for the week of August 1-7
and re grinols
videotape of sworn witness testimony and press conference by Sheriff Arpaio and investigator Zullo were filed manually
The dentist is so reckless. She posted a threat and blamed it on someone without checking.
obama is heading back to hawaii
i guess he won’t be here when the birthers vote him out on friday (wink wink)
The craziest part is that she actually believes that unauthenticated videotape of testimony in another case and videotape of a press conference constitute admissible evidence.
i don’t think they covered civil procedure and the rules of evidence at her non-aba approved, online “law school”
Happy New Year 2013 readers and associates of The Obama Conspiracy Theories website the Was Obama Born In Kenya blog!
Please take a few minutes to review these seven (7) new extraordinary and eye-opening WOBIK blog reports from Lucas D. Smith!
“Happy New Year 2013!”
“Pregnant Actress Ava Gardner flew, both to and from, Kenya in 1952”
“InspectorSmith Award for Best Painting of 2012 – Michelle Obama Hostess Cupcakes Bra Painting by Dan Lacey.”
“Frank Sinatra in Kenya and Bruce Steadman in Georgia.”
“Barack Hussein Obama II – tax returns 2000 thru 2011.”
“Infamous forgery (2009) by Great Kim aka Mik Taerg.”
“The First Grader (Kimani Ng’ang’a Maruge the Mau Mau freedom fighter).”
Please exercise your free speech in the comments section at our blog. There are no stipulations of political correctness on the blog. Speak your mind, give us your thoughts, both objective and subjective. Share your ideas, hunches, inklings or your expertise. Please provide recommendation and corrections if you spot errors in fact within the blog report. Lastly, remember that posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so and thank you.
Greetings and salutations. Circumstances have kept me from posting, but I have been trying to keep up as I can on my phone. Please pardon me if the following has already been covered.
I was catching up on Jack Ryan’s Scribd page and saw the latest on Voeltz III. Of course, the judge rightly dismissed the case and Klayman took offense and filed a Motion for Rehearing. In Defendant’s Opposition to Plaintiff’s latest POS, Obama’s atty, Mark Herron, calls out Voeltz for a post he made at!!! I love it!
Thanks, thanks, thanks to Doc for a place to come and read the latest, minus vitriol and spin machine. You have helped to keep me informed and less cranky about this whole mess. Bless you!
It is on the internet so it must be evidence. A judge told her so.
Why should she check? If she thinks it makes her look good for her FMs, she’ll post it. It is worthy of posting if it is about ME, ME, ME…
SCEPCOP – The Scientific Committee to Evaluate PseudoSkeptical Criticism of the Paranormal
I may be under a rock, but I just happened across this today. A must see for any interested in the irrational. It’s the bizarro version of Michael Shermer / Skeptic magazine. (PseudoSkeptic magazine according to these loons.)
This corner of the loony left, dedicated to defending the paranormal, is firing both ways, against the Big Science Conspiracy (oh, brother), and against Big Religion. Their topical responses to rational criticisms are great, if disturbing, reads.
Apparently all a project of Winston Wu … an aspiring object of his own personality cult. Oh, look, the Conspiracy Trilogy …. he’s pushing 9/11 Trutherism, Moon hoaxism, and JFK assassination … at the same time!
Along with tons of material promoting the wonderfulness of international dating …. via ‘romance tours’. Oy. It always gets weird at some point.
Some discussion of birtherism in the forums there….but mostly I mention it for the irrational, disingenuous, science-as-conspiracy, government-as-conspiracy ranting. Different angle, same mindset.
from the ditz:
Dear Stephanie, please let me know how much time will Judge England allow for the presentation of the TRO Motion. I would like to bring witnesses and would like to know, how much time will the court allow
One of my witnesses is flying from Florida
Will Judge England entertain a motion to extend time for the oral argument and witness testimony
On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 9:20 AM, wrote:
Good morning again and thank you for your question. The Court will permit each side twenty minutes total to present their arguments, which includes any and all witnesses.
Just got word from the chambers: Judge England will allow me to make an oral motion at the onset of the hearing asking for more time for the argument and witnesses, no guarantee that he will allow more time as the Feds oppose
Ms. Taitz, you may make your oral motion(s) at the onset of the TRO hearing.
Now that is what I call a quintessentially pointless essay.
Ava Gardner was, at most, one month pregnant when she arrived in Kenya to film Mogambo in October, 1952. And she certainly didn’t fly to Kenya with the intention of giving birth there (seeing as how the fetus was aborted late in 1952), although she undoubtedly got to fly first class courtesy of MGM.
Gardner’s trip to Kenya has absolutely nothing in common with your fantasy of a late-term Stanley Ann Dunham flying coach from Honolulu to Kenya with the intent of giving birth there.
And, come to think of it, you have never produced proof that you visited Kenya.
Stick your finger up your throat and count to 100.
You mean you doubt above average Kansas girl Dunham lacked the backing of a major Hollywood studio? Of course she did, but she had something better, the backing of MGM parent company, the IJC. Right, Misha?
Clearly, Lucas is on to something.
Or is he also implying the mafia flew her around for a gestational world tour with Sinatra? Now that’s birthin’ in STYLE!
You are vermin.
You have managed to sink below scurrilous.
Lucas Smith, convicted forger and master of the fallacies of equivocation and red herring.
Larry Klayman finds New Case Authority to Challenge Obama’s Forida Electoral Victory
Larry Klayman and Michael Voeltz’s research has produced a new Motion for Rehearing in their fight to nullify Barack Obama’s Florida win in the 2012 election. They asking for a telephonic conference call to “set the date for a specially set evidentiary hearing on the merits, as the law is now clear that one is required”. We’ll keep you posted on the outcome.
– In conducting further research, Plaintiff has come across the case of Palm Beach County Canvassing Board v. Harris, 772 So.2d 1273 (Fla. 2000) (Exhibit 1), legal authority that was somehow overlooked by the court and the parties. The Supreme Court of Florida has thus conclusively already ruled that this court has jurisdiction to consider and rule upon Plaintiff Voeltz’s election challenge on eligibility and fraud. This court must respectfully grant an evidentiary hearing. –
– Moreover, the case is not moot. Indeed, in the now famous 2000 Bush/Gore election challenge cases, this Court proceeded to adjudicate the parties’ dispute long after the Florida Electors had met. -Larry Klayman Dec 31, 2012 VOELTZ v OBAMA, et. al.
FL VOELTZ III 2012-12-31 Notice of Newly Found Case Authority and Supplement
“time is of the essence”
I don’t remember it the way Klayman does. In fact, the high court ruled that the vote counting must stop because of time constraints, i.e., the scheduled electoral college vote the next week.
The U.S. Supreme Court specifically usurped (is this a fair verb?) jurisdiction from the Florida Supreme Court, and said the vote counting could not proceed because it would violate the equal rights of all voters, and besides, it was too late. So whatever the Florida court ruled was superceded by the ruling of the nation’s highest court. It’s now Jan. 2, soon to be 3, and just a few days before Congress ratifies Mr. Obama’s re-election, and 2 1/2 weeks before the President takes his oath of office for his second term.
Way too late to assert an already overruled precedent.
Klayman’s legal research is on a par with his supposed ability to flummox Justice Scalia.
Lucas, the question is not whether Stanley Ann Dunham Obama was ever in Kenya, it is whether Lucas Smith was ever in Kenya. You’ve repeatedly ducked opportunities to prove you were, so what is a reasonable person to conclude?
