U. R. Stuck

Sometimes the wheels of justice grind slowly.

I am reminded of a little quip in Reader’s Digest from my childhood. They gave some humorous examples of bad checks that had been written. One was written on the “East Bank of Mississippi” and was signed: “U. R. Stuck.” I was in Mississippi earlier this year, saw the river and trod on some of that famous impeding “Mississippi mud.”


It seems to this commentator that some of that mud has gotten into the federal court system in Mississippi, noting that it was a year and a day ago that the Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings was filed by the Defendants in the case of Taitz v Democrat Party of Mississippi. We’re still waiting for the inevitable birther loss in that case.

I suppose one difference in this case is that the Defendants are not only trying to win the case, but to deter plaintiff Taitz from filing more frivolous lawsuits.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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75 Responses to U. R. Stuck

  1. Thinker says:

    Maybe Judge Wingate is flummoxed by the “forgery of a forgery” thing. If he has never encountered birfers before, he might not realize that the average birfer doesn’t understand the difference between pixels and paper.

    According to judgepedia (http://judgepedia.org/index.php/Henry_Wingate), Judge Wingate has been criticized for being slow.

  2. Deborah says:

    Probably where the phrase “stick in the mud” originated also…hmmm.


  3. scott e says:

    frivolous is a matter of opinion, is Benghazi frivolous too ? does Terry Lakin think this is all frivolous ?

    but your opening reminded me of when I was a little kid, and my brother got busted trying to outsmart my dad, with an open copy of reader’s digest he kept referring to on his lap, opened to the “it pays to increase your word power” page….

    dad knew something was up when my 11 year old brother commented; “why is everyone being so bunctious”

    and I was apparently, as a five year old eating chuck steak, was acting very “jocular”.

    I remember it as if it were yesterday…. every once in awhile I buy a chuck steak… but that is another story.

  4. Rickey says:

    scott e:
    frivolous is a matter of opinion, is Benghazi frivolous too ? does Terry Lakin think this is all frivolous ?

    Who cares what Terry Lakin thinks? There was nothing frivolous about his despicable behavior. He disobeyed orders, let down his fellow soldiers, and another Army doctor was forced to leave his family and take Lakin’s place.

    Who has suggested that what happened at Benghazi was frivolous?

    As for Orly Taitz, her lawsuits have indeed been frivolous.

  5. Rickey: Who cares what Terry Lakin thinks? There was nothing frivolous about his despicable behavior. He disobeyed orders, let down his fellow soldiers, and another Army doctor was forced to leave his family and take Lakin’s place.

    Bravo Foxtrot

  6. nbc says:

    scott e: frivolous is a matter of opinion, is Benghazi frivolous too ? does Terry Lakin think this is all frivolous ?

    Well, he realized that he was foolishly wrong to pursue the way he did. Lakin took some bad advice and is now suffering for it. Nothing can change the fact that he disobeyed legal orders.

  7. nbc says:

    As to Orly, several of her filings appear to have been quite frivolous and now she is hoping to refile a case with the SOS…

    Her lack of familiarity with the rules of law and the court have been well documented

  8. nbc says:

    scott e: is Benghazi frivolous too ?

    Benghazi has nothing to do with Orly’s failures…

  9. Deborah says:

    Now that it has come to pass that Dr. C has devoted an entire comment thread to mud, it may be time for us to visit the Orly website to get ourselves indignant and riled up about SOMETHING, for God’s sake, ANYTHING but mud. Oh nooooes!

    Here’s one: An Open Letter to Secret Service. OMG!


  10. Deborah says:

    A quote from the link I posted above, An Open Letter to the Secret Service. I hope you are sitting down.

    “It must be getting tougher by the day to serve two masters. On one hand, you must serve the American people by upholding the U.S. Constitution; you have sworn to God that you would defend and protect it while serving in the capacity of protecting the office of the President of the United States. On the other hand, you must protect the Muslim/Communist plant who currently holds this office. It must be an extremely tough job, knowing that you may have to take a bullet for someone who is hell-bent on destroying America. You must not get very much sleep at night.”

  11. CarlOrcas says:

    Now that it has come to pass that Dr. C has devoted an entire comment thread to mud, it may be time for us to visit the Orly website to get ourselves indignant and riled up about SOMETHING, for God’s sake, ANYTHING but mud. Oh nooooes!

    Here’s one: An Open Letter to Secret Service. OMG!


    Only thing new there was this – “Or how about studying what the Constitution says about a President of the United States heading up the United Nations Security Council?”.

    What’s that about???

  12. CarlOrcas says:

    A quote from the link I posted above, An Open Letter to the Secret Service. I hope you are sitting down.

