NPR: Barely mentions birthers

NPR gave a shout out to the birthers this morning on its Morning Edition program, quoting Texas Republican precinct chairwoman Ann Teague as saying: “We never saw a birth certificate” (listen at 1:21).

One wonders how anybody could not have seen a birth certificate, but just in case somebody missed it, here it is (photo courtesy of, click to expand):

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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39 Responses to NPR: Barely mentions birthers

  1. sfjeff says:

    Yeah I heard that- and she also said that we never heard from any of his college professors- displaying the fine educational standards of Texas.

    Who knew that testimony from college professors was a precondition to Presidential eligibility?

    Want to bet whether or not she is a loyal WND reader?

  2. ellen says:

    Anyone hear of any birther protests at the inauguration?

  3. Bob says:

    “We never saw a birth certificate.” Well then, Ann, that would be your fault.

    Had NPR highlighted the Birthers they’d be accused of making the Republican Party look nutty.

  4. aesthetocyst says:

    That was I was referring to this morning … tho I missed the ID of the whiner—er, commenter.

    She is a precinct chair? Seriously? Is this an official statement from the county party? Or can we assume she was speaking on behalf of the RNC? 😉

    They really are the “Party of ‘No'” !

  5. Precinct #2233

    aesthetocyst: She is a precinct chair?

  6. Rickey says:

    Just to demonstrate how out of touch today’s Republican party is, a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released today shows that a whopping 70% of Americans oppose repealing Roe v. Wade. 70% is an all-time high on this issue. The consensus seems to be that the extreme Republican rhetoric on abortion and contraception has had the effect of driving blacks, Hispanics and women without college degrees into the pro-choice camp.

  7. Hermitian says:

    Mr. C. should not use my link if he deletes my post containing the link.

  8. Andrew Morris says:

    No, this is a fake because between July 31, 1960 and August 5, 1960 there was a microscopic blemish in all hawaii birth certificates caused by the acting assistant deputy manager i/c of ALL state printing dropping a paper clip into the typewriter and if this was a genuine birth certificate, this would have an asymmetrical pixel exactly 1.155 inches along the bottom edge, measuring in from the left. I know this because I am former dogwalker-in-chief of the Eastern Texas Vigilante Patriots (retd.) and I don’t believe that Romney should lose the election just because more people voted for Obama.

  9. I think I debunked that one back in April of 2009.

    Andrew Morris: this would have an asymmetrical pixel exactly 1.155 inches along the bottom edge, measuring in from the left.

  10. Is that before or after FactCheck scrubbed the EXIF data from the images?

    Hermitian: Mr. C. should not use my link if he deletes my post containing the link.

  11. aesthetocyst says:

    Herms owns the Wayback Machine?


    I love this logic. If I get myself banned but at some point made a post containing a link to [insert commonly-cited, heavily-trafficked, third-party site here], then no webmaster on the planet is allowed to cite the same while actively blocking my spam ramblings.

    Herms, I know you’re still lurking; why not escalate along these lines, and start including a link to in every post you attempt? 😉

  12. Paper says:

    Where is the real birth certificate? Forget the birth certificate. Everybody misses the real issue. Hello! Where is the real Barack Obama? We have seen no such person. “We never saw a Barack Obama.”

    Check out this link for the proof of what I say:'s_law

  13. Saint James says:

    Shame on Liberals Shame: Oh my, even Dr. Ignorance must convince himself by putting out the tampered fake BC. He cannot get over the fact he put a fraud in office who just about broke every law of the land.
    He has to convince himself he could not be that stupid. Having no daddy will do that to ya!


  14. KarenJ says:

    It never fails to amuse me to see how fringie right wingnut conspiracy theorists like “Shame on Liberals Shame” speak for blog owners like Dr. Conspiracy as if they’re acquainted.

    In fact, SOLS seems to presume to know Dr. Conspiracy’s thoughts and feelings. Perhaps SOLS thinks he can read Dr. Conspiracy’s mind, judging from the above comment.

    You’re the poster child for the insanity of the Right, SOLS.

  15. john e smith says:

    Wow , we still have idiots like Ann Teague who are in denial ! I cant believed it. Sad state of affairs for the country . but no surprise coming from a Repub party representative.

  16. CarlOrcas says:

    Shame on Liberals Shame:
    Oh my, even Dr. Ignorance must convince himself by putting out the tampered fake BC.He cannot get over the fact he put a fraud in office who just about broke every law of the land.

    He has to convince himself he could not be that stupid.Having no daddy will do that to ya!

