The annotated Orly

Below I reproduce an article by Orly Taitz that describes a phone conversation between the two of us this afternoon. I wanted to clarify and correct some points. On the phone she said some things that I didn’t agree with, but for the purpose of not extending the conversation too long, didn’t object to and which she might have taken by mistake as agreement. There were some other times where I didn’t have an opportunity to say all I could have said. Orly talks fast and it is sometimes difficult to get a word in. So here’s Orly’s version in normal type with my annotations in bold.

I just got of the phone with Kevin Davidson, who runs a blog “Dr. Conspiracy” Mr. Davidson was a leader of the Obama technical defense on the internet for 4 years. I have written on technical issues related to Obama conspiracies for 4 years.

We had a civil conversation, we agreed to disagree on a number of technical (and other) issues.

Mr. Davidson allowed me to write on my blog about our conversation. He stated that he part-owned a software company which dealt with scanning birth certificates, converting information and creating computerised birth certificates.

We agreed on two main points:

1. Computer image posted by Obama on is not a document, it is just a coputer image, it is not a certified copy, it cannot be used by anybody for any purpose. I said that the uncertified image is not legal proof of citizenship.

2. Certified copy differs from the computer printout (differs from a copy or a scanned image) in that a certified copy contains ultraviolet safety feature (I am informed that this is true of Hawaii certificates but do not know it of my own personal knowledge), which is built in the security paper. when you get your passport you have to provide a proper document: an original (I didn’t say “original”) or a certified copy with proper security features. If there is a reason to doubt authenticity of the document, then an original needs to be examined. I said, in the context of a court using a certified copy of a birth certificate as evidence, that persuasive reasons were needed, not just doubts, to require other evidence.

3. He stated that he never was opposed to demands for original identification documents by Barack Obama and he believes that original documents should be produced. I said that that I was not opposed to Obama releasing documents or responding to lawful court orders to produce them, but that I didn’t talk to important people or give them advice. I said that I personally had no doubts about the authenticity of the document and I never agreed with demands that it should be produced.

We had disagreements on an issue of a halo effect. According to most experts halo (white shadow effect ) came from computer manipulation, specifically a computer application calle unsharp mask. Orly brought up the unsharp mask, which is a way of making a document image more readable, that creates halos.  It’s not a way of changing information. I did not suggest that the Obama long form PDF had halos from the use of the unsharp mask operator (in Photoshop), but rather because of a compression algorithm.

Mr. Davidson stated that he read an article by someone in Brazil (Ricardo L. de Queiroz – “Pre-processing for MRC layers of scanned Images”), who stated that in some instances when MRC compression is done, there can be a halo effect and that this compression can be done by some scanners. I explained MRC compression technology to Orly and she asked me if there was any specific software that did MRC compression. I never finished my response that began by saying certain high end copier/scanner hardware from Xerox did MRC compression. What I didn’t have an opportunity to say is that a number of commercial PFD software creation systems also do MRC Compression, including Adobe Acrobat. These are detailed on my article “White House birth certificate: not identical to original.” My response to him was that he needs to show that it happenned  in this case. The best response to this argument, is that not one of the other known birth certificates from Hawaii have this halo effect.

If it is something that would be created by a scanner there, then we would have seen it in every birth certificate, however we see it only in Obama’s.

His response to this was that the halo effect was created not in Hawaii, but in the White House, by the scanner in the White House, that is why all other Hawaiian BCs do not have it.

My response to this is that if our tax payer money  were to go to some lousy scanner in the White House, that creates white shadow around every word and line, then we would have seen it in every document coming from the White House, every scanned document from the White House would have had white shadows, however it is not happening, therefor  even if one were to believe that this white halo effect is something that can happen theoretically because of a scanner, it did not happen here, it was nt the reason for white halo effect in Obama’s birth certificate. I asked Orly how many scanned documents from the White House had been examined for the halo effect, and she did not reply.

I asked him about the fact that the letters in the birth certificate are of different sizes and different fonts, different shapes and with different spaces between them, with kerning effect, meaning one letter encroaching into the space of another letter. If one were to create a document with a type writer, all the letters would be the same with the same spaces. His response was that the letters are of different fonts and spaces and different shapes because of the scanner. I pointed out that Jerome Corsi’s PhD dissertation was typed, and it had irregular spacing and that the Allen FOIA documents had overlapping letters. I also pointed out that the type in the Obama PDF was so distorted when it was highly magnified that it didn’t look like any typewriter or any other kind of font. It was too low resolution to tell anything.

I asked about multiple layers and the fact that the registrar’s stamp and the date stamp  were on different layers and could be moved around the document. I told Orly that I scanned my own birth certificate and that Adobe Acrobat created layers and things that could be moved around.

He claimed that this was also because of the scanner. I said it was because of MRC compression (which can be done by some scanners and also by various software package).

At which point I stated that I do not even need to go into all the details. If he admits that a scanner can cause the letter to take different shapes and sizes, the spaces to appear, white halo to appear, multiple layers to appear and most importantly the stamp of the registrar to be moved around the document and be imported into the document from some other document, then obviously this computer image cannot be used for verification of anything, particularly not the eligibility of the US President, at which point he agreed that indeed a computer image is not a document and cannot be used for verification. It can’t be used for legal proof of citizenship because it is not a certified copy. We need to see the actual document, at the very minimum we need to see the certified copy with the security ultraviolet feature (just like money have security feature against the counterfeiting) and if there is a question of authenticity of the original, then the original has to be examined. That is what I am asking all along. Asking to see the original birth certificate is analogous to asking to see the plates money is printed with.

I asked him about the new document, which was produced by Obama’s attorneys Tepper and Begley, which was sent to Judge Wingate. In the new version forgers cleaned up several signs of forgery, the original layers were flattened and the white halo was cleaned up. If Onaka were to certify a copy of the original, then both copies would be identical. He had no comment, he stated that he did not analyse it. I was surprised by the fact that someone, who is an expert in birth certificates, who led the blog “doctor Conspiracy” and who spent 4 years defending Obama’s papers did not care to analyse the new document, new version  released by Obama’s attorneys. I said that several documents had been combined in that PDF and that the PDF software would naturally have reprocessed everything. She’s right, however, that I didn’t spend much time on the document except to note that it wasn’t layered. The reason I didn’t spend much time on this document is that I didn’t consider it to be a “new version” of anything, but rather a copy of a copy. I didn’t spend any time analyzing any of the copies of the long form PDF in her court filings either. Anybody want to bet whether they are flattened too?

At any rate as of today the leader of Obama’s technical defense team (there is no team) on the Internet, the chief Cheer Leader Kevin Davidson aka “doctor Conspiracy” stated that what Obama posted on line is not a document and not a verification of anything. I said that it is not legal proof of citizenship (and has never been offered as legal proof of citizenship).

At the very minimum we need to see a certified copy on security paper , however if there is a doubt about Onaka, his complicity and authenticity of the original, then the certified copy is not sufficient, we need to see the original typewritten document created in 1961, which should be on file. In the conversation at this point I made it clear that Onaka is a professional who is widely respected by his peers, being elected President of the vital records association NAPHSIS and the recipient of the prestigious Harvey Dunn award. Orly was not impressed.

We discussed a number of other issues.I will limit my report by this main point. I will only mention that he agreed that the way I was attacked and called names, the way some individuals were painting nude pornographic paintigs of me in order to assaaainate me as a human being was inappropriate (I said that) and this should not have been done .  He blaimed people running fogbow. I said that commenters on my web site and those at The Fogbow called her names. I didn’t refer to people “running” the site, nor did I say that the nude paintings were in any way related to The Fogbow. I don’t know anything about the reason Lacey painted them.

I believe he wants to distance himself from unscrupulous characters and he wants the truth to come out. There is no anti-birther that I would describe as unscrupulous. I have differences with some folks about some things, particularly insulting language and the focus on personal information related to birthers. I try not to do that myself. But I’m not distancing myself from anyone. Sure, I want the truth to come out. I’ve been trying to get it out for 4 years. Read the blog.

In addition, a significant part of the conversation was about Orly’s trademark topic, Obama’s social-security number. I want to bring out two important statements she made:

Orly asserted Obama was using a SSN never assigned to him. I asked her who it really belonged to. I said that with her detectives and access to LexisNexis and the public databases surely she should be able to look up whose it was. She said that she knew but was withholding the information until the proper time.

She also made the point several times that E-Verify and SSNVS, government systems for employers to verify SSNs, failed to verify Obama’s. (She claimed that the response codes from these systems say the SSN didn’t match Obama’s name. My research says that they showed that the SSN wasn’t valid for anyone.) I suggested that after Obama’s SSN was published by her and repeated on a thousand Internet web sites that Obama got a new SSN. Orly asserted that she had SSNVS results showing Obama’s number as a no-match BEFORE his number was published on the Internet, and further that she has tax returns from Obama using the “042” social-security number dated AFTER SSNVS showed a no-match. I seem to remember her saying that this proof was also being withheld for unspecified reasons, but I may be mistaken on that point. I am certain, however, that she said she had the early SSNVS result.

Both of these items would be of huge importance in proving the birther theories of a stolen SSN.

So we’ve covered less than half of the conversation.


A discussion of Orly’s article is developing on her blog, including additions by Douglas Vogt. Orly has allowed some of my statements to appear, but it looks like she’s trying to control the discussion by selectively approving my comments, particularly when I responded to the comment about The Fogbow, shown below, where she approves a later comment of mine, but not an earlier:


About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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169 Responses to The annotated Orly

  1. Mary Brown says:

    Withholding to when? She claims she does not want him in office but then does nothing with the information she says she has. Why not during the election campaign. I wonder if she just said the first thing that came to her mind.

  2. richCares says:

    “Withholding to when?.”
    she learned this trick from WND

  3. Whatever4 says:

    Asking to see the original birth certificate is analogous to asking to see the plates money is printed with.

    Great analogy.
    Printing plate = original birth certificate
    Actual $50 bill = certified copy of a birth certificate
    Picture of a $50 bill = image of a certified copy of a birth certificate.

    A picture of a $50 bill is useless in purchasing anything. An image of a BC is useless for getting a passport.

  4. I think you should acknowledge Frank Arduini for the article title.

    If you want to call Orly back and offer her a joint appearance with you I would consider it. I emailed her a while back and offered to interview her on the show and the bitch said she was going to sue me and the Fogbow.

  5. Rickey says:

    Orly asserted Obama was using a SSN never assigned to him. I asked her who it really belonged to. I said that with her detectives and access to LexisNexis and the public databases surely she should be able to look up whose it was. She said that she knew but was withholding the information until the proper time.

    She is lying, plain and simple.

  6. John Reilly says:

    No good deed goes unpunished.

  7. Here is the story behind Orly Taitz’ name:

  8. Mark Johnson says:

    I spent the day reading posts on devoted to birther theories. I simply wanted to try and digest as much information as possible with an open mind. What a pleasure to find this site and Doc’s rational posts along with his tolerance. I feel like I just took a shower.

  9. Rickey: She said that she knew but was withholding the information until the proper time.

    Orly is watching too many Perry Mason reruns.

  10. aesthetocyst says:

    “I asked him about the new document, which was produced by Obama’s attorneys Tepper and Begley, which was sent to Judge Wingate. In the new version forgers cleaned up several signs of forgery, the original layers were flattened and the white halo was cleaned up. If Onaka were to certify a copy of the original, then both copies would be identical.”

    Doc, I emailed you about this an hour ago or so. Hermitian brought up the same ‘mystery’. The first MDEC filing contained the WH LFBC PDF. Their second filing w/add’l exhibits included various other filings, their exhibits, and the rulings on them. One of them was Freeman v. Obama. Freeman had included a faxed(?) print of the LFBC.

    Surprise, surprise, it isn’t a new image, just a copy of a copy (of a copy?) of the same image. Lower resolution and 1-bit color depth. No wonder it looks ‘cleaned up’.