    “It must be getting tougher by the day to serve two masters. On one hand, you must serve the American people by upholding the U.S. Constitution; you have sworn to God that you would defend and protect it while serving in the capacity of protecting the office of the President of the United States. On the other hand, you must protect the Muslim/Communist plant who currently holds this office. It must be an extremely tough job, knowing that you may have to take a bullet for someone who is hell-bent on destroying America. You must not get very much sleep at night.”

    Crazy stuff. No surprise.

  13. Deborah says:

    CarlOrcas: CarlOrcas May 5, 2013 at 7:34 pm (Quote) #

    Only thing new there was this – “Or how about studying what the Constitution says about a President of the United States heading up the United Nations Security Council?”.

    What’s that about???

    Article I, Section 9 Clause of the Constitution.



    The U.S. President is not allowed to accept any office from a foreign state, but he is heading an office at the United Nations as far as I know. That might be considered a “dual office,” (similar to a dual allegiance), a “one world government,” and a “title of nobility” in someone’s interpretation of the Constitution.This could be the birthers next theoretical controversy, and it would be an interesting one. I hope, and believe, Obama will come out of it innocent, as he did with the challenge to his presidential eligibility. I also hope that Orly isn’t reading this as she does not need any bright ideas put into her head.

  14. Keith says:

    Deborah: The U.S. President is not allowed to accept any office from a foreign state, but he is heading an office at the United Nations as far as I know.

    What are you talking about?

    What “office at the United Nations” is President Obama “heading”?

  15. CarlOrcas says:

    Deborah: he U.S. President is not allowed to accept any office from a foreign state, but he is heading an office at the United Nations as far as I know.

    No he doesn’t. The Presidency of the Security Council rotates on a monthly basis among the members The head of the nation’s delegation handles the duties. It’s also more than debatable whether the UN constitutes a “foreign state”.

    Theoretically a head of government or state could step in to run a delegation and take on the duties of council president but I suspect most of them have better things to do.

    I also note that this is the first time I have ever heard of this concern since the founding of the UN. How are things different today? Hmmm…..let me think about that for a minute.

  16. Daniel says:

    scott e:
    frivolous is a matter of opinion, is Benghazi frivolous too ? does Terry Lakin think this is all frivolous ?

    Not all opinions are equal. Those opinions based on substantive evidence are almost, without fail, of more inherent value than the opinions of conspiracy nutbags.

    What Terry Lakin did to his country and to his family was not frivolous, however the crap he based his seditious stupidity on was frivolous.

    What happened at Benghazi was not frivolous, but the morons who abuse the death of an innocent man and his family to pile on their ridiculous conspiracy crap to make themselves look important, are frivolous.

    Birthers are frivolous, and birther crap is frivolous and moronic. The sooner you get that through your thick, spongy skull the better.

  17. The U.S. President is not allowed to accept any office from a foreign state, but he is heading an office at the United Nations as far as I know. That might be considered a “dual office,” (similar to a dual allegiance), a “one world government,”and a “title of nobility” in someone’s interpretation of the Constitution.

    Unless you can cite specific documentation and facts to support either of the sentences above, I am going to assume that you are talking total twaddle.

  18. Daniel says:

    Deborah: Only thing new there was this – “Or how about studying what the Constitution says about a President of the United States heading up the United Nations Security Council?”.

    What’s that about???

    Article I, Section 9 Clause of the Constitution.



    The U.S. President is not allowed to accept any office from a foreign state, but he is heading an office at the United Nations as far as I know. That might be considered a “dual office,” (similar to a dual allegiance), a “one world government,”and a “title of nobility” in someone’s interpretation of the Constitution.This could be the birthers next theoretical controversy, and it would be an interesting one. I hope, and believe, Obama will come out of it innocent, as he did with the challenge to his presidential eligibility. I also hope that Orly isn’t reading this as she does not need any bright ideas put into her head.

    You forgot the “without consent of Congress” part. Participation in the running of the UN is with the consent of Congress.

  19. nbc says:

    Graham Shevlin: Unless you can cite specific documentation and facts to support either of the sentences above, I am going to assume that you are talking total twaddle.

    Don’t hold your breath. These people are seldomly prepared to answer such questions.

  20. Deborah says:

    I don’t “know” if Obama is chairing the UN, I was only SURMISING about Carl’s statement below on what I thought a comment on Orly’s site might be about.

    Carl’s statement I was responding to: “Only thing new there was this – “Or how about studying what the Constitution says about a President of the United States heading up the United Nations Security Council? What’s that about???”.

    This is the first I have heard about “rotating chairmanship”. The complaint that Obama is holding a “dual office” in violation of the Constitution is an issue on Facebook sometimes, and I was only suggesting in response to Carl that Orly might be moving in that line of attack. Some people like to use this UN argument as a claim that he is leading a “one world government” and that, like the birth certificate issue, he has more allegiances than to the US govt.

