The occasional open thread: Going green edition

This web site is going green, at least the hyperlinks are. Better to match the background color.

Post your Obama conspiracy comments here that are not related to the current articles. This thread will close in 2 weeks.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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99 Responses to The occasional open thread: Going green edition

  1. Stephen says:

    Time to start a new rumor re: President Obama.
    – As each new employee must show a valid Social Security card to fill out the I-9 form, and
    – Employers must verify the documents within 3 days of hiring an employee, and
    – We know that Barack Obama does not have a valid SS card,

    Then it stands to reason that:
    Prior to the expiration of the 3 days, President Obama issued a secret Executive Order directing the Office of Personnel Management to not require this information from the President.

    – If OPM is ignoring the requirement for the identification it would be because they were ordered to ignore it,
    – The person who could order such a thing is their boss, the President, and
    – We know that the Executive Order that issued that order is secret because we can’t see it on the web page listing all other Executive Orders.

    ** The I-9 may be completed using documents other than the SS card. I.e. no SS card is required.
    ** I love the circular logic about the secret EO. It starts with there had to be an EO to direct OPM. Then it goes to “we can’t see it on the web so it must be secret”. Then since we can’t see it that proves that there was a secret EO.

  2. richCares says:

    Stephan, where did you get that false crap. Obama filed many tax returns from when he was 17 to the present with that SSN, as you may know, if it was not his or valid, the form would be returned.
    How many of his tax forms have been returned, Silly Goose

  3. Daniel says:

    I think you’ve got a bit of Poe’s Law on your left cheek there richCares

  4. aesthetocyst says:

    If the President were our employee, as de birfers just love to assert, we could make him wear a funny paper hat, right?

  5. donna says:

    according to a H/T, hannity had a conversation with ted cruz on hannity’s radio show during which hannity concluded that cruz is a NBC

    om 3/9/2013, fox’s carl cameron said that cruz was not a NBC because he was born in canada and is “constitutionally ineligible”

    the video at about 2:58

  6. Northland10 says:

    There has to be some Birther rumor in changing your hyperlinks to green. By changing the color you have to hiding something, or mocking the them. Maybe your rubbing that “go green” in their face. It has to be something. Visual appearance of a website is not an area the Birthers would understand.

  7. gorefan says:

    donna: hannity concluded that cruz is a NBC

    For those wondering what Mario has been up to, in January he was bothering the Hispanic members of the GOP who were wondering about the eligiblity of Senator Cruz.

    and more recently (today),

  8. Majority Will says:

    gorefan: For those wondering what Mario has been up to, in January he was bothering the Hispanic members of the GOP who were wondering about the eligiblity of Senator Cruz.

    and more recently (today),

    That’s a serious spanking of the pathetic Putz.

  9. Northland10 says:

    Majority Will: That’s a serious spanking of the pathetic Putz.

    As is his way, once challenged with various facts, instead of making an argument, he starts tossing insults. He is so predictable.

  10. Arthur says:

    Since Obama’s reelection, I’ve noted that comments at ORYR have become crazier, and while the moderator of that site “aborts” anything critical of birtherism, comments that condemn the president, no matter how preposterous, are welcomed and get liked by readers. For example, here is this insane nugget quoted by poster, “Furtive Admirer” :

    “BHO was likely born of the seed of Michael Rockefeller and DNA extracted from the sarcophagus of Cleopatra, former two-time Queen of Egypt. There is overwhelming evidence that the technologies to create such a creature existed in Austria as far back as 1926, and was accomplished by 1952. Rockefeller’s faked disappearance in 1961, the alleged year that BHO was born, itself, a sequence of implausible events and cover ups, was designed to prevent anyone from ever learning the truth about available technologies and how those technologies were being used.”

  11. Interesting. I published a similar theory myself:

    Arthur: “BHO was likely born of the seed of Michael Rockefeller and DNA extracted from the sarcophagus of Cleopatra, former two-time Queen of Egypt.

  12. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Interesting. I published a similar theory myself:

    Yes, OK, but . . . have your studies ever uncovered this remarkable piece of information (also part of the original comment from “Furtive Admirer”)?

    “BHO’s actual birth records are hidden in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. The 2004 Indonesian tsunami was an artificial event orchestrated to blackmail officials into complying with his request to hide his birth records. The earthquake that spawned the tsunami that killed 146,000 occurred one day after a child sacrifice that occurred in Maryland on December 25, 2004, the 110th anniversary of the death of ‘Charles Rolla Payne,’ (another alias for a Rockefeller agent) and ‘Madelyn Dunham’s’ alleged father and BHO’s alleged great-grandfather. The infant sacrificed, ‘Renee L. Abena Obama,’ was BHO’s and lived 56 days. All of the numerology of these events symbolizes the number ’11,’ an Illuminati magical number symbolizing ‘the end of all things.'”

    There is crazy, and then there’s birther crazy.

  13. Kiwiwriter says:

    Since Obama’s reelection, I’ve noted thatcomments at ORYR have become crazier, and while the moderator of that site “aborts” anything critical of birtherism, comments that condemn the president, no matter how preposterous, are welcomed and get liked by readers. For example, here is this insane nugget quoted by poster, “Furtive Admirer” :

    “BHO was likely born of the seed of Michael Rockefeller and DNA extracted from the sarcophagus of Cleopatra, former two-time Queen of Egypt. There is overwhelming evidence that the technologies to create such a creature existed in Austria as far back as 1926, and was accomplished by 1952. Rockefeller’s faked disappearance in 1961, the alleged year that BHO was born, itself, a sequence of implausible events and cover ups, was designed to prevent anyone from ever learning the truth about available technologies and how those technologies were being used.”

    The more you lose, the more desperate and furious you get, I suppose.

    No, Orly is not doing this for attention or money. She is something a trice more dangerous. She is one of Eric Hoffer’s “True Believers.”

  14. Rickey says:


    There is crazy, and then there’s birther crazy.

    When I was a teenager I bought a book called “The Hollow Earth” which was advertised each week in the New York Times Book Review. The book’s thesis is that flying saucers come from a subterranean world which is accessible only through openings at the poles. I was intrigued by the fact that there were people in the latter half of the 20th century who actually believed such things.

    Little did I know.

  15. donna says:

    and with byron york, this makes 3 from the right regarding the eligibility of ted cruz

    hannity, in a tortured radio interview with ted cruz, concluded that he was eligible to be president

    fox’s carl cameron said cruz in ineligible because he was born in canada

    and now bryon york’s spokesman, Sean Rushton, from the right wing washington examiner:

    Sen. Cruz is a U.S. citizen by birth, having been born in Calgary to an American-born mother. He is focused entirely on his new role in the Senate, and on working every day to represent Texas and defend conservative principles in the Senate.”

    the conclusion from ORYR:

    Any talk about Cruz follows years of discussion about birthplace and presidential eligibility involving President Obama, Sen. John McCain, and Sen. Marco Rubio. The bottom line in the case of Cruz, who was born in Canada in 1970, is that his father was an immigrant from Cuba and not a U.S. citizen at the time of young Cruz’s birth, but his mother was born and raised in the United States. The law in effect then, and now, made Ted Cruz a U.S. citizen at birth. Although the drafters of the Constitution did not define what they meant when they required an American president to be a “natural born citizen,” it is generally thought that “citizen by birth” is the best modern-day equivalent. On that basis, Cruz appears entirely eligible — if he ever chooses to pursue the White House.