    Everyone has a “daddy” (and a “mommy” for that matter) but given the maturity demonstrated in your posts here in the last few hours I’m suspecting you haven’t finished your eighth grade sex education class yet. Hang in there.

  17. If you expect normal people to understand you, you need to drop some of the jargon and provide more context.

    Shame on Liberals Shame: Oh my, even Dr. Ignorance must convince himself by putting out the tampered fake BC. He cannot get over the fact he put a fraud in office who just about broke every law of the land.

    He has to convince himself he could not be that stupid. Having no daddy will do that to ya!

  18. RoadScholar says:

    Shame on Liberals Shame:
    Oh my, even Dr. Ignorance must convince himself by putting out the tampered fake BC.He cannot get over the fact he put a fraud in office who just about broke every law of the land.

    He has to convince himself he could not be that stupid.Having no daddy will do that to ya!

    Listen up, ya big baby: They’re called “elections.” That means that a guy you think is the scum of the earth, the spawn of Satan, who harbors theories and plans you think will destroy America, CAN BE ELECTED.

    No worries… That’s close to the same position we good loyal upstanding law-abiding patriotic tax-paying Liberals were in under the Bush criminal regime (the difference being that it was Bush’s VP, Sec. Of Defense, and his key political advisor who were Satan’s spawn– but I digress).

    Earth to Birther! Come in Birther!


    You don’t have to like it. But that’s too bad for you. News flash: Obama is the President. The military serves him willingly. So does law enforcement. Are they all Obots? Hardly. But they are, unlike Birthers, Freepers, SovCits and Usurperologists, REAL AMERICANS. They are mature men and women. Not babies. So they do the American thing and serve a leader they themselves don’t like because he was fairly elected by their countrymen.

    They have a thing called “honor.” You should look into it sometime.

    I have gained some respect for Georgie Bush since then, and I thought he bore off the painful period after 9/11 well, but after he lied us into Iraq I grew to LOATHE the man. But you know what? I called for his impeachment. I wanted him voted out of office. BUT I NEVER WISHED HIM DEAD. I never claimed he was purposely trying to destroy America.

    Have you digested that? If a military officer had refused to serve because he believed Bush “wasn’t the legitimate President,” I (and, I think, most Obots) would have supported his being court-martialed. Nobody gets to wimp out and deny legal authority, or declare that you are “sovereign” and don’t need to obey our laws. Those people are swine. They don’t deserve to call themselves Americans.

    And neither do you.

  19. Lupin says:

    What I want to know is, what’s Ms Teague’s position on German shepherds.

  20. The Magic M says:

    RoadScholar: And neither do you.

    100% agree with your entire post, well said!

    RoadScholar: I never claimed he was purposely trying to destroy America.

    You also never claimed he was born in France (and also ineligible because some wild misreading of a 1866 SCOTUS case means that you can’t be Prez if your father was) and that a vast conspiracy put him in office so he could declare Martial Law by the end of his first second third term before he’d declare himself “God Emperor for Life”. Or maybe all that happened and we just don’t remember… 😉

  21. Hermitian says:

    I wonder why Mr. C didn’t also post the photo of the back side of the Obama COLB. Maybe he didn’t want his readers to know that it had been created on Apr. 06, 2007. Maybe Mr. C. could get his Obama pals in the new 501 4C non-profit to also post the request form that they filled out and sent in back in Apr. 2007.

    [The fact that the Certification was issued in 2007 is mentioned in “The Debunker’s Guide to Obama Conspiracy Theories,” this site’s premier publication, and in other articles. Doc]

  22. Scientist says:

    Hermitian: I wonder why Mr. C didn’t also post the photo of the back side of the Obama COLB. Maybe he didn’t want his readers to know that it had been created on Apr. 06, 2007

    What is the significance of a presidential candidate (which Obama was by April 2007) ordering a copy of their birth certificate? Or anyone for that matter? Any ordinary person might order a copy to have in case they needed it, even if it turned out they never did. So what?

  23. gorefan says:

    Hermitian: Maybe he didn’t want his readers to know that it had been created on Apr. 06, 2007

    Scientist: What is the significance of a presidential candidate (which Obama was by April 2007) ordering a copy of their birth certificate?

    I think he is going to point out the mistake made by the White House spokesman during the April, 2011 press conference. He said that the President order his BC in June, 2008 when in fact he ordered it in June, 2007. He publicly displayed it June, 2008.

    Why this is funny is that nitwit Herm – wrote the wrong date in his post (April 6, 2007). He cannot even get that right.

    Here is the image Herm is talking about:

  24. aesthetocyst says:

    Hermitian: 501 4C non-profit

    501(c)4, duncewad.

