Zullo promises nothing new at public presentation

PPSimmons via Obama Release Your Records says that volunteer birther investigator Mike Zullo will make a presentation at an open session at the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association in St. Louis this weekend. Zullo is quoted as saying:

This public presentation will contain no new information concerning the case. However, the public presentation will be monumentally important. Because of the overall mainstream media news blackout there will be many there who will hear this important information and criminal evidence for the very first time. We are certain that once they hear the information from this 15-month criminal investigation, they will be deeply concerned.

Duh. However, there will be a close-door session where he promises full disclosure (not necessarily anything new), but you have to have a badge to get in. Once again, Zullo evades presenting his promised convincing proof (which anybody with a grain of sense knows cannot exist) to the public. Zullo’s private breakout session is at 11:00 in meeting room “Imagination D.”

So exactly what is the “Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association?” I’d never heard of them. I asked my research assistant Google to check up on them. Apparently, they are a group of county sheriffs who have pledged not to enforce (hypothetical future) Obama gun laws that they think are unconstitutional. One member, Sam Page is quoted as saying:

I have learned more on Constitutional law in one day here at this convention than I have in my 15 years as a Sheriff.

imageThat’s pretty scary when a sheriff knows that little about the Constitution. The group was founded in 2011 and its current leadership council is listed on their web site, all sheriffs plus one chief of police and one county commissioner. The Sheriff from the largest jurisdiction is Carolyn (Bunny) Welsh of Chester County, PA, just west of Philadelphia. The photo I took (right) shows part of her county.

CSPOA Founder and Executive Director (former) Sheriff Richard Mack described the emphasis of the meeting as: “state sovereignty and local autonomy,” reports the Rockland Times. Mack says: “The greatest threat we face today is not terrorists; it is our own federal government.” Mack appeared on the same white supremacist Political Cesspool radio show that introduced us to Tim Adams way back when.

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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54 Responses to Zullo promises nothing new at public presentation

  1. JPotter says:

    Initiation into a cult of Constitutional sekrits. Classic carnival salesmanship. “Don’t be a dope—come find out what the Constitution is really about!”

    Guess who gave SPOA a writeup—just last week! Duh, CCCP braintrust, WND, o’course:

    ‘Restoring liberty in America is not only possible, but already underway’
    Published: 05/24/2013 at 8:41 PM

    Doesn’t take a pen to connect these dots.

    Sounds like CSPOA is SovCits for law enforcement. Just what we (don’t) need.

  2. Majority Will says:

    “but you have to have a badge to get in”

    Cereal box badges.

  3. J.D. Sue says:

    “I have learned more on Constitutional law in one day here at this convention than I have in my 15 years as a Sheriff.” Doc, having taken many depositions of cops/sheriffs, it never ceases to amaze me how little they know about what is and is not constitutional. Rarely can they even figure out what “probable cause” means, though they may use the term all the time.

  4. Ironic there: Sheriff Arpaio says he has probable cause that Obama’s documents are forged, and now a court says he and his office don’t know what probably cause is.

    J.D. Sue: Rarely can they even figure out what “probable cause” means, though they may use the term all the time.

  5. Arthur says:

    Prior to this meeting, comments at ORYR were optimistic, and writers were certain that THIS would finally be the event that would bring Obama down. Now, the comments reveal a sense that birthers have been let down again by the people who lead them–especially Zullo and Gallups. This comment is representative of the whole:

    “by the deafening silence on this forum, like the sucking sound of air leaving a room, can i take it that either:
    1- some earth shaking new evidence over whelmed every one
    2- nothing new , and great disappointment ?”

    What is the sound of birther fail? It’s the sound of air being sucked from a room.

  6. jdkinpa says:

    From the ORYR article:

    However, Mike Zullo informed us that he also will be the featured speaker at two different 2-hour breakout sessions designed for law enforcement and congressmen only.

    Wonder who those congressmen would be? Michele Bachmann maybe? Louie Gohmert? Even those two goobers aren’t crazy enough to show-up for this; are they?

