The occasional open thread: carpal tunnel edition

Place your comments on Obama conspiracy topics unrelated to the current articles here.

This thread will close in two weeks.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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355 Responses to The occasional open thread: carpal tunnel edition

  1. BatGuano says:

    for anyone following the trump/maher/orangutan fiasco i found a couple of court cases that address the issue of a comedic offer/statement being taken seriously:

    Graves v. Northern N.Y. Pub. Co (1940)

    Leonard v. Pepsico, Inc. (1999),_Inc

    Polygram Records, Inc. v. Superior Court (Calif. 1985).

  2. gorefan says:

    Here is an interesting “conspiracy” theory. (npthing to do with President Obama).

  3. Crustacean says:

    gorefan: Here is an interesting “conspiracy” theory. (npthing to do with President Obama).

    In the interest of getting to the bottom of this mystery, I demand that Jesus release his LFCOVB…

  4. Majority Will says:

    Crustacean: In the interest of getting to the bottom of this mystery, I demand that Jesus release his LFCOVB…

    Do you know what grinds my gears?
    People who say “born in a manger”.
    Born in the stables and placed in a manger makes sense. Even if she was quite small, why would Mary cram herself into an animal’s food trough to give birth when a pile of hay would be more comfortable?

  5. scott e says:

    Crustacean: In the interest of getting to the bottom of this mystery, I demand that Jesus release his LFCOVB…

    but can he walk on water ??

  6. richCares says:

    immigration and Latinos are problems that must be solved, Latinos have been a part of America’s story for a long time. When Francis Scott Key was writing our National Anthem he turned to his Mexican friend and said “Jose can you see”

  7. Majority Will says:

    immigration and Latinos are problems that must be solved, Latinos have been a part of America’s story for a long time. When Francis Scott Key was writing our National Anthem he turned to his Mexican friend and said “Jose can you see”

    And then he pointed to his Sicilian friend and said, “by the Don’s early light.”

  8. donna says:

    from taitz’s website

    Breaking News! Fifth Circuit court of Appeals to hear the petition by Attorney Taitz to expedite default judgment against the Commissioner of Social Security Michael Astrue and release of SS-5 application for CT SSN 042-68-4425 fraudulently used by Obama


    Additionally, report and picture by Scott Inoue shows Barack Obama as a third grade student in Hawaii in 1969. At the same time official Obama school records show him in Indonesia in 1967-1969 attending school in Jakarta Indonesia under the name Barry Soetoro. Recorded interview and recollection of Lia Soetoro Sabah, foster daughter of Ann Dunham and her second husband, Obama’s step father Lolo Soetoro confirms the recollection by Scott Inoue. (Liah Soetoro Sabah died suddenly at the age of 52 before Obama’s scheduled visit to Indonesia) Based on this discrepancy there are two distinct individuals: Barry Obama, who resided in the U.S. between 1967-1969 and Barry Soetoro who resided in Indonesia between 1967 -1969. We do not know which one of them came back from Indonesia in 1971: Barry Obama or Barry Soetoro. If Barry Soetoro came back, than the question is, what happened to Barry Obama? Is he even alive? A number of high ranking officials of the U.S. Government and the government of Hawaii are complicit in the most egregious crimes, possibly conspiracy to commit treason and aiding and abetting espionage.

  9. Horus says:

    from taitz’s website

    Breaking News! Fifth Circuit court of Appeals to hear the petition by Attorney Taitz to expedite default judgment against the Commissioner of Social Security Michael Astrue and release of SS-5 application for CT SSN 042-68-4425 fraudulently used by Obama


    Additionally, report and picture by Scott Inoue shows Barack Obama as a third grade student in Hawaii in 1969. At the same time official Obama school records show him in Indonesia in 1967-1969 attending school in Jakarta Indonesia under the name Barry Soetoro. Recorded interview and recollection of Lia Soetoro Sabah, foster daughter of Ann Dunham and her second husband, Obama’s step father Lolo Soetoro confirms the recollection by Scott Inoue. (Liah Soetoro Sabah died suddenly at the age of 52 before Obama’s scheduled visit to Indonesia) Based on this discrepancy there are two distinct individuals: Barry Obama, who resided in the U.S. between 1967-1969 and Barry Soetoro who resided in Indonesia between 1967 -1969. We do not know which one of them came back from Indonesia in 1971: Barry Obama or Barry Soetoro. If Barry Soetoro came back, than the question is, what happened to Barry Obama? Is he even alive? A number of high ranking officials of the U.S. Government and the government of Hawaii are complicit in the most egregious crimes, possibly conspiracy to commit treason and aiding and abetting espionage.

    Oy vey iz mir!

  10. ellen says:

    The birther press is making the astonishing claim that retired four-star admiral James Lyons accused Obama of having conspired with the terrorists in Benghazi in a failed attempt to stage a kidnapping that would have allowed him to pose as a hero. But, it turns out that Lyons never said any such thing.

    The details of the claim is that they say that

    “The Washington Examiner, quoting retired Four-Star Admiral James Lyons, writes: “[T]he attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi… was the result of a bungled abduction attempt…. the first stage of an international prisoner exchange… [that] would have ensured the release of Omar Abdel Rahman, the ‘Blind Sheik’…”

    HOWEVER. It turns out that the Washington Examiner had no such article. It never even interviewed Admiral Lyons.

    There IS an article by Admiral Lyons in the Washington TIMES (perhaps they got the two mixed up). HOWEVER, while the article talks a lot about mistakes by the administration, it does NOT claim that Obama conspired with enemies to stage a mock attack that went horribly wrong—-or that he conspired with enemies at all. There is NO mention of conspiracy in the article. (

    A blog known as Examiner.Com (which is not the Washington Examiner) did say that “Sources suggest the Benghazi attack was a bungled abduction attempt (Photos)”. And it quoted Admiral Lyons in a TV interview that day, but it did not say that Lyons said: ““[T]he attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi… was the result of a bungled abduction attempt…. the first stage of an international prisoner exchange… [that] would have ensured the release of Omar Abdel Rahman, the ‘Blind Sheik’…”

    Lyons did NOT say it, and the Blog “Examiner.Com” quotes its unknown and untested sources saying that it MAY have happened, not that it did happen. (

  11. aesthetocyst says:

    ellen: [T]he attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi… was the result of a bungled abduction attempt…. the first stage of an international prisoner exchange… [that] would have ensured the release of Omar Abdel Rahman, the ‘Blind Sheik’…”

    The same crap is in Strunk’s latest filing…right there on page 9. Must have bubble up out of the great Winger Mix’n’Match Random Conspiracy Generator. The World Wide Winger Web is just a giant game of ‘telephone’.

  12. aesthetocyst says:

    donna: Additionally, report and picture by Scott Inoue shows Barack Obama as a third grade student in Hawaii in 1969. At the same time official Obama school records show him in Indonesia in 1967-1969 attending school in Jakarta Indonesia under the name Barry Soetoro.

    Another oldie. Here’s Corsi rambling about the same in 2010:

    Gosh, people can travel. Parents in Indonesia, grandparents in Hawaii. Hmmmm.

    Are there any records of him being enrolled in 2 schools at the same time? Still waiting.

    And I thought the wingers like to make so much of him being in moooooz-limy Indonesia? Are they now saying he was in Hawaii the whole time?Doesn’t tha make him at least a bit more skeery if so?

    This is winger prophets just keeping winger faithful confused and angry. That’s one thing they’re never confused about. Always be angry at the bogeyman du jour.

  13. aarrgghh says:

    immigration and Latinos are problems that must be solved, Latinos have been a part of America’s story for a long time. When Francis Scott Key was writing our National Anthem he turned to his Mexican friend and said “Jose can you see”

    Majority Will: And then he pointed to his Sicilian friend and said, “by the Don’s early light.”

    before turning to his portly friend and said, “Fatso proudly we hail …”

  14. Keith says:

    BatGuano: Polygram Records, Inc. v. Superior Court (Calif. 1985).

    After glancing at that link, I went to look up Rege Wines because I hadn’t heard of them before (I drink a fair bit of wine, but mostly Australian).

    Guess what came up number one in the Google search? That’s right… the exact same Justia report you link to. Are their thousands of other folks checking out the precedents just like you and driving up its popularity? Or is Rege Wines really so obscure that a lawsuit record is really their biggest presence on the web (in which case they should have been paying Williams not suing him).

  15. Keith says:

    Here is an interesting “conspiracy” theory.(npthing to do with President Obama).

    I’ve got a book, written in the 1940’s I think (I’ll have to go dig it out of the deep recesses of the junk pile I call my library), that says Jesus is buried in Afghanistan right near the tomb of Moses.

    Actually the author called it Pakistan in the book but the towns he names are in present day Afghanistan.

  16. Keith says:

    aesthetocyst: And I thought the wingers like to make so much of him being in moooooz-limy Indonesia?

    Yeah, besides the impossibility of the citizenship change thingy, there is a whole lot of crazy mixed up in the motivation angle. Why did the Soetoro’s take Barack to Indonesia in the first place?

    Birther answer #1: to indoctrinate him in Islam of course.

    That’s why they enrolled him in a Roman Catholic school. It is inherently obvious.

    Birther answer #2: (my personal favorite) to indoctrinate him in Communism of course.

    In Indonesia. Where the government had just killed somewhere around 500,000 (perhaps as many as a million) suspected communists and sympathizers in a six month period.

    In the first 20 years following the killings, thirty-nine serious estimates of the death toll were attempted.[35] Before the killings had finished, the army estimated 78,500 had died[45] while another early estimate by the traumatised Communists put the figure at 2 million.[35] The army later estimated the number killed at a possibly exaggerated 1 million.[30] In 1966, Benedict Anderson estimated the deaths at 200,000 and by 1985 had offered a range of 500,000 to 1 million.[35] Most scholars agree that at least half a million were killed,[46] more than any other event in Indonesian history.[27] An armed forces security command estimate from December 1976 put the number at between 450,000 and 500,000.[26] A 2012 documentary by Joshua Oppenheimer, The Act of Killing, places the number of deaths between between 1 and 3 million people.[47][48]

    Arrests and imprisonment continued for ten years after the purge.[27] A 1977 Amnesty International report suggested “about one million” PKI cadres and others identified or suspected of party involvement were detained.[35] Between 1981 and 1990, the Indonesian Government estimated that there were between 1.6 and 1.8 million former prisoners “at large” in society.[49] It is possible that in the mid 1970s, 100,000 were still imprisoned without trial.[50] It is thought that as many as 1.5 million were imprisoned at one stage or another.[51] Those PKI members not killed or imprisoned went into hiding while others tried to hide their past.[27] Those arrested included leading politicians, artists and writers such as Pramoedya, and peasants and soldiers. Many did not survive this first period of detention, dying from malnutrition and beatings.[30] As people revealed the names of underground Communists, often under torture, the numbers imprisoned rose from 1966–68. Those released were often placed under house arrest, had to regularly report to the military, or were banned from Government employment, as were their children.[30]

    Many suspected communists were shot, as well as beheaded, strangled, or had their throats slit by the military and Islamic groups. The killings were “done face to face”, unlike mechanical processes of mass killing in Khmer Rouge Cambodia or Nazi Germany.

    What a nice environment to bring up a child and indoctrinate them the traditional family communist values. Lolo and Ann’s motivation is obvious.

    Seriously, I expect this is why they sent him to live with his grandparents.

  17. Majority Will says:

    before turning to his portly friend and said, “Fatso proudly we hail …”

    At Twilight’s last screening.

  18. Arthur says:

    There’s a faculty member at Florida Atlantic University who is pushing the Sandy Hook massacre as a false-flag event. Professor James Tracey writes,

    “Moreover, to suggest that [President Barack] Obama is not capable of deploying such techniques to achieve political ends is to similarly place ones faith in image and interpretation above substance and established fact, the exact inclination that in sum has brought America to such an impasse.”

    Story and video here:

  19. Bernard says:

    The aforementioned James Tracey conspiracy theory – that the Sandy Hook shootings were a govt plot … and that (at least one of) the fatalities were not really killed – has gotten a lot of traffic amongst birfers, who seem inclined to believe Anything that’s negative about Obama.

    Tracey’s theory rests heavily on a photo of 6 year old Emilie Patterson (evidently taken some months before her death) and a very similar looking girl in a similar dress with Pres. Obama. Without any hard evidence Tracey has contrived a scenario where, somehow, the supposedly dead Emilie got to meet the Prez. Other (sane) people have speculated that the girl with Obama is Emilie’s younger sister in a matching dress or a hand-me-down. Speculation on both sides because nobody is crass enough to quiz the Patterson parents about this craziness.

    Another bit of ‘evidence’ is a photo, presumably of Sandy Hook children, being led out of the school building in neat rows by a teacher some months before the shooting; this is supposedly evidence of a rehearsal of the massacre. Apparently none of these ‘truthers’ remembers that elementary schools have fire drills. Also, since it would have been to the govt’s advantage to maximize the carnage, why would children be rehearsed for survival skills? And, if the massacre was known to the school in advance, why – even assuming that they were willing to see the children in their charge killed – did three teachers deliberately get in harm’s way and be killed? And there’s a scheme of this magnitude in an upscale suburban town (where some parents undoubtedly voted Republican), and Nobody, absolutely nobody, snitches?!!

  20. donna says:

    orly’s new plea ….. be there or be square (i guess)

    Jan 20, 21 Washington DC I need you to join me in protest with signs “Attention! Squatter with forged IDs and a stolen SSN in the WH”, “Obama using forged IDs, Supreme Court to decide February 15!”

    Obama stated “Be in their face”. No problem, we will be in his face. Tentative time and place for protest: In front of the White House on Sunday, January 20, tentatively from 10-4 and in front of the Supreme Court on Monday January 21 10-4.

  21. Dave says:

    This is outstanding! I love birther protests. I wonder if anyone will be able to find them. If they get 100 people, it’ll be a new record.

    Jan 20, 21 Washington DC I need you to join me in protest with signs “Attention! Squatter with forged IDs and a stolen SSN in the WH”, “Obama using forged IDs, Supreme Court to decide February 15!”

  22. donna says:


    i’ve begun to make my signs (wink wink)

  23. US Citizen says:


    i’ve begun to make my signs (wink wink)

    “Beware of crazy Moldovan woman!”

  24. aesthetocyst says:

    donna: Jan 20, 21 Washington DC I need you to join me in protest with signs “Attention! Squatter with forged IDs and a stolen SSN in the WH”, “Obama using forged IDs, Supreme Court to decide February 15!”

    She intends to ‘protest’ the inauguration?!?!? A couple dozen (maybe) birfers lost amongst a sea of a million people? They’ll be lucky to find each other LOL

  25. Sef says:

    orly’s new plea ….. be there or be square (i guess)

    Jan 20, 21 Washington DC I need you to join me in protest with signs “Attention! Squatter with forged IDs and a stolen SSN in the WH”, “Obama using forged IDs, Supreme Court to decide February 15!”

    Obama stated “Be in their face”. No problem, we will be in his face. Tentative time and place for protest: In front of the White House on Sunday, January 20, tentatively from 10-4 and in front of the Supreme Court on Monday January 21 10-4.

    As someone who actually attended the 2009 inauguration, along with ~2M of my closest friends, I find this hilarious.

  26. Bob says:

    Orly will claim that the inaugural crowds were there for her.

    Marian Robinson (Michelle Obama’s mother) makes an appearance in Orly’s comments.

  27. Crustacean says:

    donna: protest with signs “Attention! Squatter with forged IDs and a stolen SSN in the WH”, “Obama using forged IDs, Supreme Court to decide February 15!”

    Sef: As someone who actually attended the 2009 inauguration, along with ~2M of my closest friends, I find this hilarious.

    Agreed, Sef! I won’t be there, but watching on TV, I hope I don’t choke on my popcorn from all the laughing. I think the regulars here at Doc C’s Internet Roadhouse should really help the birthers out with ideas for more signs to make. It’s the neighborly thing to do, after all. Here are a couple of my suggestions:

    “Orly Taitz filed (however many it is) lawsuits, and all I got was this lousy sign.”

    “I reject your reality and substitute my own.” (thank you, Adam Savage)

    “No, I am NOT a rodeo clown. Stop asking me that!”

  28. Arthur says:

    donna: Jan 20, 21 Washington DC I need you to join me in protest with signs “Attention! Squatter with forged IDs and a stolen SSN in the WH”, “Obama using forged IDs, Supreme Court to decide February 15!”

    I hope everyone at ORYR get’s wind of this. It’s exactly what they’ve been clamoring for, though I doubt any but a handful would even consider going.

  29. Bob says:

    Orly posted my comment (from Emma Bovary) on the new DC protest permit thread she just put up.

  30. Arthur says:

    I include this horrible story because I was reminded of how often sexual insults pepper the comments at birther sites, giving the impression that they are reacting to some inner fear about themselves:

    “A New Hampshire lawyer who works with a virulently anti-gay Christian-right organization has been found guilty of child pornography charges after videotaping her own daughter having sex with two men on multiple occasions.

    “Lisa Biron, 43, of Manchester faces a minimum sentence of 25 years in prison after a jury convicted her yesterday. The jury deliberated for less than an hour.

    “Biron, arrested by the FBI last November, was accused of eight felony counts involving the videotaping of men having sex with a 14-year-old girl who was identified by the Associated Press as her daughter. She also allegedly made a cellphone video of herself having sex with her daughter.

    “Biron, who claimed on her Facebook page (which was taken down, according to the Concord Monitor) that the Bible was her favorite book, had worked with Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), formerly the Alliance Defense Fund, in defending a Pentecostal church in Concord in a tax fight against the city.”

  31. Paper says:

    About a different matter (the economy), but very appropriate to birtherism:

    “What is remarkable is the total absence of either self-reflection or accountability. When you get things this wrong, you’re supposed to ask yourself why, and whether your framework of analysis needs updating. And if you should happen to lack the capacity for self-reflection, there should be some external sanction too; people who get it wrong, keep getting it wrong, and show no sign of learning should pay a price in polite society.”

    Paul Krugman blog excerpt

  32. LW says:

    It looks like her site’s been hacked again. I tried to leave a comment and the submit button took me to some online sales web site.

  33. donna says:

    in a GREAT move:

    Tennessee Suspends Gun Carry Permit for James Yeager

    ‘I’m Gonna Start Killing People’

    “I’m telling you, if that happens, it’s going to spark a civil war, and I’ll be glad to fire the first shot,” Yeager said in a video on his YouTube page.

    “I’m not going to let anyone take my guns. If it goes one inch further, I’m going to start killing people,” he said in the YouTube video.

  34. Dave says:

    About the Taitz birther protest at the inauguration, I note that on Monday she is protesting at the Supreme Court. I assumed that was because she realizes that the crowd of millions at the Capitol would make her protest completely invisible. Of course, I can’t rule out the possibility that she thinks the inauguration is at the Supreme Court.

    Update: I note that her protest permit application (posted at her blog) estimates the number of participants will be 50-100. That seems ambitious, but not out of the realm of possibility.

  35. donna says:


    “we will not be attending the inauguration”

    Ima Geokin
    January 12th, 2013 @ 9:31 am

    Should I bring my AK47?

    her reply: you sound like an obot, you know that you are no allowed to bring a rifle, you are trying to cause trouble

    I sent it to the DC police as required

    there are several anti comment (nasty ones) she allowed hmmmmmmmm

  36. charo says:

    If you know of anyone going through a possible foreclosure, please make them aware of this (heartbreaking and infuriating):

  37. Saint James says:

    Majority Will: At Twilight’s last screening.