    Graham Shevlin May 5, 2013 at 10:58 pm (Quote) #

    The U.S. President is not allowed to accept any office from a foreign state, but he is heading an office at the United Nations as far as I know. That might be considered a “dual office,” (similar to a dual allegiance), a “one world government,”and a “title of nobility” in someone’s interpretation of the Constitution.

    Unless you can cite specific documentation and facts to support either of the sentences above, I am going to assume that you are talking total twaddle.

    It is Article 1 Section 9 of the Constitution, paraphrased, and yes, Daniel, who posted above, is correct. The clause includes “without the consent of Congress.” Here is a link where someone is complaining about the issue, and I have seen the complaint on Facebook before, as mentioned.


    I do tons of research on tons of topics. I can’t research every single comment I make! 🙂

  21. Deborah says:

    CarlOrcas May 5, 2013 at 10:05 pm (Quote) #

    Deborah: he U.S. President is not allowed to accept any office from a foreign state, but he is heading an office at the United Nations as far as I know.

    No he doesn’t. The Presidency of the Security Council rotates on a monthly basis among the members The head of the nation’s delegation handles the duties. It’s also more than debatable whether the UN constitutes a “foreign state”.

    Ok, Carl, thanks. I did not know it was “rotating.” Anyhow, if they are griping about it on Orly’s site, then they are probably referring to the Nobility clause, and that is a guess, seeing that I have seen the issue come up on occasion on other media. Someone else said to me that he is not holding an office, he is representing the US.

    That’s all I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  22. Deborah says:

    It appears to be old news anyway. Yes, Obama DID chair the UN Security Council according to this 2009 article.


    And this is a cool chart.


  23. US Citizen says:


    Here’s one: An Open Letter to Secret Service. OMG!


    Words just can’t adequately express the multi-level stupidity that this Tim Powers fellow has written here.
    I was almost expecting an additional paragraph that included “I keep an AR-15 in the front closet” and “I’m lonely for your company.”

    I can’t decide if he’s a moron, a moran or a maroon.

  24. Lani says:

    It appears to be old news anyway.

    It’s all recycled old smears if it comes from the birthers.


    This is the first I have heard about “rotating chairmanship”. The complaint that Obama is holding a “dual office” in violation of the Constitution is an issue on Facebook sometimes, and I was only suggesting in response to Carl that Orly might be moving in that line of attack. Some people like to use this UN argument as a claim that he is leading a “one world government” and that, like the birth certificate issue, he has more allegiances than to the US govt.

    And the above contains some examples of those old smears. Orly’s “line of attack” is nothing more than posting one outrageous statement after another, often contradictory. Obama is the son of three different fathers; was born in Kenya, Hawaii and Kansas; is a commie nazi muslim islamist atheist socialist Indonesian Manchurian candidate whose mom was a slut; is a very smart, wily and stupid person not fit to clean White House toilets; and will destroy America in his pursuit of the One World Order.

    Shorter version: birthers are nutz.

  25. Keith says:

    Deborah: I do tons of research on tons of topics. I can’t research every single comment I make! 🙂

    It might be a useful life plan to only comment on stuff you have ‘researched’.

    The President is busy Presidenting, its just silly that he might take time out to moonlight over at the UN. It doesn’t even take ‘research’ to realize that that is a ludicrous notion, just a functioning BS meter.

    Your cut and paste of several different posts was completely unidentifiable as a reconstructed dialog if that is what it was supposed to be.

    And what does it mean that its ‘on Facebook’? What Facebook Page? The ‘I hate Obama Greatest Hits’ Facebook page? Is reading Facebook your idea of ‘research’?

    The mind boggles.

  26. Keith says:

    It appears to be old news anyway. Yes, Obama DID chair the UN Security Council according to this 2009 article.

    ONE MEETING. He chaired ONE meeting in order to make a point about nuclear weapons proliferation.

    That doesn’t make him ‘heading an office of the UN’ nor does it make him ‘accepting an office under a foreign power’.

    It makes him the head of the United States Delegation to the United Nations on that day. Just like when he visits a foreign country he out ranks Ambassador as the highest representative of the United States in that country and he chose to pull rank. The country that holds the Security Council presidency for the month provides the chairman for the meeting. That is usually the countries Ambassador, but sometimes others take their place. Obama did it once, and Hillary Clinton also did it once.

    No big deal.

  27. CarlOrcas says:

    Deborah: Anyhow, if they are griping about it on Orly’s site

    If they are talking about it on Orly’s site they are probably wrong.

  28. CarlOrcas says:

    Deborah: Yes, Obama DID chair the UN Security Council according to this 2009 article.