  16. Majority Will says:

    and with byron york, this makes 3 from the right regarding the eligibility of ted cruz

    hannity, in a tortured radio interview with ted cruz, concluded that he was eligible to be president

    fox’s carl cameron said cruz in ineligible because he was born in canada

    and now bryon york’s spokesman, Sean Rushton, from the right wing washington examiner:

    Sen. Cruz is a U.S. citizen by birth, having been born in Calgary to an American-born mother. He is focused entirely on his new role in the Senate, and on working every day to represent Texas and defend conservative principles in the Senate.”

    the conclusion from ORYR:

    Any talk about Cruz follows years of discussion about birthplace and presidential eligibility involving President Obama, Sen. John McCain, and Sen. Marco Rubio. The bottom line in the case of Cruz, who was born in Canada in 1970, is that his father was an immigrant from Cuba and not a U.S. citizen at the time of young Cruz’s birth, but his mother was born and raised in the United States. The law in effect then, and now, made Ted Cruz a U.S. citizen at birth. Although the drafters of the Constitution did not define what they meant when they required an American president to be a “natural born citizen,” it is generally thought that “citizen by birth” is the best modern-day equivalent. On that basis, Cruz appears entirely eligible — if he ever chooses to pursue the White House.

    Gee. Birther bigots are hypocrites. What a surprise.

  17. Keith says:

    Rickey: When I was a teenager I bought a book called “The Hollow Earth” which was advertised each week in the New York Times Book Review. The book’s thesis is that flying saucers come from a subterranean world which is accessible only through openings at the poles. I was intrigued by the fact that there were people in the latter half of the 20th century who actually believed such things.

    Little did I know.

    There are hundreds if not thousands of threads on “Above Top Secret” about hollow Earth, including one that just started a couple of days ago.

    ATS: What would happen if the Earth were hollow?

    You might need to start an account to see that, I’m not sure. Pick a weird username if you do. Real names are frowned on, and you don’t want some of these folks IDing you on other forums, I think.

    There’s lotsa laughs on ATS, but there are some really strange characters too; how much is put on and how much is real, who knows? It is entertainment at least. The guy that shot Gabby Giffords in Tucson was famous for being kicked off ATS for being too weird – quite an accomplishment.

  18. Keith says:

    Majority Will: Gee. Birther bigots are hypocrites. What a surprise.

    You are undoubtedly correct, but not with respect to this.

    The sentiments about Rubio are not ORYR’s sentiments. The words belong to Byron York and ORYR, after publishing his remarks, proceeds to disagree in no uncertain terms.

    I wish some bloggers would learn the value in distinguishing other people’s remarks from their own thoughts (I’m not talking about the Doc, he is impeccable). Style manuals are the bloggers friend.

  19. Majority Will says:

    Keith: You are undoubtedly correct, but not with respect to this.

    The sentiments about Rubio are not ORYR’s sentiments. The words belong to Byron York and ORYR, after publishing his remarks, proceeds to disagree in no uncertain terms.

    I wish some bloggers would learn the value in distinguishing other people’s remarks from their own thoughts (I’m not talking about the Doc, he is impeccable). Style manuals are the bloggers friend.

    I sit corrected. Thanks.

  20. G says:

    Woah…as you said, there is crazy and then there is Birther crazy… all I can say is at least this is a new whopper that I haven’t come across before. Beyond that, it is approaching the Mars/Time Travel Obama story in ludicrousness…

    Arthur: Yes, OK, but . . . have your studies ever uncovered this remarkable piece of information (also part of the original comment from “Furtive Admirer”)?

    “BHO’s actual birth records are hidden in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. The 2004 Indonesian tsunami was an artificial event orchestrated to blackmail officials into complying with his request to hide his birth records. The earthquake that spawned the tsunami that killed 146,000 occurred one day after a child sacrifice that occurred in Maryland on December 25, 2004, the 110th anniversary of the death of ‘Charles Rolla Payne,’ (another alias for a Rockefeller agent) and ‘Madelyn Dunham’s’ alleged father and BHO’s alleged great-grandfather. The infant sacrificed, ‘Renee L. Abena Obama,’ was BHO’s and lived 56 days. All of the numerology of these events symbolizes the number ’11,’ an Illuminati magical number symbolizing ‘the end of all things.’”

    There is crazy, and then there’s birther crazy.

  21. The Magic M says:

    Northland10: By changing the color you have to hiding something, or mocking the them.

    No, you don’t understand, the green colour is the secret code for “Attention all Obots, Obama is only days away from being frog* marched, so go hide in the mountains!”.

    (*) frogs are green, see?

  22. Plantmaster says:

    Arthur: Yes, OK, but . . . have your studies ever uncovered this remarkable piece of information (also part of the original comment from “Furtive Admirer”)?

    “BHO’s actual birth records are hidden in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. The 2004 Indonesian tsunami was an artificial event orchestrated to blackmail officials into complying with his request to hide his birth records. The earthquake that spawned the tsunami that killed 146,000 occurred one day after a child sacrifice that occurred in Maryland on December 25, 2004, the 110th anniversary of the death of ‘Charles Rolla Payne,’ (another alias for a Rockefeller agent) and ‘Madelyn Dunham’s’ alleged father and BHO’s alleged great-grandfather. The infant sacrificed, ‘Renee L. Abena Obama,’ was BHO’s and lived 56 days. All of the numerology of these events symbolizes the number ’11,’ an Illuminati magical number symbolizing ‘the end of all things.’”

    One question for “Furtive Admirer”: Did your parents have any children who graduated from kindergarten?

  23. Deborah says:

    Here’s a San Diego Grand Jury Report that does restore my faith in justice, although my same renewed faith was blown away when 14 out of 19 members resigned from the Grand Jury in our County, El Dorado County. The Grand Jury was dissolved under the distraction that a Grand Jury must have a minimum of 20 members.

  24. donna says:

    earlier i posted,

    with byron york, this makes 3 from the right regarding the eligibility of ted cruz

    hannity, in a tortured radio interview with ted cruz, concluded that he was eligible to be president

    fox’s carl cameron said cruz in ineligible because he was born in canada

    recently, bryon york’s spokesman, Sean Rushton, from the right wing washington examiner:

    Sen. Cruz is a U.S. citizen by birth, having been born in Calgary to an American-born mother. He is focused entirely on his new role in the Senate, and on working every day to represent Texas and defend conservative principles in the Senate.”

    yesterday, breitbart weighed in

    No one is certain what that (natural born citizen) means. Citizenship was primarily defined by each state when the Constitution was adopted. Federal citizenship wasn’t clearly established until the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified in 1868. The Constitution is not clear whether it means you must be born on U.S. soil, or instead whether you must be born a U.S. citizen.

    There’s never been a court case to decide this issue, and there are only a few law review articles written by professors. The only professor I know of who thinks Cruz in ineligible to run for president also said John McCain was ineligible to run for president because he was born on a U.S. Navy base in Panama. I don’t recall any media outlet reporting John McCain was ineligible to be president.

    The most likely meaning of the national-born clause is that you must have been an American citizen at birth, so that you would not have greater loyalty to some foreign nation. Cruz was born an American citizen, and has spent most of his life serving this nation with unabashed patriotism.

    If Cruz runs for the White House, then one of his opponents in the primary would have standing to sue in federal court to argue Cruz is ineligible. But the smart money would be on a court agreeing that Cruz is as eligible as anyone else who was born an American citizen.

  25. Scientist says:


    It’s really sad to see how you have been taken in by the dastardly Canadian Conspiracy. Canada has been scheming to retake what Canadians call “The Lost 50 Provinces” since 1776 or at least since 1812. When they burned Washington, only to discover that Americans all hate that city and were glad to see it in flames, they realized that they could not do so by military force. So, they adopted stealthier means, aided by the fact that no American can tell a Canadian from a Minnesotan.

    First, they sent William Shatner to imprison American youth in their parents’ basements watching endless old Star Trek re-runs. Then, they sent comedians like Mike Myers, John Candy and Lorne Michaels to incapacitate Americans with laughter. Next, they tried to corrupt Americans’ sense of seasons by putting NHL teams in places like Anaheim, Phoenix and Tampa and making them play into June. Finally, they tried to send their greasy, disgusting tar sands oil south, until the great patriot, Barack Obama stopped them.

