Shooting fish in a barrel: Media Matters v. Corsi

imageI believe that society is judged by how it treats its most vulnerable members and so I must level some criticism at Media Matters for America on its recent treatment of conspiracy theorist and political smear writer Dr. Jerome Corsi, in their article, “The Many Conspiracies Of Kerry Swift-Boater Jerome Corsi.”

Ignoring Corsi’s contributions to science, such as his seminal book,  Black Gold Stranglehold that explains that petroleum is not a fossil fuel,  Media Matters instead focuses on Corsi’s  long history of writing crazy material, from the scurrilous lies told in 2004 about John Kerry’s military service, to his scurrilous lies about John Kerry in 2013, by way of his obsession with Barack Obama’s birth certificate, parentage and even his ring; and it really takes no effort on the part of Media Matters to pile up a string of offenses that quickly overwhelm the defenseless Corsi and make him look like a villain or a fool or both.

Corsi has been the victim of any number of deceptions, from the fake vital records manuals he passed on to Mike Zullo whereby the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse was discredited, to Obots who made a fool out of Corsi by feeding him the made-up story of James Johnson (AKA Jimbot), former head of Fannie Mae, being the head of a 100-strong Obot army directed by the White House. It’s as if Corsi went around with a “Punk Me” sign stuck to his back. Obots are still laughing at this video at poor Corsi’s expense:

Can you look at that video of Corsi and Ed Hale and perhaps not have more sympathy when Corsi accuses Muslims of “boy bumping?”

Ever since Corsi’s outing of me at the Internet tabloid web site WorldNetDaily, Corsi has been in my prayer list, and because of that I am very sensitive to attacks on Corsi, no matter how fair, and factual. I have to have some respect for Corsi, who uses this web site in multiple footnotes in his book, Where’s the Birth Certificate?  And can you ignore his patriotic fervor in wearing the flag of our country (right) on his lapel?

How would you feel if your mighty efforts to derail Obama’s second term through lies, faked evidence, smears and open-ended questions, had been roundly rebuffed by the voters who gave Obama an electoral landslide, and at the same time your books only sold when your own publisher bought them, and now even Fox news won’t touch you? Is it really fair to damn someone with their own words and to kick them when they are down? Doesn’t it count for something that Corsi gives me the opportunity to talk about something other than Orly Taitz?

How about a little compassion!

Articles at WND by Corsi mentioning me:

Read More:

Note: In honor of Jerome Corsi’s Ph. D. from Harvard, this article’s reading level has been bumped up to a Flesch-Kincaid reading grade level of 15.9 after the inclusion of this final sentence.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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32 Responses to Shooting fish in a barrel: Media Matters v. Corsi

  1. American Mzungu says:

    Doc, you are on fire this morning. You should include a warning at the top of the article that readers should turn off their irony meters. Mine blew half way through.

  2. Andrew Morris says:

    But on that theme, either Orly’s English and/or her total lack of any sense of humor, are resulting in several posts that I somehow suspect are OBOT-inspired:

    Bay B. Batter

    Thank you, Lady Liberty.

    Gon O’Reah

    Yes, thank you Lady Liberty! This time for sure!!!

  3. Andrew Morris says:

    But she also posted this, though I’m not clear why:

    It is simply numbing that an immigrant to America would come here and proceed to attack our president. Why don’t you go home if you don’t like how our democracy works? If the majority of Americans questioned the birthright of President Obama, they wouldn’t have voted him a second term. What will you do in 2016 after he leaves office? Kill yourself? You clearly have no other purpose/focus.

  4. The Magic M says:

    > Flesch-Kincaid reading grade level

    I love to learn new scientific stuff here. I fondly remember the Dunning-Kruger effect, now a pet peeve of my pyschology student friend, and reading about it here first.

  5. That’s one of the great things about doing this blog, learning new things from the eclectic commenters here, and from individual research.

    The Magic M: I love to learn new scientific stuff here. I fondly remember the Dunning-Kruger effect, now a pet peeve of my pyschology student friend, and reading about it here first.

