Birther burnout

There are ups and downs in the birther reporting business and you may have noticed that there haven’t been many articles of late. I suppose that’s a good thing, that the birthers haven’t done anything to get excited about. There is also a bit of burnout after four and a half years of writing about birthers. As the next major milestone of 3,000 articles looms, one wonders what there is left to say. Is it time for Doc’s Greatest Hits?

I’m taking this week to recharge. In the meantime, there are several hundred really nice articles some of you haven’t read.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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63 Responses to Birther burnout

  1. Doc

    Is that the picture where you hair is supposed to stand on end. Oh wait ….

  2. Bubbah Gump says:

    You’ve kept me informed and entertained for four and a half years.

    You deserve at least two weeks off.

  3. donna says:


    home alone without adult supervision – PAR-TEA

  4. alg says:

    Thanks Doc! I have found these articles and their respective responses to be very informative and entertaining. You deserve a respite to recharge.

    I think that part of the fatigue comes from the regurgitated redundancy of long since debunked birther claims and “revelations.” It’s like watching old “Our Miss Brooks” reruns – you can only watch repeat episodes so many times before they get to be tedious and uninteresting.

    Birtherism has gone the way of the old half hour black and white sitcoms of the late fifties and early sixties. There is a hard core body unrepentant fans, but the rest of us have gone on to Homeland, Game of Thrones, The Newsroom and True Blood.

    Enjoy your week off!

  5. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Doc is a sorcerer! I KNEW it!

  6. Jim says:

    Thanks Doc. Your site is so much more than just the articles, thanks for all the hours and hosting. Just one favor, don’t drink too many rechargers and drive. Otherwise, have a GREAT time!

  7. Well, I certainly understand the feeling. A week without Birthers is like a week without dumbness. It can get addictive when you start reading stuff by smart people and listening to good music, instead of reading Apuzzo, or listening to Carl Gallups.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  8. Soduko says:

    Enjoy your well deserved respite.

  9. Lupin says:

    alg: I think that part of the fatigue comes from the regurgitated redundancy of long since debunked birther claims and “revelations.”

    I’ll say. Speaking for myself, I know that having to stake the faux-Vattel zombie lie again and again is very tiring.

  10. Lani says:

    As a resident of teh quasi-state of Hawaii with kids failed forever with fake birf certificates, I thank you for your diligence, Have a happy vacation from birfastani!

  11. The Riddler says:

    The birthers won when the publicist manual came out listing obama from kenya.
    The logical explanation is o lied about it to maintain his foreign student status fiction.

    I don’t believe the birther theory that o was born in kenya, but the birthers’ tenacity goaded o into producing what appears to be a forged and fraudulent document.

    Now mired in scandal, o is now being seen as the lying manipulative power-hungry liberal buffoon the birthers instinctively knew he was.

    Birthers win. You lose.

  12. nbc says:

    The Riddler: he birthers won when the publicist manual came out listing obama from kenya.

    And yet, they continue to lose… Because the publicist admitted that Obama had not verified the data? Just because a publicist quotes Kenya, you claim the birthers ‘won’?

    That does not make sense. It is hearsay, non-admissible, irrelevant and contradicted by prima facie, self authenticating, legally admissible evidence of President Obama’s birth on US soil.

    Keep winning my friend… Keep winning… ROTFL

  13. The Riddler says:

    You want inadmissible?! I’ll give you inadmissible! The perp’s LFBC PDF.

    The best evidence is the behavior of the prez. Actions speak louder than words.

  14. donna says:

    The Riddler: You want inadmissible?! I’ll give you inadmissible! The perp’s LFBC PDF.

    and yet zullo said in his video: “The truth about this PDF, this birth certificate is you can’t bring it into a court of law. The truth is it cannot survive judicial scrutiny on any level.” he said “you couldn’t take YOUR birth certificate, scan it into a computer and have somebody tell you ‘okay, i’ll accept this’, it’s NOT GONNA HAPPEN”

  15. Jim says:

    The Riddler:
    The best evidence is the behavior of the prez. Actions speak louder than words.

    Yep, that’s true. And the Presidents actions have been to mock the birthers, make jokes about them, and ignore them otherwise. The actions of someone who knows he is Constitutionally eligible and the birthers are Constitutionally ignorant.

  16. JoZeppy says:

    The Riddler: The birthers won when the publicist manual came out listing obama from kenya.

    Yes, I can see why you consider the fact that a document that the President played no part in writing, and the person who did write it admits that it was her mistake alone would be considered a win for birthers.

    The Riddler: The logical explanation is o lied about it to maintain his foreign student status fiction.

