After her last dismal showing in DC (two supporters), Orly Taitz is once again headed to the the Federal District [Link to Taitz web site] to picket the Supreme Court and lobby Congress, calling attention to her case, Noonan v. Bowen, scheduled for conference at the Supreme Court next Friday, February 15. Orly has high hopes for a much larger turnout, perhaps as many as 5 people this time (from Tennessee, Texas, Ohio, California and Nevada).
I would go and support you on Tuesday at 11, but I have to stay home and picket my nose.
Taitz and Corsi have never been seen in the same place at the same time.
Just sayin’.
When I think of birthers, my mind always goes back to a Bugs Bunny episode, I think it was called “Sahara Hare”.. At the end, Yosemite Sam tries to enter a fortress through a secret door.. He rips it open? Another door. And another.. The last door is connected to dynamite..
Bugs is walking away wondering “I wonder if he is stubborn enough to open all those doors?”. BOOM. “Yep! He’s stubborn enough!”
Oh good. It will give us time to finish reading her sign.
She did save the last one, right? It was a classic!
I haven’t seen it on eBay.
i might go.
Take some photos for us.
Sounds familiar, somehow.
SPOILER: the last line is “…let me feenish!”
Even her own sign cut her off. 😐
in the end, i think you all are going to wish you’d been nicer to her.
Bring water balloons!
While I’m sure you meant that in jest, hitting someone with a water balloon could be considered assault.
I’d prefer to see about 20 people with huge Obama posters encircle her while wearing traditional Kenyan clothing.
You know, just to irk her by playing off her own fears.
Aw hell yeah!
If you are talking about the great assizes at the end of time, the Day of the Lord and the final judgment, then I daresay that I will wish that I had been nicer to a lot of people. If, on the other hand, you are suggesting that Orly Taitz will ever be recognized as right in her opinions about Barack Obama, and that her and her tribe will every be in a position of authority over anyone, then I would say no.
Depending on my schedule, I may show up with my camera….
Take the Red Line. It will let you off near the Mall. Take pictures, and share them with us.
You’re right. We should humor that meshuggener. Sorry, I’m not polite to shondes.
My office is about 3 blocks from Capitol Hill. I am going to try and show up as well.
Red Line to Union Station is about 4-5 blocks from Supreme Court building.
Orly is a foul mouthed witch, her nasty attacks on our President are getting old, she has to be sanctioned heavily to stop her stupidity.
then maybe you wish you would have been nicer to a lot of people…. know what i’m saying ??
It’s funny that Obama has all this power to threaten or bribe judges, but can’t seem to get a foothold on the CA BAR association. 😉
Oops. I used to work near Farragut North, on K Street. Wrong end of the Mall.
Only because he can’t locate them. If they exist.
California is the most liberal state. Liberals are Democrats. Democrats are communists. Obama is a communist.
Well that does explain why, me being in CA, my cat says “Mao!”
See for your self.
Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam in Sahara Hare
Your scene begins at about the 6 minute mark.
i like waterballoons
If you mean the Obamas, they are inactive at the Illinois Bar, but could resume practicing if they chose to (and paid the dues…).
No, they put their licenses on ‘inactive,’ as I did with my NYS Optician license. I just have to pay the current fee, and start practicing again.
Orly calls the Obama Administration a “criminal enterprise” and we’re supposed to be nice to her? Sorry, it doesn’t work that way. She is either a grifter or she is the most incompetent attorney I have ever seen. Or she is both.
Case in point: she keeps trumpeting her SCOTUS “hearing” next Friday. It isn’t a hearing, and she has ZERO chance or prevailing because the events she is asking SCOTUS to stay have already occurred. It’s so obvious, even a five-year old child could understand it.
And why is that?
The woman is NOT nice to a lot of people. She constantly says awful things and sends her flying monkeys to harass anybody who disagrees with her or sees the world differently from her. She is an insane narcissistic shrew. I have no idea what her private life is like (don’t really care), but in her public crusade, she is a vile and vindictive A-hole.
