Commenter donna mentioned this article at the Taitz web site, but when I went looking, it was not there:
It was once there [Google cached version, Before it’s News reprint]. It was a letter of support from the “East Oakland Counsel of Conservative Citizens.” They have a novel theory about why President Obama is ineligible:
We at the East Oakland chapter have been following your case for several years, and we agree that we have the wrong president; he’s ineligible and should be brought to justice. Anyone with any sense can see that just by looking at this impostor.
And lest there be any question about where they are coming from:
It would have been obvious to anyone who viewed the elections of 2008 and 2012, that Obama is a shill for other, more evil powers, and has been inserted in power to advance the goals of those who would institute a truly anti-American multicultural government who will work against the European heritage that we at COCC believe will tear apart this country even more than we’ve seen since the Obama “presidency” began.
So the COCC offered some fund raising, and to send a busload of supporters to Taitz’ court hearing on April 22 in the Grinols case, describing it as a trial and saying that people showing up will influence the Court.
All of that said, the article in question is gone, zapped and erased; it is an ex-article. Now the question is “why?” Could it be that he East Oakland Counsel of Conservatives Citizens never existed? Is this rather one in a long string of attempts to punk Orly Taitz? Is it real, but Orly Taitz upon reflection decided she didn’t want their support? Is it just a technical glitch, or something entirely different?
The article says that the East Bay Bible Church is the COCC meeting place. Is this photo from the church’s Facebook page a clue?
Not finding anything on the web about the “East Oakland Council of Conservative Citizens, ” nor about Taitz’ title variant, “East Oakland Counsel for Conservative Citizens” except as derived from her article, I’d say it was a fake.
Punking the birthers – priceless
While the information used in this article was developed independently, after I wrote it, I found the same stuff was on The Fogbow two days ago. ;(
Oakland is majority black. She was pranked.
Orly was clearly punked.
I doubt that she actually read through the thing very closely. All she noted is that it was glowingly supportive of her and she missed all the racist implications.
Of course, the give away on this is that Sam T. Frances, the alleged author and representative of the CoCC, died eight years ago. A couple of commenters pointed that out to her and she realized that she’d been hoaxed.
A good rule of thumb Orly might want to follow is “If it’s too good to be true then it probably isn’t.”
The prankster outed himself on the Fogbow and posted some emails that Taitz’s flying monkeys sent to the fake Sam Frances.
Funny, because with both dentistry and law (though I still don’t believe she actually took the law exams) enquiry and analysis are key concepts.
I wonder if prankster Oliver Douglas is no less than the esteemed New York attorney Oliver Wendell Douglas?
Birthers make the BEST malapropisms (Yogi Berra, eat yer heart out). Did you catch the commenter decrying the “indelibility… of the resident in the White House”? Priceless.
When Terrell Owens pulled that Sharpie out of his sock to celebrate a touchdown, you know what he was? An indelible receiver!!
Possibly. Orly Tatiz does look a lot like a transvestite Eva Gabor impersonator.
The sad part is that some of them are proud of their ignorance and many are contemptuous and suspicious of people who are well-educated.
Everybody makes a typo now and then, but I would be embarrassed if, like birther John, I repeatedly posted notes with misspelled words and malapropisms. We have even told him about the spell checker, but he obviously doesn’t care.
60’s Hippies: “Don’t trust anyone over 30.”
2010’s Birthers: “Don’t trust anybody who can type or speak in complete sentences.”
Fortunately for her potential dental victims, the only time she stops by the shop is to get a hit of nitrous oxide.
Considering the reality of East Oakland, this was definitely a punking of her punk ___.
The over the top name got me thinking it might be a clue or add’l taunt. East Oakland = EO = Equal Opportunity.
The EEOC comes to mind, and that would have been masterful. EOCCC is similar … Equal Opportunity Civilian Conservation Corps? Heh.
Still, it is very disturbing that she will post anything that flatters her without looking into the source. It took me all of 0.18 seconds to find this:
And disturbing that she would publish something with racist dog whistles in it.
