Jimbot rides again

Do you remember that crazy article at WorldNetDaily by Jerome Corsi about a 100-member White House Obot army under the direction of former Fannie Mae director James Johnson, AKA JimBot.  Fogbow Foggy posted a couple of comments online that Corsi swallowed hook, line and sinker. That article was so loony that I thought WND would scrub it, but in that I was mistaken.

Among Obot circles, this nonsense has been the source of considerable fun and jokes at Corsi’s expense. It is wrong for two essential reasons: the online commenter JimBot is not the former Fannie Mae director, and there is no Obot army run out of the White House. The idea is so implausible that even my attempt at fiction about Obama-Campaign-directed Obots fell flat.

We had our laugh over how Corsi was punked a year ago, and I thought that peculiar pimple on the birther movement had dried up. Not so. Birther scanner guru Douglas Vogt revived it again today on the Orly Taitz blog [link to Taitz web site] saying of me:

It looks like you had lied to all of us by not honestly telling your audience that you were paid by the administration, most likely through Jim Johnson, to defend Obama no matter what falsehood the Obots would resort to.

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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24 Responses to Jimbot rides again

  1. Sef says:

    If there is no Obot Army run out of the WH what are all these coded emails I keep getting from David Axelrod, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Dick & Loretta Durbin, Donna Brazile, Joe Biden, Julianna Smoot, Nancy Pelosi, & the Boss Himself? I misplaced the key to the steganography, so I am using brute force decoding on my TRS-80. Any day now.

  2. US Citizen says:

    Just the thought that 100 obots on a blog could make any difference to a presidential election is rather funny.
    Orly must believe the world is a lot smaller than it really is.

  3. I think Orly believes the birther movement is a lot bigger than it really is.

    US Citizen: Orly must believe the world is a lot smaller than it really is.

  4. Sef: If there is no Obot Army run out of the WH what are all these coded emails I keep getting from David Axelrod, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Dick & Loretta Durbin, Donna Brazile, Joe Biden, Julianna Smoot, Nancy Pelosi, & the Boss Himself?

    Thanks for spilling the beans – not.

  5. ASK Esq says:

    Let’s face it, we wouldn’t need 100 obots on blogs to make more sensible statements than the birthers. Heck, we wouldn’t need the infinite monkeys on typewriters. We’d need three, maybe four lemurs and a speak-n-spell.

  6. Orlyfan says:

    Is Orly’s site down? Can’t seem to get in.

  7. Yeah. Who knows what conspiracies her commenters are imagining right now.

    Orlyfan: Is Orly’s site down? Can’t seem to get in.

  8. Paul says:

    Is Orly’s site down? Can’t seem to get in.

    Mea culpa. I tried to post something logical. The whole site went postal. Mea culpa. Mea very, very culpa. And mea sorry.

  9. ASK Esq:
    Let’s face it, we wouldn’t need 100 obots on blogs to make more sensible statements than the birthers. Heck, we wouldn’t need the infinite monkeys on typewriters. We’d need three, maybe four lemurs and a speak-n-spell.

    Here, have an internet. You deserve it.

  10. aesthetocyst says:

    ASK Esq: a speak-n-spell.

    I can supply a mint condition 1980 model, perfect working condition. Perfect for phoning home … or anywhere else. Heh.

    Orlyfan: Is Orly’s site down? Can’t seem to get in.

    That is an absolute travesty, because Vogt’s comment is an instant classic. The Jim Johnson bit was just the beginning! A must have for the Obot Archives. Not cached in my history … no cache of the page at Google either. Dang it. Just have to wait. How 20th century.

  11. realist says:

    Doc posted… “We had our laugh over how Corsi was punked a year ago, and I thought that peculiar pimple on the birther movement had dried up.”

    No birther meme ever dries up. They just confirm things among themselves and it lives forever, recycled on occasion. If they say it, it’s “irrefutable proof”.

  12. Butterfly Bilderberg says:

    Does this mean there is a photo somewhere of Doug Vogt sitting around in his boxers with Ed Hale?

  13. scott e. says:

    gee kevin, it looks as if you almost have enough here for a book. anything planned ??

  14. No.

    scott e.:
    gee kevin, it looks as if you almost have enough here for a book. anything planned ??

  15. I just did the same thing. I left a well-reasoned comment, and I got a “Service temporarily unavailable” return.

    Paul: Mea culpa. I tried to post something logical. The whole site went postal. Mea culpa. Mea very, very culpa. And mea sorry.

  16. The Magic M says:

    US Citizen: Just the thought that 100 obots on a blog could make any difference to a presidential election is rather funny.

    It’s only logical. After all, Orly must believe that the couple of dozen birthers who actually do something can also make such a big difference. If she didn’t, she’d have to realize the utter futility of her crusade.
    And don’t forget that conspiracy theories build on the premise that a couple of people can control everything, from elections to the weather.

  17. LW says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I just did the same thing. I left a well-reasoned comment, and I got a β€œService temporarily unavailable” return.

    She does seem to have her problems with service. (ba-domp bomp)

  18. I understand that. I used to have problems. The day Obama’s long form came out, my site went to pot (not to mention various technical problems). The Fogbow has been overwhelmed on certain popular days, particularly when they have Boots on the Gound ™ coverage.

    Web hosting is cheap, but when traffic picks up, you’re likely to have trouble. I don’t know what Taitz uses. I’m up to $20 a month on my service, which seems to hold up pretty well.

    LW: She does seem to have her problems with service. (ba-domp bomp)

  19. LW says:

    i was thinking of her history of other service problems.

  20. Paul says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    The day Obama’s long form came out, my site went to pot (not to mention various technical problems).

    BA-DA-BING! Thanks folks, he’s here all week. TRY THE VEAL!

  21. Yeah, it hit me right after I replied to the former comment.

    LW: i was thinking of her history of other service problems.

  22. Andrew Morris says:

    The massive voter suppression – don’t forget that! Romney got fewer votes than Obama. Judge England asked the most relevant question: “what part of second don’t you get?” The sad thing about all this is that no-one will ever again take an online law degree seriously.

  23. BillTheCat says:

    Doc, is there any chance you could re-unlock the code that allows those of us with iPhones and iPads who have reading issues to be able to zoom/pinch your pages so we can read the text? πŸ™‚ it worked for about 2 weeks and now the pages are locked again… We’d be ever so grateful πŸ™‚

  24. jayHG says:

    BillTheCat: Doc, is there any chance you could re-unlock the code that allows those of us with iPhones and iPads who have reading issues to be able to zoom/pinch your pages so we can read the text? it worked for about 2 weeks and now the pages are locked again… We’d be ever so grateful

    OMG…..I thought it was me. I couldn’t make the page bigger or anything for a while so I gave up. I had to go on my desktop cause I couldn’t read this site on my ipad. Then it started working….YEA!!! And this yesterday it happened and I couldn’t make the page bigger on my iPad……..I thought it was just operator error cause I am so NOT a computer person.

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