The occasional open thread: Misspent youth edition

Place your Obama conspiracy comments  not related to the current articles here. This thread will close in two weeks.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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186 Responses to The occasional open thread: Misspent youth edition

  1. Look what I found.: a shiny new open thread on a wonderful June morning. I thought I would check it out before the crowd shows up and spills drinks and food everywhere.

    In other news. Mario visited my blog yesterday to edumacate me that he was the one who invented the lie that Minor v Happersett defined the term natural born citizen. I thought Leo came up with that piece of nonsense. However, I found an article Doc had written showing how Leo once understood that it didn’t but converted to the side of nonsense later and scrubbed his previous article. I still think Mario first learned about Minor when Leo wrote about it.

    I poked Mario for not citing Minor in his complaint in Kerchner v Obama that was filed shortly after he had his revelation about Minor. Instead of just admitting that he left it out he invented some nonsense that lawyers don’t cite cases in complaints they do that in briefs. WTF? I then pointed out he had cited 20 cases in his Second Amended Complaint in Kerchner but failed to cite Minor.

  2. Is there some special virtue in being the first to make a stupid mistake?

    Reality Check: In other news. Mario visited my blog yesterday to edumacate me that he was the one who invented the lie that Minor v Happersett defined the term natural born citizen. I thought Leo came up with that piece of nonsense.

  3. That was pretty much my reply to Apuzzo. It is like knowingly walking around with a sign that says “Kick me” on your back and being proud of it.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Is there some special virtue in being the first to make a stupid mistake?

  4. Joey says:

    Both the Birther Report and the Freeper Birthers are all excited about US District Court Judge Royce Lamberth granting Orly Taitz leave of the court to file motions and exhibits (again) in the long dismissed Social Security Fraud/Harrison Bounel lawsuit, Taitz v. Astrue.

  5. Bob says:

    Both the Birther Report and the Freeper Birthers are all excited about US District Court Judge Royce Lamberth granting Orly Taitz leave of the court to file motions and exhibits (again) in the long dismissed Social Security Fraud/Harrison Bounel lawsuit, Taitz v. Astrue.

    They’re looking forward to being outraged when it’s dismissed.

  6. CarlOrcas says:

    Both the Birther Report and the Freeper Birthers are all excited about US District Court Judge Royce Lamberth granting Orly Taitz leave of the court to file motions and exhibits (again) in the long dismissed Social Security Fraud/Harrison Bounel lawsuit, Taitz v. Astrue.

    Two messages on Birther Report about it. First is the most relevant:

    “Jill 22 hours ago
    I checked PACER. This case was closed on 08/30/11.

    There is no minute entry showing that Judge Lamberth granted leave to move for reconsideration. All that occurred is that the motion and attachments were docketed after the court staff redacted the SSNs that Orly failed to. Allowing a motion to be docketed is not the same as granting leave.

    This motion will be denied, as it was filed without leave.
    1 reply active 3 hours ago
    furtiveadmirer’s avatar

    furtiveadmirer 10 hours ago
    Obama’s lawyers have already filed motions as to validity of the reference site. I believe you are incorrect. there will be a hearing on the motion for reconsideration.”

    Maybe one of our lawyers can explain how a closed case could be reopened. Looks to me like all the clerk did is scan it so the judge can read it.

  7. donna says:

    Both the Birther Report and the Freeper Birthers are all excited about US District Court Judge Royce Lamberth granting Orly Taitz leave of the court to file motions and exhibits (again) in the long dismissed Social Security Fraud/Harrison Bounel lawsuit, Taitz v. Astrue.

    they should research “time barred” and/or the FRCP 60(b)(2) rule but that would require something more than reading right wing websites

  8. nbc says:

    Joey: Both the Birther Report and the Freeper Birthers are all excited about US District Court Judge Royce Lamberth granting Orly Taitz leave of the court to file motions and exhibits (again) in the long dismissed Social Security Fraud/Harrison Bounel lawsuit, Taitz v. Astrue.

    He did not grant her leave of court as she never asked for it. The clerks were unsure what to do with Orly’s mess, especially given her multiple violations of the rules. Lambert allowed it to be file, and will either sua sponte or upon a motion by the defendants, throw out the case because Orly untimely filed her ‘new evidence’. He may also reward her efforts, which are clearly outside the rules, with a request for Orly to pay the cost of the lawyers.

    The case was closed, is closed and remains closed and Orly’s poorly argued 60(b)(2) petition is not going to change anything.

    Have you noticed how Orly is totally losing it again with filings? More ‘FOIA’ requests… She is so convinced that the reason she keeps losing is because of others undermining her.

    Does she not realize that it is her own competence that causes her all these losses?

  9. nbc says:

    donna: they should research “time barred” and/or the FRCP 60(b)(2) rule but that would require something more than reading right wing websites

    Orly mentioned the ‘catch all’ 60(b)(6) but failed to explain why it meets the requirements. In fact, she already admitted to the fact that this was new evidence…

    Too little too late.

    Of course, she can always file another FOIA request… Some people repeat the same action, expecting a different outcome.

  10. nbc says:

    Oh and did they forget that Judge Lamberth kicked out the ‘American Grand Jury’ filings, observing that the Federal statutes, no longer implement presentments and how their idea of a ‘grand jury’ fails to meet the rules and requirements.

    Judge Lambert kicked back the previous motion and finally accepted this POS, knowing very well that he now can claim jurisdiction over Orly…
    The case will remain closed, but he may observe that her filing fails to meet the federal rules of civil procedures and sua sponte dismiss and award her sanctions…

    Let’s say. 4th of July 🙂

  11. nbc says:

    Gorefan: How does the border compare to the Whitehouse pdf’s border? Does the border you created cover part of the image? Can you post it to your site?

    It adds a border to the outside of the document. It is not the same as the mask, which I believe was added during the scanning part. I will do an experiment with the masked layer.

    Needless to say, workflow wise, there are a variety of simple explanations for these ‘artifacts’ although Hermitian is now retreating saying that it is not an exact copy and therefore not admissible. Who really cares… It is about explaining the artifacts seen in the highly compressed PDF.

  12. Northland10 says:

    Bob: They’re looking forward to being outraged when it’s dismissed.

    There is no such thing as Perpetual Outrage. It must be continuously fueled by outrageous moments. Orly is their renewable energy source.

  13. donna says:

    Northland10: Orly is their renewable energy source.

    don’t forget HER renewable energy source (from NBC): Donations from the public to support pro bono legal work and advocacy of Attorney Taitz are greatly appreciated. Paypal link and address are posted on the website

  14. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I’m starting to think that birthers read “Go for No” and took away the wrong message from it!

  15. W. Kevin Vicklund says:

    From the Discussion of Zullo Presentation thread, David Farrar said:

    According to the American Notary Society, of which Hawaii is a member, for their information according to Hawaiian Notary statues: You can either use the embosser or the stamp — but NOT both.

    That statement is trivially true. You may use an embossed seal or a stamped seal, but not both. However, the stamp that was being discussed was the “I hereby certify…” certification stamp (you know, the one with “TXE”), not a seal stamp.

  16. CarlOrcas says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    I’m starting to think that birthers read “Go for No” and took away the wrong message from it!

    They make lemmings look like independent thinkers.

  17. CarlOrcas says:

    W. Kevin Vicklund:
    From the Discussion of Zullo Presentation thread, David Farrar said:

    That statement is trivially true.You may use an embossed seal or a stamped seal, but not both.However, the stamp that was being discussed was the “I hereby certify…” certification stamp (you know, the one with “TXE”), not a seal stamp.

    In my experience over the last couple years courts and public recorder’s offices are requiring notary publics to use stamped seals, with black ink, so they are visible on scanned documents.

  18. CarlOrcas: They make lemmings look like independent thinkers.

    Lemmings Form Iraq Suicide Brigade

  19. W. Kevin Vicklund:From the Discussion of Zullo Presentation thread, David Farrar said:

    Farrar’s father was wrong. David did amount to a hill of beans.