    Taitz didn’t consider the context. Shocking. Hermitian wouldn’t say which images he was talking about. He knows how obvious it would be.

    Anyway, these are the only two LFBC images I saw in their filing.

    Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings with Exhibits
    p.7 WH LFBC PDF, unaltered (other than filing notation, which is in blue, inserted as a separate object)

    Memo in Support of Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings with Exhibits
    p. 76, 1-bit depth copy of LFBC.

  11. Lupin says:

    My professional experience (*) has been that when you engage crazy people in what seems to be a logical conversation, you are in fact only stepping into their own vortex of craziness, and I have never known, never, anything good or productive to come out of it.

    (*) I’ve dealt with artistic types for 25 years.

  12. Bran Mak Morn says:

    I understand why you talked to Orly, unlike some who are criticizing you for it. I do think she will twist everything said and done in it, and afterward, and make a conspiracy theory over your rejection of her claims of what happened. You should have recorded the conversation and placed it on the net. That would have been the wisest way of dealing with her. But I understand, unlike some, the need to attempt dialogue, to hope against hope, so to speak, if something opens up, even if not expecting it to have great results. It’s sad that some don’t get it and want to just reify bad situations and encourage the same approach to the world that the GOP in congress want: my way or the highway without dialogue or compromise.

    Yet, as others have said, just now be careful. If she wants to talk again, record it.

  13. roadburner says:

    hmmm….not suprised that oily spun it her way.

    my advice would be to post on the thread on her site, and link to yours.

    if she lets it through moderation that is 😉

  14. BillTheCat says:

    Thanks for the clarifications you made to her post Doc, very helpful and makes more sense now, heh.

  15. Yoda says:

    Bran Mak Morn:
    I understand why you talked to Orly, unlike some who are criticizing you for it. I do think she will twist everything said and done in it, and afterward, and make a conspiracy theory over your rejection of her claims of what happened. You should have recorded the conversation and placed it on the net. That would have been the wisest way of dealing with her.But I understand, unlike some, the need to attempt dialogue, to hope against hope, so to speak, if something opens up, even if not expecting it to have great results. It’s sad that some don’t get it and want to just reify bad situations and encourage the same approach to the world that the GOP in congress want: my way or the highway without dialogue or compromise.

    Yet, as others have said, just now be careful. If she wants to talk again, record it.

    While not a bad suggestion, one does have to be aware of wiretapping laws. You may need the permission from the person you are taping in order for it to be legal.

  16. Yoda says:

    Doc, one of the beautiful things is that we know from experience that Orly either lies about conversations or simply reports things that she thought she heard. How many times have the transcripts of hearings undermined her reports? What about her “meeting” with Rick Perry? Or her infamous “Judge Carter ordered discovery, Obama will be out in 30 days” screech?

    You have to remember that in Orly’s mind everything is part of a conspiracy and evidence that there is no conspiracy is only evidence of the cover up of a conspiracy.

  17. Bran Mak Morn says:

    Yoda: While not a bad suggestion, one does have to be aware of wiretapping laws.You may need the permission from the person you are taping in order for it to be legal.

    And that could be done before any talk continues. Just tell her he will record it or no talk, and get her agreement. And he could say she could use it on her blog IF it is not changed one iota.

  18. Bob says:

    I left a polite comment saying that Doc Conspiracy’s website was accurate and informative on Orly’s thread regarding this same subject. It didn’t make it through moderation for some reason.

  19. Ben P. says:

    Doc, for what it’s worth, I think your attempt at civility was noble and grand. Even more than what Orly may say about it in the future, or how it may be used against you by her, I am already starting to resent some of the comments from some TFB regulars (admittedly not all, and Foggy himself has been very cool about it) casting blame and aspersions your way for any misunderstanding, and even for your attempt to have this civil dialogue.

    So …. as someone who lurks in a lot of places, but only speaks up here, and that only recently, let me just say …. Thank you. That’s all.

  20. Ben P.

    I think you need to understand that some of those “Fogbow regulars” have been viciously attacked by Orly and have had there names and addresses and those of their colleagues at work published on her blog. She published a comment by Doug Vogt on the article on the conversation with Doc where he accuses me, John Woodman, and I suppose now Doc of aiding and abetting treason.

    So feel free to resent but I believe you would feel differently if you were one of her and her minions targets. Some of us react differently. Doc has chosen one way to react and I respect that but others choose different options. I can understand their frustration that Doc is providing Orly with more fodder for her blog. I am not sure I can say I would have not returned Orly’s call if she called me. I have offered her a spot on my radio show more than once so in one way I cannot question Doc’s curiosity and decision to have a conversation with her. However, I hope he is not surprised that Orly immediately sought to twist his words and use it to her advantage. That is what she does. That is who she is.

    Ben P.: I am already starting to resent some of the comments from some TFB regulars (admittedly not all, and Foggy himself has been very cool about it) casting blame and aspersions your way for any misunderstanding, and even for your attempt to have this civil dialogue.

  21. Hermitian says:

    “aesthetocyst January 6, 2013 at 4:03 am

    ““I asked him about the new document, which was produced by Obama’s attorneys Tepper and Begley, which was sent to Judge Wingate. In the new version forgers cleaned up several signs of forgery, the original layers were flattened and the white halo was cleaned up. If Onaka were to certify a copy of the original, then both copies would be identical.”

    “Doc, I emailed you about this an hour ago or so. Hermitian brought up the same ‘mystery’. The first MDEC filing contained the WH LFBC PDF. Their second filing w/add’l exhibits included various other filings, their exhibits, and the rulings on them. One of them was Freeman v. Obama. Freeman had included a faxed(?) print of the LFBC.

    “Surprise, surprise, it isn’t a new image, just a copy of a copy (of a copy?) of the same image. Lower resolution and 1-bit color depth. No wonder it looks ‘cleaned up’.

    “Taitz didn’t consider the context. Shocking. Hermitian wouldn’t say which images he was talking about. He knows how obvious it would be.

    “Anyway, these are the only two LFBC images I saw in their filing.

    “Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings with Exhibits
    p.7 WH LFBC PDF, unaltered (other than filing notation, which is in blue, inserted as a separate object)


    “Memo in Support of Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings with Exhibits
    p. 76, 1-bit depth copy of LFBC”.

    Not even close. As all Birthers have known for years — all Obots are blind as bats.

    The radically altered WH LFCOLB PDF image is contained in the following court filings.

    06/06/2012 35 MOTION to Supplement Counsel for MDEC’s Response 30 in Opposition to Plaintiff Taitz’s Motion for Sanctions 25 re 30 Response to Motion, by Democrat
    Party of Mississippi (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit MDEC Counsel Request to HI
    DOH for Verification of President Obamas Hawaiian Birth Cert, # 2 Exhibit
    Hawaii DOH Verification of President Obamas Hawaiian Birth−Issued May 31
    2012)(Begley, Samuel) (Entered: 06/06/2012) [.pdf (page 11)]

    and in

    10513240131.pdf 05/26/2012 Re: Request for Verification of Vital Records Pursuant
    to Hawai’ i. Rev. Stat. 338-14.3 and 338-1 8(g)(4) [.pdf (page 4)]

    The latter document is identical to court document 35-1.pdf.

    The Tepper page 4/11 LFCOLB PDF image is page 4 of the latter two documents and page 11 of the first document.

    The Onaka verification letter which claims to verify both the WH LFCOLB PDF image and the altered Tepper page 4/11 LFCOLB PDF image in the same sentence is the court document 35-2.pdf.

    The Tepper page 4/11 LFCOLB PDF image has 28 layers when opened in Adobe Illustrator. The flattened and extensively altered WH LFCOLB PDF image is layer 28. The other 27 layers are hidden geometric objects which were added to the flattened/altered WH LFCOLB PDF image file in Adobe Illustrator.

    Knock yourself out.

  22. Plutodog says:

    Resent away, Ben P. The Amen Chorus is over at Orly’s.

  23. Bob says:

    I find it funny that Orly thinks Sheriff Arpaio has actually conducted some sort of investigation and has actually collected evidence when, in fact, he was just raising campaign funds and support by piggybacking on Taitz’s weird birth certificate obsession.

    It’s proof that Orly believes her own lies.

  24. Not only that Arpaio never accuses any particular person of anything in an “affidavit” that was not sworn before anyone other than Kalyman and a notary IIRC.

  25. richCares says:

    I resent Orly’s nasty insults to our president, her mouth needs a brillo scrubbing, not just soap. Why is she stuck on the stolen SSN, any 17 year old kid could easily file for and obtain a SSN, that includes foreigners. Why would 17 yr old Obama steal a SSN when it was much easier to obtain a valid one. That’s silly.

  26. donna says:

    i would LOVE to see arpaio cross examined under oath – he would be destroyed

  27. Paper says:

    Dr. C noted elsewhere that a person is not defined by their worst characteristics. In that light, the value of a conversation is not defined by, not limited by, its worst participants.

  28. Bran Mak Morn says:

    i would LOVE to see arpaio cross examined under oath – he would be destroyed

    Of course birthers would read into it and make up new stories…

  29. donna says:

    Bran Mak Morn: Of course birthers would read into it and make up new stories…

    yeah but i can dream ……………

  30. Semolina says:

    I used to be a receptionist at a sheriff’s department, and we had two regular crazies. These people came in and called once or twice a week. The woman was in her 50s and had a lot of conspiracy theories. One deputy thought he should just pretend to take her seriously and take her statement and she’d go away. The next day, she filed a lawsuit accusing him of breaking her arm, which never came close to happening (her arm wasn’t even bruised, let alone broken). But she had woken up with a sore arm and just knew it had to be caused by the deputy, who was a member of that evil cabal known as the sheriff’s department. She also used to call and tell me about all her Bob Dylan sightings. You see, Bob Dylan was working for the CIA and had apparently been hired to follow her.

    Then there was Walter. He was not as obviously insane as Linda. He came across as relatively normal — until you actually listened to the words that came out of his mouth. After his wife left him and filed for divorce (a mortal sin in Walter’s Catholic eyes), a deputy working in the Civil Process department drove out to serve a restraining order. From then on, Walter blamed the sheriff of causing his divorce, which evolved to causing all abortions (because the Catholic sheriff refused to arrest the Planned Parenthood people and the women having them). Walter even erected a giant sign on his farm near the highway urging people to oppose the murderous sheriff for reelection.

    I was told to always be civil to the crazies (I was not allowed to be uncivil to anyone) but to never let them engage me in discussions on the merits of their accusations. The sheriff and chief deputy did the same. Walter would call, the Sheriff would take the call, and then lay the receiver on his desk and let Walter rant for 10 minutes (he always timed it), say goodbye, and then hang up.

    When people are clinically delusional, you will never be able to poke holes in their delusions with facts or logic. They will find a way to discredit every word you utter in the attempt or to make it fit with their delusion. They are 100% convinced that they are right (and righteous) and must explain to themselves how your words support what they believe or how you are lying or being forced to lie.

    That is why engaging in a conversation with Orly Taitz is a huge mistake. It is obvious that she is delusional. Every word an individual or group utters that can be twisted to support her delusion ends up as affirmation of her cause in the next court filing. She has heard all the logical arguments from the other side. She has read this Website and TFB and Squeaky and the posts she won’t let through on her site and the court filings that take apart her arguments. She even listens to Reality Check radio. Orly is obsessed with reading about herself because it feeds her delusions of grandeur — of being Thurgood Marshall, so important that she will go down in history. So talking to her on the phone cannot possibly accomplish anything. I am sure it is tempting to think you could be the one to get through to Orly (I know I had that hope and tried to reason with her in comments at her blog), but you won’t get through. You just feed the monster. And she is a sad, crazy monster who harasses innocent people for nothing more than having a dead child with the same last name as the president or for having attended the same school or living at an address near a house once owned by someone named Obama or for being a law clerk or defense attorney or state attorney doing your job or simply for criticizing her.

