Taitz dental office seized by feds

This is breaking news from OC Weekly, the best local coverage of Orly Taitz and her antics. In a pre-dawn raid, agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration seized the building at 29839 Santa Margarita Parkway in Rancho Santa Margarita, California, housing the dental practice and law offices of Orly Taitz, Esq. As we reported last year, Taitz had leased part of the building to a medical marijuana distributor.

While legal in California, the sale and possession of marijuana is still against federal law, and statutes allow seizing assets, including buildings and vehicles, used in the drug trade.

OC Weekly speculates that this is pay-back from the Obama administration for Taitz’ string of harassing lawsuits against the President. Taitz, in a characteristic response, has posted a string of articles [link to Taitz web site] on her blog, describing herself as a political dissident and urging her readers and supporters to flood the Justice Department  and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger with complaints.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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24 Responses to Taitz dental office seized by feds

  1. Robert C. Laity says:

    It is April 1st after all.

  2. Robert C. Laity says:

    However,it is no joke that Obama IS a Traitor and a fraud.

  3. richCares says:

    nice one for April Fools
    there was a dental office closed because of bad hygiene in OK, may have HIV infected patients http://news.yahoo.com/dirty-dentist-office-linked-hiv-hepatitis-c-infection-183700095.html
    Orly’s patients have complained of poor hygiene so maybe her office should be investigated like the one in OK.

  4. Deborah says:

    Before it’s News is already up to 43 hits since the short time I posted the link, at which time it was 9, and two of them were mine.

  5. justlw says:

    Robert C. Laity:
    However,it is no joke that Obama IS a Traitor and a fraud.

    Well yes, Robert. That’s been proven time and time again.

  6. Deborah says:

    Robert C. Laity:
    However,it is no joke that Obama IS a Traitor and a fraud.

    You’re right- it isn’t funny to laugh at mentally ill people who live in glass houses throwing stones. Honestly, Corsi makes me blush with embarrassment at the human race. Especially his particular ilk who call themselves Xtians.

  7. Lupin says:

    Clearly Empty Chair is to blame here.

  8. Paul Pieniezny says:

    richCares: Orly’s patients have complained of poor hygiene so maybe her office should be investigated like the one in OK.

    Hygiene in the medical area is typically something Soviet doctors and dentists learned (and learn now, in the successor states) during their internship. And they were supposed to do most of it themselves. The cleaning lady only mops the floors, and would usually spend most of her time cleaning the dust (summer) or dirty snow (winter) out of the corridors.

    Typically, any sanatorium would have a completely sanitized room for special medical work that did not need to be performed in the operating theatre of a hospital. Sometimes you had to go through four-five completely empty, uncleaned, non-decorated and unpainted corridors to reach it. When watching the Turkish film “Once upon a time in Anatolia” I was reminded of the time when my son needed a wrist operation in the Ukraine.

    Like in rural Turkey, even today in Ukraine (and yes, even the towns) the corridors seem to be full of people who are just waiting for a free “consultation” with a doctor or dental technician who can spare 5 or 10 minutes of his coffee or smoke break to have a quick look at a problem they have been struggling with for weeks.

    I do not blame Orly for wanting to escape all that. I am even starting to NOT blame her for the rest. Does not most of the blame rest with the various Boards or Bars not intervening to stop her?

  9. Lani says:

    Nice one, Doc. Mahalo for the laffs!

  10. Paper says:

    Hey guys, just want to let you know that I woke up this morning, read this article, and as I read the comments, I realized it is no joke that my own confirmation bias was getting in my way. I’m going to have to spend the day today calling everyone in my family and apologizing for not listening to them all these years.

    But in my defense, really, who could have known it was actually true?

    Do you think it stops with the birth certificate, or do I also have to apologize for all the other conspiracies I haven’t believed?

    If the Supreme Court overturns DOMA, does that mean we each will need three citizen parents?

    Robert C. Laity:
    However,it is no joke that Obama IS a Traitor and a fraud.

