The occasional open thread: time flies when you’re having fun edition

Leave your Obama conspiracy comments here that are not related to the current articles. This thread will close in 2 weeks.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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92 Responses to The occasional open thread: time flies when you’re having fun edition

  1. ASK Esq says:

    PPSimmons is claiming that their site has been the victim of cyberattacks leading up to Mike Zullo’s appearance later today, where he is supposed to be taking calls and revealing new evidence. What a surprise it would be if no such appearance happens, now that they’ve laid the groundwork for blaming anti-birthers for attacking the website.

  2. The Magic M says:

    ASK Esq: What a surprise it would be if no such appearance happens, now that they’ve laid the groundwork for blaming anti-birthers for attacking the website.

    Indeed, this (and trying to get more people to listen because “the evidence must be so explosive they’re trying to take us down”) is the only reasonable explanation.
    After all, I don’t think any Zullo appearance has ever been prefixed with such an announcement.

  3. Berlin Exhibition on Judaism Hits a Nerve

    To critics of the show, called “The Whole Truth” and intended to demystify Jewish life for a curious but largely uninformed German public, it was neither the questions nor the answers that were controversial, but where Mr. Glucroft sat: in a glass box, like just another exhibit.

    “As a Jew in Germany you live like an animal at the zoo,” he wrote in the daily newspaper Die Welt. “You just have the benefit of being able to run around freely.”

    Myrsini Sgouros, 28, originally from Heidelberg and back in Germany on a visit from New Zealand where she is living, had some difficulty with a scene from the HBO show “Curb Your Enthusiasm” playing on a loop in one of the rooms. On the show, a concentration camp survivor and a former cast member of the television show “Survivor” face off in an increasingly heated argument over which ordeal was worse.

    Mr. Glucroft seemed like the right man for the job, open, friendly, a good listener with a bit of a borscht-belt streak, cracking wise whenever things got a bit dull. When asked if he had to prove he was a Jew to get the job he answered, “I did not have to take off my pants.”

    Standing next to a recreation of the golden calf from the Bible, Mr. Glucroft drew a comparison to the four sons who ask questions about the Passover Seder: the wise one, the wicked one, the simple one and the one who does not know how to ask.

    “This exhibit,” he said, “is for the one who does not know how to ask.”

    Speaking of the golden calf, it produced chocolate milk. And Brink’s was hired to guard it. Shoplifting was a problem even then.

  4. CarlOrcas says:

    ASK Esq:
    PPSimmons is claiming that their site has been the victim of cyberattacks leading up to Mike Zullo’s appearance later today, where he is supposed to be taking calls and revealing new evidence. What a surprise it would be if no such appearance happens, now that they’ve laid the groundwork for blaming anti-birthers for attacking the website.

    All important police investigations are handled this way……with “investigators” taking calls from the public on internet talk shows. Sheesh.

  5. Rickey says:

    In other news, oral arguments on the Motions to Dismiss in the Grinols case will be heard on April 22. Orly will not be allowed to present any witnesses or zibits.

    In addition, the Federal defendants have shredded Orly’s Motion to “recuse” the U.S. Attorney, calling it frivolous:

  6. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    CarlOrcas: She says no one has contacted her from the show about being on today….but it’s probably not a good idea because her computer speakers don’t work. Hmm. haven’t paid that much attention to her stuff but she apparently feels sure Obama was born in Topeka, Kansas which raises the obvious question of how that helps Zullo and the birthers.

    She was here a few months ago blathering on and on. When no one believed her claims I think she went full racist and Doc banned her. Either that or it was the other lady from Washington State that claims Obama was born there. She really is delusional you should see her professional profile on linkedin

  7. richCares says:

    “yet the birthers will be shocked that they’ve been had once again”
    they won’t know they have been had, so no shock

  8. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: She was here a few months ago blathering on and on.When no one believed her claims I think she went full racist and Doc banned her.Either that or it was the other lady from Washington State that claims Obama was born there.She really is delusional you should see her professional profile on linkedin

    I remember her now. Reading her own blog and the stuff at LinkedIn you have to wonder what it takes today to get committed to a mental institution in America.

  9. donna says:

    diana west, in response to a recent hannity radio show says regarding racism and the birthers “Racism is simply a buzzword to further stymie the already strangled birther issue.

    So how did Hannity reply to the argument that conservatives were racist due to broaching the birther argument?

    He challenged his interlocutor: “Name three prominent conservatives who were advancing the birther issue.

    With this reply, Hannity accepted the charge that the whole subject is racist,; and the argument that this racist; subject is also baseless. It was the last straw.

    Which means what exactly? Nothing. Hannity is right. Aside from Alan Keyes, a former U.S. ambassador to the UN and a Republican candidate for the Senate and the presidency, no prominent Republican — from John McCain to Mitt Romney to John Boehner to Ron Paul — and no prominent conservative, from William Bennett to Sarah Palin to Rudy Giuliani, ever faced or raised the issue.

    Similarly, no think tank, no committee in Congress, no judicial body, no civic group and no mainstream media organization has advanced any responsible inquiry into these troubling questions. And forget about the Electoral College.”


    What chance does any free society in such deep denial have to continue? Not much. How tragic and frightening to realize that this same denial is evidence that our attachment to freedom and the Constitution vanished long ago.