  6. Dave says:

    I am reminded of Stravinky critiquing the use of his Rites of Spring in the Disney movie Fantasia, which included the memorable quote: “Of the animation I will say nothing, for I have no wish to attack an unresisting imbecility.”

  7. katahdin says:

    Gosh, my heart has been touched.

    I feel so sad that Corsi is such a cheese-eating slander monkey.

  8. Fazil Iskander says:

    Okay. Now here the playfulness is off the Swift (as in”Jonathan”, not “Boat”) scale. Very funny, and I’m sure Mr Corsi returns your love and concern.

    On another note, it was good to see Media Matters review most of Corsi’s desperate ploys. Corsi must be a peculiar and unpleasant man. But I feel a kind of sympathy for him. Reading that article was a bit like watching a monkey (Mr Corsi) pulling every lever he can find (anywhere) in the hope that it’ll repeat the banana-gaining “success” of “swift-boating”. It’s all an effort – on Corsi’s part – at self-pleasuring. Kind of sad, especially now that Obama has sailed so far beyond Corsi’s reach. It’ll be interesting to see what he pulls out of thin air in order to discredit Hillary Clinton (if she happens to be the next Dem candidate) or Joe Biden (if he is) or some poor unknown who’ll have his family dragged through the mud, so that Mr Corsi can think better of himself.

  9. Thomas Brown says:

    Corsi’s just mad at Obama ’cause he refused Corsi’s romantic overtures.

    Hell hath no fury like a slander-monkey scorned.

  10. Bob says:

    Unlike the Kerry smear which was about his character and couldn’t really be proven one way or another, the Obama-faked-his-birth-certificate was the stupidest attempt at a smear campaign ever. It’s something that was debunked with one sheet of paper in one archives. It made the people pushing it look ridiculous.

  11. aesthetocyst says:

    Contrast Doc’s article (cheeky pity for a swill shiller) with Charles P. Pierce feature in the recent issue of Esquire (about the He Who Ignoreth Swill):


    He may now have a chance to free himself from his bad habit of straining for comity with crazy people. And more importantly, we may all have a chance to properly marginalize the forces that would rather see a president fail than the country succeed.

    Hmmmm …. Corsi …. Esquire …. that sure rings a bell … something about … a lawsuit?

  12. JD says:

    What is the other flag lapel pin he is wearing above the US flag?

  13. Mitch says:

    What is the other flag lapel pin he is wearing above the US flag?

    Looks like the Stars and Bars to me.

  14. aesthetocyst says:

    Hey, hey, it’s off to the side like; he’s making an artistic statement about progress, casting off the old. And look! Old Glory is nearer and dearer to (the hole where) his heart (should have been).

  15. slash2k says:

    That’s the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia on his lapel. (Technically, the ‘Stars and Bars’ refers to the 1st Confederate national flag, which had three strips [red-white-red] and a blue union with 13 white stars.)

    Bars in heraldry are always horizontal; the diagonals on the battle flag are a cross saltire or St. Andrew’s cross.

    Yeah, I’m a nerd.

  16. I’ll repeat for Mr. Corsi’s benefit:

    Corsi Hid ‘Gay Life’ to Write Pulp Novellas

    Spread the word.

  17. “Ignoring Corsi’s contributions to science, such as his seminal book, Black Gold Stranglehold that explains that petroleum is not a fossil fuel…”

    What surprises me most, is that Corsi can write a sentence, much less a paragraph.

  18. If Corsi were on fire, I wouldn’t waste the piss from Peter Popoff’s pecker to put it out.

  19. Crustacean says:

    Doc, there are a lot of conspiracists walking around with “punk me” signs. Check out this thread about Sandy Hook “phony documents.”

    Amazing that the moderator allows this Peter guy to keep posting his raving nonsense, but there it is. I tried to inject some rational thinking, but alas, I have been banned by Dr. Eowyn (a badge of honor, as far as I’m concerned; it was because I referred to her site as a “conspiracist’s hellhole” – a phrase I got from a commenter here, though I forget who came up with that oh-so-apt description).

    The commenter named Jeremy is the lone rational thinker they allowed to post there. He owns a company that created some of the “questionable” Web sites for Sandy Hook.

