Monthly Archives: January 2013

Survey: where do the birthers come from?

Early on in the birther movement, the Daily KOS did a survey that included demographic questions. We learned that those doubting Obama’s US birth came from all over, but their percentages were markedly higher in the South. Obama Conspiracy Theories … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers, Polls | Tagged | 136 Comments

Orly cries “wolf”

Orly Taitz has a penchant for interpreting judicial events as meaning her litigation targets are in default. She did it in Mississippi with Michael Astrue [link to Taitz web site] and she did it Indiana against the Secretary of State … Continue reading

Posted in Orly Taitz | Tagged , , , , , | 56 Comments

Massively inflated numbers on Taitz petition

Orly Taitz reports crazy numbers of signers for her petition, the most recent number I’ve seen from her is 20,000. That’s just wrong. The first problem is duplicate signers. Look at these screen shots: Those are just recent duplicate signers … Continue reading

Posted in Orly Taitz | Tagged , | 79 Comments

New (old) attack on Obama’s Selective Service registration

The signer of Orly’s latest affidavit sounds a little more expert than the usual Birther volunteer document examiner, 20 years as a special agent with Homeland Security  and 20 years as an investigator with the Coast Guard. For some reason, … Continue reading

Posted in Debunking, Featured Articles, Old News, Orly Taitz, Selective Service, Zombies | Tagged | 41 Comments

Bogus Emails: Birther virus?

I just got this email from Gerry Nance to the Obama Conspiracy Theories email address. You might remember Nance as an early participant in the Birther Movement. I featured him in an article about a year ago. Any time a … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | Tagged | 14 Comments

Service: a birther game of battleships

If you are not familiar with the pencil or board game of battleships, take a moment to check out the Wikipedia article. Battleships is a guessing game where one side knows where the battleships are, and the other takes blind … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits, Orly Taitz | Tagged , , , , | 19 Comments