    It’s not quite over yet…Francis Scott Key also addressed the 47% of us…”….the bums bursting in air.”

  38. aesthetocyst says:

    donna: white house responds to secessionist petition

    I’m impressed that the WH has stuck to its word, responding to petitions that make it over 25K signatures, with the kind of wit, charm, and cool that illuminates folly and pile coals in the mouths of hotheads. They even responded to “Impeach Obama!” … w/o beliettling the petition itself …. the Executive Branch should impeach the Executive?

    Somewhat bummed about the Death Star, heh.

  39. Majority Will says:

    Saint James: It’s not quite over yet…Francis Scott Key also addressed the 47% of us…”….the bums bursting in air.”

    For the land of the freak and the home of the brays.

  40. Saint James says:

    Majority Will: For the land of the freak and the home of the brays.

    Orly being as loud mouth as she wants knew then that she is welcome in our USA!

  41. Rickey says:

    About the Taitz birther protest at the inauguration, I note that on Monday she is protesting at the Supreme Court. I assumed that was because she realizes that the crowd of millions at the Capitol would make her protest completely invisible. Of course, I can’t rule out the possibility that she thinks the inauguration is at the Supreme Court.

    Not to mention that SCOTUS will be closed on Monday. Inauguration Day is listed as a holiday on the SCOTUS calendar.

    I doubt that she will get permit for Monday. If a million people or more show up for the inauguration, the overflow will likely extend to the Supreme Court building.

  42. clestes says:

    I am going to comment on the Donna fraudulent SS number. What does this have to do with anything. It has been expained over and over that Mr. Obama does not lose citizenship for attending school out of country. It has also been pointed out many times he does not need a SS number to be be president.

    So the evitable dismissal is a sign of what.

  43. aesthetocyst says:

    Rickey: I doubt that she will get permit for Monday.

    Since when do birfers consider such things as ‘permits’?

  44. Steve says:

    Bernard: The aforementioned James Tracey conspiracy theory – that the Sandy Hook shootings were a govt plot … and that (at least one of) the fatalities were not really killed – has gotten a lot of traffic amongst birfers, who seem inclined to believe Anything that’s negative about Obama.Tracey’s theory rests heavily on a photo of 6 year old Emilie Patterson (evidently taken some months before her death) and a very similar looking girl in a similar dress with Pres. Obama. Without any hard evidence Tracey has contrived a scenario where, somehow, the supposedly dead Emilie got to meet the Prez. Other (sane) people have speculated that the girl with Obama is Emilie’s younger sister in a matching dress or a hand-me-down. Speculation on both sides because nobody is crass enough to quiz the Patterson parents about this craziness.Another bit of ‘evidence’ is a photo, presumably of Sandy Hook children, being led out of the school building in neat rows by a teacher some months before the shooting; this is supposedly evidence of a rehearsal of the massacre. Apparently none of these ‘truthers’ remembers that elementary schools have fire drills. Also, since it would have been to the govt’s advantage to maximize the carnage, why would children be rehearsed for survival skills? And, if the massacre was known to the school in advance, why – even assuming that they were willing to see the children in their charge killed – did three teachers deliberately get in harm’s way and be killed? And there’s a scheme of this magnitude in an upscale suburban town (where some parents undoubtedly voted Republican), and Nobody, absolutely nobody, snitches?!!

    These people disgust me like few others.
    They use some of the initial reports that were later found to be wrong as evidence of something fishy. Why should it surprise anyone that in an incredbily confusing and chaotic situation that there might be some conflicting reports of what happened and that some initial eyewitness accounts might be wrong?
    I also don’t understand how the parents could possibily be complicit in such a scheme. I don’t think there’s enough money in the world to buy a parent’s silence if their kid were killed and they knew the “official” account of how it happened were wrong or if their kids weren’t killed and just taken to some secret government base where the outside world would never see them again, that their parents would go along with it.
    I don’t even think death threats could buy their silence. Any parent worth their salter would rather be killed themselves.

  45. RoadScholar says:


    “we will not be attending the inauguration”

    Ima Geokin
    January 12th, 2013 @ 9:31 am

    Should I bring my AK47?

    her reply: you sound like an obot, you know that you are no allowed to bring a rifle, you are trying to cause trouble

    I sent it to the DC police as required

    there are several anti comment (nasty ones) she allowed hmmmmmmmm

    That’s not a serious message. Name is “I’m A-Jokin’.

  46. Bernard says:

    Regarding Taitz’s planned protest on Inauguration Day. I think a very unwise move for Taitz, or any of the birfers or teabaggers. More than a million people are expected – almost all of them Very Enthusiastic for Obama. Anti-Obama protesters are not likely to win (or even survive) a confrontation.

  47. Northland10 says:

    clestes: I am going to comment on the Donna fraudulent SS number. What does this have to do with anything. It has been expained over and over that Mr. Obama does not lose citizenship for attending school out of country. It has also been pointed out many times he does not need a SS number to be be president.

    So the evitable dismissal is a sign of what.

    That Orly keeps going and going…

  48. Majority Will says:

    On You don’t have to be a legal eagle to predict Donald Trump won’t get far with his legal threat against Bill Maher.

    With the predictable and idiotic lies from delusional birther bigots in the comments.

    Corsi, Taitz, Apuzzo, Trump, Farah, et al., should be so proud of their anti-American legacies of spreading lies, bigotry, hatred and fear.

  49. Mary Brown says:

    The good dentist has deluded herself about what the Supreme Court has done. Part of me would love to hear her try and present her case to them. It would, I think, resemble the time when the President confronted and eviscerated the smug and arrogant Donald Trump. Can you imagine her walking into the court convinced of her own superiority and then walking out .

  50. ZixiOfIx says:

    Here is an interesting “conspiracy” theory.(nothing to do with President Obama).

    This is an excellent example of what the birthers do. A simple explanation isn’t enough, so they have to invent an outrageous explanation. There is a historical reason for why the Japanese can be found to be chanting Christian/Jewish words and verses, and another for why they have (supposedly) “ancient” scrolls mentioning Jesus. The first part:

    Japan has had a strange relationship with Christianity. In the 1600’s, Christianity (Catholicism) was outlawed, and what remained went “underground”. The remaining Christians were called Kakure Kirishitan, or Hidden Christians.

    Traditional Catholic hymns, prayers and Bible verses were made to sound like Buddhist chants to hide them. Jesus was depicted as a Buddha. Mary was depicted as Guanyin or as a Buddha, and she was called Maria Kannon. Crucifixes and other Christian symbols were hidden in art and architecture. Verses, hymns, and prayers were passed down from person to person instead of being written down. Over time, the hymns and prayers lost their original meaning and lost most of the ties to Catholicism, and became rote chants. The saints and Biblical characters became the adopted ancestors of the Kakure Kirishitans, and before it ended, they were not much more than an ancestor cult.

    In the mid-19th century, Christianity was again allowed in Japan. Most of the remaining Kakure Kirishitans rejoined the Catholic Church, renouncing all of the errant stuff.

    The ones that didn’t renounce their homegrown faith became known as Hanare Kirishitans, Separated Christians. A very few of them remain today, and they still chant.

    As for the scrolls: the mayor of Shingo wanted to bring tourism to his town, and the scrolls were part of an effort to make Shingo a tourist trap. That would explain why the original scrolls, which were supposed to have been destroyed in WWII, but which have been recreated, say “Jesus Christ, father of Christmas”.

  51. MN-Skeptic says:

    Mary Brown: Can you imagine her walking into the court convinced of her own superiority and then walking out .

    “Let me feeeenish!!!”

  52. donna says:

    Mary Brown: “Can you imagine her walking into the court”………..

    and saying i’m looking for one honest judge?

  53. US Citizen says:

    I wonder how Orly will justify spending donated money to fly to DC in order to protest an event she cannot change?
    I wonder who will be the lucky one who sits next to her on the plane too.

  54. aesthetocyst says:

    donna: and saying i’m looking for one honest judge?

    She’s had so much trouble finding “one honest judge” …. now she suddenly expects to find 5 from a given pool of 9 justices? LOL!

    Let’s see …. the makeup of the court is essentially the same since 2008 … if anything, to Taitz’s suspicious mind, it is even more pro-Obama, as he had made an appointment or two. So… if the pre-Obama court wasn’t ‘honest’ enough to go birfer, and the court has further passed on nearly 30 more birfer petitions, how could the current ‘Obama’ court possibly be expected to go birfer?

    Put another way, based on all past cases, ~200 decisions, which identified 0% ‘honest’ judges, 9 Justices • 0% = slightly less than 5. Not enough for a birfer decision, not even the 4 required to get a hearing.

    Not to mention the pointlessness of asserting the impossible is merely improbable ….!

  55. Mary Brown says:

    I was interested in this double identity stuff thrown out as evidence of two Obamas or distinct people. A quick search and look into the educational system in Indonesia told me that schools are in session for most of the year usually in 10 week sessions. It is totally possible that the President spent part o the year there and then moved to Hawaii.We would describe our school year here as 2012 – 2013. Even if a student left us in November of 2012 we would still say they attended for part of that school year. So here they are creating a conspiracy based on what?

  56. aesthetocyst says:

    Mary Brown: So here they are creating a conspiracy based on what?

    Amero-centric assumptions .. fueled by complete ignorance of anything and everything beyond our borders. Do other countries really exist? how can we really be sure?

    Difference in school calendars is a great point, MB. Hadn’t thought of that! Why would a country below the equator, in the tropics, have the same annual schedule as a country in the northern hemisphere temperate zone? Kick in cultural differences, and … no reason at all for that assumption stands!

  57. Keith says:

    aesthetocyst: Difference in school calendars is a great point, MB.

    In Australia, school has been out since just before Christmas. They start going back at the end of the month. This is the longest break, no 2 or 3 months off for Aussie kids.

    This is for Government schools. Private and Religious Schools may have slightly different dates: Victorian School Term Dates

  58. Mary Brown says:

    The old agricultural schedule has been supplanted by a year featuring shorter breaks spaced during the year. The term “year long school” used here refers to an effort to follow a model that features shorter breaks. Some states are weaning families and staff off the long summer vacation. The point is well taken that we think our system must be followed by all. Others do it as well. Try telling some Europeans that sweet corn is good. The folks I chatted with could not believe we ate animal food.

  59. Sef says:

    Mary Brown: Try telling some Europeans that sweet corn is good. The folks I chatted with could not believe we ate animal food.

    Did they know what you meant by “corn”?

  60. Mary Brown says:

    Oh yes they did. It was during a discussion of barbeques .

  61. justlw says:

    OrlyWorld update:

    1) The application for the big SCOTUS protest appears to have disappeared from her site. Rejected, then?

    2) She’s filed a White House petition!

    We petition Barack H. Obama (aka Soetoro aka Soebarkah) to resign due to his use of a stolen CT SSN, forged BC and SS

    Amusing that the WH URL shortener decided to brand her effort “EGO I” .

  62. Saint James says:

    justlw: She’s filed a White House petition

    Let’s wait if she can get 25,000 signatures. She now has 214 and counting? I doubt it!

  63. This should be a good measure of the real strength of the Orly birther faction. It’s unusual for a birther to open themselves to measures like this. Personally, I’m not willing to hazard a guess what the results will be.

    Saint James: Let’s wait if she can get 25,000 signatures. She now has 214 and counting? I doubt it!

  64. Mary Brown says:

    She is updating every 2 minutes it seems. This woman is so self centered she can’t see how silly her theories seem when the very people she deems as villains allow her to petition. All these folks signing the thing are giving the scary White House “muslim terrorist, Manchurian Candidate, One World Order robot ” their names evidentally without fear. Her compatriots are having a much easier time signing away then those who disagree with her have being recognized on her site.

  65. ImaObot says:

    SvenMagnussen solves Barry Obama – Barry Soetoro 3rd grade enrollment mystery.

    Also …

    “For children apprehended at an airport, two legal options exists.”

    It’s good! Sven is a genius.

  66. Keith says:

    Mary Brown: Try telling some Europeans that sweet corn is good. The folks I chatted with could not believe we ate animal food.

    Oooh! Don’t start me up on the difference between feed corn and sweet corn. I’m liable to go off ranting about the difference between hemp and marijuana and why, if society really wants to shut down the marijuana industry they should plant hemp EVERYWHERE.

    (See how easy it is to get me started? Cut it out! 😎 )

  67. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    This should be a good measure of the real strength of the Orly birther faction. It’s unusual for a birther to open themselves to measures like this. Personally, I’m not willing to hazard a guess what the results will be.

    I suspect a lot of anti-birthers and just plain contrarians might sign just to see what the WH response would be to it.

    I know I’m tempted (but will resist the temptation).

  68. Mary Brown says:

    Ha ha Keith. In Nebraska we find a wild marijuana plant the natives call ditch weed. There have been folks who find it and believe they have treasure until reality sets in.

  69. Keith says:

    Mary Brown:
    Ha ha Keith. In Nebraska we find a wildmarijuana plant the natives call ditch weed. There have been folks who find it and believe they have treasure until reality sets in.

    The story I have is that today’s ‘ditch weed’ is the feral remains of the WWII program of seeding hemp by dumping it out of airplanes all over the midwest. During WWII the Japanese had basically cut off the supply and all those liberty ships and war ships we were building needed lots of rope – and hemp makes the best rope.

    A once thriving industry in America (Washington and Jefferson both grew hemp, for example) was all but eliminated in the early 20th century due to drug fears and competition from cotton (for cloth) and trees (for paper). One conspiracy theory suggests that the cotton growers were behind the propaganda to equate hemp with marijuana.

  70. Arthur says:

    Mary Brown: In Nebraska we find a wild marijuana plant the natives call ditch weed.

    What people call “ditch weed” is not wild marijuana (i.e., canabis sativa L.), but a different variety of canabis sativa that has a very low level of THC compared to marijuana. It was cultivated throughout the Midwest during WWII to make into rope, after supplies of jute, sisal, and Manilla hemp were no longer available in the U.S. because of the Pacific War. After the war, growing hemp was greatly restricted, but hemp, being naturally hearty, grew where it wanted. In Iowa, you can’t drive down a country lane without seeing hemp in abundance. Hemp makes a wonderful rope that, unlike prickly Manilla, is smooth to the touch and easy to work.

    “Hemp for Victory” is a film the government made in 1942 that extolls the virtues of hemp, and explains to farmers how to grow it:

  71. aesthetocyst says:

    Keith: I suspect a lot of anti-birthers and just plain contrarians might sign just to see what the WH response would be to it.

    Well, the WH has already responded to the “Impeach Obama for [Winger Media Hype Allegations]”, so why not a response to a more blatantly birfy petition?

    We request that Obama be impeached for the following reasons.
    The Short Answer is No, but Keep Reading
    By The White House

  72. Saint James says:

    Keith: I suspect a lot of anti-birthers and just plain contrarians might sign just to see what the WH response would be to it.

    I’m getting a bit curious too. There are now 493 signatories. February 15th is the deadline to reach 25,000. Tick-Tock-Tick-Tock!

  73. Lani says:

    I don’t think Orly’s petition will be around for long. Of course, she’ll howl about the regime when the petition goes *poof*.

    Here’s part of the terms of participation:
    “You also agree that your user-generated account information will not contain threats of unlawful violence or harm to any individual or group; obscene, vulgar, or lewd material; defamatory or fraudulent statements; terms commonly understood to constitute profanity or abusive or degrading slurs or epithets; information invading an individual’s privacy; and information that if published would violate criminal law or give rise to civil liability.”

    The petition violates the terms by posting the SSN. (I also think it reasonable to conclude that the petition contains defamatory statements and slurs.)

  74. Majority Will: Born in the stables

    Why was Jesus born in a stable?

    Every hotel his mother went to had a sign at the desk: “Restricted – No Hebrews”

  75. aesthetocyst says:

    Saint James: I’m getting a bit curious too.There are now 493 signatories. February 15th is the deadline to reach 25,000. Tick-Tock-Tick-Tock!

    Shouldn’t the genuine birfer signatories be paranoid about voluntarily signing up on a WH list? Or do they assume they are already on an “enemies list”? Or are they willing to be martyrs? 😉

  76. ZixiOfIx says:

    aesthetocyst: Shouldn’t the genuine birfer signatories be paranoid about voluntarily signing up on a WH list? Or do they assume they are already on an “enemies list”? Or are they willing to be martyrs?

    They probably figure that they’ve already signed the petitions to secede, and the one to deport Piers Morgan, and the one to nationalize the Twinkie industry, so what’s one more?

  77. Dear readers and associates of the Obama Conspiracy Theories website and the Was Obama Born In Kenya blog,

    Please take a few minutes to review my new thought provoking report:

    eBay: President George Herbert Walker Bush official and certified (signed and embossed seal) birth certificate

    Please exercise your free speech in the comments section below. There are no stipulations of political correctness on this blog. Speak your mind, give us your thoughts, both objective and subjective. Share your ideas, hunches, inklings or your expertise. Please provide recommendation and corrections if you spot errors in fact within the blog report. Lastly, remember that posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so!

  78. Saint James says:

    aesthetocyst: Shouldn’t the genuine birfer signatories be paranoid about voluntarily signing up on a WH list? Or do they assume they are already on an “enemies list”? Or are they willing to be martyrs?

    ZixiOfIx: They probably figure that they’ve already signed the petitions to secede, and the one to deport Piers Morgan, and the one to nationalize the Twinkie industry, so what’s one more?

    I think anybody who doesn’t like Obama is a potential birther. Birtherism is just another way to get rid of him.

  79. Saint James says:

    Lani: I don’t think Orly’s petition will be around for long. Of course, she’ll howl about the regime when the petition goes *poof*.

    At the rate it’s going right now, I think the petition will reach the number of signatures needed for the WH to respond. I’m quite curious as to how the WH will respond in a very civil/diplomatic manner. This is gonna be an educational read for me. I most of the time lose my temper when I deal with birthers.

    Orly will now claim that she has 25,000 followers…but will wonder why they don’t come when she calls them to arm!

  80. Keith says:

    In case anyone is an Astronomy junkie, you will be relieved to know that the Australian Siding Springs Observatory at Coonabarabran in N.S.W. escaped a nasty bushfire today.

    The instruments are apparently undamaged (but are still to be inspected) other than probably some smoke damage. However outbuildings, such as maintenance sheds and Astronomer accommodation lodges, have been destroyed.

    Siding Springs is home to the SkyMapper Telescope which is working on the Southern Sky Survey (analogous to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey of the Northern hemisphere sky).

  81. Dave says:

    I can’t find much birther enthusiasm for Taitz’s protest. I did find one mention of it in a comment at ORYR. There’s a post at Coach is Right, which has collected zero comments. Really, it seems like the people demanding a march on Washington have gone to take a nap now that Taitz is trying to organize one.

  82. The Magic M says:

    Saint James: At the rate it’s going right now, I think the petition will reach the number of signatures needed for the WH to respond.

    Unless birthers manage to sign up and “vote” multiple times (oh, the irony!), it’s gonna be difficult. Remember big birther sites like WND don’t push anything related to Orly. And to keep the current rate up won’t be possible on die-hard Taitz supporters alone.