  20. CarlOrcas says:

    misha marinsky: Lemmings Form Iraq Suicide Brigade

    Once again, sir, you were ahead of the curve.

  21. richCares says:

    Zullo’s Presentation
    Zullo has jumped the shark, he is deep in the rabbit hole, though they call it Arpaio’s Posse, Joe is no longer involved. Claiming forgery of a downloaded PDF copy when no effort was made to see or check the original is really stupid. I guess he is enthralled by his status as a Clown, Zullo the clown, what a joke.

  22. Sam the Centipede says:

    [Taitz] is so convinced that the reason she keeps losing is because of others undermining her.

    Does she not realize that it is her own competence that causes her all these losses?

    Not only her incompetence; even if she filed competently and presented her cases well, the underlying arguments and “evidence” (scare quotes because it’s not evidence!) are completely fatuous and ridiculous, and presented by plaintiffs with no standing to courts with no jurisdiction.

    Taitz’s failure is multi-dimensional. Every aspect of her campaign of racist hate is flawed.

  23. Keith says:

    What do birthers and sperm have in common?

  24. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Zullo’s Presentation
    Zullo has jumped the shark, he is deep in the rabbit hole, though they call it Arpaio’s Posse, Joe is no longer involved. Claiming forgery of a downloaded PDF copy when no effort was made to see or check the original is really stupid. I guess he is enthralled by his status as a Clown, Zullo the clown, what a joke.

    Yeah, Zullo’s in trouble alright. A large chunk of birthers are no longer falling for the “Something big is coming! Send money!” song and dance.

  25. Thomas Brown says:

    What do birthers and sperm have in common?

    They’re both fine as long as they remain in the dark?
    They get defeated by Plan B?
    They end up on Orly’s dental chair?

    OK, I give up.

  26. Bob says:

    What do birthers and sperm have in common?

    IQ scores?

  27. Daniel says:

    What do birthers and sperm have in common?

    Only half the Chromosomes you need for a complete human being?

  28. W. Kevin Vicklund says:

    What do birthers and sperm have in common?

    They both leave a bad taste in your mouth.

  29. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Anyone else notice Orly’s newest bout of misplaced enthusiasm? I love it when she get all excited like this, because the crash that follows when reality sets in, and she’s told “No!” yet again, is always priceless.

  30. The Magic M says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Anyone else notice Orly’s newest bout of misplaced enthusiasm?

    Renewed meth supply?

  31. Thinker says:

    South Carolina Republican Congressman was birfing last week in a TruNews interview. He thinks we should “go back and revisit some of these things because Americans have questions about not only the IRS scandal but also about the President’s validity”: – See more at:

  32. Whatever4 says:

    What do birthers and sperm have in common?

    It only takes one…

  33. Arthur says:

    Let’s hear it for Federalism: Supreme Court Strikes Down Arizona Voter Registration Citizenship Requirement

    I’m all for Federalism . . . except for pot. We’ve realized that the war in Iraq was started under false pretenses, and that it was costly, deadly, and unproductive, so let’s follow the lead of Colorado and end another pointless war: legalize it now.

  34. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The Magic M: Renewed meth supply?

    Now that you mention it, she really does look like a meth-head.
    My state has quite the meth problem, so I know one when I see one.

  35. Keith: What do birthers and sperm have in common?

    They quickly run out of oxygen.
    They both don’t have brains.
    You have to look at both under a microscope to understand them.
    They both prefer the dark.

  36. Everyone: An elephant paints a portrait – this is not a joke:

  37. Soduko says:

    Quote of the Day nominee!

    CarlOrcas. “They make lemmings look like independent thinkers.”

  38. Wanker Buster says:

    When are you wankers going to become knowledgeable about U.K. common law vs U.S. law?
    Wankers are what they are so an opinion from this side of the pond is that you U.S. wankers need a stiff boot in the arse… then all of you may have some sort of good stuff pumped into yer heads.

  39. I am not blog pimping or anything. This is just in case I am “disappeared” in the next few days for posting NSA stuff:

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  40. Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: I am not blog pimping or anything. This is just in case I am “disappeared” in the next few days for posting NSA stuff:

    I know. There’s someone at my door and aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  41. Keith says:

    What do birthers and sperm have in common?

    They both have a one in 50 million chance to become a human being.

    Whatever4: It only takes one…

    Good answer.

    W. Kevin Vicklund: They both leave a bad taste in your mouth.

    Naughty, naughty.

  42. donna says:

    Congressman Jeff Duncan (chairman of the House Homeland Security Oversight Subcommittee) Calls For Investigation Into Obama Identity Fraud

    Duncan appeared on the radio program TruNews with Rick Wiles on Friday where the host asked the South Carolina congressman whether the House would go after Obama’s “phony identification papers.” Duncan initially demurred, but then agreed with Wiles that Obama could be lying about his birth certificate, calling for Congress to “revisit” the issue of “the president’s validity.”

    WILES: While you guys are rounding up and deporting the illegal immigrants, any chance the House may actually pursue Barack Obama’s phony identification papers? That’s the original scandal, congressman.

    DUNCAN: People should have voted against him in November. I’m afraid that that wouldn’t get to the Supreme Court where it ought to get.

    WILES: But if we know they’re lying about all these other things, why not go back and say, “well maybe the first scandal was a lie, too?”

    DUNCAN: There you go. I’m all with you. Let’s go back and revisit some of these things because Americans have questions about not only the IRS scandal but also about the president’s validity.

    In his three years in Congress, Duncan has developed a reputation for controversial statements. He has invoked other conspiracy theories peddled on websites like the Drudge Report, falsely claimed that he didn’t vote to extend big oil subsidies, and warned that background checks will lead to Rwandan-like genocide in the United States.

  43. Keith says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter:
    I am not blog pimping or anything. This is just in case I am “disappeared” in the next few days for posting NSA stuff:

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

    OK, that cuts it! What the haitch-ee-double-hockey-sticks do you think you are doing, Squeeky?!?

    EVERYONE: switch to Plan BLUE code TIGER INDIA TIGHTROPE immediately!

  44. Bonsall Obot says:

    So former birther and noted attention hound Squeeky, citing a lawyer with no Internet references not originated by Squeeky herself, now claims to be at the center of yet another story?

    Quelle surprise.

  45. Bonsall Obot:
    So former birther and noted attention hound Squeeky, citing a lawyer with no Internet references not originated by Squeeky herself, now claims to be at the center of yet another story?

    Quelle surprise.

    Well, when you are a Girl Reporter, stuff like this just happens to you! Look at Lois Lane, for example. She does a few stories about Superman, and the next thing you know, Lex Luthor and Brainiac are coming after her. And some big monkey, too. I forget his name. . .

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  46. Majority Will says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: And some big monkey, too. I forget his name. . .

    Mario Apuzzo.

  47. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Are we talking Grodd or the Ultra Humanite?

  48. nbc says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: I am not blog pimping or anything. This is just in case I am “disappeared” in the next few days for posting NSA stuff:

    ROTFL… Hilarious

  49. Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Are we talking Grodd or the Ultra Humanite?

    Hi Andrew V!!!

    Maybe it was that Grodd monkey??? Who got smart when he discovered the Grodd Particle???

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  50. MN-Skeptic says:

    Hey Doc, I was just scrolling on your site and scrolled past the Quote of the Day. You know, you should rename that. In honor of the birthers, I propose that you rename it to the Quote of the Any Day Now. 😀

  51. The Magic M says:

    donna: Duncan initially demurred, but then agreed with Wiles that Obama could be lying about his birth certificate, calling for Congress to “revisit” the issue of “the president’s validity.”

    But for some reason he didn’t raise an objection when Congress certified the EC votes? Or has his crazy increased on an exponential scale since Obama’s re-election?

  52. Majority Will says:

    Hey Doc, I was just scrolling on your site and scrolled past the Quote of the Day.You know, you should rename that. In honor of the birthers, I propose that you rename it to the Quote of the Any Day Now.