    Chairing one meeting is not the same as serving as President of the Security Council. As our head of government there is nothing inappropriate about him representing the United States at the UN where were are a founding and permanent member of the Security Council.

  29. Deborah says:

    Keith May 6, 2013 at 2:30 am (Quote) #

    Deborah: I do tons of research on tons of topics. I can’t research every single comment I make! 🙂

    It might be a useful life plan to only comment on stuff you have ‘researched’.

    The President is busy Presidenting, its just silly that he might take time out to moonlight over at the UN. It doesn’t even take ‘research’ to realize that that is a ludicrous notion, just a functioning BS meter.

    Your cut and paste of several different posts was completely unidentifiable as a reconstructed dialog if that is what it was supposed to be.

    And what does it mean that its ‘on Facebook’? What Facebook Page? The ‘I hate Obama Greatest Hits’ Facebook page? Is reading Facebook your idea of ‘research’?

    The mind boggles.

    Obviously you have not read the discussion between me and Carl from the beginning.

    Carl asked a question about a statement on Orly’s website. He asked, “what is that about?” I responded, in so many words, that it is about Obama chairing the UN (which he did, the first time a US President has EVER chaired the UN) and the birthers complaining that this is a Constitutional violation of the Nobility Clause.

    Carl stated that this is the first time he has ever heard of the issue. And, although I have heard of the issue somewhat, I stated it is the first time I have heard that the UN chairs rotate.

    The exchange was essentially between me and Carl, Go back and read it, and do not expect me again to respond to your petty insults.

    Your comment: The President is busy Presidenting

    For the first time in United States history, Barack Obama chaired the United Nations Security Council. The issue has been challenged, wrongly, no doubt, by birthers. This was news to Carl, and news to me that it was a rotating seat.

    Here is another one of your brilliant comments:

    The President is busy Presidenting, its just silly that he might take time out to moonlight over at the UN. It doesn’t even take ‘research’ to realize that that is a ludicrous notion, just a functioning BS meter.

    Maybe YOU should only post what you research.

  30. CarlOrcas says:

    Deborah: Carl asked a question about a statement on Orly’s website. He asked, “what is that about?” I responded, in so many words, that it is about Obama chairing the UN (which he did, the first time a US President has EVER chaired the UN) and the birthers complaining that this is a Constitutional violation of the Nobility Clause.

    To be precise, Deborah, you said “The U.S. President is not allowed to accept any office from a foreign state, but he is heading an office at the United Nations as far as I know.”

    The does not and has not headed any office at the UN. Speaking at the UN and/or heading our delegation and acting as the chair of the Security Council for a meeting doesn’t cut it……except in the fevered minds of Obama haters.

    The question is…..why didn’t you check it out before you posted it as something “you know”?

  31. Deborah says:

    This is so dumb I am amazed. I am not saying that I agree with the position…I am saying that is the birthers position. Nothing more and nothing less. I am not arguing on behalf of the birthers.

  32. Lani says:

    I think this discussion went off the rails with these comments.

    The U.S. President is not allowed to accept any office from a foreign state, but he is heading an office at the United Nations as far as I know. That might be considered a “dual office,” (similar to a dual allegiance), a “one world government,”and a “title of nobility” in someone’s interpretation of the Constitution.This could be the birthers next theoretical controversy, and it would be an interesting one. I hope, and believe, Obama will come out of it innocent, as he did with the challenge to his presidential eligibility. I also hope that Orly isn’t reading this as she does not need any bright ideas put into her head.

    I’m glad you hope and believe that “Obama will come out of it innocent…” since he’s never had to defend himself in any trial and certainly won’t for representing the head of the US delegation. And regarding the “eligibility challenge”, it was nonexistent – birthers never had standing and the courts never had jurisdiction.

    The chairing a UN meeting line of thought is not a “bright idea” for Orly. (A bright idea for Orly would be to shut and get a clue.) It’s just another smear against the president that will not go beyond the rants of a hateful minority.

    I think if you go back and look at what you wrote, you might see how your wording at a minimum gave credibility to the OMG! OBAMA! NWO! gang.

    Being new here, you may not be aware of all the ridiculous accusations that have been hurled and repudiated for at least 5 years. Occasionally, there is a new twist to an old smear, but it’s all old and discredited.

  33. Deborah says:

    Carl, I just answered your question, “what is that all about?” with what information I have. Afterall, my name was copied into the post, so I assumed the question was to me. I certainly don’t know every trick the birthers have up their sleeve- but the answer I gave was my best guess to YOUR question. You could have looked it up yourself, except you did not know “what is that all about” and so I told you. If I hadn’t answered you might still not know “what is that all about?”

    And besides, I made myself perfectly clear in the entire paragraphs (not a sentence) about what my position was.

