1000 Words

I was really motivated to write something after hearing the Reality Check Radio show tonight. RC played a clip from the Carl Gallups radio show where Gallups challenged any “Obot” to call the show and prove that Obama is even a citizen. RC called in, was on a few seconds, and Carl muted him, shouted him down and cut him off. It was shameful, shameful, but very much in character for Gallups and his sidekick Mike Zullo. They are fine when they control the microphone, but they will not debate. They will not release their proof. They flee in terror from subpoenas where they might be cross-examined in court. They are liars and frauds and they know full well that their so-called evidence is a house of cards that will fall down from the slightest touch of criticism.


If you think otherwise, I offer you 1,000 words that I will publish on this blog, to make your argument to the contrary. The only limitations are no obscenity, no threats of violence, and no disclosure of personal information about private individuals. This offer is open to anyone, including individuals usually banned from commenting on the blog. Submissions exceeding 1,000 words will be truncated after 1,000.

Gallups blusters that he challenges Obots, and then turns off the microphone when they call him. He’s afraid. Obots are not afraid. So, anyone who wants to take up the 1000 word challenge, use the Contact page. A week from today, I’ll publish them.

This is to show the birthers what integrity looks like.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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279 Responses to 1000 Words

  1. Soduko says:


  2. Denialists are racists, grifters and malcontents.

    Snowden doesn’t have anything – if he did, he would spill it.

  3. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Somewhere John, Scott, and whats his face are all under a bed crapping themselves. They’re not gonna touch this challenge with a ten foot pole.

  4. Suranis says:


  5. Arthur says:

    If you’re interested in listening to the section of RC’s program where Carl Gallups first invites debate and then shuts it down immediately after RC starts speaking, it begins around 65 minutes into his show (link is at top of Dr. C.’s article).

  6. Slartibartfast says:

    Well said, Doc. Unfortunately I don’t think the birthers can recognize integrity. If a birther truly believes that they are correct (and I think that most of those who comment here do) and they believe that they have integrity (which doesn’t seem like a big problem given what their confirmation biases already allow them to swallow), then, in their minds, anything that is alien to them cannot be a demonstration of integrity since it is something that they would never have done themselves. I don’t expect that you’ll get anything from them but some hackneyed repetitions of the same lies and fallacies that have been debunked hundreds of times on this site and others, but, in the interest of having some examples of integrity rather than just its absence, I was wondering if you would open this up to obots as well and publish their thousand words on why President Obama is eligible or what the appropriate way to challenge a presidential candidate’s eligibility would have been.

  7. john says:

    Interesting conversation on Zimmerman. But, I have no doubt the jury was right. I have always thought the case was self-defense. If one has doubts, just watch the 11:00 PM news every night for couple of weeks.

  8. john: Interesting conversation on Zimmerman.But, I have no doubt the jury was right.I havealways thought the case was self-defense.If one has doubts, just watch the 11:00 PM news every night for couple of weeks.

    Wrong thread. However, when you do this, it’s par for the course.

    BTW, Zimmerman is a vigilante. Try that here in Philly.

    Official Philadelphia prosecutor statement: “We will not tolerate vigilantes.”

    That’s why I live in Chinatown. Cities are liberal because cities are diverse. It’s a big world out there. Get out of your cocoon.

  9. Curious George says:

    This is really really off topic. Today is the 1 year anniversary of the ill fated July 17, 2012 CCP press conference. The one where Mr. Zullo featured a 1968 code chart and said it was from 1961. He said the number 9 and the word African were additional proof of a forgery. Dr. C. torpedoed the presentation by showing the 1968 deception. The last affidavit put out by Mr. Zullo doesn’t mention the coding. I think that Dr. C. should repost the results of his exposure of this deception as it is also his anniversary. Awesome work Dr. C! I found a July 18, 2012 ABC interview of Mr. Zullo. Did he ever apologize for the mistake?

  10. American Mzungu says:

    So, John, are you planning to take up Doc’s 1000 word challenge?

  11. American Mzungu: So, John, are you planning to take up Doc’s 1000 word challenge?


  12. scott e says:

    terrific ! this is really getting interesting again !

  13. BillTheCat says:

    Shocking that John believes the verdict was correct – I’m shocked! Shocked I tells ya!

  14. Rickey says:

    Shocking that John believes the verdict was correct – I’m shocked! Shocked I tells ya!

    John may be on to something. Instead of spending all this money on trials, we could just pick a jury and have them watch the evening news for a couple of weeks. Then they can render a just and impartial verdict.

    What could possibly go wrong?

  15. Kiwiwriter says:

    I applaud this step, and I want to see if anyone takes it up, and writes 1,000 coherent words on the subject.

  16. Jim says:

    I applaud this step, and I want to see if anyone takes it up, and writes 1,000 coherent words on the subject.

    Mario won’t, 1,000 words would just be the first paragraph for him. 😀

  17. Jim: Mario won’t, 1,000 words would just be the first paragraph for him.

    Mario couldn’t say “I’m in the bathroom” without going over 1,000 words.

  18. Jim: Mario won’t, 1,000 words would just be the first paragraph for him.

    “Your Honor, my client was not over the legal limit. I want the breathalyzer calibrated…Oops, wrong client.”

    “Your Honor, my client’s civil rights have been violated by Barack Obama’s election…No, I’m not drunk.”

