Breitbart News accuses NY Times of “going birther.”

imageSeeing how effective an epithet “birther” is, conservatives are lining up to use it, both here on this blog and nationally. In an article “NYT Goes Birther: Attacks ‘Canadian-born’ Cruz, calls him McCarthyiteBrietbart News directs the accursed “B” word at the Times. They said:

In what is known as a “tell” in the media parlor game, Weissman and the Times commit an unforgivable error by referring to Cruz as “Canadian-born” without mentioning he was born to a mother who was  a U.S. citizen, which most likely makes Cruz “natural born” and eligible to run for the nation’s highest office. Yes, just when the Texan shows some “muzzle velocity” toward 2016, the Times goes birther.

Me thinks that Brietbart protests too much. Indeed, the headline is just a teaser for a whiny article complaining that the Times has made some substantive criticism of Cruz. Mr. Lee and Mr. Bannon, it’s called politics in case you’ve been asleep for the past 8 years.

But why the demand for a full statement on Cruz’ presidential eligibility? What chance does a freshman Senator have becoming President? Uhhh. Never mind.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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21 Responses to Breitbart News accuses NY Times of “going birther.”

  1. Dear Dr. Conspiracy, is this your way of throwing chess pieces at me? What a sore sport.

  2. justlw says:

    Truly, it is all about you, Lucas Smith.

  3. aesthetocyst says:

    “most likely” says Breitbart? are they trying to straddle a fence there? 😉

  4. No. Actually I had in mind the commenter Shame on Liberals Shame.

    Lucas D. Smith: Dear Dr. Conspiracy, is this your way of throwing chess pieces at me? What a sore sport.

  5. Thinker says:

    I love that Republicans are now having to defend their rising stars against birfers. However, the NYT accurately reporting Mr. Cruz’s birthplace in a lengthy article with lots of biographical details isn’t at all birfery. My guess is that the Breitbart people see the birfers coming after Cruz and Rubio and are trying to develop a meme that these birfers are hypocritical Dems, which, of course, they are not. Rubio and Cruz birfers are the same dead-enders as the Obama birfers.

  6. Arthur says:

    They’re not going to like this at ORYR. They’ll probably push it as another example of how everyone ‘cept them has “drank the Kool-Aid.”

  7. ObiWanCannoli says:

    There are a lot of parallels between president Obama and Cruz. They both have non-US citizen fathers. Their American citizenship is conferred by their mothers. However, president Obama was born in Hawaii, and Cruz was born in Canada. Wait…actually Obama doesn’t need his mother to confer the US citizenship. He is a US citizen by the virtue of being born on the US soil.

    If Cruz decides to run in 2016 and wins the presidency, Orly’s frivolous lawsuits will continue even after president Obama leaves office. Never mind..Cruz is a Republican and doubt Orly will go after him even with the clear evidence that he was born outside the country.

  8. justlw says:

    There is a certain mindset that yokes together the idea that the only reason Them Libruls like Obama is because he is black, and the idea that the only reason Them Libruls are going after Cruz is because he is Hispanic.

    Man, Them Libruls sure do obsess about race, don’t they? It’s like the only thing they can think of is race. Thank goodness there are people around to point out every time it’s about race.

  9. Thomas Brown says:

    There is a certain mindset that yokes together the idea that the only reason Them Libruls like Obama is because he is black…

    I once responded to a wingnut thus: If it had been Joe Biden vs. Herman Cain, does that mean we’d all have voted for Cain since we automatically vote for the black guy?

    I got no answer.

  10. Dave B. says:

    Yeah, I’ll bet it was confusing as Hell when Barack Obama ran against Alan Keyes. Who knew what they were supposed to do then?

    Thomas Brown: I once responded to a wingnut thus: If it had been Joe Biden vs. Herman Cain, does that mean we’d all have voted for Cain since we automatically vote for the black guy?

    I got no answer.

  11. katahdin says:

    Dave B.: Yeah, I’ll bet it was confusing as Hell when Barack Obama ran against Alan Keyes. Who knew what they were supposed to do then?

    The fact that Alan Keyes is a couple pages short of a hymnal probably made it less confusing.

  12. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Wow. Pot. Kettle. Black.

  13. Bob says:

    OT from the AP

    “Dozens of protesters rallied outside Los Angeles police headquarters Saturday in support of Christopher Dorner, the former LAPD officer . . .”

    More people showed up to support Dorner than showed up to support Orly Taitz.