    Best lines:

    Jeremy: Peter, what on earth are you talking about?!?

    Peter: In my estimation this is not the real Jeremy.

  20. JD says:

    Actually that’s what I thought it was but… Unsure his intentions. He has always come off a bit… creepy to me.

  21. JD: He has always come off a bit… creepy to me.

    Corsi is of Corsican descent. Know who else was Corsican? Napoleon.


  22. cindy says:

    i had the pleasure of punking orly in DC , when I was there for inauguration, but she was too stupid to realize it. Although she did scream and demand I leave the restaurant where i spotted her at…lol.

  23. AROD says:

    Romney having Corsi on his press plane was a very low point in that campaign. I guess they were still pretty cocky the election was thiers. Never could figure that rationale out at all.

  24. ASK Esq says:

    Anyone else wondering what Dr. Corsi’s feelings are on John Kery becoming President Barack Obama’s Secretary of State?

    I have a feeling they involved curling up on the floor in a fetal position, thumb in mouth, and much whimpering.

  25. JPotter says:

    ASK Esq:
    Anyone else wondering what Dr. Corsi’s feelings are on John Kery becoming President Barack Obama’s Secretary of State?

    I have a feeling they involved curling up on the floor in a fetal position, thumb in mouth, and much whimpering.

    Nope, not at all. More likely the opposite, gleefully gloating over the freeing up of a seat in the Blue-locked Senate. Probably already telling himself and his readers they have at least a snowball’s chance of securing the ‘other’ seat in Massachusetts. Perhaps he could invoke some silliness about retaking the birthplace of the Revolution for the Founders.

    Seriously, wingers have no use for the State Dept. They can’t wait to defund it entirely, cutting every chance they get (then decry any lapse in security of its facilities), while throwing cash at the DoD. Diplomacy? That involves toleration, cooperation, possibly .. *gasp*..compromise. The State Dept is nothing more than a front for the UN. And we all know what that means. Yeah, State is exactly where Kerry belongs.

    Ironically, his supporters and opponents can agree on that one.

    Now, if Obama had the occasion to appoint Kerry as SecDef, that would have been AWESOME! Headzapoppin’!

    Maybe next time.

  26. Terry K. says:

    ASK Esq:
    Anyone else wondering what Dr. Corsi’s feelings are on John Kery becoming President Barack Obama’s Secretary of State?

    I have a feeling they involved curling up on the floor in a fetal position, thumb in mouth, and much whimpering.

    Actually, last month he vowed to swift-boat Kerry again, while also making the bizarre admission that he didn’t serve in Vietnam due to “hereditary eczema, an illness I continue to suffer from.” No, I am not making that up.

    Earlier this week, WND published a single anti-Kerry article that was merely a rehash of previous attacks. The article was almost completely ignored — a quick Google search uncovered only a single third-tier blog that repeated it.

    It has been a bad year for Corsi — not only did his birther conspiracy blow up in his face, he was fired from his job at an investment firm ostensibly because he played a very minor role in publicizing shady dealings by HSBC (but Corsi had to put a disclaimer on his WND articles saying that his views weren’t shared by the investment firm, so it’s not like they were terribly proud to have employed him).

    We didn’t make Corsi a terrible and dishonest reporter; we just point it out every time he does it.

  27. scott e says:

    sounds like sour grapes to me.

  28. Rickey says:


    Hmmmm …. Corsi …. Esquire …. that sure rings a bell … something about … a lawsuit?

    I read recently that Farah and Corsi are appealing the dismissal of the lawsuit. Larry Klayman is handling the appeal, so another fail is pretty much guaranteed.

  29. justlw says:

    scott e:
    sounds like sour grapes to me.

    Ah, finally: a commenter with subject matter expertise.

  30. Majority Will says:

    justlw: Ah, finally: a commenter with subject matter expertise.

    Good one.

  31. Dave B. says:

    Not to be confused wth the late, great Mayor Chuckles.

    aesthetocyst: Contrast Doc’s article (cheeky pity for a swill shiller) with Charles P. Pierce feature in the recent issue of Esquire (about the He Who Ignoreth Swill):

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