Birther scavenger hunt

I haven’t held a contest in ages. This is a serial scavenger hunt. The object is to find an image on the Internet of whatever birther-themed thing is requested and post the link.

When someone finds the image and posts the link, that person gets to propose the next image. To keep things serial, make sure no one has already posted the solution before you post yours. It may be useful to work out your own challenges well in advance.

I’ll start the ball rolling with an easy one:

Find an image of Orly Taitz and a dentist’s chair.

In keeping with the birther theme, the decision of the judges is not final.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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22 Responses to Birther scavenger hunt

  1. DaveH says:

    Does she have to be IN the dentist chair?

    Here’s a photo of her standing in front of a prop sitting in a dental chair. It’s at the bottom of the page.

    If that counts, then I want a picture of Orly and her “Man Hands”.

  2. AuBricker says:

    I want Charles Lincoln to be in the dental chair!

  3. Birther Weary says:

    Does she have to be IN the dentist chair?

    Here’s a photo of her standing in front of a prop sitting in a dental chair. It’s at the bottom of the page.

    If that counts, then I want a picture of Orly and her “Man Hands”.

    It would be better if CEL III, AKA Bowling Ball, was sitting in the Chair of Love, not not just one of Orly’s long gone assistants. That picture would be worth the Grand Prize, end of contest. fini.

  4. I think this will work best on the honor system. If you say you found it, it counts and then just put out the next challenge.

    DaveH: If that counts, then I want a picture of Orly and her “Man Hands”.

  5. Here is Orly with the “man hands”

    My challenge is to find a picture containing more than 50 birthers.

    DaveH: If that counts, then I want a picture of Orly and her “Man Hands”.

  6. Tomtech says:

    Surprise Tea Party should include at least 50 Birthers.*pFcZnAU*-CWylu9FUgrQvW4YxWb7z8*nE38uxrkJKlp3mvwKcsz5RFFh*Vv3e9QtpszLko2g0uf6w8Ee/Arpaio130331056.JPG?width=750

    Find an image of the birthers’ one honest judge.

  7. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Doc, there is a typo in the title.

    Congrats to Tomtech for finding a picture of a Surprise Tea Party meeting with so many people. But I challenge his assertion that there must be 50 birthers there. Not proven, and the bigger the local tea party, the lower the percentage of real birthers.

  8. Rickey says:

    Here is their “one honest judge.”

    Now I would like to see someone in law enforcement who the birthers believe will file criminal charges against Obama.

  9. DaveH says:

    One honest judge? Probably not possible. Here’s the closest I can find. He’s the birfers greatest hope:

    I want a photo of Charles Lincoln III sitting in a chair.

    Surprise Tea Party should include at least 50 Birthers.*pFcZnAU*-CWylu9FUgrQvW4YxWb7z8*nE38uxrkJKlp3mvwKcsz5RFFh*Vv3e9QtpszLko2g0uf6w8Ee/Arpaio130331056.JPG?width=750

    Find an image of the birthers’ one honest judge.

  10. JPotter says:

    Tomtech: Find an image of the birthers’ one honest judge.

    Well, if I may be allowed to indulge in the wayback machine a bit, here’s the once-upon-a-time honest judge:

    Heehee! They really got up for that one, didn’t they?

    Speaking of judges, whatever happened to Kreep? now that’s he’s gettin’ paid, he hasn’t the time of day for the birf?

    My challenge: A photo of the “Where’s the REAL Birth Certificate?” banner WND supposedly flew around a very closed Texas stadium … taken from the ground.

  11. Deborah says:

    Here is an image of Orly in a dentist chair. The pic is captioned “Orly gets beat up in court and returns to dentistry.” I found it on my facebook page.

  12. Deborah says:

    Can’t play this game- sorry. Too busy. Read fairy tales for the children’s story book hour at the library today, and I already lost the game anyway.

    Maybe this link works better.

  13. Tomtech says:

    Paul Pieniezny:

    Congrats to Tomtech for finding a picture of a Surprise Tea Party meeting with so many people. But I challenge his assertion that there must be 50 birthers there. Not proven, and the bigger the local tea party, the lower the percentage of real birthers.

    That picture is the crowd awaiting the Arpaio/Zullo/Corsi personal briefing/grifting session outlining their “proof”. With a third of the right believing some birther theories there had to be 50 in that crowd.

    Roy Moore is the current “Great White Hype” but the only honest judge will never hear a case. Gary Kreep.

  14. Tomtech says:

    Here’s the banner flying high while 100,000 people can’t see it.

    Challenge: Find an image representing the “winning council” in Georgia’s Judge Mahili’s Courtroom. Bonus congrats for Obama’s “tagline”.

  15. ImWilson says:

    Here’s the banner flying high while 100,000 people can’t see it.

    Challenge: Find an image representing the “winning council” in Georgia’s Judge Mahili’s Courtroom. Bonus congrats for Obama’s “tagline”.

    My Image of the “EMPTY CHAIR”

    Next we need an image of Orly’s “Book of Marvelous Evidence” That she has copied from the internet.

  16. JPotter says:

    Tomtech: Here’s the banner flying high while 100,000 people can’t see it.

    Tsk, not taken from the ground, no prize! My interest is in finding any sign that their goofy banner caught anyone’s attention … and not to mention whether it actually flew where they say it did! 😉

  17. Keith says:

    JPotter: Tomtech: Here’s the banner flying high while 100,000 people can’t see it.

    Tsk, not taken from the ground, no prize! My interest is in finding any sign that their goofy banner caught anyone’s attention … and not to mention whether it actually flew where they say it did!

    There is also the small point that that photo was obviously taken hours before kickoff (carparks empty) so it wasn’t even 100,000 people that can’t see it – it’s maybe a few hundred.

  18. Bob says:

    Comment from Orly’s website:

    Junior Sifuentes

    April 24th, 2013 @ 5:39 pm

    “Thanks for getting all those active duty genitals involved!

    Keep up all the good work and bless you.”

  19. scott e says:

    inching your way toward dan lacey again ??

    in the fountainhead howard roark says to ellsworth toohey, “but i don’t think of you”…

    that’s what you guys remind me of… somehow

  20. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Comment from Orly’s website:

    Junior Sifuentes

    April 24th, 2013 @ 5:39 pm

    “Thanks for getting all those active duty genitals involved!

    Keep up all the good work and bless you.”

    Think you just made me laugh up a lung!

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