  7. J.D. Sue says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Ironic there: Sheriff Arpaio says he has probable cause that Obama’s documents are forged, and now a court says he and his office don’t know what probably cause is.

    That’s great. Do you have a cite for that?

    Fact is, even really good cops are not actually in a position to determine probable cause, anymore than they can determine guilt or innocence. They are supposed to take their evidence to a judge/magistrate who determines whether the evidence is sufficient to establish probable cause for a warrant. If a cop does a search or an arrest without a warrant, then the judge in the criminal court will hold a probable cause hearing to determine whether probable cause existed at the time of search/arrest. When I hear Arpaio et al demand serious attention just because they say they have probable cause (or “more than probable cause”, whatever that is…), I just laugh to myself and think, “then go try to get a warrant”. I’m glad to hear a court has put him in his place.

  8. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Doc you forgot to talk about the presentation from the social security expert they had. Basically it said that the linking to bounel was probably an error and that there is only proof it was issued to Obama and there is nothing illegal with Obama having the social. Gallups on his fellatio friday broadcast was tripping over himself trying to make excuses.

  9. Mike Zullo is supposed to be on Carl Gallups show tonight.

  10. That is my conclusion based on this:


    The Court doesn’t actually say that the Sheriff doesn’t understand probable cause, but that they didn’t include what it was (presuming it was) in their reports, and that they seem to have had a pattern of using race as basis for stopping people, even though they stipulated that race was not probable cause.

    J.D. Sue: That’s great. Do you have a cite for that?

  11. When was that? I need to write that up.

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Doc you forgot to talk about the presentation from the social security expert they had.

  12. J.D. Sue says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: That is my conclusion based on this:

    Ah yes, that case is a great example.

  13. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    When was that? I need to write that up.

    I think he interviewed him earlier today around 5PM EST it was funny let me pull it

    Many were listening to it live on fogbow http://thefogbow.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=9326&start=575

    I’ll have to find the link

  14. Arthur says:

    jdkinpa: Wonder who those congressmen would be? Michele Bachmann maybe? Louie Gohmert? Even those two goobers aren’t crazy enough to show-up for this; are they?

    You’re close when guessing Louie Gohmert. It’s Congressman Steve Stockman, representing the 36 district of Texas. Yes, the same Steve Stockman who believes that the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty is going to take firearms out of the hands of Jesus-lovin’ ‘mer’cans.

  15. jdkinpa says:


    “It’s Congressman Steve Stockman, representing the 36 district of Texas.”

    Stockman is probably going to be the new face/spokesperson for the TEA Party Caucus now that Michele has decided to not run again. Couldn’t think of a better replacement. Someone crazier than she is will give Stewart and Colbert weeks of new material.

  16. Sactosintolerant says:

    It’s time for Zullo to grow a sense of shame. If he wants to sell another book, he should write one outing Corsi et al for perpetuating this conspiracy theory. I’d love to read his insider gossip and would forgive him 100% for his role in it if he would perform this patriotic task.

  17. Bob says:

    I’m on pins and needles!

  18. David Farrar says:

    Did Zullo address you point about using, apparently, the wrong HRS edition?

    ex animo

  19. gorefan says:

    During the live stream this morning Zullo doubled downed on many of the previously debunked ideas on the pdf including certificate numbers, “African”, etc.

    The archived video is here:


    The first 35 minutes are them setting up the video feed which can be ignored.

  20. I haven’t watched the latest claims but it is an undeniable fact that in the video Zullo played at the pres conference last year the code table presented was from the 1968-69 guide book. Both Doc C and John Woodman wrote articles about this. http://www.obamaconspiracy.org/2012/07/indicting-the-sheriff-joe-and-the-cold-case-posse/

  21. David Farrar says:

    I believe his statement was: “We used the 1960 VS HRS edition because the 1961 edition hadn’t arrived as of 1961 in Hawaii.”

