FBI visits prominent birther

I’m still evaluating this breaking news story mentioned by a commenter. Al Hendershot, birther skip tracer from Alabama, and operator of “The Obama Hustle” web site reports that he received a visit from the FBI, who handcuffed him while they searched his place and took his computer.

I have nothing to hide

Hendershot cooperated with the FBI, he says, and now they tell him that he is not in trouble.

The incident seems to be related Hendershot’s reporting about a web site called exposed.su that had, among other things an alleged copy of Michelle Obama’s credit report. I have seen it, and it is the whole thing with bank accounts and credit card payments. Other persons whose reports were on that site include Robert Mueller, Director of the FBI, Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Eric Holder as well as other government officials and celebrities.

Hendershot, rather than chalking it up to the investigation about the credit reports, casts a more sinister birther-related spin on things:

Later on in the day I received some phone calls from people that I have been working with on the Obama issue.   They, the people that I spoke with said that my activities with the “Cold Case Posse” and my postings on Obama in The Obama Hustle along with the evidence that I have collected on him and his family probably had something to do with my visit from the FBI.

And they would know this how?

Hendershot says the he will keep on birthin’.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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23 Responses to FBI visits prominent birther

  1. Deborah says:

    Dr. C, please put this where it is more appropriate than this thread (my automatic e-mail doesn’t work and I would have to go log into my e-mail and send privately, but this is public interest I think).

    The Obama Hustle website claims to have been visited by the FBI on April 10, 2013 with a warrant to search his computer contents. (I’m still reviewing the website to determine why- there seems to be a lot of commentary on terrorist activities on that site). I found the original information on Jerome Corsi’s Facebook page.

    I wonder if sedition charges will begin?


  2. Butterfly Bilderberg says:

    Sounds like the FBI is investigating the possibility that Al “The Debt Collector” Hendershot is cyberstalking Mrs. Obama and officials such as AG Holder and FBI Director Mueller.

  3. ASK Esq says:

    Many of the comments I saw about this seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the FBI didn’t have a warrant. I didn’t see any mention of that, so I, being not prone to such thinking, just assumed that they had one. Anyone know either way?

  4. Rickey says:

    ASK Esq:
    Many of the comments I saw about this seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the FBI didn’t have a warrant. I didn’t see any mention of that, so I, being not prone to such thinking, just assumed that they had one. Anyone know either way?

    RC’s post says that Hendershot voluntarily surrendered his computer. We know that some people contacted Acxiom after Hendershot bragged that he was searching through Obama’s records on a daily basis, and Axciom may have reported it to the FBI.

  5. Majority Will says:

    Rickey: RC’s post says that Hendershot voluntarily surrendered his computer. We know that some people contacted Acxiom after Hendershot bragged that he was searching through Obama’s records on a daily basis, and Axciom may have reported it to the FBI.

    “This is my reply to Dr. Conspiracy on The Obama Hustle.

    No offence, but I don’t give a [obscenity deleted. Doc] what Brietbart has to say. I can gurantee that they have no databases to pull skp tracing data like I can. Now, if you want me to prove the validity of my databases, shoot me in an email your name, and address and I will skip trace you and show you what I can pull on you, your family, your neighbors and so on. I am not being a smat-ass in any way towards you, but I can show you how accurate these databases can be. You would be amazed at what I could find on you.

    If I had my way I would drag all of the OBOTS out in the street and tear their Socialiist hearts out. There is nothng nice about me as a person. The one things I love about Skip Tracing is finding out where these slug debtors live and paying them a visit especally when they have threatened me over their debts and hoping that they have a gun so I can use mine. You see that’s the difference between me and a pussy like Brietbart. They do not have the stomach for a real fight like I do.

    You have a great day.”

    – Albert E. Hendershot


    Remember, Al is no “smat-ass”.

  6. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Bet he needed clean shorts after that.

