Charles Kuck interview with Mario Apuzzo


On Radio Sandy Springs

Here is the interview:

Sandy Springs Radio is a low-power unlicensed AM station near Atlanta. It primarily broadcasts on the Internet through America’s Web Radio. Kuck is a nationally prominent immigration attorney.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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15 Responses to Charles Kuck interview with Mario Apuzzo

  1. gorefan says:

    Is Foggies’ interview with Professor Kuck available yet?

  2. nbc says:

    Not yet. But Foggy converted at least one birther from being a Vatellite to ‘not born in this country’. Once Foggy and Kuck were done, I doubt that there would remain anyone who would still hold to Mario’s foolish ideas.

    Except of course Mario, but he has his own reasons, I am sure.

  3. Lupin says:

    InterFiew? Is this “Speak-in-mock-German-day” again?

  4. The Magic M says:

    Oh, if only das were der case 😉

  5. I notice at the AWR web site they describe the guest as “Constitutional Attorney Mario Apuzzo”. Taking that at joke of a description at face value means Apuzzo is likely the only “Constitutional Attorney” in the USA never to have won a case nor written an article that appeared in a peer reviewed legal journal.

  6. Lupin says:

    Reality Check: I notice at the AWR web site they describe the guest as “Constitutional Attorney Mario Apuzzo”. Taking that at joke of a description at face value means Apuzzo is likely the only “Constitutional Attorney” in the USA never to have won a case nor written an article that appeared in a peer reviewed legal journal.

    “Honorary Penguin” Mario Apuzzo would be more accurate.

  7. Ve haf had a technicalinzerische difficulty.

    The Magic M: Oh, if only das were der case

  8. Rickey says:

    Reality Check:
    I notice at the AWR web site they describe the guest as “Constitutional Attorney Mario Apuzzo”. Taking that at joke of a description at face value means Apuzzo is likely the only “Constitutional Attorney” in the USA never to have won a case nor written an article that appeared in a peer reviewed legal journal.

    And the same can said about “Civil Rights Attorney” Orly Taitz.

  9. US Citizen says:

    I noticed that Doc fixed his error of “Interfiew”, but we still have Mario “Auppzo.”
    And who is Charles Kuch?

    I think this is Doc’s way of indicating he needs a rest from his vacation during his retirement.
    Pointing typos out is therefore my way of saying that I haven’t had a vacation in 13 years. 😉

  10. A big sigh there.

    US Citizen:
    I noticed that Doc fixed his error of “Interfiew”, but we still have Mario “Auppzo.”
    And who is Charles Kuch?

    I think this is Doc’s way of indicating he needs a rest from his vacation during his retirement.
    Pointing typos out is therefore my way of saying that I haven’t had a vacation in 13 years. ;-)

  11. Daniel says:

    Just listened to the Foggy interview on America’s Web Radio. I’d so love to see the look on Apuzzo’s face when he listens to it. He’s gonna blow a stack ROFLMAO

  12. Benji Franklin says:

    Daniel: Just listened to the Foggy interview on America’s Web Radio. I’d so love to see the look on Apuzzo’s face when he listens to it. He’s gonna blow a stack ROFLMAO

    Right you are, Daniel! I just listened to both shows, and it seemed to me that having only read Apuzzo and not listened to him speak before, his writing FAR outstrips his verbal presentations. He is a clumsy speaker and has no commanding presence at all.

  13. Benji Franklin: Right you are, Daniel! I just listened to both shows, and it seemed to me that having only read Apuzzo and not listened to him speak before, his writing FAR outstrips his verbal presentations. He is a clumsy speaker and has no commanding presence at all.

    it must be difficult to have a commanding presence when most of the verbiage you utter on this subject area is divorced from legal reality…

  14. Arthur says:

    Benji Franklin: it seemed to me that having only read Apuzzo and not listened to him speak before, his writing FAR outstrips his verbal presentations. He is a clumsy speaker and has no commanding presence at all.

    I agree. I had the same realization when I watched the video of him last year arguing his case before a New Jersey judge.

  15. G says:


    Arthur: I agree. I had the same realization when I watched the video of him last year arguing his case before a New Jersey judge.

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