    Now, they are trying to send a Canuck secret agent to take over the White House by pretending to be Hispanic. Everyone knows that Canada doesn’t have Hispanics. Oh, sure, they have Frenchies, but that just isn’t the same. Don’t be taken in by this.

  26. Keith says:


    It’s really sad to see how you have been taken in by the dastardly Canadian Conspiracy.Canada has been scheming to retake what Canadians call “The Lost 50 Provinces” since 1776 or at least since 1812.When they burned Washington, only to discover that Americans all hate that city and were glad to see it in flames, they realized that they could not do so by military force.So, they adopted stealthier means, aided by the factthat noAmerican can tell a Canadian from a Minnesotan.

    First, they sent William Shatner to imprison American youth in their parents’ basements watching endless old Star Trek re-runs.Then, they sent comedians like Mike Myers, John Candy and Lorne Michaels to incapacitate Americans with laughter.Next, they tried to corrupt Americans’ sense of seasons by putting NHL teams in places like Anaheim, Phoenix and Tampa and making them play into June.Finally, they tried to send their greasy, disgusting tar sands oil south, until the great patriot, Barack Obama stopped them.

    Now, they are trying to send a Canuck secret agent to take over the White House by pretending to be Hispanic.Everyone knows that Canada doesn’t have Hispanics.Oh, sure, they have Frenchies, but that just isn’t the same.Don’t be taken in by this.

    Someone had to say it. Well done.

    Myself, I have always missed the point of Gordon Lightfoot, jd lang, Leonard Cohen, and the like.

    Should I wear some sort of protective talisman when I see Neil Young on Friday?

  27. Scientist says:

    Keith: Myself, I have always missed the point of Gordon Lightfoot, jd lang, Leonard Cohen, and the like.

    Should I wear some sort of protective talisman when I see Neil Young on Friday?

    Yes, Canadians have made enormous contributions to the world of music. But how could you have left out the most significant Canadian musician of all? Come on, you know who I’m talking about… Justin Bieber

  28. donna says:

    Scientist & Keith: donna: It’s really sad …..

    i have not expressed an opinion regarding sending “a Canuck secret agent to take over the White House by pretending to be Hispanic.” i just posted conclusions from those on the right …. 3 fer and 1 agin

    i find it amusing that those on the right are going through all sorts of contortions trying to find rubio, jindal & cruz eligible when they would be considered ineligible if the three were democrats

    obama was certainly ineligible in birtherstan if he were born in kenya to an american mother and kenyan father

  29. Scientist says:

    donna: i have not expressed an opinion regarding sending “a Canuck secret agent to take over the White House by pretending to be Hispanic.”

    Do you have one? Do you think that’s OK or not OK? The US has tried to undermine Canada with bad movies, TV shows, music, etc. so maybe it’s only fair.

    As for eligibility, IMO whoever wins the election is automatically President, no matter where he/she was born or who his/her parents were. The clause really was only intended to bar European royals from being President.

  30. Daniel says:

    As one of my Canadian friends said. The Canadians wouldn’t send spies, last time we pissed them off they just set fire to the Whitehouse, a la 1812

  31. Kiwiwriter says:

    Rickey: When I was a teenager I bought a book called “The Hollow Earth” which was advertised each week in the New York Times Book Review. The book’s thesis is that flying saucers come from a subterranean world which is accessible only through openings at the poles. I was intrigued by the fact that there were people in the latter half of the 20th century who actually believed such things.

    Little did I know.

    Neo-Nazi nutter Ernst Zundel also wrote a book on the same subject. His lunacy was too much for Canada, so he fled to the United States illegally, and got himself caught. Shipped back to Canada, they shipped him back to his native Germany, who jailed him for spewing hate propaganda, and chipping off pieces of Auschwitz’s gas chamber illegally. He was a major lunar tune.

  32. Kiwiwriter says:

    As one of my Canadian friends said. The Canadians wouldn’t send spies, last time we pissed them off they just set fire to the Whitehouse, a la 1812

    Actually, while Canada DID win the War of 1812, preserving her independence from American aggression, Canadians did not burn down the White House…the British Army did, including one of my relatives. The joke in our family was that the British troops who burned down Washington took two hours and 15 minutes to do so…two hours of laughing their heads off at the massive buildings surrounded by forests and 15 minutes to burn the city down.

    But in the War of 1812, a British general, Sir Isaac Brock, leading Canadian forces, became the only foreign general to accept the surrender of an American city, intimidating US General William Hull into surrendering Detroit. Washington was not “surrendered.” I’m sure many American racists wish they could turn Detroit back over to Canada now.

    The Canadians have won four wars against the United States, preserving their independence in the American War of Independence in 1776, the War of 1812, the “Aroostook War” of the 1820s, in which the Americans mustered a large force to seize a chunk of the Maritime Provinces for Maine. The Canadians held the ground and the Americans wisely chose not to attack, but suffered 500 casualties to mosquitoes. The fourth war, in the 1840s, was over San Juan Island off British Columbia, which both the Canadians and Americans claimed.

    An American pig attacked crops in a Canadian farm, and the farmer shot it. This was a grave insult to American honor, so the Americans sent troops to one side of the island, and the British troops to the other side. They faced off for months, then cooler heads prevailed, and the Canadians kept the island, and the US troops left. The only casualty of this war was an American pig. Ultimately, arbitrators gave the island to the United States, and the site of the war is a US National Park Service site.

    So America has more to fear from Canada than Mexico, say I.

  33. Kiwiwriter says:


    It’s really sad to see how you have been taken in by the dastardly Canadian Conspiracy.Canada has been scheming to retake what Canadians call “The Lost 50 Provinces” since 1776 or at least since 1812.When they burned Washington, only to discover that Americans all hate that city and were glad to see it in flames, they realized that they could not do so by military force.So, they adopted stealthier means, aided by the factthat noAmerican can tell a Canadian from a Minnesotan.

    First, they sent William Shatner to imprison American youth in their parents’ basements watching endless old Star Trek re-runs.Then, they sent comedians like Mike Myers, John Candy and Lorne Michaels to incapacitate Americans with laughter.Next, they tried to corrupt Americans’ sense of seasons by putting NHL teams in places like Anaheim, Phoenix and Tampa and making them play into June.Finally, they tried to send their greasy, disgusting tar sands oil south, until the great patriot, Barack Obama stopped them.

    Now, they are trying to send a Canuck secret agent to take over the White House by pretending to be Hispanic.Everyone knows that Canada doesn’t have Hispanics.Oh, sure, they have Frenchies, but that just isn’t the same.Don’t be taken in by this.

    Don’t forget Ferguson Jenkins, the 1992-1993 World Champion Toronto Blue Jays, Raymond Massey, Raymond Burr, Fay Wray, MIchael J. Fox, Bruce Greenwood, Jimmy Doohan, Ron Taylor, and the 1965 Northeastern blackout.

  34. Keith says:

    Keith: Myself, I have always missed the point of Gordon Lightfoot, jd lang, Leonard Cohen, and the like.

    Should I wear some sort of protective talisman when I see Neil Young on Friday?

    I think I should point out that my comment above was pure nonsense. I am a big fan of all those folks (and other Canadians as well) and of course I inexcusably left off the other obvious Canadian superstar Joni Mitchell. (well I can’t really say I’m a ‘huge’ fan of kd lang, but her ‘Hymns of the 49th Parallel’ is a masterpiece).

    Reviews of the Neil Young and Crazyhorse concerts at earlier tour dates in Brisbane and Sydney indicate that my Friday night concert is going to be a kick ass event. Pardon me if I don’t surface until Sunday, won’t you.

