Magic 8 ball: what is Obama’s religion?

So is Obama a racist black separatist Christian or a godless Communist, or is he a Muslim? All wrong, according to The Hoax of the Century web site who say that Barack Obama is a Thai Buddhist in Part 17 of their series: “Nazis in the White House.”

Does this face look familiar?

Why does no one in the USA look as much like Obama, as this spittin’ image Thai look-alike? Well, except maybe Trevor at

and the vaguely-similar Reggie Brown (Obama on the left right):

Photo courtesy of Fox News

Photographic evidence proves that Obama is Thai because he has no eyelashes and as we all know (?) Asians have no eyelashes. Indeed I went back through the photos I took of Obama in Asheville, NC, in 2011, and there is not a hint of eyelashes!

Photo of Obama's eyelashes

According to The Hoax of the Century, the birthers are all wrong about Obama’s birth. While all birthers (and others) agree that Obama was born in 1961, they claim that Obama is now 60 years old, meaning that even if born in Hawaii, it was before Hawaii became a state. That said, all of the documentation we have seen about Obama’s birth was fabricated by Nazis in the CIA, even going so far as forging his half-sister Maya Soetoro-Ng. Oh, and Ann Dunham is still alive.

Learn the truth:


About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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35 Responses to Magic 8 ball: what is Obama’s religion?

  1. American Mzungu says:

    From the article:

    “The Thai King is claimed to be the richest royal in the world by Forbes magazine. Maybe the source of all of the unknown foreign funds in ‘Obama’ Presidential campaign. That would be something if his name was on ‘Obama’ birth certificate. Sound far-fetched maybe but the connections are uncanny. He was born in Massachusetts and may be a US citizen! He was installed in 1947, the same year that Foster Dulles combined US and Nazi intelligence and America’s bright shining light in the world went out.”

    How could we have missed connecting these dots all this time?

  2. ZixiOfIx says:

    George Soros has had his top men working on this.

    “Who?”, you may ask.

    Top men.

  3. You’re waaay off: Here’s the real Obama –

    Being Obama: The President’s Indonesian Look-Alike

    Indonesian photographer Ilham Anas bears a striking resemblance to the U.S. President, making him a TV star and potential target for Islamic fundamentalists,32068,678873631001_2031790,00.html

  4. Norbrook says:

    Geez, they can’t get anything right! It’s all due to the secret KGB/CIA joint operation back in the late 50’s to clone numerous males, in the hopes that one of them would eventually rise to power, enabling world domination! Apparently they didn’t do quite as good a job of cleaning up after themselves after the one named “Barack Obama” was determined to be the most likely candidate.

  5. Norbrook: It’s all due to the secret KGB/CIA joint operation back in the late 50′s to clone numerous males, in the hopes that one of them would eventually rise to power, enabling world domination! Apparently they didn’t do quite as good a job of cleaning up after themselves after the one named “Barack Obama” was determined to be the most likely candidate.

    “The Boys From Brazil” went awry.

  6. aesthetocyst says:

    “Nazis in the White House.” concludes that Obama is a Thai Buddhist?

    Wow, didn’t see that one coming. Those Nazis really get around …. first Europe …. the South america …. the center of the earth …. the dark side of the moon … now Thailand.

    When did Gilbert Gottfried go Thai?

  7. Keith says:

    I would have thought he was a Balinese Buddhist, if anything, and I just don’t think wearing a Thai with Batik shirt will work all that well. 🙂

    By the way, President Obama may return to Indonesia this year. It is Indonesia’s turn to hose the APEC meeting and it will be in Bali in October. I don’t know if anyone is taking bets on whether there will be a coordinated wardrobe for the ‘Family Photo’. Obama abandoned the tradition when it was in Hawai’i, but I think most of the attendees enjoyed the vague silliness of it.

  8. The Magic M says:

    > While all birthers (and others) agree that Obama was born in 1961, they claim that Obama is now 60 years old, meaning that even if born in Hawaii, it was before Hawaii became a state.

    Which happens to be another possible birther theory (along with “Barack Obama stole the identity of another Barack Obama”) I thought would be much more prominent, given that it requires about 10,000 times less convoluted stories about highly pregnant mothers flying to the end of the end of the world, thousands of co-conspirators just about everywhere etc.
    Well, I guess a simple conspiracy theory just isn’t popular anymore… 😉

  9. UnionJack says:

    Wouldn’t have made any difference. Everyone born in Hawaii “on or after April 30, 1900, is a citizen of the United States at birth.” 8 U.S.C. sec. 1405.

  10. The Magic M says:

    Thx, I didn’t know that law. Though Vattelists would rehash their “third kind of citizen” theory (“naturalized at birth”) in that case of course.