    Do not engage crazy people. It is a good rule to follow. You can be cordial, but calling Orly for a long conversation in which you treat her delusions as worthy of considerate debate and even concede to the validity of some of them and commiserate with her over her treatment by her “enemies” is not kind. It only emboldens her and stokes her sick fires. She needs mental health care, not civil discussions. Not all crazy people are drooling idiots who mutter to themselves, as the TV would have you believe. Some are quite charming or persuasive (think Ted Bundy or even Casey Anthony).

  31. Mary Brown says:

    One of the things these people can accomplish is to put people at odds with one another in an ugly way. She is, like many of them, gifted at that. It is ok to disagree but not ok to mount attacks that at their core merely destroy. Let’s all use our brains here. In my opinion the talk and her reaction to it merely highlight who and what she is. I believe that makes the conversation valuable. She has been affected by her circumstrances.I am sure she has lived through negative events I cannot understand. Look at the President. He also lived through experiences I cannot understand. He had a father he didn’t know and who turned out not to be the person he expected. He was sent at 10 to live apart from his mom (I make no judgement about that) with his grandparents. He had a rought period in his late teens. He had disappointments. But at some point he was able to take all that and deal with his experiences and use them positvely as he lived life. Orly Taitz has chosen to take her experiences and use them to destroy rather than build.

  32. recalcitrant says:

    1st:… you are full of BS and yer attempt to appear to be engaged, with deliberation, during your analysis of the LYING chief executive of America’s documents, is disgusting.
    2nd: The LIAR in chief did say at a gathering that he would release his documents when asked to do so by an attendee at that public meeting having many thousands of people in attendance.
    3rd: his history is wanting when it comes to being an honorable person and he is without a doubt the most evil bastard to ever enter the White House.
    4th: The “evil bastard” allowed dedicated military professionals to be jailed, because they believed that they cannot defend a nation with a LIAR for a commander in chief of their military obligations to defend the country against ‘all’ enemies foreign and domestic.
    5th: You and yours on this blog are ‘racist’ because you want a black president who isn’t eligible to be where he is now. The masses voted ‘color’ not ‘law’ and what could be more indicative of a racist minority American citizen.
    6th: American Minorities are the most racist people on the planet earth. Some of us have associated with Nigerian and Kenyan blacks and it can be said that they see the adherence to law as being more important than voting for ‘color’ as the racist on this blog have done.
    7th: For anyone to call other people who are concerned about the ‘liar’ in Wa. D.C. ‘racist’ is more BS because these same ‘racist’ are the people who worked to bring about equality of opportunity to minorities in America. The ‘racist’ minorities can stuff their racism where it will do them the most good… then sit on their racism bundle wherever they go.
    Many scholars have identified more than 1,500 African American officeholders during the Reconstruction period (1865–1876). All were Republicans. Historian Canter Brown, Jr. noted that in some states, such as Florida, the highest number of African Americans were elected or appointed to offices after 1876 and the end of Reconstruction. The following is a partial list some of the most notable of the officeholders pre-1900.

    One of the most important aspects of Reconstruction was the active participation of African Americans (including thousands of former slaves) in the political, economic and social life of the South. The era was to a great extent defined by their quest for autonomy and equal rights under the law, both as individuals and for the black community as a whole. During Reconstruction, some 2,000 African Americans held public office, from the local level all the way up to the U.S. Senate, though they never achieved representation in government proportionate to their numbers.
    8th: As the “king” of BS on this blog and blog owner it would appear that your doubts about who is in America’s house indicates that the ‘liar’ should be properly vetted. In fact your kind are not needed in America… so leave right now.
    9th: Anyone who says that the American Constitution if FLAWD has to be nuts and can’t be an American, so it is with the WH ‘liar’. While it’s true that there are problems with American law… no one can state that there are better alternatives to American principles that have abolished many ill begotten activities like burning witches at the stake.
    10th: From many sources who have enter-acted with the ‘liar’ it comes to light that the ‘liar’ is what he is, a ‘dumb ass’ fraud. The ‘liar’ is the biggest threat to America than the Soviet Union or Hitler was to America. All that the ‘liar’ is are shown by Castro, Chavez, and more.
    11th: The analysis made by Dr. Dumb the Nasa employee should be investigated, because the time to create that Mr. Dumb document was probably done on the Nasa dime aka the American taxpayers’ dime. Can it be said “another liar” is on the fence for integrity?
    12th: The ‘liars’ attempt to usurp american ‘rights’ will be dealt with some day by American citizens who are adherents to America’s Supreme Law.
    13th: The ignorant waste of time ‘liar’ will surely bring America down as it has occurred in Argentina.
    Argentina’s race to destruction are due to the same acts contemplated by that asshole in the White House.
    14th: The Teleprompter dunce reeks of stupidity that is seen by viewing his body English… it’s impossible to see that ‘liar’ as anything but a phony who is attempting to appear ‘intelligent’ when in fact he is a ‘dumb’ puppet of some far left wing radicals composed of people like the Weatherman leaders; Dhorn and Ayers, Rev. Wright who is the sickest …wrong person to have associated with to claim to be a Christian.
    15th: In the end of it all… history will record that the ‘liar’ diligently worked to defraud the American citizens of their rights… and is the most “evil bastard” that has ever entered American’s White House.

  33. Bob says:


    It’s an indication that you have a mental problem when others are afraid/apprehensive to merely speak with you. It shows that you’re not rational.

  34. But I am a reporter of these people. It’s my (self-appointed volunteer) job to do stuff like this. I didn’t talk to her like a potential friend, or as an opponent, or with any expectations that she would change her ways.

    Lupin: My professional experience (*) has been that when you engage crazy people in what seems to be a logical conversation, you are in fact only stepping into their own vortex of craziness, and I have never known, never, anything good or productive to come out of it.

  35. Sef says:

    I had a similar reaction as “recalcitrant” every time the shrub showed up on the TV. I almost wore out the mute button. But we and our country are coming out of that 8-year nightmare.

  36. aesthetocyst says:

    Hermitian: Knock yourself out.

    Hey, you popped up and actually committed to specific files. Don’t worry about providing link, I found it for you:

    Really, Herms? This is a print copy of the 5/4/12 filing, scanned and refiled on 6/6/12. It’s included as a record of what Tepper sent to Fuddy. He’s demonstrating to Fuddy that he filed a copy of the PDF from the White House with the court, as indicated by the 5/4 filing date. In response, a verification was received. Both were filed as exhibits to the motion, at which time the printed and scanned page your concerned about acquired a second, 6/6/12 date … along with all the other pages of the motions and exhibits.

    Yes, various new object. Which in no way alter the images. How do i know it was print/scanned? All of the familiar object in the WH LFBC—along with the blue notation from 5/4/12—are now flattened into one image. The color balance of which has shifted to cyan. It was scanned with Acrobat 9’s Paper Capture. The new objects ‘added’? lines and clipping paths, all emtpy, in no way altering anything, all within an all-encompassing clipping path. The topmost object, the 6/6/12 filing notation, is a separate object.

    Really, are you ready to indict everyone engaged in producing, distributing, and selling office equipment, and all accompanying software, in the country for “forgery”?

  37. aesthetocyst says:

    Hermitian: Not even close. As all Birthers have known for years — all Obots are blind as bats.

    Yeah, silly me, taking birfers at their words and looking for a new image. Lacking the required paranoia, I breezed right by the ‘shiny’ you had obsessed over.

    Thanks for ‘fessing up.

  38. Paper says:

    But we have sonar! And man, those bats can do some really impressive precision work. 🙂

    As all Birthers have known for years — all Obots are blind as bats.

  39. Hermitian says:

    “aesthetocystJanuary 6, 2013 at 1:23 pm

    “Hermitian: Knock yourself out.

    “Hey, you popped up and actually committed to specific files. Don’t worry about providing link, I found it for you:

    “Really, Herms? This is a print copy of the 5/4/12 filing, scanned and refiled on 6/6/12. It’s included as a record of what Tepper sent to Fuddy. He’s demonstrating to Fuddy that he filed a copy of the PDF from the White House with the court, as indicated by the 5/4 filing date. In response, a verification was received. Both were filed as exhibits to the motion, at which time the printed and scanned page your concerned about acquired a second, 6/6/12 date … along with all the other pages of the motions and exhibits.

    Yes, various new object. Which in no way alter the images. How do i know it was print/scanned? All of the familiar object in the WH LFBC—along with the blue notation from 5/4/12—are now flattened into one image. The color balance of which has shifted to cyan. It was scanned with Acrobat 9’s Paper Capture. The new objects ‘added’? lines and clipping paths, all emtpy, in no way altering anything, all within an all-encompassing clipping path. The topmost object, the 6/6/12 filing notation, is a separate object.

    Really, are you ready to indict everyone engaged in producing, distributing, and selling office equipment, and all accompanying software, in the country for “forgery”?

    Sorry Aes ! You have me at a disadvantage because I am not at liberty to discuss any of the evidence in the case.

    However, you seem to know a lot about this one document. Were you the forger who helped Mr. C provide it to Tepper? Maybe you could post the name of the person who created the Tepper page 4/11 forgery (if it was not yourself). And then maybe you could give your opinion as to the probative value (if any) of the Onaka verification of these two forgeries?

  40. Well if you ever get some evidence that you can SHARE, be sure to let me know.

    Hermitian: Sorry Aes ! You have me at a disadvantage because I am not at liberty to discuss any of the evidence in the case.

  41. Hermitian says:

    aesthetocystJanuary 6, 2013 at 1:31 pm

    “Hermitian: Not even close. As all Birthers have known for years — all Obots are blind as bats.

    “Yeah, silly me, taking birfers at their words and looking for a new image. Lacking the required paranoia, I breezed right by the ‘shiny’ you had obsessed over.

    “Thanks for ‘fessing up.”

    Since you are probably the forger, maybe you could tell us which of these two different forged Obama LFCOLB PDF images is a duplicate copy of one of his two certified copies?

  42. While I talked to Orly, I had in mind this saying from Plutarch’s Morals, where he comments on a saying of Pythagoras:

    “Stir not up the fire with a sword; signifying that we ought not to provoke a man more when he is angry already (since this is a most unseemly act), but we should rather comply with him while his passion is in its heat.”

    I get the impression that the ancient Greeks had a problem with anger management.

  43. Hermitian says:

    “Dr. ConspiracyJanuary 6, 2013 at 1:57 pm

    “Well if you ever get some evidence that you can SHARE, be sure to let me know.

    “Hermitian: Sorry Aes ! You have me at a disadvantage because I am not at liberty to discuss any of the evidence in the case.”

    So the premier Obama birth certificate expert is begging for evidence. I have a suggestion for you personally. Find your own evidence. Since you are the most likely creator of the two Obama LFCOLB PDF images then you are going to need your own.

  44. Rickey says:

    Yoda: While not a bad suggestion, one does have to be aware of wiretapping laws.You may need the permission from the person you are taping in order for it to be legal.

    Georgia requires only one party to consent to recording a phone call, but California requires the consent of both parties. Doc would be ill-advised to record a telephone conversation with Orly without her consent.

  45. aesthetocyst says:

    Hermitian: You have me at a disadvantage because I am not at liberty to discuss any of the evidence in the case.

    You’ve been discussing away quite freely … now suddenly bound by a gag order? 😉

    As I posted last night about the 2 pages I thought you had in mind, I figured you would come running to quickly say, nope, keep guessing. Thanks for being bigger than that, this once. The result was far funnier 😀

    Hermitian: Were you the forger who helped Mr. C provide it to Tepper?

    Very tempting snark target, but it wan’t me. I’ve printed and scanned a lot of documents, created and modified many more, but I have no connection to any birfer litigation beyond that of hobbyist observer.

  46. Right. I have been looking for 4 years for any definitive evidenced supporting any of the birther conspiracy theories, and have come up empty. I am begging, PLEADING for evidence. Help me, HenryWan, you’re my only hope.