  35. Keith says:

    As one of my Canadian friends said. The Canadians wouldn’t send spies, last time we pissed them off they just set fire to the Whitehouse, a la 1812

    Yeah, well, 200 years later and Orly is trying to get the Royal Mountain Police pissed off at us now.

  36. Keith says:

    Kiwiwriter: Actually, while Canada DID win the War of 1812,

    Actually, nobody won the War of 1812. It was called of due to lack of interest on all sides. There were losers though, mainly the American First Nations and especially Tecumsah’s Indian Confederation.

    One of my best friends lives in the City of Pakenham, Victoria (an outer regional suburb of Melbourne), named after the British General killed at the Battle of New Orleans and mentioned in Jimmy Driftwood’s original lyrics for “The Battle of New Orleans”. Driftwood has Andrew Jackson refer to General Sir Edward Pakenham derisively as ‘Colonel’.

    Well the French told Andrew, “You had better run
    For Packenham’s a=comin’ with a bullet in his gun.”
    Old Hickory said he didn’t give a damn
    He’s a-gonna whup the britches off of Colonel Packenham.

  37. The Magic M says:

    Kiwiwriter: Neo-Nazi nutter Ernst Zundel also wrote a book on the same subject.

    Theories of “Nazi flying saucers” and even “Nazi aliens” [inspiring this game: are quite popular among the Neo-Nazis over here. It’s their specific version of “any day now”, dreaming that “soon” those Übermenschen with their über-technology will come and save their day.
    Google “Neuschwabenland” if you’re interested.

    Kiwiwritershipped him back to his native Germany, who jailed him for spewing hate propaganda

    Denying the Holocaust is illegal over here, 130, 189, 194 of the Criminal Code.

  38. Scientist says:

    Kiwiwriter: Actually, while Canada DID win the War of 1812, preserving her independence from American aggression, Canadians did not burn down the White House…the British Army did, including one of my relatives. The joke in our family was that the British troops who burned down Washington took two hours and 15 minutes to do so…two hours of laughing their heads off at the massive buildings surrounded by forests and 15 minutes to burn the city down.

    It should be noted that the burning of Washington was not an unprovoked act. In fact, it was done in retaliation for the Americans having burnt York (present day Toronto) a few months before.

    There are still some boundary issues between the US and Canada, in the Arctic. The first involves the North West Passage, which, as a result of climate change, will likely be passable for part of most years. Canada considers it to be territorial waters, since it passes through archipelagos that belong to Canada. The US and other countries consider it an international strait, like Hormuz, Malacca and Gibraltar.

    The second involves the method used to extend the Alaska-Yukon border to the North Pole. Since this determines ownership of offshore oil in the Beaufort Sea, it may not be a trivial matter.

  39. Welsh Dragon says:

    Kiwiwriter: The fourth war, in the 1840s, was over San Juan Island off British Columbia, which both the Canadians and Americans claimed.
    An American pig attacked crops in a Canadian farm, and the farmer shot it. This was a grave insult to American honor, so the Americans sent troops to one side of the island, and the British troops to the other side. They faced off for months, then cooler heads prevailed, and the Canadians kept the island, and the US troops left. The only casualty of this war was an American pig. Ultimately, arbitrators gave the island to the United States, and the site of the war is a US National Park Service site.

    Actually it was in 1859 and the pig was Canadian, the farmer American.

  40. ASK Esq says:

    I just found something interesting although, I admit, not probative of anything. I’m also not sure if anyone else has ever posted this. This was on the Straight Dope forum back in 2002, someone was questioning whether, as they were born on a US Army base in Germany, if they’d be eligible for President. The comments on that point all said that natural born meant born a citizen. Interestingly (not really, I know), none of them said you needed to have two citizen parents if you were born in the US. Just further evidence that the Vattel theory is not only nonsense, it is recent nonsense.

  41. Kiwiwriter says:

    Welsh Dragon: Actually it was in 1859 and the pig was Canadian, the farmer American.

    Thanks…I couldn’t remember the details when I wrote that…I didn’t have my NPS guide at hand. I just remember the big thing being that the war’s only casualty was a pig.

  42. Kiwiwriter says:

    Keith: I think I should point out that my comment above was pure nonsense. I am a big fan of all those folks (and other Canadians as well) and of course I inexcusably left off the other obvious Canadian superstar Joni Mitchell. (well I can’t really say I’m a ‘huge’ fan of kd lang, but her ‘Hymns of the 49th Parallel’ is a masterpiece).Reviews of the Neil Young and Crazyhorse concerts at earlier tour dates in Brisbane and Sydney indicate that my Friday night concert is going to be a kick ass event. Pardon me if I don’t surface until Sunday, won’t you.

    So am I…I’ve been collecting Canadian postage stamps for 35 years, so I know just enough about Canada and its history to be dangerous…Canada is NOT the 51sts through 57th states.

    The US was founded on the philosophy of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

    Canada was founded on the philosophy of “peace, order, and good government.”

    Totally different theories.

    I learned all this from reading two of my favorite Canadian historians, Pierre Berton and Mark Zuehlke.

  43. Kiwiwriter says:

    Keith: Actually, nobody won the War of 1812. It was called of due to lack of interest on all sides. There were losers though, mainly the American First Nations and especially Tecumsah’s Indian Confederation.One of my best friends lives in the City of Pakenham, Victoria (an outer regional suburb of Melbourne), named after the British General killed at the Battle of New Orleans and mentioned in Jimmy Driftwood’s original lyrics for “The Battle of New Orleans”. Driftwood has Andrew Jackson refer to General Sir Edward Pakenham derisively as ‘Colonel’.Well the French told Andrew, “You had better runFor Packenham’s a=comin’ with a bullet in his gun.”Old Hickory said he didn’t give a damnHe’s a-gonna whup the britches off of Colonel Packenham.

    I would agree that both sides lost interest…the reason the Americans declared war on Britain was outdated by the time the Americans voted on the declaration…the British stopped impressing American sailors on the high seas. Once the issues of territory possession were dropped at the negotiations at Ghent (both sides agreed to status quo ante bellum), they had little left to fight about…just whether or not American fishermen could dry their cures on Canadian shores, and the possession of some islands in Passamaquoddy Bay in Maine. They didn’t seem worth fighting over, so they were dropped from the final treaty.

    At the same time, the British had to deal with major crises at home, in the form of the Corsican Ogre.

    What the war did do was solidify the independence and nationhood of both the US and Canada, as Walter Lord pointed out for the United States in “The Dawn’s Early Light” and Pierre Berton for Canada in “Flames Across the Border.” The Americans enjoyed the heady victories at Baltimore, New Orleans, and the high seas over the British, while the Canadians enjoyed the heady victories of Lundy’s Lane and Queenston Heights over the American aggressors. The British enjoyed stomping Napoleon bloody. America was a sideshow.

    One of the biggest things that came out of the War of 1812 was America’s National Anthem, which can only be sung by Robert Merrill, US Navy Musicians, and some of the singers we use in Newark for events.

    200 years later, the Canadians are celebrating the War of 1812 more than the Americans, I’ve noticed.

  44. Kiwiwriter says:

    The Magic M: Theories of “Nazi flying saucers” and even “Nazi aliens” [inspiring this game: are quite popular among the Neo-Nazis over here. It’s their specific version of “any day now”, dreaming that “soon” those Übermenschen with their über-technology will come and save their day.Google “Neuschwabenland” if you’re interested.Denying the Holocaust is illegal over here, 130, 189, 194 of the Criminal Code.

    Neo-Nazis are about as exactly annoying as “Birthers,” and I’m sure that a lot of neo-Nazis are also “birthers” and vice versa.

