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- Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free
- Is Barack Obama's Birth Certificate a Fraud?
- One Electorate Under God?: A Dialogue on Religion and American Politics (Pew Forum Dialogues on Religion & Public Life)
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- The Development of American Citizenship, 1608-1870
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- The Paranoid Style in American Politics
- The Scapegoat
- The United States of Paranoia: A Conspiracy Theory
- Them: Adventures with Extremists
Quick Reference
- Birther aggregator
- Congressional Research Service report on presidential eligibility
- Donald, You're FIred! – FactCheck.org
- Hawaii Department of Health Obama FAQ
- Hawaii verification of birth certificate
- Jack Ryan document collection on Scribd
- Made in the U.S.A. – FactCheck.org
- Nordyke twins birth certificate
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Gurhrie Photo
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Press
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – White House
- Obama Certification of Live Birth
- Obama presidential library
- Obama White House archive site
- Politifact Birth Certificate articles
- Recent court rulings on presidential eligibility
- The debunker's guide to Obama conspiracy theories
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My Other Blogs
Did you do that Doc? If you did, bravo!
I cannot tell a lie. I did it with my little paint program.
Doc, you make this comic artist feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Couldnt you have worked some pancakes in?
Whats neat about this, is her crazy follows you across the room!
OMG, it really does!
Oooo, she’s gonna haz a big ol’ madz at you, Doc! BRAVO!
Gonna get sued.
Ugh. Taitz’s external appearance is inextricably linked to her putrid heart, fetid soul, diseased mind, and evil aura. I recoil in disgust every time I see a photo of her.
Needs to read:
“What, me Orly?”
happy holidays asshole.
rikker has reported much more hair than we see in this wig …
For what?
Parody is protected by the First Amendment.
Why should she be upset? I spoofed myself:
Anyway, I have insurance.
Looking SHARP!
Look what I did to Orly: http://spreadingtaitz.tumblr.com/
Let’s get the meme started.
Orly: Please sue me. I need the publicity.
Awww, I didn’t get you anything!
It would indeed be a fitting tribute from the original “Usual Gang of Idiots.”
From your pathetic blog: “she is a moldavian jew who came to America for a better life.”
She is a standard issue miserable refusenik, just like Lieberman the former bouncer. Instead of making a better life, she has spiraled down to insanity. When my grandfather came here from Russia, he did not make a vendetta his life’s work.
She is a shonde, and has given us and Israel a black eye.
“perhaps it’s time for me to write a book” – I doubt it. You can barely write a coherent paragraph.
I hope Orly sues me: http://spreadingtaitz.tumblr.com/
I need the publicity.
So are you all set for the banking collapse of 2012? Got your magic free electricity generator going? How about your own personal supermarket with those essential items you won’t be able to get after the apocalypse yesterday?
Maybe you should ask the doctor for a prescription for internet dyspepsia.
Quoting from scott’s article:
Well, as you pointed out in your article, there are some hateful things said on this web site, said on both sides of the Obama eligibility issue. The discussion is really quite polarized. The Birthers lash out because they lose all their court cases, Obama got re-elected, and no one who matters takes them seriously. The anti-birthers lash out because the birthers keep telling the same lies over and over and refuse to shut up when refuted. They also see the birthers as attacking sacred American institutions such as the rule of law.
I say to everyone though, no one every won an argument by using nastier rhetoric than their opponent.
It’s a pickle.
Anyhow thanks for reprinting my Mad Magazine fantasy cover.
GLEE! Orly’s next scheduled case is Jan 3. My birthday! Her getting her ass handed to her in court yet again, will make for a fine present. Yeah, I could got for that!
What’s the “e” for? Eediot?
P.S. Doc, I can appreciate it if you don’t feel we should stoop to their level, but I feel I’d still need a high-quality backhoe to dig down far enough to get to their level.
Wow… you really do have a sad, obsessive sense of butt-hurt, don’t you?
Can’t hack being made fun of for being an obstinate and clueless idiot in denial? Well guess what…all you have to do is stop being one and stop clinging to your silly delusions.
People make fun of you clowns because that’s what you are. Simple as that. We only react to your crowd’s idiotic behavior and statements, because you make them in the first place.