    The Deafening Silence that Signals Our Demise

  10. Plantmaster says:

    I’ve recently been updating myself on the many residents of Birferstan, esp. Butterdezillion, Bob Gard, Theresa Cao and Christopher Strunk. having read some incredibly clueless posts, I recalled a passage of Shakespeare ideally suited to the likes of John, Gabe, Bob Gard and saynomorejoe. It is from–check your irony meters, folks–Much Ado About Nothing (ROF-LMAO):

    What would you with me, honest neighbor?

    Marry, sir, I would have some confidence with
    you that decerns you nearly.

    Brief, I pray you; for you see it is a busy
    time with me.

    Marry, this it is, sir.

    Yes, in truth it is, sir.

    What is it, my good friends?

    Goodman Verges, sir, speaks a little off the
    matter: an old man, sir, and his wits are not so
    blunt as, God help, I would desire they were; but,
    in faith, honest as the skin between his brows.

    Yes, I thank God I am as honest as any
    man living that is an old man and no honester
    than I.

    Comparisons are odorous: palabras,
    neighbor Verges.

    Neighbors, you are tedious.

    It pleases your worship to say so, but we are the
    poor duke’s officers; but truly, for mine own part,
    if I were as tedious as a king, I could find it in
    my heart to bestow it all of your worship.

    All thy tediousness on me, ah?

  11. US Citizen says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: She was here a few months ago blathering on and on.When no one believed her claims I think she went full racist and Doc banned her.Either that or it was the other lady from Washington State that claims Obama was born there.She really is delusional you should see her professional profile on linkedin

    Oh my!
    That’s quite a read especially for a Linkedin resume.
    I can’t imagine what it must have been like to work with her.

  12. US Citizen says:

    As you may have heard already, Roger Ebert died today. 🙁

    What many don’t know is that Roger was a frequent submitter of captions to New York magazine’s cartoon caption contest.
    Here is an article about it:

    The third cartoon down seems to be appropriate for this forum.

  13. Dr Kenneth Noisewater: She really is delusional you should see her professional profile on linkedin

    “On 1/9/89 Osama Bin Ladin came in to pick up his w-2, exited a ‘secured stairlwell’ and over the next 24 hours toxic fumes increased and intermingled with other chemicals and gradually more areas of employees were overcome as the ventilation was disconnected. The FBI was denied the right to investigate.”

    Hey Linda: It’s called Seroquel. Look into it.

  14. ZixiOfIx says:

    I hit upon a brand new conspiracy theory, which I’m shocked the birthers haven’t discovered and beaten to death yet. It is right in front of their faces, and I’d be flattered as all get out if they adopt it as their own. I have documented it below. This is not a late April Fools joke.

    A friend forwarded an article in email from The Atlantic about one of my favorite science fiction authors, Cordwainer Smith. It occurred to me, as I was reading about him, that he should be part of the birther mythos. It’s a shame he isn’t.

    Remembering Cordwainer Smith: Full-Time Sci-Fi Author, Part-Time Earthling

    Now, back in the day, before the internet, you might have read everything by an author, but you didn’t necessarily know much about him or her. For example, I never knew that Cordwainer Smith was the pen name for a man named
    Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger.

    I didn’t know that Linebarger/Smith was an amazing man apart from his stories and books. For example, he spoke or understood no less than six languages.

    I didn’t know that he literally wrote the book on psychological warfare… called, appropriately, Psychological Warfare, to this day regarded as a classic, still used by US Intelligence. He is known to have worked for the CIA in an unofficial capacity.

    Linebarger/Smith helped create the Office of War Information and the Operation Planning and Intelligence Board. He was a close friend of Chiang Kai-shek, Chairman of the National Government of China.

    Linebarger/Smith taught at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, where he served as Professor of Asiatic Studies. He received his PhD from Johns Hopkins in Poli-Sci.

    He advised the United States during the Korean War. He advised President Kennedy on foreign policy. He was well connected, and involved in international policy when President Obama was born.

    He may (or may not) have been the subject of a chapter in a famous book on psychology from the 1950’s called The Fifty Minute Hour by Robert M. Lindner. If Linebarger/Smith was the subject, a character called Kirk Allen, he was apparently convinced that he was from another planet.

    Linebarger/Smith died of a heart attack, at the age of 53. He’s buried at Arlington as somehow, amongst all of his many other amazing achievements, he managed to achieve the rank of colonel in the reserves. He died in 1966.

    Among all these interesting facts about this fascinating, talented man is something that should simply boggle the minds of birthers.

    This man, who worked for the CIA, who wrote the book on psychological warfare, who had the ear of presidents, was the godchild of none other than Sun Yat-sen.

    Linebarger/Smith’s father had known Sun Yat-sen in Germany when Linebarger/SmIth was a child.

    Sun Yat-sen, of course, is who the birthers point to when they want to “prove” that it is possible to get a Hawaiian birth certificate without being born there.

    Sun Yat-sen worked to get one to avoid something called the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. Hawaii was a territory at the time, not a state, and no evidence has ever emerged that anyone repeated what Sun Yat-sen managed before or after.

    This man, Linebarger/Smith, who worked for and with the intelligence community at the highest levels at the time the President was born, knew the only man known to have an ill-gotten Hawaiian birth certificate.

    Have at it, birthers.

  15. ZixiOfIx says:


    Which means what exactly? Nothing. Hannity is right. Aside from Alan Keyes, a former U.S. ambassador to the UN and a Republican candidate for the Senate and the presidency, no prominent Republican

    Sadly, most of the above isn’t correct.