Also, Lucas, having now read your post with its scurrilous comments about the President’s deceased mother, who cannot defend herself against your bilge, I now have an even lower opinion of you than before. What a sad individual.
You realize you are just encouraging him?
He’s “been down so long it looks like up to him.”
Good grief!
Kooks and loons everywhere… *sigh*
Well I don’t know why I came here tonight.
I’ve got the feeling that something ain’t right.
I’m so scared in case I fall off my chair,
and I’m wondering how I’ll get down the stairs.
Clowns to the left of me!
Jokers to the right!
Here I am stuck in the middle with you.
Yes I’m stuck in the middle with you,
and I’m wondering what it is I should do.
It’s so hard to keep this smile from my face.
Losing control yeah I’m all over the place.
Clowns to the left of me!
Jokers to the right!
Here I am stuck in the middle with you.
(apologies to the Bobster)
Another one of ORYR’s finest.
BillWhit 3 hours ago
Where are the Lee Harvey Oswalds when America truly needs one? He would be a Hero for taking care of this lowlife, lying, UnAmerican Scumbag, Obama!
Random addition to the thread:
I just posted the following at the “Fellowship of the Minds” Web site; and since I’m pretty sure it won’t get posted, I just want to put it here, too. Maybe one of the birther visitors to this blog will take me up on my wager…
“I believe he will say that this bill is too important to use the autopen and will want to use the background of the Hawaiian paradise to sign the actual bill that he will have flown there, at taxpayer expense, just to rub our noses in it”
Great guess, Tom, but President Obama used the autopen option, so it looks like another Obama-hater “belief” has not come true. Kind of like the misguided belief that he was born in Kenya. Don’t you guys ever get tired of being wrong? (Don’t worry, I’m sure Orly Taitz will find a judge who will have Obama arrested… ANY. DAY. NOW)
I’d really like to cash in on this insane belief system. On another post here, it was written, “Obama is moving to become a dictator. In order to do that, Americans must be disarmed. Our government is preparing legislation to have firearms confiscated, beginning with semi-automatic rifles and military-grade handguns.”
Dr. Eowyn, if you believe this will come to pass, please put your money where your meme is. I can’t predict what kind of additional gun control legislation (if any) will be passed, but I’ll wager you $100 (USA dollars) that Obama leaves office at the end of his term, without attempting to declare himself a dictator, and without having been found to be ineligible, as a non-natural born citizen, by a US Court.
I live in the same area as you; maybe in four years we can meet at the Saturn Cafe for some vegan muffins, and I’ll give you a $100 bill (picture of King Obama on it, no doubt). Or, perhaps you’d be paying me? Heck, make it $1,000 if you want. I like money.
Another new affidiavit about the SSR.
There is some new info (new to me anyway). On February 13, 2008 the Selective Service Administration verified that then-Senator Obama “registered with the Selective Service System, in compliance with Federal law”.
Your most recent comment at ORYR was deleted by the Admin. I can just imagine the profanity filled, incendiary rant you posted.
Sometime yesterday, the comment number topped 170,000 on the site.
history recorded today in the 113th congress
(old) white men will not make up the majority of house democrats and there is a record number (20) of female senators
the 113th congress includes
113 congress
101 women
43 african americans
31 latinos
12 asian americans
7 LGBT members
The 113th Senator will feature the nation’s first openly gay senator–Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.). And the first open bisexual was elected to the House–Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.).
And this Congress will break religious barriers as well. The Senate will feature its first Buddhist, Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii). And the first Hindu will join the House, Sen. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii). Gabbard said the new faces will make Congress more like what she saw during deployments to Iraq with the Army National Guard.
they’ve got a thread up saying that anything that doesn’t agree with them will be deleted.
guess the got tired of being made look silly(er)
still got the quote from lovejoy up though
Here’s the announcement.
“To whom it may concern,
“If you voted for or support Obama your comments are no longer welcome here. Since I will be forced to purchase something against my free will and my tax dollars will continue to be used to murder innocent babies. I choose to abort any and all pro-Obama comments posted here that I come across. Don’t like it? Tuff shit! Oh, and masking your IP won’t work in the long run.”
ORYR and Orly know exactly what they are doing, and are hiding behind the 1st Amendment.
Note these people only love the 1st, when it comes to free speech. When it’s about separation of church and state, they try to subvert it.
The Dow Jones just hit a 4 year high, which means Obama is the crappiest socialist in history.
– Andy Borowitz
… or that socialism is good business 😉
Good find. Interesting tid bit. Thanks!
Those new record stats of greater diversity in representation are a good start and something to be proud of for our nation, but..
…Now if only the 113th congress can accomplish something, since the 112th was easily one of the most shameful and inept in our entire nation’s history.
i agree regarding the diversity but don’t have much hope for the 113th either
today began the run for the 2014 election – in fact, on election eve, mcconnell held his first fundraiser as he fears a primary from the right
erick erickson from redstate said about paul ryan’s YES vote: “Thus ends the Paul Ryan 2016 Presidential Exploratory Committee”
and then
The problem for the GOP is that its House leadership is working at cross purposes and really is in the disarray the “liberal media” keeps saying. Look no further than Eric Cantor and Kevin McCarthy voting no on the plan.
They should not be commended for voting NO. This is a sign of disarray.
For those who think the GOP will get its act together come the debt ceiling fight, all signs point to fractures still at the top of the House with Cantor and McCarthy working at cross purposes to the Speaker.
Agreed. The cancer has long overtaken the GOP.
They are unable to do anything now but dangerously spiral further out of control and towards ever increasing infighting and insanity, as they seek to eat their own and simultaneously lash out and blame the rest of the world for their own problems, greed and cynical worldview manipulations…
It is certainly not good for the country and although they are thankfully being reduced in power due to their own outrageous actions, they can still do a hell of a lot of damage on their way down and out…
…so hang on…
…we are still in for one hell of an unpleasant and bumpy ride from them and all of their fracturing yet selfish factions…
Overconfident Usurper accelerates the Master Plan, starts Operation Second Term Reveal prior to Inauguration, heck, even prior to the recording of the electoral vote!
Flash: Al Gore sells CurrentTV to Al-Jazeera, gives terrorists a voice in every American’s living room! Network to be used to soft Christian populace, prepping them for the unveiling of their ‘savior’s true faith!
So, seriously, Gore sold out to Al-Jazeera today. Why hasn’t the wingerverse exploded yet? Is there a mandatory 24 trickle-through period? It takes a day for the spin masters to compose and relay newthink to The Faithful?
This is such fertile, readymade made conspiracy material. What’s the delay? Tie it in with today’s ruling (never mind that the sale preceding the decision….after all, the judge got his orders long ago, right?). With this final challenge to his fraudulent re-election bested, Obama’s path to dictatorship is clear, and all hope is lost. The new American Caliphate rises, as Baghdad becomes the Damascus of the Atlantic.
The really funny part?
Glenn Beck tried to buy Current TV, Al Gore went with Al-Jazeera
Then again, a large part of Fox News is owned by a Saudi Prince…
Ah, so you think they aren’t playing it up, having no desire to draw attention to themselves? Possibly, but we are talking about wingers here. No need for consistency. Conflicting concepts? Hypocrisy? No problem!