    Right now, the petition is behind “ban hammers and baseball bats” and “issue a breast-feeding stamp” and only slightly ahead of “mandate state Pokemon”.

    This reminds me of the Facebook protests of the form “Can this page get more fans than X?”, where X usually is something like “the Nazi party FB page”.

  83. aesthetocyst says:

    The Magic M: Unless birthers manage to sign up and “vote” multiple times (oh, the irony!),

    Oh, they can always count on the crowd that isn’t actually birfer believer, but willing to throw down on a birfer meme as an indulgence in partisan rhetoric when they stumble across it.

  84. Saint James says:

    Lani: (I also think it reasonable to conclude that the petition contains defamatory statements and slurs.)

    Right on the money Lani, Orly’s petition was removed due to her violation of the terms of participation. Orly will now spin this as another conspiracy theory!

  85. aesthetocyst says:

    Saint James: Right on the money Lani, Orly’s petition was removed due to her violation of the terms of participation.

    Well dang. Is she proclaiming conspiracy / selective persecution yet? Can’t see her site from here (oh, darn).

    Oh, good gods, the sandy hook truthers are putting up petitions now. Blarg.

  86. Andrew Morris says:

    Prosecute Dr. Orly Taitz for libel, making false accuation of treason, sedition, and encouraging insurrection

    My petition on the site:

    Dr. Orly Taitz has for more than four years made false, defamatory, racist and intemperate accusations concerning the eligibility of President Obama. Recently she has accused him of treason, made similar accusations regarding judges who dismiss her lawsuits, public officials who she claims are complicit in enabling Mr. Obama to be elected, politicians who ignore her, and the media for not publicizing her activities. She has suggested there is a need for armed insurrection. She has called for the President to be executed. Her comments and activities are not free speech protected by the First Amendment and that she is seeking to invalidate the votes of a majority of Americans. She should be prosecuted, and on completion of her sentence, stripped of her American citizenship, and deported.

  87. Saint James says:

    Lucas D. Smith: Share your ideas, hunches, inklings or your expertise.

    My “ideas, hunches, inklings and expertise” tell me that you’re trying your desperate best to draw traffic to your blog! However, if you’re willing to talk about your criminal history without censorship, then I’ll probably drop by!

  88. aesthetocyst says:

    Andrew Morris: Prosecute Dr. Orly Taitz for libel, making false accuation of treason, sedition, and encouraging insurrection

    Unfortunately, no. Unless it can be proven she committed a crime (financial shenanigans), it is for the legal community to handle its own in regards to ethics. Not a criminal matter. As for her criticizing the gov’t, it is protected speech. The Alien and Sedition Acts were a long time ago. Do rational people buy into her ‘protests’ and take them seriously? Any gov’t that could not survive such criticism would be a weak, invalid (looking at you, despots, totalitarianisms).

    Treating Taitz in such a way would set a low bar. Where would it end? Half the YouTubers would be deported!

    Worse, it would create an impression of, fair or not, partisan persecution. The Blues deport crazy reds. And open the door to the inverse. Short of specific threats / actions by Taitz, this is a case of ‘treason in the eye of the beholder’. A slippery slope.

  89. Arthur says:

    Our own john is trying to inject a bit of realism into the comments at ORYR. In a discussion about some upcoming fru-fru that Zullo is promoting, john replied:

    “Sheriff Arpaio’s investigation is DEAD. Arpaio had his chance a a week ago by getting 1 Senator and 1 Congressman to OBJECT but it fell through. This was BIRTHERS’ LAST STAND.

    “Obama will serve his 4 years undisturbed.

    “Obama Impeached??? IT WILL NEVER NEVER NEVER HAPPEN…Not as long as the Senate is Democratic Controlled.

    “I support Arpaio’s efforts to continue to bring the truth out but as far removing, impeaching or prosecuting Obama, THAT’S A DREAM FOLKS!!”

  90. Tarrant says:

    Unconfirmed reports indicate that I was in a 3rd grade class in California in 1985 but somehow also in a 4th grade class in Arizona in 1985.

    Clearly I am part of a decades-old conspiracy designed to allow me to ascend to the Presidency as a multi-stated individual. Did I ever give up my California citizenship? And now I live in Washington, DC – essentially stateless! Who knows what my citizenship is, when I was born, who my parents are. Mass hysteria!

  91. Andrew Morris says:

    aesthetocyst: I think she has committed a crime. She has posted personal information online, she has suggested that violence may be the only recourse, and she has threatened judges that they may face prosecution for treason if they rule against her, which arguably goes beyond contempt of court.

  92. BLOG NUTS says:

    Someone said!
    “Sheriff Arpaio’s investigation is DEAD. Arpaio had his chance a a week ago by getting 1 Senator and 1 Congressman to OBJECT but it fell through. This was BIRTHERS’ LAST STAND.

    “Obama will serve his 4 years undisturbed.”

    What the someone said is just bat boo, that’s all. The process is where it should be and that is the final adjudicating of the White House “impostor” is coming to its end, one way or another in Feb,2013, and IF SCOTUS approves the issue for a hearing after the SCOTUS conference on Feb 15.

    America is either going to survive or it’s going to fail, because the White House “rat” will push a great country into oblivion as other socialist countries have fallen when they adopted socialism the precursor to communism.

    The contents of this video should cause any loyal and True American to be very wary of what America has in its house… the white one that True Americans pay for.

  93. US Citizen says:

    John replied:

    This seems appropriate since birthers are always yelling “Wake up America!”

  94. Bernard says:

    I did it. I started a White House petition to prosecute and/or deport Orly Taitz ….. PLEASE sign:

  95. Jim says:


    What the someone said is just bat boo, that’s all.The process is where it should be and that is the final adjudicating of the White House “impostor” is coming to its end, one way or another in Feb,2013, and IF SCOTUS approves the issue for a hearing after the SCOTUS conference on Feb 15.

    Now pull out your handy pocket Constitution Nuts and show me where the SCOTUS has any power to remove a sitting President. I think Aerosmith saw the birthers coming when they wrote their hit song “Dream ON”!

  96. aesthetocyst says:

    Andrew Morris: She has posted personal information online,

    The persons affected should pursue their legal options against her, if any. Harrassment, distress, etc.

    Perhaps a case could be made for incitement, but again, would need specifics. Millions of wingers call for torches and pitchforks everyday. Even more say the vilest things about the President, daily. hourly. By the minute. This President, any President. It comes with the job.

  97. aesthetocyst says:

    Jim: Aerosmith saw the birthers coming when they wrote their hit song “Dream ON”!

    Toys in the Attic. Check the lyrics LOL.

  98. Majority Will says:

    The birth of more ‘birther’ blather: Sen. Shooter mum about his birthplace

    Where’s the “birther” bill when you need it? … Sen. Don Shooter, R-Yuma, has gone top secret on the topic of where he was born.

    “I’m a private person,” the public servant said when asked why he won’t fess up about his birthplace.

    Insider research found a Donald M. Shooter, age 60, born in Yuma, but the second-term senator says it ain’t him.

    He joked about being an illegal alien, then expanded the laugh line by saying he was born in Kenya. Hell-o, Rep. Carl Seel! Your birther-bill aspirations might have just gotten a new raison d’etre.

  99. Keith says:

    BLOG NUTS: America is either going to survive or it’s going to fail,

    It always safe to assert that one or the other of a binary choice will hold. Can you get a little more impressive Swami?

  100. Yoda says:

    One of my favorite things about birthers is what I refer to as birfer math. They are always over estimating the support that they have in the real world. For example, “Millions to Protest Barry’s Eligibility”, a fb page, has about 5000 followers, and some of those are not birthers. Orly has about 2000 followers on her fb page, and again. Again, not all of those are birthers. Yet we are constantly regaled with birthers are a majority of Country, or at the very least, a very substantial minority. Orly always brags about how she has millions of readers (she apparently believes that each hit is a different reader). I say this as a backdrop for the following:

    When Orly breathlessly posted her “breaking news” about how the Supreme Court was going to conference her case, there were several hundred comments. The last time I looked, it was at about 480. One of those comments was very telling. He was number about 356 and said something about not understanding why there were not 356,000 comments. In a way, I agree with the poster. If birtherism was so rampant in this country, why weren’t there 356,000 comments, or even more. Is that not proof positive that birtherism is a very small fringe faction in this country?

  101. Dave says:

    I’ve noticed that John is one of the most reasonable people posting at ORYR.

    But while I agree that Congress won’t impeach on any birther grounds, I don’t agree that it’s just because the Senate is controlled by Democrats. Besides party politics, Congressmen of both parties will seriously consider whether they can make the case to their constituents that their position, whether for or against the impeachment, is a reasonable one. And that is why Congressional Republicans have never launched an investigation — in fact, as far as I know, no sitting Congressman has even publicly called for an investigation. They know that there isn’t enough substance to birther claims and pushing this would just make them look like fools.

    Our own john is trying to inject a bit of realism into the comments at ORYR.

  102. Andrew Morris says:

    Orly is predictably outraged that her petition has been removed. But as with everything else she touches, she doesn’t read the instructions. There was a petition a while back demanding impeachment. And the White House responded to it, in a factual, quite humorous way. Strange that after all this time she doesn’t understand what she’s doing wrong. Or that she doesn’t actually read the Constitution. Or her law books.

  103. Dave says:

    “Incivism”? Is that even a word?

    Anyhow, over at ORYR they are swearing a solemn oath to repost Taitz’s petition, and they are certainly going to include the SSN, to make sure it will get removed again so they can be mad some more.

    Bernard: petition

  104. Rickey says:

    Unconfirmed reports indicate that I was in a 3rd grade class in California in 1985 but somehow also in a 4th grade class in Arizona in 1985.

    Clearly I am part of a decades-old conspiracy designed to allow me to ascend to the Presidency as a multi-stated individual. Did I ever give up my California citizenship? And now I live in Washington, DC – essentially stateless! Who knows what my citizenship is, when I was born, who my parents are. Mass hysteria!

    I attended two different schools during my senior year in high school. Very suspicious.

  105. Rickey says:


    The process is where it should be and that is the final adjudicating of the White House “impostor” is coming to its end, one way or another in Feb,2013, and IF SCOTUS approves the issue for a hearing after the SCOTUS conference on Feb 15.

    You birthers demonstrate once again that you do not have a clue.

    What is before SCOTUS is an application filed by Orly which asks for:

    1. A stay of certification of results of the California election for the U.S. Senate pending resolution of primary election results and of one and a half million invalid voter registrations.

    2. A stay of certification of presidential election in California and certification of any and all votes for candidate Obama.

    As anyone who has been paying attention knows, those particular trains have long since left the station. The California election results have been certified, the national electoral vote results have been certified, and Barack Obama will be sworn in for his second term in six days.

    Everything that Orly is asking for is legally moot. Her SCOTUS application is doomed.

  106. BLOG NUTS: the White House “rat” will push a great country into oblivion

    I agree. I found Obama’s Kenya BC:

  107. justlw says:

    Orly responds to the WH:

    I received your e-mail, stating that my petition was removed due to violation of privacy and I state unequivocally that I did not violate any one’s privacy. I am a licensed attorney and do not see any violation of privacy.

    Well, there you have it. Licensed attorneys are always right, and they never lie. KQED, baby.

  108. justlw says:

    Oh, did I say “responds”? She DEMANDS that her petition be reinstated immediately.

  109. aesthetocyst says:

    justlw: Oh, did I say “responds”?

    She responded to (what I assume to be, and for this function always is) a form message??? Did she post the address she responded to? (‘’ 😉 )

  110. Saint James says:

    justlw: Did she post the address she responded to? (‘’ )

    Oh no! No no no… first she lost to an empty chair, now she communicated to a blank wall? She needs some psyche meds adjustment!

  111. justlw says:

    aesthetocyst: She responded to (what I assume to be, and for this function always is) a form message??? Did she post the address she responded to? (‘’)


    “I think that’s about the worst thing I’ve ever heard.

    “…How marvelous.”

    I’m certainly hoping that address is a black hole rather than a bounce. No sense in handing out too many clues for free.

  112. aesthetocyst says:

    Saint James: Oh no! No no no… first she lost to an empty chair, now she communicated to a blank wall?She needs some psyche meds adjustment!

    SJ, that was my jest, I don’t know what address she replied to. Can’t see Orly’s site from here, so I was literally asking justLW what address she replied to.

  113. justlw says:

    Oh, now I’m all let down. It says she sent it to “We” — no idea of course what that expands to (if anything).

    So again, I’m having trouble posting there. Is the site actually being regularly hacked, or is there some “Obots get automatically vectored to shopping site” function? That would seem surprisingly sophisticated for her.

  114. Saint James says:

    aesthetocyst: SJ, that was my jest, I don’t know what address she replied to.

    That’s okey, I want to continue laughing just thinking she hit a blank wall. The WH will not entertain argument. Once a petition is rejected for any reason at all, then it remains rejected. ha haaaa!

  115. justlw says:

    Found this on the wordpress support fora — the subject line refers to the same web site that Orly’s SUBMIT button currently redirects to. I won’t reproduce the URL as I don’t want to give the bad guys the satisfaction of additional publicity.

    login redirect [even if it’s Orly they’re hacking, they’re still jerks].com !

    My problem is this. Somehow my site was hacked because one of my users when they are logged immediately redirected to this site …. I searched the database and also all files on my site I found where it is added.
    Please help.
    My site is [elided]

    [Not Orly, so also elided]
    Posted 5 months ago #

  116. justlw says:

    The responses indicate that it’s common for such hacks to be self-reinfecting, so that explains why I’ve gotten a couple of posts to submit in the last few days (one accepted, one rejected) — I just managed to get in between the half-assed cleanup and the reinfection.

  117. It’s nice, but the Federal rules do not permit the US Government from receiving attorney fees when they win, or so I understand. Costs other than fees are small.

    bgansel9: Speaking of petitions, I like this one a lot:

  118. G says:


    aesthetocyst: She responded to (what I assume to be, and for this function always is) a form message??? Did she post the address she responded to? (‘’ )

    ROTFLMAO!!! That was quite a polite, firm and impressively fair response to such an insulting petition, actually…

    We request that Obama be impeached for the following reasons.
    The Short Answer is No, but Keep Reading
    By The White House

  119. Northland10 says:

    aesthetocyst: She responded to (what I assume to be, and for this function always is) a form message??? Did she post the address she responded to? (‘’)

    Last weekend she was complaining about Google blocking her from sending email as she blew through the short term limit. She was nice enough to include a screenshot. The email she was trying to send was addressed to “do-not-reply.”

    As an added bonus, we could see she has 44k unread messages and over 600 drafts.

  120. bgansel9 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: It’s nice, but the Federal rules do not permit the US Government from receiving attorney fees when they win, or so I understand. Costs other than fees are small.

    I don’t care much about the attorney’s fees, but, these crazy loons are costing the judiciary time and money. They should be made to pay for it.

  121. The Magic M says:

    Northland10: we could see she has 44k unread messages

    Still plenty of spam to infect her computer. 😉

  122. The Magic M says:

    Is this new or did I just miss it before?

    It’s Jedi Pauly and his “citizen with a capital C” theory again, this time inflated to an 86 page lawsuit. *facepalm*

    I’d love to see a plaintiff’s response consisting of the single sentence

    “Since all nouns in the Constitution are capitalized, plaintiff’s argument is without merit and should therefore be rejected.”


  123. G says:

    *sigh* If only our legal system worked that way… unfortunately, our courts remain clogged and our taxpayer dollars remain used inefficiently, due to our overly lenient system of tolerating frivolous cranks…

    bgansel9: I don’t care much about the attorney’s fees, but, these crazy loons are costing the judiciary time and money. They should be made to pay for it.

  124. lane says:

    The Magic M:
    Is this new or did I just miss it before?


    “Jedi Pauly” needs to learn to fix his tags / or not use generic HTML generators. The whole freaking thing is centered.

  125. Majority Will says:

    lane: {snip}

    “Jedi Pauly” needs to learn to fix his tags / or not use generic HTML generators. The whole freaking thing is centered.

    You’d think it would always be flush right and never centered or justified.

  126. Arthur says:

    Here’s an example of how the unthinking aggression that animates conspiracy theorists can affect a private individual:

  127. aesthetocyst says:

    Disgusting; simply disgusting.

    Piling on a bit, as the White House finalizes response to our ridiculous gun situtation, gun nuts are already using the ‘I’-word:

    “President Obama will “call for major legislation to expand background checks for gun purchases.” But he will also, based on recommendations from a task force headed by Vice President Biden, “lay out 19 separate actions [he] could take by invoking the power of his office.” … Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, threatened to file articles of impeachment if the White House pursued such a tack. …. which draw on the NY Times …

    Really? This is either predictable posturing, or one hell of a losing proposition. The list of 19 executive actions isn’t out yet, but short of repossession or interference with instate commerce, what could be an impeachable offense?!? LOL if it weren’t so stupid.

    I keep stubbing my brain on why cars are more controlled than guns.

    Looking forward to more conspiratorial wingnuttery to follow.

  128. Arthur says:

    aesthetocyst: Looking forward to more conspiratorial wingnuttery to follow.

    Surprising, isn’t it, that at ORYR, you quickly learn that birthers are also gun nuts? What’s more, at least one of the posters (“Falcon”) also is also a Roswell and Area 51 conspirator.

  129. donna says:


    has Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas NOT READ the constitution? it’s in ENGLISH

    “Stockman, who must not be familiar with the Constitution or history, claimed an executive order would be “unconstitutional” and “infringe on our constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms.” Stockman seems to get his news from the Daily Caller, Drudge and Fox News, because he believes, ‘If the president is allowed to suspend constitutional rights on his own personal whims, our free republic has effectively ceased to exist’.”

    In 1989, then President George H.W. Bush issued an executive order halting the importation of some semi-automatic firearms after a mass school shooting Stockton, California. He based his executive order on the 1968 Gun Control Act and used it to ban the shipment of what could be considered “assault weapons” unless they were used for sporting purposes. (Question: Did the free republic cease to exist then?)

    In 1998, then President Bill Clinton also issued an executive order to ban the importation of more than 50 semiautomatic “assault weapons” that had been modified to get through that “sporting purposes” exemption.

    In 2001, Clinton moved again via executive order, banning the importation of assault pistols.

  130. Paul says:

    Arthur: Surprising, isn’t it, that at ORYR, you quickly learn that birthers are also gun nuts? What’s more, at least one of the posters (“Falcon”) also is also a Roswell and Area 51 conspirator.

    They’re just plain nuts. Attach any prefix you like.

  131. Arthur says:

    1% Silver Nitrate: Doc makes the Washington Post!

    Hey, I KNOW that guy!

  132. Rickey says:

    Arthur: Hey, I KNOW that guy!

    Me too!

  133. aesthetocyst says:

    1% Silver Nitrate: Doc makes the Washington Post!

    Thanks for the link, great article. Fogbow made it too! Whoot!

    However …. “Although Dr. Conspiracy is obsessed with tracking the birthers — before he retired, … he is not one of them.” This kind of sentence structure drives me nuts. pArticularly when it appears after a paragraph that already explained Doc’s site, negating the pseudo-surprise “conclusion”. Editor!

