Michigan state senator wakens from 4-year sleep

At least that’s how it seems as Michigan State Senator Tom Casperson told radio host Michael Patrick Sheils:

I don’t know [whether Obama was born in the US] because it seems that the issue was dropped immediately as far as the major media went.

A number of years ago I got stuck with hosting an off-year county Democratic Party precinct meeting that was held in an independent Baptist church. Nobody showed up except me and the pastor of the church who unlocked the doors. We chatted briefly and the pastor asked me about the President: “Is Reagan a Democrat or a Republican?” I said that the President was a Republican. The pastor explained that he didn’t know because he had just gotten out of Bible college and “we didn’t get out much.”

I don’t know whether Casperson was asleep or in Bible college, but he certainly missed a huge amount of media coverage about the Obama eligibility question. CNN even sent a team to Hawaii and broadcast a two-part report.

Up until February of 2010, I used to keep a record of the best news stories about birthers. I stopped because it was too much work! Here’s the index to those pages:

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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7 Responses to Michigan state senator wakens from 4-year sleep

  1. justlw says:

    it seems that the issue was dropped immediately as far as the major media went.

    2008 was a bad year for media followthrough, it appears. Here’s another story from the same year that even Fox News has dropped the ball on. Why is no one in the Lamestream Media talking about these issues in 2013, I ask you?

  2. Thinker says:

    Casperson responds to the Mining Journal of Marquette, MI: http://www.miningjournal.net/page/content.detail/id/584931/Casperson-addresses–birther–comments.html?nav=5006

    “The original documents, if I understood it right, the way they had laid it out, were copies,” Casperson said. “They weren’t originals. That doesn’t mean he’s wrong. It just means that was a little bit different in itself. And so, that’s where the media could have stepped in immediately and said, ‘We want to see the originals and let’s make sure this is correct.'”
    “Let’s move on. There’s a lot of things we can have debates about, about the president’s policies, and we should have those,” he said today. “This is not one of them. This should be put to bed and gone.”

    Meh. He’s still got at least one foot in birferstan.

  3. justlw says:

    Thinker: Mining Journal of Marquette, MI

    Ah yes, the newspaper of record.

    “The original documents, if I understood it right, the way they had laid it out, were copies,” Casperson said. “They weren’t originals. That doesn’t mean he’s wrong. It just means that was a little bit different in itself.”

    Well, yeah. And what was it that was “a little bit different”? That a candidate provided anything at all.

    Thinker: Meh. He’s still got at least one foot in birferstan.

    Agreed. He’s a concern troll.

  4. Joey says:

    It would be great if this article could be forwarded to state Senator Casperson’s office.

  5. Andrew Morris says:


    As a member of the International Criminal Bar Panel I am tentatively scheduled to participate in this meeting and will discuss possibility of an International tribunal prosecuting the usurper of the U.S. Presidency Barry Soebarkah, aka Barry Soetoro, aka Harry Bounel, aka Barry (Barack) Obama and his accomplices

    Except that this isn’t exactly…true. She may (or may not) go to the meeting, but she isn’t on any panel, and she won’t be.

  6. donna says:

    Andrew Morris:

    i want to see a verification from the panel confirming her membership

  7. Thrifty says:

    There’s a bit on the sketch show Portlandia where two married couples, a young and an old couple, are hanging out. Somehow 9/11 is worked into the conversation, and they start talking about where they were on September 11th 2001. At this point, the younger husband grows increasingly confused, struggling to remember. He is completely unaware of anything significant happening on that day.

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