    Well done! 😀

  53. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: Hi Andrew V!!!

    Maybe it was that Grodd monkey??? Who got smart when he discovered the Grodd Particle???

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

    You joke, but Grodd is one slippery SoB!

  54. Thrifty says:

    In court, you get to yell “FIRSTIES!!!”

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Is there some special virtue in being the first to make a stupid mistake?

  55. ASK Esq says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: And some big monkey, too. I forget his name. . .

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Are we talking Grodd or the Ultra Humanite?

    If we’re talking Lois Lane, we’re talking Titano.

    Yeah, I’m a geek.

  56. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Titano…can’t believe I missed Titano.
    *runs his geek credentials through a paper shredder*

  57. Arthur says:

    ORYR has an video up in which Glenn Beck is portrayed shooting President Obama in the head. Stay Classy, bithers!

  58. CarlOrcas says:

    ORYR has an video up in which Glenn Beck is portrayed shooting President Obama in the head. Stay Classy, bithers!

    And in the best tradition of let’s throw poop on the wall and see what sticks….commenters have begun to wonder if Obama is going to come back from Africa. I hope he sends back the plane….they’re kinda expensive.

  59. Foggy appeared with Professor Charles Kuck on the same “Immigration Hour” program on America’s Web Radio that had Apuzzo as a guest last week. Kuck had obviously done some research on the subject and said Apuzzo was wrong all way around. He quoted from Lynch v Clarke, Wong Kim Ark and said it was clear that Wong was an NBC. He also burst Apuzzo’s bubble on Minor and said that the dicta in Minor in no way defined NBC.

  60. Arthur says:

    Reality Check: Kuck had obviously done some research on the subject and said Apuzzo was wrong all way around.

    You would think that he would have done a little bit of research about Apuzzo and his ridiculous claims before inviting him to speak. Nevertheless, thanks for the info!

  61. nbc says:

    Poor Mario, he is getting no respect, not even from his ‘peers’…

    Once people read the actual cases, they quickly come to the same conclusion the court in US v Wong Kim Ark reached, rejecting fully any Vattel influence on our common law and on the definition of natural born.

  62. I agree. Better late than never though. I haven’t listened to the full show with Mario yet to know to what extent Kuck agreed with him. It was very clear today however that he did not. The archive will be posted at the show’s page no later than tomorrow I believe. Also Foggy will be on RC Radio tonight at 9 PM ET to discuss the appearance.

    Arthur: You would think that he would have done a little bit of research about Apuzzo and his ridiculous claims before inviting him to speak. Nevertheless, thanks for the info!

  63. Majority Will says:

    Poor Mario, he is getting no respect, not even from his ‘peers’…

    Once people read the actual cases, they quickly come to the same conclusion the court in US v Wong Kim Ark reached, rejecting fully any Vattel influence on our common law and on the definition of natural born.

    People like David Farrar, Leo Donofrio or H. Brooke Paige? 😛

  64. gorefan says:

    Reality Check: Kuck had obviously done some research on the subject

    In his interview with Mario, Kuck said he had read the Jack Maskell research report. IMO, he was stringing Mario along and wasn’t looking for a debate.

  65. Sactosintolerant says:

    What’s up with Mark Gillar? Aside from a couple random tweets, he’s been quiet for a while.

  66. donna says:

    nbc: Poor Mario, he is getting no respect, not even from his ‘peers’…

    poor mario should study french – when i asked him to translate a simple french phrase i composed and which included the french word “parents”, he told me to ask a french waiter

    if he believes what he THINKS vattel meant, poor mario should start on rubio and ted cruz – both are marching towards a run

  67. Arthur says:

    donna: if he believes what he THINKS vattel meant, poor mario should start on rubio and ted cruz – both are marching towards a run

    On his website, Mario has already declared that Ted Cruz is not a natural-born citizen and therefore, ineligible to be president. I’ve heard that Mario’s argument has put Cruz into a deep funk.

  68. He is sulking because he lost his BFF Zullo to Carl Gallups.

    What’s up with Mark Gillar? Aside from a couple random tweets, he’s been quiet for a while.

  69. donna: he told me to ask a french waiter

    Garçon, excusez moi, but what about this fly:

  70. Keith says:

    Anybody here answer this question for me?

    According to this article: The Supreme Court Strikes Down Arizona’s Discriminatory Voter ID Law,

    As summarized by Pete Williams: “Citizenship is a requirement to vote in any federal election, and the federal registration form requires people to state, under penalty of perjury, that they are American citizens. States can use their own forms, but they must be equivalent to the federal form.” (my emphasis)

    Arizona’s voter registration form included a requirement to prove citizenship. Since naturalized citizens would have to present their naturalization documents, it means they would not be able to register on line or by mail – unlike natural born citizens. Since federal law prohibits photocopying of naturalization documents, this requirement means that Naturalized citizens would have to register in person. Therefore, the law creates an obstacle especially created for naturalized citizens.

    The question is, why can’t naturalization papers be photocopied? Aren’t they certified? Wouldn’t a photocopy of naturalization papers be the same as a photocopy of a birth certificate?

    Further, if Natural born citizens can use photocopies of their birth certificate to ‘prove’ to Arizona they are citizens via mail or online, how is that supposed to actually ‘prove’ anything at all?

  71. nbc says:

    Keith: The question is, why can’t naturalization papers be photocopied?

    It’s prohibited by Federal Law to make photo copies of these documents.

  72. W. Kevin Vicklund says:

    nbc: It’s prohibited by Federal Law to make photo copies of these documents.

    I think the question is “Why does Federal law prohibit photocopying?”

  73. CarlOrcas says:

    Keith: Further, if Natural born citizens can use photocopies of their birth certificate to ‘prove’ to Arizona they are citizens via mail or online, how is that supposed to actually ‘prove’ anything at all?

    The problem for Arizona was that Federal law does not require a person to prove their citizenship in order to register and vote. All you have to do is affirm that you are a citizen. Arizona couldn’t impose a greater burden or requirement than Federal law. It’s that supremacy thing.

  74. Rickey says:

    Here is the actual statute about photocopying naturalization documents. The sticking point seems to be the phrase “without lawful authority.”

  75. CarlOrcas says:

    W. Kevin Vicklund: I think the question is “Why does Federal law prohibit photocopying?”

    Mr. Google tells me that the prohibition has to do with using the copies for any official purpose. Kinda like copies or PDF’s of birth certificates.

    In fact one site recommends making a “black and white copy” of ones naturalization papers in case the originals are lost and you need to request replacements.

  76. Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Titano…can’t believe I missed Titano.
    *runs his geek credentials through a paper shredder*

    Yes! It was Titano!!! He was on some cartoons, IIRC. He made me stop wanting a pet monkey.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  77. nbc says:

    W. Kevin Vicklund: I think the question is “Why does Federal law prohibit photocopying?”

    Ah, because they are official documents and with the ever improving copying capabilities, they have made it unlawful to do so.

  78. Keith says:

    W. Kevin Vicklund: I think the question is “Why does Federal law prohibit photocopying?”


    CarlOrcas: The problem for Arizona was that Federal law does not require a person to prove their citizenship in order to register and vote. All you have to do is affirm that you are a citizen. Arizona couldn’t impose a greater burden or requirement than Federal law. It’s that supremacy thing.

    According to my source, the problem with Arizona’s law was that Naturalized citizens could not comply on-line or via mail. The direct implication being that Natural Born Citizens could comply on-line or via mail. The direct implication being that Natural Born Citizens can provide a photocopy of a Birth Certificate, but Naturalized citizens cannot.

    CarlOrcas: Mr. Google tells me that the prohibition has to do with using the copies for any official purpose. Kinda like copies or PDF’s of birth certificates.

    In fact one site recommends making a “black and whitecopy” of ones naturalization papers in case the originals are lost and you need to request replacements.

    So it isn’t illegal to photocopy naturalization documents, only to pass photocopies off as originals. That is the exact situation with Birth Certificates.

