Reply to MAC

From time to time I get emails like the one I’m including below. I don’t usually answer them for a couple of reasons: the writer wouldn’t listen if I did, and the return email addresses they give typically don’t work. The latter is the case with this email, which besides the name “MAC” and a non-functional1 email address, has no identification of the sender. I’ll insert some comments in [boldface].

Name: MAC

Comments: The guy in the WH had a father who WAS NEVER AN AMERICAN CITIZEN!  Both parents need to be American Citizens. That keeps him from qualifying to run for President.  But as long as you and all the dysfunctional Secretaries of States  cannot figure out what is going on, you think you’re right.

[It’s not just me and the secretaries of state. It is several Constitutional law scholars, the Congressional Research Service and 10 court decisions. Basically nobody with any gravitas agrees with your crackpot theory of presidential eligibility, which is in no textbook, law or court decision. You certainly give one no reason to think that you’re even qualified to have an opinion much less better qualified than the law professors and judges who say otherwise. From my point of view, you are doing a good job of establishing yourself as incompetent]

He told you energy costs would skyrocket under his policies.  How is THAT good for the American public?  This government still allows energy companies to put our resources on the world market, which prevents us from having any control over what we have to pay!  We now produce more oil than Saudi Arabia, but our prices continue to net increase, doubling in the past 8 years!  The Fed is creating money out of thin air [not EVEN bothering to actually print it, but digitally creating it!] which is going to cause our money to inflate to the point we shall not be able to eat enough to stay healthy! YOU are brain-washed, and that vulnerability makes you a slave to liars.

[I note that we’re in a period of remarkably low inflation, and I don’t see that the Obama administration has presided over any unusual increase in energy prices. They have been increasing for as long as I can remember. Here is a chart of retail gas prices that shows that the price of gas today is about what it was in 2008:]


Anytime plans are made in secret, which government leaders and their handlers definitely have done for forever, there is conspiring going on!; If we get wind of it, or make an educated guess about it, it becomes a theory, a very high standing in the scientific world. So a Conspiracy Theory is not to be scoffed at, but should be looked into with an open mind, for evidence and real investigation. Otherwise, we are just mushrooms: Fed excrement and kept in the dark.  Some apparently like it that way:  Just believe what they tell you to believe. Just feel what they tell is alright to feel.  Just keep it simple stupid, and don’t rock the boat.

[Keeping an open mind doesn’t mean accepting inexpert testimony or swallowing whole any crazy story someone makes up. Yes, there are real conspiracies, but there is also plenty of  utter nonsense going around the Internet all the time. It is important both that people keep an open mind and that they make rational judgments after examining the facts. At some point a false conspiracy theory is discredited, and this has long been the case with the birthers.]

“I dared to think, and having thought, not wanting to ‘rock the boat,’ sat down, so as to blend in with those who hadn’t yet dared to think… or having done so, had also decided not to ‘rock the boat.’ Henceforth, we were all in the same boat, those who had dared to think and chose to sit, and those who just sat, not daring to think.”

[Rocking the boat for no no good reason is of no benefit to anyone.]

Thank God some of us have dared to think!
The rest of you apparently don’t know how or just don’t want to. You’d rather fight with those who can and do.

[Says the arm-chair warrior.]

I wish you had your country, and I had mine.
We could see who comes out happier: The NWO supporters, the globalist supporters, the corrupt banking supporters, the dictator supporters, the rights-for-false safety traders … or the Truthers, Birthers, Tea Party members, the people willing to start over and demand something better than what has taken over our country at this time.

[A noble experiment, but not practical. I believe the old adage goes “be careful what you wish for.”]

This would take a lot of time to separate out and have two different countries with two different governments.  Even Texas has a crap
governor who tried to mandate the now proven dangerous HPV vaccine for little girls!  Some have died, some are permanently ill, and some will develop illness and dysfunction over time, if they don’t get the right help in time.  He prove himself to be a sell out to the pharma industry, who like the food industry, has destroyed a couple of generations of children with their crappy money making schemes that poison people’s children and their parents and grandparents.

[So in your country 4,000 women a year will die from cervical cancer, and in my country a lot less. Here is the science on the HPV vaccine. Vaccine denialism is where conspiracy theory becomes a public menace instead of harmless nonsense.]

I’m a retired research scientist. I have high ethics and standards, and have done over ten years of research into both industries and continue to do it. I have over a hundred pages on my web site that reveal this information, over the past 12 years.  What do you have?