WND is reflecting 3rd party reports, but drawing no attention to them. Seriously? We have the Arch Treehugger aiding and abetting Al Qaeda just as the Moozleem Bogeyman is about to re-usurp the White House. All being served up on a platter!
an interesting interview of one of obama’s classmates at Punahou by fox news
while all of it is interesting, the last part mentions his birth:
WATTERS: Now, last question. There was that controversy about his birth certificate. When you heard that, how did that make you feel when everybody was talking about that?
BOWERS: I thought it was the most ridiculous debate I had ever seen. Because all of us were born in Hawaii at that time, we have the same birth certificates… If you happen to have kept the original one, which is a very thin extremely blackened out piece of paper with, you know, it’s very fragile, and what was even funnier was that our classmates, we have twins in our class, they were born right before then, literally their numbers in that hospital were right before his. Their mother knew the doctor who delivered him. So, we all felt that that was an extremely useless debate and wish that American hadn’t gone there.
WATTERS: Well, thank you so much for taking the time. I appreciate it. And, aloha?
Looks like some of Orly’s disgruntled FMs are trying to befoul Doc’s place. I bet they leave a nasty ring when they’re gone.
Have you seen this? Birther lawyer tries to get judge to examine case on the merits:
I’d love to read this paper:
Ramsey Lines, Sandra
High Profile Political Cases: Nader, Bush, and Obama
Bio: Sandra Ramsey Lines is a retired law enforcement officer from the Office of the Arizona Attorney General, a former senior document examiner with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, and is now in private practice in Arizona. Sandra began her training with Robert Lockard of the Arizona Department of Public Safety. She holds an AA and BA and is certified by the ABFDE, a Fellow of the AAFS, a member of ASQDE, and a member of SWAFDE.
Abstract: High profile political cases can be problematic for forensic document examiners as they can be accused of bias or even conflict of interest regarding their findings. This paper summarizes three political cases the author was involved in: presidential hopeful Ralph Nader, former President George W. Bush, and current President Barack H. Obama. Recommendations are made for dealing with political cases and the conclusion lists questions the expert may be asked to establish bias or limit their testimony.
It was presented in Charleston last August. Just missed it.
Maybe she’ll send you a copy.
“The Jefferson Anglo-Saxon Grammar and Reader “
It’s a shame that all of the other actions brought against Obama had some fault or were untimely brought. Fortunately, a new Quo Warranto action is being brought against Obama by Zane Grey, one that is both proper and timely filed.
We need your support of this action! Watch the video below to see how you can help!
i seem to remember her being called in about GW’s national guard faxes….she said at the time that it was impossible to prove the veracity of a document from a copy and that only an examination of the original was valid.
Do birds live in that beard?
THE Zane Grey, for which Zanesville, Ohio was named?
No, but bats do.
Again with the YouTube, the new birther BoobTube.
Proper and timely? Read Taitz v. Obama? I don’t recall Zane being actually elected, he/she/whoever does not have a direct interest in the office.
For those who can read the “complaint:”
Warmed over Mario. Citing Dred Scott is a plus but there is a glaring lack of Minor v. Happersett. Are we getting sloppy?
1) It’s “Barack,” not “Barrack.” It’s in all the papers.
2) NBC, CRS, M-O-U-S-E.
3) You may find that Congress isn’t quite as actively engaged in “reviewing the 2012 election” as you might hope. Pretty much been there, done that.
4) 10 minute YouTube videos are just about the worst way to convey “hey, check out this URL” as I can imagine. Although, cool beard, bro.
LOLOL, “dreams” is absolutely correct.
I would like to see some proof that “Zane Grey” is, as he claims, a natural-born citizen of the United States.
Where’s your birth certificate, Zane?
Vault original, of course. And the microfiche.
There was an old man with a a beard
Who said, “It’s just as I feared.”
“Two larks, a wren,”
“An owl and a hen”
“Have all made their nest in my beard.”
Which is better than the Don Martin cartoon, the punch line to which was:
Surely not another quo warranto lawsuit? Get real. That’s been tried half a dozen times. Taitz v. Obama, 754 F. Supp. 2d 57, 78 Fed. R. Serv. 3d 207 (D.D.C. 2010) as precedent to say “[o]nly the Attorney General may bring a quo warranto action against a public official.”
It’s a shame that some folks dump their spam on articles that have nothing to do with the thing being dumped. Cursed thread hijackers.
Or that breaking the deadlock over the ‘fiscal cliff’, one way or another, is good.
Zanesville was named after Ebenezer Zane, who had constructed Zane’s Trace, a pioneer road from Wheeling,VA (now WVa) to Maysville KY through present-day Ohio. He gave, in payment, in 1797 to his son-in-law, John McIntire1747-1811, at the point where Zane’s Trace met the Muskingum River. With Zanes help, McIntire platted out the town and opened an inn and ferry by 1799. In 1801, Zanesville was officially renamed from Westbourne (Zane’s chosen town name).
From 1810-1812, the city was the second state capital of Ohio.[4] The National Road runs through Zanesville as U.S. Route 40. Novelist Zane Grey, a descendant of the Zane family, was born in the city.
From your Zane Grey link:
Pearl Zane Grey (January 31, 1872 – October 23, 1939) was an American author best known for his popular adventure novels and stories that presented an idealized image of the American frontier.
So the town was named in 1801, Zane Grey was born in 1872.
Oops. I get lazy, too.
My dad had a complete collection of Grey’s books. I never read any of them.
I wish I had them now. I think they disappeared when my sister forgot to keep up the payments on the family storage locker.
He isn’t well known in Australia despite his strong connections with both Oz and Kiwiland. I might have to campaign on his behalf after I’ve read a few of his books. “The Vanishing American” is supposed to be especially good (even shocking for its time).
Tarzana, California was named after Tarzan, though. HTH
“Thinker” (your own words prove you are not). You’ve posted yet another vile ad hominem attack filled with more holes than Baby Swiss cheese, which is precisely why Obots have no credibility – You folks are just like a can full of worms, you foolishly believe that only your opinions matter because you believe your little internet colony of “progressives” comprises the entire universe. “Facts” to you backward “progressives” (who absolutely refuse to learn from history) constitute dangerous unexplored territory which does not suit your silly agenda….What puzzles me is that when we examine Obama regarding the actual content of his character using quotes taken from his own statements and promises, he is found sorely lacking in so many ways, yet Obots continue to vehemently deny his myriad pathological lies exist. Those of you who blindly follow Obama and believe every word he speaks and every document he presents is true and correct are clearly delusional, thus proving yourselves totally incapable of discerning fact from fiction and reality from fantasy. Everyone who possesses good research skills, adult level discernment, and any common sense at all knows full well Obama’s entire life story is simply a clever fabrication which bears no resemblance whatsoever to reality. “Dreams From My Father” contains fewer “facts” than a comic book…Are you fools incapable of comprehending that Obama’s much loved Marxism and socialism are failed theories resurrected from the trash heap of civilization? Study history and you will learn that Obama is merely another of history’s self important despots, just like Mao, Hitler, Stalin, or Mussolini. Genocide and world domination were their goals and Obama is following suit – History will record that he, too is a miserable failure…BTW All the recent leftist whimpering and whining about “assault weapons” (which is, as usual, 100% incorrect terminology) is leftist B/S. FBI Homicide Data for 2011 shows rifles were used in 323 homicides, blunt objects (clubs, hammers, etc.) 496, and personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.) accounted for 728. You constantly emotionally overwrought freaks should be begging for hammer registration and confiscation or the amputation of all hands and feet….. Now that you have been presented with the truth, you non-thinking, completely ignorant by choice, and perpetually paranoid parasites known as “Obots” may begin your standard and very predictable endless recitation of the left’s worn out, totally meaningless, laughable, and very childish trademark saying – “You’re a racist!”…
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Fact is, the USA is being destroyed by Obama and if you cannot understand that now, you soon will…
Illicit narcotics . . . illicit sex . . . illicit citizenship . . . these are a few of my favorite things.