She probably published it without understanding the blatant racism. To her..the first thing that stood out was “imposter” anti Obama etc etc. It should have occurred to her the letter speaks of “european heritage” etc., that jews are not included in this category. But then the stuff she posts herself with the bad spelling, wrong grammar & albeit twisted logic would even challenge a schoolchild. Still very entertaining though…like I said who needs TV these days when she has retired military men, special agents etc writing to her. Oh by the way there was a long letter from some retired general who quoted lines from William Ernest Henley’s invictus poem, as a means of showing his patriotism. How does this matter.? Timothy Mcveigh’s last words before his execution were the words of this poem.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
I doubt very much if Taitz has the intelligence to know this
Why? She welcomes support from the English Defence League. Here’s where her sympathies lie:
Jewish Terrorist Gets Life – Jewish terrorist Ya’akov Teitel was sentenced by a Jerusalem court earlier today to two life terms in prison plus an additional 30 years in prison. Teitel was convicted in January on two murder counts and additional counts of assault.
Teitel murdered two Palestinians in 1997. He also committed two attempted murders, assault with intent, illegal manufacturing and possession of firearms, and incitement of violence and terrorism, all between the years 1997 and 2008.
Complete story:
She does not.
There’s been a lot of posts she’s allowed though with racist comments in them. Some of her cavity creeps have said it’s “Obots” trying to make her look bad, but even if that was the case, she’s STILL allowing them though moderation
Why should she continue to pretend that she’s not a racist? She’s got nothing to lose.
If people with Orly’s caliber can pass the CA bar exam, then it is not much of an exam. She obviously has lowered the threshold for the disbarment and sanctions. I believe there is a very serous integrity problem with the CA bar exam. Does the bar publish the entire pool of questions from each section ahead of the test date like the essay questions for the GRE exams? If so, she could’ve paid someone to write the answers and memorized them. And there is also “brain dumps”, where someone who took the exam breaches his/her Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and tells others exactly what was on the test. All evidences point to the fact that she couldn’t have passed the exam without some outside help.
I’d say “Well you’re judged by the company you keep!”, but Taitz is just as bad, if not worse than her toadies.
Having studied European history as a major (and indigenous populations as a minor) this article really interests me. I’d like to comment but unfortunately I have been very busy for the last several days, I am busy right now, I will be busy for the next two days, and I won’t have any leisure until the week end. I’ll have to get back to it.
No one who knows the impact of European history upon America would make the comment that it is “anti-American” to do anything other than perpetuate European history. The founders were determined to eliminate the conflicts of European history in America. If it was a prankster, it was a good prank that has the potential to prove just how ignorant Orly is. But I have little interest in Orly anymore, except when I need a dose of poison.
Gotta run! I really miss this site.
I wonder how far she would have gone with this, had the group not been fake?
Birthers certainly have traveled down the “He’s not white so he can’t be president” road on more than one occasion.
Obama has no natural born right to be President. He is a squatter occupying the White House Free Republic
Yeah, but Yogi’s malaprops often made sense, when you thought about them.
Like: “When you come to a fork in the road, take it,” really means: “When you come to a decision in life, make the decision.”
“May not our government be more homogeneous, more peaceful, more durable?”
Thomas Jefferson
Ford, III, 189-190
Tell that to the obstructionist Republicans 🙂
“In proportion to their numbers, they will share with us the legislation. They will infuse into it their spirit, warp and bias its directions, and render it a heterogeneous, incoherent, distracted mass…” Thomas Jefferson
Yawn… Is there any reason you are spamming the site with meaningless quotes…
Jefferson writes the government should be “more” homogeneous. If it’s heterogenous it will be a “incoherent, distracted mass”.
Remember Jefferson’s words:
“only natural born citizens to work in the government”
Good thing that our President is natural born but of course Jefferson’s beliefs were never really implemented as only the President and VP have the natural born requirement.
As to your interpretation of Jefferson’s words, it betrays far more about you…
Still hurting I guess that President Obama is in his second term and there is nothing you can do about it.
PS: Jefferson was talking about immigrants…
Indigeneous does mean natural.
larousse translation of the french “parents”
relative, relation
un proche parent a close relative ou relation
un lointain parent, un parent éloigné a distant relative ou relation
un parent du c’té paternel/maternel a relation on the father’s/mother’s side
nous sommes parents par ma femme we’re related through my wife
ce sont des parents en ligne directe/par alliance they’re blood relations/related by marriage
the REAL vattel wrote “parens” to mean RELATIVES – birthers took the word “parens/parents” and translated it to mean 2 PARENTS to fit their agenda
when i asked birther lawyer apuzzo to translate a simple french phrase (i created) into english, he told me to ask a french waiter
Jefferson is really saying our government is more ‘peculiar than those of any other in the universe’
In order for it to work it needs to be homogeneous. He wanted a natural increase of the existing stock.