    First of all, I would say that Alan Keyes is not all that prominent. Many Republicans wouldn’t know who he is.

    Secondly, some of the people you mention have tried very hard to benefit from birtherism.

    — from John McCain to Mitt Romney to John Boehner to Ron Paul — and no prominent conservative, from William Bennett to Sarah Palin to Rudy Giuliani, ever faced or raised the issue.

    John McCain, to his credit, stood up to birthers.

    Mitt Romney flirted with birtherism, both in person (“No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate”), and through surrogates. Romney’s son went pretty close to full birther, Mitt Romney’s Sons Make Birther Joke, Claim GOP Hopeful Doesn’t Know If He’ll Release Tax Returns.

    Additionally, Romney’s campaign chairs in Kansas and Arizona played the birther cards, demanding President Obama’s birth certificates, and Romney was fine with it.

    In short, Romney had others doing his dirty work with the birthers. Mitt Romney did all he could to benefit from birtherism without becoming directly involved.

    Mitt Romney represents the worst of American politics. He tried to benefit from the filth racist lies without getting his own hands too dirty.

    I find this highly hypocritical. A lot of other Republicans did, too. No presidency for Mitt.

    John Boehner steadfastly refused to repudiate birtherism, Boehner, Like Cantor, Refuses To Repudiate Birther Conspiracy Theories

    William Bennett? No idea. But he isn’t running for anything, doesn’t hold office, and I wouldn’t call him a mover or shaker in the GOP at the moment. He has a radio show.

    Finally, Sarah Palin has gone birther at least three times that I can recall.

    Sarah Palin Goes ‘Birther’: Obama Birth Certificate ‘A Fair Question’ (VIDEO) (2010)
    Sarah Palin ‘Appreciates’ Donald Trump’s ‘Birther’ Questions (2011)
    Sarah Palin Goes Birther At CPAC (2013)

    Sadly, the truth is the Republicans at all levels love birtherism if they think it’ll help.

  16. ZixiOfIx says:

    Not sure what happened above. I think I may have run out of time on the editing. I messed up the html for the links and tried to fix them, but it took a bit.

    At any rate, the missing urls are as follows:

    Sarah Palin Goes ‘Birther’: Obama Birth Certificate ‘A Fair Question’ (VIDEO) (2010)

    Sarah Palin ‘Appreciates’ Donald Trump’s ‘Birther’ Questions (2011)

  17. Deborah says:

    Orly is taking credit for the fact that the Indiana Elections board has agreed to review her concerns and will investigate. “Where appropriate” they will forward to law enforcement. This is the Indiana case she attempted to “intervene” into and was denied her motion to intervene.

    Plaintiffs from the state of Indiana were complaining that the state had violated Federal laws requiring them to keep their voter roles up to date. The complaint used a two-year-old census and arrived at the conclusion that the voter roles had duplicate names, names of deceased persons, and names of people who had moved out of the counties. The election board prevailed in the complaint and the complaint was dismissed. But apparently the judge did order the election board to acknowledge the plaintiff’s concerns (in other words, clean up the voter roles IF they are inaccurate- but the 2-yr-old census is not evidence of inaccuracy). The election board has a certain number of days to investigate (30-90 days approximately) and a certain number of days to remedy any problem.

    But Orly is warping the Order from the judge by suggesting that it is automatically being forwarded to law enforcement, when that is not the case at all. She has posted the Order on her website.

    I would post on her comment thread, but I won’t waste my time trying to “convert” her. She will not be converted, if the definition of a crank is correct and applies to her.

  18. Deborah says:

    Correction- the judge did not order the Indiana elections board to clean up the voter roles- the elections board appears to be self-governing, and the Co-Directors of the Election Division wrote the order for what appears to be an internal investigation. They will refer to law enforcement where appropriate and based on the EVIDENCE to support allegations of voter fraud.

    None of this was initiated by Orly, and the process began even before Obama was a presidential nominee (Indiana was ordered to clean up it’s voter roles in 2006). Orly only requested to intervene as the date neared a hearing and she was denied.

  19. Andrew Morris says:

    Not just did she claim credit, but she didn’t even read the order, which says the complete opposite of what she’s claiming.

  20. justlw says:

    Welcome back!

  21. Sactosintolerant says:

    Forgive me if this is old news, but I see Corsi is fundraising for a book of his WND is releasing in November for the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination.

    Surprisingly, it’s called “Who Really Killed Kennedy?”

  22. justlw says:

    Sactosintolerant: Surprisingly, it’s called “Who Really Killed Kennedy?”

    Do you think he will conclude that after all, it was you and me?

  23. Sactosintolerant: “Who Really Killed Kennedy?”

    The butler did it.

  24. justlw says:

    An excerpt:

    Kerry nervously adjusted the straps on the backpack. “Why did we let Davis talk us into taking his toddler lovechild with us, anyway?” he muttered. The child was beginning to stir, and was waving his pellet gun around aimlessly, a major distraction in the cramped confines of the pillbox that had been carved out beneath the grassy knoll.

    “Shutupshutupshutup,” Onaka hissed at the rangy teen. His normal smiling visage was completely absent as he listened closely, ear glued to the radio. “Monroe says the target is on the move!”

  25. Rickey says:

    Forgive me if this is old news, but I see Corsi is fundraising for a book of his WND is releasing in November for the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination.

    Surprisingly, it’s called “Who Really Killed Kennedy?”