There have been 198 original jurisdiction lawsuits concerning the President’s eligibility including 48 ballot challenges in 22 states plus the District of Columbia during the 2012 election cycle. There have also been 70 appellate level rulings and 22 petitions for Writs of Certiorari and/or applications for stays or injunctions at the Supreme Court of the United States.
66 million Americans were at peace enough to give Barack Obama their vote and not a single member of Congress objected to the certification of his 332 Electoral votes.
So if a few folks still have their panties all in a bunch after four years, oh well! “No drama Obama will just keep om keep in’ on.
Unless I am mistaken, we will soon witness a second American Revolution. Few are satisfied with the (fixed) election OR the hand picked “candidates.”
Wow, you’ve got quite a bad case. MY business has thrived under Obama. More casualties under BHO than Bush? What have you been smoking? That’s garbage, and I’m not even counting the 3400 Americans killed on 9/11 because Bush ignored all the warnings.
And if you believe the stories about BHO and illicit sex and hard drugs spread by convicted frauds and con men, you have proven that 1) you don’t care about facts, and 2) you embrace and spread proven lies. Proving my point that you are 1) intellectually and 2) morally inferior.
AMEN! Obama is NOT a natural born citizen and a LOT of people are fully prepared to “litigate” the matter 1776 style! Larry Sinclair told the truth about Obama using crack cocaine and engaging in homosexual acts. Obama possesses no morals, ethics, character, bar card, or true background documentation…
Post-Stalinist PTSD?
I’ve been fascinated with dystopias since I was old enough to know what the term meant. Have a great collection of dystopic literature and cinema back to the WWI. Naturally this interest lead to fascination with the Cold War and life behind the Iron Curtain. I’ve been fortunate to not have experienced dystopia firsthand, but cane see how such environments contribute to paranoia, cynicism, fatalism, and mistrust as defaults.
But, I also observe that our own country produces bumper crops of people cursed with the similar dysfunctions.
Just today I ran across the ramblings of William Cooper. Author of Behold a Pale Horse, which is still a classic amongst CT nuts, 10 years after he died in a shootout with cops in his own driveway. Just another day in the American nuthouse.
The human mind is a flawed biological process. That the overwhelming majority of us get along as well as we do is a miracle. Flawed, sadistic social environments may increase the chance of social dysfunction, but they don’t plant the seeds.
Are you proposing that people (you included?) take up arms against the U.S. government?
Conservatives are usually hostile to the Arts, and the 1st Amendment.
No. Straight working people who actually seek to improve the plight of mankind are opposed to the arts. No one has mentioned the First Amendment, except you. Your deep seated paranoia is evident…
Dracula was, however:
Said the pot to the kettle. Or as Lumi said to Orly, “Vehicolul meu pe pernă de aer e plin cu țipari!”
That would exclude you.
You are a hourly-wage earning man, masquerading as a woman.
Sometimes it’s amazing how little people from the Communist Bloc know about their homeland’s recent history:
In 1947, King Michael I was forced by the Communists to abdicate and leave the country, Romania was proclaimed a republic,[69][70] and remained under direct military and economic control of the USSR until the late 1950s. During this period, Romania’s resources were drained by the “SovRom” agreements: mixed Soviet-Romanian companies established to mask the looting of Romania by the Soviet Union.[71][72][73] Wikipedia
1947 — With Soviet troops on its territory, Romania enters the sphere of influence of the Soviet Union. The communists, who gradually took power, force King Michael to abdicate and proclaim Romania a People’s Republic.
1950s — After Stalin’s death, Romania begins to distance itself from Moscow.
Official Romanian Travel and Tourist website
For a few years after the abolition of the monarchy, Romania closely followed the line dictated from Moscow. This situation continued until the end of the 1950s.
Jewish Virtual Library
I could go on, but Lumi would just say history is a lie dreamed up by Obama. To better understand why Lumi could so easily forget Stalin’s influence in his country of origin, check out: “Forgetting Stalin and Ceausescu: Post-1989 Romania in Books and Films,” a public lecture by one of my favorite NPR commentators, Andrei Codrescu:
Wow, the birthers have been out in force the past few days. I’m thinking that it must have something to do with Friday’s full moon.
You left out the most damning, the “Percentages Agreement”.
The Electoral College count and Orly’s hearing in CA. And some of Doc’s recent articles have pushed their buttons.
With the holidays I got behind in my reading. It looks like Ava Gardner was Obama’s mom. Right? What else would the point of this comment be??? By birther logic, Obama was born in Kenya. He has a white mother. Ava Gardner is a white lady who flew to Kenya while pregnant. ERGO, Ava Gardner is Obama’s mother. I love birther education!
Yes, I know of so many independents who read and refer to The Daily Caller as a credible news source 😀
And oh look, she’s a fan of ButterDee to boot!
Yeah, I was going to include it, but, I don’t know, “gilding the lily” and all that.
That is ridiculous.
In September 1944, Romania switched sides from axis to allies. Soviet troops entered the country unopposed. At the Yalta conference, the allies had agreed that Romania would be 90% in the Soviet sphere.
Here, in your native tongue, is the document (like the birth certficate, it is not a forgery):
On February 24 1945, a demonstration in Bucharest led by Communist leader Ana Pauker turned violent. Stalin’s man in Romania was commissar Andrei Vyshinsky, known for blind obedience to his boss and his vitriolic diatribes against Stalin’s victims during the 1930’s purges. Vyshinsky met with twenty three year old King Michael and demanded the dismissal of anti-communist Prime minister Radescu. What followed is described by Michael Dobbs in his book Six Months in 1945:
“The Soviet Union would tolerate no further delay. Vyshinsky looked at his wristwatch. “You have just two hours and 5 minutes to make it known to the public that General Radescu has been dismissed, “ he told the king. “By eight o’clock you must inform the public of his successor”
When the Romanian Foreign minister objected that the king had to proceed in a constitutional manner, the Russian told him brusquely to shut up.”
The King capitulated. A communist dominated government was appointed that took its orders from the Kremlin. Michael (who is still alive) was later forced to abdicate and a People’s republic declared. FDR wrote to Churchill “ The Russians have undisputed control”
Someone should talk to those people who wrote the US Constitution.
U.S. Constitution – Article 1 Section 8
Article 1 – The Legislative Branch
Section 8 – Powers of Congress
The Congress shall have Power…
To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
Right. These two situations are obviously exactly the same.
1.) Wealthy Ava Gardner and her entourage flies from Kenya to a posh hospital in London to get an abortion while filming a movie in which she doesn’t appear pregnant.
2.) A pregnant teenager late in her last trimester flies literally half-way around the world by herself to a third-world country where she doesn’t know anyone, but where her husband’s other wife and infant son and his father (who was angry at his son for mixing his blood with a white woman) live in the middle of nowhere.