  7. Was that email an example of Al Hendershott issuing threats?

  8. ben says:

    Someone once enquired why are not other birthers visited by the secret service or FBI or some such law enforcement agency. The simple answer would be that these folks actually investigate crimes that have some shred of evidence of serious criminal activity rather than the loony & mispelt, bad grammar rantings of birthers like Orly. In any case (sic) any law enforcement agency federal or local would probably send out a hazmat team to her dental/law office before raiding it. She recently posted an all caps title about some obscure unrelated issue..something like. “this news on the “hills” of this…I think she meant heels…but maybe she thinks the “hills” have eyes?. My real interest is knowing where the hell does she get these retired military people to comment…!!!. General Douglas MacArthur was right..brilliant but old soldiers slowly fade away….but not these cuckoos with Orly. I just wonder what imaginary war they are fighting in their senile once warrior brain?

  9. The Magic M says:

    ben: I just wonder what imaginary war they are fighting in their senile once warrior brain?

    Some people have been desperate to “get even” ever since Watergate.
    Some people are simply old racists (just like my father is still an old anti-Semite) who can’t get over the fact someone who was a second class citizen in their day is now the Commander in Chief.
    Some people have lost their minds.
    Some people simply don’t care what they say as long as it advances their political agenda.

    Besides, among any given group of people, there’s always a certain percentage of idiots. This includes the military up to the top ranks. Active duty personnel just knows better than to risk their carreer based on petty partisan politics.

  10. Paul Pieniezny says:

    On the internet, countries never die. The .su domain is still used by spammers, hackers, child pornography providers and people who want storage for dubious material – but that includes eg compromising e-mails between the leaders of Scientology. Basically, in this case, you are dealing with information that only the FBI or the CIA should be able to gather. It is possible they want to know whether the guy put it there himself. Alternatively, they could be looking whether he downloads anything else from that address -which could then be used to cut that server off from the internet for ever. One less remnant from the grand old CCCP.

  11. Steve says:

    The Magic M: Some people have been desperate to “get even” ever since Watergate.
    Some people are simply old racists (just like my father is still an old anti-Semite) who can’t get over the fact someone who was a second class citizen in their day is now the Commander in Chief.
    Some people have lost their minds.
    Some people simply don’t care what they say as long as it advances their political agenda.

    Besides, among any given group of people, there’s always a certain percentage of idiots. This includes the military up to the top ranks. Active duty personnel just knows better than to risk their carreer based on petty partisan politics.

    You’re right about that first part. Republicans have been dying to find something, anything, to pin on a Democratic President for the last 40 years that would equal or be bigger than Watergate.

  12. Yoda says:

    Steve: The Magic M: Some people have been desperate to “get even” ever since Watergate.
    Some people are simply old racists (just like my father is still an old anti-Semite) who can’t get over the fact someone who was a second class citizen in their day is now the Commander in Chief.
    Some people have lost their minds.
    Some people simply don’t care what they say as long as it advances their political agenda.

    The greatest thing about the United States was the promise that anyone born here could grow up to become President-until someone did, then all hell broke loose.

  13. DaveH says:

    This should be the quote of the day.

    Yoda: The greatest thing about the United States was the promise that anyone born here could grow up to become President-until someone did, then all hell broke loose.

  14. Majority Will says:

    This should be the quote of the day.

    Doc should have an all-time, best QOTD survey.

  15. Indeed it should, and now is.

    DaveH: This should be the quote of the day.

  16. Yoda says:

    I am honored

  17. Majority Will says:

    I am honored

    Let’s start a club!

  18. Yoda says:

    Majority Will: Let’s start a club!

    Can we have a secret handshake?

  19. Majority Will says:

    Yoda: Can we have a secret handshake?


  20. Yoda says:

    Awesome, count me in.

  21. Plantmaster says:

    Yoda, you rule!

  22. Kiwiwriter says:

    Great comment, Yoda…the Founding Fathers got what they wished for, and the conservatives regret it.

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