  134. Horus says:

    Keith: The story I have is that today’s ‘ditch weed’ is the feral remains of the WWII program of seeding hemp by dumping it out of airplanes all over the midwest. During WWII the Japanese had basically cut off the supply and all those liberty ships and war ships we were building needed lots of rope – and hemp makes the best rope.

    A once thriving industry in America (Washington and Jefferson both grew hemp, for example) was all but eliminated in the early 20th century due to drug fears and competition from cotton (for cloth) and trees (for paper). One conspiracy theory suggests that the cotton growers were behind the propaganda to equate hemp with marijuana.

    It was actually William Randolf Hearst who began the smear campaign against hemp in his own publications. He had just purchased vast forests in the Pacific Northwest and saw hemp as a cheaper alternative to tree pulp based paper.
    He was not just in the publishing business, he was also in the paper production business.

  135. HKL (Keith away from home) says:

    aesthetocyst: I keep stubbing my brain on why cars are more controlled than guns.

    Who ever heard of a well regulated militia riding in cars?

  136. HKL (Keith away from home) says:

    Horus: It was actually William Randolf Hearst

    Yeah, that makes more sense.

  137. aesthetocyst says:

    Horus: He was not just in the publishing business, he was also in the paper production business.

    Ooooooh, synergy.

    Strangely, He opted against paper (and wood) when building his castle. Hypocrite.

  138. justlw says:

    I’m surprised no mentions yet of Napoleon XIV’s song:

    I owe a lot
    to Iowa pot
    Iowa grown and grand
    I never knew
    such beautiful boo
    Could ever be found
    in this land I’m in
    and I’m in-
    debted indeed
    to wonderful weed
    Iowa bred and born
    Oh, I owe a lot
    to Iowa pot
    and that’s not
    just Iowa corn

    As remembered from that other “Doctor”‘s show, back in the day. (The other Doc is known for having a pretty spiffy hat, too.)

    Consensus seems to continue to be that the song seriously oversold the product.

    On-topic, of course, would be Napoleon XIV’s other well-known song…

  139. roadburner says:

    jesus christ! just when you think things couldn’t get sillier in birferstan.

    i hope this is satire, as it’s nuttier than squirrel poop!

  140. aesthetocyst says:

    donna: Rep. Steve Stockman,

    Posted by Andy Borowitz, January 15, 2013

    The Reds practically write his material for him now! 😉

  141. Arthur says:

    jesus christ! just when you think things couldn’t get sillier in birferstan.

    i hope this is satire, as it’s nuttier than squirrel poop!

    Jedi Pauly has posted here, has he not? Funny, but I don’t recall him as crazy as the complaint he’s written. I tried to read it, but after a couple pages of passionate birther mumbo-jumbo and highfalutin phraesology, my head was spinning.

  142. HKL (Keith away from home) says:

    justlw: I’m surprised no mentions yet of Napoleon XIV’s song:
    I owe a lot
    to Iowa pot

    You are a freak!

    I only know Nappy the XIV’s:

    They’re coming to take me away, ha ha.
    They’re coming to take me away.
    And I’ll be happy to see those nice young men
    In their clean white coats and
    And they’re coming to take me away, ha ha ho ho ha
    They’re coming to take me away.

  143. Dave says:

    I haven’t read the complaint, but his remarks in the blog post are seriously deranged. He is the “sole discoverer of the true objective meaning and definition of natural born Citizen” and he has a copyright. If you “impugn” him, he’ll add you to his lawsuit, and report you for committing a hate crime.

    jesus christ! just when you think things couldn’t get sillier in birferstan.

    i hope this is satire, as it’s nuttier than squirrel poop!

  144. donna says:

    White House Raises Threshold For Responding To Petitions

    From the White House blog:

    When we first raised the threshold — from 5,000 to 25,000 — we called it “a good problem to have.” Turns out that “good problem” is only getting better, so we’re making another adjustment to ensure we’re able to continue to give the most popular ideas the time they deserve.

    Starting today, as we move into a second term, petitions must receive 100,000 signatures in 30 days in order to receive an official response from the Obama Administration.

  145. aesthetocyst says:

    donna: petitions must receive 100,000 signatures in 30 days

    No prob for ‘millions’ of birfers 😛

    That is quite an increase, I’d view it as a challenge. Verrrrry few of the petitions have cracked 100K, that I have seen. I didn’t know if was ever as low as 5K. In the age of social media, that does seem like asking for it!

    I assume some typical birfer shrieking will follow.

  146. Sef says:

    donna: Starting today, as we move into a second term, petitions must receive 100,000 signatures in 30 days in order to receive an official response from the Obama Administration.

    Not impossible (2.3/min continuously for 30 days) but highly improbable.

  147. donna says:

    aesthetocyst: “No prob for ‘millions’ of birfers” ……….

    named looney tunes and whack job – i saw how many birthers/electors objected to re-electing obama – we will see the “millions” who show up for taitz on sunday & monday (her permit said 100 people)

    the way i see it, the FBI, secret service, DHS, etc have a nice list of idiots with email addresses to scrutinize

  148. aesthetocyst says:

    Sef: Not impossible (2.3/min continuously for 30 days) but highly improbable.

    You think this is their ‘nice’ way of throwing in the towel?

    Something truly viral could still make it. The requirement to register is a big hurdle. Someone has to really want to sign to be bothered to do so. If a simple click was all that was required, 100K would be nothin’.

  149. G says:

    I am just appalled by the utter vile sickness in some of these conspiracy nuts…

    Their behavior, like many Birthers and their ilk, truly represent the worst sides of humanity on display…

    Here’s an example of how the unthinking aggression that animates conspiracy theorists can affect a private individual:

  150. G says:

    He was always pretty arrogant and extreme in his “unique” views…

    …but yeah it is pretty clear that he’s fully gone off the deep end now into full deranged lunatic frenzy…

    …or at least into a massively excessive childish tantrum.

    His stupid “If you ‘impugn’ him, he’ll add you to his lawsuit, and report you for committing a hate crime” language is just hyperbolic bluster from an insignificant and angry nobody who is crying out for attention. I’d like to see him try to get “hate crime” charges against anyone who rightly mocks his sad little pout fest. He won’t of course, because he’s nothing more than a hollow blowhard having an extreme temper tantrum.

    Arthur: Jedi Pauly has posted here, has he not? Funny, but I don’t recall him as crazy as the complaint he’s written. I tried to read it, but after a couple pages of passionate birther mumbo-jumbo and highfalutin phraesology, my head was spinning.

    I haven’t read the complaint, but his remarks in the blog post are seriously deranged. He is the “sole discoverer of the true objective meaning and definition of natural born Citizen” and he has a copyright. If you “impugn” him, he’ll add you to his lawsuit, and report you for committing a hate crime.

  151. Dave says:

    Over at ORYR they are getting into the Sandy Hook conspiracy theories in the comments. Not yet a post on the subject — I wonder if he’ll go there.

  152. aesthetocyst says:

    G: committing a hate crime

    IANAL, but how exactly does a person go about committing a hate crime against an individual? An individual is not a class or group.

    Does this person mean a hate crime against the collection of personalities in his head?

  153. justlw says:

    donna: Starting today, as we move into a second term, petitions must receive 100,000 signatures in 30 days in order to receive an official response from the Obama Administration.

    I haven’t looked yet, but I’ll bet someone’s going to take this personally.

  154. Dave says:

    Wingnuts definitely have a thing about hate crimes. Exactly what that thing is can be difficult to infer from their ranting and whining. But the general shape of it is that they have some complete misconception of what constitutes a hate crime, and based on that misconception they think hate crime laws only exist to further the oppression of white men by minorities and liberals.

    So, following some wingnut logic, they frequently demand that their political opponents be charged with hate crimes.

    aesthetocyst: IANAL, but how exactly does a person go about committing a hate crime against an individual? An individual is not a class or group.

    Does this person mean a hate crime against the collection of personalities in his head?

  155. Dave says:

    Cue Orly Taitz:

    This is hilarious! Today, as Obama Nazis scrubbed the second petition posted by me on the, and I filed a demand for an explanation under FOIA, they raised the required number of signatures from 25,000 to 100,000. So, even if they reinstate my petition, it would be hard to reach the required number

    and that’s just the title of the post. Would I be correct that the “second petition” had the same unredacted SSN that got the first petition removed? Taitz just wouldn’t be Taitz is she ever learned from her mistakes.

    justlw: I haven’t looked yet, but I’ll bet someone’s going to take this personally.

  156. Mary Brown says:

    The good doctor Taitz is now stating that she will be going to the White House on Sunday accompanied by a television crew from Boston that will be filming her. Hmm-should I skip the potluck after church? Who would film her and why?

  157. The Texas succession petition got over 100,000 IIRC.

    Sef: Not impossible (2.3/min continuously for 30 days) but highly improbable.

  158. aesthetocyst says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    The Texas succession petition got over 100,000 IIRC.

    This one nearly hit 200K, far more than all the ‘gun rights’ petitions combined:

    Immediately address the issue of gun control through the introduction of legislation in Congress.

  159. justlw says:

    Mary Brown:
    The good doctor Taitz is now stating that she will be going to the White House on Sunday accompanied by a television crew from Boston that will be filming her.Hmm-should I skip the potluck after church? Who would film her and why?

    That’s a “TV crue“. I’ve learned my lesson from “epidemy,” and looked it up, and it is indeed a word. She will apparently be accompanied on her journey by a transvestite vineyard.

    I wonder if she’ll shout at every yellow light, “Let me FEENISH!” ?

  160. The Magic M says:

    Arthur: Jedi Pauly has posted here, has he not? Funny, but I don’t recall him as crazy as the complaint he’s written.

    He was already pretty uptight several years ago when he first published his “capital C” idea in the comments over at the Post & Email. I called him out on his misconceptions and he answered in pretty condescending tone, like an adult talking to a small child, but never actually answered why the capitalization in “Citizen” allegedly had a “special legal meaning” whereas the capitalization of “Year” or “Nineteenth” didn’t.

    His ideas didn’t get any traction over there so I assumed he buried this theory long ago. Turns out he’s back with a vengeance. Maybe some “Preparation G” (as in “Guthrie”) is in order. 😉

    But his complaint shows that he must’ve been harbouring that hatred for a long time; he’s effectively asking for damages because he suffered so much from having to endure a black President.

  161. Jim F says:

    I had a look at the ramblings of someone called General Guthrie and I can’t make up my mind whether or not it is a joke. If it is not a joke then he has set a new barrier for imbecility. Who can top this? He claims that he is the only person in America to discover the true meaning of the Constitution. I suppose I should have spared my brain when he claimed that the State of Hawaii secretely confered the title of “queen” on Ann Dunham so that she would be able to pass it on to her son who would then become King.

  162. Northland10 says:

    Cue Orly Taitz:

    and that’s just the title of the post. Would I be correct that the “second petition” had the same unredacted SSN that got the first petition removed? Taitz just wouldn’t be Taitz is she ever learned from her mistakes.

    She redacted the last 4 digits, which is not even proper redacting for court filings. It must the first 6 digits. As it happens, there is no need for her to include an SSN because it adds nothing more to her petition request. Unfortunately, she has this instinctive need to be vindictive and petty by always including it, even when it serves no purpose in advancing her argument.

    Her claim is always, it is not Obama’s show she can print it. She does not have the authority to make that judgement. That authority for the validity is the SSA’s and theirs alone. Only if her was her number, or possibly available in the Death Index, would she be able to reprint the number.

  163. The Magic M says:

    Slightly OT since it’s not strictly about birtherism:

    One short question about gun control:
    Would it, in theory, be constitutional if Congress/Obama/… banned the manufacture, sale and import of all guns but doesn’t touch the “own/bear arms” issue? Or did SCOTUS ever rule that this would effectively amount to an infringement of the Second (since what good is being allowed to bear arms if you can’t legally get them anywhere)?

  164. aesthetocyst says:

    The Magic M: (since what good is being allowed to bear arms if you can’t legally get them anywhere)?

    Well, the Nat’l Firearms Act of 1934 effectively did just that, by requiring a tax stamp for the purchase of ‘machine guns’ … stamps which were never intended to be produced. Or that’s my recollection anyway.

  165. justlw says:

    Northland10: She redacted the last 4 digits, which is not even proper redacting for court filings. It must the first 6 digits. As it happens, there is no need for her to include an SSN because it adds nothing more to her petition request.

    I hear tell that one commenter was encouraging her in this thought, although I don’t find any evidence this post made it past moderation:

    14. Lazlo Toth
    Your comment is awaiting moderation
    January 14th, 2013 @ 5:34 pm

    This is what I wrote to the petition people:


    Dear White House,
    How are you? Please put back the Orly Taitz petition. If you don’t, we’ll just keep asking over and over again until you do! The Constitution lets us do that, just one of the things the founding fathers were very wise about. Orly Taitz is a licensed attorney, so there is no privacy issue here. See the Constitution again!

    Lazlo Toth


    Orly, you rock! Don’t even think of taking the SSN out of this; that’s just what they want you to do. Heck, most of us have memorized it already, just in case Brak Obama’s storm troopers erase it everywhere! It’s like the Konami Code for getting him out of the White House!

    Keep posting pictures! Especially of the protest!


  166. US Citizen says:

    The Magic M: ’s not strictly about birtherism:

    One short question about gun control:
    Would it, in theory, be constitutional if Congress/Obama/… banned the manufacture, sale and import of all guns but doesn’t touch the “own/bear arms” issue? Or did SCOTUS ever rule that this would effectively amount to an infringement of the Second (since what good is being allowed to bear arms if you can’t lega

    I don’t see this as being much different than the new pot laws in CO and WA.
    One can possess it, but it’s illegal to sell or make.

  167. aesthetocyst says:

    justlw: The Constitution lets us do that, just one of the things the founding fathers were very wise about.

    Yes, it’s right there in Article *garble*, Section *homina-homina* … the Founding Fathers were very adamant that the We The People online portal be wide open to abuse, and that its use to abuse privacy be protected. Those Founders were some forward-thinking, open-source agitating, hacking SOBs. I hear tell they also Founded Anonymous and Wikileaks.

    Now, which one of them invented the interwebs?

  168. bovril says:

    Class 3 firearms are perfectly legal to purchase and own at the Federal level, although may be prohibited by State law, assuming you go through alll the necessary background checks, fingerprinting etc by the BATFE and FBI then pay 200 bucks for the tax stamp.

    However the law in 1986 made it a crime for non LEO’s to purchase any Class 3 firearm manufactured after May 19th 1986. Manufactured before midnight 18th May = OK, manufactured after midnight = BAD

    As for Magic M’s question, after the Heller v DC and McDonald v Chicago cases it is settled Constitutional law with the Supreme Court that (2A is now incorporated against the states) the rule is Keep and Bear arms.

    So applying laws that in effect prohibit this finding are facially illegal.

    It doe NOT however say that 2A is any more unrestricted than 1A, there are bounds to this, examples given including prohibition by felons or the mentally ill or laws forbidding the carrying of arms in sensitive areas etc.

  169. 1% Silver Nitrate says:

    justlw: I hear tell that one commenter was encouraging her in this thought, although I don’t find any evidence this post made it past moderation:

    14. Lazlo Toth
    Your comment is awaiting moderation
    January 14th, 2013 @ 5:34 pm

    This is what I wrote to the petition people:


    Dear White House,
    How are you? Please put back the Orly Taitz petition. If you don’t, we’ll just keep asking over and over again until you do! The Constitution lets us do that, just one of the things the founding fathers were very wise about. Orly Taitz is a licensed attorney, so there is no privacy issue here. See the Constitution again!

    Lazlo Toth


    Orly, you rock! Don’t even think of taking the SSN out of this; that’s just what they want you to do. Heck, most of us have memorized it already, just in case Brak Obama’s storm troopers erase it everywhere! It’s like the Konami Code for getting him out of the White House!

    Keep posting pictures! Especially of the protest!


    From the Wikipedia article on actor & comedian Don Novello:

    In the 1970s, Novello started to write letters to famous people under the pen name of Lazlo Toth (name taken from that of Laszlo Toth, a deranged man who vandalized Michelangelo’s Piet in Rome). The letters, designed to tweak the noses of politicians and corporations, were full of deliberate misstatements of fact and inside jokes. Many of these letters received serious responses; Novello sometimes continued the charade correspondence at length, with humorous results. The letters and responses were published in the books The Lazlo Letters, Citizen Lazlo!, and From Bush to Bush: The Lazlo Toth Letters

  170. justlw says:

    By his second book, it started becoming clear that some of his correspondents had caught on, but the first book is absolutely hilarious. His “Fight! Fight! Fight!” to Nixon during the Watergate scandal is reminiscent of “I WON! I WON! I WON!”

    After he resigned, Nixon sent “Lazlo” a note that was actually kind of touching, about Nixon’s dog King Timahoe. Novello is known in the Bay Area to be quite the dog person.

  171. Keith says:

    I loves me some Father Guido!

  172. G says:

    Good find.

    Sadly, the screeds of so many real RWNJ are completely indistinguishable these days from anything satire can produce. There simply is no “over the top” that is actually “over the top” anymore and Poe’s Law is in full effect.

    Too many of the posts that get reused and quoted around are simply jokes by jokers… in a world where their brand of humor is no longer even necessary.

    Therefore, I think it is important to call out satire and identify satirists, whenever their work is found. There is enough actual crazy rants and damage out there, without needing people to go off on the unnecessary silliness as well.

    1% Silver Nitrate: From the Wikipedia article on actor & comedian Don Novello:

    In the 1970s, Novello started to write letters to famous people under the pen name of Lazlo Toth (name taken from that of Laszlo Toth, a deranged man who vandalized Michelangelo’s Piet in Rome). The letters, designed to tweak the noses of politicians and corporations, were full of deliberate misstatements of fact and inside jokes. Many of these letters received serious responses; Novello sometimes continued the charade correspondence at length, with humorous results. The letters and responses were published in the books The Lazlo Letters, Citizen Lazlo!, and From Bush to Bush: The Lazlo Toth Letters

  173. justlw says:

    *sigh* Poe, you have written one ironclad law.

    I thought the “LLLLL” borders were a blatant flag nice touch.

  174. JoZeppy says:

    The Magic M: Is this new or did I just miss it before?
    It’s Jedi Pauly and his “citizen with a capital C” theory again, this time inflated to an 86 page lawsuit. *facepalm*
    I’d love to see a plaintiff’s response consisting of the single sentence
    “Since all nouns in the Constitution are capitalized, plaintiff’s argument is without merit and should therefore be rejected.”

    Just filed this past Monday. I don’t think I’ve ever read anything so devoid of even the slightest knowledge of the subject of law (and I’m on 23 pages into it)…and considering birthers, that’s says quite a bit. The levels of abject stupidity it took to write this are certainly to be marveled at. The idea alone that founders put in a super secret definition in the Constitution, that is actually defined in the Constitution, but were so clever in hiding it, every legislator, judge, lawyer, and legal scholar got it wrong for some 220 years, and was waiting for him, some guy living in a trailer making jewler, and organizing hemp festivals, is the height of absurdity. Oh yeah…and somehow this super secret definition is binding on us. Call me silly, but if the founders really wanted a particular defintion, don’t ya think they might have not hidden it in deep in a THC laden fog?

    I wonder how judges have the patience to deal with this kind of bunk. I would smack a person filing this kind of garbage sooo hard with sanctions, their heads would spin. But I suppose that’s just one more reason why I’ll never be a judge.