    My guess – Harrison Bounel.

  26. J.D. Sue says:

    justlw: An excerpt:

    Exactly, though I doubt he can write as well as you!

  27. Majority Will says:

    Rickey: My guess – Harrison Bounel.

    I think it was that evil Smiley Face that hides in signatures.

  28. donna says:


    it was diana west in “The Deafening Silence that Signals Our Demise”

  29. Pieter Nosworthy says:


    I comment with my real name…perhaps this is worth some modicum of respect,

    I am also an active duty 1SG. I’d a appreciate a voice in the forum. Thanks for the consideration.

  30. brygenon says:

    I notice that the “The Great Mother of All Natural Born Citizen Quotation Pages” does not cite Sumiye Umeki Yamauchi v. Rogers, 181 F.Supp. 934 (1960). I think it would be a worthy addition. The Court twice asserted Yamauchi to be a natural-born citizen, while her parents were Japanese nationals.

    The defense in the Purpura v. Obama ballot challenge cited Yamauchi v. Rogers. I suspect they could have won even without it, but still.

  31. Rickey says:

    Pieter Nosworthy:

    I comment with my real name…perhaps this is worth some modicum of respect,

    Most of us do not comment with our real names (or at least not with our full names) because birthers have been known to “out” Obots and harass them by calling their employers, etc.

    Doc C. does not allow the outing of birthers here. Even though we have figured out who many of them are, we are not allowed to post personal information about them which they themselves have not disclosed.

    I am also an active duty 1SG. I’d a appreciate a voice in the forum. Thanks for the consideration.

    Your service in the U.S. Army is worthy of respect. However, your opinions about Obama’s eligibility stand or fall on their own merits.

  32. Pieter Nosworthy: I am also an active duty 1SG.

    Which means Obama is your CIC. Deal with it.

  33. Plantmaster says:

    misha marinsky:

    Hey Linda: It’s called Seroquel. Look into it.

    Better include Abilify. with a Haldol chaser…

  34. Plantmaster says:

    Pieter Nosworthy:


    I comment with my real name…perhaps this is worth some modicum of respect,
    You’ve returned. You are a glutton for punishment…You, John, Gabe and saynomorejoe should do something constructive–like play euchre…

  35. nbc says:

    Pieter Nosworthy:

    I comment with my real name…perhaps this is worth some modicum of respect,

    I am also an active duty 1SG. I’d a appreciate a voice in the forum. Thanks for the consideration.

    Respect is earned… Posting with your real name or being an active duty 1SG are not really that relevant.

  36. Rickey says:

    Orly has been ordered to pay $1,051.50 in costs to the plaintiffs in the Liberi case.

  37. nbc says:

    Hmm ironic is it not…

    5150 california code – 5150 (Involuntary psychiatric hold) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  38. Rickey: Orly has been ordered to pay $1,051.50 in costs to the plaintiffs in the Liberi case.

    nbc: california code – 5150 (Involuntary psychiatric hold)

    [spooky pipe organ music]

  39. nbc says:

    Farrar v Esquire… Truly pathetic… Let’s hope the court comes down hard on Klayman for filing this brief…

    03/27/2013 20 REPLY FILED [1427576] by Jerome Corsi, Joseph Farah, WND Books and to Response and RESPONSE FILED to Cross Motion [1424672-2],[1424672-3],[1424672-4](Reply to Response by Mail to Cross Motion due on 04/08/2013) [Service Date: 03/27/2013 by CM/ECF NDA] Pages: 1-10. [12-7055] (Klayman, Larry)

    04/08/2013 21 REPLY FILED [1429523] by Esquire Magazine, Hearst Communications, Inc. and Mark Warren to response [1427576-2],[1427576-3] [Service Date: 04/08/2013 by CM/ECF NDA] Pages: 1-10. [12-7055] (Donnellan, Jonathan)

  40. Dave says:

    Taitz has an amusing post quite critical of Sven Magnussen — I suppose this is the same Sven Magnussen who used to troll here. Apparently Sven has been pushing a detailed alternate universe story about the Origins of Obama, and Taitz doesn’t like it because… I can’t figure out why. But she dislikes it so much she calls Sven an obot. She complains he “did not provide any proof of this story.”

    Taitz’s post:

    Sven’s article at ORYR:

  41. OT, but apropos: McCandlish Phillips, Times Reporter Who Exposed Jewish Klansman, Dies at 85

    McCandlish Phillips, a former reporter for The New York Times who wrote one of the most famous articles in the newspaper’s history — exposing the Orthodox Jewish background of a senior Ku Klux Klan official…He was 85.

    Mr. Phillips’s most renowned article appeared on Page 1 on Sunday, Oct. 31, 1965, under the headline “State Klan Leader Hides Secret of Jewish Origin.” It was a rigorously reported profile of Daniel Burros, a 28-year-old Queens man who was the Grand Dragon of the New York State Ku Klux Klan, a chief organizer of the national Klan and a former national secretary of the American Nazi Party.

    Mr. Burros, the article went on to document, was also a Jew — a former Hebrew school student who had been bar mitzvahed at 13.

    The article remains a case study in a reporter’s perseverance in the face of intimidation. It is also a case study in the severe, unintended consequences that the airing of fiercely guarded truths can have for the guardian: despite threatening to kill Mr. Phillips if the article went to press, Mr. Burros, in the end, killed only himself.