    Except for the minor fact that the only evidence of that “fiction” is an April fools joke, and ignoring the logical explanation, given by the person who actual wrote the document that the material was written without review by Obama, and only distributed among others in the industry.

    The Riddler: I don’t believe the birther theory that o was born in kenya, but the birthers’ tenacity goaded o into producing what appears to be a forged and fraudulent document.

    Ignoring the fact that the State of Hawaii has repeatedly verified the information on the Birth Certificates, if you don’t think the President was actually born in Kenya, why the heck would he forge a document, containing information containing the same information as the real one….yeah…that make a ton of sense.

    The Riddler: Now mired in scandal, o is now being seen as the lying manipulative power-hungry liberal buffoon the birthers instinctively knew he was.

    “Mired in scandal”? Just the right beating a dead horse. With the exception of survelence, which a good portion of the right support, none of the purported scandals have caught the interest of the general public (probably because the right keeps trying to make them into something bigger than they actually are).

    The Riddler: Birthers win. You lose.

    Well, if the goal is have a perfect loss rate in court, and the butt of jokes, yes, birthers certainly are winning.

  17. JoZeppy says:

    The Riddler: You want inadmissible?! I’ll give you inadmissible! The perp’s LFBC PDF.

    You are absolutely correct. It is inadmissible. Which leaves me scratching my head as to why birther spend so much time talking about it. However, the real paper copy, which was passed around the White House press room, and photographed by Gurthrie, is not only admissible, but self-authenticating….oh, and the verifications sent to the court and Arizona Sec of State, by the state of Hawaii…those would be admissible too.

    The Riddler: The best evidence is the behavior of the prez. Actions speak louder than words.

    You mean by ignoring birthers for the most part? I suppose it is evidence that he doesn’t think birthers are worth his time, and I would tend to agree. I think by holding the press conference, he gave far too much time to the birther question, although I thought him slamming Trump at the White House Correspondents dinner was pretty darn funny.

  18. Paper says:

    Strange definition of winning. Especially as you later go on to say you yourself don’t believe he was born in Kenya..

    The Riddler:
    The birthers won when the publicist manual came out listing obama from kenya…

    I don’t believe the birther theory that o was born in kenya…

  19. Paper says:

    True that.

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter:
    It can get addictive when you [switch back to] reading stuff by smart people and listening to good music, instead of …

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  20. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    The Riddler: You want inadmissible?! I’ll give you inadmissible! HES BLACK BLACK BLACKIDY BLACK.

    Yeah that’s pretty much what you’re saying.

  21. Bovril says:

    And yet strangely enough he remains President, will serve until the end of his term and will retire well known, much loved, wealthy and happy.

    You, not so much……

  22. Geo. Carlin says:

    I got kicked out of the USAF for screwing with authority figures.

    Who knew that this was an important principle of American individualism and cynicism? I did.

    Perhaps if I’d lived a bit longer there would be so much more to say about our present political affairs.

    In fact, if back then someone had reasonable proof and argument about Nixon and Reagan being constitutionally ineligible for office, I’d have listened politely before saying something incredibly funny.

    Cowards nowadays just want to take a knee and whine about perpetuating a BS echo chamber.

  23. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The Riddler:
    You want inadmissible?!I’ll give you inadmissible!The perp’s LFBC PDF.

    The best evidence is the behavior of the prez. Actions speak louder than words.

    Well to me his actions say: I have better things to do than placate a bunch of racist loons. I have a country to run.

  24. nbc says:

    The Riddler: You want inadmissible?! I’ll give you inadmissible! The perp’s LFBC PDF.

    While the PDF of course is inadmissible because it is a copy of the certified document, the document, combined with the verification by the DOH of Hawaii can be accepted by the courts, or if necessary, one of the two certified copies that were sent.

    Under our federal rules of evidence, such documents are prima facie evidence, and admissible in court.

    Sorry to have to educate you on the laws of our nation but it is important to understand the facts before you make foolish assertions.

    Of course, as I have shown, the LFBC PDF’s ‘artifacts’ are mostly best explained by algorithmic workflow processes.

    Care to explore this or do you not appreciate evidence that runs counter to your biases?

  25. Rickey says:

    The Riddler:

    Birthers win. You lose.

    And Obama is still Presidenting while Black.

  26. perspicacity says:

    Obama’s brown.

  27. Rickey says:

    The Riddler:
    The birthers won when the publicist manual came out listing obama from kenya.
    The logical explanation is o lied about it to maintain his foreign student status fiction.