  175. Jim F:
    Ihad a look at the ramblings of someone called General Guthrie and I can’t make up my mind whether or not it is a joke. If it is not a joke then he has set a new barrier for imbecility. Who can top this? He claims that he is the only person in America to discover the true meaning of the Constitution. I suppose I should have spared my brain when he claimed that the State of Hawaiisecretely confered the title of “queen” on Ann Dunham so that she would be able to pass it on to her son who would then become King.

    That’s “General Jedi Pauly”, aka Paul Guthrie. Padawan Pauly used to write for the Pest and eFail, among others. His thing is the “Sacred Sperm of US Citizenship”, where he claims that only a male can pass on citizenship, and women are pretty much only walking wombs when it comes to citizenship.

    I’m going to guess he leads a very lonely life…..

  176. Did anyone warn Jim F. that by just criticizing Pinhead Pretend General Pauly’s piece of crap they will be included as a defendant?

    US Citizen: That’s “General Jedi Pauly”, aka Paul Guthrie. Padawan Pauly used to write for the Pest and eFail, among others. His thing is the “Sacred Sperm of US Citizenship”, where he claims that only a male can pass on citizenship, and women are pretty much only walking wombs when it comes to citizenship.

    I’m going to guess he leads a very lonely life…..

  177. Rickey says:

    jesus christ! just when you think things couldn’t get sillier in birferstan.

    i hope this is satire, as it’s nuttier than squirrel poop!

    My favorite part is on page 48:

    “If plaintiff flees to a foreign country, how is he going to survive? The plaintiff Guthrie is already 51 years old and is very poor with no friends or relatives to turn to in order to help him escape America.”

    And at Terry Lakin’s site, Jedi Pauly gets a bit threaty:

    A note: This document that I am making public on my site is putting everyone on legal notice. Be very careful how you treat me from now on, as I am very angry and am liable to vent it upon on anyone who does not accept the objective truth and facts as are established in law in the U.S. Courts and under the Constitution. Now that the facts have been established and public notice has been given, if you continue to impugn or libel Mr. Guthrie, he will amend his complaint and add you to his 50 million dollar suit and report your seditious criminal Hate Crime activity to the Federal authorities who are responsible for prosecuting Hate Crimes and other violations of Title 18 U.S. Criminal Code, such as Title 18 USC 2381 – Treason, Title 18 USC 4 – Misprision of Felony, Title 18 USC 2383 – Rebellion or Insurrection, Title 18 U.S.C. 2382 – Misprision of Treason, Title 18 USC 2384 – Seditious Conspiracy.

    We’ve been warned!

  178. The Magic M says:

    Hermitian: A original hospital-generated (standard) birth certificate or a certified copy of same are at best prima facie evidence. This type of evidence is the lowest standard of all. It is not backed up by any effort to verify the facts on the document’s face by the issuing agency.

    We’ve been through the explanation what “prima facie evidence” actually means before, so I’m not going to rehash that.

    As for “backed up by any effort to verify the facts”:

    Don’t birthers love to say how they had to show their original long long long form BC to play Little League? If what you said was true, all those birthers are lying (quelle surprise!) because according to you, they would have had to corroborate the facts on the BC with additional evidence. So who ever had to bring witness testimony, or hospital records, or whatever, to play Little League? Which previous President ever had to do such to become “vetted”? Please tell me, as no birther has yet been able to answer that.

  179. The Magic M says:

    Guthrie: report your seditious criminal Hate Crime activity to the Federal authorities who are responsible for prosecuting Hate Crimes

    Another thing I don’t really understand. These dimwits believe the entire government is part of a grand conspiracy to keep da ebil urrsurrpurr in office, yet they think that for some reason, some government agency will prosecute anti-birthers (i.e. Obama operatives in his world) for saying bad things about a birther (i.e. an enemy of the usurper in his world). If you needed just one example for cognitive dissonance, this would be it.

  180. The Magic M says:

    JoZeppy: The idea alone that founders put in a super secret definition in the Constitution, that is actually defined in the Constitution, but were so clever in hiding it, every legislator, judge, lawyer, and legal scholar got it wrong for some 220 years

    It’s not that much different from vanilla Vattelism – which also requires us to believe the Founders used “natural born” with its long-standing meaning from Common Law and secretly meant it to be their own translation of Vattel’s “naturels ou indigènes”, therefore writing the Constitution for legal scholars who understood French *and* knew how the Founders personally translated Vattel – instead of for people on the streets. Or they owned a time machine and knew 10 years in advance how Vattel would be translated into English.
    Either way, it assumes the same level of belief that the Founders inserted a hidden meaning behind the obvious meaning and said “let’s see if we live to see whether the courts and the people figure it out”.

    Or, in short, as I used to tell birthers, either the Founders owned a time machine or were pranksters.

  181. Northland10 says:

    The Magic M: We’ve been through the explanation what “prima facie evidence” actually means before, so I’m not going to rehash that.

    As for “backed up by any effort to verify the facts”:

    Hermie is channeling David Farrar now.

  182. Paper says:

    If only George III had had more of a sense of humor, we’d still be British. “Oh, those hilarious Americans!”

    The Magic M:

    Or, in short, as I used to tell birthers, either the Founders owned a time machine or were pranksters.

  183. JoZeppy says:

    The Magic M: It’s not that much different from vanilla Vattelism

    At least the Vattelites rely on a misreading of a readily available document. Jedi Nutbag here takes it a step further. Not only is not based on any published definition, it’s based on an until now never articulated definition.

    The is one of the biggest doubling down on moonbat legal theories I’ve ever encounted, and I’ve been following nutbag legal theories as a personal hobby for a good 15 years (tax protesters, sovereign citizens, and the like). Most legal nut bags at least rely on misreading the law and quoting case law out of context. You have to be a special breed of looney to think that you can make something up, throw a long series of unsupported claims that have no basis in reality, and actually think that not only would anyone care what he had to say, but that somehow it would be convincing to a judge and have the force of law. Narcicism at its best

  184. The Magic M says:

    JoZeppy: You have to be a special breed of looney to think that you can make something up, throw a long series of unsupported claims that have no basis in reality, and actually think that not only would anyone care what he had to say, but that somehow it would be convincing to a judge and have the force of law.

    In my country, we have all kinds of (mostly right-wing) cranks who refer to alleged “secret treaties” or “secret amendments” to known treaties – without a shred a proof, but of course they “know” what these treaties say. E.g. there is a conspiracy theory that every German chancellor, on his first day in office, has to sign a “slavery clause” that gives the US full control over the German government until 2099. This document has never been shown, only a poorly faked document that allegedly was an internal secret service notice about the loss of one such document was published and promptly debunked.

  185. justlw says:

    I have to imagine Orly will now be spinning Manti Te’o into her narrative. It’ll be a compulsion:


  186. Arthur says:

    justlw: I have to imagine Orly will now be spinning Manti Te’o into her narrative.

    Commenters at ORYR have beat her to it:

    “Another Hawaiian is involved in lies. A Notre Dame football player claimed to have a girl friend who died and the media was fooled for 2 years? It is apparently a Hawaiian thing for someone to mix up fact and fiction…….another Hawaiian hoax.”

    “Is the football player marxist and of muslim heritage?”

    “These Hawaiians lie like Muslims.”

  187. JoZeppy says:

    The Magic M: In my country, we have all kinds of (mostly right-wing) cranks

    And just to add … all the crazy random underlining, bolds and meaningless phrases in parenthasies, just add to the “I’ve got a few screws loose” feel to Jedi Moonbat’s “complaint” (which if he knew the first thing about our court system, he’d know that what he filed has very little in common with an actual complaint).

  188. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Is anyone else watching The Ultimate Guide to the Presidents series that has been on the History Channel the last few nights? Its been pretty good.

  189. Pieter Nosworthy says:

    Well, Doc, that is some comfort…your fellow American, however deluded, is still welcome with caveats. I have made the plead/point on various blogs…what indeed are the first amendment rights, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

    You are not congress, this is your blog…you are free to say to what is within limits of reasonable discourse.

    I purport that Mr, Obama is not eligible for his office due his dad and nothing else. Am I racist or beyond the pale for that very singular point of view?

  190. Whatever4 says:

    Pieter Nosworthy:

    I purport that Mr, Obama is not eligible for his office due his dad and nothing else. AmI racist or beyond the pale for that very singular point of view?

    No, just mistaken.

  191. Pieter Nosworthy says:

    whatevs, mistaken only…I consider that friendly from my experience. Thanks.

  192. Pieter Nosworthy says:

    “It is disheartening, to say the least, that so many of my fellow countrymen buy into conspiracy theories, particularly the wildly implausible ones of birtherism and 9/11.”


    Yes, crazy views are disheartening. I argue that not all considered conspiracy theories are beyond reasonable discussion…Obama the child of Marshall is incredibly stupid, wonderment in those born to a foreign national reasonable if the offspring given command of the Armed Forces of the United States not so much. Yeah, I’m small minded.

  193. Pieter Nosworthy says:

    “I think a number of Obama critics should be required to appear in their KKK uniforms. (Ann Coulter comes to mind.)”

    Lupin, I criticize President Obama on many points, should I take off the uniform of the US Army and wear something more suitable in your view? I find fault politically and constitutionally with the President though he is my elected commander…don’t you think it would bother him if I shucked my issue gear for your preferred garb of the opposition? I’m a republican, Last I checked it was the democrats who donned the bedsheets. Do I need to change party also despite my professed love of egalitarianism?

  194. roadburner says:

    Pieter Nosworthy: Yes, crazy views are disheartening. I argue that not all considered conspiracy theories are beyond reasonable discussion…Obama the child of Marshall is incredibly stupid, wonderment in those born to a foreign national reasonable if the offspring given command of the Armed Forces of the United States not so much. Yeah, I’m small minded.

    well, the founders didn’t have much problem with that concept, as it was considered that place of birth was more important when i came to allegence

  195. AC180 says:

    Pieter Nosworthy: Last I checked it was the democrats who donned the bedsheets.

    Pieter: The south was nearly all democrat back in the time the KKK was formed. Do you honestly think the democrats were the liberal party back then and the south used to be liberal? Do you think big brother Lincoln was a “Conservative” president? Curious to hear your views on this — You republicans often bring up this little detail about the KKK as if it’s some condemnation of the democrat party as it stands today.

  196. The Magic M says:

    AC180: You republicans often bring up this little detail about the KKK as if it’s some condemnation of the democrat party as it stands today.

    Guilt by association. Though I see that happen on the left as well, to my dismay. (It’s not really helpful to go “vocal NRA supporter molested child” or “gay marriage opponent convicted of murder” as if an individual’s personal crimes somehow tainted the things he advocated – even if you don’t agree with the person’s opinions, it’s wrong.)

  197. Scientist says:

    Pieter Nosworthy: I criticize President Obama on many points, should I take off the uniform of the US Army and wear something more suitable in your view?

    IMO, yes, you should take off your US Army uniform when criticizing the President or discussing politics. That is what is appropriate in a democracy, as distinguished from a military regime. If you believe the President is illegitimate, as opposed to simply disagreeing with him on some issues, then someone with a sense of personal integrity should feel compelled to resign, rather than continuing to cash paychecks signed by that President’s Treasury Secretary.

    I’m glad I could clarify your situation for everyone.

  198. bovril says:

    So Pieter, exactly WHAT do you find constiutionally unacceptable about the current incumbent as opposed to say POTUS 40, 41, 42, 43..?

  199. Lupin says:

    Pieter Nosworthy: Lupin, I criticize President Obama on many points, should I take off the uniform of the US Army and wear something more suitable in your view? I find fault politically and constitutionally with the President though he is my elected commander…don’t you think it would bother him if I shucked my issue gear for your preferred garb of the opposition?

    I am baffled by this non sequitur.

    I said that the media should oblige folks like Ann Coulter to wear their extremist views on their sleeves, as it were, instead of passing them off for respectable commentators.

    Your reply has nothing to do with my point.

  200. Gee, thanks loads for allowing me to have my own blog and say what I want. What a concept. I would never have thought it.

    Pieter Nosworthy:
    Well, Doc, that is some comfort…your fellow American, however deluded, is still welcome with caveats. I have made the plead/point on various blogs…what indeed are the first amendment rights, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

    You are not congress, this is your blog…you are free to say to what is within limits of reasonable discourse.

    I purport that Mr, Obama is not eligible for his office due his dad and nothing else. AmI racist or beyond the pale for that very singular point of view?

  201. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Pieter Nosworthy: Last I checked it was the democrats who donned the bedsheets. Do I need to change party also despite my professed love of egalitarianism?

    Yes conservative democrats who believed in state’s rights. These same conservative democrats sound awfully like the modern republican party in fact many of the southern democrats jumped ship to the republican party over time.

  202. Someone might hold the opinion that the child of a foreign national ought not be President, without being mentally deficient (and by that I don’t mean mentally ill, but just lacking in the ability to evaluate evidence and make rational inferences); however, I would not distinguish between the defective reasoning that leads to beliefs in Obama’s foreign birth and beliefs that the children of aliens are constitutionally barred from the Presidency. The same effect that leads a birther to imagine themselves a forensic document examiner, leads others to think they are legal scholars.

    Pieter Nosworthy: Yes, crazy views are disheartening. I argue that not all considered conspiracy theories are beyond reasonable discussion…Obama the child of Marshall is incredibly stupid, wonderment in those born to a foreign national reasonable if the offspring given command of the Armed Forces of the United States not so much. Yeah, I’m small minded.

  203. Dave says:

    Dude, your blog is broke. On the front page, the whole right sidebar is missing, and the main part terminates right after the title of the post about Taitz and the Supremes.

    Also, if I click on that particular post, I get the title, no article, no comments, no sidebar. Seems like that article is somehow fatal to your web server.

  204. Scientist says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Someone might hold the opinion that the child of a foreign national ought not be President, without being mentally deficient (and by that I don’t mean mentally ill, but just lacking in the ability to evaluate evidence and make rational inferences); however, I would not distinguish between the defective reasoning that leads to beliefs in Obama’s foreign birth and beliefs that the children of aliens are constitutionally barred from the Presidency. The same effect that leads a birther to imagine themselves a forensic document examiner, leads others to think they are legal scholars.

    When courts say the law is thus and you think it should be otherwise, there is a remedy. Not judge shopping or screaming on blogs. It’s the remedy used by abolitionists when the Court made the awful Dred Scott ruling and by women’s rights advocates when the Court made the awful ruling in the birthers’ favorite case, or by progressives when the courts ruled the income tax unconstitutional. It’s a constitutional amendment. One could be written in clear, unambiguous modern English to enshrine whatever vattelist viewpoint one wishes. Courts would have no choice but to abide by it.

    Of course, such an amendment would only apply going forward and would not result in any frog marching in the vicinity of the White House. But it would block Rubio, Jindal, Cruz and anyone of less than pure parentage in the future. The fact that none of the birthers have even tried that route shows they care not about the Constitution or what they see as the best interests of the country, but simply about their hatred for one individual.

  205. JoZeppy says:

    Pieter Nosworthy: I purport that Mr, Obama is not eligible for his office due his dad and nothing else. Am I racist or beyond the pale for that very singular point of view?

    As someone stated before, no you are just in error. And errors are fine if you are willing to learn from them.

    Pieter Nosworthy: Obama the child of Marshall is incredibly stupid, wonderment in those born to a foreign national reasonable if the offspring given command of the Armed Forces of the United States not so much. Yeah, I’m small minded.

    At least you’re reasonable, unlike those that will swallow anything anti-Obama, even it is mutually exclusive of another reason they claim to hate the President (he’s a muslim who’s a racist because he attends a militant black Christian church). I don’t condemn someone because they might have a misconeption about the law. I’m a lawyer, and there are many things I might not get right (as evidenced by the fact that I don’t have a 100% win record…although my record is much better than Mario, Orly, and Donfrio). But after so many losses saying, “no, your theory has no support in the law,” it may be time to reconsider your position.

    Pieter Nosworthy: Lupin, I criticize President Obama on many points, should I take off the uniform of the US Army and wear something more suitable in your view?

    Well, the UCMJ will require you to…but feel free to critisize away while out of uniform.

    Pieter Nosworthy: That is what is appropriate in a democracy, as distinguished from a military regime.

    And no one here has ever said that the President is beyond critisizm.

    Pieter Nosworthy: If you believe the President is illegitimate, as opposed to simply disagreeing with him on some issues, then someone with a sense of personal integrity should feel compelled to resign, rather than continuing to cash paychecks signed by that President’s Treasury Secretary.

    And again, no one is saying that shouldn’t be the case. You’re entitled to take whatever action you feel appropriate, even if based on a faulty assumptions.

    Pieter Nosworthy: I’m a republican, Last I checked it was the democrats who donned the bedsheets.

    You may have had a point back in 1940, however times have changed. A good portion of those “democrats” became dixie-crats in the 40s. You might recall the one person the dixie-crats ran for president….a guy named Strom Thurman. Another prominant Democrats…Jesse Helms. Then came President Johnson, the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and “the Southern Strategy. Now that I’ve updated you on mid-20th century American politics, perhaps we can move forward. You “democrats who donned the bedsheets” has as little meaning in the politics of 2013 as me claiming the Republicans are the party of big government because President Lincoln expanded the power of the federal government over the states to extents never seen before or since, including levying the first income tax in American history.

  206. Don’t be hasty.

    JoZeppy: At least you’re reasonable

  207. JoZeppy says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Don’t be hasty.

    Good point….how about, “you initially seem reasonable, for a birther”?

  208. Greenfinches says:

    Dave: Dude, your blog is broke

    Not just for you, Dave – I was similarly afflicted here. I think it is just the home page here that is ailing. Maybe IT needed a vacation too?

  209. Arthur says:

    Greenfinches: Not just for you, Dave – I was similarly afflicted here. I think it is just the home page here that is ailing.Maybe IT needed a vacation too?

    I’ve got the same problem.

  210. justlw says:

    Seeing the same thing — I see the sidebar stuff on leaf pages, but not the home page.

  211. No idea what caused it, but I have edited the Orly Taitz and the Supremes article and re-saved, and now things look OK.

    justlw: Seeing the same thing — I see the sidebar stuff on leaf pages, but not the home page.

  212. Daniel says:

    Orly’s schlock apparently really does infect everything it touches

  213. Dave B. says:

    Dave: Dude, your blog is broke.

    When I looked at it, the last item on the page was just the title “Orly Taitz and the Supremes”, without content or comment. I thought Doc was making a statement about what the Court was going to do with Orly.

  214. Dave says:

    I guess I’ll comment on “No Comment” over here. There has been a long-standing tradition of joke names at Taitz’s blog. It was funnier in the old days, when comments were moderated and people were slipping these past the moderator.

    And Taitz has clearly caught on to this one, anyhow.

  215. Keith says:

    My comment on “No Comment” is that it is sad that the Birthers have sunk so low that the Doc has to resort to repeating this kind of stuff just to have something different to say.

  216. Well I thought it was hilarious.

    But I get the point. How interesting is “look, another lawsuit just like the last 100 that were dismissed.”

    Keith: My comment on “No Comment” is that it is sad that the Birthers have sunk so low that the Doc has to resort to repeating this kind of stuff just to have something different to say.