  34. Deborah says:

    BTW, I have frequently found the constant insults to people the commenters disagree with to be inappropriate. I should have spoken up for the insults even against the birthers, and not waited until the insults were directed against me.That form of communication is not worthy of the noble cause of patriotism, nor is it the appropriate manner to impart necessary information. I will not be coming back here because I see too much of it here, and it is arrogance, not dignity.

  35. Lani says:

    BTW, I have frequently found the constant insults to people the commenters disagree with to be inappropriate. I should have spoken up for the insults even against the birthers, and not waited until the insults were directed against me.That form of communication is not worthy of the noble cause of patriotism, nor is it the appropriate manner to impart necessary information. I will not be coming back here because I see too much of it here, and it is arrogance, not dignity.

    Up to you, of course. I thought I showed you where the problem arose to help a newcomer understand and work it out, but if that’s an insult to you, ok. As for ïnsults against birthers”, again – you are a newbie. The birthers who regularly show up here toss out the same crap over and over again, then run away when repeatedly proven wrong, and yet continue to pop up again like a whack-a-mole. And, yeah, people get tired of it after a few years.

    Doc rarely bans anyone or censors comments, which is far more tolerant than any birther website or blog. You think we’re arrogant? Hang out in freeperville, wnd, ORYR, or any other site promoting Obama hatred. One of the many things that impressed me from the first time I found this site is how tolerant and patient the regular posters are with people who are clueless or even openly antagonist. But of course, everyone does have a limit!

  36. Bonsall Obot says:

    I will not be coming back here…

    Well, that’s just a flat-out lie.

  37. Majority Will says:

    US Citizen: Words just can’t adequately express the multi-level stupidity that this Tim Powers fellow has written here.
    I was almost expecting an additional paragraph that included “I keep an AR-15 in the front closet” and “I’m lonely for your company.”

    I can’t decide if he’s a moron, a moran or a maroon.

    Or just a hit whore, paid shill and political puppet for his boss, WND’s Joseph Farah.

  38. Keith says:

    This is so dumb I am amazed. I am not saying that I agree with the position…I am saying that is the birthers position. Nothing more and nothing less. I am not arguing on behalf of the birthers.

    You have not made any attempt to make that clear until now. Even in your response to me about back and forth with Carl you didn’t make it clear that you were ‘reporting’ and not ‘agreeing’.

    Part of the problem may be that you don’t appear to know how to use the quote function. This makes it impossible for your readers to tell what you are writing and what you are responding to and we can’t easily link back to it to figure it out.

    See how I quoted you and the font is different? See how your name is highlighted in green? Click on your highlighted name and you jump to your original comment. That is accomplished by hitting the word ‘quote’ on the header line of the comment you want to respond to. By default, it will quote the entire comment (bad if it is a long comment) so it is usually best to highlight just the bit of the post you want to respond to before hitting quote to limit the quote part.

  39. Northland10 says:

    Daniel: What happened at Benghazi was not frivolous, but the morons who abuse the death of an innocent man and his family to pile on their ridiculous conspiracy crap to make themselves look important, are frivolous.


  40. Black Lion says:

    It looks like Orly is not happy with the Doc and our buddy Linda Joy Adams….From her site…..

    “Jenny Blackwelder
    May 5th, 2013 @ 1:25 pm
    That “Linda Joy Adams” is sadly mentally disturbed. You shouldn’t be egging her on. You should take pity on her.

    May 5th, 2013 @ 4:01 pm
    it’s not her. Kevin Davidson is not mentally disturbed, he knows what he is doing and he should not be complicit in and should not be aiding and abetting fraud and forgery. He should take his web site off the Internet and stop aiding and abetting forgery. In my opinion the only reasonable explanation, why he and fogbow people are continuing their attacks, is if they are involved in this fraud and forgery to begin with the first place and they cannot stop and get away from this.”

  41. Black Lion says:

    I also posted this over on the open thread….An article from the Hawaii newspaper reporting on the good Sheriff….Birthers are out in full force in the comments…

    Hawaii Attorney General Responds to Sheriff Arpaio’s Allegations About Obama’s Birth Certificate


  42. Black Lion says:

    And from our friends over at the birther report, they are not happy with a report by MSNBC on Ted Cruz and in essence Obama and how he is a NBC…Humorous stuff….


  43. CarlOrcas says:

    Black Lion:
    I also posted this over on the open thread….An article from the Hawaii newspaper reporting on the good Sheriff….Birthers are out in full force in the comments…

    Hawaii Attorney General Responds to Sheriff Arpaio’s Allegations About Obama’s Birth Certificate


    Two things:

    The “article:” is from July of last year.