  42. Majority Will says:

    “Fox Hypes Letter With Birther Ties To Revive Benghazi Conspiracy Theories”

    “The group that penned the letter, Special Operations Speaks, was founded by Larry Bailey, a former Navy SEAL who has admitted to being a birther and has touted the conspiracy theory that President Obama’s real father was actually the late communist writer Frank Marshall Davis”

  43. gorefan says:

    ORYR is doing a character assassination on Dr. Fuddy.

    Their ignorance about financial matters is spectacular.

  44. CarlOrcas says:

    gorefan: Their ignorance about financial matters is spectacular.

    Their ignorance about EVERYTHING is spectacular!!!

    I particularly liked the posting from “julio schwartz” recapping Mike Zullo’s appearance on Gallups program. Magically all these things managed to come together within a couple days before Zullo went on the radio. Amazing!

    Below is a recap of the revelations:

    1. Within the last 2 days before the interview, Zullo confirmed that brand new information had been received in the investigation which bolstered the legal evidence of the long form birth certificate being a 100% fabricated and fraudulent document. The information came, unexpected, from a professional source of the investigation, and is irrefutable.

    2. Within the last couple of days before the interview, Zullo had several lengthy meetings with VIPS who have promised to soon bring this case forward in an “official” manner. The VIPS are of “standing” and have the authority to bring the case forward. They have promised full public exposure to the case, the evidence, and to the hopeful ends of a full and official “hearing” of the matter.

    3. A definitive “plan of action” is now being formulated with several VIPS to make number 3 above happen as soon as possible.

    4. Several other VIPS have now scheduled meetings with Zullo and are expected to come on board with the exposure process.

    5. Zullo revealed for the FIRST TIME publicly that a “certified” source of legal investigation has now “signed off” on the CCP investigation and has declared the evidence to be 100% accurate and the document in question to be a complete fabricated fraud upon the American people. This source is certified to testify in Federal Courts throughout the nation.”

  45. gorefan: Their ignorance about financial matters is spectacular.

    Their ignorance about everything in general is spectacular. The GOP panders to that mob.

  46. bovril says:

    Taitz has an amusing post quite critical of Sven Magnussen — I suppose this is the same Sven Magnussen who used to troll here. Apparently Sven has been pushing a detailed alternate universe story about the Origins of Obama, and Taitz doesn’t like it because… I can’t figure out why. But she dislikes it so much she calls Sven an obot. She complains he “did not provide any proof of this story.”

    Taitz’s post:

    Sven’s article at ORYR:

    Hell, Svens cack is so delusional even Butterdezillion, a woman who has never met a conspiracy theory she doesn’t believe, has laughed at and dismissed it………

  47. Thinker says:

    Strunk loses another one. I believe this is the lawsuit that he filed in New York state court just after the election to try to stop the NY electors from voting in the Electoral College. Case dismissed, but no sanctions.

    Link to Doc C’s article on this suit from December, 2012

  48. donna says:


    ORDER-PROPER PETITION | Petitioner’s notice, filed in this Court on March 12, 2013, has been treated as a petition for writ of mandamus seeking reinstatement of the proceedings in the district court of appeal below. Petitioner is allowed to and including April 29, 2013, in which to file a proper petition for writ of mandamus; that complies with Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.100, addressing why the proceedings in the district court of appeal should not have been dismissed. The failure to file a proper petition with this Court within the time provided could result in the imposition of sanctions, including dismissal of this case. See Fla. R. App. P. 9.410. Please understand that once this case is dismissed, it may not be subject to reinstatement.

  49. Keith says:

    My, my, my. One of the founders declares that The ‘Tea Party’ is Over.

    And then, the Dick Army’s of the political world started to creep in and take over the movement. They were very slick about it. They started giving all of these individual Tea Party groups money so people who were selling real estate six months earlier could now make a living watching Fox News and blogging, or posting on Twitter and Facebook.

    This has been one of my contentions all along. Anti-Obama conspiracy trolls are FUNDED.

    It almost looks like Russo has had a ‘Road to Damascus moment’:

    But alas we learned no such lessons. We are OK with big government as long as it’s a Republican administration. We are OK with losing our civil liberties as long as a white Republican is the one in the White House taking our freedoms away.

    We are mad at New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg for trying to tell us how much soda we can drink because we should be able to consume whatever we want, whether it’s trans-fats or soda or raw milk — the government shouldn’t tell us what we can put in our bodies. Unless of course it’s a substance that WE think is harmful, like marijuana. And that’s even though sugary drinks have been linked to diabetes, and even though children now get what was once called “adult onset diabetes.” We should be free to drink as much as we want. And even though marijuana has never hurt a single person it is illegal, and we will lock you up, ruin your life, and put a felony on your record if you try to ingest it. We don’t need “Nanny Bloomberg” (as Sean Hannity calls him) telling us what is good for us and what is bad for us, and if I want to eat or drink things that are bad for me, I have every right. But I cannot smoke things that are bad for me … except cigars and cigarettes, and …

    It is all so hypocritical it makes your head spin.

  50. Thinker says:

    The person who does the @birtherheadline tweets and seems to have had a change of heart. The twitter avatar and background are now pro-Obama and the tweets insult birfers. The blog now goes to, a page that says, “Dear Birthers, You’re Idiots.” I hadn’t looked at the blog for at least several months, but I saw a lot of the tweets every day. @birtherheadline tweeted and re-tweeted a lot of really offensive (IMO) RWNJ stuff, more than just birfer nonsense. Does anyone know the backstory to this?

