Article says birthers are good for Obama

In an article on the Chinese web site, Global Times, California writer Charles Gray said in a significant article yesterday:

However, far from being a danger to Obama, birther mania has actually helped his political agenda and has, more often than not, left the Republican Party on the political defensive.

It’s good propaganda for the Chinese to paint the Republican party as racists, but I don’t think this article is far off the mark, pointing out the failure to produce any evidence by birther celebrities Donald Trump, and Joe Arpaio.

Anyway, “’Birther’ lunacy leaves all Republicans painted as racist crackpots” is a feel-good article for Obots, and the birthers (in particularly David Farrar and KBOA) are wailing and gnashing their teeth in comments there.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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32 Responses to Article says birthers are good for Obama

  1. richCares says:

    KBOA appears unhinged, which is normal for him.

  2. Deborah says:

    The stereo-type of the white supremacist religious bigot is not a new one, it has only been revived with a new breath of apocalyptic wind.

  3. donna says:

    Deborah: The stereo-type of the white supremacist religious bigot is not a new one, it has only been revived with a new breath of apocalyptic wind.

    Tim Wise on White Privilege and the Boston Marathon Bombing

  4. Deborah says:

    I’m sure there was a time all this white religious fervor was used successfully to convert indigenous populations to patriotism, but not anymore.

  5. Thinker says:

    Unhinged? Yes. Him? No. KBOA is a woman.

    KBOA appears unhinged, which is normal for him.

  6. Deborah says:

    Glen Beck, Alex Jones, and Jerome Corsi are the new proto-types, role models and poster children for how the religious right can lose credibility

  7. Deborah says:

    Thinker April 22, 2013 at 2:39 pm (Quote) #

    Unhinged? Yes. Him? No. KBOA is a woman.

    KBOA appears unhinged, which is normal for him.

    Well wouldn’t you be unhinged if you found out that your marriage to Jesus was coming to an end?

  8. El Diablo Negro says:

    Tim Wise But the problem goes deeper because if the bomber does in fact turn out to be a person of Muslim descent, a whole community will face the wrath of many in white America.

    I will have to take issue on that with Mr Wise. Only a few crazies will embark on the warpath if the person was a Muslim. To me, its the same scare tatcic that birthers use about riots if Obama got removed from office, of cousre there will be a few idiots. I do not see a mass murdering of Muslims from whites or a super-riot of blacks.

  9. Dave B. says:

    So whatever became of David Farrar’s declared promise to file against Mitt Romney if he was nominated?

  10. Thinker says:

    I’m not sure I understand your comment, but if you are implying that KBOA is a religious fanatic, I don’t think that’s correct. She’s a well-known birfer nut who worships Vattel.

    Well wouldn’t you be unhinged if you found out that your marriage to Jesus was coming to an end?

  11. Daniel says:

    I’m not sure I understand your comment, but if you are implying that KBOA is a religious fanatic, I don’t think that’s correct. She’s a well-known birfer nut who worships Vattel.

    Most of the Birthers pretend to be devout Christians…. although how they managed to miss the “shalt not bear false witness” part is a mystery.

  12. I see that David Farrar is desperately thrashing about in the comments section at the Global Times article, trying to impress everybody that (a) he knows what he is talking about and (b) every court, judge and lawyer who disagrees with him is clueless. I reminded him of the score of 0-200. Frankly I doubt that he will shut up in the forseeable future.

  13. JPotter says:

    Unhinged? Yes. Him? No. KBOA is a woman.

    She disappearred from Amazon, after a fairly lengthy (and stupefyingly repetitive) engagement there.

    She’s been missing, but she hasn’t been missed.

    “the birthers (in particularly David Farrar and KBOA) are wailing and gnashing their teeth in comments there.”

    Denial drives humans to unwittingly assist in the realization of their own worst fears. It’s a powerful phenomena, I see it at work every day in my own life. But rarely do humans undo themselves so spectacularly. At least de birfers excel at something

  14. Keith says:

    Unhinged? Yes. Him? No. KBOA is a woman.

    How do you know for sure unless you’ve seen its Original Birth Certificate?