    Q. Is there a 1960 edition?

    Q. If there is, what doe it say is the code for Item 9?

    ex animo

  22. If they used the 1960 edition why did they put the 1968 table in the video? They have admitted the error but have never released the codes from the 1960 edition. It sounds like a mighty case of CYA doesn’t it?

  23. You know, that makes no sense at all.

    1) HRS is the abbreviation for “Hawaii Revised Statutes” and to say that they hadn’t arrived in Hawaii makes no sense. So we are left to guess what document you’re talking about.

    2) If you’re talking about Health and Human Services, then the answer is that 1960 and 1961 used the same codes. See 1960-1961 code book:


    Have we caught Zullo lying AGAIN?

    David Farrar: I believe his statement was: “We used the 1960 VS HRS edition because the 1961 edition hadn’t arrived as of 1961 in Hawaii.”

    Q. Is there a 1960 edition?

    Q. If there is, what doe it say is the code for Item 9?

    ex animo

  24. gorefan says:

    Reality Check: I haven’t watched the latest claims

    David Farrar: If there is, what doe it say is the code for Item 9?

    Ok, there seems to be some confusion here.

    There is a 1961 instruction manual

    “Coding and Punching Geographic and Personal Particulars for Births Occurring in 1961”. This manual was revised on August 14th, 1961.

    Under race of parents it says,

    “If the racial entry is “C,” “Col.,” “Black,” “Brown,” or ”A.A.,” “Afro-American,” and the birthplace is the United States, consider the parent’s race as Negro. If birthplace of parent is not in the United States, code as other nonwhite.”

    But in this new video, Zullo through Mark Gillar say that they did not use the 1961 manual because it was revised 10 days after President Obama was born. And they state:

    “In 1961, the term used to describe black people on a birth certificate was Negro. In order to document this we obtained a copy of the 1960 vital statistic instruction manual containing the instructions for coding race on a birth certificate that were followed by every health department in the United States including the Hawaii health department.”

    “As you can see if a parent’s race was reported as colored, black, brown or Afro-American, the department of health clerk was required to consider the parent a Negro.”

    So the question is does the “Coding and Punching Geographic and Personal Particulars for Births Oin 1960” have the same instruction as the 1961 Instructions?

    Another point is that these manuals are for coding purposes, they tell the Federal coders what code to use. They are not instructions on filling out birth certificates. The fact that they tell a Federal coder that they might see the term “Colored”, “Black” or “Afro-American” on a birth certificate that they are coding is proof that non-standard entries are possible.

  25. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: If you’re talking about Health and Human Services, then the answer is that 1960 and 1961 used the same codes. See 1960-1961 code book:

    I think what Zullo is saying has nothing to do with the codes per say but seems to be about what a clerk in the DOH would do with a BC that had a non-standard entry for parent’s race.

    He says that a clerk would see the term “African” or Colored” and correct the BC to match the coding instructions tables. He produces several BCs where the term “colored” was struck out and the term “Negro” used.


    The discussion of race begins at 48.30

    Gillar says this in the video,

    “For those of you who may be wondering why the 1960 manual was consulted instead of the 1961 manual, it’s because the 1961 manual wasn’t published until 10 days after Barack Obama’s birth and therefore was not applicable.”

  26. gorefan says:

    BTW, the Birth Certificate for the girl born on August 24, 1961 lists the race of the faother as


    and her mother as



    According to Zullo’s theory those should have been changed to “Part-Hawaiian”.

  27. Rickey says:


    Stockman is probably going to be the new face/spokesperson for the TEA Party Caucus now that Michele has decided to not run again. Couldn’t think of a better replacement.Someone crazier than she is will give Stewart and Colbert weeks of new material.

    I doubt that Stockman will have much to say about Zullo’s presentation. I have a hunch that Boehner and Cantor have given all House Republicans marching orders that they are to keep the stink of birtherism off of them. When you consider how many crazy Republicans are in the House, I can’t think of any other explanation why none of them have gone full birther.