    I’d say your neo-Nazis in Germany have been consuming the methamphetamine that American neo-Nazis produce to support their operations.

  45. Kiwiwriter says:

    Scientist: It should be noted that the burning of Washington was not an unprovoked act. In fact, it was done in retaliation for the Americans having burnt York (present day Toronto) a few months before.There are still some boundary issues between the US and Canada, in the Arctic. The first involves the North West Passage, which, as a result of climate change, will likely be passable for part of most years. Canada considers it to be territorial waters, since it passes through archipelagos that belong to Canada. The US and other countries consider it an international strait, like Hormuz, Malacca and Gibraltar.The second involves the method used to extend the Alaska-Yukon border to the North Pole. Since this determines ownership of offshore oil in the Beaufort Sea, it may not be a trivial matter.

    Absolutely right…American troops burned down York (Toronto), so my rellies had to avenge that misdeed.

    At least the US-Canada border debates of today are not likely to be argued with gunfire. I seem to recall that Michigan and Ohio settled the fate of a peninsula both claimed on the outcome of a football game between two universities, one from each state.

  46. The Magic M says:

    Kiwiwriter: Neo-Nazis are about as exactly annoying as “Birthers,”

    I am more worried about the former, given they are usually the actual violent kind, not the keyboard heroes birtherism is comprised of (old Neo-Nazis qualify as the latter, but there’s a number of young ones running around who are not afraid of anything, including armed left-wingers).

    Making fun of birthers is like poking a sedated elephant with a small stick.
    Making fun of Neo-Nazis is like slapping a lion in the face.

  47. ASK Esq says:

    Kiwiwriter: One of the biggest things that came out of the War of 1812 was America’s National Anthem, which can only be sung by Robert Merrill, US Navy Musicians, and some of the singers we use in Newark for events.

    You dare impugn the great John Amirante (in many years the best part of attending Rangers games at MSG)? Typical Jerseyite. This means war! Anyone got a pig?

  48. Kiwiwriter says:

    ASK Esq: You dare impugn the great John Amirante (in many years the best part of attending Rangers games at MSG)? Typical Jerseyite. This means war! Anyone got a pig?

    Not a hockey fan, but I have seen John Amirante at Yankee games, and yes, he does an excellent rendition of the National Anthem. Won’t argue with you there. Forgot about him.

    I have been to so many baseball games over the decades, and done so many events with the City of Newark and the Navy, that I’ve lost track of so many National Anthem singers.

    I only remember the really lousy ones: Mary O’Dowd, who butchered the Canadian National Anthem on “Baseball Thursday” on September 12, 1985, in front of Canadian Consul-General Kenneth Taylor (of hostage crisis fame), and a girl named Rachael Louise Minke, who hosed it up before a Met game. She was aged 15 or so, being hauled around by handlers, a Trilby with Svengalis.

  49. Kiwiwriter says:

    The Magic M: I am more worried about the former, given they are usually the actual violent kind, not the keyboard heroes birtherism is comprised of (old Neo-Nazis qualify as the latter, but there’s a number of young ones running around who are not afraid of anything, including armed left-wingers).Making fun of birthers is like poking a sedated elephant with a small stick.Making fun of Neo-Nazis is like slapping a lion in the face.

    I would agree with you there…neo-Nazis have caused all kinds of chaos here in America, too, killing innocent people, running meth-dealing rings, and building compounds, where paranoid violent ex-con security guards mistake backfiring cars for the “New World Order” attack and chase innocent families down the road, firing guns at them. Horrible people.

  50. G says:

    Good find! Interesting…

    ASK Esq:
    I just found something interesting although, I admit, not probative of anything. I’m also not sure if anyone else has ever posted this. This was on the Straight Dope forum back in 2002, someone was questioning whether, as they were born on a US Army base in Germany, if they’d be eligible for President. The comments on that point all said that natural born meant born a citizen. Interestingly (not really, I know), none of them said you needed to have two citizen parents if you were born in the US. Just further evidence that the Vattel theory is not only nonsense, it is recent nonsense.

  51. NewsHounds reports Fox News allaying concerns over the natural born citizenship of Sen. Ted Cruz against birther objections, while they fanned fears over Obama’s eligibility.

    Duh. It’s Fox News. What would you expect? Fair and balanced?

  52. HKL (Keith away from home) says:

    Kiwiwriter: I’d say your neo-Nazis in Germany have been consuming the methamphetamine that American neo-Nazis produce to support their operations.

    The Greeks are acting up too, they’re called “The Golden Dawn” there.

  53. Kiwiwriter says:

    HKL (Keith away from home): The Greeks are acting up too, they’re called “The Golden Dawn” there.

    The “Golden Dawn” clowns set up a branch office in Queens in New York City. I don’ t think they’ll find too many adherents there.

  54. HKL (Keith away from home) says:

    Kiwiwriter: The “Golden Dawn” clowns set up a branch office in Queens in New York City. I don’ t think they’ll find too many adherents there.

    The Aussie Greek paper “Neos Kosmos” reported that a Greek journalist followed the Golden Dawn around for months and has them on film talking about gas chambers and making soap and lampshades – openly – this was their official candidates running for office and speechifying at political rallies. The doco was broadcast on Greek TV and the GD dismissed their remarks as ‘joking around with the journalist’.

  55. The Magic M says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: NewsHounds reports Fox News allaying concerns over the natural born citizenship of Sen. Ted Cruz against birther objections, while they fanned fears over Obama’s eligibility.

    Poetic justice – they’ve opened Pandora’s box, now it might actually cost them the next election because their wingnut base will object to the likes of Cruz, Jindal and Rubio.

  56. Thinker says:

    I see some tweets saying Orly Taitz has been spotted at CPAC, I’ll bet she’s chasing after members of Congress with her subpoenas and stipulation agreements. I hope her wig and eyelashes are glued on tightly. Maybe she’ll be doing some citizens’ arresting of all the people there who are committing treason.

    I wonder if her DC BFF Tracy Fair is with her?

  57. Jim says:

    The Magic M: Poetic justice – they’ve opened Pandora’s box, now it might actually cost them the next election because their wingnut base will object to the likes of Cruz, Jindal and Rubio.

    It’s going to be funny watching these birthers if the next election cycle for President does not have any Caucasian males running for either of the major parties. Talk about a bigot meltdown!!! 😀

  58. Kiwiwriter says:

    HKL (Keith away from home): The Aussie Greek paper “Neos Kosmos” reported that a Greek journalist followed the Golden Dawn around for months and has them on film talking about gas chambers and making soap and lampshades – openly – this was their official candidates running for office and speechifying at political rallies. The doco was broadcast on Greek TV and the GD dismissed their remarks as ‘joking around with the journalist’.

    That’s common with all these neo-Nazis…they spout the most inflammatory and hateful rhetoric possible, and when called on it, they backpedal fast and furious, saying they are joking, merely venting, not serious, and generally hide behind the First Amendment.

    They want to cold-bloodedly butcher all the Jews, gays, blacks, women, the bullies who beat them up in middle school, the annoying radio talk show hosts who make them look stupid, government officials, girls who refused to date them, but they’re not serious about it…oh, no….

  59. Kiwiwriter says:

    Thinker: I see some tweets saying Orly Taitz has been spotted at CPAC, I’ll bet she’s chasing after members of Congress with her subpoenas and stipulation agreements. I hope her wig and eyelashes are glued on tightly. Maybe she’ll be doing some citizens’ arresting of all the people there who are committing treason. I wonder if her DC BFF Tracy Fair is with her?

    Can’t wait to see the You Tube video of her getting tased by security….

  60. Jim says:

    Kiwiwriter: Can’t wait to see the You Tube video of her getting tased by security….