You forgot the rest of the story…
After arriving in Nairobi, Kenya, she travels 200 miles in wrong direction from the supposed family that she was there to see, to have the birth in Mombasa.
After that, she then speeds back home on something that would take easily 8 days of flying straight, somehow gets past U.S. Immigration officials from ever recording her entrance into the United States, and then somehow finds a time machine, to travel back into time so she could register the birth 4 days before she arrived…
And now, you know the rest of the story!
Ummm, no, actually they are not.
I’m a straight (as opposed to gay, I believe that means) working person (I deliver newspapers, it’s not a high paying job – I do it because I enjoy my working conditions, despite the fact that it’s a seven day a week job. It doesn’t earn me more than about $15,000 a year. I think that qualifies me for “Straight working people”, yes?) I am also a graphic artist as a hobby. I love art, and art is not for elitists, it’s for everyone. Apparently you don’t like art. Fine, stop trying to tell us that no REAL people like art.
I came here to post that Orly’s latest is a wonder to behold:
Apparently corruption is only committed by other people in Orlyworld. Orly can be as corrupt as she wants to be, and don’t you dare judge her as being corrupt.
How does a person pass the bar without understanding that they cannot approach people they’ve recently sued as defendants without counsel?
People lacking a soul are opposed to art. So it figures…
FYI, on the joys of research…
I don’t think NBCofUSA is clear on the meaning of ‘flatulent’. It’s a fine insult to be sure …. but ‘pasty and flatulent’? Usually another word beginning F-L-A goes with pasty.
“Embalmacare” … hadn’t seen that one yet. Maybe it will catch on.
Embalmacare was the Republican plan for the uninsured.
It was soundly rejected, over the objections of the casket-making industry.
not our usual topic of conspiracy, but….
we’re getting repetitions on the web again after sandy hook of the u.n arms treaty BS, and the proposed weapons ban list that was released nearly 4 years ago.
gun owners are really getting assraped by the dealers and ammo sellers at the moment. for some reason there seems to be an explosion of people who normally wouldn’t consider buying an assault rifle clone, but now seem compelled to do so.
funny, never thought about constructing circumstances so i’d have a reason to bitch about something.
but as we all know…….it’s all about disarming the american public and destroying the 2nd amendment!……….not!
Funny how the “UN taking our guns away” always seems to manifest at the same time as boxing week at the gun shop
I think you’ve discovered yet another conspiracy!
In another thread somewhere I made a comment about the current heat wave in Australia. I think Doc deleted it because I can’t find it now. It was grossly off topic and deserved to be deleted, so no problem, but someone, I forgot who, queried my statement that they thought the national average high temperature would be beaten. I now have more information.
The previous highest national average was 40.17C on December 21, 1972. The record was not broken a few days ago, though it was close, but it is expected that when they finish their sums later today that the record was broken yesterday, and may be broken again today. The average is calculated from over 700 data points all over Australia. From the Northern Territory to Tasmania, from Western Australia to Cape York.
The number is not the highest temperature ever recorded in Oz, it is the average of all those 700 data points from around the country. The record highest recorded temperature was 50.7 C (123.3 F) at Oodnadatta on 2 January 1960. Oodnadatta is likely to be the hottest place in Oz again today at around 46C. I was there last year, when it was comfortably cool (in the mid 30’s 😎 ). There ain’t no shade to speak of nowhere, nohow. I do not envy the locals in any way, and I grew up in the desert (Southern Arizona).
We are currently in the hottest streak in history, with the national average staying above 39C for 5 days, and that record is likely to stretch to at least 7 days.
Fires in Tasmania the last few days have destroyed over 100 homes and several schools and other public infrastructure. People are trapped on peninsulas and are being evacuated by a ‘Dunkirk’ style flotilla of volunteer fishing boats. The last number I heard was that over 100 people were unaccounted for, and authorities were fearful that many of those folks would be found in the rubble of their homes.
Most of Eastern New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory and some of Victoria has a fire rating of ‘Catastrophic’. We’ve had about 2 years of good rain after 8 years of bad drought. The fuel load is huge and has been scorched by the hot weather and solid dry northerly winds.
One example of an absolute disaster waiting to happen is in Mildura Victoria. A lot of grapes are grown there under irrigation, but they over planted, contracts collapsed, drought and water rights buybacks caused many growers to realize that their land was unviable and just walked away. Mildura is surrounded by thousands of hectares of abandoned grape vines (and other orchard crops, mostly citrus) that haven’t been watered in years, just waiting for something to turn them into an inferno.
It was me, Keith (the inquiring mind). Sorry to hear it. Much of the US is under a terrible drought as well. Enormous fires throughout the West last 2 years, and it’s another dry winter .. anticipating more of the same.
You’re absolutely right, drought, a respite, followed by renewed drought is just pouring gas on the fire.
Best wishes.
Elsewhere, Larry Klayman’s motion for rehearing in the Voetlz case has been rejected.
it was floated as “Newly Found Case Authority Filed In Florida Electoral Challenge:
Florida Court Has Jurisdiction To Rule On Obama’s Eligibility & Fraud”
Ah, here we go again. I love how the gun crazies rely on the same old tricks to make a point. Wow, only 323 murders by rifle, while clubs and hammers killed so many more!! You forgot to add the tired line about how Obama will probably want to ban hammers now (sorry, I just re-read your comment above; as it turns out, you DID parrot that idiotic refrain!! That would be hilarious if it weren’t so pathetic!).
But what you DON’T say can be as important as what you DO say. Why the obsession with rifles? Senator Feinstein is a common lightning rod for the gun crazies, and usually that oh-so-clever “hammers-v-rifles” statistic is followed by a mention of her proposal to “ban rifles.”
But here are the weapons that Senator Feinstein wants to ban: “semiautomatic rifles, handguns, shotguns that can accept a detachable magazine and have one or more military characteristics; and semiautomatic rifles and handguns with a fixed magazine that can accept more than 10 rounds.”
Now, for a more complete picture, why limit the stastistics to just rifles? Take those FBI murder statistics for 2011, for example: if you add up murders for ALL types of firearms, and compare that to ALL OTHER types of murder (hammers/clubs, fists, knives, poison, arson – sorry, as much as you may disagree, abortion is not murder), the firearm murders make up MORE THAN DOUBLE all the others combined.
And, as far as I know, no little kid has ever blown his head off with dad’s hammer. And the only BS I’ve seen on this site today came from you.
Wow those are some interesting drugs you must be on. Larry Sinclair failed several lie detector tests he asked for. Sinclair couldn’t even provide any proof he was in the same area as Obama when he claimed. He couldn’t provide any receipts, bills etc. So you believe a convicted criminal conmen Larry Sinclair over truth and reason. Only cowards call for armed revolution when they lose instead of going out and doing something about it.
Deep seated paranoia? Have you tried looking in the mirror?
Politico has this to say about Mr. Sinclair: “His story has generally been ignored by the mainstream media, because he’s been unable to substantiate his allegations.”
See, that’s why birthers and election conspiracists hate the mainstream media: it’s their goll-derned obsession with that whole substantiation of allegations thing. No room for that in Birferstan!
I blame Stephen Colbert for turning them on to their favorite drug: “truthiness.”