    See my discussion above. Why is a photocopy of a Birth Certificate acceptable to Arizona but a photocopy of a Naturalization document not acceptable?

    I suspect that is the crux of the matter. The Arizona Law was unconstitutionally discriminating against Naturalized citizens. Pure and simple.

    nbc: Ah, because they are official documents and with the ever improving copying capabilities, they have made it unlawful to do so.

    The same problem occurs with Birth Certificates, yet Arizona accepted, apparently, photocopies of Birth Certificates. As CarlOrcas points out, it is not illegal to photocopy them, it is illegal to pass them off as originals, again identical to Birth Certificates.

    Are Naturalization Papers not certified? How can such a document ever be used in any legal sense what-so-ever?

  79. Keith says:

    Reading the USCIS site, the original Naturalization papers are Certified.

    It is fairly difficult to get a certified copy. You have to make an appointment (using the online service!), take your original and a copy to your appointment with other ID and stuff so the officer can verify you are you. The officer will then certify the copy.

    This is a LOT more difficult than asking for a new Birth Certificate. Doc, this looks like a big new career for you! Setting up a Federal Vital Statistics office to register and maintain Naturalization Certificates so ALL US Citizens can get easy access to copies of their vital documents! You need to be lobbying your Congresscritters NOW.

    It still begs the question of whether the struck down Arizona law allowed uncertified photocopies of Birth Certificates but not Naturalization Papers, and if so why. Like I said, this seems to be what was at issue in the case, not just that they demanded documentary evidence that the Feds didn’t. The Feds only passed a law, not a Constitutional Amendment.

  80. Keith says:

    It was easy for me to find threads discussing horror stories about people having to wait up to a year to get replacement Naturalization documents after losing them.

    Doc, I think I’m serious that there needs to be a Federal registry that operates like the States do for Birth Certificates. There is a real need for this.

  81. Lupin says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Titano…can’t believe I missed Titano.
    *runs his geek credentials through a paper shredder*

    Have you thought of Monsieur Mallah?

    I speak as one who once wrote an issue of Teen Titans Spotlight with the Brotherhood of Evil in it. And Tintin, too.

    Are we going into overgeek here?

  82. CarlOrcas says:

    Keith: According to my source, the problem with Arizona’s law was that Naturalized citizens could not comply on-line or via mail. The direct implication being that Natural Born Citizens could comply on-line or via mail. The direct implication being that Natural Born Citizens can provide a photocopy of a Birth Certificate, but Naturalized citizens cannot.

    Here is a good explanation of the decision, and potential ramifications, from Nina Totenberg:

  83. CarlOrcas says:

    Keith: Doc, I think I’m serious that there needs to be a Federal registry that operates like the States do for Birth Certificates. There is a real need for this.

    There is. It’s the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. It’s part of the Department of Homeland Security.

  84. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Lupin: Have you thought of Monsieur Mallah?

    Well, he never faced off with Superman as far as I can recall.

  85. donna: Congressman Jeff Duncan …Calls For Investigation Into Obama Identity Fraud

    I sent Duncan an e-mail of blatantly false and un-Constitutional accusations, which have been flying around the ‘Net. He did not correct any, and sympathized with me:

  86. Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Titano…can’t believe I missed Titano.
    *runs his geek credentials through a paper shredder*

    Hi Andrew!!!

    Maybe you need some Superman stuff to pick up your Geek Spirits!

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  87. nbc says:

    Part 1 of my analysis of the compressed PDF.

    I will first spend some time outlining the format of the PDF file, which helps us understand some of the features found in the resulting document.

    The next part will discuss the image files used and the final one will show how it all is put together to form a PDF.

    Once we understand the components we can start trying to explain the ‘artifacts’.

  88. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: Hi Andrew!!!

    Maybe you need some Superman stuff to pick up your Geek Spirits!

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

    LOL! That hit the spot alright!

  89. nbc says:

    An 1968 Congressional Research Service report on the eligibility of children born abroad to citizen parents, because of concerns about George Romney’s eligibility to the office of the Presidency.

    The researcher raises many of the issues I have raised as well and presents a balanced overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments


    Vincent A. Doyle Legislative Attorney
    American Law Division
    February 27, 1968
    Washington D.C.

  90. Keith says:

    CarlOrcas: Here is a good explanation of the decision, and potential ramifications, from Nina Totenberg:

    Thank you that makes a lot more sense. Except where does the photocopy issue enter into it?

  91. Keith says:

    CarlOrcas: There is. It’s the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. It’s part of the Department of Homeland Security.

    Which can take over a year to produce the result, unlike a State vital stats office that takes a couple of days.

  92. Keith says:

    An 1968 Congressional Research Service report on the eligibility of children born abroad to citizen parents, because of concerns about George Romney’s eligibility to the office of the Presidency.

    Quite interesting. It does however misunderstand the term ‘English Common Law’. ECL is not, and was not, ‘unwritten’.

    To quote from Wikipedia:

    The essence of English common law is that it is made by judges sitting in courts, applying legal precedent (stare decisis) to the facts before them.

    Judges decisions are most certainly written down, else how could they be used as precedent?

    The difference is not unwritten/written; it is Judicial Decision/ Parliamentary Statute.
    Furthermore, interpretation of statute is Common Law.

  93. nbc says:

    Keith: Quite interesting. It does however misunderstand the term ‘English Common Law’. ECL is not, and was not, ‘unwritten’.

    It’s to differentiate between the statutes and the development of common law, which, while ‘written down’ is not explicitly written, and evolves over time.

    It may sound weird but that’s what it is.

    I have quite a few more papers to report on. Exciting stuff.. I had no idea that there was a controversy around George Romney (and others)

  94. Keith says:

    nbc: I had no idea that there was a controversy around George Romney (and others)

    Also Barry Goldwater.

    What I didn’t know was that there was a CRS report about George.

  95. CarlOrcas says:

    Keith: Thank you that makes a lot more sense. Except where does the photocopy issue enter into it?

    I have no idea. Sounds like the state said it would accept a copy for the purposes of the law.

  96. CarlOrcas says:

    Keith: Which can take over a year to produce the result, unlike a State vital stats office that takes a couple of days.

    The number of active passports has skyrocketed – almost ten fold – in the last 20 years and since 9/11 I suspect they are being more careful about issue replacements.

    So the lesson? Get a safe deposit box.

  97. donna says:

    Ted Cruz’s Father Bribed An Official To Come To U.S.

    In a report Thursday on NPR about how Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) father shaped his vision on immigration, his father, Rafael Bienvenido Cruz, an immigrant from Cuba, said that while he “came to this country legally,” he basically bribed an official to get to the United States.

    “A friend of the family — a lawyer friend of my father basically bribed a Batista official to stamp my passport with an exit permit,” the elder Cruz said.

    Son Ted Cruz, who is critical of the ‘Gang of 8′ immigration bill, often attributes his views to his father’s emigration from Cuba: “In my opinion, if we allow those who are here illegally to be put on a path to citizenship, that is incredibly unfair to those who follow the rules.”

  98. nbc says:

    I was not aware of some of the work done during the time George Romney ran for President on the topic of eligibility.

    There is the work by McElwee which was also read into the minutes of the congressional record, concluding that Romney is not eligible.

    Mr. Pinckney G. McElwee, “Natural Born Citizens”, Congressional Record–House, June 14, 1967.

    Then there are two articles by Isidor Blum

    From: Isidor Blum, Is Gov. George Romney Eligible to Be President?, N.Y.L.J., Oct. 16 &. 17, 1967

    Isidor Blum – Is Gov. George Romney Eligible to Be President? Part 1

    Isidor Blum – Is Gov. George Romney Eligible to Be President? Part 2

    And the response by

    Mr. Eustace Seligman, A Brief for Gov. Romney’s Eligibility for Presidency, New York Law Journal, November, 1967.

    I will soon provide links to these articles as well.

