I hope that my fellow Obots will not cast me out for lifting the veil of secrecy on the closely-guarded incantation of how to serve the President in his personal capacity. There has been an attempt to keep these dangerous weapons out of the hands of birthers like Orly Taitz and so, up until now, this information has only been available to the initiated in a classified federal court document, cryptically named “The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,” which is only available on a limited-access computer network called “The Internet.” It is not discussed publicly, but only whispered in the halls of certain elite institutions called “law schools.”
I am not a lawyer myself, but the information which I am about to disclose comes from one, who graduated from the University of the Pacific’s McGeorge School of Law and was in private practice as an attorney in California for 13 years. The following material pays special attention to the rules in force for federal district courts in California, where Orly Taitz is struggling mightily to achieve service on the President, but so far without success.
I am linking to the document, where the secret of serving the President of the United States in his personal capacity is detailed on Page 2, Line 14 through Page 3, Line 7. May God have mercy on my soul.
…and oily will probably read it, and STILL screw it up
she’s comedy gold!
OK, no ice cream at the annual Sorosfest for you, Doc!
“leaving a copy of each at the individual’s dwelling”
I can see Orly drop papers at one of the residences for “Harrison J Bounel” or “Barry Soetoro” that her public databases vomit forth and then claim she complied with the rules…
If I am not mistaken, Orly has given service in all three ways. She has tried to serve Obama in person but since he’s also the President it’s impossible to approach him. She’s tried to serve Obama at his place of residence or dwelling but no one will accept service there. And Orly has served Obama in number different ways by giving her suit to pretty much every person who might come in contact with Obama, lawyers, secartaries, Secret Service. All 3 ways have been tried. And apparently all three ways have failed.
“leaving a copy of each at the individual’s dwellingor usual place of abode with someone of suitable ageand discretion who resides there;”
Orly just did this. She went to Obama’s dwelling, or usual place of abode which 1600 PA AVE and left her suit with Secret Service who recide there. Obama has been serviced. However, Secret Service refused to accept it. In fact The Secret Service who should be knowledgable in the law about such things (threats against the President) told Orly differently than what Judge England told her – Serve through the US Attorney’s Office.
“Leaving a copy of each at the individual’s dwelling or usual place of abode with someone of suitable age and discretion who resides there;”
Well here is the proof – OBAMA HAS BEEN SERVED
Except that the intrepid process server didn’t “leave a copy”. Oops.
And herein is evidence that my publishing this information doesn’t help the birthers at all.
“Except that the intrepid process server didn’t “leave a copy”. Oops.”
Duh! He tried but Secret Service wouldn’t accept it. I guess Doc expects the process servicer to attack the Secret Service Agents and force his way into the White House to serve Obama.
“I attempted to Serve” means “Leave a Copy” but Secret Service won’t accept it or allow it.
Really John, this is totally getting dumber by the minute. Explain to me one very simple thing, if I was going to try to serve the President, I’d call up the President’s personal Attorney and get the info I need to properly serve him as a private citizen from her…which is where all that paperwork needs to be anyway. Why is it your intrepid attorney can’t figure even that simple task?
Forgive me, too, fellow Obots, for I am about to reveal another heavily guarded document that contains the sekrits to service of process on government personnel, even when sued in their personal capacities. It is so sekrit that I dare make only veiled disclosure by acronym.
Damn you
So what happened to John? Clearly, he has lost it. He used to be calm, post relatively thoughtfully (as one is able being a birther), and would post occasionally. He even suggested last year that once the election was over, the case was all but closed.
Something has apparently snapped. Did it take 4 months for the realization to hit John that President Obama was indeed elected to be a two term president, and that none of the flailings of the birther movement has resulted in his removal?
John is now spewing out multiple posts at once, lashing out, and in a sign of desperation I’ve never seen from him, lacing his tirades with WORDS IN ALL CAPS BECAUSE AS WE ALL KNOW USING ALL CAPS MAKES YOU RIGHT.
Kind of sad, really, if not unexpected. Birthers either quietly give up and slink away in the end, or they simply lose it. I guess our friend John has made his choice. Good luck with that bud.
I’m more puzzled as to why he keeps posting here. Will he gain adherents? No. Will he gain support? No. Does he advance his cause and case in the courts of jurisprudence or public opinion by posting here, sounding like an angry and spoiled child? No.
The only thing I can guess at is that he posts here because he gets something that he otherwise does not get anywhere in his life:
What day did they attempt service? What time? Who was the agent? Orly’s proof appears to be lacking some needed details.
Orly provided proof the she did not serve Obama on no particular date.
Could be, but my assumption is that he comes here to feel superior. He thinks that he is absolutely right and that we are all wrong, so he comes here to “school” us and to feel superior to the moronic “obots”.