This disingenuousness comes right from the top, straight out of the home office. See this performance by NRA President David Keene on Face the Nation. He repeatedly compares ‘long guns’ to blunt weapons. Always ‘long guns’. Never just ‘guns’. Gun deaths are far and away the purview of handguns. Schieffer never called him on it, either missed it (I doubt it, Schieffer is pretty sharp!), or was ignoring it in an effort to keep on track.
I keep wondering how many of the ‘blunt objects’ were rifle butts.
Ted Cruz draws presidential buzz, but is he eligible?
Courts have shown no interest in broaching the issue, leaving it to be debated in the political sphere.
“It’s a pretty significant step for the courts to say, ‘Hey America, you want this person to be president, we’re going to stop that,’” Roosevelt said.
In his primary campaign for Senate last year, Republican Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst mentioned Cruz’s birthplace in a Web ad. Democrat Paul Sadler, Cruz’s general election opponent, was more explicit.
“Rafael Cruz — ‘Ted’, that’s what he goes by, his real name is Rafael — was born in Canada, educated at Harvard,” Sadler told local Dallas affiliate WFAA.
Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law professor at Harvard Law School and an adviser to Obama, said Cruz would be smart to prepare a more thorough explanation to put the issue to rest, much like the brief he prepared with Ted Olson that affirmed McCain’s eligibility.
“I’d need to know more, but it certainly doesn’t sound like a sufficient explanation,” Tribe said. “The status of [McCain’s] parents as members of the U.S. military stationed in the Canal Zone at the time was deemed sufficient.”
And for those still not convinced by legal briefings, constitutional scholars or bipartisan congressional resolutions, Roosevelt had another suggestion.
“Anyone who thinks he’s constitutionally ineligible,” he said, “can simply not vote for him.”
Read more:
Exactly! That is the best answer, whether we speak of Cruz, Obama, Jindal, Rubio, ayone else.
To which David “Lost to an empty chair” Farrar replies,”Mob rule”. But why is letting some select group of judges or some other self-professed elite, rather than the people, decide who the leader of the country better? Where is the empirical evidence that judges do better than the voters at picking Presidents?
the trolls are atwitter: Left-Wing Politico Goes Birther on Sen. Ted Cruz
Hello my dear Obotopians!
Please see my latest report:
“01.07.2013: Alex Jones annihilates the equivocating Piers Morgan!”
Please exercise your free speech in the comments section below. There are no stipulations of political correctness on this blog. Speak your mind, give us your thoughts, both objective and subjective. Share your ideas, hunches, inklings or your expertise. Please provide recommendation and corrections if you spot errors in fact within the blog report. Lastly, remember that posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so!
Precisely what conservatives in the Founders’ day called democracy. The frustration of ‘mob rule’—as practiced in that barn full of rabble, the House—is one of the primary purposes for the Senate!
I hardly call Alex Jones’ talking over and continued ranting an annihilation of Piers Morgan. Piers being a tabloid journalist came off as cool and rational while Alex Jones went from obnoxious to mocking and childlike.
Lucas Smith belongs in moderation. The only reason he posts here is to pimp his blog.
In the end, I would sooner trust 50% + 1 of the people than such august bodies as the Supreme Court and Congress. It’s worth noting that 225 years ago, there were perhaps 4 colleges in the US worthy of the name (Harvard, Yale, Princeton and William and Mary) and they were tiny. Today’s “rabble” is far more educated and knowledgable about the world than the “rabble” in those days.
In fact, we had evidence in 2000 that the exact opposite is true.
Hear. hear.
White House Petition To Try Dianne Feinstein For Treason Crosses Threshold For Response
A petition submitted to the White House’s “We the People” website calling for Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) to be tried in a federal court for treason has reached the requisite 25,000 signatures for an administration response.
The petition, which claims that Feinstein’s recent push for a renewed assault weapons ban makes her guilty of “treason to the Constitution,” has received attention in right-wing blog circles. It has been pushed on InfoWars, a site run by prominent conspiracy-theorist Alex Jones, who recently drew attention for firing off an explosive rant on CNN host Piers Morgan’s program on Monday night. Jones himself had helped coordinate a highly successful White House petition to deport Morgan over his outspoken support for gun control measures, which earned a preliminary response from the administration on Monday.
From the petition against Feinstein:
Not that it seems to do him much good. He likes his tag line that a comment is a vote. At a glance, he doesn’t get many votes. Because following his premise, not commenting also is a vote. He seems to get a lot of those.
Well, the open thread is the open thread.
You make the rules, and obviously I am fine with that. My point is that Lucas no longer engages in any discussions here. All he wants is to drive traffic to his own blog.
Which is no different than spam.
As I have theorized before, the birther movement is but a delusional trojan horse used by other less gullible entities to preserve “white power” (as they see it) in the US.
Here is another less stealthy example:
So what. The WH will probably respond it does not fit the definition of “treason”.
Besides, which Congress member ever was tried for treason because he supported, or voted for, legislation that was later declared unconstitutional? If that were commonplace, politicians would hardly pass any law out of fear of legal consequences.
As seen with the birthers, some of the far right dislikes the definition of treason as found in the Constitution. They prefer the simpler version of “anybody who supports policies or politicians I don’t like.”
Which ties in with anyone favouring a Constitutional amendment being called “unconstitutional” (something you see in my country as well). Which obviously included the Founders as they’re the ones who created the amendment process in the first place.
(Interestingly, the German Constitution contains a provision that basically states you cannot amend the Constitution in a way that would explicitly or effectively abolish its first and most important articles, such as the democratic nature of the state, whereas the US Constitution allows to change *every* provision into its opposite.)
In the Linda Jordan birther lawsuit in Washington, the state AG has asked for $12K in attorney’s fees.
The birthers are shocked and angered.
(h/t ORYR)
Washington Establishment “Circling the Wagons” May Cost Elector More Than $12k in Sanctions
Hundreds of non-Establishment types aka American citizens have filed Memorandums of Complaint, lawsuits or ballot challenges seeking the courts remedy only to be dismissed on lack of “standing” but none have faced MORE THAN $12,000 in sanctions. None, that is, until an elector in Washington State, named Linda Jordan, dared to file a ballot challenge in August 2012 clearly enunciating the unequivocal fact that the fraudulent long-form birth certificate, sitting on the White House web server, cannot be used as evidence that Mr. Obama meets “any” of the three Article II qualifications in order to be a presidential candidate. The case was dismissed by a department of the Washington State Supreme Court on December 4th as “Frivolous” and sanctions were awarded. The Attorney General is asking for over $12,000 and the Commissioner of the Court was due to make the final determination on January 3rd. So far no word.
Jordan filed an extremely well researched and articulated Complaint accompanied by a Motion to Show Cause and an Affidavit with Exhibits. In it she detailed not only her own observations about the number of odd anomalies found in Mr. Obama’s purported long-form birth certificate, posted on the White House website after being hand delivered by Mr. Obama’s private attorney, but includes Sheriff Arpaio and the Maricopa Counties Cold Case Posse’s findings which have stated clearly, for the record, that the image of the long-form birth certificate is a forgery and a poor one at that! This crude forgery is and has been sitting in broad daylight for any and all to see since April 27, 2011. Anyone with the most basic computer skills, can clearly see the plethora of oddities, anomalies and irregularities, and permit me to remind you that the only people saying this certificate is the real deal are the same “enablers” “followers or “useful idiots” hired by the political Washington Establishment to obfuscate, lie, cheat and ridicule any who dare to question or challenge.
Order dismissing the original case.