  217. Alex says:

    I’d really like to see some work on how Obama could fit into some more traditional New World Order type theories. Have you ever read The Protocols of the Elders of Zion ? It’s a book documenting the plans of zionist leadership to indirectly control the world’s economy and political system. Just look at how the US uses it’s vetos as a member of the UN security council. It’s pretty clear there is some sort of secret deal between US and Israeli leadership. It’s also pretty clear Obama isn’t looking out for the people of the United States… who is he looking out for? It isn’t necessarily just Obama, something is very wrong with the relationship between the two countries. Yes, they are our best ally in the region… but they are also the reason we have so many enemies in the region!

  218. aesthetocyst says:

    Alex: It’s also pretty clear Obama isn’t looking out for the people of the United States…

    Please substantiate. Wingers insist he’s dissing Israel, and in bed with the Arabs. Is this some leftist conspiracizing for a change?

  219. gorefan says:

    Alex: Have you ever read The Protocols of the Elders of Zion ?

    Have you ever read “We Never Went to the Moon: America’s Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle!” by Bill Kaysing, Randy Reid?

    If you are stupid enough to fall for the “Protocols of the Elders Zion” of hoax, you will love this one.

  220. justlw says:

    Alex: Have you ever read The Protocols of the Elders of Zion ?

    When you hit rock bottom, keep digging, I always says.

  221. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Well I thought it was hilarious.

    And it is.

    However my point stands.

  222. Dave B. says:

    Remind me, what century is this?

    Alex: Have you ever read The Protocols of the Elders of Zion ? It’s a book documenting the plans of zionist leadership to indirectly control the world’s economy and political system.

  223. Alex says:

    I don’t believe it’s real – look at the website I posted. It does a pretty good job of ripping it apart. It’s history is fascinating though – they used it as a gradeschool textbook in Nazi Germany!

    Most conspiracies are kinda nutty – but they’re fun to read about. And if you read enough, you’ll eventually stumble upon something true. Obama conspiracies tend to be more plausible than others, but there are still some odd ones in there. Nothing wrong with adding one more 😛

  224. It looks like somebody is having a sale on sock puppets. We have this Onaka person, appearing also as troll patrol and ephelis your pain.

    Then there’s the Antelope, Deception LOSES, lis pendens and WOT! quartet.

    Add the singular “Wondering” and we have a quite a collection of new and unpleasant characters showing up as the SS Birther sinks slowly in the west.

    I guess they are trying to find someone to blame for their abject failure to delegitimize President Obama, since they would never realize that they were just flat wrong and it was their own damned fault.

  225. Dave B. says:

    That’s just nuts.

    Alex: Obama conspiracies tend to be more plausible than others, but there are still some odd ones in there. Nothing wrong with adding one more

  226. justlw says:

    Alex: I don’t believe it’s real – look at the website I posted

    Hey, I have a conspiracy theory I’m developing about someone who created a website and wanted to drive traffic to it. Perhaps they’d be interested in it.

  227. Arthur says:

    justlw: Hey, I have a conspiracy theory I’m developing about someone who created a website and wanted to drive traffic to it.

    I had the exact same conspiracy theory! There must be something to it . . .

  228. Suranis says:

    Has there been the explosive TV announcement that would destroy Prez Obama’s Eligibility that PPsimmons promised yet? They had better hurry up. I’m sitting here waiting because its ALL OVER MAN!!

  229. Northland10 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    It looks like somebody is having a sale on sock puppets. We have this Onaka person, appearing also as troll patrol and ephelis your pain.

    Then there’s the Antelope, Deception LOSES, lis pendens and WOT! quartet.

    Add the singular “Wondering” and we have a quite a collection of new and unpleasant characters showing up as the SS Birther sinks slowly in the west.

    I guess they are trying to find someone to blame for their abject failure to delegitimize President Obama, since they would never realize that they were just flat wrong and it was their own damned fault.

    Some of these more “exotic” visitors appeared after your communication with Orly. It sounds like you stirred up some of Orly’s followers.

  230. Northland10 says:

    Has there been the explosive TV announcement that would destroy Prez Obama’s Eligibility that PPsimmons promised yet? They had better hurry up. I’m sitting here waiting because its ALL OVER MAN!!

    They have all moved the goalposts to, as PPSimmons mentioned, “Nixon was impeached and removed from office” in his second term. A few birthers commenters have been oddly smart enough to change the statement to “nearly impeached.”

  231. I was able to leave some comments on the Taitz web site that link here. Also there is the Washington Post article that links here, quoting me as calling birthers racist. The “Onaka” character is, I believe, someone who used to post here a lot (I’ve banned him for some comments that didn’t appear publicly, but were of the nature of trying to pick a fight.)

    Northland10: Some of these more “exotic” visitors appeared after your communication with Orly. It sounds like you stirred up some of Orly’s followers.

  232. Majority Will says:

    I imagine Ann Romney is clutching an empty bottle of tequila on a yacht in Grand Cayman and sobbing uncontrollably right now.

    To the deranged birfer jackasses: Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Sotomayor read the oath of office from cards.

    Do you think those cards had secret layers?

  233. Pieter Nosworthy says:

    Jim, are we talking of the power to impeach or presidential eligibility? One is not synonymous with the other. You are confused to say the least. Perhaps we can discuss the latter without your distraction on the former.

  234. Pieter Nosworthy says:

    Jim, are you touched with feeble mindedness? I have no want to renounce my citizenship save your poor pretext that I might want to.

    You confuse my desire for eligibility concern with a lack of faith in our way of life, Perhaps this level of doubt is sufficient for you to cower, not mine. Did you turn in your passport when Bush “stole” the 2000 election? Of course not. Please refrain from the insult or stupid commentary.

  235. G says:

    It is not a method of closing the discussion. It is a serious intent to understand what drives and motivates such irrational thinking and behavior.

    If you are choosing to emotionally feel “too stung” by the very nature of investigating the drivers of the human condition, then you need to ask yourself why. If some part of your own subconscious didn’t feel that the critique hits “too close to home” for yourself, then you wouldn’t be taking such topics of conversation so personally.

    Pieter Nosworthy: As for some who believe that birtherism is evidence of mental or critical thinking defect…well, I think that a lazy, if not rude, method of closing the discussion

  236. Pieter Nosworthy says:

    Suranis, you got me. I can’t but help but state that Orly is my birther leader, his birth certificate a fraud, Obama’s mom a porn queen, Frank Marshall is his daddy, and that Jews conspired to bring down the twin towers in ’01.

    Damn. Boy, it sure feels good to get that off my chest. Thanks very much for your critical point of view that pulled that out of me.

    I am the racist you think I am…black people shouldn’t be president, generals in the military, secretary of state, attorney general, etc.

    Get real.

  237. Scientist says:

    Pieter Nosworthy: Have any of you the power to wonder and doubt?

    I don’t waste my wonderment on nonsense of no relevance. Try looking at the sky on a clear night. Watch a hawk soar. Think about the Higgs boson. Those are topics to ponder. But this crappola-nah! I don’t waste my wonderment on this. But if you want to, have at it.

  238. Pieter Nosworthy says:

    G, you and others got me cornered…I’m the xenophobe you think I am. Feel better? The last couple of decades in the military working with all sorts from all racial and cultural backgrounds has made me incapable of properly functioning with my fellow citizen…I guess that’s why they keep promoting me to positions of greater responsibility.

    -1SG, USA

  239. G says:

    Hear! Hear!

    Scientist: I don’t waste my wonderment on nonsense of no relevance. Try looking at the sky on a clear night. Watch a hawk soar. Think about the Higgs boson. Those are topics to ponder.

  240. justlw says:

    Pieter Nosworthy: Have any of you the power to wonder and doubt?

    And now Tinkerbell is going to die! You heartless bastards.

  241. Paper says:

    Well, I am forced to point out that I am using an iPad while watching television. Fills the commercials and slow moments.

    Scientist: I have to ask if a real American would be sitting on this blog while the NFL conference championships are on.

  242. donna says:

    my edited PC edition

    “S[o]ck it.”

    To Rush Limbaugh, who said “I hope he fails” on inauguration day: S[o]ck it. He didn’t.

    To the birthers, whose claims about Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s “questionable” citizenship were nothing but racism cloaked in concern-trollery: Suck it. He’s a two term Kenyan president now.

    To Mitch McConnell, who said his #1 goal was to make Barack Obama “a one-term president”: S[o]ck it, turtleman. #44 is #44 for another 4.

    To John Boehner, who as House minority leader yelled “He !!l NO you can’t!” to Obama’s first-term agenda: S[o]ck it. He !! YES he could!

    To former South Carolina senator and tea party organizer Jim DeMint, who said the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act would be “Obama’s Waterloo”: S[o]ck it. It so wasn’t.

    To the tea party idiots who hoisted signs at their Obamacare protest rallies that read, “Bury Obamacare with Ted Kennedy”: I’d rather bury your ideas with Reagan. S[o]ck it, jerks.

    To Mitt Romney, who ran the most classless and bullsh[o]t-dense campaign of any presidential candidate in my memory: Here’s something you can scrawl on your Etch-A-Sketch: S-[O]-C-K-I-T.

    To Cheney, who said America would be less safe under Obama: sir, the attacks of 9/11/01—and there were four of them—happened on your watch. Obama killed bin Laden and there were no al Qaeda attacks on American soil. So s[o]ck it. Right after you take a remedial gun-safety course.

    To all those ignorant fools who called Barack Obama a Muslim, a Kenyan and/or a socialist as if those are all inherently and self-evidently “bad” things: grow the f[or]k up. Right after you s[o]ck it.

    To Sean Hannity, Karl Rove and Morris: Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!!! S[o]ck it.

    To the Wall Street banksters, who….. who….. he !!, I can’t even begin to write the words that describe your obscene, cold-hearted, destructive, greedy and soulless behavior over the past four years. Just s[o]ck it.

    To all the governors and state legislatures that tried their dam – dest to rig election laws so they favored Romney over Obama: S[o]ck it. All you did was ensure that voters were more committed than ever to making sure their votes were counted.

    And to President Barack Hussein Obama, who withstood all the slime, slop and sleaze that the conservatives’ political, financial and media catapults could hurl at him: Carry on. Congratulations. And enjoy your day.

  243. I decided not to write an article, but here is a report about birther publisher Joseph Farah and the Conservative Inaugural Prayer Breakfast:

    Joe is on my prayer list.

  244. donna says:

    Rep. Peter King Busted Taking Cell Phone Pic Of Jay-Z And Beyonce Prior To Obama’s Inauguration Speech

    TV cameras today caught a hardass GOP congressman not associated with cool EVER — Rep. Peter King — snapping a photo of Jay-Z and Beyonce with his cell phone at the Obama inauguration (that’s him on the far right in the pic above). I don’t know if I’ll ever stop laughing at this. Surely he was taking it to show his grand kids or something, but still, it’s funny. Very funny. I tip my cap to you, Peter King. Ain’t no shame in his game.

    Read more:

  245. Arthur says:

    Today, Colin Powell had this to say about the failure of Republicans to reject birtherism:

    “Republicans have to stop buying into things that demonize the president,” Powell said during an appearance on ABC News. “I mean, why aren’t Republican leaders shouting out about all this birther nonsense and all these other things? They should speak out. This is the kind of intolerance that I’ve been talking about where these idiot presentations continue to be made and you don’t see the senior leadership of the party say, ‘No, that’s wrong.’ In fact, sometimes by not speaking out, they’re encouraging it. And the base keeps buying the stuff.”

  246. Crustacean says:

    Arthur: idiot presentations

    I think Gen. Powell knows a thing or two about those things.

  247. Arthur says:

    Crustacean: I think Gen. Powell knows a thing or two about those things.

    Unfortunately, yes.

  248. ellen says:

    I haven’t heard of a birther rally to protest Obama’s Inauguration today. I had heard that they planned one. Anyone know what happened?

  249. Majority Will says:

    “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”
    – Martin Luther King Jr.
    US black civil rights leader & clergyman (1929 – 1968)

  250. JAIL HIM says:

    WITHOUT QUESTION, a jury would find the White House idiot guilty of; fraud, infanticide in spirit… if not actions, imprisoning of dedicated, honorable, decorated military personnel. Furthermore, the legal diatribe posted on this blog is what it is, a pile of “stuff” immensely qualified to be sent to the garbage bin.
    The birds who post on this blog are all screwed up with ‘process’ and can’t reason that there’s an immense amount of facts that surely requires a ‘trial’ to resolve the incredible amount of evidence pointing to a ‘stinking’ fraud that is ‘shacking up’ in America’s house when that thing needs to be in jail along with his –I hate America” spouse.
    The communist reprobate has a history that could not ever be surpassed for dishonesty, lying, with a social degradation never before exhibited by a singular individual and his entourage.

    Let’s not forget his buddy Odinga who slaughtered thousands in Kenya. Odinga is true to the Marxist, Muslim, behaviors occurring around the world. AND! yes… the fraud is a follower of Saul Alinsky who dedicated one of his books to “Lucifer”.

    Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dhorn are also offshoots of the “SDS” and created the “Weatherman” an organization of “eight balls” like those on this blog, who are Marxist true and true. Ayers and his spouse are still wanted for killing a policeman in San Francisco using a pipe-bomb.

  251. Onaka says:

    War pigs against intolerance, unite!

  252. Arthur says:

    REVOLUTION OR ?: New Mexico, 30 of the state’s 33 county Sheriff’s will not enforce Federal Laws that violate the Constitution.

    I would hope that NONE of the New Mexico’s sheriff’s would violate the Constitution; likewise, I would expect them to respect a law that the Supreme Court doesn’t object to–even if they didn’t like it. For a sheriff to act otherwise would be tyrannical.

  253. SluggoJD says:

    WITHOUT QUESTION, a jury would find the White House idiot guilty of; fraud, infanticide in spirit… if not actions, imprisoning of dedicated, honorable, decorated military personnel.Furthermore, the legal diatribe posted on this blog is what it is, a pile of “stuff” immensely qualified to be sent to the garbage bin.
    The birds who post on this blog are all screwed up with ‘process’ and can’t reason that there’s an immense amount of facts that surely requires a ‘trial’ to resolve the incredible amount of evidence pointing to a ‘stinking’ fraud that is ‘shacking up’ in America’s house when that thing needs to be in jail along with his –I hate America” spouse.
    The communist reprobate has a history that could not ever be surpassed for dishonesty, lying, with a social degradation never before exhibited by a singular individual and his entourage.

    Let’s not forget his buddy Odinga who slaughtered thousands in Kenya.Odinga is true to the Marxist, Muslim, behaviors occurring around the world.AND! yes… the fraud is a follower of Saul Alinsky who dedicated one of his books to “Lucifer”.

    Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dhorn are also offshoots of the “SDS” and created the “Weatherman” an organization of “eight balls” like those on this blog, who are Marxist true and true. Ayers and his spouse are still wanted for killing a policeman in San Francisco using a pipe-bomb.

    Today’s Drive By Troll is brought to you by Exlax, for when you really got to go.

  254. Dave says:

    Do county sheriffs normally enforce federal law? I thought sheriffs stuck to state law, and the FBI enforced federal law. Do I have that mixed up?

  255. SluggoJD says:

    The crazies are awake!

  256. Bob says:

    Birtherism is like a parasite that kills it’s host.

  257. aesthetocyst says:

    JAIL HIM: infanticide in spirit

    I wonder what page of the birf law code that can be found on?

    REVOLUTION OR ?: Sheriffs Standing Up Against Obamas Gun Control

    Ummmm … what gun control? Looking over that wacky and will list of suggestions from the WH …. what exacly are tehy oppsing? and how? They will ‘stand up’ up to the CDC collecting data … how?

    The Birf is a symptom, not a cause. Just this morning, I heard some interviews, reactions to yesterday’s inauguration. “We never saw a birth certificate!” “It was nothing but a double down on sosh-ya-lizm!” I swear, these people must have strings on their back. Give em a yank, and predictable nonsense will be heard. Reality never leaks in behind the glassy, plastic eyes.

    Politicians should lead. Override popular passion and direct the masses to focus on long-term ideals and vision. Gently correct and reqbuke rather than incite. “Summon the better angels” … rather than pandering to the lowest of our demons.

  258. CarlOrcas says:

    Do county sheriffs normally enforce federal law? I thought sheriffs stuck to state law, and the FBI enforced federal law. Do I have that mixed up?

    No….you aren’t mixed up at all.

    And then, of course, there’s that pesky Supremacy Clause in the Constitution.

  259. sfjeff says:

    JAIL HIM: WITHOUT QUESTION, a jury would find the White House idiot guilty of; fraud, infanticide in spirit… if not actions, imprisoning of dedicated, honorable, decorated military personnel.

    blah blah blah….I actually envision foaming at the mouth happening while he was typing this….

  260. Rickey says:


    And then, of course, there’s that pesky Supremacy Clause in the Constitution.

    Alabama and Mississippi tried to defy the Federal government in the sixties, and we know how well that worked out for them.

  261. donna says:

    President Obama’s Second Inaugural, as Heard By Conspiracy Theorists and Haters

    No matter what he says, this is what some people will think he said.

    ending with: In this America it is not just the duty of every citizen to vote and volunteer, but to actively believe in whatever they want as an expression of the freedom their country has bestowed upon them. A country where, for me, foreign birth is no impediment to joining the CIA, teleporting to Mars, becoming a gay, socialist, Muslim empowered by a cabal of Jewish media-controlling capitalists to institute a techno-aged internationalist, atheistic hellscape of wealth redistribution. In this America all of that and more is possible, however unlikely. But I can’t do this alone, America. I can only do this if you believe.

  262. Yoda says:

    WITHOUT QUESTION, a jury would find the White House idiot guilty of; fraud, infanticide in spirit… if not actions, imprisoning of dedicated, honorable, decorated military personnel.Furthermore, the legal diatribe posted on this blog is what it is, a pile of “stuff” immensely qualified to be sent to the garbage bin.
    The birds who post on this blog are all screwed up with ‘process’ and can’t reason that there’s an immense amount of facts that surely requires a ‘trial’ to resolve the incredible amount of evidence pointing to a ‘stinking’ fraud that is ‘shacking up’ in America’s house when that thing needs to be in jail along with his –I hate America” spouse.
    The communist reprobate has a history that could not ever be surpassed for dishonesty, lying, with a social degradation never before exhibited by a singular individual and his entourage.

    Let’s not forget his buddy Odinga who slaughtered thousands in Kenya.Odinga is true to the Marxist, Muslim, behaviors occurring around the world.AND! yes… the fraud is a follower of Saul Alinsky who dedicated one of his books to “Lucifer”.

    Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dhorn are also offshoots of the “SDS” and created the “Weatherman” an organization of “eight balls” like those on this blog, who are Marxist true and true. Ayers and his spouse are still wanted for killing a policeman in San Francisco using a pipe-bomb.

    You are just another example of a birther who wants to trample the Constitution in order to “take back the country”. As I have said before, we birther debunkers believe in the rule of law and part of that is procedure.

    Back when I was doing criminal law, I used to say that the only way to protect the innocent is to protect the rights of the guilty. As soon as you start taking liberties with the rules because a person is guilty you make it that much easier to convict innocent people.

    While I do not for a second believe that there is any evidence to support birther nonsense, even if I did, I would want the right procedures, rules and processes followed. We do not get to throw out the rules simply to get the result we want achieved. That is virtually the definition of tyranny and one of the very things that the Constitution seeks to prevent.