    If you want to see MY fake Obama LFBC, it’s here:

    It’s two years before the real one came out.

    Hermitian: So the premier Obama birth certificate expert is begging for evidence. I have a suggestion for you personally. Find your own evidence. Since you are the most likely creator of the two Obama LFCOLB PDF images then you are going to need your own.

  47. aesthetocyst says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: If you want to see MY fake Obama LFBC, it’s here:

    I hadn’t seen that before. I created a “birfer-friendly” high-res JPG of the LFBC, from the ABCNews image. Sort of a “would you have been happier had it looked like this?” example.

    It’s antiseptic, digitally created / manipulated. It shouldn’t satisfy anybody.

  48. Birther Weary says:

    This seems as good a place as any to link to A Guide To Almost Every Insane Obama Conspiracy Theory Yet!

    It must be a real bear keeping this list up to date. For example, this is new to me.

    “Obama’s adventures on Mars: As a teen, Obama participated in a CIA initiative to teleport to Mars using a top-secret “jump room.” Self-described time travelers William Stillings and Andrew Basiago claim to have met the future POTUS at American space bases on the Red Planet. In early 2012, a spokesman for the National Security Council actually acknowledged these claims, and issued a fairly convincing denial.

  49. Paper says:

    These are not the fake birth certificates you are looking for…

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Help me, HenryWan, you’re my only hope.

    If you want to see MY fake Obama LFBC, it’s here…

  50. Hermitian says:

    “aesthetocyst January 6, 2013 at 2:32 pm (Quote)#

    “Dr. Conspiracy: If you want to see MY fake Obama LFBC, it’s here:

    “I hadn’t seen that before. I created a “birfer-friendly” high-res JPG of the LFBC, from the ABCNews image. Sort of a “would you have been happier had it looked like this?” example.

    “It’s antiseptic, digitally created / manipulated. It shouldn’t satisfy anybody.

    Your image has been blocked man…Try it !

    [The link worked for me, Doc.]

  51. aesthetocyst says:

    Hermitian: Your image has been blocked man…Try it !

    Google never seems to work for Herms. 😉

  52. Hermitian says:

    “aesthetocystJanuary 6, 2013 at 3:42 pm (Quote)#

    “Hermitian: Your image has been blocked man…Try it !

    “Google never seems to work for Herms.”

    Finally got it using Chrome. Can’t get there with IE9.

  53. This invented controversy by the twin nuts Vogt and Irey fascinates me. The only reason that the MDEC legal team included a copy of the LFBC was that Orly in her usual fashion filed a 96th generation copy that was illegible with one of her motions so the MDEC team included a better copy along with the verification obtained from Hawaii. So now Tweeldle Dee and Tweedle Dum have come along and invented a brand new conspiracy based on the LFBC filed in this case that was only for reference. The important document is the verification.

  54. Arthur says:

    Hermitian: Your image has been blocked man…Try it !

    Worked for me.

  55. SluggoJD says:

    “Dr. ConspiracyJanuary 6, 2013 at 1:57 pm

    “Well if you ever get some evidence that you can SHARE, be sure to let me know.

    “Hermitian: Sorry Aes ! You have me at a disadvantage because I am not at liberty to discuss any of the evidence in the case.”

    So the premier Obama birth certificate expert is begging for evidence.I have a suggestion for you personally.Find your own evidence. Since you are the most likely creator of the two Obama LFCOLB PDF images then you are going to need your own.


    You’re either insane, crazy, nuts, or just a racist little liar. Not sure which.

    You have no evidence of anything. We’re not worried. Obama is President and you are an anonymous turnip. Perhaps more oxygen will help you.

  56. Whatever4 says:

    Hermitian: “Dr. ConspiracyJanuary 6, 2013 at 1:57 pm

    “Well if you ever get some evidence that you can SHARE, be sure to let me know.

    “Hermitian: Sorry Aes ! You have me at a disadvantage because I am not at liberty to discuss any of the evidence in the case.”

    So the premier Obama birth certificate expert is begging for evidence. I have a suggestion for you personally. Find your own evidence. Since you are the most likely creator of the two Obama LFCOLB PDF images then you are going to need your own.

    This is a real conversation? Not a Eliza-bot? Because I don’t think a real human is conversing with Doc. If so, THIS is the classic definition of a troll.

  57. Kate1230 says:

    Rickey: Orly asserted Obama was using a SSN never assigned to him. I asked her who it really belonged to. I said that with her detectives and access to LexisNexis and the public databases surely she should be able to look up whose it was. She said that she knew but was withholding the information until the proper time.

    Orly runs to her blog every single time she gets any type of allegedly negative info about President Obama. If she had more info about the SSN, she’d be screaming it from the rooftops. She also wouldn’t be able to keep quiet about it so there would be other FM’s saying the same thing.

    She’s lying, which is certainly nothing new for Orly. We know the SS# belonged to/or still belongs to President Obama because he used it for years without difficulty. Orly is trying to bluff but she’s not very good at it. Not surprising, to say the least.

  58. Horus says:

    i would LOVE to see arpaio cross examined under oath – he would be destroyed

    As a resident of AZ I know all too well that Arpaio will make all kinds of accusations to the press, but never swear under oath to any of them in court.

  59. Please see update to the end of this article.

  60. Paul says:

    Orly is obsessed with reading about herself because it feeds her delusions of grandeur

    Bravo, Semolina, for your entire post. But I want to comment on the specific quote, above, because most people don’t get the connection between delusions of grandeur and clinical paranoia. In fact, the two primary traits of paranoid psychosis are 1: (of course) paranoia, and 2: delusions of grandeur. It seems incongruent. If I’m paranoid, if I think everyone is out to get me… then I feel beaten down, small, VICTIMIZED. I’m this poor little guy down here that everyone is out to get. So why would I think I’m someone important?

    But the fact is, you MUST think you’re the most important person in the world in order to justify why so many people — complete strangers! — would spend all their time and effort trying to harm you. You’re not just some schmuck — You’re the focus of EVERYONE’S ATTENTION!

    That’s Oily in a nutshell. (Emphasis on “nut”.) Everyone is out to get her. And the reason is because she’s the most important person in the world.

  61. Yoda says:

    Horus: As a resident of AZ I know all too well that Arpaio will make all kinds of accusations to the press, but never swear under oath to any of them in court.

    Personally, I would rather see Zullo on the stand. Now that would be fun to watch.

  62. donna says:


    a narcissist is the hero in their own story and all heroes need a villain

  63. Yoda says:

    Paul: Home
    Visitors Guide
    Open Thread

    Along these lines, I found the picture of Orly smiling while she shook hands after the hearing very disturbing. She had just gotten a major beat down and she looked happy. It struck me that she it was the embodiment of her “it’s all about me” attitude. She is clearly enjoying the fame and notoriety that she has garnered from all this.

  64. Paul says:

    Yoda: She is clearly enjoying the fame and notoriety that she has garnered from all this.

    In fact, her fame and notoriety are the REASON for all this

  65. Sef says:

    Yoda: Along these lines, I found the picture of Orly smiling while she shook hands after the hearing very disturbing.She had just gotten a major beat down and she looked happy.It struck me that she it was the embodiment of her “it’s all about me” attitude.She is clearly enjoying the fame and notoriety that she has garnered from all this.

    She was probably glad to be out of the building and not having to spend the night in the basement.

  66. Yoda says:

    Paul: In fact, her fame and notoriety are the REASON for all this

    I didn’t start following Orly until about two years ago, but I think she was sincere in the beginning. Deluded, incompetent, demented, but sincere. As for what she is doing now, she is convinced that she will go down in history as the savior of the republic. She still believes she is right, but it absolutely more about her being a hero than anything else. Everything she does supports this conclusion.

  67. Horus says:

    Your post is dripping with your racism.
    Too bad you’re too blinded by that to see it yourself.

  68. Rickey says:

    Rickey: Georgia requires only one party to consent to recording a phone call, but California requires the consent of both parties. Doc would be ill-advised to record a telephone conversation with Orly without her consent.

    I should have said that South Carolina requires only one party to consent. For some reason I had Georgia on my mind. I assume that Doc C. made his call from South Carolina.

  69. donna says:


    handsome couple – she just needs a hat

    Orly Taitz & Dr. Conspiracy Engage in Civil Discourse: Has Hell Frozen Over?

    Chief Cold Case Posse Investigator Mike Zullo to Speak at Surprise, AZ Tea Party Meeting 1-15-13

    1/15 is martin luther king’s birthday – how propos

  70. Paul says:

    Doc, HERE’S my worry:

    “Kevin is currently on the short list of possible suspects who may have put together this poor excuse for a birth certificate.”

    “I have a little message for you. One I have already told John Woodman and RC. I believe you were paid for your services from the Obama handlers and that makes you an accessory after the fact in a treason case. You helped let a foreign communist agent to become president of the US for the purpose of destroying the country…. Because of your actions you may be looking at 15 years in prison. This will give you something to think about.”

    “Have you reported Mr. Woodman and “RC” to the proper authorities for violation of “Title 18, Chapter 1 General Provisions; Section. 3. Accessory after the fact”? Will you be adding Mr. Davidson to that report? ”

    I read this crap and I think, How can you NOT believe that you’re going to be named as a defendant in future actions?! I mean granted, they’ll be bullshit, and you’ll have no trouble fighting them… but the HASSLE! The ANNOYANCE! And in fact the possible danger when hordes of Oily’s FMs identify YOU as the enemy, and start their attack.

    I just hope you haven’t made a serious error, Kevin. You seem to think not, and I hope you’re right… But I worry.

  71. I don’t know the law in South Carolina, but I wouldn’t have recorded the call without telling her first, and I didn’t want start the call in such a confrontational way. Besides, Orly has no credibility beyond her own followers and what she says doesn’t matter.

    Rickey: I should have said that South Carolina requires only one party to consent. For some reason I had Georgia on my mind. I assume that Doc C. made his call from South Carolina.

  72. The last time I got identified as the enemy by Orly, I got a total of one vaguely nasty email and nothing happened when KenyanBornObamAcorn did her video series, and Jerome Corsi outed me.

    Orly hasn’t even sued the Fogbow yet.

    They are just blustering because it’s all they can do. Also, I suspect that one of those commenters you cited is actually a provocateur rather than a genuine commenter.

    Paul: I read this crap and I think, How can you NOT believe that you’re going to be named as a defendant in future actions?! I mean granted, they’ll be bullshit, and you’ll have no trouble fighting them… but the HASSLE! The ANNOYANCE! And in fact the possible danger when hordes of Oily’s FMs identify YOU as the enemy, and start their attack.

    I just hope you haven’t made a serious error, Kevin. You seem to think not, and I hope you’re right… But I worry.

  73. Sorry, I wasn’t there. Were you?

    recalcitrant: 2nd: The LIAR in chief did say at a gathering that he would release his documents when asked to do so by an attendee at that public meeting having many thousands of people in attendance

  74. Yoda says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    The last time I got identified as the enemy by Orly, I got a total of one vaguely nasty email and nothing happened when KenyanBornObamAcorn did her video series, and Jerome Corsi outed me.

    Orly hasn’t even sued the Fogbow yet.

    They are just blustering because it’s all they can do. Also, I suspect that one of those commenters you cited is actually a provocateur rather than a genuine commenter.

    As someone who was named in Orly’s REEKO action by name, but not sued, I can say if she wants to name me in future actions, bring it on. I relish the opportunity to have her prove that I am part of a non existent conspiracy with people that I have never met. I don’t want to speak for Doc, but I can’t imagine anyone being scared of being sued by her.

  75. Hermitian: Obots are blind as bats.

    Bats are not blind. They use sonar, but they have eyesight.

    “The Mauritian tomb bat is a species of sac-winged bat that is found in central and southern Africa and Madagascar. It has exceptionally good eyesight, a trait which is common in old world bats”

    Denialists can’t get anything right.