  51. Deborah says:

    Taitz has an amusing post quite critical of Sven Magnussen — I suppose this is the same Sven Magnussen who used to troll here. Apparently Sven has been pushing a detailed alternate universe story about the Origins of Obama, and Taitz doesn’t like it because… I can’t figure out why. But she dislikes it so much she calls Sven an obot. She complains he “did not provide any proof of this story.”

    All I can figure to explain Orly’s density about social security numbers and the simple explanation of a clerical error in zip codes is that they don’t have social security numbers in Russia or Israel.

    I’m sure they have a bureaucracy though…

  52. The Magic M says:

    Deborah: All I can figure to explain Orly’s density about social security numbers and the simple explanation of a clerical error in zip codes is that they don’t have social security numbers in Russia or Israel.

    I’m sure they have a bureaucracy though…

    Orly’s behaviour is typical of someone who has lived under a very strict regime for a long time. Those people tend to believe their government omnipotent, omniscient (about 1% of the East German population is believed to have been reporting their fellow citizens to government) and infallible. Orly transfers this belief to government in general, believing any perceived “inconsistency” is clear evidence of tampering.

  53. Thinker says:

    I see that the @birtherheadline twitter account has gone Obot. That account was one of the biggest purveyors of RWNJ lies on twitter. The blog is gone, replaced by a page that says, “Dear Birthers, You’re Idiots.” Does anyone know the backstory on this?

  54. Arthur says:

    ORYR has an article from Lucas Smith, with supposed pictures of Barack Obama Sr.’s passport. Are these images of Obama’s actual passport, or are they “computer generated forgeries”?

  55. Majority Will says:

    April 20, 2013, Atlanta, Georgia. Neo-Nazi Rally. Rally at the state capitol organized by neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement (NSM)

    Here’s a great opportunity for the cowardly birther bigots to mingle with their like minded brothers and celebrate their Nazi hero’s birthday.

  56. Majority Will says:

    “If Barack Obama becomes the President in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.”
    – Ted Nugent, April 17th, 2012

    Time’s almost up for this birther moron to make good on his promise.

  57. donna says:

    Explosive Addressed To Arpaio Intercepted

    Authorities are investigating an explosive device addressed to Arizona’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the self-proclaimed “toughest sheriff in America” known for his tough treatment of jail inmates and cracking down on illegal immigrants.

    The device intercepted in Flagstaff late Thursday was in a package addressed to Arpaio at his downtown Phoenix office, the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement.

    It appeared suspicious, so it was X-rayed and the device was detected. A bomb squad team neutralized the explosive, the statement said.

  58. Majority Will: “If Barack Obama becomes the President in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.” – Ted Nugent, April 17th, 2012

    Time’s almost up for this birther moron to make good on his promise.

    I wish he’d hurry up, already.

  59. donna: Explosive Addressed To Arpaio Intercepted

    I thought Ted Kaczynski was in prison.

  60. CarlOrcas says:

    donna: Explosive Addressed To Arpaio Intercepted

    Not that I don’t trust the MCSO but checking the Flagstaff newspaper I find the following:

    “The Flagstaff Police Department says that the device contained explosive material and did resemble an explosive device. Authorities say it’s too soon to tell if the device was a bomb.”

    Since they blew up whatever it was the lab will have to take some time looking at the pieces to determine if it was a bomb or a just a box with some firecrackers in it.

  61. JD Reed says:

    The Magic M: Orly’s behaviour is typical of someone who has lived under a very strict regime for a long time. Those people tend to believe their government omnipotent, omniscient (about 1% of the East German population is believed to have been reporting their fellow citizens to government) and infallible. Orly transfers this belief to government in general, believing any perceived “inconsistency” is clear evidence of tampering.

    Social Security definitely does make mistakes. A personal example: When I sought to do my part as a parent in filling out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) for my son, I was blocked from obtaining the required parental PIN, because information about myself did not match what the Social Security Adminnistration had on file. I finally broke down and visited my friendly local Social Security office. That’s when I found out my very own place of birth was fouled up in SSA records. I won’t give the actual location for privacy reasons, but here’s the nature of the mistake: Somewhere back up the line I must have filled out a form that gave my place of birth as my natal city and county, as for instance, Milano, Milam County, but recorded as Miland Milam, a city with two words in its name. (For privacy reasons, this is not my actual birthlace, but the mistake was exactly the same, reading a final O in the city’s name as a D,overlooking the comma between the city and county, and overlooking the word county. My handwriting is often atrocious so I can understand that someone may taken my O for a D. But missing the comma and the word county must have meant this clerk skimmed over the info in a great big hurry while typing the info into SSA records.
    We are a very imperfect species; I know I’ve read that somewhere. To paraphrase the late Molly Ivins, never blame on conspiracy what can be accounted for by human stupidity.

  62. nbc says:

    CarlOrcas: “The Flagstaff Police Department says that the device contained explosive material and did resemble an explosive device. Authorities say it’s too soon to tell if the device was a bomb.”

    And why would Obama supporters want to harm Arpaio as he himself has shown himself to be unwilling to move forward with an official investigation of the cold case posse’s ‘findings’.

    Arpaio is doing exactly as expected…

  63. donna: Aside from Alan Keyes, a former U.S. ambassador to the UN and a Republican candidate for the Senate and the presidency, no prominent Republican

    Keyes is a crackpot, and is licking his wounds from their Senate race.