The Obama Release Your Records report is highly misleading. Jordan is not being sanctioned for bringing a frivolous lawsuit; she is being sanctioned for bringing a frivolous appeal of the dismissal. The Secretary of State advised Jordan that sanctions might be sought and offered her the opportunity to withdraw the appeal. Jordan did not, and sanctions were requested.
you will never run out of conspiracies to debunk
this one by corsi connecting brennan & Key witness murdered & including obama’s pakistan visit
Did CIA pick sanitize Obama’s passport records?
Employee breached files when eligibility issue during 2008 campaign
The article speculates that Obama used an Indonesian passport to go to Pakistan. But records on Indonesian passports are not kept by the US State Department at all. Rather, they are kept by the appropriate agency of the Indonesian government, So, if someone wanted to know whether Obama ever held an Indonesian passport they would have to break in to Jakarta not Washington. Note that nowhere on the US passport appilcation does it ask whether you have or are eligble for the passport of another country. Nor is it illegal for a US citizen to travel on another passport.
Donald Trump wants Bill Maher to pay up. His lawyer sends copy of his birth certificate to prove Trump isn’t the ““spawn of his mother having sex with orangutan.”
I think I see layers.
hmmm that’s not the same one trump previously released when he said a COLB couldn’t be used to obtain a passport or driver’s license
“A ‘birth certificate’ and a ‘certificate of live birth’ are in no way the same thing, even though in some cases they use some of the same words,” Thuy Colayco, from Trump’s staff, wrote to ABC News. “One officially confirms and records a newborn child’s identity and details of his or her birth, while the other only confirms that someone reported the birth of a child. Also, a ‘certificate of live birth’ is very easy to get because the standards are much lower, while a ‘birth certificate’ is only gotten through a long and detailed process wherein identity must be proved beyond any doubt.”
Colayco went on to explain that a certificate of live birth would not be accepted to obtain a passport or a driver’s license, whereas a birth certificate could.
he first released something from jamaica hospital:
and then his “long form”
“Notice that is contains the vital stastics, parents information, and required on the ‘standard Birth Certificate’.”
are either PROOF that Trump isn’t the “spawn of his mother having sex with orangutan” ?
i think that would require DNA testing
personally, i think trump resembles a red butt baboon
bwahahahahahaha………. i so wish someone would call him out on this point.
Teh FogBow has a copy of Trump’s REAL BC, showing that he WAS, in fact, fathered by an Orang:
And now comes a most reprehensible group of conspiracy theorists: Sandy Hook Truthers, i.e., those who believe the mass shooting in Newtown was a hoax. And yes, President Obama is in on it.
This is a very old, tired meme … paranoid gun nuts and sovcits declaring that the gov’t sets up mass shootings as false flag ops in order to garner support for gun control. Bill Cooper was making the same claims back in the 80s …. alleging the gov’t was doping patsies …. with Prozac.
I take a lot of this conspiracy crap as good fun. This ain’t it.
Here’s something that gives interesting insight into birther thinking. ORYR has a post about how Chief Justice Roberts should be impeached if he swears in Obama.
Birther thinking #1: Congress, which shows no interest in impeaching Obama, might be willing to impeach Roberts for swearing him in.
Then there’s a comment by jh4freedom which lays out the process for impeachment (accurately) and ends with:
Birther thinking #2: impeaching a conservative justice, whose replacement would be appointed by Obama, would be supported much more by Republicans than Democrats.
OMG! Trump took the bait! The folks at Fogbow are going to have an absolute field day with this one.
I was just reading the same crap at Fellowship of the Minds. They saw some claim that photos of grieving parents were in fact “crisis actors” paid by the administration, and they bought it. I pointed out that the “actors” had been, in fact, identified as parents of students at Sandy Hook, and that this rumor was started by the same people who claim Adolph Hitler and Walt Disney were the same person (an early crisis actor, I guess?).
“Where is the surveilance tape,” they cry. “Where is the mysterious ‘other gunman’?” they demand. I asked them if there is anything at all in this ever-lovin’ world that they DON’T think is a massive conspiracy, but that one didn’t get posted. To paraphrase something of which these folks are fond of reminding us: you can’t fix gullible.
Well, you know, he’s FAILED Chief Justice Roberts, because Obamacare, so he’s been spoiled goods for awhile now. The next logical step is currently invisible, somewhere beyond the red mist of rage.
I for one am excited about their perfectly sane Twin Grand Starts to 2013: Speaker Palin and Chief Justice Clinton. Too bad the first hope is already dashed, but keep plugging away on the other one, guys!
A U.S. Passport applicant is asked if they have ever been issued a U.S.Passport Book or Card. If so, the applicant is asked several questions about the current status of the old U.S. Passport Book or card and to identify the number and name printed on the old U.S. Passport Book or Card.
And the most incriminating evidence, besides not holding a U.S. Passport prior to 1993, is the document submitted to verify eligibility for the issuance of a U.S. Passport, i.e. Certificate of Naturalization.
Of course Brennan had to cauterized Obama’s passport records. It proves he’s ineligible to be President.
See, I told them you weren’t banned.
Wow. Look at what the cat dragged in. What’s next? Naturalized Citizen aka NC1?
But like all birther delusions, that’s just entirely asinine.
And where is there anything in that paragraph or anything else in your comment about Indonesian passports?
taitz is all aflutter:
Breaking news! Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts schedules a case by Attorney Taitz regarding Obama’s forged IDs to be heard in conference before the full Supreme Court
the actual scheduling:
Jan 9 2013 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of February 15, 2013.
Jan 9 2013 Application (12A606) referred to the Court.
Please, keep in mind, Richard Nixon was reelected and sworn in, but later was forced to resign as a result of Watergate. over 30 high ranking officials of Nixon administration including Attorney General of the United States and White HouseCcounsel were indicted, convicted and went to prison. ObamaForgery gate is a hundred times bigger then Watergate. More corrupt high ranking officials, US Attorneys, AGs and judges were complicit, committed high treason by allowing a citizen of Indonesia and possibly still a citizen of Kenya Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barack (Barry) Soebarkah, aka Barack (Barry) Soetoro to usurp the U.S. Presidency by use of forged IDs and a stolen Social security number
i will add
February 15, 2013 Application denied
roberts is no fool as he is scheduling this after he administers the (2) oaths of office to obama
So after over four years, she still has no idea what this means, and what has happened to every other birther case that made it this far.
FWIW, it was Kennedy, not Roberts:
Nope, I’m wrong. Denined by Kennedy, refiled by Roberts.
she’s trying to “splain” it to her flock:
“they will decide whether it warrants oral argument and further briefing
this is better than Roberts denying the case”
yeah it’s better for ………… roberts
when it’s denied, we won’t know who the culprits were
true re roberts
A hundred times bigger than Watergate! A mountain of evidence! More herp! More derp!
It’s gonna be one frothingly big weekend of antici…
…pation in birferland, that’s for sure.
And then, as it inevitably always does, comes Monday.
I doubt that Roberts is concerned about providing himself cover, though I expect that to become the new birther meme.
In my heart, I harbor hope that they have decided it’s time to slap the whole birther nonsense – all versions – down once and for all.
Are you saying Obama didn’t have a US Passport prior to 1993? If so…………….how do you know that? Proof? Source?
In the comments, she seems uncharacteristically guarded about her chances:
Nuh-uh! It’s a million times bigger than Watergate!