  76. Yoda: I can’t imagine anyone being scared of being sued by her.

    I wish Orly would sue me. I need the publicity.

  77. recalcitrant: 2nd: The LIAR in chief did say at a gathering that he would release his documents when asked to do so by an attendee at that public meeting having many thousands of people in attendance.

    The Niger uranium forgeries are forged documents…

    On the basis of these documents and other indicators, the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom asserted that Iraq had attempted to procure nuclear material for the purpose of creating what they called weapons of mass destruction, referred to as WMD…

    In his January 2003 State of the Union speech, U.S. President George W. Bush said, “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.”

    recalcitrant: he is without a doubt the most evil bastard to ever enter the White House.

    No, that’s Agnew, Cheney and Oliver North.

    recalcitrant: The ‘liars’ attempt to usurp american ‘rights’ will be dealt with some day by American citizens who are adherents to America’s Supreme Law.

    What are you threatening, in addition to an armed inssurection?

    recalcitrant: The “evil bastard” allowed dedicated military professionals to be jailed, because they believed that they cannot defend a nation with a LIAR for a commander in chief of their military obligations to defend the country

    Lakin was convicted of refusing to obey an order. It’s called mutiny.

    I was a civilian volunteer with the IDF. I had to obey my CO. I could not say, ‘I’ll get on a plane and go back to the States.’

    recalcitrant: The Teleprompter dunce

    Reagan always used a teleprompter.

    recalcitrant: The ‘liar’ is the biggest threat to America than the Soviet Union or Hitler was to America.

    Refuse to pay your taxes.

  78. Paul says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Also, I suspect that one of those commenters you cited is actually a provocateur rather than a genuine commenter.

    Yeah, I wondered about that, i got the same impression. But still.. If you feel safe then more power to you.

  79. Paul: “Kevin is currently on the short list of possible suspects who may have put together this poor excuse for a birth certificate.”

    No, I take full responsibility. Here is Obama’s Kenya BC:

  80. Paul says:

    misha marinsky: No, I take full responsibility. Here is Obama’s Kenya BC:

    HAH@!@!@# I must admit, that gives me PAWS!

  81. Thomas Brown says:

    “Re-catamite” is just seething with anger that a dark-skinned guy is smarter and more capable on his worst day than he will ever be on his best.

  82. ZixiOfIx says:

    I asked Orly how many scanned documents from the White House had been examined for the halo effect, and she did not reply.

    Wouldn’t most of the documents released by the White House be printed on white paper, like most offices everywhere?

    In that case, they wouldn’t have an observable halo, would they?

  83. I would think so. I haven’t found a comparable document yet.

    ZixiOfIx: Wouldn’t most of the documents released by the White House be printed on white paper, like most offices everywhere?

  84. Suranis says:

    Not only that, but some bats chose NOT to use sonar when hunting, as it has a huge drawback – the insects they are hunting can hear it too. In fact, all the talk of bats getting stuck in Womens hair may actually have been moths hitting them as they do emergency dives to get out of the way of the bat they have just heard screaming.

    So some bats chose to hunt by sight. Woo.

    misha marinsky: Bats are not blind. They use sonar, but they have eyesight.

    Denialists can’t get anything right.

  85. richCares says:

    Bats are not blind., neither are vampires

  86. aesthetocyst says:

    donna: Chief Cold Case Posse Investigator Mike Zullo to Speak at Surprise, AZ Tea Party Meeting 1-15-13

    I love the agenda item:

    Eligibility Issue Ongoing Investigation – Developments Able To Be Disclosed ( And Some Are … ! )

    (my emphasis and exclamation, their paren’s 😉 )

  87. Suranis says:

    Mwah mwah. Heard it all before. If you had any actual evidence you would be plastering it all over whatever birther sites are left right now. There is no force on earht that can keep a birther from keeping a secret. Put up or shut up. Every time a birther has promised new evidence without producing it, it has always turned out to be the same old debunked crap.

    And are you that HH idiot that everyone laughed at on Amazon who was always spectacularly wrong about everything?

    YOu can write your “No everyone else in the world was lying and were in a paid conspiracy to bury MY TROOTH!! I’m IMPORTANT ME ME” reply in this box. Please write legibly.

    [ ]

    Hermitian: “Hermitian: Sorry Aes ! You have me at a disadvantage because I am not at liberty to discuss any of the evidence in the case.”

  88. Suranis says:

    Bats are not blind., neither are vampires

    But do Bats sparkle in sunlight! Well?

  89. Whatever4 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I would think so. I haven’t found a comparable document yet.

    ZixiOfIx: Wouldn’t most of the documents released by the White House be printed on white paper, like most offices everywhere?

    I have some links to White House PDFs that might work, who has Photoshop that I can sent them to?

  90. aesthetocyst says:

    ZixiOfIx: Wouldn’t most of the documents released by the White House be printed on white paper, like most offices everywhere?

    In that case, they wouldn’t have an observable halo, would they?

    The halo effect is an artifact of scanning, so to prove the WH scanner produces halos theory (and yes, I call it a theory in the technical sense of the word), you need an example of a hard copy scanned by the WH and distributed online. If a document printed by the WH is scanned by someone else, the scan would have some level of halo … ‘added’ by someone else’s scanner. … depending on the contrast in the document, paper stock used, and the settings of the scanner. No paper scans pure white, unless the scanners contrast brightness white balance has been set to ‘blowout’ levels … or unless the document is scanned as a 1-bit, B/W bitmap, eliminating all subtlety (including halos).

    The WH produces tons of documents in PDF format, but they are all released electronically, i.e. saved as PDFs and uploaded, not printed, scanned, and then uploaded (that’d be silly). They would only need to scan a hard copy that originated elsewhere.

    I suggest it’s a very rare occasion for the WH, particularly the WH web team, to scan a hard copy and release it. Would be something very unique. Like … if the President should decide to release his birth certificate.

    The WH did scan and host the related correspondence, which would have been perfect confirmation that “it was the scanning, stupid” … but those pages, black text on white paper, are indeed B/W bitmaps. D’oh!

    All that said, the halo’ing in the LFBC is from image segmentation, not contrast. Had the image not been segmented for MRC compression, there would still be haloing due to contrast … subtler and more uniform, all edges would be much softer.

  91. aesthetocyst says:

    Whatever4: I have some links to White House PDFs that might work, who has Photoshop that I can sent them to?

    I’d love to see them, post them here or email me, please. I am sure Doc would love them, too!

  92. Saint James says:

    Suranis: But do Bats sparkle in sunlight! Well?

    Those vampires who sparkle in sunlight are from Washington State. Those who came from Transyvania glow in the dark, while those who came from Moldova always have pairs of tarantulas pasted on their eyelids! he he

  93. Lupin says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: But I am a reporter of these people. It’s my (self-appointed volunteer) job to do stuff like this. I didn’t talk to her like a potential friend, or as an opponent, or with any expectations that she would change her ways.

    But she may use/distort what you said to further her own craziness. There’s always a risk when dealing with crazy people because it’s hard to “think insane” and one truly can never anticipate their actions.

  94. That’s true, but now I get to post on her web site. I’d say that’s a win for me.

    Lupin: But she may use/distort what you said to further her own craziness. There’s always a risk when dealing with crazy people because it’s hard to “think insane” and one truly can never anticipate their actions.

  95. donna says:


    i agree with lupin and suggest that any further conversation with taitz be recorded – like ny, sc is a state with “one party consent”

    One-Party Consent

    The federal law on recording another individual in person, on the telephone or via another communication device is the one-party consent rule. As long as one person in the conversation is aware that the recording is going on, then it is a legal recording. However, recording a private conversation without the knowledge of either party is illegal and an invasion of privacy.

    Most states have adopted the federal one-party consent law, but 12 states require all parties to be aware that the recording is going on. These states are California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Washington. According to the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, in any state it is usually illegal to secretly record a conversation that you are not involved in that you could not naturally overhear.

    Read more: Laws on Tape Recording |

    in reading “her” comments about your conversation, it seemed to me that she didn’t write them and someone else was listening and taking notes

  96. aesthetocyst says:

    donna: in reading “her” comments about your conversation, it seemed to me that she didn’t write them and someone else was listening and taking notes

    Why would you say that?

    I would assume the various distortions result in her working (rambling) from memory.

    The other voices were doing the note-taking 😉

    As Doc noted, she ran on, dominating the call. A conversation is Taitz talking to herself. Her notes are mostly of what she heard herself saying.

    Record the conversation to what end? It could be an aid to your own reporting, but no one would trust your description of your own recording unless you posted the call as proof. That’s not conducive to dialogue. A person suspecting recording will not be candid.

    Hmmm….questioning recordings of phone calls. That’s sounds familiar.

    Unless it’s an adversarial proceeding, secretive recording is a dead-end.

  97. That was not my impression. I called her unscheduled. She just left her phone number as a comment here on the blog, and she couldn’t have been expecting my call at any particular time. Also I didn’t get them impression that I was “on speaker.”

    Ironically, I had a voice recorder device on my desk, which I use for something else, and it would have been trivial to record the conversation.

    But I don’t see the importance. This is not a legal proceeding. Even with a recording, I can’t force people to listen to it instead of taking her word for what I said. It’s not like we have a dispute between two credible reporters. I don’t need to prove anything.

    If this should ever happen again, and I don’t anticipate it, I could record my side of the conversation only. That’s not unethical or illegal anywhere. If I had such a tape of my conversation with Taitz, you would hear a great deal of silence.

    donna: in reading “her” comments about your conversation, it seemed to me that she didn’t write them and someone else was listening and taking notes

  98. donna says:

    aesthetocyst: Why would you say that?

    because i read her comments which did not include her usual misspellings, typos and were coherent and well drafted – i was not commenting on her “distortions” nor ramblings

  99. LW says:

    Reality Check: I think you should acknowledge Frank Arduini for the article title.

    The concept predates Arduini’s (great) article by quite a bit, although his is arguably the most recent application of that formation in the birfer realm.

    Whenever I hear “The Annotated _____,” I always think of The Annotated Alice by Martin Gardner.

  100. aesthetocyst says:

    aesthetocyst: Why would you say that?

    because i read her comments which did not include her usual misspellings, typos and were coherent and well drafted – i was not commenting on her “distortions” nor ramblings

    You’re right, it was the pleasant Taitz writing. This is how she sounds when pleasant, and being social. More reflective, less spastic, less error-prone (she seems to screech too fast for her fingers to keep up with).

    She was happy in her thoughts that an Obama defender had come around and seen the light. She wasn’t screeching via keyboard. There were mistakes, but not nearly as many as when she is screeching.

    She’ll be back to angry, desperate screeching soon enough.

    This is my impression based on reading her posts and comments for a year.

  101. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mwah mwah. Heard it all before. If you had any actual evidence you would be plastering it all over whatever birther sites are left right now. There is no force on earht that can keep a birther from keeping a secret. Put up or shut up. Every time a birther has promised new evidence without producing it, it has always turned out to be the same old debunked crap.

    And are you that HH idiot that everyone laughed at on Amazon who was always spectacularly wrong about everything?

    YOu can write your “No everyone else in the world was lying and were in a paid conspiracy to bury MY TROOTH!! I’m IMPORTANT ME ME” reply in this box. Please write legibly.

    [ ]

    Yes he’s the same hermitian Henry on amazon.

  102. Crustacean says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: That’s true, but now I get to post on her web site. I’d say that’s a win for me.

    Doc, I’d say that does sound like a positive development. But how can it be if the following is also true:

    “Orly has allowed some of my statements to appear, but it looks like she’s trying to control the discussion by selectively approving my comments.”

    In the last comment I posted at my favorite site that’s chock full o’ birthers (I won’t mention the name again lest anyone think I’m running an ad campaign for ’em), I added a P.S. to the effect of, “I know you won’t post this (they didn’t), but as long as you or one of the moderators of this blog read it, I hope it will encourage you to be a little more truthful in your reporting.”