    That makes no sense. Why would Obama have cared about maintaining his “foreign student status fiction” in 1991? He graduated Harvard Law in 1991, so even if you accept the dubious and unproven claim that he would have benefited by being classified a foreign student, he would have had no reason to continue to do so after graduation. Besides, an article which appeared in the New York Times in 1990 – while Obama was still attending Harvard Law – says that he was born in Hawaii. It certainly would be odd that he would tell the New York Times that he was born in Hawaii while telling Harvard that he was a foreign student, especially since the article was about him being chosen to head the Harvard Law Review. Did he believe that nobody at Harvard would read the article?

    And the so-called scandals are already losing steam. Dick Cheney supports the surveillance program and says that it would have prevented 9/11 if it had been in place before then. The FBI says that several terrorist plots have been prevented because of the surveillance program. There is no evidence that the White House had anything to do with the IRS scrutiny of organizations applying for tax-free status, and the Benghazi hearings have fizzled.

  28. There is no proof or reasonable evidence that Obama is ineligible. Your brain’s rotted.

    Geo. Carlin:

    Perhaps if I’d lived a bit longer there would be so much more to say about our present political affairs.

    In fact, if back then someone had reasonable proof and argument about Nixon and Reagan being constitutionally ineligible for office, I’d have listened politely before saying something incredibly funny.

    Cowards nowadays just want to take a knee and whine about perpetuating a BS echo chamber.

  29. Scandal? You mean the conservative smear campaign that’s been going on for the last 5 years? You really believe that stuff?

    The Obama Administration has had less scandal than any in recent memory.

    The Riddler: Now mired in scandal, o is now being seen as the lying manipulative power-hungry liberal buffoon the birthers instinctively knew he was.

  30. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The Riddler:

    Birthers win. You lose.

    Is Obama still our president? Why yes. Yes he is!
    Has he been tried, convinced, and arrested? No, no he has not.

    …Tell me again what exactly you birthers have won?

  31. The Magic M says:

    JoZeppy: none of the purported scandals have caught the interest of the general public

    One of the reasons for that is that there is a totally different perception of these “scandals” in the wingnut sphere than in the real world (including even the most zealous Republicans):

    1. Fast & Furious:
    In the real world, a surveillance operation that allowed some surveilled gun trades to happen.
    In the wingnut world, an operation where the government sold guns to drug cartels.

    2. Benghazi:
    In the real world, a discussion whether and why the administration “put the blame on a video” before stating the terrorist background three days later.
    In the wingnut world, a situation where “Obama watched four people die” and/or “was using the facility and the gay ambassador for gun-running for Al-Quaeda”.

    3. AP phone records:
    In the real world, subpoenas for phone records in accordance with the law.
    In the wingnut world, the government “wiretapping” the phones of journalists and members of Congress.

    So you see the cognitive dissonance why the wingnuts are furious that nobody else seems to care about those “scandals” – because their perception is vastly different even from what Issa thinks he can unearth.

  32. Majority Will says:

    The Magic M: One of the reasons for that is that there is a totally different perception of these “scandals” in the wingnut sphere than in the real world (including even the most zealous Republicans):

    1. Fast & Furious:
    In the real world, a surveillance operation that allowed some surveilled gun trades to happen.
    In the wingnut world, an operation where the government sold guns to drug cartels.

    2. Benghazi:
    In the real world, a discussion whether and why the administration “put the blame on a video” before stating the terrorist background three days later.
    In the wingnut world, a situation where “Obama watched four people die” and/or “was using the facility and the gay ambassador for gun-running for Al-Quaeda”.

    3. AP phone records:
    In the real world, subpoenas for phone records in accordance with the law.
    In the wingnut world, the government “wiretapping” the phones of journalists and members of Congress.

    So you see the cognitive dissonance why the wingnuts are furious that nobody else seems to care about those “scandals” – because their perception is vastly different even from what Issa thinks he can unearth.

    From what Issa can fast and furiously claim he has unearthed without actually sharing proof.

  33. The Riddler says:

    Stop the racism, but never forget the Science: The semi-honkey prez has a white devil running things from deep inside the empty shell.

  34. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Answer the damned question Riddler.
    Obama is still our President, still YOUR president.
    So I ask you again, what did birthers “win”?

  35. Majority Will says:

    The Riddler:
    Stop the racism, but never forget the Science: The semi-honkey prez has a white devil running things from deep inside the empty shell.

    Do your Stormfront buddies snort and giggle over that one?

  36. Jim says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Answer the damned question Riddler.
    Obama is still our President, still YOUR president.
    So I ask you again, what did birthers “win”?

    The thrill of sitting in his mother’s basement whacking off in front of the computer with his birther brethren.