    Here’s a pic of her there

    And here are some more pics–politics.html

  61. J.D. Sue says:

    For our further amusement, Taitz has filed an “Ex Parte Application to Correct the Filing and File Corrected First Amended Complaint.” In other words, she is seeking leave to file a second amended complaint, without calling it a Second Amended Complaint. Why is she is doing it ex parte? She doesn’t say. Maybe it is because the U.S. Government’s motion to dismiss expressly stated in footnote 3 that it would object to the filing of any further amended complaint…

    Evidently, over a month after we all noticed she had filed a two-part First Amended Complaint consisting of two essentially identical parts–and after the defendants filed a motion to dismiss, and after she filed a brief in opposition to the motion to dismiss–she just noticed that the purported real second half was never filed. Her present Ex Parte Application essentially argues that this put the defendants at a disadvantage–how could they file a proper response when they didn’t get a chance to read the real part two because it had never been filed? Accordingly, she seeks leave to “correct” the filing lest defendants remain unable to file a proper response pleading. How considerate….and she didn’t even call them fraudulent conspiratorial traitors…

  62. Northland10 says:

    J.D. Sue:
    For our further amusement, Taitz has filed an “Ex Parte Application to Correct the Filing and File Corrected First Amended Complaint.”

    And served Barack Obama through the Assistant US Attorney Olsen.

  63. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    J.D. Sue:
    For our further amusement, Taitz has filed an “Ex Parte Application to Correct the Filing and File Corrected First Amended Complaint.

    Eh, at this point Orly is like the Nintendo Wii. Yeah, she’s still around, and still active, but no one gives a #@$% at this point.
    She’s no longer even the slightest bit amusing, and like the Wii, I’ve opted to ignore her in favor of smartphone games.

  64. G says:

    Wow…it certainly is clear that Orly will do anything, just so she can keep adding new filings to her cases…

    J.D. Sue:
    For our further amusement, Taitz has filed an “Ex Parte Application to Correct the Filing and File Corrected First Amended Complaint.”In other words, she is seeking leave to file a second amended complaint, without calling it a Second Amended Complaint. Why is she is doing it ex parte?She doesn’t say.Maybe it is because the U.S. Government’s motion to dismiss expressly stated in footnote 3 that it would object to the filing of any further amended complaint…

    Evidently, over a month after we all noticed she had filed a two-part First Amended Complaint consisting of two essentially identical parts–and after the defendants filed a motion to dismiss, and after she filed a brief in opposition to the motion to dismiss–she just noticed that the purported real second half was never filed.Her present Ex Parte Application essentially argues that this put the defendants at a disadvantage–how could they file a proper response when they didn’t get a chance to read the real part two because it had never been filed?Accordingly, she seeks leave to “correct” the filing lest defendants remain unable to file a proper response pleading.How considerate….and she didn’t even call them fraudulent conspiratorial traitors…

  65. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I’m sure she’ll stop once it starts cutting into her kilo-a-day crack habit.

  66. The Magic M says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: She’s no longer even the slightest bit amusing, and like the Wii, I’ve opted to ignore her in favor of smartphone games.

    I still like myself some OrWii every now and then… 😉

  67. Arthur says:

    In a letter to a birther constituent, Idaho Senator Mike Crapo (R) clearly explains why Barack Obama is a natural-born citizen and why birther legal arguments are meritless. Interestingly, he also says that a child, if born abroad, needs two American citizen parents in order to be an NBC. This means, of course, that he doesn’t believe that Senator Ted Cruz is eligible to be president.

    Crapo is wrong about Cruz, isn’t he?

  68. Paul Pieniezny says:

    I cannot find the place where I and someone living in Germany were discussing Merkel birthers, but there has been a new development:

    The English Wikipedia article about her has long stated that she had claimed to be a quarter Polish, but that it was unclear why. So, now it turns out her grandfather was born in Poznan and in 1930 germanized the family’s name. To add insult to injury, the Polish name may suggest Belarusian descent.

    For those who do not understand German, many of the comments on the Spiegel article sound a lot like disparaging comments by US birfers about Obama. No reference to whether she was really born in Western Germany, but rather about a mysterious Stasi agent Erika who some claim was Angela Merkel, and how funny it was that she met her first husband at a meeting to welcome Russian students (the argument being that she must have studied in Russia herself, which is then connected to the possibility that she was a member of the agitpro section of the communist youth organisation). One Merkelbirfer actually wonders “How is it possible that neither German nor foreign newspapers ever looked into all this?” Answer by am Mbot: “Two possibilities a) Merkel has all these newspapers and journalists in her pocket and “gleichgeschaltet” [a notorious term from nazi days, meaning aligning them in the same direction] or b) “da ist nichts dran”, there is nothing to it.

    Merkel is not the only one who shares this with Obama. Even Putin has his “birthers”. In his case it has been claimed that he may have been born in Russia, but lived elsewhere during most of his early youth. And where would that have been? Georgia, of course. Considering all that happened recently between Russia and (European) Georgia, that would be quite paradoxical, but of course, like with Obama and Merkel, da ist nichts dran.

  69. donna says:


    crapo certainly hit all of the high notes – his response was comprehensive and much better than many of the boilerplate letters to constituents i have seen thus far

  70. Arthur says:

    donna: crapo certainly hit all of the high notes – his response was comprehensive and much better than many of the boilerplate letters to constituents i have seen thus far

    I agree; his letter is fact-based and persuasive. This, naturally, has outraged the people at ORYR.

  71. Yes, he blew that one. Only one citizen parent is necessary for a child is born abroad.

    Arthur: Crapo is wrong about Cruz, isn’t he?

  72. Arthur says:

    Reality Check: Yes, he blew that one. Only one citizen parent is necessary for a child is born abroad.

    That was my understanding, too. I’m really surprised that a United States Senator would make that kind of mistake, especially considering that the letter was competently researched in other areas and because he has the Congressional Research Service, etc., at this disposal. I imagine, though, that this letter was probably written by a staff member.

  73. Daniel says:

    You have to admit it was better than most.

    I give him an 8 out of 10.

    2 out of 10 from the Moldovan Judge lol

  74. Keith says:

    J.D. Sue: For our further amusement, Taitz has filed an “Ex Parte Application to Correct the Filing and File Corrected First Amended Complaint.”

    Since IANAL, I finally got around to asking Mr. Google about what the heck ‘Ex Parte’ means.

    He directed me to Ms. Wikipedia, where I found this definition:

    Ex parte /ˌɛks ˈpɑrtiː/ is a Latin legal term meaning “from (by or for) one party”. An ex parte decision is one decided by a judge without requiring all of the parties to the controversy to be present. In Australian, Canadian, U.K., South African, Indian and U.S. legal doctrines, ex parte means a legal proceeding brought by one person in the absence of and without representation or notification of other parties. It is also used more loosely to refer to improper unilateral contacts with a court, arbitrator or represented party without notice to the other party or counsel for that party.

    and this further detail:

    In the State of California, ex parte proceedings are available if notice is given before 10 a.m. the previous court day, or even shorter upon showing of emergency need.[1] As most California courts hold law and motion hearings in the early morning, this notice is typically confirmed by facsimile although oral notice may be effective. Some courts have procedures to allow opponents to appear telephonically, while other courts do not allow any oral argument and only consider written papers.[2]A party who files an ex parte application must file a declaration showing compliance with these requirements, and no relief may be granted absent such declaration.[3]In addition to the notice requirements, an ex parte application must contain an affirmative actual showing in a declaration based on personal knowledge of “irreparable harm, immediate danger, or any other statutory basis for granting relief ex parte.”[

    So I guess what I want to know now is does ‘ex parte’ mean what Orly thinks it means? Or is she correctly calling her ‘stuff’ a ‘legal proceeding brought by one person in the absence of and without representation or notification of other parties’? As in she hasn’t properly served anybody about anything therefor it is all ‘ex parte’?.