    Of course, I was spitting in the wind, because most likely there is no critical mass of facts that will set in motion the chain reaction of synapse firings required to lead birthers to the logical conclusion that they are not only barking up the wrong tree, but that the tree is one of their own imagining. This isn’t about facts; as you well know, it’s about belief. And once someone truly believes something to their core, all facts to the contrary will be ignored.

    The level of self-delusion displayed by these folks is ultimately sad (yes, I am entertained by birther craziness to a certain extent, but in the end I really just feel sad for them). I can understand not allowing comments that cross the line of civility. But when the comment is written respectfully – merely contributing a legitimate point of view, supported by facts and evidence, to the conversation – how does the blog administrator toss it in the trash bin in good conscience? Doc, whenever you encounter a comment here that claims to refute something you have said, would you ever in a million years consider not posting it for that reason? (Didn’t think so!). And if you DID consider not posting it, wouldn’t that be a big red flag to you that you might be wrong – and probably in need of psychiatric help, t’boot? (Catch 22: you can only come to that conclusion if you’re sane.)

    Therefore, the only sane conclusion to reach about such a blog (and the blog owner) is that it’s less than worthless, and certainly not worth YOUR time, Doc (leave that stuff to morons like me). It’s also a sign that the blog owner (you-know-who) should take a break and get some counseling – but that’s just my point of view, supported by facts and evidence.


  103. Jim says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    This is not a legal proceeding.

    Well, now that she’ll be using you to prove that the BC is a forgery, you’ll get to see quite a few legal proceedings! Seems to me it will be a win-win. Orly flies you to all her proceedings as a witness, and you can report the actual proceedings to us! And, of course, if you don’t show up you too can become one of the 65+ million she’ll be suing for voting for and/or supporting President Obama!

  104. Hermitian says:

    “aesthetocystJanuary 6, 2013 at 1:23 pm (Quote)#

    “Hermitian: Knock yourself out.

    “Hey, you popped up and actually committed to specific files. Don’t worry about providing link, I found it for you:

    “Really, Herms? This is a print copy of the 5/4/12 filing, scanned and refiled on 6/6/12.”

    Let’s just look at your first claim Aes. You claim that some unidentified person downloaded page 8 of the document Case 3:12-cv-00280-HTW-LRA Document 15-1 Filed 05/04/12 and printed this blue labeled WH LFCOLB PDF image out and then immediately scanned it back to a PDF image. They then intentionally changed the color of this scanned image. Then they re-filed this altered PDF image with Judge Wingate in the above document (see your link). And of course you are claiming that this was just business as usual.

    I have one question for you Aes.

    Why did they do that?

    Why did they not just add the green label to the page 8 Obama WH LFCOLB PDF image and use that PDF image to obtain the verification from Fuddy/Onaka? After all it’s the PDF image that is cited on the HDOH web site. It was also the only Obama WH LFCOLB PDF image that Judge Wingate and the American public had seen before 06/04/2012.

    And why did they intentionally change the color of the entire page when they could easily have changed just the color of the additional page label?

    This just doesn’t add up. But then nothing adds up with Obama. So what do you expect?

    Instead the MDEC attorneys pulled a bait and switch on Judge Wingate and every American citizen. They substituted an extensively altered Obama LFCOLB image for the WH LFCOLB PDF image — after the fact. (That is after the fact of receiving the verification letter from Onaka.) They then filed this radically altered new Obama LFCOLB PDF image with Judge Wingate without retracting the original WH LFCOLB that was previously filed with him and without informing the public of their devious act.

    In the process they erased many signs of forgery that various experts had identified in the original Obama WH LFCOLB PDF image. This is a clear case of intentional destruction of evidence in a Federal District Court.

    Maybe Mr. C would now take a close look at this second forgery an then explain what happened to his readers. I challenge him to identify each and every alteration that was made to the Obama WH LFCOLB PDF image to create the Tepper page 4/11 Obama LFCOLB PDF image and report back on his findings. He would be the best guy to do this because he just proved that he “reconstructed” the Obama LFCOLB two years before it existed.

    Could his sudden change regarding the evidentiary value of the Obama LFCOLB PDF images be timed to the MDEC attorney’s bait and switch operation?

    “White House birth certificate: not identical to original
    “By Dr. Conspiracy on January 5, 2013in Birth Certificate“

    Mr. C is now going to inform his readers that neither of these two radically different Obama LFCOLB PDF images are duplicate copies of either of Obama’s two certified copies or of the original certificate.

    Just Saying …

  105. Hermitian says:

    “Reality CheckJanuary 6, 2013 at 4:57 pm (Quote)#

    “This invented controversy by the twin nuts Vogt and Irey fascinates me. The only reason that the MDEC legal team included a copy of the LFBC was that Orly in her usual fashion filed a 96th generation copy that was illegible with one of her motions so the MDEC team included a better copy along with the verification obtained from Hawaii. So now Tweeldle Dee and Tweedle Dum have come along and invented a brand new conspiracy based on the LFBC filed in this case that was only for reference. The important document is the verification.”

    Another blind Obot.

    The Obots always accuse the Birthers of organizing teams of “Flying Monkeys” when
    they themselves are standing in three long lines extending behind each of the “Three Monkeys”. Then they just switch between the three lines as the circumstances require.

    RC the Radio Head might get some naive judge to buy his worn out lame excuse for why the MDEC attorneys filed the WH LFCOLB PDF image with Judge Wingate after Orly Taitz had filed her complaint which proved that it’s a forgery.

    They just wanted the court to have a legible copy. Sure they did — when pigs can fly.

    But that doesn’t explain why the same MDEC attorneys then subsequently filed an new extensively altered Obama LFCOLB PDF image also with Judge Wingate And on top of that these two attorneys claim to have requested and received a verification letter from Fuddy/Onaka which purports to verify both of these forged LFCOLB PDF images in the same sentence.

    And RC the Radio Head had Tepper on his Saturday RC radio show and didn’t even ask Tepper where he got his new radically altered LFCOLB PDF image from.

    RC — The next time that you invite Tepper to take over your show, I challenge you to ask him where and from whom he got his radically altered Obama LFCOLB PDF image.

    And then you should ask him — What is the probative value of a verification which claims to verify two different forged PDF images when both of these forged images were filed in the same court.

    And after he has answered, remind him that these two forged Obama LFCOLB PDF images are not duplicate copies of each other and then ask him which of these two Obama LFCOLB PDF images is a duplicate copy of one of the two certified copies that Obama requested and received from Loretta Fuddy on Apr. 25, 2011.

    And I’m not holding my breath for any answers.

  106. aesthetocyst says:

    Hermitian: And I’m not holding my breath for any answers.

    No need. You already have them.

  107. aesthetocyst says:

    Hermitian: You claim that some unidentified person downloaded page 8 of the document Case 3:12-cv-00280-HTW-LRA Document 15-1 Filed 05/04/12 and printed this blue labeled WH LFCOLB PDF image out and then immediately scanned it back to a PDF image. They then intentionally changed the color of this scanned image. Then they re-filed this altered PDF image with Judge Wingate in the above document (see your link). And of course you are claiming that this was just business as usual.

    That’s not my claim. That’s your assumption.

  108. aesthetocyst says:

    Hermitian: Obots always accuse the Birthers of organizing teams of “Flying Monkeys”

    Vogt and Irey have acknowledged their collaboration. ‘Obots’ have commented on potential of this team, but did not originate the idea they were working together. Why would Vogt and Irey lie about each other?

  109. Hermitian says:

    “aesthetocystJanuary 7, 2013 at 4:31 pm (Quote)#

    “Hermitian: You claim that some unidentified person downloaded page 8 of the document Case 3:12-cv-00280-HTW-LRA Document 15-1 Filed 05/04/12 and printed this blue labeled WH LFCOLB PDF image out and then immediately scanned it back to a PDF image. They then intentionally changed the color of this scanned image. Then they re-filed this altered PDF image with Judge Wingate in the above document (see your link). And of course you are claiming that this was just business as usual.

    That’s not my claim. That’s your assumption.”

    Then what are you claiming Aes?

    You sure did backpedal from you earlier claims.

    So I guess we can assume that the rest of your earlier post was also crap?

  110. Hermitian says:

    “aesthetocystJanuary 7, 2013 at 4:34 pm (Quote)#

    “Hermitian: Obots always accuse the Birthers of organizing teams of “Flying Monkeys”

    “Vogt and Irey have acknowledged their collaboration. ‘Obots’ have commented on potential of this team, but did not originate the idea they were working together. Why would Vogt and Irey lie about each other?”

    You don’t have to worry about Vogt and Irey. They are big boys. But maybe you should worry about credibility on this blog.

  111. What me worry?

    I have never worried about credibility. Credibility accrues from consistently telling the truth and giving others the means to verify ones claims.

    Sometimes folks see this is a battle between birthers and Obots. I do not. For me, it is a story about birthers and those who observe them.

    Hermitian: You don’t have to worry about Vogt and Irey. They are big boys. But maybe you should worry about credibility on this blog.

  112. Hermitian: But maybe you should worry about credibility on this blog.

    Sheriff Arpaio: 602-876-1801 and 602-542-5025

    Let us know what happens.

  113. aesthetocyst says:

    Hermitian: You don’t have to worry about Vogt and Irey.

    I was speaking of comedic potential. That should have been obvious.

    If I took a break from laughing to worry, I guess I could worry that they might hurt themselves.

  114. I’ve certainly not said this. On the contrary, I believe birthers generally do not organize well. Look at the aborted Birther Summit.

    Hermitian: The Obots always accuse the Birthers of organizing teams of “Flying Monkeys”

  115. You haven’t seen that lovely French film: A Ticket to Space.

    Hermitian: They just wanted the court to have a legible copy. Sure they did — when pigs can fly.

  116. Well next time Tepper is on RC radio, I might ask him myself; however, the whole idea that these documents are “radically different” is silly. Do YOU think Judge Wingate is going to take Adobe Illustrator to the ECF filings to see how many layers there are? Get real.

    Hermitian: And after he has answered, remind him that these two forged Obama LFCOLB PDF images are not duplicate copies of each other and then ask him which of these two Obama LFCOLB PDF images is a duplicate copy of one of the two certified copies that Obama requested and received from Loretta Fuddy on Apr. 25, 2011.

  117. LW says:

    Hermitian: these two forged Obama LFCOLB PDF images are not duplicate copies of each other

    Which data is different between them?

    And could you see about fixing your “H” key? It seems to stick at the darndest times. Kinda makes you look like you’ve had a seizure.

  118. Whatever4 says:

    Hermitian: And then you should ask him — What is the probative value of a verification which claims to verify two different forged PDF images when both of these forged images were filed in the same court.

    The verification is of the INFORMATION that’s on the BC, not that one PDF file matches another PDF file. The electronic file doesn’t matter at all.

    You are in the microscopic weeds.

  119. Whatever4 says:

    Hermitian: But that doesn’t explain why the same MDEC attorneys then subsequently filed an new extensively altered Obama LFCOLB PDF image also with Judge Wingate And on top of that these two attorneys claim to have requested and received a verification letter from Fuddy/Onaka which purports to verify both of these forged LFCOLB PDF images in the same sentence.

    I HATE having to search out specific claims when the ^%$# poster could just as easily included the $#@% links themselves. But anyway:

    Here’s the two images that Hermie is referring to:

    From these documents:

    Tepper’s to letter Dr. Fuddy says that he attached a copy of the image to his request. That packet is attached to the motion. So my theory is that a legal secretary typed up the letter and printed out the exhibit from Document 15-1, gave it to Tepper for his signature, scanned the stack for the case file, then mailed the original to Hawaii. When the Verification came back, she scanned the verification, appended it to the saved file, appended it to the motion (days later), and uploaded it all to the court’s ECF. I do notice that the exhibit from Document 35-1 didn’t scan the ECF header the same color as the online image — either the printer or the scanner or both aren’t color-correct.