There’s nothing we actually have to do and contrary to your delusional paranoid fantasies, there is no “cover up” that we are participating and supporting, whatsoever at all. Whether we are here poking fun of and monitoring you losers on an internet blog is inconsequential. The real world goes on regardless. Every day, Obama continues to serve as President and every time you fools waste courts time or politician’s time, your frivolity is appropriately (and very predictably) smacked down all on its own. Nothing is going to change in that equation, no matter how big of a tantrum you throw…
Scottie dear probably has latent sovereign citizen fantasies, they all go down that majicul wording and name construction rabbit hole.
Curiously enough, just like the rest of the delusional feckwits it avails them naught.
I’d like to personally thank Scott for his post; without it, I wouldn’t have been aware of Frank Arduini’s new Zullo analysis. Excellent work; a fitting sequel to his teardown of Mara Zebest’s paper.
e’s petulant whine about Arduini pointing back to this site is, well, petulant. I suppose it would be more than that if there were anything but ringing silence from the CCCP about the coding book, but that isn’t the case, is it? Kind of funny, because it was a really big deal at the time, IIRC. Found this stuff, and Zullo just had to call a press conference! It couldn’t wait!
(I just noticed: Zullo is “O, lulz” backwards, mostly. Coincidence?)
For those of you who do not know him scott e is the coward who had a chance to debate Frank Arduini on birther issues on RC Radio and chickened out at the last minute.
In his article at Before It’s News scott took Andrew Vrba, PmG’s comment out of context. That comment was made in response to the disgusting article written by Taitz after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings and Orly’s attempts to blame the shootings on President Obama. scott e now dishonestly tries to make it appear the comment was made on the spoof “Woman of the Year” article.
Then of course there is scott e’s blog, washingtonamerica.com, that looks like the worst Geocities website ever created in the 90’s.
I didn’t take Scott’s smear of me seriously, because the man can’t be bothered to do the little things, like make sure words like “i” are capitalized!
not only that,
cashill’s back!
Buck…buck…buck…b’kAWWK! -Scott E.
So it would appear that Scott is a …dumb cluck.
Ah, I’d forgotten about that incident. That explains much.
You should change the example for the third meaning (This brief is …) into the Vatellite plural (These briefs are …)
Wow, I could have wrote those exact words.
Nicely done.
don’t you mean attention ?
i don’t think you’ll get much a rise out of orly, she doesn’t have your mean spiirt, that’s reserved for obot talk.
still upset ? even epi told me his real name, no, i guess he didn’t. if you guys were so sure, about your messiah, you wouldn’t have to be so nasty. wannabee rock stars. so sad, but funny too.
i wondered about that speech, i think ayers is working on an updated version of obama’s book. he could be the secretary of keeping obama’s story straight, he could run the new department of fiction. they’re running out of places where obama was born and raised.
my dad used to use that expression, it’s pretty funny. but isn’t fogbow’s mascot a rooster ?? heh.
Boo-hoo, cry some more. Sorry, no apologies to seditionist fake-patriots like yourself.
Oh, and bad news – no one cares about your little blog.
Someone so good with a paint program should actually take a close look at the BC.
Maybe you could give the artist some pointers.
He has taken a close look and reported on those silly issues – many, many times. And no real problems have been found with it. Check out the site archives and educate yourself.
Ignorance and foolishness is a poor way for you to be spending your holidays.
After careful inspection of the birth certificate, it looks like a birth certificate.
the “woman of the year” has a NEW conspiracy …… the selection of Brian Schatz
La Cosa Nostra rules or Chicago pay to play politics overpowering HI and Dc (“casa”, DIMWIT)
“in relation to Schatz, he committed treason by becoming criminally complicit and signing a falsified OCON, falsified certificate of nomination of Obama, where the usual language “eligible according to Constitution” was removed and eligible according to regulations od the Democratic party was inserted.”
“Schatz was rewarded handsomely for his criminal complicity.”
it ends with:
Incidenly, I received an e-mail from Montgomery Blair Sibley, which states: “it is impressive that you got them worried enough that they are throwing the kitchen sink at you with the “speech and debate” clause and “political question” issues”
I feel the same way.
apparently obama doesn’t have a phone as the ditz asked: what is Obama doing in DC, when he has no one to talk to there.
In my limited experience, attorneys always throw in the kitchen sink.
If they have one (or more) to throw, absolutely! Can’t leave anything up to chance. That’s why frivolous crap is taken as seriously as it is.
They are impressed that the defense is desperate enough to to throw that Constitution thing at them.