  28. Dave B. says:

    Did you ever address this, David?

    David Farrar:
    Did Zullo address you point about using, apparently, the wrong HRS edition?

    ex animo

  29. David Farrar says:

    Dave B.

    I seem to be getting more confused. The pencil code for box # 9: Race of Father “African” was “9”. Do we all agree this was the right code, and what does it indicate, and does Zullo agree with your interpretation, or do we still have a problem?

    The HRS tag was mine. It seems like it is incorrect. It should be “Coding and Punching Geographic and Personal Particulars for Births Oin 1960″

    ex animo

  30. Dave B. says:

    If you say so. I didn’t think that was possible.

    David Farrar: I seem to be getting more confused.

  31. gorefan says:

    David Farrar: I seem to be getting more confused. The pencil code for box # 9: Race of Father “African” was “9″. Do we all agree this was the right code, and what does it indicate, and does Zullo agree with your interpretation, or do we still have a problem?

    OK, in 1968 a code”9″ meant “Not Stated”, in 1961 it meant “Other Non-White”. But here is the important part – those are Federal codes. Apparently Hawaii had their own codes and that is what the pencil marks are.

    Read this


    John Woodman explains how in the case of the girl born on August 24th, 1961, her parents race code corresponds to “Indian” in the Federal system but the parents were not “Indians” in fact they were “Part-Hawaiian”. So it would appear that Hawaii had its own set of codes. The Feds would ignore the pencil marks on the BC and code the actual entries using their system.

  32. David Farrar says:

    Dave B.

    As far as I could. I couldn’t find any reference to an alien in amity clause in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that would have allowed Georgia Romney to be considered a US citizen at all.

    Apparently, the US simply recognized all Mormons who moved to Mexico to avoid US laws against polygamy to regain their former citizenship status once they moved back into the US jurisdiction.

    ex animo

  33. Dave B. says:

    Okay, David, I get it. You’re really, really confused. You can stop trying to prove it. It’s done.

    David Farrar:
    Dave B.

    As far as I could. I couldn’t find any reference to an alien in amity clause in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that would have allowed Georgia Romney to be considered a US citizen at all.

    Apparently, the US simply recognized all Mormons who moved to Mexico to avoid US laws against polygamy to regain their former citizenship status once they moved back into the US jurisdiction.

    ex animo

  34. donna says:

    David Farrar: Apparently, the US simply recognized all Mormons who moved to Mexico to avoid US laws against polygamy to regain their former citizenship status once they moved back into the US jurisdiction.

    and they were paid for it by both the us and mexico –

    “The 1882 Edmunds Act stripped polygamists of the basic rights of U.S. citizenship, denying them the right to vote, serve on juries or hold office. Not dissimilar to current immigration raids, U.S. federal agents hunted and arrested polygamists. Polygamists were forced to leave the country or risk jail.”

    when they returned to the US, many mormon families “[m]any families were installed in vacant tenements and several hundred were quartered in huge empty lumber sheds on Magoffin Avenue which the Long Lumber Company made available. The U.S. Army supplied rations and loaned tents from Fort Bliss. Mayor C. E. Kelly and city officials joined Church leaders in finding homes and jobs for the refugees. Congress voted $100,000 for their transportation and relief.”

    “If you calculate $100,000 for inflation from 1912, the figure turns into over $2.2 million in 2011. That’s a lot of government money to people who were basically felons in the eyes of the law. Another fascinating thing happened in 1938. Mexico paid out a huge settlement to those early Mexican colonies because of the revolution. (pg.61)”

    “The colonists eventually in 1938 received from Mexico $2.65 for each $100 of loss during the revolutionary disorders. Gaskell Romney’s losses were so great that he received enough to purchase a comfortable house in Salt Lake City in which he lived his last years.”


    “After fleeing the Mexican revolution, Mitt Romney’s grandfather, Gaskell lost his home and possessions. While living in Salt Lake City, Gaskell Romney ran for County Commissioner with the slogan by which his grandson, Mitt, abides: “Vote Republican!”