    First I have heard of any community service nonprofit having requested the certificate released in 2008. This is the standard form, that requires no special request. Then Senator Obama may have walked in and requested it himself.

    Is this more random rambles from Herms?

  25. Scientist says:

    gorefan: I think he is going to point out the mistake made by the White House spokesman during the April, 2011 press conference. He said that the President order his BC in June, 2008 when in fact he ordered it in June, 2007. He publicly displayed it June, 2008.

    And the significance of that is? Ordering documents, filing your taxes, these are the ordinary things of life, not memorable events. It’s also possible that one copy was ordered in 2007 and another in 2008. You are allowed to order as many copies as you wish, as long as you pay for them.

  26. The Magic M says:

    Hermitian: to also post the request form that they filled out and sent in back in Apr. 2007

    Ah, I missed that old birther claim. But since they’re in full recycle mode, it was only a matter of time until it surfaced again.
    Yes, by all means, we don’t just need the President’s birth certificate and confirmation and confirmation of the confirmation, we also need to see the letters requesting the BC/confirmations, the letters answering the letters requesting the BC/confirmations, the receipt for the purchase of the stamps on the letters answering the letters requesting the BC/confirmations and, just to make sure, the tax returns of the person signing the receipt for the purchase of the stamps on the letters answering the letters requesting the BC/confirmations. And then, maybe then, we might admit that the BC maybe wasn’t just as forged as we claim but slightly less. But you still need citizen grandparents born wrapped in diapers with the US flag on it and at least 50 white male citizen witnesses.

  27. gorefan says:

    Scientist: And the significance of that is?

    In a warped mind like Herm – it can only mean that the White House spokesman lied to the press when he said that the BC was ordered in 2008.

    Just like Herm lied when he wrote that it was order in April, 2007.

  28. Hermitian says:

    Hermitian: I wonder why Mr. C didn’t also post the photo of the back side of the Obama COLB. Maybe he didn’t want his readers to know that it had been created on Apr. 06, 2007. Maybe Mr. C. could get his Obama pals in the new 501 4C non-profit to also post the request form that they filled out and sent in back in Apr. 2007.
    [The fact that the Certification was issued in 2007 is mentioned in “The Debunker’s Guide to Obama Conspiracy Theories,” this site’s premier publication, and in other articles. Doc]

    Because the images are the only published images that have the BC# unredacted and these images show a creation date of Apr Jun. 6, 2007 on the back of each certificate.

    [FIFY. Doc.]

  29. Rickey says:

    Scientist: And the significance of that is?Ordering documents, filing your taxes, these are the ordinary things of life, not memorable events.It’s also possible that one copy was ordered in 2007 and another in 2008. You are allowed to order as many copies as you wish, as long as you pay for them.

    Not to mention that there is no reason to believe that Obama would have kept a copy of his request for the COLB. It’s not as if the completed form had any importance, and it certainly had no importance once the order was filled.

    Hermie is like the birthers who want Obama to produce a copy of his application to Occidental College. Who keeps copies of their college applications, especially 30 years after the fact?

  30. Hermitian says:

    gorefan: In a warped mind like Herm – it can only mean that the White Housespokesman lied to the press when he said that the BC was ordered in 2008.

    Just like Herm lied when he wrote that it was order in April, 2007.

    I think you made two intentionally false statements here. One that I lied and two that the White House didn’t lie.

    It is a standing regulation of the HDOH that Certified copies of certificates can only be produced after a request has been received from a qualified requester. These regulations also forbid the pre-production of certified copies and the filing and retention of same for future requests.

    Neither the White House nor the Obama 2008 campaign has ever released a COLB image with an unredacted BC#. In fact on Apr. 27, 2011 the WH released images of both the Obama COLB and the Obama LFCOLB. The COLB image had a redacted BC#. The LFCOLB had an unredacted BC#. However, the White House continues to have a statement on the WH web site that they both requested and received a certified copy of the Obama COLB in 2008 and posted it on

    “In 2008, in response to media inquiries, the President’s campaign requested his birth certificate from the state of Hawaii. The state sent the campaign the President’s birth certificate, the same legal documentation provided to all Hawaiians as proof of birth in state, and the campaign immediately posted it on the internet. That birth certificate can be seen here (PDF).”

    The White House has provided zero evidence that this statement is true. A this point there is no evidence that would connect the WH COLB with the COLB.

  31. Any knowledgeable person (including myself) who read the transcript of the Press briefing knew that the spokesman got the facts wrong.