    I had no idea that the eligibility question had been raised in scholarly works, Congress and the media, about George Romney’s eligibility.

    And I am looking at more

    Mr. Cyril C. Means, Jr., “Is Presidency Barred to Americans Born Abroad?”, U. S. News and World Report, December 23, 1955.

    Not to mention the Congressional Research Service Report by


    The 20th century is as interesting as the 19th when it comes to the term ‘natural born’ and immigration law.

  99. nbc says:

    Keith: What I didn’t know was that there was a CRS report about George.

    Same here, ran across it by pure accident when searching for Isidor Blum. There are supposedly other reports that exist. George Romney referred to one, which was published in 1955. It may be the US News & World Report.

    There was an Ambassador as well who was born in England I believe and was slated to run for the Republican party. Will dig deeper.

  100. donna: “A friend of the family — a lawyer friend of my father basically bribed a Batista official to stamp my passport with an exit permit,” the elder Cruz said.

    Bribing officials, tying dogs to car roofs…what is it with conservatives?

  101. donna says:

    misha marinsky: Bribing officials, tying dogs to car roofs…what is it with conservatives?

    and ted cruz: “In my opinion, if we allow those who are here illegally to be put on a path to citizenship, that is incredibly unfair to those who follow the rules”

    as my father used to say “hurray for me and the hell with you”

  102. donna says:

    at yesterday’s IRS rally, orly passed out copies of Obama’s tax return with his “Connecticut” social security number visible

    she “provided the evidence of Obama’s stolen SSN and forged IDs to Senator Ted Cruz, as well as FOX reporters Bill Thomas and Steve Shehovan (I am not sure about the spelling of his last name), as well as NBC and CNN reporters and smaller stations as well. I spent 5 hours discussing Obama’s forged IDs with an Associated Press reporter. […] – Dr. Orly Taitz.”

  103. nbc says:

    Poor reporter

  104. CarlOrcas says:

    Orly has just noted that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has suspended Phillip Berg for two years –

    Question: When will California take note of her antics?

  105. ObiWanCannoli says:

    “Russ Tice, Bush-Era Whistleblower, Claims NSA Ordered Wiretap Of Barack Obama In 2004” -Huffingtonpost

    There goes all the nutty conspiracies against President Obama out the window. So, NSA and, by extension, CIA and FBI had already vetted president Obama. If he had a fake B.C., forged his Selective Service application or illegally obtained his SSN, it would have been a big story in 2004 or definitely before the 2008 election.

    Oh..wait…probably an unknown IL state senator had threaten the NSA, CIA and FBI into overlooking his diabolic schemes.

  106. donna says:

    the latest: New Whistleblower: Financial Aid Given To Obama As Foreign Student With Indonesian Citizenship

    AND, according to taitz, obama failed to file an “Appellees’ brief” in Taitz v Obama, Feinstein, Emken

  107. nbc says:

    donna: AND, according to taitz, obama failed to file an “Appellees’ brief” in Taitz v Obama, Feinstein, Emken

    Orly failed to properly serve him… So incompetent.

  108. donna: New Whistleblower: Financial Aid Given To Obama As Foreign Student With Indonesian Citizenship

    ORYR is a haven for anti-Semites. This link was on their site:

    House Of Rothschild: No One Can Understand What Has Happened To The Planet Without Reading This

  109. The Magic M says:

    donna: the latest: New Whistleblower: Financial Aid Given To Obama As Foreign Student With Indonesian Citizenship

    So Orly expects her appeal to be granted not just upon hearsay (somebody stating “I saw something in the records but don’t have the records) but hearsay about hearsay (“Somebody told me he saw something in the records”) from someone who may or may not be the person he claimed to be? She’s back to her delusional self…

    And again we have the birther favourite of anonymous people citing other anonymous people allegedly in possession of non-existing documents. It’s Tim Adams all over again.

    But any day now.

  110. The Magic M says:

    ObiWanCannoli: Oh..wait…probably an unknown IL state senator had threaten the NSA, CIA and FBI into overlooking his diabolic schemes.

    No, the conspiracist “explanation” is that the NSA is using all that juicy info to blackmail the President…

  111. Whatever4 says:


    There was an Ambassador as well who was born in England I believe and was slated to run for the Republican party. Will dig deeper.

    Lowell Weiker, born in Paris.

  112. nbc says:

    Hmm got many details wrong. He was born to American parents in France, served as Secretary of State…

    Christian A. Herter

    Christian D. Herter was born to American parents in France, served as Secretary of State during the latter years of the Eisenhower administration, and was a potential Republican candidate for President in 1952 and 1960. Gordon , supra note 17, at 1; Cyril C. Means, Is Presidency Barred to Americans Born Abroad?, U.S. NEWS & WORLD REP., Dec. 23, 1955; Natural Born Citizen, WASH. POST & TIMES HERALD, Oct. 30, 1955, at E4 (“It is suggested that Gov. Christian Herter of Massachusetts, who was born in Paris of American parents, may enter the New Hampshire presidential primary next March to put the clause to a court test.”).

  113. donna says:

    Yahoo! News issued a correction Friday evening after a reporter mistakenly referred to Kenya as President Barack Obama’s birthplace.

    A piece on Obama’s upcoming trip to Africa by Rachel Rose Hartman included a lede that echoed sentiments heard among the “birther” movement.

    “President Barack Obama makes the first extended trip to Africa of his presidency next week—but he won’t be stopping in the country of his birth,” Hartman originally wrote.

    Approximately 90 minutes after the piece was published — and after several commenters identified the error — the lede was revised to refer to Kenya as Obama’s “ancestral homeland” and the article now includes a correction.

    have ALL editors died?

  114. Steve says:

    New Hampshire state rep Stella Tremblay, a birther and a Boston Marathon bombing truther, resigns.

  115. Arthur says:

    New Hampshire state rep Stella Tremblay, a birther and a Boston Marathon bombing truther, resigns.

    This is wonderful news! Thanks for sharing; Tremblay, like so many in her party, is as ignorant as she is arrogant. I’m delighted to see her go, and only wish more like her would resign.

    Speaking of New Hampshire politics, check out his gun-right lunatic interrupting a speech by a gun control advocate. The loudmouthed bully eventually gets into a tussle with cops and is arrested.

  116. Majority Will says:

    New Hampshire state rep Stella Tremblay, a birther and a Boston Marathon bombing truther, resigns.

    The paranoid lunatics in the comments section sound familiar.

  117. Lani says:

    She also recently sold her home. Perhaps she’s moving to a cave with all her canned goods?

  118. nbc says:

    I have done an analysis of the JPEG file embedded in the PDF and reached several interesting conclusions:

    1. The compression resulted in a quality drop of 53%, which is extremely high
    2. There is not metadata that suggests creation by Photoshop and I am exploring others
    3. There is one comment in the file “YCbCr” which is the coding scheme for the color space.
    4. Error level analysis shows no evidence of tampering
    5. It’s unfortunate that we have not seen anyone apply these tools to look in more depth at the raw data

    If we can identify the software which generates such a comment, we can reach additional conclusions.

    JPEG – The Gory Details – Part 1 – Introduction

    JPEG – The Gory Details – Part 2 – File Contents

    Enjoy, it is a bit technical but I believe it is still clear enough for one to follow the dissection of the JPEG which was embedded in the long form birth certificate PDF.

  119. nbc says:

    I obtained a Xerox Work Station PDF

    And the “YCbCr” tag is in the document…

    However the Quantization tables are different for Cb and Cr so we have not found the complete answer but we have reasonable certainty that the document may have been generated on a Xerox Work Station

    In addition, the document contains 1 JPEG background and several monochrome bitmaps.

    I am feeling quite certain that we have found the workflow.

  120. nbc says:

    Found a Xerox workstation document with background JPEG and multiple foreground text monochrome bitmaps.

    Someone with Illustrator may want to double check. Page 1 has several text bitmaps.

    I think we have found the work flow.

    Would that not be hilarious?