  75. J.D. Sue says:

    Keith: Since IANAL, I finally got around to asking Mr. Google about what the heck ‘Ex Parte’ means.

    He directed me to Ms. Wikipedia, where I found this definition:

    and this further detail:

    So I guess what I want to know now is does ‘ex parte’ mean what Orly thinks it means? Or is she correctly calling her ‘stuff’ a ‘legal proceeding brought by one person in the absence of and without representation or notification of other parties’? As in she hasn’t properly served anybody about anything therefor it is all ‘ex parte’?.


    Hard to say what Orly thinks/means, especially since this case is such a procedural mess. If she had an articulable reason for bringing it ex parte, her motion should have set forth that reason. But, notably, the US and California attorneys have filed motions to dismiss her complaint, so it would be ludicrous to argue that she cannot serve those same attorneys with her latest petition to amend that complaint.

  76. Northland10 says:

    J.D. Sue: —-
    Hard to say what Orly thinks/means, especially since this case is such a procedural mess.

    If it were not a procedural mess, it would not be OrlyLaw.

  77. Paul Pieniezny says:

    J.D. Sue: Hard to say what Orly thinks/means, especially since this case is such a procedural mess. If she had an articulable reason for bringing it ex parte, her motion should have set forth that reason. But, notably, the US and California attorneys have filed motions to dismiss her complaint, so it would be ludicrous to argue that she cannot serve those same attorneys with her latest petition to amend that complaint.

    Ludicrous? IANAL, but I think I have followed the Birfer Queen long enough to know that however ludicrous it is, she is actually using the term “ex parte” for that very reason.

    Having read only half of the complaint, the opposing attorneys have already filed to dismiss it. In Orly’s mind, this means they do not really need the rest of the pleading – come on, they would only find additional reasons to dismiss, amend their own motions to dismiss, causing even more delay, and this is after all, a constitutional crisis of biblical proportions.

    Ex parte has the extra benefit for Taitz that the judge may be led to think that he is the only one who received an incomplete version. Of course, we all know this is not so, because the second amended complaint was not served on anybody yet. Oops.

    Of course, if after this filing, which should properly be called Third Amended Complaint, she again serves Obama in his official capacity, that means Obama will have to answer somewhere in May.

  78. It’s obvious to me that the reason that she filed “ex parte” is that the lawyers on the other side did, so it must be a cool lawyer thing, and she copied it. It’s just like her trying to remove her case to federal court in California, after defendants in Mississippi did it to her, not realizing that plaintiffs can’t remove cases. She copied “quo warranto” and who knows what else. I hesitate to use the phrase, but “monkey see, monkey do” comes to mind.

    Paul Pieniezny: Ludicrous? IANAL, but I think I have followed the Birfer Queen long enough to know that however ludicrous it is, she is actually using the term “ex parte” for that very reason.

  79. J.D. Sue says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: it must be a cool lawyer thing

    … so cool and so latiny…

  80. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Doc do you remember the back and forth lupin had with a birther where Lupin identified himself and further explained vattel? I think that whole section should be in the featured comments section.

  81. Deborah says:

    As an aside, but related to the general-topic-as-a-whole and because frankly there is no other sensible place to put this- here’s a link, plus kudos and stars to Arizona for leading the movement to bust fake I.D. holders and illegal immigrants. I am now trembling in my boots as this is very convincing evidence that the President will be next!

  82. Deborah says:

    I should have added a more intriguing and alluring lead in to that link: The Maricopa County Taco Shop Bust.

  83. Majority Will says:

    “Conspiracy theories are a coping mechanism for a segment of this nation that can’t accept the reality that they will no longer be in power. This refusal to accept change has led them to look for conspiracies and excuses. Obama conspiracies offer them hope for the future. If the Obama presidency is a conspiracy, it would mean that their power hasn’t been stolen from them. If the Obama presidency is a conspiracy, America isn’t changing and they haven’t been rejected.

    The Obama conspiracies are a form of denial. Each new conspiracy represents another refusal to face reality. As much as the the white, far right hates Obama for his policies, they hate him even more because he represents their growing irrelevance.”


  84. Paper says:

    Was that Dr. Conspiracy’s survivalist “brother” on Monday night’s Bones?

    Sweets: “It won’t be easy to get Dr. Apocalypse to talk.”

    After the FBI blows open the bunker, a man climbing out proclaims: “I’m Dr. Apocalypse. I can explain everything!”

    Later in the lab, Hodgkins notes: “Thank God I am a conspiracy theorist and not a doomsday hysteric.”

  85. The Magic M says:

    Arthur: I’m really surprised that a United States Senator would make that kind of mistake

    A couple of months ago, a German TV magazine asked several high-ranked politicians some basic legal, financial and political questions (such as what their party’s official stance on a certain kind of tax was, or what the price of 1 liter of milk was, or who would be authorized to declare war (or “state of defense”, as it is called in newspeak)) . Many of them failed miserably.

  86. donna says:

    oreilly: to be fair to the president, it would be helpful to know how much the government subsidized his climb to the top

    helpful to whom?

    is it now “fair” to disclose how candidates received a leg up?

    perhaps oreliiy should support a constitutional amendment mandating that all candidates disclose their affirmative action help – MEN are now receiving thumbs on the scale in college acceptances – women are overpowering them on the applications alone – palin’s entire family receives affirmation action benefits due to todd’s alaska native status

    oreilly should remember “no irish need apply”: In the late 1840s, a massive wave of immigration from Ireland came to America’s shores as the Irish sought to escape the great Famine. Like other immigrant groups who would follow them, the Irish were not welcomed with open arms. Their religion was mistrusted, and they met open disdain. Many times they were excluded from economic opportunities and encountered signs that said, “No Irish need apply.”

  87. donna says:

    as a follow-up, orly says: Do you believe O’Reilly knows that the case is ready to brake, which caused him to suddenly flip and start demanding Obama’s college records? Call O’Reilly and demand that he calls for the original application for the Connecticut SSN 042-68-4425 that Obama is fraudulently using and for the original BC and Selective service certificate

    3/19 Ted Cruz Responds To Birther Concerns Floated By Sean Hannity

    “Are you eligible to run for president? You were born in Canada,” Hannity asked.

    Cruz attempted to downplay the question and turned to his work “defending the Constitution” in the Senate.

    But Hannity went on to note that while while Cruz was born in Canada to a Cuban father, Cruz’s mother was a U.S. citizen, which led Cruz to agree that he was, in fact, a U.S. “citizen by birth.”

    His camp has responded to prior questions about his birthplace and presidential eligibility by stating that his mother’s citizenship makes him a “U.S. citizen by birth.”

    Under the Constitution, eligibility for holding the office of the president requires the candidate to be a “natural-born” citizen. While the term is not defined concretely, birther conspiracy theorists have long insisted that President Barack Obama isn’t eligible to be president because of their belief that he was born in Kenya, a claim they’ve argued would disqualify him regardless of his mother’s U.S. citizenship. While Obama was in fact born in Hawaii, it appears that Cruz could be susceptible to the same kind of scrutiny that Obama has faced if he decides to run for president.

    Hannity predicted that Democrats might use Cruz’s Canadian birthplace against him in the future, saying that he heard “birther cries building on the left.”

  88. Arthur says:

    OK. My mind is now officially blown. This video . . . reveals SO much. A conspiracy of imperial proportions. Finally, all the dots are being connected. You’ve got to watch it:

  89. The Magic M says:

    More Vattelism madness at “h2ooflife”:

    I left this comment (reposted here b/c I don’t know how long it’ll survive over there):

    > If it was, and if natural born citizens were considered indistinguishable from native-born citizens of foreign paternity, then the eligibility clause could have and would have been worded in a much more simple manner; i.e.; “No citizen naturalized after the adoption of this Constitution shall be eligible to the office of the President,…

    OTOH, if simplicity was the goal, why didn’t they say “Only native-born citizens with two citizen parents are eligible”?