Yes those born in the country.
“Yearnings to be with her own natural kind” William Wordsworth
Who are her natural kind?
Yes, through immigration or birth in the country. But he did not really say that our government was any more peculiar than the government of France. He was worried about immigration, that’s all.
Your interpretations are quite funny but reflect more on you than on Jefferson as you try to interpret them in a manner to well supported.
Notes to Congress
Native means natural. Are the pythons born in the everglades a native species? Are they naturals?
Those born on her soil of course.
Jefferson was worried the government becoming heterogeneous.
Yes, he wanted to minimize immigration. Your point?
The Roman coins are perfect examples Rome’s decline. The more heterogeneous Rome became the smaller the coins.
Now we are talking about the biological meaning of the term. Sadly for your argument, the terms left undefined in the Constitution are not to be defined by biologists but rather the meaning of said term as used in common law.
Jefferson explained what this meant…
Nice try my friend. But again, you fail to impress
ROTFL… You’re so funny… Oh boy….
I’m not sure what that has to do with the subject of this blog, but your argument suggests that only Native Americans can live on this continent. What tribe are you? If you can’t document your pre-Columbian ancestry, it’s back to Europe with you.
e.vattel: Jefferson was worried the government becoming heterogeneous.
NBC: Yes, he wanted to minimize immigration. Your point?
ahhh but that’s the birther point ….. they long for their white european ancestry
what did pat buchanan say on 11/7/2012? Buchanan: ‘White America’ Died Last Night
Let me know when the pythons have an opinion on the subject.
Kind, Natural, and Homogeneous means one race.
Heterogenous Unkind Unnatural means different races.
Yes, we are invasive species.. Poor Vattel no respect but then again, his own ‘logic’ leads to these conclusions…
If he believed in homogeneity so much, he should have kept his thing in his pants instead of shtupping Sally Hemmings, the hypocrite.
As I said, your own words indict you… Thanks for revealing your true motives… The foolishness you go through to try to validate your beliefs about race are quite hilarious.
indeed it seems now that e.vattel has confirmed your interpretation… Fascinating…
have you read ‘Tea Party’ is over: Ex-activist says racism, hypocrisy killed the movement” by founder Phil Russo?
A movement hijacked by the political and religious right
And then, the Dick Army’s of the political world started to creep in and take over the movement. They were very slick about it. They started giving all of these individual Tea Party groups money so people who were selling real estate six months earlier could now make a living watching Fox News and blogging, or posting on Twitter and Facebook.
It’s so sad to me that a movement that began as an organic reaction to big government has been hijacked by the right. The Tea Party’s slogan was, “fiscal responsibility, limited government, and free markets” — but it has now become the religious right in tri-corner hats.
I linked that article in the ‘Open Thread’. Russo seems to have (perhaps belatedly) discovered what everyone else already knows; he got hoodwinked by the TEA party financiers and their hidden agenda.
The TEA party is the John Birch Society, renamed.
No. “Native” Americans came over from what is now Russia at Beringia. Not only “not native” but from Russia? What’s going on there? Russia?
That pretty much means that only moose and elk are eligible for the presidency. And mammoths. Because Thomas Jefferson was really excited about the possibility that mammoths still lived in North America, and asked Lewis and Clark to look for them as they traveled west.
Jefferson National Expansion Memorial
So, elk, moose, and mammoths. That’s it.
In all seriousness, birthers argue that Native Americans would not be eligible for the presidency since they are dual citizens of their tribal nation and the United States. Additionally, they point to the argument over Section 2 of the 14th Amendment when it was being written.
Of course, Native Americans most certainly are natural born citizens. If there was any question, it was ended by the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924. When confronted with this, birthers then argue that NBC can’t derive from law.
::rolls eyes::
Eat cow poop and die, you racist piece of bateria
What an ugly person our friend has become… So sad… Ignorance and hatred…
One has to be very careful with Jefferson quotes. There are a lot of misattributed and down-right fraudulent quotes.
The popular internet quote lookup services all have several quotations that are completely wrong.
The best place to check for a genuine quote is the Jefferson Library at Monticello. They even list several widespread spurious quotes.