    “Gaskell sued Mexico for the loss of his property and, in 1938, was awarded damages of $9,163. Half of the money went to his son, George Romney, putting the family on a solid financial footing.”


  35. Dave B. says:

    I sincerely beg your pardon, but that kind of nonsense– saying that the Mormon refugees “were basically felons in the eyes of the law”– belongs in the same bin as the birthers’ claims about President Obama.
    The 1912 appropriation amounted to about $25 per person, to transport refugees away from the increasingly-crowded potential war zones of El Paso, Texas and Douglas, Arizona. All the money wasn’t even used.
    In the Romneys’ particular case, neither of Mitt’s polygamous great-grandfathers were living in 1912; how would Gaskell Romney and his family have been “basically felons in the eyes of the law”?
    And trying to make a windfall out of recovering less than three cents on the dollar for his property losses in Mexico– over a quarter-century after the fact– is just plain ridiculous.

    David Farrar: Apparently, the US simply recognized all Mormons who moved to Mexico to avoid US laws against polygamy to regain their former citizenship status once they moved back into the US jurisdiction.

    and they were paid for it by both the us and mexico –

    “The 1882 Edmunds Act stripped polygamists of the basic rights of U.S. citizenship, denying them the right to vote, serve on juries or hold office. Not dissimilar to current immigration raids, U.S. federal agents hunted and arrested polygamists. Polygamists were forced to leave the country or risk jail.”

    when they returned to the US, many mormon families “[m]any families were installed in vacant tenements and several hundred were quartered in huge empty lumber sheds on Magoffin Avenue which the Long Lumber Company made available. The U.S. Army supplied rations and loaned tents from Fort Bliss. Mayor C. E. Kelly and city officials joined Church leaders in finding homes and jobs for the refugees. Congress voted $100,000 for their transportation and relief.”

    “If you calculate $100,000 for inflation from 1912, the figure turns into over $2.2 million in 2011. That’s a lot of government money to people who were basically felons in the eyes of the law. Another fascinating thing happened in 1938. Mexico paid out a huge settlement to those early Mexican colonies because of the revolution. (pg.61)”

    “The colonists eventually in 1938 received from Mexico $2.65 for each $100 of loss during the revolutionary disorders. Gaskell Romney’s losses were so great that he received enough to purchase a comfortable house in Salt Lake City in which he lived his last years.”


    “After fleeing the Mexican revolution, Mitt Romney’s grandfather, Gaskell lost his home and possessions. While living in Salt Lake City, Gaskell Romney ran for County Commissioner with the slogan by which his grandson, Mitt, abides: “Vote Republican!”

    “Gaskell sued Mexico for the loss of his property and, in 1938, was awarded damages of $9,163. Half of the money went to his son, George Romney, putting the family on a solid financial footing.”


  36. David: Whom did you vote for in 2008?

  37. David: Whom did you vote for in 2012?

  38. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    David Farrar: I seem to be getting more confused. The pencil code for box # 9: Race of Father “African” was “9″. Do we all agree this was the right code, and what does it indicate, and does Zullo agree with your interpretation, or do we still have a problem?

    The HRS tag was mine. It seems like it is incorrect. It should be “Coding and Punching Geographic and Personal Particulars for Births Oin 1960″

    Zullo doesn’t agree with anything. Zullo lied about the coding manual used one from 1969 and claimed it was from 1961. 9 means other non-white thus african fits the coding.

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater
    Deux Ex Machina

  39. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Have we caught Zullo lying AGAIN?

    Were his lips moving?

  40. Northland10 says:

    misha marinsky:
    David: Whom did you vote for in 2012?

    When he got to the polls, the sign on the door said “all voters must enter through the side door.” Since he was alone, he left.

  41. Dave says:

    The ORYR article says that Zullo will be making a closed-door presentation, but the website for the conference says it’s open to anyone who attends the conference. And anyone willing to pay the $150 fee can attend.

