Monthly Archives: April 2013

Living with uncertainty

I think that on average I’m more comfortable with uncertainty than others. People were glued to the TV screens for weeks during the O. J. Simpson trial, and just recently there has been continuous coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing. … Continue reading

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The Obama Presidential Library

The George W. Bush Presidential Library has been in the news of late, and I understand that George Washington’s library is coming soon. Leave it to the Obama’s critics to take this occasion to say something nasty about Barack Obama, … Continue reading

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Not my problem

The point of departure for this essay is the amicus brief filed by the Alabama Democratic Party in the McInnish case. What struck me about that brief (and has struck me before in other defense arguments in birther cases) was … Continue reading

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Not worthy of belief

We’ve not seen many amicus briefs on the defense side in birther lawsuits, but the Alabama Democratic Party chose to submit one to the Alabama Supreme Court in the case of McInnish v. Chapman, now on appeal before that court. … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits | Tagged , , , , , | 245 Comments

Birther scavenger hunt

I haven’t held a contest in ages. This is a serial scavenger hunt. The object is to find an image on the Internet of whatever birther-themed thing is requested and post the link. When someone finds the image and posts … Continue reading

Posted in Contests, Lounge | Tagged | 22 Comments

Paige tries to lay down the Law to the Vermont Supreme Court

It was a good day for Justice in Vermont! — H. Brooke Paige H. Brooke Paige tried to impress the Vermont Supreme Court yesterday with a thick pile of books1 that he at one point attempted to approach and hand … Continue reading

Posted in Ballot Challenges, Lawsuits | Tagged , , , | 489 Comments