People who act like A-holes earn the invective and venom that ensues back at them.
Likewise, people who rant on and pursue crazy and illogical things, unsupported by real world facts deserve to be treated as crazy and ridiculous people who are out of touch with reality.
Likewise, an extremely incompetent and inept lawyer who can’t get a clue and can’t even file her frivolous and vexatious motions correctly deserves any mocking and ire for her bumbling buffoonery and her total lack of professional competence and integrity.
Did everyone (anyone) look at the comment on the Taitz site referring to an article from Canada Free Press (yeah I know one of the uglies) supposedly from a DHS insider about the secret Obama cyber task force and the plans in the works for decades to take over and ruin the US ecomony?
Pretty wacky, but scary stuff if people really believe it.
No they put them into inactive status. This has been long debunked
Trying your hand at comedy now Scott?
Not in terms of the Orly reference itself, as I recall.
But otherwise, yes…the silly stupid CFP article was mentioned and discussed on another thread the other day… I just can’t recall which one at the moment.
Yep. That works better. Thanks!
A suggestion:
Music From Kenya Volume 1
Various Kenyan Artists
thanks for the directions, i’ll google it if i get lost.
i guess it depends on who you talk to.
If you talk to a birther, any rumor stays active forever. If you talk to the Illinois Bar it’s pretty clear:
See also
At least she passed the bar, You pathetic birthers just keep making the same mistakes over and over, and telling lies over and over, and you never get anywhere. You’re been stuck in denial for 4 years.
So what’s your source that the Obama’s surrendered their licenses? You don’t have one. Some birther just went to the web site and found them inactive and then launched into a flight of fancy.
Hell, you’re too stupid to read the topic of the current thread.
How about Eugene Volokh, Libertarian and no fan of the Obamas?
This is the argument that I would most like Birthers to here. Taitz, and those who may support her protest, feel they need to hate all of Obama and everything about him. For them, agreeing that he is eligible, or he did not commit fraud, or we was not disbarred means they have to agree with Obama’s policies. They miss that their own obsession undermines the arguments against his policies. For the Democratic Party, hard line Obama haters are the gift that keeps on giving.
On the off-topic, bar membership issue, It should be noted that Mario Apuzzo was “administratively suspended” for a time because he had not paid into an attorney fund. This does not mean he was disciplined or disbarred but only, because he was not practicing at the time, he did not need to be active so did not pay into the fund. When he decided to jump back into the pre-election court challenges, he made himself current.
Umm no not even close. WND and American thinker publishes bad information all the time. Still waiting for you guys to point to instances where snopes and annenberg were wrong. How about you proving your stupid claims since we’ve shown you that the illinois bar says you’re wrong.
Yes it does if you talk to a birther they’ll just pull anything out of their rectum and say its true then they’ll set up a debate that they’re too chicken to show up for. I however prefer reliable sources like the Illinois Bar which says you’re wrong. But hey it’s easier just to make up stuff like you do than tell the truth.
You do know who Walter Annenberg was, right? Conservative zillionaire publisher, ambassador under NIxon and Reagan. Later decided to devote his life to philanthropy. Now, I know that’s a dirty word in some conservative circles, but if it makes you feel better, you can go back and bask in this bit of his newspaper’s journalistic excellence, from teh WP:
But anyhoo. As of 2005, the Annenberg Foundation has awarded over five thousand grants. Two of those 5,000+ grants are:
• The Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which Barack Obama headed from 1995-1999; and,
• The Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania, established in 1993, which has as one of its projects .
The only common link to these two organizations, then, is that they were started by grant money from a foundation started by a conservative philanthropist, chaired at the time by a woman who was once chief of protocol to Ronald Reagan.
Let’s say you currently have a mortgage with Wells Fargo, and I once did as well but no longer do. Any logic that says Barack Obama or other scary libruls somehow have any influence over because of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge would come to the conclusion that I own your house.
The actual problem you are having with the Mikkelsons and Factcheck is due to, as Stephen Colbert pointed out, reality having a well-known liberal bias.
Define “end”