    All that processing changes the image noticeably. After all, that’s what started the whole process anyway — Orly’s barely readable image of the BC. You can’t look at Orly’s submitted document and see what her experts see on their computer version. Did Orly make changes to the image from the White House site? SAME ANSWER. The information on the LFBC is what matters.

    Someone more tech-savvy might take a look at them, but the actual images DON’T MATTER. The images have not been submitted to a court as evidence. Work flow doesn’t matter. The Defense team isn’t purporting either of these to be certified birth certificates. I realize KeyboardCSI is fun, but the files aren’t what matters. The INFORMATION on the files is what matters. The INFORMATION is what Dr. Onaka verified. If the judge decided he wanted to see the paper BC or verification, the Defense would submit them.

  120. Hermitian says:

    “Dr. ConspiracyJanuary 7, 2013 at 5:20 pm (Quote)#

    “Well next time Tepper is on RC radio, I might ask him myself; however, the whole idea that these documents are “radically different” is silly. Do YOU think Judge Wingate is going to take Adobe Illustrator to the ECF filings to see how many layers there are? Get real.

    “Hermitian: And after he has answered, remind him that these two forged Obama LFCOLB PDF images are not duplicate copies of each other and then ask him which of these two Obama LFCOLB PDF images is a duplicate copy of one of the two certified copies that Obama requested and received from Loretta Fuddy on Apr. 25, 2011.”

    Well you claim to be the premier reporter and debunker for everything related to the Obama birth certificate. Now that you know that a new radically modified Obama LFCOLB has been filed by the MDEC attorneys I would think that wild horses couldn’t keep you from applying all of your forensic skills to identify to your readers each and every alteration that has been made to the original WH LFCOLB PDF image. In fact were you not just a little bit embarrassed to have to tell Orly Taitz that you hadn’t examined it closely? I would have been mortified if I had to do that after claiming to be the top Obama birth certificate expert for the Obots.

    It looks like Mr. C has suddenly lost his interest in the Obama LFCOLB PDF images.

    Judge England has staff attorneys who he can assign to the examination of the altered Obama LFCOLB PDF image. They are fully capable of examining the altered PDF image for him. If not Judge Wingate, then Judge Anderson has staff attorneys who examine documents for the court.

    Mr. C has also fogged up his position regarding the creation of the WH LFCOLB PDF image. We can assume that the two HDOH certified copies of the Obama original LFCOLB are each a duplicate copy of the original certificate. If not, no court could accept either of these certified copies as prima facie evidence of the facts of a birth.

    Mr. C is asking us to believe that the HDOH is perfectly capable of producing duplicate copies of original certificates for certified copies but the WH cannot produce a duplicate copy of one of the certified copies because they used a top end Xerox Work Center equipped with state-of-the-art MRC compression capability.

    Does this sound a little silly to anyone?

  121. No. I actually was busy writing an article on the very subject that you’re saying I don’t care about. It took a while because I had to, well, I had to examine the facts.

    So it turns out that there is no mystery. It’s painfully obvious that the two documents submitted to Mississippi are the White House PDF and a scanned copy of the Court docket copy of the PDF. There’s nothing new, nothing unexplained, and nothing whatever irregular about any of this. If this is not obvious, then the blame must be placed on my writing skills, because the evidence is obvious.

    The Henry Blake guy who cooked up this nut-case theory must be blind as a bat not to see the 15-1 docket entry on what he claims is the White House PDF.

    Let me add that I do not consider myself the leader in Obot image analysis. There are others far more experienced and skilled than I. I’m so successful because the birthers are so obviously wrong.

    Hermitian: Well you claim to be the premier reporter and debunker for everything related to the Obama birth certificate. Now that you know that a new radically modified Obama LFCOLB has been filed by the MDEC attorneys I would think that wild horses couldn’t keep you from applying all of your forensic skills to identify to your readers each and every alteration that has been made to the original WH LFCOLB PDF image. In fact were you not just a little bit embarrassed to have to tell Orly Taitz that you hadn’t examined it closely? I would have been mortified if I had to do that after claiming to be the top Obama birth certificate expert for the Obots.

    It looks like Mr. C has suddenly lost his interest in the Obama LFCOLB PDF images.

  122. Hermitian says:

    “Whatever4January 7, 2013 at 6:45 pm (Quote)#

    “Hermitian: And then you should ask him — What is the probative value of a verification which claims to verify two different forged PDF images when both of these forged images were filed in the same court.

    “The verification is of the INFORMATION that’s on the BC, not that one PDF file matches another PDF file. The electronic file doesn’t matter at all.

    “You are in the microscopic weeds.

    So the secret service should not arrest and prosecute the counterfeiter who has forged a $100 bill as long as the information on his bogus Benjamin matches the information on a genuine $100 bill?

    Oh! I see what you mean.

  123. aesthetocyst says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: If this is not obvious, then the blame must be placed on my writing skills,

    … or the bias of the observer.

    Compare my explanation of the obvious (posted above) with the distortion Herms posted 24 hours later.

    The creepy part is that he had already taken a swipe at it (post his name, he comes calling!), was stumped, ridiculed, and spent a day inventing a new angle. Classic Herms, classic birf, classic wannabe witch hunt.

  124. aesthetocyst says:

    Hermitian: So the secret service should not arrest and prosecute the counterfeiter who has forged a $100 bill as long as the information on his bogus Benjamin matches the information on a genuine $100 bill?

    Oh, dear, Herms is channeling TrollerJack Osborne LOL

    There is a fundamental difference between bills of paper currency and vital records.

  125. Hermitian says:

    “Author: Whatever4

    “Hermitian: But that doesn’t explain why the same MDEC attorneys then subsequently filed an new extensively altered Obama LFCOLB PDF image also with Judge Wingate And on top of that these two attorneys claim to have requested and received a verification letter from Fuddy/Onaka which purports to verify both of these forged LFCOLB PDF images in the same sentence.

    “I HATE having to search out specific claims when the ^%$# poster could just as easily included the $#@% links themselves. But anyway:”

    “Here’s the two images that Hermie is referring to:

    Wrong! Those are not the documents that I referred to. Another Obot who is clueless. This one can’t even follow simple instructions and locate the referenced documents on the court web site. Pathetic just pathetic.

  126. Hermitian says:

    “Author: Whatever4

    “Tepper’s to letter Dr. Fuddy says that he attached a copy of the image to his request. That packet is attached to the motion. So my theory is that a legal secretary typed up the letter and printed out the exhibit from Document 15-1, gave it to Tepper for his signature, scanned the stack for the case file, then mailed the original to Hawaii. When the Verification came back, she scanned the verification, appended it to the saved file, appended it to the motion (days later), and uploaded it all to the court’s ECF. I do notice that the exhibit from Document 35-1 didn’t scan the ECF header the same color as the online image — either the printer or the scanner or both aren’t color-correct.”

    It’s a good thing that engineers don’t design tall buildings and bridges based on theoretical assumptions. Not even close !!!

  127. Keith says:

    aesthetocyst: Oh, dear, Herms is channeling TrollerJack Osborne LOL

    There is a fundamental difference between bills of paper currency and vital records.

    And even more between “counterfeit bills of paper currency being passed off as genuine bills of paper currency” and “computer images of a Birth Certificate that are not being passed off as genuine certified Birth Certificates”.

    Just for the record, and IANAL, but I believe that it is not illegal to photocopy a $100 note. Certainly, such copies can be used in art works. It only becomes illegal when one purports that the photocopy is the genuine note and attempts to pass it off as such.

    I understand there is a recent case of a gang photocopying $100 notes, back and front, gluing the halves together and attempting to pass them off. I don’t know, cause I haven’t seen the product, but I would think you would have to be pretty damn stupid to not recognize such an obvious forgery. Sheesh.

  128. Keith says:

    aesthetocyst: No need. You already have them.

    But please, don’t let that stop you, Hermie.

  129. aesthetocyst says:

    Hermitian: Wrong! Those are not the documents that I referred to. Another Obot who is clueless. This one can’t even follow simple instructions and locate the referenced documents on the court web site. Pathetic just pathetic.

    Wrong, Herms, Wrong!

    You repeat your error.

    The links Whatever4 posted are JPGs of the exact images you are obsessing over.

    As experience proven time and again, your stubborn ass wouldn’t recognize, follow or post instructions even if I did it for you. (Or is it that your dumbass couldn’t? End result is the same)

    STFU and scram.

  130. aesthetocyst says:

    Keith: I understand there is a recent case of a gang photocopying $100 notes, back and front, gluing the halves together and attempting to pass them off. I don’t know, cause I haven’t seen the product, but I would think you would have to be pretty damn stupid to not recognize such an obvious forgery. Sheesh.

    I spent a few years handling cash in a high-volume environment. Yes, indeed, there are some incredibly lame counterfeits out there.

    There are also people spending silver dollars at face value.

    You win some, you lose some.

  131. Whatever4 says:


    So the secret service should not arrest and prosecute the counterfeiter who has forged a $100 bill as long as the information on his bogus Benjamin matches the information on a genuine $100 bill?

    Oh!I see what you mean.

    The Secret Service doesn’t care that people are passing around Xeroxes of $100 bills as no one would mistake them for real currency. no one is trying to buy anything with the Xeroxes, they are just asking if the serial number is valid.

  132. Whatever4 says:


    Judge England has staff attorneys who he can assign to the examination of the altered Obama LFCOLB PDF image.They are fully capable of examining the altered PDF image for him.If not Judge Wingate, then Judge Anderson has staff attorneys who examine documents for the court.

    Courts in this country don’t investigate. That’s up to the parties.

    Mr. C has also fogged up his position regarding the creation of the WH LFCOLB PDF image.We can assume that the two HDOH certified copies of the Obama original LFCOLB are each a duplicate copy of the original certificate.If not, no court could accept either of these certified copies as prima facie evidence of the facts of a birth.

    No court would EVER accept these as certified copies because they aren’t certified copies of anything. Ya know Doc C has a few articles about this topic.

    Mr. C is asking us to believe that the HDOH is perfectly capable of producing duplicate copies of original certificates for certified copies but the WH cannot produce a duplicate copy of one of the certified copies because they used a top end Xerox Work Center equipped with state-of-the-art MRC compression capability.

    Um.. What makes the certificate a certificate is the physically raised seal and the signature stamp ON A PIECE OF PAPER. No top end machine can duplicate those, and only people who don’t understand what a birth certificate is would be making those absurd assumptions.

    Does this sound a little silly to anyone?

    Yes, but not for the reasons you think.

  133. Whatever4 says:

    “Author: Whatever4

    “I HATE having to search out specific claims when the ^%$# poster could just as easily included the $#@% links themselves. But anyway:”

    Wrong!Those are not the documents that I referred to.Another Obot who is clueless.This one can’t even follow simple instructions and locate the referenced documents on the court web site.

    Which files then? And why don’t you use the quote button? It makes the post being quoted much easier to find.

  134. Whatever4 says:

    aesthetocyst: Wrong, Herms, Wrong!

    You repeat your error.

    The links Whatever4 posted are JPGs of the exact images you are obsessing over.

    As experience proven time and again, your stubborn ass wouldn’t recognize, follow or post instructions even if I did it for you. (Or is it that your dumbass couldn’t? End result is the same)

    STFU and scram.

    Thanks — I couldn’t figure out where I went wrong, other than starting this discussion with Hermie. I included both the link to each motion and each image to be sure we were talking about the same things.

  135. Can we start a pool on when Hermite’s “H” key breaks?

  136. aesthetocyst says:

    Reality Check: Can we start a pool on when Hermite’s “H” key breaks?

    I have witnessed firsthand that it’s been going strong for …. 19 months. I suggest an over/under on number of keyboards cracked in half. Maybe mom’s basement rig has been outfitted with a board suited to this abuse, like ….. this?

  137. Crustacean says:

    Reality Check: Can we start a pool on when Hermite’s “H” key breaks?