  121. nbc says:

    Oh and a PDF with JBIG2 Encoding when printed with preview, saves as FlateDecode, just as I had predicted

  122. gorefan says:

    nbc: Someone with Illustrator may want to double check.

    On the first page of the pdf there is a faint graphic, watermark or some kind of design. It is on the right side looks like a large x pattern. Illustrator breaks it up. Half of the design is in it’s own layer. The first layer listed in the layer palette. The rest of the design is on the main background layer (last layer listed in the layer palette). The first part of the design (on its own layer) has small pixels and the second part of the design (on background layer) has larger pixels.

    It is almost like the signatures on the whitehouse pdf.

  123. nbc says:

    gorefan: It is almost like the signatures on the whitehouse pdf.

    And the images are rotated, although this time clockwise, and there are multiple monochrome bitmaps, and Xerox Work Station embeds the comment YCrCb in the JPEG, and Xerox Work Stations support MRC and JBIG2 encoding.

    Now I will look at the alignment of the layers to see if they match the 8-bit alignment found in the Whitehouse PDF

    However we have already sufficient evidence to show that the arguments by some that the PDF has been manipulated are ill-informed at best.

  124. nbc says:

    Hmm, would not work for the PDF but what about the JPEG that was presented to AP. It’s appears to have been scanned from a handout.
    I separated the layers into CMYK to emphasize the yellow component, but to no avail.

    Will look closer. JPEG is not very suitable

  125. OBLOTS says:

    [This is the same commenter who posted previously under the name DISILLUSIONED. I moved this to the open thread. The IP address is from the same 198.228 network that a bunch of other comments, both troll and normal, are coming from. Please do not feed the troll. Doc.]

    What is an Oblot? An Oblot is what you see on your shorts after you binged out, and couldn’t make it to a head.

    Oblots “have not” proven that the their hero… the homosexual one in the white house has not nor his friends have not ‘forged’ the documents in question that are attesting to his ‘supposedly’ honest delivery of his personal facts to the American citizens.

    The Oblot will certainly be charged with some ‘crimes’ somewhere along his putrid life’s trail; so Oblots begin to work and prove that the ‘sin of the world’ in the white house ‘did not’ produce the forged documents he attest to be black ink originals or copies of the originals needed to be a truthful person.

  126. Julius Censor says:

    Good going doc. It’s good they’re banned and they won’t be wasting the community’s time. If I were you I wouldn’t even mention them.

    It’s just too bad the troll(s) who hijacked a thread or two have now hijacked the whole blog with their racist and unscientific badinage.

  127. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    A bunch of birthers have been hitting up this facebook page:

    Garrett Pappit showed up there before his arguments were destroyed and he ran off.

  128. Daniel says:

    [This is the same commenter who posted previously under the name DISILLUSIONED. I moved this to the open thread. The IP address is from the same 198.228 network that a bunch of other comments, both troll and normal, are coming from. Please do not feed the troll. Doc.]

    What is an Oblot?An Oblot is what you see on your shorts after you binged out, and couldn’t make it to a head.

    Oblots “have not” proven that the their hero… the homosexual one in the white house has not nor his friends have not ‘forged’ the documents in question that are attesting to his ‘supposedly’ honest delivery of his personal facts to the American citizens.

    The Oblot will certainly be charged with some ‘crimes’ somewhere along his putrid life’s trail; so Oblots begin to work and prove that the ‘sin of the world’ in the white house ‘did not’ produce the forged documents he attest to be black ink originals or copies of the originals needed to be a truthful person.


    Wake me up when you win a court case

  129. The Magic M says:

    Some funny “the dog ate my homework” from Orly’s alleged “whistleblower”:

    “this is a part of an e-mail I just got from the whistle blower regarding Obama’s foreign student aid from the U.S. government

    My scanner’s adobe features were affected by the virus and I have been working all weekend to fix it.

    To me it sounds like another piece of crap made up by Orly or by someone punking her by trying to sound like her. A scanner’s “adobe features”? What the heck is that even supposed to mean? Or is that pseudo-technobabble for “my computer’s ability to scan to PDF”?
    It just sounds like Orly’s constant characterizations of Chito Papa as her “adobe expert” or birthers claiming to have “opened the BC in Adobe”.
    Somehow no birther even has a concept of the difference between a company name and the name of a software product.

  130. Keith says:

    The Magic M: My scanner’s adobe features were affected by the virus and I have been working all weekend to fix it.”

    To be perfectly fair, my main computer has the irits with PDF’s at the moment too.

    I cannot open a PDF in Firefox on it. PDF’s work fine with IE, and on Firefox on my Linux machine, and on my wife’s computer, and on my iPad. But not my main Firefox one.

    do do do doot; do do do doot

  131. donna says:

    GRAB THE CARAMEL CORN: Sheriff Joe Arpaio To Address Obama ID Fraud Investigation Live June 28, 2013

    PPSimmons will interview Wild West Legend, Frontiers Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

  132. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    GRAB THE CARAMEL CORN: Sheriff Joe Arpaio To Address Obama ID Fraud Investigation Live June 28, 2013

    PPSimmons will interview Wild West Legend, Frontiers Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

    Hmmmm. Something tells me that Patrick’s next “Dispatches” entry is gonna be more chocked full of laughs than usual!

  133. Majority Will says:

    GRAB THE CARAMEL CORN: Sheriff Joe Arpaio To Address Obama ID Fraud Investigation Live June 28, 2013

    PPSimmons will interview Wild West Legend, Frontiers Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

    There’s some seriously insane commentary from the kooky keyboard kowards at that link.

  134. Crustacean says:

    I wasn’t all that impressed by PPSimmons’ status as a “known birther,” but when I found out he’s an “end-times faith person” t’boot, well, I’m all ears and enrapturement now!!

    Majority Will: There’s some seriously insane commentary from the kooky keyboard kowards at that link.

  135. Majority Will says:

    Fox News Host Admits, On Air, That They Make Things Up (VIDEO)

    (excerpt) There is an old saying, be careful what you wish for. In Fox News’ case, they wished for a radicalized, ill-educated voting block in order to push the Republican Party, as was Richard Nixon and Roger Ailes dream of doing in the 1970′s.

    The problem is, they got it, and in so doing now they have sewn the seeds of their own destruction. To woo away southern democrats, they pandered to bigots and racists using tactics devised by Lee Atwater.

    In so doing, they are now driving away moderates and the conservatives are engaging in a full on civil war with the goal to destroy anything outside of their own definition of Conservative.

    Even the Republican leadership is scrambling as leaders embrace the fight for self-destruction.

  136. sfjeff says:

    Majority Will:

    I have to admit that sometimes the eyes play tricks- here is what I saw when I saw that link


    Leading me to think that Arpaio had come out with a strategy that he thought would finally prove that Obama is gay….

  137. Rickey says:

    A new order in Liberi v. Taitz which includes a nominee for Quote of the Day:

    On June 18, 2013, the Court issued a brief Minute Order declining to sanction Defendant Orly Taitz (“Taitz”) on very narrow grounds. (Dkt. No. 632.) The Court now expands briefly on that Minute Order to say that another court did award sanctions against Taitz, but they were discovery sanctions that were less severe than other sanctions. This Court therefore decided not to sanction Taitz for misrepresentations about sanctions against her, hoping that the parties would better focus on the substantive issues in this litigation. There was no finding by this Court that Taitz never lied.

  138. nbc says:


  139. John Reilly says:

    The Fogbow is reporting an order in Taitz v. Obama (the California case involving Occidental College).

    Order filed.
    On June 21, 2013, appellant submitted a faxed notice regarding respondents’ brief having not been filed and also included was a declaration of new facts that appellant believes will weigh in favor of granting her appeal. On June 24, 2013, appellant filed the original to the fax received on June 21, 2013. The clerk of this court is DIRECTED to reject the fax received June 21, 2013, and to strike the filing of the document filed June 24, 2013, and return forthwith both documents to appellant. The court is aware of the status of respondents’ briefs and the declaration of new facts is not part of the record on appeal.