I wish I had a nickel for every time a winger declared anything to be a hundred time bigger than Watergate. 40 years later, they’re still trying to pass that buck!
Where do I sign up? Impeach da bastid. 😆
Orly still hasn’t figured out that when an application for a stay is denied and then re-filed with another Justice, it is SOP to refer it to the full court unless the second Justice decides to grant the stay. By my count this is the fourth time she has gone down this road with SCOTUS, and we all know how the other three turned out (she also had a petition denied in Farrar v. Obama, but she never re-filed that one).
In OrlyWorld a routine action by SCOTUS becomes an OMG moment.
Sven doesn’t need no steenkin’ proof. He has been spouting similar nonsense for the past four years.
Ah…..kinda like that comet that passes nearby every 100 years or so. I must have missed his earlier transits of this universe.
He used to be a regular here, and known for using multiple sock puppets. His specialty was making outrageous assertions about non-existent adoptions, Obama being a refugee from Indonesia, etc., all without a shred of evidence.
Sven has the unique gift of being able to “know” what is in documents he has never seen and which do not even exist.
and says any documents that would help his wild claims if they existed have been `cleansed’, which is why he has no proof.
couldn’t be they never existed in the first place, eh sven?
A lot of them are still desperate to “get even”. Which probably was one of the reasons behind the McCarthyan persecution of Clinton and may be the prime motive of some birthers (the non-racist kind) today.
Yeah, the old “absence of evidence is evidence of absence” meme.
typical exchange with sven:
Left this comment over at Orly’s about The Donald’s latest birth certificate:
* Only a “certification”, not a birth certificate.
* Not a long form.
* They had dot matrix printers in 1946???
* Says “VOID” all over it.
* “Date filed”, but no “date accepted”. Therefore never accepted, therefore invalid.
* “Issued” in 2012?? Or 1912??? So either 66 years after his birth or 34 years before it, who is he kidding??
* No seal.
* What do the three asterisks after his name mean? Is this an abstract of some kind of amended BC, e.g. reflecting a name change?
* Doesn’t even state where he was born. Only remotely relevant info is “Borough: Queens”, but it doesn’t say that he was born there (could be where his birth was registered).
* We need to see the original microfilm to determine if the “certificate” number is in sequence.
* Does not properly identify his parents. If the Donald ran for President, how would he prove his parents were citizens when he was born? He could just dig up any citizen named “Fred C. Trump” and claim that was his father. Where are the parents’ birth dates, birth places and residence?
Oh god is this bad.
I wonder if birthers will apply the same scrutiny to the Donald’s BC as they did to Obama’s. I fully expect them to ignore it, or go “he’s not running for President” or whatnot…
On this, I suspect she does know and is using it to push her own cause and PR, much like Kreep and Irion before her.
She’s been crying wolf (or, in her case, “I’ve won!”) in just about every case now.
It’s birther propaganda 101, prepping their followers for another round of “they really wanted to agree with me, but Obama got to them”.
Hi R/C. There’s a blog I regularly monitor (described here previously as a “conspiracist hellhole” with which I would have to agree), that has posted video from a Ben Swann/ Fox 19 anchor (Cincinnati) who runs a segment called Reality Check. Apparently Mr. Swann got them all hot and bothered about Benghazi. You don’t seem to be a frothing conspiracist, so is it safe to assume you are not that same person?
OK, now that I’ve typed that, I feel stupid. Oh what the hell, I’ll hit “submit” anyway… 🙂
Trump Threatens To Sue Bill Maher Over Birth Certificate Offer (VIDEO)
Real estate mogul and America’s best-known birther Donald Trump on Wednesday threatened to sue Bill Maher if the liberal political satirist doesn’t make good on a nationally televised offer.
Appearing on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” on Monday, Maher jokingly pledged to donate $5 million to a charity of Trump’s choice if the reality television star could proivde a birth certificate to prove he isn’t the “spawn of his mother having sex with an orangutan.” Trump said he’s provided the documentation, and he expects Maher to pay up.
“The other night on Jay Leno’s show, he made an absolute offer, I made an absolute acceptance, I sent him documentation and he owes me $5 million, which I am going to give to charity,” Trump told “Extra.” “Let’s see what happens, and if he doesn’t pay the money we’ll probably sue him.”
wouldn’t trump have to undergo DNA testing to PROVE he isn’t the “spawn of his mother having sex with an orangutan.”
Not true. Here is his passport:
all maher has to say is it isn’t to his satisfaction, just like tribble-head was going to.
sauce for the goose and all that…….
If it ever comes to court, Maher will simply say it was an obvious joke poking fun at Trump’s birferism.
If the offer was an obvious jest, it was not a legal offer. No one really believes Trump is 50% monkey and, very important this one, a birth certificate can never establish paternity anyway. Of course paternity can be proven by DNA tests, and Trump does not even need his parents’ DNA to prove he is 100% human (perhaps with a sprinkle of Neanderthal, like most dumb blondes). But there is the rub: Maher specifically asked for a birth certificate.
There is no real contract between the two parties either, so Trump cannot accuse Maher
of fraud.
All of this is old hat. Google Leonard versus Pepsico.
Oh, there are many people that the wingnuts would like to frog-march into the dungeon, not just Senator Feinstein. I don’t know what drugs these characters are on, but they are now claiming that, not only did Obama orchestrate the mass murder of little children in CT (“false flag operation”), but the United Way was in on it, too. And if you think the death of a gun manufacturer in a one-car ‘accident’ was just a coincidence, they’ll tell you that YOU’RE the crazy one.
The United Way angle is a result of one o’ these geniuses doing a Google search and finding origin dates for condolence Web pages that pre-date the Newtown tragedy (U.W. wasn’t the only culprit, of course). Never mind that Google searches are known to yield inaccurate dates for when Web pages first appear. No, no, no, they alone are the keepers of the Constitutional flame and we are all the gullible idiots.
If birthers and conspiracists would edumicate themselves a little about modern technology – like, say, the difference between a scanned document and one created with word processing software, how Google searches work, and oh I don’t know HOW TO QUOTE PREVIOUS COMMENTS WITHOUT BREAKING THEIR ‘H’ KEYS – we could probably avoid a lot of headaches associated with reading their high-octane bullsh–.
I went to Lowe’s last night, looking for fasteners (I am building an entertainment center).
They were out of wingnuts. Plenty of bolts, and screws to put them on, but no wingnuts.
Somebody bought up all the wingnuts!
True story.
If you do a google search for “Sandy Hook United Way” using the search tools and asking only for pages published between December 5th and December 6th 2009 (no kidding) you will see that the texts are there already.
Look at the following page which Google finds:
You will notice that there is a date that page, but that it also has dynamic text, ads which are targeting specific people. In my case, they advertised typically Belgian things. One of them a credit card that did not exist before 2011. (In case some nutter would think it was planned in 2009).
Many of the other pages that google finds are .php files, rather than .html. Dynamic content, where google finds the text of the search in part of the page that has been changed but then either finds a date in the main part of the page or the name of the php file has the same as one that was accessed in December 2009.
I noticed that the shorter the period you specify, the bigger the chance that you will get only “wrong” date pages. Because lots of people are now searching for that bit of text at a date before the massacre, the Google databases may be full of cached versions, Cal it google-bombed?
speaking of edumicating themselves, birther kerchner speaks or rather regurgitates the “brennan” story