    The document was not requested in response to 2008 media inquiries, but it was released in response to them., back in 2008 gave the authoritative version:

    We asked the Obama campaign about the date stamp and the blacked-out certificate number. The certificate is stamped June 2007, because that’s when Hawaii officials produced it for the campaign, which requested that document and “all the records we could get our hands on” according to spokesperson Shauna Daly. The campaign didn’t release its copy until 2008, after speculation began to appear on the Internet questioning Obama’s citizenship. The campaign then rushed to release the document, and the rush is responsible for the blacked-out certificate number. Says Shauna: “[We] couldn’t get someone on the phone in Hawaii to tell us whether the number represented some secret information, and we erred on the side of blacking it out. Since then we’ve found out it’s pretty irrelevant for the outside world.” The document we looked at did have a certificate number; it is 151 1961 – 010641.

    There is no story here, just someone being sloppy with details.

    Hermitian: “In 2008, in response to media inquiries, the President’s campaign requested his birth certificate from the state of Hawaii. The state sent the campaign the President’s birth certificate, the same legal documentation provided to all Hawaiians as proof of birth in state, and the campaign immediately posted it on the internet. That birth certificate can be seen here (PDF).”

  32. aesthetocyst says:

    Hermitian: A this point there is no evidence that would connect the WH COLB with the COLB.

    Nope, Herm’s is right, no evidence beyond that they are otherwise identical.

    We have all seen how hopeless he is discerning between digital documents, printed documents, scans of printed documents, and photographs of printed documents.

    One document, many images and forms. So very confusing … to those wishing to be confused!

  33. aesthetocyst says:

    Rickey: Who keeps copies of their college applications, especially 30 years after the fact?

    Apparently, birfers do, or would had they applied to any. (Note: not assuming any birfer attended college).

    So let’s see them applications, birfer intelligentsia! Wave’em in the air!

  34. Hermitian says:

    Believe me, there is a story here and if you were not deleting my entries, then maybe your readers would learn the truth. As I posted previously and you promptly deleted my post, the WH COLB for more reasons than you would every let me list is worthless. It is as best an altered document and therefore is invalid on it face.

    As I read your comment, you are admitting that the WH statement is false. So you are perfectly happy to have a false statement placed on the WH web site to misinform the American people for over a year?

    [Yes, I am enjoying deleting your comments greatly. Whether you realize it or not, you’re spouting nonsense. If I allowed your comments to appear, they would incite large numbers of commenters to post replies saying that they are nonsense, thereby wasting their time and clogging up the site with reams of useless comments. You may not be an intentional troll, but the end result is the same.

    The White House contains a transcript of what was said. They can’t change it because they can’t change the past. The topic is so out of date and inconsequential that I don’t see them issuing a correction, but you’re welcome to email the press office to let them know. Doc.]

  35. Thomas Brown says:

    “Whalebone corsets! Get yer whalebone corsets here! … Bigfoot repellent! Two bottles fer a sawbuck! … Big bags o’ wooly mammoth chow! … Hand crank washing machines! … Chamber pots! Natural casing prophylactics! … Obama ineligibility myths! Clearance sale on them! (Unlimited supply, but nobody want’s ’em so they’re cheaper than the rest of that useless junk) … “

  36. gorefan says:

    Hermitian: I think you made two intentionally false statements here. One that I lied and two that the White House didn’t lie.

    You wrote that Dr. C. didn’t show the back of the COLB because he didn’t want his readers to see the “Apr. 06, 2007”. Or did you forget your earlier post?

    Hermitian: I wonder why Mr. C didn’t also post the photo of the back side of the Obama COLB. Maybe he didn’t want his readers to know that it had been created on Apr. 06, 2007.

    That was a lie. What else could it be?

  37. aesthetocyst says:

    gorefan: You wrote that Dr. C. didn’t show the back of the COLB because he didn’t want his readers to see the “Apr. 06, 2007″.

    Yep, that is nuts, particularly when the date can plainly be seen through the front side. And yeah, Doc is hiding that view in plain sight, providing a link to it on every page of his site:

  38. gorefan says:

    aesthetocyst: Yep, that is nuts

    I’m sure Hermie figures he just made an honest mistake. But of course when the White House spokesman does the same thing, Hermie says he is lying. The thing is neither of them has a reason to lie about something that is so readily provable as being false.

    I’m sure Hermie confused the April press conference and April issued LFBC dates with the CPLB. Just as I’m sure the WH spokesman confused the June issue date with the June public release date or just plain misspoke. But in Hermie’s delusional world everything is part of the conspiracy and proof of something. I actually pity him.

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