  64. CarlOrcas says:

    nbc: Arpaio is doing exactly as expected…

    Arpaio does exactly what he thinks serves him best at the moment and today that means ignoring the birthers while being shocked about the story from Flagstaff.

    The moment he thinks betting back on the birther bandwagon will do something for him he’ll be right back on top with the reins in one hand and a whip in the other.

  65. Crustacean says:

    Majority Will: “If Barack Obama becomes the President in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.”
    – Ted Nugent, April 17th, 2012
    Time’s almost up for this birther moron to make good on his promise.

    The moment I saw Nugent and Mike Huckabee playing “Cat Scratch Fever” together, they were both dead to me, anyway.

    Common’s lyrics were just too over-the-top for Huckabee, but Ted’s are OK, I guess. What is it you do with the stroke of your hand (for FREE), Huck?

  66. It’s not a change of heart; birtherheadlines has always just been a news service, carrying birther stuff and anti-birther stuff (like my articles). The operator has never been sympathetic towards birthers.

    It may be that there has been a change in the presentation.

    Thinker: The person who does the @birtherheadline tweets and seems to have had a change of heart. The twitter avatar and background are now pro-Obama and the tweets insult birfers.

  67. Scientist says:

    The President has filed and paid his taxes yet again

    You’d think that with a phony SSN he would just not file and save himself a pile of money. What a dolt!

  68. Crustacean: What is it you do with the stroke of your hand…Huck?

    Stop a state police investigation of his son: Huckabee Squashed Charges Against His Son For Stoning, Hanging Dog

    (Miller County, Arkansas) Two boy scout counselors, 17 year old Clayton Frady and 18 year old David litickabee [sic], the son of Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, have admitted to catching a stray dog during their summer session at Camp Pioneer in Hatfield, AR, and hanging the dog by his neck, slitting his throat and stoning him to death.

    Remember, Xtians aren’t perfect – just forgiven. Right, Huck?

  69. Majority Will says:

    Hey! I made QOTD! I’m saving to PDF and then printing and framing this page. It will have LOTS of layers and even a smiley face.

  70. Stanislaw says:

    My, my, my. One of the founders declares that The ‘Tea Party’ is Over.

    This has been one of my contentions all along. Anti-Obama conspiracy trolls are FUNDED.

    It almost looks like Russo has had a ‘Road to Damascus moment’:

    Speaking of the Tea Party, they’ve finally made the transition into full-on, naked, unbridled, balls-out Fascism:

    It appears that Russo has finally realized what the rest of have known since the “Tea Party” came into existence.

  71. The Magic M says:

    *lol* She’s still in love with “ex parte”, isn’t she? If she keeps dressing her motions (including this effective “motion to strike”) as “ex parte applications” (i.e. without including opponent’s counsel in the loop), the judge might and should slap her seriously.

  72. Rickey says:

    re grinols, taitz’s “proposed order for the Ex-Parte Application to Strike the Motion to Dismiss”

    Orly lies again (the General Counsel of the House of Representatives never claimed to be representing anyone in he Grinols case) and she again accuses the Court of being complicit in racketeering if she doesn’t get her way. And a pony.

  73. donna says:

    The Magic M: She’s still in love with “ex parte”, isn’t she?

    next she’ll be asking to be pen pals

    she was already told by judge england to stop seeking legal advice from the court

    Plaintiffs’ counsel has called and e-mailed chambers staff several times seeking legal advice or to ask questions about how to proceed with their suit. This communication is inappropriate.The Court directs Plaintiffs’ counsel to both the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Eastern District of California’s Local Rules. Both sets of rules explain how parties should interact with the Court and how to litigate their lawsuit. Both sets of rules are available online. In the future, Plaintiffs’ counsel should consult both the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Eastern District’s Local Rules before proceeding. Local Rules 200 – 305 apply to civil cases, like the one at hand. Local Rule 230 specifically deals with civil motions. In the future, Plaintiffs must comply with this rule.

    If Plaintiffs’ counsel wants to request something from the Court, she must file a noticed motion, which means she must file “a notice of motion, motion, accompanying briefs, affidavits, if appropriate, and copies of all documentary evidence that the moving party intends to submit in support of the motion.” E.D. Cal. Local R. 230(b). Properly noticed motions are set for hearings at least 28 days after they are filed. Id. Plaintiffs’ counsel should not e-mail, call, or file an ex parte request if she wants the Court to act. The only way that Plaintiffs’ Counsel should interact with the Court is through formally filed motions that comply with Local Rule 230. As explained above, motions are set for hearings at least 28 days after they are filed. Thus, Plaintiffs’ counsel should not expect the Court to act any faster than 28 days,as the local rules require that time to pass before a motion can be heard. Chambers staff will disregard all communication that does not comply with both sets of rules.


  74. J.D. Sue says:

    donna: IT IS SO ORDERED


    Contemptuous, isn’t she?

    Judge England also recently issued a minute order vacating her “Motion to Recuse Counsel of Defendants”, to be rescheduled after the 4/22 hearing on the motion to dismiss if necessary; this of course doesn’t stop her from now filing essentially the same motion “ex parte” for the 4/22 hearing….

  75. Yes, just saw that on the local news. I hope this is the final blow sinking his bid for the US House in the May 7 special election.

    gorefan: I see Mark Sanford made the news again.