    Perhaps it’s closed-door in the sense that they aren’t planning a live video feed.

  42. Hermitian says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Zullo doesn’t agree with anything.Zullo lied about the coding manual used one from 1969 and claimed it was from 1961.9 means other non-white thus african fits the coding.

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater
    Deux Ex Machina

    Zullo used the 1960 manual because the 1961 manual was issued a few weeks after Obama’s purported birthday.

  43. I suppose an appeal to reason is a waste of time but…

    In the video from an earlier press conference, Zullo showed two manual screen shots, one from 1968 and 1969 and CLAIMED that they showed the codes for 1961. Given that Zullo showed a manual and claimed it was something it wasn’t, and that he said that the codes were appropriate and they were not, it would seem that healthy skepticism should be exercised when Zullo pulled the same stunt again, only this time saying that the manual excerpt was from 1960.

    The fact of the matter is that the code book for 1961 is labeled “1960-61” and so the codes are the same for those two years. Whether he used the 1961 or the 1960 codes is meaningless because they were the same. And not only are they not the same, they are not what appeared in his earlier video.

    Birthers believe any slander about Obama but turn a blind to outright blatant fraud from their own.

    Hermitian: Zullo used the 1960 manual because the 1961 manual was issued a few weeks after Obama’s purported birthday.

  44. Thinker says:

    In the 2nd news conference, Zullo told the story of the handwritten codes as if he and Corsi had unraveled a great mystery. He even claimed Corsi accompanied him to Hawaii in order to do research on these codes, “Dr. Corsi agreed to come with us to Hawaii, paying his own way, for the sole purpose of doing research for us to try to determine what these numbers were and what they meant. Dr. Corsi went to the state archives and he went to the Supreme Court library in Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii to do some of the research.”

    Baloney. What Zullo presented about the codes at that press conference was taken directly from a birther blog, where it was posted on Feb. 29, 2012. Doc C posted about the codes and the dailypen.com shenanigans on March 4, 2012, months before Corsi and Zullo went to Hawaii in May of 2012.

    Zullo may or may not have the codes correct this time, but he doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt on this one.

  45. David Farrar says:

    Dr. Conspiracy June 2, 2013 at 1:46 pm (Quote) #

    “The fact of the matter is that the code book for 1961 is labeled “1960-61″ and so the codes are the same for those two years. Whether he used the 1961 or the 1960 codes is meaningless because they were the same. And not only are they not the same, they are not what appeared in his earlier video.”

    So the 1960 & 1961 codes are different? So the penciled # 9 Code on Obama’s BC would be different in 1960 from what it would be in 1961; is that what you are saying?

    ex animo

  46. nbc says:

    David Farrar: So the 1960 & 1961 codes are different? So the penciled # 9 Code on Obama’s BC would be different in 1960 from what it would be in 1961; is that what you are saying?

    Can you read? Oh wait… How are you doing after having found out that courts have rejected your Vatellian dreams?

    More than a 100 years late to the ‘party’…

  47. nbc says:

    So what has Zullo accomplished so far? The chances that the report and findings by the not-for-profit Cold Case Posse will ever make it into a judicial proceeding has been reduced to close to zero. Zullo’s almost daily revelations have undermined whatever credibility may have remained.
    And now they also have managed to undermine Orly’s cases… Not that it took much, but why did they decide to undermine Orly? Is it because Orly has become a bit of a nuisance ever since she pointed out why the CCP will never result in criminal charges?…

    The same with Reed Hayes. After admitting to having approached more than 200 other experts before they found someone like Reed, they have managed to invalidate the credibility of the expert quite expertly.

    Sometimes I wonder whose side the CCP are on… They are working hard to assist President Obama in regaining a majority in the house and senate by trying to trick Congress in getting dragged into this..

    Fascinating… Am I the only one who is impressed by their actions

  48. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Hermitian: Zullo used the 1960 manual because the 1961 manual was issued a few weeks after Obama’s purported birthday.