    The END does not justify the MEANS.

  263. jayHG says:

    SluggoJD: Today’s Drive By Troll is brought to you by Exlax, for when you really got to go.


  264. CarlOrcas says:

    Rickey: Alabama and Mississippi tried to defy the Federal government in the sixties, and we know how well that worked out for them.

    Yes….in the 60’s during two centuries. You’d think they would learn.

  265. INFANTILES says:

    The great orator did it again… he couldn’t get through the swearing in ceremony without making any errors… what a genius hahahhaaaa that slime ball buzzard has an IQ of about a -10 a great score for a great man ahahahah. The joke of the world is ‘occupying’, through his jihad, the American’s sanctuary.

    Bernie Maddoff had more credibility than Powell has and Bernie is now jailed… so one may speculate that the brother of Madoff in the White House will be jailed, too. If one can recall Bernie was a hero too, where no one could believe that he would ever cheat them, however good ol Bernie continued to fool them until some disbelievers in Bernie worked to gather some facts; facts which then jailed good ol Bernie, and that is where the usurper is headed along the same line as Bernie.

    What a history that future jailbird has acquired. He says he is a Muslim, then goes to ND and says he follows Christ, he supported his Kenyan relative Odinga who slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Kenyans to force the elected president of Kenya to make Odinga a Prime ??? something or other.

    He has 3 forged documents, and lied about Bin Laden’s take down showing again he is a liar, and a fraud. The other government depts had to go around the valerie jarret controlled dummy to take Bin Laden down according to this report which states that the christian/muslim had nothing to do with the Seal Team Six raid. Oooops!! he did have something to do with the Bin Laden raid… he backed of it three times in the past as reported on a number of publications. The usurper was out on the golf course when the Bin Laden raid was in progress, earning his bona fide with those who he had to pay off, to keep them quiet. GM hmmm Green energy hmmmm GE hmmmm.

    What a great LIAR America has in its glorious house. PFFFffffffttt.

  266. Jim says:


    He has 3 forged documents, and lied about Bin Laden’s take down showing again he is a liar, and a fraud.

    Let me get this straight, you’re now calling Navy Seals liars?

  267. Ben P. says:

    INFANTILES: The great orator did it again… he couldn’t get through the swearing in ceremony without making any errors… what a genius hahahhaaaa that slime ball buzzard has an IQ of about a -10 a great score for a great man ahahahah. The joke of the world is ‘occupying’, through his jihad, the American’s sanctuary.

    And yet, somehow, he’s the President, and you’re not. Make up your goddamned mind: Is he an evil genius mastermind who has somehow conspired with technical precision his way into the White House, or is he a dolt?

  268. aesthetocyst says:

    Seriously, it took 24 hours for you guys to come up with these screeds? Or have you been busily copy/pasting them at every URL you could find and just now got here?

    Now why a little inauguration gets someone so worked up so?

    Rubber chew toys all around, until the teeth-gnashing subisdes!

  269. Crustacean says:

    Shame on Liberals Shame: Dr. Ignorance MUST defend the lawbreaking fraud Barry Saetoro because him be negro, you know?

    It must really suck to be you, SOL. But there’s something you need to know: your posts are accomplishing nothing more than providing horse laughs for the regulars here. They’re high-larious.

  270. Keith says:

    Shame on Liberals Shame:

    This really belongs in the open forum, but Mr. Shame doesn’t have a post there to which I can respond.

    Mr. Shame tries to denigrate liberals by associating it with the word shame. What a stupid, stupid, idea.

    I’d like to offer the response given by the Max Santos character (played by Jimmy Smits) in West Wing way back in 2006 in the “Presidential Debate Episode” (easily one of the greatest moments in TV so far this century). Please click on this link to YouTube: Badge of Honor

    By the way, Mr. Shame, your handle might actually work in Australia. Because the Liberal Party (notice the capital ‘L’ just like in your handle) is the backward, conservative, bigoted, xenophobic, party of ‘no’, in Australia.

  271. Majority Will says:

    These decrepit, pathetic birther bigots are stinking up the place. Too bad they’re not house trained.

  272. Keith says:

    INFANTILES: What a great LIAR America has in its glorious house. PFFFffffffttt.

    You are right, you certainly are a great LIAR. So which of America’s big houses are you in?

    (Notice that I corrected your typo. You wrote ‘glorious’ when you obviously meant ‘big’. Don’t bother to thank me, it was no trouble).

  273. jayHG says:

    This REVOLUTION/INFANTILES guys keeps changing his name and posting…what…does he think that others here are going to think there’s are more than the 10 to 15 crazies left who most folks call the birthers…..???? I mean, seriously….he’s just plain silly.

  274. donna says:

    WA State Supreme Court Makes It Clear Obama Is Above The Law

    Host Mark Gillar @ Blog Talk Radio

    Linda Jordan found out the hard way that liberal judges believe Obama is above the law. She was fined approximately $13,000 for daring to suggest that a man with a social security number that doesn’t pass E-Verify and an altered birth certificate should not be placed on the ballot of her state.

    Alan Keyes ran against Barack Obama in 2004 in Illinois for a U.S. Senate seat. Alan joins Mark in the second half of the show for a frank discussion regarding Obama’s eligibility to be president as well his recent attempt at a gun grab. Please visit Alan Keyes website.

    jordan is looking for a “trier of fact without prejudice” and, of course, money from “1300 patriots with $10”

    obama is a liar, fraud and not very bright hmmmmm

    “obama & fraud go together like coke & a smile”


  275. The Magic M says:

    donna: jordan is looking for a “trier of fact without prejudice” and, of course, money from “1300 patriots with $10″

    Birtherism won’t die until there’s still money to be made off it.

    donna: a social security number that doesn’t pass E-Verify

    Gosh, if she just hadn’t misrepresented what her e-Verify results actually mean, she might have gotten around the fine. Intellectual dishonesty, thy name is birther.

  276. The Magic M says:

    until = while

  277. Arthur says:

    Birther Republican Official Hangs Flag Upside Down for Obama’s Inauguration

  278. Arthur says:

    I know there are many fine things about Louisiana, but its state representatives are not one of them:

  279. sfjeff says:

    What a insult to the English language…..

    INFANTILES: The great orator did it again… he couldn’t get through the swearing in ceremony without making any errors… what a genius hahahhaaaa that slime ball buzzard has an IQ of about a -10 a great score for a great man ahahahah. The joke of the world is ‘occupying’, through his jihad, the American’s sanctuary. Bernie Maddoff had more credibility than Powell has and Bernie is now jailed… so one may speculate that the brother of Madoff in the White House will be jailed, too. If one can recall Bernie was a hero too, where no one could believe that he would ever cheat them, however good ol Bernie continued to fool them until some disbelievers in Bernie worked to gather some facts; facts which then jailed good ol Bernie, and that is where the usurper is headed along the same line as Bernie.What a history that future jailbird has acquired. He says he is a Muslim, then goes to ND and says he follows Christ, he supported his Kenyan relative Odinga who slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Kenyans to force the elected president of Kenya to make Odinga a Prime ??? something or other. has 3 forged documents, and lied about Bin Laden’s take down showing again he is a liar, and a fraud. The other government depts had to go around the valerie jarret controlled dummy to take Bin Laden down according to this report which states that the christian/muslim had nothing to do with the Seal Team Six raid. Oooops!! he did have something to do with the Bin Laden raid… he backed of it three times in the past as reported on a number of publications. The usurper was out on the golf course when the Bin Laden raid was in progress, earning his bona fide with those who he had to pay off, to keep them quiet. GM hmmm Green energy hmmmm GE hmmmm.What a great LIAR America has in its glorious house. PFFFffffffttt.

  280. donna says:


    is NBC now gone?

    12/14 Since the lawsuits are coming to an end anyway, and given that I see no reason to believe that the Electoral College or Congress will throw any curve balls, and given my vacation, this site would lose most of its relevance anyway.

    OFGS has not returned since 11/6

  281. Crustacean says:

    OK, this Sandy Hook conspiracy craziness is getting out of hand. Could someone here who has the technical knowledge I lack please take a look at this insane thread (at least, it seems insane to me) from the Bizarro World (aka FOTM).

    Am I the one who’s crazy? Does any of this stuff make sense? This Peter Offermann cat seems to think he’s found the smoking gun that’s going to bring down Obama. Hmmmm.

  282. 1% Silver Nitrate says:

    From Wonkette:

    Dumb South Dakota Pol Really Sorry He Told Black Reporter To Go Back To Kenya

  283. aesthetocyst says:

    Crustacean: Am I the one who’s crazy? Does any of this stuff make sense?

    Yeah, the world is messy, and conspiracists breed with the benefit of hindsight.

    Go back to his previous post. He is making much of sites that you dates as a directory structure. For instance, an announcement from 12/31/12 being posted at

    The doofus assumes files posted at such a URL were created/ last modified on that date.

    It all proceeds from that hilariously groundless premise.

    I would note that he is particularly obsessed with a file ‘dated’ 12/10/12 … which was a Monday. It’s very plausible that that school’s pages are weekly announcements, updated and added to throughout the week. 12/14, day of the tragedy, was the Friday of that week.

    I’m sure that explanation will clear up any concerns they may have. *cough*

  284. Dionisio Lopez says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Did President Obama’s long-form birth certificate put an end to anything?

    The White House opened the door for speculation by altering the PDF Long Form, instead of publishing a photo copy.

    Experts have determined that White House PDF image itself had been altered.

  285. aesthetocyst says:

    Dionisio Lopez: Experts

    Really? Can you list a few? I am completely unaware of this determination.
    Please provide names of experts over in the open thread.
    Lat thing this place needs is another PDF Madness threadjack.

  286. Dionisio Lopez says:

    aesthetocyst: Really? Can you list a few? I am completely unaware of this determination.
    Please provide names of experts over in the open thread.
    Lat thing this place needs is another PDF Madness threadjack.


    Quote: “experts have determined that White House PDF image itself had been altered”

  287. Scientist says:

    Dionisio Lopez: Experts have determined that White House PDF image itself had been altered.

    Which experts?

    Dionisio Lopez: The White House opened the door for speculation by altering the PDF Long Form, instead of publishing a photo copy

    If you want to place the document on line, you must digitize it somehow. The same would be true of an SS-5 which would immediately be called a forgery.

    Let me ask you a question: Why is it so hard to simply say, “I disagree with the President”? Why is that not sufficient?

  288. Dionisio Lopez says:

    Why tamper or enhance the image *at all*?

    I’m not claiming to be an expert, but I’ve been a Software Consultant for 15 years. I wrote low-level API PDF processing applications for insurance companies and financial institutions.

  289. Dionisio Lopez says:

    The technical aspects of PDF creation and manipulation is not political.

  290. aesthetocyst says:

    Dionisio Lopez: Source:

    Quote: “experts have determined that White House PDF image itself had been altered”


    The Obvious … truly is the gift that keeps on giving.

  291. Dionisio Lopez says:

    Can we all at least agree now the Long Form image the White House posted was altered before was published on the White House website?

  292. Scientist says:

    Dionisio Lopez: Why tamper or enhance the image *at all*?

    It wasn’t “tampered with” Scanners have a whole set of parameters that can be set at different values. No one has shown that the values used for the LFBC are different from other similar documents. You are ignoring that all the effects may be due to the security paper background, which is not present on other documents. A proper scientific experiment needs a proper control, which would be a document on similar security paper.

    Dionisio Lopez: The technical aspects of PDF creation and manipulation is not political.

    No, but making 198 court cases out of it is.

  293. Scientist says:

    Dionisio Lopez: Can we all at least agree now the Long Form image the White House posted was altered before was published on the White House website?

    No. Can we agree the sun rises in the West?

  294. Dionisio Lopez says:

    aesthetocyst: LOL!

    The Obvious … truly is the gift that keeps on giving.

    Did I take that quote out of context? There’s nothing political about a PDF.

    Adobe Supplement to the ISO 32000:

  295. aesthetocyst says:

    Dionisio Lopez: Can we all at least agree now the Long Form image the White House posted was altered before was published on the White House website?

    Conceptully? No.
    Contextually? No.
    Overly literally? Yes.
    In terms of content? Absolutely not.

  296. Dionisio Lopez says:

    Got it.

    Instead of addressing the technical details, or even a recent post on this blog, quoting the words of “Dr. Conspiracy” – just label me as silly.

    The fear of giving “birthers” ammunition trumps facts or reason.

    If Taitz is blinded by politics, she’s not the only one.

  297. aesthetocyst says:

    Dionisio Lopez:
    Can we all at least agree now the Long Form image the White House posted was altered before was published on the White House website?


    Dionisio Lopez: Did I take that quote out of context? There’s nothing political about a PDF.

    No, you completely misunderstood the story.
    Are you intentionally a fool as well as a troll? or are both accidental?
    Oops make that liar as well, as you have allowed politics to color your assessments.

  298. Crustacean says:

    aesthetocyst: conspiracists breed with the benefit of hindsight

    And a fair amount of paranoia mixed in, too! This same guy said he was going to put his findings in a safe place “in case something happens to me.” He broke off another post because a helicopter was approaching his house. It must be exciting to believe you’re Jason Bourne.

    Anyway, thank you for the reality check. I really need to kick the habit of reading this crap…

  299. Scientist says:

    Dionisio Lopez: just label me as silly.

    Well, you want the White House to “publish a photocopy”. How would they do that and disseminate it to the public? There is a photo of the paper document taken by Samantha Guthrie a reporter. Of course, she “published” it on line.

    Dionisio Lopez: If Taitz is blinded by politics, she’s not the only one

    When there is a President I disagree with on the issues, I spell out my differences in clear and logical fashion. I don’t waste time on nits regarding what form they released personal documents (not that any prior Presidents have released any).

  300. Bob says:


    You’re being intentionally obtuse and intentionally mischaracterizing what people are saying.

  301. Sef says:

    Dionisio Lopez:
    Can we all at least agree now the Long Form image the White House posted was altered before was published on the White House website?

    Considering that the image of the LFBC is not the ACTUAL PIECE-OF-PAPER DOCUMENT, obviously they are different. However, can you show that any INFORMATION contained in the paper document is different than that contained in the image? The information is ALL that matters. And the burden of proof is on those questioning the document to show the information is different. Good luck with that.

  302. Dionisio Lopez says:

    Scientist: Well, you want the White House to “publish a photocopy”.How would they do that and disseminate it to the public? There is a photo of the paper document taken by Samantha Guthrie a reporter. Of course, she “published” it on line.

    Thousands of document are scanned and published to PDF everyday. By “photocopy” I mean a direct-scanned image.

    The White House did it to themselves, they should have published an unaltered image.

    Anyone with experience with the Adobe API will know immediately the Long Form PDF was manually manipulated. That DOES NOT means any information was changed.

    Dr. Conspiracy agrees with this in a previous post – but I’m a fool and he’s not?

  303. Dionisio Lopez says:

    Sef: Considering that the image of the LFBC is not the ACTUAL PIECE-OF-PAPER DOCUMENT, obviously they are different. However, can you show that any INFORMATION contained in the paper document is different than that contained in the image? The information is ALL that matters. And the burden of proof is on those questioning the document to show the information is different. Good luck with that.

    I never claimed ANY information was changed on the Long Form. Hawaii confirmed the information matches what they have on file.

    My claim (and certainty) is that the PDF was manually altered before it was published.

  304. Majority Will says:

    Dionisio Lopez:
    Can we all at least agree now the Long Form image the White House posted was altered before was published on the White House website?

    Who cares as long as the pertinent information matches the original as verified by Hawaii?

    Date and place of birth were confirmed by the state of Hawaii. There you have it. The Constitution says Hawaii has the legal authority.

    Inventing suspicion from irrelevant and imagined shadows is asinine and a waste of time.

  305. Scientist says:

    Dionisio Lopez: but I’m a fool and he’s not?

    Please show me where I said you were.

    As far as the document, it honestly looks perfectly fine to me. Hawaii says the information is correct. End of story. Now why not discuss actual issues that matter in people’s lives?

  306. aesthetocyst says:

    Dionisio Lopez: Software Consultant for 15 years


    Immediate opening for Birfer Troll. No technical experience necessary, complete lack of technical expertise preferred. However, willingness to adamantly claim 10-15 years experience in any and all fields on demand is a must.


    This is the third birfer today I have seen claiming 15 years as a “software consultant”. Always 15 years, always a generic title.

    No wonder Taitz has no trouble finding instant experts.

  307. Jim says:

    Dionisio Lopez:
    Why tamper or enhance the image *at all*?

    Obviously you’ve lied about your background…I’ve been using PDF since it’s inception and anyone with any kind of background KNOWS that images don’t always scan perfectly and you have to manipulate them for readability. What you’ve basically done here is try to outsmart the board and ended up outsmarting yourself.

  308. Sef says:

    Dionisio Lopez: My claim (and certainty) is that the PDF was manually altered before it was published.


  309. Dionisio Lopez says:

    You guys are so funny! Attack me and not the evidence!

    I’m sure Dr. Conspiracy will see that I used words and quotes from his previous blog entries – I was actually making HIS case!

    This is not a form for scientific inquiry, obviously – it’s a forum to push an agenda, ridicule and marginalize.

    Jim: Obviously you’ve lied about your background…I’ve been using PDF since it’s inception and anyone with any kind of background KNOWS that images don’t always scan perfectly and you have to manipulate them for readability.What you’ve basically done here is try to outsmart the board and ended up outsmarting yourself.

    Jim, the WH altered the PDF before publishing it. Why is that so taboo to admit?

    You guys can attack me and call me names all day long, that’s fine.

  310. Jim says:

    Dionisio Lopez:

    Jim, the WH altered the PDF before publishing it. Why is that so taboo to admit?

    You guys can attack me and call me names all day long, that’s fine.

    They did not alter ANY DATA on the PDF before publishing it. Why is that not clearly the whole reason for putting on the web…not to put any kind of legal document that would hold up in court. Why can’t you see that? And, why must you lie about your background if you’re only here to discus ideas? Seems you have a different agenda…like getting someone to state what you want so that you can go back to your fellow birthers and act all high and mighty about getting Obots to admit it? You folks are just too, too predictable!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

  311. Your phrase “manually altered” is so non-specific as to be useless, and leads to nothing but confusion.

    For example, let say that the program used to scan the long form defaults to a “SCAN IMAGE” setting, but someone manually changed it to “SCAN DOCUMENT.” Would you call this a “manual alteration?” If we were talking about Adobe Acrobat, the results would be very different with those two options, the second creating layers and doing MRC compression and the former not. Yet could you blame the White House for making a reasonable software setting?

    Would you consider punching a button that said “optimize” a “manual alteration?”

    Would you consider opening a document to view it and then clicking Save a “Manual Alteration” given that doing this on a Mac with the Preview software would remove some of the internal markup information.

    Lots of things alter a document, but not necessarily are done with the intent of altering the document.

    I think that if the White House PDF of the Long Form looks to the naked eye (without zooming or using a magnifying glass) like the original, then it is extremely misleading to call it “altered” even though in some arcane technical sense it was. Further, it does not further the discussion to make such claims or split hairs like this.