  76. justlw says:

    Well, this should be fun:

    THE AWAKENING 2013: Fighting for the Soul of America

    Michele Bachmann will be joining some of the most extreme right-wing activists in the country at the upcoming Awakening 2013 conference, which is organized by the Liberty University-affiliated Liberty Counsel.

    Other nuts in one basket include: Bradlee Dean, Pamela Geller, Frank Gaffney, Rick Joyner, Cindy Jacobs, William Murray, Timothy Johnson, Shawn Akers, Rick Scarborough, Rena Lindevaldsen, Matt Barber, Mat Staver, Judith Reisman, Jerry Boykin, Janet Porter (née Folger), Harry Jackson, Greg Quinlan, Steve Pearce, and the Duggars (well, two of them; probably not room for all of them).

    Anti-gay, anti-women, anti-Muslim, pro-conspiracy. One-stop wingnut shopping.

  77. justlw: Other nuts in one basket include: …Pamela Geller

    I don’t know how Geller can stand being in the same room with the rest of those Neanderthals. Yuck! My skin crawls just thinking about it.

    justlw: organized by the Liberty University-affiliated Liberty Counsel

    Falwell: ‘The anti-Christ is walking among us in the shape of a Jewish male.’

    Falwell on 9/11: “I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say ‘you helped this happen.'”

  78. Keith says:

    gorefan: I’m pretty sure Gillar has been told about most of his misstatements (especially about both the short form and long form missing raised seals), so he is either stupid or intentional being misleading.

    Neither. He is outright lying.

    He is doing so, without shame, because his target audience doesn’t read or listen to sources that will contradict him. He doesn’t give a ratsass that ‘we’ see through him.

    Back in the 70’s, a market for 3rd party ‘IBM compatible’ computer mainframes thrived because several people noted that it didn’t matter that IBM could maintain 98% of the market, that left over 2% was plenty big enough for them. So, Amdahl, Fujitsu, ICL, made mainframes and sold against IBM. Even CDC made add on memory for IBM mainframes.

    Likewise, Gillar figures that he can get his strokes from the small number of people who are not reality based. There are enough of those to exploit to keep him occupied.

  79. justlw: Michele Bachmann will be joining some of the most extreme right-wing activists in the country

    The Swiss Miss is a crackpot.

  80. Gov. Rick Perry has issued a statement on the Waco fertilizer plant explosion:

    “Only a Good Guy with a Fertilizer Plant, can Stop a Bad Guy with A Fertilizer Plant.”

  81. Orly Taitz just made a statement about the Waco plant explosion: “This is because we have an illegal Muslim in the White House.”

  82. Orly Taitz: This happened because an illegal Moslem is occupying the White House. Call everyone in Washington and demand Obama be removed from office tomorrow before he kills everyone!!

  83. Thomas Brown says:

    misha marinsky:
    Orly Taitz: This happened because an illegal Moslem is occupying the White House. Call everyone in Washington and demand Obama be removed from office tomorrow before he kills everyone!!

    I left a nice response.

  84. Larry says:

    Press release

    Law Offices of Orly Taitz


    18 high ranking officers of the U.S. military signed letters urging Judge Morrison C. England, Chief District Judge of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California to hear on the merits the legal challenge brought by Attorney Orly Taitz on behalf of Presidential Candidates and Presidential Electors in light of evidence of forgery in Obama’s IDs. Contrary to reports of a 100% controlled and censored U.S. main stream media, aka Obama regime propaganda machine, none of the legal challenges against Obama was ever ruled upon on the merits. Not one single judge compelled production of the original IDs for Obama, not one single judge or jury saw the original birth certificate, original Selective Service certificate, original Social Security application and all the copies released so far were deemed by experts to be flagrant crude forgeries. Not one single judge or jury have seen the application SS-5 for the Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425,which Obama is fraudulently using, even now, in the White House, while it failed both E-Verify and SSNVS and showed in multiple databases to be assigned to an immigrant from Russia, Harrison J. Bounel, who was born in 1890, presumed to be deceased without heirs and whose number was illegally assumed by Obama. Why doesn’t he have a valid Social Security number? Sworn affidavits of top law enforcement officers and experts show him using a forged birth certificate, forged Selective Service certificate, Indonesian citizenship and a last name not legally his. Top ranking officers of the U.S. military have a right to know whether we have a legitimate Commander-in-Chief giving them orders. Other members of the U.S military, law enforcement, FBI, Sheriffs, police officers, District Attorneys, assistant U.S. attorneys and assistant AGs, who share the same concerns as Major General Childers and other officers can write to Attorney Taitz at

  85. We will have about 10 minutes blog down time sometime between 8am April 19th
    and 8pm April 20th 2013 in some unspecified time zone for hardware upgrades.

  86. Republicans on parade: Oklahoma House Majority Leader Casually Uses Antisemitic Slur During Bill Debate, Laughs It Off

    “[Customers] might try to Jew me down on the price,” Johnson added. “That’s fine. You know what? That’s free market as well.”

  87. donna says:

    taitz Press release: demand for a Senate hearing on Obama’s failed E-verify was sent by Attorney Orly Taitz to the “gang of 8″

    “Demand for ‘gang of 8’, namely eight U.S. Senators, who introduced current massive amnesty bill, to delay the debate on the bill pending a senate hearing on the failed E-Verify of Barack Obama”

    “If you do not do so, you become accessories in a criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States of America, forgery, Social Security fraud, identity fraud and high treason.”

    where’s the man in the “white coat”???

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