[You have 100 web pages? I have over 2,500 web pages. I guess that makes me 25 times smarter than you. Based on your remarks, you were a very bad scientist and it is good for everybody that you retired. By the way, you never mentioned what your web site is.]

What good have you done?  You’re just a debunker who wastes everyones time with your false fight.

[I don’t waste anyone’s time except possibly my own. No one is forced to view this web site; they do it because they choose to. Every day about 1,500 people choose to visit this site. Do you think that some hot-headed crackpot spouting nonsense is going to encourage me to stop blogging. It is idiots like you that got me started in the first place. At least I haven’t killed anybody. Your bogus vaccine conspiracy theory might just kill somebody.

By writing this article, however, you didn’t end up wasting my time for reading your email.]

Anyway that is what I would have replied if I had taken the time and MAC’s email address was working.

1Typically the email address is just bogus. This one, however, had a different error message: “ Relaying denied: You must check for new mail before sending mail.” I tried sending this through my Internet service provider and through the Obama Conspiracy Theories hosting provider. Same error.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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13 Responses to Reply to MAC

  1. I think this birther is badly channeling Descartes:

    I think I’m right;
    therefore, I am.

  2. donna says:

    just as birthers mistranslate french into english to support their agenda and/or prove their ignorance

  3. Norbrook says:

    Obviously his “research science” wasn’t in biology, or he wouldn’t have been buying into the vaccine denial crap.

    I’ve often said the worst thing that I could possibly do to the various “conservatives” is to give them exactly what they say they want. When I’m in a really bad mood, I think we should make it irrevocable.

  4. The Magic M says:

    > Relaying denied: You must check for new mail before sending mail

    Strange; usually that message is tied to problems on the sender’s side (whose outgoing email server will reply with that message).

    > You’re just a debunker who wastes everyones time with your false fight.

    Funny thing is the guy thinks it’s actually his top priority to scold you for being an Obot meanie instead of doing what real activists do, like go to a rally and make himself heard.

    I think it reflects the “free speech is only for people who agree with me” mindset of the wingnuts birtherism recruits its followers from (it’s not reserved to birthers).
    It’s not “you’re wrong and I tell you why”, it’s “you’re wrong so shut up” or even “you’re wrong so you should rot in jail”.

  5. Norbrook: I’ve often said the worst thing that I could possibly do to the various “conservatives” is to give them exactly what they say they want. When I’m in a really bad mood, I think we should make it irrevocable.

    Where The No Votes On Sandy Aid Came From

    179 Republicans voted against the bill, with Texas voting 23 against.

    Not one dime for Waco. Let Perry pray and shoot his way out of the plant explosion.

    Only a good guy with a fertilizer plant can stop a bad guy with a fertilizer plant™.

  6. “I’m a retired research scientist. I have high ethics and standards”

    My irony meter exploded like that fertilizer plant.

  7. MattR says:

    Norbrook: I’ve often said the worst thing that I could possibly do to the various “conservatives” is to give them exactly what they say they want. When I’m in a really bad mood, I think we should make it irrevocable.

    I have had that thought, but then I remember I will have to live with the consequences. One of the problems with bipartisanship and compromise is that if the result is not hugely successful, both sides are left believing that things would have worked better if only they had been able to implement all of their side’s ideas.

  8. Woodrowfan says:

    “I’m a retired research scientist.” Uh-huh. In other words in 1952 he graduated from a small state school with a C- average and a degree in chemistry. He then became a mediocre junior high science teacher for 40 years; the one that all the kids made fun of because he was so clueless..

  9. Deborah says:

    The Sedition Act

    It appears to have been repealed and/or modified.

  10. Keith says:

    Woodrowfan:He then became a mediocre junior high science teacher for 40 years; the one that all the kids made fun of because he was so clueless..

    In Waco.

    Sorry. Too soon?

  11. Keith: In Waco. Sorry. Too soon?

    Timely, I’d say.

  12. Plantmaster says:

    Dr. Conspiracy
    I think this birther is badly channeling Descartes:

    I think I’m right;
    therefore, I am.


    Cogito, ergo Q.E.D.!

  13. Kiwiwriter says:

    If this guy really had hundreds of bloody web pages, why didn’t he include a link to them, to advertise his various grandiose crusades?

    Sounds like he has a greater grievance with fiscal policy and the pharmaceutical industry than with who is President, though.

    He also has a considerable grievance with reality and sanity.

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