    And the Hawaii Reporter is not a newspaper. It is a website run by an Hawaii political activist named Malia Zimmerman.

  44. Andrew Morris says:

    Orly has promoted herself…:

    “I am looking at people, who were the most vicious attackers of me and other civil rights attorneys and civil rights leaders bringing forward info on Obama”

    On a more fun note, she’s advertising for people to send her information on Mr. Bounel, so lets all get our creative writing hats on.

  45. Rickey says:

    Here is a list of the countries which will be assuming the Presidency of the U.N. Security Council for the rest of 2013. The U.S. is on the schedule for July.


    There are 15 members of the Security Council, so the U.S. assumes the Presidency once every 15 months.

  46. The Magic M says:

    Keith: See how I quoted you and the font is different?


    (SCNR) 😉

  47. Black Lion says:

    CarlOrcas: Two things:

    The “article:” is from July of last year.

    And the Hawaii Reporter is not a newspaper. It is a website run by an Hawaii political activist named Malia Zimmerman.

    Carl, i thought it was a real paper…Good catch….

  48. Black Lion says:

    It was brought to my attention by a birthernut on Gratewire who still believes that the COB and long form is fake and everyone in HI is lying….Yes, there are still those out there who believe in that nonsense….

  49. Andrew Morris says:

    Perhaps we should offer a reward for information leading to the person who took Orly’s law exams for her. This woman just cannot have earned a law degree. A journalist is guilty of complicity in treason for not interviewing her, or for refusing to air all of her birther nonsense? So much for the First Amendment, never mind the statute and caselaw. And where is the CA Bar in all of this? She is beyond incompetent and is a danger to the public. Where I live, a lawyer has been suspended and fined for being rude to opposing counsel. Accusing a judge of treason would get you disbarred.

  50. Mitch says:

    BTW, I have frequently found the constant insults to people the commenters disagree with to be inappropriate. I should have spoken up for the insults even against the birthers, and not waited until the insults were directed against me.That form of communication is not worthy of the noble cause of patriotism, nor is it the appropriate manner to impart necessary information. I will not be coming back here because I see too much of it here, and it is arrogance, not dignity.

    Deborah, please don’t stop coming here. I like your comments. I think there is some confusion because of the way you were quoting people. If you click the “quote” by the person’s comment you will see how a quote works. If their comment isn’t in this thread, just use the “blockquote” part.

  51. Arthur says:

    Black Lion: It was brought to my attention by a birthernut on Gratewire who still believes that the COB and long form is fake and everyone in HI is lying….

    And there are people at ORYR who say things like, “there’s no evidence Obama is even a citizen” and “there’s no evidence that Obama has a law degree.”

  52. Kelly says:

    I’d like to know if Orly has kept up with her CLE’s to maintain her alleged law license. Is there anyway to find out?

  53. scott e says:

    nbc: Benghazi has nothing to do with Orly’s failures…

    neither do you… lol

  54. scott e says:

    Mitch: Deborah, please don’t stop coming here. I like your comments. I think there is some confusion because of the way you were quoting people. If you click the “quote” by the person’s comment you will see how a quote works. If their comment isn’t in this thread, just use the “blockquote” part.

    me too

  55. scott e says:

    Rickey: Who cares what Terry Lakin thinks? There was nothing frivolous about his despicable behavior. He disobeyed orders, let down his fellow soldiers, and another Army doctor was forced to leave his family and take Lakin’s place.

    Who has suggested that what happened at Benghazi was frivolous?

    As for Orly Taitz, her lawsuits have indeed been frivolous.

    I do, so do a lot of people. he’s a doctor an officer a gentleman, and a volunteer.

    what he isn’t is a pawn that fits snugly onto the 0bamas’ chessboard.

    I believe one day he will be vindicated.

  56. scott e says:

    Keith May 6, 2013 at 2:30 am(Quote) #

    Deborah: I do tons of research on tons of topics. I can’t research every single comment I make!

    It might be a useful life plan to only comment on stuff you have ‘researched’.

    The President is busy Presidenting, its just silly that he might take time out to moonlight over at the UN. It doesn’t even take ‘research’ to realize that that is a ludicrous notion, just a functioning BS meter.

    Your cut and paste of several different posts was completely unidentifiable as a reconstructed dialog if that is what it was supposed to be.

    And what does it mean that its ‘on Facebook’? What Facebook Page? The ‘I hate Obama Greatest Hits’ Facebook page? Is reading Facebook your idea of ‘research’?

    The mind boggles.

    Obviously you have not read the discussion between me and Carl from the beginning.

    Carl asked a question about a statement on Orly’s website. He asked, “what is that about?” I responded, in so many words, that it is about Obama chairing the UN (which he did, the first time a US President has EVER chaired the UN) and the birthers complaining that this is a Constitutional violation of the Nobility Clause.

