Taitz: Grinols emergency appellate filing

So what else is new? Orly’s trying to get the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to demand that Judge England do something or other in the case of Grinols v. Electoral College. It’s an emergency because Obama, well, Obama is PRESIDENTING! What Taitz is asking the Court of Appeals to do is order the Trial Court to declare Obama in default in the Grinols case, even though she clearly never served him with the complaint in the capacity in which she is suing him. She also wants the US Attorney investigated for his courtesy appearance for President Obama.

Oh, did I mention that she copied the International Criminal Bar and the UN Commission for Civil Rights Defenders1? What do you get if you do a Google image search for "united nations Commission for Civil Rights Defenders"?


The brief is 162 pages long with attachments such as the Zullo affidavit, Irey stuff, a screen print of an article by Jerome Corsi, Census forms, FOIA dumps—in fact just about every imaginable thing EXCEPT a proof of service showing that Obama had been served in his personal capacity and is in default. What a maroon!

OK, correction. Sometimes the crazy gets too strong to report it. Taitz is not suing Obama in his personal capacity; she is suing him as a candidate. On what planet is Barack Obama a candidate?

9th Cir 2013-02-37 – Grinols v Electoral College – Emergency Petition for Writ of Mandamus by Jack Ryan

1There is no US Commission for Civil Rights Defenders

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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15 Responses to Taitz: Grinols emergency appellate filing

  1. Jim says:

    Now, does this put the rest of her case on hold until after the appeal is heard and how long does the defendant(s) have to respond? Between here and Mississippi she could probably keep these cases going indefinitely with all her filings.

  2. My understanding is that no response is required from the Defense unless the Court of Appeals specifically asks for it.

    My guess is that the Court of Appeals will reject the petition because it’s improper. Essentially, she is asking the Court of Appeals to be a trier of fact and to order the lower court to make a ruling in a particular way.

    Jim: Now, does this put the rest of her case on hold until after the appeal is heard and how long does the defendant(s) have to respond? Between here and Mississippi she could probably keep these cases going indefinitely with all her filings.

  3. Northland10 says:

    This is one filing that the could determine on its merits. The merits being only, is Obama in default and can they force the lower court to act.

    Answer to merit 1:

    Not in default, never served, First Amended Complaint renders initial default request moot, never served FAC, and time is not out on FAC anyway, even if sued as a private individual.

    Answer to merit 2:

    Moot. See merit 1.

    Thus endeth the fail parade.

  4. Andrew Morris says:

    Another interesting point is whether if Obama is, as Orly claims, a citizen of Indonesia, then by definition he can’t be guilty of treason, which is an offence that can only be committed by a citizen of the country he is alleged to have betrayed. There is some shaky UK precedent that suggests if the government wants to hang you, they will find a way (the wartime Joyce case) but it does seem if, again, Dr. T was asleep during that class also.

    “Oran’s Dictionary of the Law (1983) defines treason as “…[a]…citizen’s actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation].” In many nations, it is also often considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government, even if no foreign country is aiding or involved by such an endeavor.”

    Of course, by this definition then arguably Orly is guilty of treason.

  5. Bonsall Obot says:


    There is no US Commission for Civil Rights Defenders

    Well, there damn well should be, because it sounds AWESOME.
    The uniforms alone would be worth it.

  6. roald says:

    A clip you might be able to link at the end of your third paragraph…I don’t know enough about copyright law to say it is OK.


  7. Kiwiwriter says:

    162 pages of this same recycled garbage, over and over again? This could save the US Postal Service from bankruptcy, at the very least.

    How does she pay for all this? Somebody should follow the money on this.

  8. The domain UNCCRD.org is available.

    Bonsall Obot: Well, there damn well should be, because it sounds AWESOME.
    The uniforms alone would be worth it.

  9. donna says:

    Update: state defendants in Grinols postponed their hearing, however the US dep/ of Justice is not willing to stay their motion pending decision by the 9th circuit. I wonder why?

    Olsen, Edward (USACAE)

    to me

    Ms. Taitz – Thanks for your email, but I am not willing to stipulate to stay the district court proceedings pending the Ninth Circuit’s resolution of your petition for writ of mandamus. –Edward


  10. Bob says:

    Between here and Mississippi she could probably keep these cases going indefinitely with all her filings.

    Isn’t that her ultimate goal?

  11. The Magic M says:

    > On what planet is Barack Obama a candidate?

    Orly seems to think she can just freeze time in a court case. This is of course in line with the belief in the Magic Reset Button that will just undo Obama’s presidency with ease.

    And of course, in some jurisdictions and under some circumstances you can do that, but neither is applicable here. Orly thinks she can have the actions that led to Obama remaining President (placement on the ballot, certification of votes by SOS, certification of votes by Congress, inauguration) retroactively voided.
    The point is that none of these actions violated any law, therefore they can’t be declared void for lack of legal basis.

  12. AROD says:

    I assume Zullo allows Taitz to add his “affidavit” into the filings – does this not open him to perjury charges? Can someone sue him?

  13. Rickey says:

    I assume Zullo allows Taitz to add his “affidavit” into the filings – does this not open him to perjury charges?Can someone sue him?

    Orly dont need no steenkin’ permission! She just downloaded it from Scribd and added it to her zibits. It is an uncertified photocopy, so even if Zullo had anything relevant or probative to say it is inadmissible in Orly’s cases.

    I seem to recall that Zullo signed his affidavits (there are actually two of them) at the behest of World Nut Daily, but I could be wrong about that.

  14. Rickey says:

    Orly’s Motion for Reconsideration in the Grinols case has been denied.

    Understatement award: “Plaintiffs’ Motion for Reconsideration is difficult to decipher.”


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