  37. The Riddler: The semi-honkey prez has a white devil running things from deep inside the empty shell.

    Semi-honkey? That’s a new one. Did you read it on Stormfront, or did you hear it at a KKK cross burning?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    You’ll never be another Richard Pryor. He’s the only one who could make words like that funny.

  38. perspicacity says:

    Jim: The thrill of sitting in his mother’s basement whacking off in front of the computer with his birther brethren.

    Jim knows that masturbation is a sin, so when he whacks off he thinks of gay sports stars, so at least the president will be proud of him.

  39. Jim says:

    perspicacity: Jim knows that masturbation is a sin, so when he whacks off he thinks of gay sports stars, so at least the president will be proud of him.

    Hmmm, I didn’t say masturbation, I said whacking off. You know, like all you keyboard warriors who think talking tough and acting brave on your computers? So, I guess that it’s your problem with the gay sports stars, not mine. 😀

  40. perspicacity says:

    No one could be prouder of you, Jim.

  41. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    No one could be prouder of you, Jim.

    Hey, you’re a birther. So answer me this. Why are so many birthers obsessed with homosexuality? Namely the man-on-man variety. Is someone a wee bit curious or something? You also seem to operate under the flawed logic that homosexuality is some kind of insult. Why is that? You seem to do the same when calling someone a “Muslim”. You are aware that those words are not insults, right?

  42. Jim says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Hey, you’re a birther. So answer me this. Why are so many birthers obsessed with homosexuality? Namely the man-on-man variety. Is someone a wee bit curious or something? You also seem to operate under the flawed logic that homosexuality is some kind of insult. Why is that? You seem to do the same when calling someone a “Muslim”. You are aware that those words are not insults, right?

    Notice how they are also well-represented in the pedophile arena also. Borderraven, Klayman, etc. Of course, those are the people perspicacity will believe.

  43. perspicacity says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmS fails to understand that this site is devoted to scientific explanation. If obama is a fraud and the conspiracies are proven true, then there must be some scientific explanation for all the devoted defensive protection he receives from the gentlemen on this site.

    Let’s not forget that anyone who disagrees with the doc is scientifically dismissed as a racist. By that kind of logic, profound homosexual attraction must be considered a potentially valid and sound scientific explanation for the irrational conduct of doc, jim, andrew, arthur, misha, majority will, nbc, et cetera.

    Of course we know from obama that everyone should be proud of those choosing homosexuality.

    So no matter what’s true in the end, you should all be very proud of yourselves, and you should all be proud of Science.

  44. ScottRS says:

    (snip) Let’s not forget that anyone who disagrees with the doc is scientifically dismissed as a racist.

    No, it’s just that the only possible explanations for why birthers believe such abject nonsense in the face of cold, hard, irrefutable facts, is that they must be either comically stupid or utterly racist. There is no explanation for birthers that does not arrive at one of those two conclusions.

    If you’d rather be called stupid, I’m certain you could be accommodated.

  45. The Riddler says:

    They’re probably racist, but if I got it straight I think the guy is saying that either you’re right, or gay, but since it’s so right to be gay you can’t be wrong.

  46. Crustacean says:

    The Riddler: They’re probably racist, but if I got it straight I think the guy is saying that either you’re right, or gay, but since it’s so right to be gay you can’t be wrong.

    I’ve heard it said that a million monkeys typing on a million typewriters for a million years would eventually come up with Hamlet. I’m skeptical about that, but the Piddler is proof of what ONE monkey flapping his fingers at ONE keyboard for ONE MINUTE can come up with…

  47. Rickey says:


    Of course we know from obama that everyone should be proud of those choosing homosexuality.

    At what age did you choose heterosexuality? Did you weigh all of the pros and cons before deciding?

  48. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmS fails to understand that this site is devoted to scientific explanation. If obama is a fraud and the conspiracies are proven true, then there must be some scientific explanation for all the devoted defensive protection he receives from the gentlemen on this site.

    Scientific explanation, as well as the ridicule of birther stupidity.
    And that is a pretty gigantic “if”. An “if” that has zero validity! 200+ failed attempts in court attests to that. Seeing as Hawaii has stated that Obama was in fact born there, the rest of the country has to take them at their word. Its called “The Full Faith and Credit Clause”. Part of the Constitution.