    > So if it wasn’t naturalized citizens that those words were intended to exclude, -since they were covered by the “or” segment

    The intention of the “or” segment was not to exclude naturalized citizens, it was to *include* citizens born at a time when there were no United States (since they couldn’t possibly be retroactively declare “native-born”).

    Also, your redundancy argument is flawed from the get-go. The Constitution does not exclude people from eligibility, it *includes* people.
    And it *includes* two classes: natural-born citizens and those who were citizens in 1787 (the classes obviously being disjoint).
    There is no redundancy in saying “no-one except A and B”. You cannot then claim because B excludes C, A must have some magical different meaning because it also excludes C.

    “No-one except redheads and blondes” does not mean “redheads” is somehow redundant w.r.t. brown-haired people because “blondes” already excludes brown-haired people, and therefore “redheads” doesn’t mean “people with red hair” but “people with red hair whose parents also had red hair”.

    Another gem is:

    “No natural citizen obtained legal citizenship at or after their birth. Instead, they were born being a “citizen by nature”.”

    Is this a claim the Founders considered an unborn child a legal entity? Or that “citizen at birth” actually means “made a citizen the second after birth” instead of “being born a citizen” which obviously translates to “being born *being* a citizen”?

    The word-twisting is amazing to behold.

  90. donna says:

    orly: Pass it on: Tea party to boycott FOX news until FOX reports the truth about Obama’s use of forged IDs and a stolen CT SSN

    Please participate and pass this on to your conservative friends. Thanks!

    Fox News refuses to cover the various Obama eligibility issues despite
    the fact that conservatives want this matter investigated. If Fox wants to go
    after CNN’s audience, that’s their choice. Whether or not they lose us in the
    process is our choice. Please note that has Fox has not only avoided coverage
    of this story to protect Obama, on the rare occasions when they have given a
    small amount of air time to it, they’ve actually passed on misinformation.

    1. Fox News was wrong when Bill O’Reilly said Barack Obama had a CT Social
    security number because Barack Obama Sr. had lived there. There is no
    record of Barack Obama Sr. ever living there.

    2. Fox misquoted an expert when Jana Winter claimed computer expert Jean-Claude
    Tremblay said Obama’s birth certificate was legit. Tremblay has asked Ms. Winter
    many times for a correction, but she refuses to honor his request. He’s written about
    the matter on his blog.

    We might expect this from CNN or MSNBC, but not from Fox News.

    Mark Gillar

    “help us send Fox News a message between March 21st and 24th.”

    on monday, FNC had 1,993 million daily viewers

    oreilly 2,795 million

    hannity 1,918 million

    let’s see if viewers support the boycott

  91. Lupin says:

    Totally OT, this is the 10th year anniversary of Richard Cohen’s infamous Washington Post column, in which hw wrote: “The evidence Colin Powell presented to the United Nations — some of it circumstantial, some of it absolutely bone-chilling in its detail — had to prove to anyone that Iraq not only hasn’t accounted for its weapons of mass destruction but without a doubt still retains them. Only a fool — or possibly a Frenchman — could conclude otherwise.”

    The Great Question of the 21st century which I’m sure future historians will ponder remains: idiots or sociopaths?

    (We’re up to our neck in those here so I’m not contrasting.)

  92. Arthur says:

    ORYR is reporting that the the Linda Jordan case has been settled, and she has agreed to pay a lower amount (around $3500) than the original fee of some $13,000.

  93. donna says:

    quite an acknowledgment:

    “No state prosecutors will assist Sheriff Arpaio with his investigation. The local media has treated the investigation as a joke. Federal authorities have turned a blind eye to alleged criminal acts. Conservative news outlets appear to be afraid to address the birth certificate issue. And last but not least, the investigation is sure to be a major sore spot with the Arpaio foes who are attempting to recall the good sheriff. This, all because Sheriff Arpaio stood up for the Rule of Law and performed as a public servant as requested by his Maricopa County constituents.”

    “Many times, over the course of the investigation, Sheriff Arpaio has stated that there simply is nowhere to go with the investigation for enforcement. My contention is that there is now only one appropriate place to go with probable cause that crimes have been committed, and that is to the United States Congress. I believe that the time is appropriate for Sheriff Arpaio to mail 435 certified letters to every member of the House of Representatives, demanding in no uncertain terms that President Obama, as the direct beneficiary of alleged, criminally forged identification documents, should now be Impeached for ‘high Crimes and Misdemeanors’ under Article II, Section 4 of the United States Constitution.”

    “Arpaio’s decisive action will accomplish several objectives: 1.) The Impeachment process will result in a full Congressional investigation. 2.) Sheriff Arpaio will have completed his investigation and transferred the onus of enforcement onto the members of Congress. 3.) By publicizing the 435 Representatives contacted by Arpaio’s office, their constituents can hold their elected U.S. Representatives responsible for adhering to their oaths to support and defend the Constitution. 4.) Sheriff Arpaio will have left no stone unturned and completed his investigation with the ‘utmost diligence’ as promised. 5.) And, finally, Sheriff Arpaio will be forever known as the first county sheriff to ever ask Congress to Impeach a sitting U.S. President. ”

  94. Keith says:

    donna: orly: Pass it on: Tea party to boycott FOX news until FOX reports the truth about Obama’s use of forged IDs and a stolen CT SSN

    The TEA party is a creation of Faux and the Koch brothers, so such a boycott would be akin to Lotus boycotting IBM until IBM acknowledges that OS/2 has a future.

    Ain’t gonna happen.

  95. donna says:

    Keith: The TEA party is a creation of Faux and the Koch brothers, so such a boycott would be akin to Lotus boycotting IBM until IBM acknowledges that OS/2 has a future.

    true – the usteaparty website is from Sept. 13, 2002

    Study Confirms Tea Party Was Created by Big Tobacco and Billionaire Koch Brothers

    this is what occurred today on fox (rachel maddow showed the live screenshots):

    cnn & msnbc were carrying live obama receiving a medal at a state dinner in israel while fox was talking about repealing obamacare

    at exactly 2:24:14 PM, as the israeli president was saying to obama “i know you will never stop striving for a better world” seen LIVE on msnbc & cnn, fox was running an ad for a fox special on obama as an enemy of israel: “israel’s enemies gaining strength? with a friend like obama, are israel’s enemies gaining strength? sean gets expert insight on a special hannity”

  96. justlw says:

    donna (quoting Mark Gillar): Fox misquoted an expert when Jana Winter claimed computer expert Jean-Claude
    Tremblay said Obama’s birth certificate was legit. Tremblay has asked Ms. Winter
    many times for a correction, but she refuses to honor his request. He’s written about
    the matter on his blog.

    I wish that every birther on the planet would read the Tremblay blog post that Mark Gillar refers to, because anyone with a lick of sense who read it and understood it would have to conclude that everything Gillar and the Cold Case Posse has said about the PDF is a pile of crap. There is no grey area here.

    Oh yeah: and by all means, do boycott Fox News, birthers. I have no problem with that.

  97. justlw says:

    donna (quoting ORYR): I believe that the time is appropriate for Sheriff Arpaio to mail 435 certified letters to every member of the House of Representatives

    Hmm. This idea sounds familiar in some way I can’t quite put my finger on. Hasn’t someone tried this? Like really recently? Are you losing your faith in the abilities of ORLY, ORYR?

  98. justlw says:

    justlw: … every birther on the planet … anyone with a lick of sense …

    I do realize, by the way, that this late in the game these may be disjoint sets.

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