  11. Paper says:

    But not a spy anymore? Progress has been made this April 1st?

    Robert C. Laity:
    However,it is no joke that Obama IS a Traitor and a fraud.

    Robert Christopher Laity December 22, 2012 at 9:15 am:
    The Problem is that Obama IS a Traitor,fraud and Spy under US Law.

  12. The giveaway was that Arnold Schwarzenegger is not governor of California.

    Paper: But in my defense, really, who could have known it was actually true?

  13. lojasmo says:

    Robert C. Laity:
    However,it is no joke that Obama IS a Traitor and a fraud.

    There’s some genuine stupid, right there.

  14. Paper says:

    Right. I liked that reveal. Very nice. Of course, nonetheless, he could be…back.

    I know your article is April Fools, but that doesn’t mean birtherism isn’t true. That’s what hit me as I was reading Robert Laity’s comments this morning. Just because I trust your sensibility and humor, I have allowed myself to be the victim of my own confirmation bias.

    Thus, birtherism IS true.

    (It’s always the capital letters that break through the fog. I wish I had the knack.)

    As you can see, my logic is faultless. I’m just flabbergasted I didn’t see it before now. But how could anyone really have known that it is true that the President is a fraud? How did the birthers know? For the life of me, I can’t figure it out. You read their arguments, you go crazy listening to the stuff, and it’s just garbage, garbage, garbage (no offense, my fellow believers). But it turns out it is all true!

    I mean, creative geniuses are like canaries in the coal mines, they see things before anyone else, but maybe birthers are mutant canaries? We see all the coal they collect in their nests, and think, ugh? But, despite the mutant camouflage, they really know the truth. Who would’ve guessed it?

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    The giveaway was that Arnold Schwarzenegger is not governor of California.

  15. Rickey says:

    Robert C. Laity:
    However,it is no joke that Obama IS a Traitor and a fraud.

    It is no joke. It also is not true.

    Do you start every day with a lie?

  16. Majority Will says:

    Rickey: It is no joke. It also is not true.

    Do you start every day with a lie?

    I take Bonkers Bob as seriously as I would Charles Manson, Butterdezillion or Teresa Cao.

  17. Thomas Brown says:

    Robert C. Laity:
    However,it is no joke that Obama IS a Traitor and a fraud.

    Well, it WAS a tough call. But I just couldn’t vote for Romney, because HE has sex with 5-year-old boys and then cooks them and serves them to his S&M/Bondage club every Tuesday night. Absolutely true.

  18. Robert C. Laity:However,it is no joke that Obama IS a Traitor and a fraud.

    As an officer in the International Jewish Conspiracy™, I can confirm this is true.

    I can’t tell you anything more, because then I’d have to kill you.

  19. Thomas Brown: But I just couldn’t vote for Romney, because HE has sex with 5-year-old boys and then cooks them and serves them to his S&M/Bondage club every Tuesday night.

    We had an agreement. Thanks for spilling the beans. NOT.

  20. bgansel9 says:

    I so wanted this to be true. LMAO! ::giving Doc a scowling look::

  21. Deborah says:

    bgansel9 April 1, 2013 at 4:29 pm (Quote) #

    I so wanted this to be true. LMAO! ::giving Doc a scowling look::

    Me too! I got the news in a different time zone before it was April Fool’s day. I rushed downstairs to tell the good news to my friend: “Orly’s dental building has been confiscated by the feds because she rented part of it to a medical marijuana dealer” without verifying Dr. C’s post.

    “Obama showed her who is boss,” I said. But then I had some ‘splainin’ to do. Blush. No trust from here on in.

    Otherwise, I have made it through the day unscathed without being duped.

  22. Paper says:

    I woke up this morning and realized my birther epiphany yesterday was hogwash. There is no Birther Claus. No Birther Bunny hopping around the legal trail. I must have had the one day birther flu, or maybe it was some strange lunar ellipse or something to do with the calendar. I don’t know what I was thinking. 😉

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