  11. Yeah. I was padding the story with irrelevant details.

    UnionJack: Wouldn’t have made any difference. Everyone born in Hawaii “on or after April 30, 1900, is a citizen of the United States at birth.” 8 U.S.C. sec. 1405.

  12. Ture orNot ? says:

    HEAR O’muslim SAY HE IS A MUSLIM. MUSLIM IN WHITE HOUSE Obummer a.k.a Soebarkah, Obama, Soetero, Admits He Is A Muslim

  13. Ture orNot ? says:

    HEAR O’muslim SAY HE IS A MUSLIM. MUSLIM IN WHITE HOUSE Obummer a.k.a Soebarkah, Obama, Soetero, Admits He Is A Muslim. What more can anyone want to hear about a person?

  14. Arthur says:

    Ture orNot ?: HEAR O’muslim SAY HE IS A MUSLIM.

    From the YouTube page containing the referenced video:

    “The writers, producers, and editors of this video are not claiming or implying that Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim, or that Obama said he was a Muslim . . .”

    Expecting a birther to get his facts straight, is like expecting pathological liar to tell the truth.

  15. Greenfinches says:

    Ture orNot ?: Admits He Is A Muslim

    What I hear is that he says he has spent time in a moslem-majority country… and he has never made a secret of that!

    but why would you care if the President is actually a Moslem, Mr orNot?

  16. Sef says:

    Ture orNot ?: Admits He Is A Muslim

    The FSM doesn’t care.

  17. Ture orNot ?:HEAR O’muslim SAY HE IS A MUSLIM.

    Veritas has yet another name. Will he every run out of sockpuppets?

    Sef: The FSM doesn’t care.

    Another Pastafarian, I see.

  18. Arthur says:

    misha marinsky: Another Pastafarian, I see.

    Hail the great tentacled one! All praise his meatballs!

  19. To my knowledge, Veritas has only used one other name here, which I think might be his real first name, so I won’t repeat it.

    misha marinsky: Veritas has yet another name. Will he every run out of sockpuppets?

  20. Obvious says:

    Ture or Not

    TURE… facts ture is a newspeak word meaning a combination of pure and true, when the fact being spoke relies more on belief than fact.”

    The comments made herein that attempt to defend the indefensible certainly do show that some ‘racist’ Americans are totally skewed on what men at arms have created for American citizens.

    The ill prepared Americans who attempt to justify voting for color rather than law makes any citizen endowed with Americanism reluctant to ‘fight’ for the racist who deny their ‘pledges’ to the American’s Supreme Law.

    Only ‘racist’ who would sell their souls to honour a criminal as a head of state and they cannot step out of a ‘hate America’ persona. Remember, that the “De Facto Potus’s” spouse “hates America” as she herself stated over and over again.

    The hate America crowd, who are without a doubt the ‘racist’ of America, will defend the ‘criminal’ who allowed dedicated military personnel to be jailed because they wanted assurance that they were fighting for someone who is not a “TRUE American” Commander in Chief.

    The incapable ‘narrow minded’ stove pipe views of Ameican values are expressing an overburden of ignorance when the deny that the person who claims he is a muslim … is not a muslim.

    The video shows a disclaimer that what is presented to the audience does in fact come from the presenter who made the claims of being a muslime.

    Now then, another one says that there isn’t a religious requirement to be the American president, here again a stove pipe view lacking common sense by another racist who can’t analyze the statements made by the impostor in America’s chief executive chair.

    The fraud aka “De Facto” potus claims to be a Christian when he is at Notre Dame, and claims to be a muslime on other occasions. The muslime conducts his personal life around the Quran… and that ‘s a fact, so how can he be a Christian ? The answer to the question is that ‘muslime’ are able to lie about anything they choose to lie about to promote their ‘cult’ and it’s called Taqiyya … or lie to promote the muslime ‘cult’.
    Given all the ‘what if’s’ involved with the ‘De Facto Potus” liar it would be prudent for the Americans to conduct a trial by ‘jury’ to prove where this ‘liar’s’ loyalty is focused.

    Get with it … get educated on how to become a “true American’ an American who would lay his life down for American rights, and not some card carrying communist, muslime, eight ball acting as a “De Facto” Commander in chief. Find out how the minorities in America have the greatest freedoms given to minorities who come from all compass points on the earth.

    This is the truth about the “De Facto Potus’s” history… he is the enemy of principles that made America the most sought after country in the world. He is aligned with the “Hate America” crowd, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dhorn, Reverend Wright, muslim brother hood, and more nefarious individuals and organizations.