    Zullo used no manual but the 1969 one he heard of on daily pen which is why they’ve shut up about it once caught.

  49. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    David Farrar:
    Dr. Conspiracy June 2, 2013 at 1:46 pm(Quote) #

    So the 1960 & 1961 codes are different? So the penciled # 9 Code on Obama’s BC would be different in 1960 from what it would be in 1961; is that what you are saying?

    ex animo

    David do you know how to read? Doc said the 1960-61 codes were the same. Zullo didn’t use the codes from either of those years but rather pretended the 1968 and 1969 codes were from 1961.

    excelsis deo
    Dr Kenneth Noisewater

  50. CarlOrcas says:


    Fascinating… Am I the only one who is impressed by their actions

    It appears you have stumbled on the truth: The whole thing is really a clever conspiracy to make the birthers look like idiots and, unlike all the other conspiracies out there, this one is working like a charm.

  51. nbc says:

    Hermitian: Zullo used the 1960 manual because the 1961 manual was issued a few weeks after Obama’s purported birthday.

    At the Freerepublic Lafyforest reports

    So it’s bullsh*t from two or three different perspectives. Number 1, as far as anyone can tell, whatever manual was used by the feds, it doesn’t seem to have said what Zullo and Co. said it said. Second, the evidence that they presented to the public was most certainly not from any 1960 or 1961 manual. They faked that nicely enough. Third, even if the federal manual HAD said what they claimed, it would’ve been totally irrelevant, as the federal data entry was done by the feds from microfilm copies, so the codes weren’t written on the original certificates for any federal purposes.

    BS on top of BS on top of BS.

    It sounds like Ladysforest talked to Zullo, and he’s trying to blame it all on Corsi. Well, either Zullo was in on the scam, or he wasn’t. If he was, then he’s a scammer like Corsi””

    Yes, I did speak with Mike. I spoke with him about the 1961 Vital Stats manual being different than the one presented in the “code-gate” presser.

    Here is what I learned: Corsi set up the entire slide show presentation, and scripted it. Mike had already verified much of what was in the presser, but when it came to the codes he didn’t feel it was developed enough, nor was there “proof” enough that the information Corsi was asking him to present was period correct.

    Mike spent a very long time on the phone with the director of the CDC, back and forth on the codes and the use in 1961,
    and she finally indicated that the race code listing they were to use in the presser was probably accurate. Mike still wasn’t thrilled about presenting that part of the material, but reluctantly did so based on the none too enthusiastic assurances of the CDC director.

    Interesting… Let’s see if LadyForest has anything else to report.

  52. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    nbc: Mike spent a very long time on the phone with the director of the CDC, back and forth on the codes and the use in 1961,
    and she finally indicated that the race code listing they were to use in the presser was probably accurate. Mike still wasn’t thrilled about presenting that part of the material, but reluctantly did so based on the none too enthusiastic assurances of the CDC director.

    I find this claim to be suspicious. The Director of the CDC is a man Tom Frieden and has been director since June 8th 2009. Birthers weren’t looking at coding manuals during the tenure of the previous director.

  53. nbc says:

    Busted… Or she meant ‘deputy director’

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: I find this claim to be suspicious. The Director of the CDC is a man Tom Frieden and has been director since June 8th 2009. Birthers weren’t looking at coding manuals during the tenure of the previous director.

    Ladyforrest also was talked about at the Dispatches website.

    I was able to obtain, by email, a link to a scanned copy of the CODING AND PUNCHING GEOGRAPHIC AND PERSONAL PARTICULARS FOR BIRTHS OCCURRING IN 1961. It is a 18 page manual.

    It was sent to me by the main office of the CDC – National Center for Health Statistics in Hyattsvile, MD.

    National Centerfor Health Statistics
    Charles J. Rothwell, MS, MBA (A)

    The chart for the relevant office

    Time to dive deeper…

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