
Foggy over at The Fogbow forum has said that if they got the 30 best lawyers on that forum in a room to decide what Orly Taitz would do next, she would do something else.

I can’t speak for other anti-birther activists, but my own role is solely reactive. If the birthers weren’t pulling some new stunt almost every day, I would quickly run out of material and have to shut this whole thing down.

A reporter interviewed me1 this afternoon and asked a lot of questions that required thought and introspection. I felt a little bad about the fact that I really don’t know what proportion of the birthers have the various motivations they do. Is it racism? Yes, and no. Will the birthers bring more lawsuits this year? Maybe fewer.2 Will the eligibility issue remain at the center of the birther community or will the branch out? Not sure. Can birthers ever be convinced they are wrong? Not usually. Is it possible to have a real dialog with a birther? We disrespect each other too much for that.

Birthers largely have the initiative. They publish an affidavit. They file a lawsuit. They start letter-writing campaigns. They buy a newspaper ad or hold a press conference.  They forward chain emails. Have you ever seen a chain emails forwarded to everybody on somebody’s mailing list saying Obama is eligible to be President? I haven’t.

I really don’t know what the birthers are going to do after January 20. Whatever it is, I’ll react to it.

That said, there may be some strategizing among anti-birthers. I’m sure the Obama campaign discussed it. Comments have been made by the defense team in Taitz v. Democrat Party of Mississippi about trying to shut Orly down through crippling sanctions and that the decision to answer her complaint rather than to move to dismiss was a strategic move to keep Orly from slipping out the case.

In one respect, both sides are activists with birthers trying to get Obama out of the White House, and a few anti-birthers trying to get Orly Taitz disbarred. I personally have never tried to do this. As far as I’m concerned, if Orly went back to full-time dentistry, I’d wave good bye and forget about her.

As the Joker said to Batman, “you made me,” I say the same thing to the birthers.

1I won’t say any more about that unless something actually gets published.

2I think the opportunities for new lawsuits will be limited. Now that the election is over, I don’t see much that can be done in state courts. Pretty much all the post-election gambits in federal court were already tried in 2009.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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11 Responses to Reactive

  1. Rickey says:

    They forward chain emails. Have you ever seen a chain emails forwarded to everybody on somebody’s mailing list saying Obama is eligible to be President? I haven’t.

    Interestingly, while I received plenty of scurrilous chain e-mails about Obama last year, I never received any about Romney. The closest I came to seeing a Romney chain e-mail was when someone I know posted a bogus story on Facebook about Romney bragging about avoiding the draft. It quickly became obvious that the story was someone’s idea of a joke, but at least a few people believed it.

  2. G says:

    Yeah, the chain email phenomenon of sending spurious, urban legend nonsense really seems to have become primarily dominated by the unhinged right.

    It is as if they crave the need to always be amping up their own fears and anger, by needing to continuously to reinforce their own lies and propaganda through a steady diet of circular-referencing brainwashing methods….

    Rickey: They forward chain emails. Have you ever seen a chain emails forwarded to everybody on somebody’s mailing list saying Obama is eligible to be President? I haven’t.

  3. G says:

    I completely agree.

    Although the Birthers are famous at never learning any lessons and endlessly re-trotting out the same dead zombies over and over and over again, I really think that the court route has pretty much run its course and that they are quickly running out of opportunities to pull their vexatious and frivolous nonsense there.

    Once the re-inauguration ceremony has completed, that ship has really sailed… and I don’t see where they can really have grounds to file anything new… (not that they’ve had legitimate grounds on anything yet…but still…)

    So I really don’t know what will be left of them or where they will be going with their nonsense by springtime of this year…

    2I think the opportunities for new lawsuits will be limited. Now that the election is over, I don’t see much that can be done in state courts. Pretty much all the post-election gambits in federal court were already tried in 2009.

  4. G says:

    I disagree and see this line of thought as dangerously close to creating a false equivocation of “both sides do it”, when that simply is NOT what is happening here at all.

    I see these anti-birther activities in terms of wanting Orly disbarred, sanctioned or even institutionalized as a REACTIVE and not active force.

    If she just stopped filing frivolous and vexatious motions, which waste court time and taxpayer money, then there would be no further movement to “stop her”.

    Admonishing someone for bad behavior is on the CONSEQUENCES side of the equation and actions DO earn and deserve consequences..

    In one respect, both sides are activists with birthers trying to get Obama out of the White House, and a few anti-birthers trying to get Orly Taitz disbarred.

  5. aesthetocyst says:

    They’ll keep filing lawsuits. Prominent figures are sued everyday for every imaginary slight imaginable. However, having even less of a possible cause of action, they’ll be just run-of-the-mill disgruntled citizens churning out random rants. They didn’t calm down in Clinton’s 2nd term, did they?

    They’ll continue to vibrate with increasing frequency, irritating their Congresspeople to death. They’ll be out in droves in the mid-terms, and practically explode over the course of the Presidential cycles.

    Enjoy 2013. It should be the calmest year of the entire 8-year cycle. A year-long breather … that is, back to normal … mere hyperpartisan bickering.

  6. Paul Pieniezny says:

    I disagree and see this line of thought as dangerously close to creating a false equivocation of “both sides do it”, when that simply is NOT what is happening here at all.