    Carl stated that this is the first time he has ever heard of the issue. And, although I have heard of the issue somewhat, I stated it is the first time I have heard that the UN chairs rotate.

    The exchange was essentially between me and Carl, Go back and read it, and do not expect me again to respond to your petty insults.

    Your comment: The President is busy Presidenting

    For the first time in United States history, Barack Obama chaired the United Nations Security Council. The issue has been challenged, wrongly, no doubt, by birthers. This was news to Carl, and news to me that it was a rotating seat.

    Here is another one of your brilliant comments:

    The President is busy Presidenting, its just silly that he might take time out to moonlight over at the UN. It doesn’t even take ‘research’ to realize that that is a ludicrous notion, just a functioning BS meter.

    Maybe YOU should only post what you research.

    don’t listen to these guys Deborah, say whatever you want, I think you’re awesome.

  57. scott e says:

    I will not be coming back here…

    Bonsall Obot: Well, that’s just a flat-out lie.

    good job guys, you should be very proud of yourselves.

  58. scott e says:

    I’d like to know if Orly has kept up with her CLE’s to maintain her alleged law license. Is there anyway to find out?

    a good guy to ask might be bill bryan, foggy of thefogbow, I think he’s from California.

  59. dunstvangeet says:

    scott e: I do, so do a lot of people. he’s a doctor an officer a gentleman, and a volunteer.

    He’s no longer an officer, he’s no gentleman, and he pled guilty to the charges, agreeing that he had no right to disobey orders, and that the orders were lawfully given to him at the time that he disobey them. So, what you’re saying is that Terry Lakin admitted that his orders were lawfully given, and he had no right to disobey them. However, you still consider him an “officer and a gentleman” based solely upon him disobeying the order that he admits was lawfully given?

    what he isn’t is a pawn that fits snugly onto the 0bamas’ chessboard.

    Nope, he’s just a Blue Falcon. He’s one who asked,, was told that his basis was unfounded by his superiors, and instead of accepting his superior’s word, decided to disobey a direct order in order to give into a conspiracy theory that has no basis in fact anyways. We’ve documented here 10 different ways that he would have known that the allegations that he was supposedly basing his disobeying of orders on was false. He was told this by his superior officer, and was told exactly what would happen. He chose his path. He chose to give up his pension for this. I have no sympathy for him.

    I believe one day he will be vindicated.

    He pled guilty to all charges. He acknowledged that his orders were lawfully given. Basically what you’re doing is calling him a liar when he acknowledged that his orders were lawfully given, and then you state that he is an officer and a gentleman, and will be vindicated? We’ll see. He pled guilty to the charges.

  60. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    scott e: I do, so do a lot of people. he’s a doctor an officer a gentleman, and a volunteer.
    what he isn’t is a pawn that fits snugly onto the 0bamas’ chessboard.
    I believe one day he will be vindicated.

    Funny scotty don’t. He’s no longer a doctor he’s not authorized to practice medicine in his home state. He’s not an officer either he was stripped of that rank.

    No he won’t be vindicated he knew he was wrong, he admitted it in court. He admitted the orders were lawful and his claim about the birth certificate had nothing to do with his orders. He also knew at the time he couldn’t get a long form birth certificate for his own daughter who was born in Hawaii. His brother scott admitted this on air during the Andrea Shea King show.

  61. Suranis says:

    scott e: a good guy to ask might be bill bryan, foggy of thefogbow, I think he’s from California.

    This Dingbat thinks that Reality Check and Foggy are the same person. Or he is pretending to for annoyance value which is equally dingbatish.

  62. CarlOrcas says:

    scott e: I believe one day he will be vindicated.

    Exactly how do you see him being “vindicated”? How is that going to work?

  63. Rickey says:

    scott e: I do, so do a lot of people. he’s a doctor an officer a gentleman, and a volunteer.

    what he isn’t is a pawn that fits snugly onto the 0bamas’ chessboard.

    I believe one day he will be vindicated.

    I was in the U.S. Navy for four years. I serve two years under a Democratic President and two years under a Republican President. It made no difference to me. Orders are orders, regardless of who the President is. Of course, those were white Presidents and some people believe that different rules should apply to a black President.

    Lakin wouldn’t be vindicated even if it were proven that Obama is a Klingon. Have you forgotten that Lakin pled guilty and acknowledged in open court that he disobeyed lawful orders?

  64. nbc says:

    scott e: I do, so do a lot of people. he’s a doctor an officer a gentleman, and a volunteer.

    Lakin may be all, but he made a foolish decision which he admitted to… Because of his follies, another surgeon was deployed… He is a disgrace to the uniform and deserved what he got.