  49. Kupuna says:

    Doc, You’ve been the ultimate “class-act” during all of this. Always calm & respectful, always logical. Like Lani, folks like me in Hawaii appreciate that your work & that of others at Fogbow, helps limit the time public servants with HDOH & the courts have to waste on Birther kukae. Also, you’ve helped the good folks at KMCWC, “Who are trying to save the lives of children with cancer BTW.” [That was my reply to a Mainland racist in-law when she brought up the fact that I’d worked there & that she was flirting with the Birthers. She never brought it up again.] I’m quite sure that I am the only Obot who worked at both KMCWC & HDOH. At first I was angry about this but now I mostly find it a hilarious hobby & also a great study for folks interested in the psychology of conspiracists. To be honest, I sure wish Hawaii law let us sell Obama BCs to help our schools. Shucks, we have to obey laws & stuff like that, unlike Orly.

    I sure wish my unique status would have gotten me some Soros bucks but, alas, I’ve yet to get my first check. Maybe one day I can get honorable mention in Obama’s Presidential Library’s Birther section? I just read about Birthers as a way to laugh & de-stress after a tough day at work.

    Mahalo, Aloha & Goodnight from Honolulu Hawaii, the Birthplace of President Barack Hussein Obama

  50. The Riddler says:

    The doc is hardly classy or logical. Perhaps Kupuna is illiterate.

  51. justlw says:

    It took me a while to notice that I was quite unintentionally on “birther hiatus” — but “o” still autocompletes to “obamaconspiracy” on the ol’ Firefox.

    But it’s important to take a break from time to time; birfer baiting on the HuffPo article about the Yahoo gaffe feels fresh and new again.

  52. Lani says:

    The Riddler:
    The doc is hardly classy or logical. Perhaps Kupuna is illiterate.

    Perhaps you are an idiot.

    Kupuna was quite clear, even though you may be confused by our multicultural embrace of many languages and backgrounds. It’s called being American.

  53. Northland10 says:

    The Riddler:
    The doc is hardly classy or logical. Perhaps Kupuna is illiterate.

    You sound a bit annoyed. I recommend a nice big bowl of Cheerios.

  54. Majority Will says:

    The Riddler:
    The doc is hardly classy or logical. Perhaps Kupuna is illiterate.


    This is coming from a mentally challenged and hypocritical birther bigot who doesn’t understand the capitalization of proper nouns.

    “The birthers won when the publicist manual came out listing obama from kenya.”

    “I don’t believe the birther theory that o was born in kenya . . .”


    Birthers in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones or post stoned.

  55. Crustacean: I’ve heard it said that a million monkeys typing on a million typewriters for a million years would eventually come up with Hamlet.

    No, it’s “War And Peace.”

    Here’s the picture:

  56. Benji Franklin says:

    Crustacean: I’ve heard it said that a million monkeys typing on a million typewriters for a million years would eventually come up with Hamlet.

    i think it would be safer to predict that a thousand Birthers typing on a thousand typewriters for a trillion years would eventually come up with Hamlet, and then blame Obama.

  57. Daniel says:

    The Riddler:
    The doc is hardly classy or logical. Perhaps Kupuna is illiterate.

    And yet he wins every single bet he makes against birthers. Go figure..

  58. perspicacity says:

    The Riddler: The doc is hardly classy or logical. Perhaps Kupuna is illiterate.

    That is so wrong of you to say and you should be banned. The fact that Doc doesn’t censor those who disagree with him or criticize him shows that how classy and logical he truly be.

  59. Rickey says:

    The Riddler:
    The doc is hardly classy or logical. Perhaps Kupuna is illiterate.

    What you know about class and logic would fit on the head of a pin.

  60. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Benji Franklin: i think it would be safer to predict that a thousand Birthers typing on a thousand typewriters for a trillion years would eventually come up with Hamlet, and then blame Obama.

    Pretty sure they’re still trying to find ways to blame him for things that happened before he was born. After all, It was he placed the iceberg that the Hindenburg crashed into. Had that not happened Elvis would still be with us today!

  61. G says:

    Hilarious! Definitely a candidate for Quote of the Day.

    Benji Franklin: i think it would be safer to predict that a thousand Birthers typing on a thousand typewriters for a trillion years would eventually come up with Hamlet, and then blame Obama.

  62. The combination of insults (not published) and the abuse of many sock puppets earned him a ban.

    In fact we have quite a few bans on the site accumulated after 4 1/2 years, folks that just have no respect for the community. Some folks abuse the privilege of commenting. I have no problem with someone expressing an opinion about the topics on the site and criticizing the articles. But just being nasty for nasty’s sake is not something I tolerate much of.

    perspicacity: That is so wrong of you to say and you should be banned. The fact that Doc doesn’t censor those who disagree with him or criticize him shows that how classy and logical he truly be.

  63. perspicacity says:

    misha marinsky: a million monkeys typing

    I think we should ban all these people mentioning monkeys because it’s subtle racism and it’s not very classy.

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