    I see these anti-birther activities in terms of wanting Orly disbarred, sanctioned or even institutionalized as a REACTIVE and not active force.

    If she just stopped filing frivolous and vexatious motions, which waste court time and taxpayer money, then there would be no further movement to “stop her”.

    Admonishing someone for bad behavior is on the CONSEQUENCES side of the equation and actions DO earn and deserve consequences..

    Correct. The only point where both are comparable is the hope both sides have.

    Many Obots are indeed waiting for “just one honest judge” who will sanction the suing daylights out of Orly Taitz. “Any day now.”

    Note that I doubt whether Orly going back to dentistry is the best thing that could happen … to her clients.

  7. Horus says:

    I’m scientist and have been using the Internet since the old command lines of “Put and Get” were used.
    I can remember a time when everyone online was smart and polite, a true place for the gathering of ideas and minds.
    Then came AOL and the whole Internet went to shit, before AOL the Internet was too complicated for conservatives.
    Their chain emails have polluted what was once a pristine place.

  8. DP says:

    I see the birthers continuing to be around. I mean, after all, how hard is it to write a pile of ridiculous gibberish and file it? What I see dying off already is the energy and intensity behind those efforts. I suspect it’s going to be a lot harder to milk the gullible in Obama’s second term.

    The interesting thing might be how far down the rabbit hole they’ll go. I know, I know, they’re in deep enough already. But did you notice recently that they really tried to push butterdezillion’ s insane linguistic turd droppings? Doc had a posting about that, about how they moved from reproducing her ridiculous analyses to simply stating her absurd conclusion as fact.

    The lead was simply this: “Hawaii state registrar Alvin Onaka has publicly certified to AZ SOS Ken Bennett that Barack Obama’s HI birth certificate is legally non-valid and the White House image is a forgery. He also confirmed to KS SOS Kris Kobach that the information contained in the White House image is not identical to that in the official record.” No off center “6” or magic gray spots or layers to believe in there. Just a statement that’s obviously false to anyone who can read.

    So how far into this fictional world do you think they will go to reinforce the rot in their minds that they need so desperately? Can we expect to see ever more brazen leads: “Hawaii state registrar Alvin Okaka has publicly denounced Barack Obama’s forged birth certificate;” “Court Martial Judge admitted Terry Lakin was right;” or even “Barack Obama has publicly stated he is not a natural born citizen.” Will they make up an entire alternate reality that doesn’t even have the pathetically fraudulent underpinnings of Sheriff Joe for support?

    Bored minds want to know.

  9. aesthetocyst says:

    Horus: before AOL the Internet was too complicated for conservatives.

    Yep …. guess who’s keeping AOL alive LOL

  10. Horus says:

    I see the birthers continuing to be around. I mean, after all, how hard is it to write a pile of ridiculous gibberish and file it? What I see dying off already is the energy and intensity behind those efforts. I suspect it’s going to be a lot harder to milk the gullible in Obama’s second term.

    The interesting thing might be how far down the rabbit hole they’ll go. I know, I know, they’re in deep enough already. But did you notice recently that they really tried to push butterdezillion’ s insane linguistic turd droppings? Doc had a posting about that, about how they moved from reproducing her ridiculous analyses to simply stating her absurd conclusion as fact.

    The lead was simply this: “Hawaii state registrar Alvin Onaka has publicly certified to AZ SOS Ken Bennett that Barack Obama’s HI birth certificate is legally non-valid and the White House image is a forgery. He also confirmed to KS SOS Kris Kobach that the information contained in the White House image is not identical to that in the official record.” No off center “6″ or magic gray spots or layers to believe in there. Just a statement that’s obviously false to anyone who can read.

    So how far into this fictional world do you think they will go to reinforce the rot in their minds that they need so desperately? Can we expect to see ever more brazen leads: “Hawaii state registrar Alvin Okaka has publicly denounced Barack Obama’s forged birth certificate;” “Court Martial Judge admitted Terry Lakin was right;” or even “Barack Obama has publicly stated he is not a natural born citizen.” Will they make up an entire alternate reality that doesn’t even have the pathetically fraudulent underpinnings of Sheriff Joe for support?

    Bored minds want to know.

    If any of that were true, why did both Bennett and Kobach approve Obama being on the ballot in their states?
    It doesn’t make any sense.

  11. G says:

    I don’t think there is any limit to their delusions. I truly believe such willful denial becomes an unending spiral of cancerous brain rot. So yeah, I’m completely not surprised by any level of alternate reality hoops they come up with as crutches for their incurable internal insecurities, as they simply have destroyed too many tethers to the real world outside their imagination…

    Back here in the real physical world, we used to call this proof of insanity…

    DP: So how far into this fictional world do you think they will go to reinforce the rot in their minds that they need so desperately? Can we expect to see ever more brazen leads: “Hawaii state registrar Alvin Okaka has publicly denounced Barack Obama’s forged birth certificate;” “Court Martial Judge admitted Terry Lakin was right;” or even “Barack Obama has publicly stated he is not a natural born citizen.” Will they make up an entire alternate reality that doesn’t even have the pathetically fraudulent underpinnings of Sheriff Joe for support?

    Bored minds want to know.

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