    If you want to say that some specific alteration was made and can give evidence in support of it, go ahead. But don’t just say that you have 15 years experience. I have 36 years experience, so anything you say without evidence is less than half as good as what I say.

    Dionisio Lopez: Anyone with experience with the Adobe API will know immediately the Long Form PDF was manually manipulated. That DOES NOT means any information was changed.

    Dr. Conspiracy agrees with this in a previous post – but I’m a fool and he’s not?

  312. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dionisio Lopez: Thousands of document are scanned and published to PDF everyday. By “photocopy” I mean a direct-scanned image.The White House did it to themselves, they should have published an unaltered image.Anyone with experience with the Adobe API will know immediately the Long Form PDF was manually manipulated. That DOES NOT means any information was changed.Dr. Conspiracy agrees with this in a previous post – but I’m a fool and he’s not?

    What actual information do you think was altered? You do know Adobe doesn’t own the rights to pdfs anymore so why bring adobe into it?

  313. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dionisio Lopez: You guys are so funny! Attack me and not the evidence! I’m sure Dr. Conspiracy will see that I used words and quotes from his previous blog entries – I was actually making HIS case!This is not a form for scientific inquiry, obviously – it’s a forum to push an agenda, ridicule and marginalize.Jim, the WH altered the PDF before publishing it. Why is that so taboo to admit?You guys can attack me and call me names all day long, that’s fine.

    No we’re just wondering when you’re going to actually make a point and explain what your problem is with the pdf?

  314. It is clear that you did not understood AT ALL the article you cited. None of the experts in this article concluded that there was any “manual alteration” by the White House. Zatkovich said that he didn’t know of any automatic process that would give the artifacts he found, but he was simply unfamiliar with the technology.

    By the way, this is what we call a “thread hijack” where someone comes along and starts an argument which is NOT ABOUT THE ARTICLE. It disrupts the ongoing discussion on the article.

    Dionisio Lopez: Source:

    Quote: “experts have determined that White House PDF image itself had been altered”

  315. Scientist says:

    Dionisio Lopez: This is not a form for scientific inquiry, obviously

    Now, you are playing in my house. No scientist would study an electronic copy and make any statement about the original. No scientist would do an experiment without proper controls. I could go on, but those 2 alone are enough to indict Taitz and her supporters on scientific malpractice.

  316. Jim says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    But don’t just say that you have 15 years experience. I have 36 years experience, so anything you say without evidence is less than half as good as what I say.

    Oh brother, why did I even get started with that one! Let’s see, I’m up to 30 years now…oh, boy! Started on DG Minis, Dos, Novell 1.0, ah yes the memories! If this one is a computer consultant, he/she is a VERY bad one judging by the comments.

  317. The Magic M says:

    Birthers must really be getting more thin-skinned by the minute, right now is the second time my Twitter account was set to “suspended” after making several anti-birther tweets… I hope Twitter support has a really good explanation this time…

  318. The Magic M says:

    aesthetocyst: This is the third birfer today I have seen claiming 15 years as a “software consultant”.

    Besides, why would e.g. “15 years Oracle Database consultant” translate to even the teensy-weensiest of knowledge about PDF and scanning?

    I fondly remember one birther “expert” whose credentials were “doing business with Adobe for … years”. I never got an answer to the question if those “business relations” actually translated to “worked for them as plumber”.

    Rule of thumb: if birthers aren’t specific, they are lying or hiding the important part.

  319. aesthetocyst says:

    Crustacean: same guy said he was going to put his findings in a safe place “in case something happens to me.” He broke off another post because a helicopter was approaching his house. It must be exciting to believe you’re Jason Bourne.

    It does do wonders to instill a “sense of urgency”. Keeps the readers hooked. I also enjoyed his cite of Alex Jones (keeeee-rist). If you google the name of the file he was obsessing over, looks like it’s gone a bit viral in the RWNJ echo complex.

    That school probably has no idea they’ve become so popular!

    And said Google will demonstrate the wingers are busy as bees, finding ‘proof’ of ‘numerous articles’ published prior to the day in question. “It was all staged!”

    The effect of the interwebs on mob psychology. Some members of the species just weren’t ready. Sure wish evolution would hurry up … but I also suspect modern medicine and the ongoing concern for human and civil rights will ensure the weak will survive, Despite their best efforts to destroy themselves..

  320. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Lots of things alter a FILE, but not necessarily are done with the intent of altering the document.

    Small correction, Doc.

  321. justlw says:

    Every time I see a JPEG-compressed scan, it’s very upsetting to me, because I know that unnatural things have been done to it. Manual things, quite likely: someone may have moved a slider. Sure, it may look identical to the original image to the naked eye, but where’s the comfort in that?

  322. Keith says:

    Jim: Oh brother, why did I even get started with that one!Let’s see, I’m up to 30 years now…oh, boy!Started on DG Minis, Dos, Novell 1.0, ah yes the memories!If this one is a computer consultant, he/she is a VERY bad one judging by the comments.


    44 years and counting. Started on IBM 1401, then CDC 6400, IBM 360 (several models), IBM 370 (several models), IBM 43xx (several models), IBM 390 (several models), MS/DOS and MS/Windows PC’s and Servers, Novell Servers, Linux PC’s and Servers, Android Phones. (I haven’t worked on the IBM z-Series, I was working on SAP on Unix/Linux machines by that time).

    Operating Systems included 1401 monitor, CDC Scope and Kronos (briefly), IBM DOS and DOS/VSE, IBM OS/MVS, MVS/XA, and MVS/EXA, IBM VM/370, IBM/VM370-XA, IBM/VM370-ESA, IBM/,SAP/ERP, Linux, Novell, and Android. Might do some iOS work in the near future.

    Along the way there were minor flings with PDP-8’s, PDP-11, Digital System-10’s, IBM System 1, and even Data General Nova.

    So there.

  323. Dave B. says:

    I just came across this nugget:

    Go down the page a ways and there’s pistol-packin’ Chris Monckton, in an American flag shirt and cowboy hat at
    “The “Climate of Freedom” Conference
    Held on May 28th, 2012
    The Truth About Man-made Global Warming (w/Birth Certificate)”

    (with three videos, including “The full “Monckton””).

  324. SluggoJD says:

    Dionisio Lopez:
    You guys are so funny! Attack me and not the evidence!

    I’m sure Dr. Conspiracy will see that I used words and quotes from his previous blog entries – I was actually making HIS case!

    This is not a form for scientific inquiry, obviously – it’s a forum to push an agenda, ridicule and marginalize.

    Jim, the WH altered the PDF before publishing it. Why is that so taboo to admit?

    You guys can attack me and call me names all day long, that’s fine.

    Well actually, it’s like a spider web – we all sit back, collect fat salaries, and wait for unsuspecting stupid people, like yourself, to drop by and act like they have a brain.

    And then we all pounce, and the unsuspecting stupid person, like yourself, eventually leaves or changes names.

    Right now, the odds are 2:5 that you will simply leave.

  325. Bovril says:

    I just finished listened to The Tea Party Power Hour with Gillar and Boy Defective Zullo whining and furiously self abusing each other.

    Much whining, squealing and crying about the wicked evil Colin Powell calling out the GOP for the passive support of birtherism.

    The frenetic onanism about how everyone is ignoring them and their “facts” was structurally identical to our latest troll de jour.

    So, Dino, if the LFBC was, as you insist on stating “altered”, EXACTLY WHAT was altered, bearing in mind that the Constitutionally recognised custodian of records for this BC stated, formally that ALL the content on said image matches the records on file.

    So, exactly what material change in the content have you evidence of that trumps the HDoH?

  326. Majority Will says:

    I just finished listened to The Tea Party Power Hour with Gillar and Boy Defective Zullo whining and furiously self abusing each other.

    Much whining, squealing and crying about the wicked evil Colin Powell calling out the GOP for the passive support of birtherism.

    The frenetic onanism about how everyone is ignoring them and their “facts” was structurally identical to our latest troll de jour.

    So, Dino, if the LFBC was, as you insist on stating “altered”, EXACTLY WHAT was altered, bearing in mind that the Constitutionally recognised custodian of records for this BC stated, formally that ALL the content on said image matches the records on file.

    So, exactly what material change in the content have you evidence of that trumps the HDoH?

    For some strange reason, Dion refuses to answer that very simple question that I asked as well. It seems Dion would rather whine about being treated unfairly then make a point or answer a simple question.

  327. Arthur says:

    Majority Will: It seems Dion would rather whine about being treated unfairly then make a point or answer a simple question.

    Reminiscent of a poster called “Charo”–remember her passive-aggressive boo-hoos?

  328. Majority Will says:

    Arthur: Reminiscent of a poster called “Charo”–remember her passive-aggressive boo-hoos?

    Yes. Annoying and a little sad.

  329. Crustacean says:

    Dave B.: pistol-packin’ Chris Monckton, in an American flag shirt and cowboy hat

    A million thanks for that priceless link, Dave (Garth Brooks, eat yer heart out!).

    Right above the good Lord Monckton (“Good LORD, Monckton! Where did you get that ridiculous shirt!!?”), in the little bio about Andrew Thomas, is a wonderful example of birther prose – because it said so much by saying so little:

    “His anti-corruption efforts cost him his law license.”

    “Anti-corruption efforts,” indeed! I’m sure it was a dramatic scene, like when Frodo Baggins scaled Mt. Doom as part of his own anti-corruption effort. Yes, that must be EXACTLY how it went down…

  330. Found on the Internet (by CRYMTYPHON)

    Mr. Boehner sits down in the Oval Office to talk with the President in hopes of expressing how serious the GOP is in their opposition to his budget.

    As he is about to speak, -Orly Taitz flies by the window on a jet-pack screaming about Connecticut.
    The two men wait patiently till the noise of her passage fades.

    Mr. Boehner clears his throat to make a suggestion of revenue increase through tax loophole closure, -when suddenly a ceiling panel opens above them and Michelle Bachman’s disoriented face appears screaming about 1776!

    The two men wait till they hear her scrabble away through the ceiling. Mr. Obama sips his coffee, face carefully blank.

    Mr. Boehner takes a breath to begin again, and Wayne LaPierre bursts into the room waving a Bushmaster! LaPierre fires 300 rounds in five seconds into the paneled floor then bursts through the window to be chased across the white house lawn by bored security guards.

    Mr. Obama sips his coffee again; making a deliberate and grating slurp.

    Mr. Boehner grits his teeth till his fillings meld; then rushes out the words “If we agree to a three-to-one ratio of increase to reducti-”

    But Ms. Taitz’s head pops up at the broken window, her maniacal grin as jagged and broken as the glass. She has four-hundred and thirty seven separate subpoenas she begins tossing at the President in rolled balls.

    Mr. Boehner says a nasty word; his orange tan flushed a violent red. He rushes to the window and screams “You stupid lunatics shut up shut up shut up shut …”

    Mr. Obama idly picks a crumpled subpoena up. He smiles at it fondly, then does a mock dunk towards the trash can.

  331. Crustacean says:

    Crustacean: I’m sure it was a dramatic scene, like when Frodo Baggins scaled Mt. Doom as part of his own anti-corruption effort. Yes, that must be EXACTLY how it went down…

    Against my better judgment, I went ahead and looked up the details about (Maricopa County Attorney) Andrew Thomas’s disbarment.

    Turns out it really WAS just like Lord of the Rings. Remember when Frodo abused his position by using Gandolf’s magic to investigate the Proudfoots (Proudfeet?) in order to gain political advantage over them? And then the evil Sauron was all, “I’m investigating you for ethics violations”? And then, Frodo hired private investigators to follow around Sauron’s own investigators?

    And who could forget when Sauron alleged that Frodo had “conspired… with others to injure, oppress, threaten or intimidate Judge Saruman,” and that he engaged in activities involving “conflicts of interest, dishonesty, misrepresentation, filing a frivolous suit, and filing charges against shire officials solely to embarrass or burden them”?

    Of course, Frodo stood tall and eventually brought tyranny to its knees. Just like Andrew Thomas will. ANY. DAY. NOW.

  332. aesthetocyst says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: 300 rounds in five seconds

    Now that’s just ridiculous (heh), multiplying the typical RoF for an AR by a factor of 6.

    If you want to peel of 3,600rds/min, you’ll need an gatling, mini-, or chain gun, electrically fired, and a vehicle to mount it on. Put Wayne in an NRA Hummer.

  333. Thinker says:

    BREAKING NEWS: Judge Guilford orders Orly Taitz to show cause why she should not be sanctioned for lying to the court!!

  334. Crustacean says:

    Thinker: BREAKING NEWS

    Love it: “The parties have since subjected the Court to a flurry of papers, which the Court dismisses as irrelevant…”

  335. Daniel says:

    aesthetocyst: Now that’s just ridiculous (heh), multiplying the typical RoF for an AR by a factor of 6.

    If you want to peel of 3,600rds/min, you’ll need an gatling, mini-, or chain gun, electrically fired, and a vehicle to mount it on. Put Wayne in an NRA Hummer.

    It was modified by the Metalstorm engineers 😉

  336. Sef says:

    BREAKING NEWS: Judge Guilford orders Orly Taitz to show cause why she should not be sanctioned for lying to the court!!

    Congrats. Looks like you’ve scooped TFB.

  337. Daniel says:

    “Taitz, and any other party, may file”

    Interesting. Any lawyers here care to chime in on the “any other party” part? Is it normal for the judge to throw it open to the world to present in a Show Cause order?

  338. Dave says:

    I wonder if the unreported sanction the judge refers to in the one from Judge Carter. That one certainly had nothing to do with discovery.

  339. Yoda says:

    I wonder if the unreported sanction the judge refers to in the one from Judge Carter. That one certainly had nothing to do with discovery.

    I think it was the 4000 from Occidental College

  340. Yoda says:

    “Taitz, and any other party, may file”

    Interesting. Any lawyers here care to chime in on the “any other party” part? Is it normal for the judge to throw it open to the world to present in a Show Cause order?

    It would be a party to the lawsuit, not someone unrelated to the case.

  341. RetiredLawyer says:

    I especially like the ten page maximum, in italics.

  342. MN-Skeptic says:

    I especially like the ten page maximum, in italics.

    Ahh… but the wily Orly knows that doesn’t include attachments! She’s sharper than any of these judges!

  343. Greenfinches says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Found on the Internet (by CRYMTYPHON)

    I also liked the comment just above that – all you need to speak TeaParty is a caps lock key and a wanton disregard for reality. I suspect that is more true for Orlyspeak….

  344. Here’s something for Orly’s superb legal skills:

    NJ man sues Subway over too-short Footlongs

    A missing half-inch really adds up.

    A card-carrying Subway devotee is fighting back against sub-par sandwiches, filing a lawsuit alleging the fast-food giant ripped off customers for more than $142 million with its short “Footlongs.”

    Jason Leslie, 32, of Marlboro, NJ, says he was spurred on to sue the sandwich maker yesterday after he saw an article in The Post last week that revealed the “$5 Footlong” subs often don’t measure up.

    Leslie, who carries a Subway Rewards card and estimates having eaten about 50 of the sandwiches a year since he was 18, bought a Footlong meatball sub four days later for $8 that ended up being short of 12 inches.

    Read on:

  345. donna says:

    i don’t recall if this was previously posted

    CA Taitz v Obama 2012-11-01 – Notice of Ruling

    inter alia, $4000 in sanctions awarded

  346. donna says:


    January 23, 2013


    SACV 11-0485 AG (AJWx)

    LISA LIBERI, et al. v. ORLY TAITZ, et al.


    On October 22, 2012, the Court ordered the parties to “inform the Court immediately of any actions taken on pending ethical, disciplinary, or related matters.” (October 22, 2012 Order, Dkt. No. 574, at 2-3.) On January 14, 2013, the Court was alerted to a possible unreported sanction against Orly Taitz. Taitz said in Court that the sanction was for discovery. The parties have since subjected the Court to a flurry of papers, which the Court dismisses as irrelevant except for the sole issue now of whether Taitz lied to the Court when she said the sanction was for discovery. Some evidence has been presented to the Court that the sanction involved far more than discovery.

    The Court therefore now ORDERS Taitz to show cause in writing why she should not be sanctioned for lying to this Court. Taitz, and any other party, may file by February 4, 2013, papers on this order to show cause not exceeding 10 pages each in total. Particularly helpful would be documentary proof of the nature of and reasons for the subject sanction previously ordered against Taitz.

  347. Rickey says:

    So many filings have been made in Liberi v. Taitz that it is difficult to keep track of it or make any sense of it. However, it appears that after Orly demanded that Phil Berg be removed from the case due to disciplinary issues in Pennsylvania, Berg responded by notifying the court of Orly’s own problems with sanctions.

    A hearing was held on October 15, following which Judge Guilford essentially told both Berg and Taitz that they had to come clean:

    “Concerning the pending ethical matters, the parties are ORDERED to inform theCourt immediately of any actions taken on pending ethical, disciplinary, or related matters concerning any of the parties now appearing in this case. The Court will likely take further action on such matters only after such notification is provided.”

    I cannot find Orly’s response online, but presumably she told Judge Guilford that the sanctions awarded against her only had to do with discovery. Whether Judge Guilford’s order was intended to include past sanctions (e.g., Rhodes v. McDonald) is unclear to me. If Orly represented to Judge Guilford that her sanctions in the Rhodes case were related to discovery, she could be in deep trouble.

  348. If sanction refers to the California Taitz v. Obama case, then I think Orly is in the right. That sanction was not an ethical or a disciplinary matter, but was a cost shifting due to Occidental Colleges having to respond to a subpoena. January 14 was a status conference in Liberi v. Taitz so I presume some allegation was made at that time and Taitz responded that the sanction was for discovery (which it was). The Fogbow Boots on the Ground report of the Taitz v. Obama hearing said:

    “[Judge] tells Taitz that he is awarding sanctions not as a punishment but for cost shifting, to shift Oxy’s costs to her.”

    This is not reflected in the order. Maybe someone at the Fogbow will give Taitz an affidavit, or maybe she’ll just print out the Fogbow page and submit it as evidence 🙄

    If you want to get a glimpse of the ugly mess this lawsuit has become, and at the dim view the Court holds of the attorneys on both sides, check out the October 22 order.

    donna: On October 22, 2012, the Court ordered the parties to “inform the Court immediately of any actions taken on pending ethical, disciplinary, or related matters.” (October 22, 2012 Order, Dkt. No. 574, at 2-3.) On January 14, 2013, the Court was alerted to a possible unreported sanction against Orly Taitz. Taitz said in Court that the sanction was for discovery.

  349. Northland10 says:

    donna: Taitz, and any other party, may file by February 4, 2013, papers on this order to show cause not exceeding 10 pages each in total. Particularly helpful would be documentary proof of the nature of and reasons for the subject sanction previously ordered against Taitz.

    He gave simple rules and even explained what he would like to hear. Most people would take that to heart and attempt to follow his instructions within the body of response. I cannot visualize such a thing from Taitz. Somehow, she will turn it into another Obama and Berg rant, which will create a flurry of responses from Berg. 10 Pages? She probably will decide that means 10 pages for proof, 10 pages for reasons, and 10 pages to respond to Berg’s response, and 10 pages about Obama’ SSN.

    But first, she will bring up her appeal and neglect to mention it was dismissed because she did not submit the proper paperwork in a timely fashion or respond to the default notice. So, on 24 January, she submitted a motion for relief from default.

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