    Even ‘good’ people can make horrible mistakes and they should pay for it.

  65. nbc says:

    Rickey: Lakin wouldn’t be vindicated even if it were proven that Obama is a Klingon. Have you forgotten that Lakin pled guilty and acknowledged in open court that he disobeyed lawful orders?

    Ignoring the facts is far more convenient for Scott… Indeed, he refused to follow a valid order and was punished for it.

    What a fool

  66. nbc says:

    Suranis: This Dingbat thinks that Reality Check and Foggy are the same person. Or he is pretending to for annoyance value which is equally dingbatish.

    He is good at pretending ignorance… Of course, how would we know the difference.

  67. The Magic M says:

    Rickey: Lakin wouldn’t be vindicated even if it were proven that Obama is a Klingon.

    Precisely. The notion that an “ineligible” Commander-in-Chief somehow disintegrates the entire chain of command and makes all orders “illegal” is one that one might expect from North Korea or Iran (who would certainly love such a scenario), but not from a self-proclaimed American patriot.

    Another prominent birther recently claimed the same holds for the court system. Funny how all birther theories end up with “the US are now an anarchy without a working judiciary and a working military”.

  68. Lani says:

    Well, I’m confuzzelled yet again. Please explain to me why peeps are playing with scott e and sayanythingjoe. Yep, it’s easy, but still we do have real lives.

  69. roadburner says:

    Lani: Well, I’m confuzzelled yet again. Please explain to me why peeps are playing with scott e and sayanythingjoe. Yep, it’s easy, but still we do have real lives.

    but it’s sooo much fun!

    it’s like kicking puppies, but without the guilt afterwards

    (note – i do not advocate cruety to canines, and my name is not romney ;D )

  70. Northland10 says:

    Well, I’m confuzzelled yet again.Please explain to me why peeps are playing with scott e and sayanythingjoe.Yep, it’s easy, but still we do have real lives.

    It has gotten rather slow in the birther world requiring some to scrape at the mud in the bottom of the barrel. There is little left for kibitzing on the few remaining cases. How much discussion can be made on the weekly “we have VIPs, something big is about to happen, blah blah blah” blabber from Gallups and Zullo?

  71. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    roadburner: but it’s sooo much fun!
    it’s like kicking puppies, but without the guilt afterwards


  72. bovril says:

    I concur with Northland10, there is a substantial dearth of Biroonery at the moment except with the tendentious usual suspects over at Freak Rethuglic.

    Orly no longer has any actual active cases, I believe there is one in long term freeze in AL(?) . She now is reduced for sqawks about how OTHER people need to start “recall” campaigns for all the traitorous Ebil Senators and Congressmen who are guilty becuase they are not just ignoring her but wholly unaware of who she is.

    Falio the Putz has dropped of the radar and now restricts himself to egregious onanism on his own highly censored blog

    ORYR is basically stuck with recycling WND, Freak Rethuglic and PP Simmons video’s

    PP Simmons and Gallups Like a Sloth is, well, retaining his ability to be wholly irrelevant but keeps on with the whole creepy bromance and breathless adulation for Grand Mufti and Imperator, Zullo the Zero

    Zullo the Xenophobe gets no love or attention from anyone other than Gallups and Prances

  73. Daniel says:

    Well, I’m confuzzelled yet again.Please explain to me why peeps are playing with scott e and sayanythingjoe.Yep, it’s easy, but still we do have real lives.

    I find their willful ignorance mildly amusing.

    Birthers are a never ending source of low-brow entertainment.

  74. G says:

    And I concur with both of you…

    Northland10: It has gotten rather slow in the birther world requiring some to scrape at the mud in the bottom of the barrel.There is little left for kibitzing on the few remaining cases.How much discussion can be made on the weekly “we have VIPs, something big is about to happen, blah blah blah” blabber from Gallups and Zullo?

    I concur with Northland10, there is a substantial dearth of Biroonery at the moment except with the tendentious usual suspects over at Freak Rethuglic.

    Orly no longer has any actual active cases, I believe there is one in long term freeze in AL(?) . She now is reduced for sqawks about how OTHER people need to start “recall” campaigns for all the traitorous Ebil Senators and Congressmen who are guilty becuase they are not just ignoring her but wholly unaware of who she is.

    Falio the Putz has dropped of the radar and now restricts himself to egregious onanism on his own highly censored blog

    ORYR is basically stuck with recycling WND, Freak Rethuglic and PP Simmons video’s

    PP Simmons and Gallups Like a Sloth is, well, retaining his ability to be wholly irrelevant but keeps on with the whole creepy bromance and breathless adulation for Grand Mufti and Imperator, Zullo the Zero

    Zullo the Xenophobe gets no love or attention from anyone other than Gallups and Prances

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