    We could, but how would we ever know for sure that it’s the ORIGINAL “H” key and not a forgery…

  138. Keith says:

    aesthetocystJanuary 6, 2013 at 1:31 pm

    “Hermitian: Not even close. As all Birthers have known for years — all Obots are blind as bats.

    “Yeah, silly me, taking birfers at their words and looking for a new image. Lacking the required paranoia, I breezed right by the ‘shiny’ you had obsessed over.

    “Thanks for ‘fessing up.”

    Since you are probably the forger, maybe you could tell us which of these two different forged Obama LFCOLB PDF images is a duplicate copy of one of his two certified copies?

    See how I clicked on the word ‘quote’ and got the edit screen down here?

    I’m recording this for your benefit Hermie. Pay attention cause I’m gonna do it again, but with a little less text this time.

  139. Keith says:

    Hermitian: Since you are probably the forger, maybe you could tell us which of these two different forged Obama LFCOLB PDF images is a duplicate copy of one of his two certified copies?

    Lookie here, I got only the bit I want to comment on. And did you notice that your text was indented, and mine isn’t? That’s to make it easy for your readers to know what is you and what is not you.

    Now pay attention to the next one, its gonna be real cute…

  140. Keith says:

    Hermitian: It’s a good thing that engineers don’t design tall buildings and bridges based on theoretical assumptions.

    See how I split your comment in half so I could comment on the two parts separately?

    The whole process is very simple. It is more readable for your readers and more comprehensible.

    Not even close !!!

    Watch what I do now.

  141. Keith says:

    I’ve just recorded the making of those three posts in CAMStudio. I now need to try to figure out how to get it saved and youtubed for Hermie’s edumacation.

    Hey, I’m an optimist.

  142. Arthur says:

    Keith: Hey, I’m an optimist.

    Yes, you are. Hermitian don’t play that way. He’s old school to the “H”

  143. Hermitian: Since you are probably the forger, maybe you could tell us which of these two different forged Obama LFCOLB PDF images is a duplicate copy of one of his two certified copies?

    I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you. Also, stop stealing my H key. I’m tired of prying it out of your hands.

  144. I went to Orly for dental work.

    As soon as I sat in her chair, she said “Is it safe?”

  145. The Magic M says:

    Reality Check: Can we start a pool on when Hermite’s “H” key breaks?

    Given typical birther ways, he probably creates those “H” rows by moving his mouse over an “H” on his screen, selecting it, right-clicking, choosing “copy”, moving to the comment box, right-clicking, choosing “paste” and then repeating the process for each and every “H”.

    And he would claim that any other way to do it was Marxist Kenyan voodoo.

  146. Rene Magritte says:

    Hermitian: So the secret service should not arrest and prosecute the counterfeiter who has forged a $100 bill as long as the information on his bogus Benjamin matches the information on a genuine $100 bill?

    Take a look at

    On this page is a representation of a $100 bill. It is not a counterfeit. It is not a forgery. However, it is not a $100 bill. It is provided on teh WP so that people can see what a $100 bill looks like. Oh, look, it’s Benjamin Franklin! There’s a seal! There’s the number “100” in orange in the corner!

    People might say of this picture, in a colloquial way, “that’s a $100 bill.” They’re right in a way, but if they tried to pass it as a $100 bill, that wouldn’t fly. However, if they were pointing out to people what’s on a $100 bill, that would work — especially if the US Treasury department submitted a certified document saying “the representation on this page is an accurate description of what is found on a $100 bill.”

    This picture has been posted on teh WP since April 9, 2011 (the same month the LFBC was posted! What a giveaway!), and the Secret Service has yet to arrest and prosecute Jimmy Wales.

    Take a look at

    On this page is a representation of President Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate. It is not a counterfeit. It is not a forgery. However, it is not a certified document. It is provided on the White House web site so that people can see what the President’s LFBC looks like. Oh, look, it’s the particulars of his birth! There’s a seal! There’s the registration number in the corner!

    People might say of this picture, in a colloquial way, “that’s Obama’s LFBC.” They’re right in a way, but if they tried to pass it as a certified documentl, that wouldn’t fly. However, if they were pointing out to people what’s on his LFBC, that would work — especially if the issuing/certifying agency of record submitted a certified document saying “the representation on this page accurately describes all the particulars of Obama’s birth.”

    In both cases, the method of presentation matters not at all. The data and the certification thereof is what matters.

    Oh! I see what you mean.

    I doubt if you will ever use this sentence in a non-sarcastic way.


  147. Arthur says:

    All I can say, Rene, is: that my be a birth certificate, but this is not a pipe.

  148. Arthur:
    All I can say, Rene, is: that my be a birth certificate, but this is not a pipe.


    …but Is it a sandwich?

  149. dunstvangeet says:

    It’s a good thing that engineers don’t design tall buildings and bridges based on theoretical assumptions.Not even close !!!

    Actually, tall buildings and bridges are largely designed based upon theoretical assumptions. The Architect and Engineer calculates all the theoretical forces that go into the building and then designs the buildings based upon those theoretical forces.

  150. aesthetocyst says:

    Hermitian: It’s a good thing that engineers don’t design tall buildings and bridges based on HHHHHypothetical assumptions.


  151. Thomas Brown says:

    Rene Magritte: People might say of this picture, in a colloquial way, “that’s a $100 bill.” They’re right in a way, but if they tried to pass it as a $100 bill, that wouldn’t fly. However, if they were pointing out to people what’s on a $100 bill, that would work — especially if the US Treasury department submitted a certified document saying “the representation on this page is an accurate description of what is found on a $100 bill.”

    The classic Birther error can be seen in the fact that banks now accept scanned checks for deposit.

    Why? How is it possible to accept an electronic image for a real transaction?


    It’s the information that does the trick, not the image. Is it a perfect scan? Or is it blurry or smudged? Suppose the check is torn and the recipient makes a copy and fills in by hand the missing information.

    It would still work, as long as the information checks out.

    All this talk about images is utter nonsense, really. Fun, diverting, perhaps, but completely beside the point. Which, in fairness, Obots realize but Birthers don’t.

  152. Thomas Brown says:

    Rene Magritte:

    …but Is it a sandwich?

    By the way… what have you and your dog been up to after the war?

  153. Crustacean says:

    Thomas Brown: By the way… what have you and your dog been up to after the war?

    I bet they’ve been dancing by the light of the moon… or something like that.

  154. RM says:

    Thomas Brown: By the way… what have you and your dog been up to after the war?

    Dining with the power elite, of course.

  155. donna says:

    Thomas Brown: How is it possible to accept an electronic image for a real transaction?

    an EXCELLENT analogy – kudos!!!!

  156. Scientist says:

    Thomas Brown: Why? How is it possible to accept an electronic image for a real transaction?
    It’s the information that does the trick, not the image. Is it a perfect scan? Or is it blurry or smudged? Suppose the check is torn and the recipient makes a copy and fills in by hand the missing information.
    It would still work, as long as the information checks out.

    For that matter has Hermy or Orly or Mario or any of the other “patriots” examined the actual Constitution? Not images like on this site which I defy you to read clearly or transcripts, but the atua paer document. I bet you not a one has ever touched the actual Constiituton. So, when they tell us “The President must be a natural born citizen”, they are basing that on transcripts (sort of like the COLB). How do we know that the transcripts are correct and that there hasn’t been a humungous conspiracy over 225 years to slip stuff in or take stuff out?

  157. Whatever4 says:

    The Magic M: Given typical birther ways, he probably creates those “H” rows by moving his mouse over an “H” on his screen, selecting it, right-clicking, choosing “copy”, moving to the comment box, right-clicking, choosing “paste” and then repeating the process for each and every “H”.

    And he would claim that any other way to do it was Marxist Kenyan voodoo.

    In my reply to one of his posts, I changed the font on several of the H characters, to send a coded message to Tepper that Hermie was on to him. Can Hermie find them?

    Or maybe I didn’t change any of them. It’s a critical question.

  158. donna says:

    January 8th, 2013 @ 10:08 am

    everything is wrong, but we still need one honest judge, we can’t find one honest judge.

  159. Majority Will says:


    January 8th, 2013 @ 10:08 am

    everything is wrong, but we still need one honest judge, we can’t find one honest judge.

    And we need another judge who is fed up with her delusional, unprofessional and insulting implications.

  160. Hermitian says:

    Thomas Brown: How is it possible to accept an electronic image for a real transaction?

    an EXCELLENT analogy – kudos!!!!

    If the counterfeit bill was produced on a two-sided color laser copier and passed off?

    It happens every day somewhere.

  161. Northland10 says:

    Hermitian: If the counterfeit bill was produced on a two-sided color laser copier and passed off?

    It happens every day somewhere.

    You found the quote function, finally. Thank you.

  162. Majority Will says:

    Northland10: You found the quote function, finally.Thank you.

    After dozens of idiotic posts, it was most likely an accident.

  163. Keith says:

    Thomas Brown: The classic Birther error can be seen in the fact that banks now accept scanned checks for deposit.

    What is this ‘check’ thing of which you speak and for what do banks accept them?

    Just kidding, but the last check I wrote was in 2010. Seriously.

  164. Keith says:

    Scientist: How do we know that the transcripts are correct and that there hasn’t been a humungous conspiracy over 225 years to slip stuff in or take stuff out?

    Well we know that millions of Americans seem to have transcriptions of the Constitution that leave out the first phrase of the 2nd Amendment, so I think you might well be on to something here.

  165. Keith says:

    Rene Magritte: On this page is a representation of a $100 bill. It is not a counterfeit. It is not a forgery. However, it is not a $100 bill. It is provided on teh WP so that people can see what a $100 bill looks like. Oh, look, it’s Benjamin Franklin! There’s a seal! There’s the number “100″ in orange in the corner!

    Excellent word picture, Rene.

    Here are some more not forgeries: $100,000 Bill!? The Stories Behind The Biggest Coins And Bills In U.S. History (PHOTOS)

  166. charo says:



    High-tech fraudsters are always looking for new ways to access and manipulate digitized information. Basically, substitute checks may be altered, counterfeited, duplicated and/or created from scratch. If a payment is in question, only the substitute check image can be accessed. The result is that proving alterations and forgeries becomes even more difficult because many of the traditional security features so evident on paper checks are lost when the originals are scanned in the clearing process. In addition, with no actual cancelled paper checks to examine, evidence of counterfeiting, forgery and alterations (such as fingerprints) are not available for the auditor or CFE.

    It took me awhile before I moved to electronic banking.

  167. Keith says:

    There just might be something to this SSN number business.

    Why would this kid, abducted when he was 5yo still be using the same same SSN 15 years later? Were his grandparents (the abductors) all taitzed up or what?

    It must be branded on the bottom of his foot or something.

    Richard Wayne Landers Jr., Indiana Boy Abducted In 1994, Found In Minnesota

  168. MN-Skeptic says:

    There just might be something to this SSN number business.

    Why would this kid, abducted when he was 5yo still be using the same same SSN 15 years later? Were his grandparents (the abductors) all taitzed up or what?

    It must be branded on the bottom of his foot or something.

    Richard Wayne Landers Jr., Indiana Boy Abducted In 1994, Found In Minnesota

    Actually, I found that to be fairly believable.

    The boy had been living with his paternal grandparents since birth. When he was 5, there was a custody battle between his grandparents and his mother, who was, at that time, living in a car with the boy’s stepfather. The grandparents then left the area with the boy.

    About the SSN? My guess is that since the boy had always lived with grandparents, they had claimed them on their taxes. The boy is of the age where SSNs were required in order to claim the dependent. I guess that the grandparents just continued to use the boy’s SSN on their tax return. That was the easiest thing to do. Either the mother never gave the investigators the SSN back then, or they never pursued it, or the grandparents never used the SSN but gave it to the boy when he started earning money.

  169. justlw says:

    MN-Skeptic: About the SSN? My guess…

    Or, you know… conspiracy.

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