That may be true. When john posts at ORYR, he is roundly ignored.
There were two birfer lawsuits in California last year in which the President responded in his capacity as a candidate. If I were Orly Taitz (which, THANKFULLY, I am not), I might contact one of the lawyers or plaintiffs from that case.
The birthers seem to think that none of us actually did listen to them, and examine their side of the story. But the fact is, some of us did compare and contrast BOTH sides of the story (which is what any fair, impartial, objective observer, especially a judge, should do). It was a valuable learning experience, even though in the end, they are not correct.
I followed all of their winding roads and weighed them against opposing claims. The birther story really began to unravel for me when they insisted that Obama could only be President if BOTH parents were born in the U.S.A. For awhile I entertained the notion that Obama could in theory have a dual allegiance, and return to Africa and claim citizenship. Dual citizenship is NOT a crime in America, so even in theory if for some period of his life he was a dual citizen, no crime was committed. The Indonesian “citizenship” status was a statement made by his mother on his school records. Such things were done when he was a minor child and the notion that Obama had somehow “sworn allegiance to Indonesia” (suggested by the birthers when his mother crossed his name off her passport records, implying he was granted one of his own) and forfeited his birthright to American citizenship is not a legally recognized concept. In fact I found it downright abusive of the birthers to imply that he was guilty of treason for acts committed by his mother while he was a child!
It’s true the media was very disrespectful to these birthers and would not let them argue their claims. But at some point their own research should have proven that they were mistaken. At some point they should have ceased in their persistence to make a wrong right. At some point they moved from being in mere theoretical error to actually misleading people. At some point the matter began to look like malice. Are the birthers utterly opposed to bi-racial marriage? When Orly wrote a letter to the President of Israel, was she hoping to incite a radical element that is opposed to bi-racial marriage? How is it that a naturalized citizen from Russia, who makes a stop in Israel, comes to America and presumes to overthrow the American government? Does she REALLY understand the meaning of the words traitor and treason?
Sadly, beautiful concepts such as the laws of nation were lost in this nastiness…all children of all nations naturally inherit the citizenship of their parents. This was never meant to be twisted into the vile form in which it was used here.
Yes, of course…I had forgotten about that. Radicals, birthers, and other loons regard themselves as being leading warriors, on the cutting edge of the “great crusade,” or the lone hero standing on the bridge, defending civilization against the Bolshevik Freemason bankster Satanic foe.
It’s their duty…DUTY…to speak out and confront their enemies, and either defeat them in battle or convert them to the great crusade, so that they fly into their arms as friends and allies, bringing with them money, arms, and proof of the enemy’s tyrannical deeds and plans.
It’s sort of like a gang of kids forcing another kid in their neigbhorhood to join their gang…or else.
By fighting us, he is waging war…all-out war…for the survival of the Holy Faith and Race.
I’d quite forgotten the grave import of his struggle…if I ever gave a flying frazzoo about it in the first place.
Well, that I wouldn’t know…what is ORYR? I’m playing catch-up ball on some of this stuff…unlike the “birthers,” I have a life.
“ORYR” is “Obama Release Your Records”–it’s a blog devoted to bither news and anti-Obama stuff. At the bottom of this page it’s listed (with a link) under what Dr. C. calls “The Ugly.” If you’re interested in what the average birther is thinking, ORYR is a good resource.
Sounds fairly frightening…I’ll take a look at it, but will avoid commenting there…sounds like one of those horrors that you can’t look at but can’t avoid…like a scene from “The Exorcist” or watching the World Trade Center get pulverized.
It also disturbs me at just how much craziness goes around in the world, and utter irrationality.
It only seems that way because the crazy are loud, and the very crazy are very loud. Plus obsessive people write obsessively.
What that means is that crazy and obsessive people have a much greater internet presence than their actual import would merit. That’s why they never can understand why there’s supposedly millions of them in comments, but only a half dozen ever show up to their protests.
That’s ORYR, for sure.
I feel for you, John.
I’m sitting here starving right now because I tried to order food from the laundrymat and they wouldn’t accept my order.
You are.
Did you fail to realize that you just contradicted your own claim? If he tried but the agent wouldn’t accept it, then he failed. QED.
It’s a pickle. 😆
This is true…the Internet has enabled the crazy and loud to reach a global audience, instead of just annoying the mailman when she comes to the door.
John puts his fingers in his ears and yells “I can’t hear you!” when he is told things which he doesn’t like.
So sez John:
(Oh, the irony)
It gets better.
John subpoenaed Dick Nixon?
What for?
This I’d like to see…as a Royal Navy officer wrote in an evaluation of a junior:
“His men would follow him anywhere, but only out of curiosity.”