  14. The Magic M says:

    > Seeing how effective an epithet “birther” is, conservatives are lining up to use it

    I rather think it’s birthers trying to make themselve feel important by claiming “everybody else is doing it, why can’t we?” (with apologies to the Cranberries).

    Just look how often ORYR has accused other media of “pulling the birther card” or “going birther” recently.

    The Breitbart people are very likely birthers, given how freely they allow vile racism in their comment section without even calling people out for it.

    Dave B.: Yeah, I’ll bet it was confusing as Hell when Barack Obama ran against Alan Keyes. Who knew what they were supposed to do then?

    I remember how birthers (esp. WND and the P&E) used to claim how “Cain + West” would be a “nightmare ticket for the Dems”. Obviously they think all they need to do is wave a black Republican around and suddenly those 96% of blacks who voted for the Democratic ticket would spin around and vote for “the other black guy” instead.
    But hey, let them believe that. A black GOP candidate would not get any more black votes, but many old WASP’s would not vote for him, making another GOP loss even more probable. Can’t shoot yourself in the foot better than by letting your own racist delusions guide your actions. 😉

  15. Rickey says:

    I read the Politico article about Cruz,, and the best comment is from University of Pennsylvania law professor Kermi Roosevelt:

    “Anyone who thinks he’s constitutionally ineligible,” he said, “can simply not vote for him.”

  16. J.D. Sue says:

    Dave B.: Yeah, I’ll bet it was confusing as Hell when Barack Obama ran against Alan Keyes.

    Actually, that is why the Republicans brought Keyes from Georgia (?) to Illinois to run against Obama–they figured they needed a black man to beat him. I think Keyes got only 30% of the vote. (Seems no one was confused). Anedotally, I met Obama at a lawyers’ cocktail party during that Senate campaign. He arrived looking sick with a cold, and I told him to take it easy and just take care of himself (because of the 70/30 in the polls) because we needed him for the long haul (I remember thinking he might run for president in 15-20 years, never imaging he would run just a few years later). He responded that he would never rest on his laurels just because of the polls, and that he would press ahead full speed across the finish line.

  17. donna says:

    J.D. Sue:

    lucky you and thanks for your thoughtful and insightful posts – i think he was more than cautious in his first term (IMO) not to be voted out with all of the (nasty) comments and ramifications of a loss – he is NOW pressing “ahead full speed across the finish line” with his original intentions

    i think of the comments in his first term …. “he’s going too fast” – “he’s doing too many things” and more recently (2/2013) John Boehner On Pathway To Citizenship: ‘Slow Down. Slow Down. How About A Little Foreplay?’

    these people have 3 gears ……….. slow, stop & reverse

  18. J.D. Sue says:

    donna: i think of the comments in his first term …. “he’s going too fast” – “he’s doing too many things” and more recently (2/2013) John Boehner On Pathway To Citizenship: ‘Slow Down. Slow Down. How About A Little Foreplay?’
    these people have 3 gears ……….. slow, stop & reverse

    Funny how the Republicans accuse him of going to fast and doing too much, while they also say that he is always on vacation and golfing…

  19. Xyxox says:

    J.D. Sue: –
    Actually, that is why the Republicans brought Keyes from Georgia (?) to Illinois to run against Obama–they figured they needed a black man to beat him.I think Keyes got only 30% of the vote.(Seems no one was confused). Anedotally, I met Obama at a lawyers’ cocktail party during that Senate campaign.He arrived looking sick with a cold, and I told him to take it easy and just take care of himself (because of the 70/30 in the polls) because we needed him for the long haul (I remember thinking he might run for president in 15-20 years, never imaging he would run just a few years later).He responded that he would never rest on his laurels just because of the polls, and that he would press ahead full speed across the finish line.

    Keyes came from Maryland to carpetbag Illinois. It was the funniest Senate campaign in Illinois history. Most played sound bite was Keyes singing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”. Obama took 70% of the vote while Keyes only took 27%. For those not doing the math, that was a margin of 43%.

  20. justlw says:

    The Magic M: Obviously they think all they need to do is wave a black Republican around and suddenly those 96% of blacks who voted for the Democratic ticket would spin around and vote for “the other black guy” instead.

    They were emboldened by how successful they were in pulling the Hillary vote in with Sarah Palin.

  21. justlw says:

    HuffPo’s Jason Linkins currently having a lot of fun at Breitbart News’ expense:

    ‘Friends Of Hamas’ Origin Story Exposes Fact That Some People Are Dumb Enough To Fall For Anything

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