    I do not see this reported on Dr. Taitz’s site. A mere oversight I’m guessing, soon to be corrected.

  140. nbc says:

    Her cases are falling apart around her. And this is just the beginning…

    Get out the popcorn

  141. The Magic M says:

    Majority Will: with the goal to destroy anything outside of their own definition of Conservative

    It’s a bit like those science fiction stories where a race builds a robot designed to weed out imperfections that ends up eliminating his makers.
    I’m thinking “Nomad” and “V’Ger” from Star Trek, or Clu from Tron Legacy.

    In German, we would quote The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, “Die ich rief, die Geister…” (“Those spirits that I conjured…”, continued “werd’ ich nun nicht los” – “now I can’t get rid of them anymore”).

  142. Majority Will says:

    The Magic M: It’s a bit like those science fiction stories where a race builds a robot designed to weed out imperfections that ends up eliminating his makers.
    I’m thinking “Nomad” and “V’Ger” from Star Trek, or Clu from Tron Legacy.

    In German, we would quote The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, “Die ich rief, die Geister…” (“Those spirits that I conjured…”, continued “werd’ ich nun nicht los” – “now I can’t get rid of them anymore”).

    Interessant. Danke.

  143. 5-4. Learned something about standing.

    nbc: DOMA held to be unconstitutional

  144. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: 5-4. Learned something about standing.

    “WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Wednesday left for dead California’s same-sex marriage ban, Proposition 8, but the question of gay and lesbian couples’ constitutional right to marry remains very much alive.

    “By a 5-4 vote, the justices held in Hollingsworth v. Perry that the traditional marriage activists who put Proposition 8 on California ballots in 2008 did not have the constitutional authority, or standing, to defend the law in federal courts after the state refused to appeal its loss at trial.

    “’We have never before upheld the standing of a private party to defend the constitutionality of a state statute when state officials have chosen not to,’ Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion. ‘We decline to do so for the first time here.'”

    Birthers could learn a thing or two about the importance of standing–a legal principle they dismiss with a snort of their porcine snouts.

  145. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The Magic M:
    I’m thinking “Nomad” and “V’Ger” from Star Trek…

    Someone had to go and make TMP reference! 😉

    Shatner’s log. Stardate 7412.6: I find myself TRAPPED….in…what can ONLY…be described as…impending DEATH by…boredom. Toupé glue is…losing cohesion. Girddle…straining! DeForest’s beard…growing ITCHIER…by the second! My…only hope IS…a sequel starring…Ricardo Montalbán.

  146. G says:

    My favorite of those sci-fi analogies is from Babylon 5, episode 1.04 “Infection”. The Ikkarans (sometimes spelled Icarans) were a race that created bio robots to wipe out impurities…and thus ended the Ikkaran race…

    The Magic M: It’s a bit like those science fiction stories where a race builds a robot designed to weed out imperfections that ends up eliminating his makers.
    I’m thinking “Nomad” and “V’Ger” from Star Trek, or Clu from Tron Legacy.

    In German, we would quote The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, “Die ich rief, die Geister…” (“Those spirits that I conjured…”, continued “werd’ ich nun nicht los” – “now I can’t get rid of them anymore”).

  147. Rickey says:


    Birthers could learn a thing or two about the importance of standing–a legal principle they dismiss with a snort of their porcine snouts.

    Yes. A state can defend the Constitutionality of its own laws, but groups and individuals have to show concrete and particularized injury. Nobody can show any evidence of particularized injury because of same-sex marriage. No heterosexual married couple has ever been able to demonstrate to me how their marriage would be threatened or how they would lose any rights if the gay couple next door got married.

  148. Are there two Floyd Brown’s, one the author of Obama Unmasked: Did Slick Hollywood Handlers Create the Perfect Candidate?

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: Here is something Sci Fi!!! Are there two Zullos??? Cue Spooky Music!

  149. Jim says:

    All Right! Obama Administration to give away FREE cars, motorcycles, etc.

    My daughter could sure use a free car!!! 😀

  150. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter:
    Here is something Sci Fi!!! Are there two Zullos??? Cue Spooky Music!

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

    Ah, so birthers reproduce via budding…good to know.

  151. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I don’t know about you guys, but I am laughing my ass off at the way Free Republic is completely freaking the hell out about the Supreme Court’s Doma and Prop 8 decisions. We’re talking full on panic mode here. It’s glorious!

  152. nbc says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I don’t know about you guys, but I am laughing my ass off at the way Free Republic is completely freaking the hell out about the Supreme Court’s Doma and Prop 8 decisions. We’re talking full on panic mode here. It’s glorious!

    Yep… It brings out some wonderful emotions…

    Poor souls and I am sure they still consider themselves good christians…

  153. Crustacean says:

    That’s one way to look at it. But there are also the inevitable, ominous comments posted there, such as this dandy that doesn’t make me want to laugh at all:

    “I will need the entire weekend to read and digest even a portion of [the RWNJ analyses]. When I’m not reading, I’ll be cleaning my weapons.”

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I don’t know about you guys, but I am laughing my ass off at the way Free Republic is completely freaking the hell out about the Supreme Court’s Doma and Prop 8 decisions. We’re talking full on panic mode here. It’s glorious!

  154. nbc says:

    Crustacean: That’s one way to look at it. But there are also the inevitable, ominous comments posted there, such as this dandy that doesn’t make me want to laugh at all:

    Empty talk to make him feel more manly. After all, the ruling by the Supreme Court really has diminished the value of the ‘man’ 🙂 I am not kidding, I have read comments to that extent. Why one’s self esteem depends on how our nation treats the gays is beyond me, how the value of one’s marriage is somehow diminished because we become more inclusive is something I fail to comprehend.

  155. Crustacean says:

    OK, two points:

    1. Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter, is totally nuts, and she lives in a universe of her own creation

    2. I really like Squeey Fromm, Girl Reporter, and her universe is pretty awesome!

    BTW, now that the “multiverse” theory has mathematical backing, the question maybe shouldn’t be “why does anything exist?” but rather “how could anything not be possible?” Guaranteed, somewhere (sometime??) there is a universe where Squeeky is POTUS, and Zullo is her pet monkey…

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Here is something Sci Fi!!! Are there two Zullos??? Cue Spooky Music!
    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  156. Arthur says:

    nbc: hy one’s self esteem depends on how our nation treats the gays is beyond me, how the value of one’s marriage is somehow diminished because we become more inclusive is something I fail to comprehend.

    Predictably, religious politicians with a right-wing orientation were outraged. My favorite response to their overwrought gibbering was Nancy Pelosi’s “Who cares?”

  157. nbc says:

    Arthur: Predictably, religious politicians with a right-wing orientation were outraged. My favorite response to their overwrought gibbering was Nancy Pelosi’s “Who cares?”

    ROTFL yes that was a beautiful response… Who indeed cares…

  158. nbc says:

    Rickey: No heterosexual married couple has ever been able to demonstrate to me how their marriage would be threatened or how they would lose any rights if the gay couple next door got married.

    My point exactly… Some people have a pretty poor marriage if the value of their marriage is determined by the happiness of others.

  159. Jim says:

    Pigs on Pot-Priceless

    The comments are great. Waiting for the Obama conspiracy in 3, 2, 1…

  160. Jim says:

    Imagine how crazy the birthers would be if the president was listed as “Female” on his Birth Certificate.

  161. nbc: Poor souls and I am sure they still consider themselves good christians…

    Dog backwards spell god. Coincidence?

  162. Jim: Imagine how crazy the birthers would be if the president was listed as “Female” on his Birth Certificate.

    Imagine how crazy the birthers would be if the president’s father was listed as Jor-El.

  163. Arthur: Predictably, religious politicians with a right-wing orientation were outraged.My favorite response to their overwrought gibbering was Nancy Pelosi’s “Who cares?”

    I enjoy anything that gives conniption fits to fundies.