  15. *signals agreement with article*

    *returns to birther-free life*

  16. richCares: KBOA appears unhinged, which is normal for him.

    KBOA is clinically insane at best, and deranged at worst.

  17. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Thinker: Unhinged? Yes. Him? No. KBOA is a woman.

    I don’t know thinker, she looks like a strung out Richard Lewis or Eddie Money from the Geico commercial

  18. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    JPotter: She disappearred from Amazon, after a fairly lengthy (and stupefyingly repetitive) engagement there.She’s been missing, but she hasn’t been missed.Denial drives humans to unwittingly assist in the realization of their own worst fears. It’s a powerful phenomena, I see it at work every day in my own life. But rarely do humans undo themselves so spectacularly. At least de birfers excel at something

    Actually she came back today as well as Jack who must have gotten tired of getting whipped here.

  19. Lupin says:

    I finally had time read the comments over there. Wow.

    Who is the repugnant David Farrar? Not the kiwi commentator, I assume?

  20. Kiwiwriter says:

    Lupin: I finally had time read the comments over there. Wow.Who is the repugnant David Farrar? Not the kiwi commentator, I assume?

    I thought I was the “Kiwi Commentator” around here, and I’m not repugnant…except when I was single…in those days, girls ALWAYS found me repugnant.

  21. @Lupin

    Farrar was Orly’s plaintiff in GA.

  22. aarrgghh: well, i left my two cents.

    Lupin: I finally had time read the comments over there. Wow. Who is the repugnant David Farrar?

    When you read my comments, fasten your seat-belt.

  23. Lupin: Who is the repugnant David Farrar?

    Christopher Strunk’s cell mate.

  24. I went over there and unloaded on the bloviators. It won’t change their behavior, but it made me feel kind of suffused with slight smugness for a few minutes…

  25. Keith says:

    Kiwiwriter: I thought I was the “Kiwi Commentator” around here, and I’m not repugnant…except when I was single…in those days, girls ALWAYS found me repugnant.

    So how did you get not single then?

  26. Kiwiwriter says:

    Keith: So how did you get not single then?

    I found the woman who was meant for me, and the proof of that is thus:

    1. I proposed marriage to her on the 10th anniversary of our first meeting, to the very hour (and she turned around to see who I was talking to).

    2. Our daughter was born on our 2nd wedding anniversary, so I have no excuse for forgetting the date. She was born two years, one hour, and 12 minutes after we got married.

  27. Northland10 says:

    No surprise that, with the title of that article, Rambo Ike and Old1 (going by his real name in the article comments) crawled out of their hole to spew so more.

  28. The Magic M says:

    Kiwiwriter: the proof of that is thus

    Actually, that is so improbable that it is impossible, therefore you are either lying or have forged your marriage certificate and your daughter’s BC. 😉

  29. Kiwiwriter says:

    The Magic M: Actually, that is so improbable that it is impossible, therefore you are either lying or have forged your marriage certificate and your daughter’s BC.

    You forget that I am, by virtue of 22 years of government service in media relations, a central asset to the New World Order-Trilateralist-Masonic-Bilderberg-Jewish-Bankster-Communist-Satanic conspiracy, so I am operating under multiple levels of extremely deep cover in the great disinformation campaign.

  30. Keith says:

    Kiwiwriter: I found the woman who was meant for me, and the proof of that is thus:

    1.I proposed marriage to her on the 10th anniversary of our first meeting, to the very hour (and she turned around to see who I was talking to).

    So, since you admit yourself that she found you repugnant before marriage, the answer must be one of (or a combination thereof) the following

    1) you kidnapped her because some 18th century Swiss guy said you could
    2) it was an arraigned marriage and her parents were really desperate to offload her
    3) I had a third possibility, but I forgot it by the time I got to typing out the sentence

    2.Our daughter was born on our 2nd wedding anniversary, so I have no excuse for forgetting the date. She was born two years, one hour, and 12 minutes after we got married.

    I don’t have an excuse either. My wife’s birthday is in June, our anniversary in July, my birthday in August – all on the same day of them month. It also happens that our anniversary is on my Parents 50th wedding anniversary. That was a complete accident, my wife arranged the day in my absence without realizing it.

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