    There’s just one way to make America great is to ignore political parties, and that is to vote for the American principles that have freed 2/3 of the world by providing its ‘blood and treasure’ to any nation desiring freedom… and without any remuneration for aiding any who seek ‘freedom’.

    The aid to freedom lovers was expressed to the international community by at minimum three of American presidents.

  21. Dr. Conspiracy: To my knowledge, Veritas has only used one other name here, which I think might be his real first name, so I won’t repeat it.

    He’s now using “Obvious.”

  22. HKL (Keith away from home) says:

    Arthur: HEAR O’muslim SAY HE IS A MUSLIM.

    What’s all this I hear about the “muslin brotherhood”? My brother was alergic to wool, but he enjoyed muslin sheets. Cotton can be cool, but silk is sexy. Obama lived in Indonesia for awhile, maybe he likes silk. They make beautiful silk batik fabrics there. I wouldn’t be surprised to find the President has a fondness for silk shirts. In fact…

    What? Muslim you say?

    I thought he said MUSLIN!!!

    That’s very different then!

    Never mind.

  23. Horus says:

    Ture orNot ?:
    HEAR O’muslim SAY HE IS A MUSLIM.MUSLIM IN WHITE HOUSE Obummer a.k.a Soebarkah, Obama, Soetero, Admits He Is A Muslim.What more can anyone want to hear about a person?

    Really, what difference does it make if he were Muslim?
    The Constitution says that there will be no religious test to become President.
    You can’t even spell it right.

  24. Thomas Brown says:

    Ture orNot ?:
    What more can anyone want to hear about a person?

    I’d like to hear you admit that you just realized you were duped by a deceptively-edited video.

    I’ll wait.


    US Constitution, Article VI, paragraph 3, states that: “…no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

    I’m Jewish.

  26. Daniel says:

    Ture or Not

    TURE… facts ture is a newspeak word meaning a combination of pure and true, when the fact being spoke relies more on belief than fact.”

    The comments made herein that attempt to defend the indefensible certainly do show that some ‘racist’ Americans are totally skewed on what men at arms have created for American citizens.

    The ill prepared Americans who attempt to justify voting for color rather than law makes any citizen endowed with Americanism reluctant to ‘fight’ for the racist who deny their ‘pledges’ to the American’s Supreme Law.

    Wow you have my admiration. The “I know you are but what am I” defense hasn’t worked for me since kindergarten, but you somehow manage to pull it off….

    /sarcasm off

  27. Daniel says:

    Ture orNot ?:

    See there’s the problem, It’s hard to take you seriously when you can’t even spell your own handle properly.

    “Ture”? Really? C’mon…

    Next time spell it correctly. There should be a “d” where you’ve put the “e”.

  28. Northland10 says:

    Thomas Brown: I’ll wait

    Would you like a pillow and a blanky. It may be a while.

  29. The Magic M says:


    Don’t forget the Muslims under your bed and the Agnostic Liberal in your garage (that would be me). Or, in the words of my favourite rap musician: “DANGER! Get on the floor! The [Muslim] right here!” 😉

  30. Thinker says:

    Would you consider people who consistently say that America is like Nazi Germany to be part of the “hate America” crowd? How about those who say America is worse than the Soviet Union? I can’t imagine how anyone could consider people who say those things to be anything but America-haters. Orly Taitz says those things all the time, many times a day. Listen to any interview with her. She says it every couple of minutes in interviews. She is the biggest America-hater in America.

    The hate America crowd…

  31. The Magic M says:

    Thinker: How about those who say America is worse than the Soviet Union?

    Actually, a large number of birthers went “I hate this country” in the days after Obama’s re-election. Some of them still state this, just saw it on WND the other day.

    (And then, as always, projection: “*You* are the racists, *you* are the traitors” etc.)

    Birthers idolize the “old USA” (Founders’ days) as if they were a mother who idolizes her serial killer child as “the sweet kid he once was”. Except that this analogy only holds in their Bizarro World.

  32. aesthetocyst says:

    Arthur: Hail the great tentacled one! All praise his meatballs!

    Arthur , I don’t know why, but that had me in tears LOL

  33. Arthur says:

    aesthetocyst: Arthur , I don’t know why, but that had me in tears

    The secret is all in the sauce.

  34. G says:

    ROTFLMAO! Loved this article! Finally…a *new* super silly Obama Conspiracy Theory from the insane nutjobs out there!

    I’m still considering the Mars – Time Travel conspiracy to be my favorite “out there” sillyness in ODS town…

    …but now with the “Thai Buddhist” addition to the mix, the nonsensical and endlessly contradictory “freak out” over his (utterly Constitutionally irrelevant to the job) religious leanings will move into the number two position on the laugh chart…


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