  164. Rickey says:

    Remember when Line in the Sand insisted that U.S. forces were told to stand down during the Benghazi attack and he demanded to know who gave the order? Well, as it turns out there was no stand down order, as Lt. Col. Gibson testified to the House Armed Services Committee yesterday.

  165. nbc: I am sure they still consider themselves good christians…

    Texas governor Rick Perry attacks Wendy Davis over teenage pregnancy

    Perry turns on pro-choice senator who filibustered abortion legislation by saying she failed to ‘learn from her mistakes’

  166. nbc says:

    misha marinsky: Texas governor Rick Perry attacks Wendy Davis over teenage pregnancy

    They are getting a bit desperate are they not?…

  167. donna says:

    Democrats vote Steve King ‘most clueless’ Republican

    The Democrats have crowned their King.

    Democratic members of congress voted Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) the House’s “most clueless Republican,” at a private Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee dinner Tuesday night, an aide said.

    At the closed-door event, members were shown a video highlighting Republicans’ “tone-deaf” moments, then given a ballot to vote for the most clueless. Contenders included Arizona Rep. Trent Franks, Texas Reps. Louie Gohmert and Michael Burgess, Colorado Rep. Mike Coffman, Georgia Rep. Phil Gingrey, Kansas Rep. Tim Huelskamp, Michigan Rep. Tim Walberg and Alaska Rep. Don Young, according to the DCCC aide.

    Showing the video, DCCC Chairman Steve Israel told the roughly 100 members in attendance the Republicans were “crazy.”

    “There is nothing more important about the stakes of this election than what you just saw – they’re in the majority, they’re running this Congress and they’re crazy. And their craziness and chaos is unacceptable to this country – and it’s our job to send them packing,” Israel said.

    The DCCC says it will be rolling out a similar campaign to allow supporters to vote regularly on Republican comments.

    Read more:

  168. Majority Will says:

    Remember when Line in the Sand insisted that U.S. forces were told to stand down during the Benghazi attack and he demanded to know who gave the order? Well, as it turns out there was no stand down order, as Lt. Col. Gibson testified to the House Armed Services Committee yesterday.

    6/28 Luckovich cartoon: We report, you decide:

  169. I’ve done database studies of records marked incorrectly, the “boy named Sue.” It’s not common, but it happens, and if your birth certificate database has 6,000,000 records in it, even a small error rate generates a significant number of errors.

    Jim: Imagine how crazy the birthers would be if the president was listed as “Female” on his Birth Certificate.

  170. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    How did King beat Louie Gohmert?

  171. CarlOrcas says:

    misha marinsky: Perry turns on pro-choice senator who filibustered abortion legislation by saying she failed to ‘learn from her mistakes’

    It strikes me that Wendy Davis can probably teach us more about life and how to live it than Perry ever can with all his phony pontificating. At 19 she decided to NOT terminate her pregnancy and went on to raise her daughter while getting a law degree at Harvard and successfully practicing law and running a business before venturing into politics. Today she is 50 years old.

    At 63 it appears Perry will never learn from his mistakes.

  172. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    CarlOrcas: It strikes me that Wendy Davis can probably teach us more about life and how to live it than Perry ever can with all his phony pontificating. At 19 she decided to NOT terminate her pregnancy and went on to raise her daughter while getting a law degree at Harvard and successfully practicing law and running a business before venturing into politics. Today she is 50 years old.

    At 63 it appears Perry will never learn from his mistakes.

    Would love to see her kick perry’s ass in the governor’s race

  173. MattR says:

    CarlOrcas: It strikes me that Wendy Davis can probably teach us more about life and how to live it than Perry ever can with all his phony pontificating. At 19 she decided to NOT terminate her pregnancy and went on to raise her daughter while getting a law degree at Harvard and successfully practicing law and running a business before venturing into politics. Today she is 50 years old.

    It never occurs to Perry that having lived that life and survived those hardships, Sen Davis intimately understands the importance of women being able to decide for themselves if they are ready to face those challenges.

    Check out the Amazon reviews for the shoes she was wearing, including the 1 stars

  174. Dr Kenneth Noisewater:How did King beat Louie Gohmert?


  175. Dave says:

    ORYR has an article “Immigration” Bill — About Amnesty or ELIGIBILITY??. It alleges that the Senate immigration reform bill decriminalizes several things, such as “document fraud to prove eligibility for employment”, and concludes that the purpose of the bill is to decriminalize all the bad things they imagine Obama has done.

    But where did anyone get the idea the immigration bill decriminalizes these things? I believe I have traced it down. The racist anti-immigration group FAIR released a graphic which can be seen here which starts from the fact that the bill permits a person with up to three misdemeanor convictions to be eligible for Registered Provisional Status. Then, using the usual racist technique of claiming that the people they want you to hate are getting special treatment, they insinuate that this means that they get no prosecution for the misdemeanors. They present this lie in the graphic you can see at the link, where they made up a list of sample misdemeanors and the lie that only citizens and legal immigrants will be punished for them.

    The birthers apparently took this lie and compounded it with complete misunderstanding — that the list of crimes on the graphic had been decriminalized by the immigration reform bill. I guess FAIR didn’t take into account the poor reading comprehension of their target audience.

  176. Majority Will says:

    MattR: Check out the Amazon reviews for the shoes she was wearing, including the 1 stars

    lmbo! Shared.


  177. The Magic M says:

    Dave: and the lie that only citizens and legal immigrants will be punished for them.

    The birthers apparently took this lie and compounded it with complete misunderstanding

    It matches the Vattelists’ ridiculous claim that non-citizens are “not subject to the jurisdiction of the US” (which resolves to “cannot be held accountable for their crimes”), so at least there is some consistency in their madness, maybe for the first time ever.

  178. The Magic M says:

    misha marinsky: Dog backwards spell god. Coincidence?

    Coincidence backwards spells ecnedicnioc. Madness?

  179. nbc says:

    With a bit of luck, Arpaio will set the Republicans up for more embarrassment in time for the 2014 midterms. The real question: Will Mike Zullo announce the now identified ‘forger’ and have the Whitehouse Xerox 7655 Workcentre marched out of the Whitehouse?

    Sheriff Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse has got Congressmen aboard who have now seen documented evidence that proves 100% without a doubt that Obama’s birth document he presented to the American public is a forgery. Congressmen have been briefed behind closed doors on evidence that we have never seen before pertaining to Obama’s ineligibility to be president . It’s time to get this investigated in a house select committee. Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo stated that we have only seen about 30% of the evidence they have compiled. I will post the live streaming links as soon as they come available for the event this evening. The event will take place from 5pm to 7pm eastern time.

    Streams listed here: … ssman.html

    5:00-5:12 Gallup is having a love fest with Arpaio, after announcing that the Sheriff is available for only 25 minutes. Gallup loves to hear himself talk…

    Millions of people are watching and keeping their fingers crossed… Blahblah blah…

    Tell us more about the investigation. Going back to his original scepticism…

    Let me predict, yet another non show…

    They can’t get me for spending tax payers’ money…
    Show me your microfiche.
    I wanted to clear him.

    Hilarious… nothing…

    I am no longer listening to this love fest. I am sure that the birthers will once again go ape-sh*t crazy that nothing is happening…

    So no criminal filings, no congressional investigation..

    Take it to Eric Holder… Of course not.. That’s a little difficult..

    5:15: Congress is the best place, but noone wants to talk to me…

    Hilarious what a dud…

    Oh the fools…

  180. nbc says:

    Perhaps Stockman will embarrass the Republican leadership?

    Would love to see the dems roll in the Xerox 7655 Workcentre to testify during the hearings…

    Boy oh boy… This is going to be a fun summer. Regardless of what happens…

  181. nbc: With a bit of luck, Arpaio will set the Republicans up for more embarrassment in time for the 2014 midterms.

    We can hope, mit glick und mazel.

  182. donna says:

    the birthers would have the burden of proof to disprove the product created by the Xerox 7655 Workcentre

    can anyone help me out with that one????????

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