(and they go on to list 6 possible strategies for finding categorized quotes).
I believe that the quotes presented were in fact Jefferson’s as I am very well aware of the abusive quoting practices by birthers and other poorly informed souls. Of course, Jefferson never really used the term natural born or that he wanted to keep the ‘races pure’. He was just concerned that too many immigrants would overwhelm our nation.
It’s sad that people misconstrue his words for their own purposes.
That is a complete falsehood. Jefferson valued differences between citizens and especially differences of opinion.
The discussion you seem to be highlighting was Jefferson’s concerns about uncontrolled immigration; that folks from a non-British background would suffer from isolation until they learned the language and customs; and he cited the German communities as an example. But he was not against immigration, he merely wanted the best result for America and the new Americans.
Excellent analysis Keith..
Let’s show our foolish friend how real researchers work not by putting words in the mouths of of forefathers but rather by carefully and accurately quoting them.
Let that be a lesson e.vattel…
I missed the editing window to add this:
Jefferson was obviously discussing a proposal from someone to positively give inducements for mass immigration (I haven’t researched this, but it is clear from the context – “inviting them by extraordinary encouragements”). Australia did this in the 1950’s in response to the ‘populate or die’ theory. There are thousands of “10 Pound Aussies” who each received a ticket and 10 pounds to immigrate to Australia.
Clearly he was worried about what we today call ‘ghettoization’.
Well, isn”t that convenient that we’re all members of the human race? I guess there are a few Neanderthals still around, but fortunately you’re in the tiny minority.
May I call you Emmie? Thanks.
The descendants of slaves are now the president and First Lady.
That is the course of events. I know you don’t like it, and are denying that Barack Obama is legitimately our president. Obama will have a library, and will go down in history as the nation’s first black president. Biographies by the dozens will be written.
You and the rest of your Denialist mob will be a footnote, and a chapter in abnormal psychology textbooks.
Have a nice life.
Just to set the facts straight – the “parens = parents” translation comes from the first English edition of Vattel and thus predates birtherism by more than two centuries. If somebody mistranslated it, it was the original translator.
Birthers made many other mistakes invoking Vattel (him being authoritative to begin with, the referential plural “children of citizen parents”, the fact that the Founders must’ve relied on their personal translation of the French original etc.) but w.r.t. this one, they are innocent.
I would go even further. Quotes from Jefferson or any other founder, even where accurate and complete, are often a substitute for real rational thought and logic. Jefferson was simply flat-out wrong about a great many things. Slavery for one. His desire that the US remain an agrarian country and not industrialize, for another. Every American should be deeply grateful that Hamilton wiped the floor with Jefferson on that one.
Dancing Rabbitt/Dragging Canoe doesn’t want nor will pay attention to any lesson. He is just a sad little ex-pat racist who is mad that the Obama’s are in the White eating all of E. Vattel’s donuts. Doc will soon be around to clean up the bile from this banned commenter.
Clarification.. My comment above was not intended to paint all expats with the racist brush. It was solely intended for E Vattel. Sorry about that Keith and others
Appeal to authority (of a single person) never works.
But people with small minds and little ability to defend their own positions love to throw quotes as if they were daggers. (And, reversing that tactic, think that e.g. a scientist’s discoveries are all hogwash if they can just show one totally different thing he was wrong about. Yeah, Einstein made some mistakes, so relativity theory is bogus, woo-hoo!)
The desire to glorify and idolize the Founders as if they were some kind of demi-gods is the epitome of the desire to “turn back the clock” to those “good old days” when 3/5’s of the women had to sit in the back of gay hell – or something.
Let’s not forget that Vattel was also dealing with the law of nations- how different nations should respect each other.
Yes, which is why he also accepted that municipal law determines who is and is not a (natural born) citizen as each country reserves the right to determine who are its citizens. And this is why in the US, the courts have looked at common law, not international law and determined the meaning of natural born to mean ‘born on soil, under full jurisdiction’, the latter excludes children born to ambassadors etc, and invading military who were, under common law, excluded as they are not born under the jurisdiction of the country.
Even Jefferson understood the meaning of natural law when it came to the status of a child born on soil, pointing to British practices. So it becomes quite untenable to further the ‘vattel’/law of nations angle.
But that has been obvious ever since US v Wong Kim Ark settled this conclusively.