  19. Curious George says:

    Sorry this is off topic. It won’t happen again. Here is the link mentioned in my previous post regarding the July 17, 2012 press conference.


  20. As of this minute, there have been no takers for the challenge.

  21. The main reason for the 1,000 word limit is to get the contestants to focus on what they consider their important point(s) rather than throwing in the kitchen sink like some do.

  22. Kiwiwriter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    As of this minute, there have been no takers for the challenge.

    I wonder if Scott E will try?

  23. “Gallups challenged any “Obot” to call the show and prove that Obama is even a citizen.”

    According to his website, Gallups is a Baptist minister. He’s the standard issue RWNJ.

  24. American Mzungu says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: As of this minute, there have been no takers for the challenge

    If John and Scott E decide not to participate, it seems to me they are conceding by their silence that Gallups and Zullo , as Doc C expressed it so eloquently,

    “…will not debate. They will not release their proof. They flee in terror from subpoenas where they might be cross-examined in court. They are liars and frauds and they know full well that their so-called evidence is a house of cards that will fall down from the slightest touch of criticism.”

  25. Jim says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    As of this minute, there have been no takers for the challenge.

    Did you post it over at ORYR? Problem is, I doubt most of them could count to 1,000, much less be able to type something that long that would be coherent.

  26. Crustacean says:

    Well, a thousand words can take a while to hunt and peck, Dr. C, but lucky for our birther friends I’m here to help. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and I think this one (the second one on the linked page) sums up their stance RE Obama’s fakery pretty well.

    Birthers, you’re welcome.


    Dr. Conspiracy: As of this minute, there have been no takers for the challenge.

  27. Bob says:

    At this point, Birthers should be grateful that anyone even takes the time to acknowledge their existence much less respond to them.

  28. richCares says:

    Zullu’s investigation was a joke. He refused to contact any of the reporters that saw the original BC, he did not contact Savannah G. who touched the seal and snapped a photo, he disregarded Woodman’s book. He did not attempt to see the original which was available at the White House. He ignored the State of Hawaii’s verification of the BC. How can he defend this silly endeavor (BS) he calls an investigation. Only an idiot would support Zullu the Clown.

  29. Suranis says:

    I don’t think Zullo talked to Les KInsolving, the WND reporter who say the Long Form and pronounced himself satisfied it was genuine.

    In fact, who has Zullo talked to apart from Corsi and Carl Callups?

  30. john says:

    I would say the birth certificate is what proves Obama is a citizen of the United States. But the birth certificate is a forgery, so we have no evidence Obama is a citizen. Regardless of the anomolies, we know the birth certificate is a forgery due to the age of Obama Sr. on the birth certificate as 25. Around 1961, all documentation indicated that Obama Sr. was born is 1934. This would make him 27 years old but 25 is noted. Later, around 1962, Obama Sr. stated indicating he was born in 1936. It also generally regarded that family and friends say he was born in 1936 which might the year the forger realied on.

  31. john says:

    In Fact, According the the Obama Sr. Immigration File, On August 31, 1961, Obama Sr. Filled out records to extend his VISA Stay. In those records, Obama Sr. reports his birthdate as June 18, 1934….ergo…Obama Sr. is therefore 27 years old. All documents around this time period point to the year of birth to be 1934. However, Obama’s birth certificate says Obama Sr. is 25..ergo..Obama Sr. was born in 1936. But this apparent year change comes after his stay in Hawaii in around 1962.

  32. Well, this is America, and everybody is entitled to a lawyer, sooo I asked my BFF Fabia Sheen, Esq., an attorney, to step in. She said that this was the only defense she could think of.


    Comes now, the Defendant, Mike Zullo, by and through his attorney, Fabia Sheen, Esq. and in defense to the specific charges of Fraud, and other conduct in violation of 18 USC 1343, including but not limited to, lying, cheating, tampering with documents, frightening elderly residents of a nursing home, providing legal advice while not licensed as an attorney, champerty and maintenance, and transporting Birthers across state lines for the purpose of providing false testimony, states that:

    1. The Defendant hereby notifies the Court in accordance with, and pursuant to, F.R.Crim.P.12.2(a) et. seq., that he intends to plead insanity (A Mezvinsky Plea), as an exculpatory defense.

    2. At all times relevant, the Defendant operated under the debilitating effects of a psychotic delusion.

    3. The Defense does not, at this time, contemplate the calling of expert witnesses due to the open and obvious nature of this psychotic disorder, and presents a partial list of his erratic behavior, to wit:

    a. The Defendant believed he was a law enforcement officer and the leader of a Posse which traveled across the country, including several trips to Hawaii, to obtain information;

    b. The Defendant believed that he was on a special mission to prove that then President Barack H. Obama was an illegal usurper in the office, who had obtained that office by means of a forged birth certificate;

    c. Fantastically, while unable to obtain actual physical possession of the aforementioned document, the Defendant maintained he had proven forgery by the examination of an online image of the document; and

    d. The Defendant blatantly ignored several communications with the appropriate Hawaii state officials to the effect that the document was genuine.

    4. While the Defendant does not believe that expert testimony is necessary due to the overwhelming evidence of mental dysfunction, he does intend to present confidential testimony from a member of the aforesaid posse to the effect that:

    a. In addition to the victims, Posse members were also taken on weekly rides, via horseback;

    b. On these excursions, which the Defendant called training sessions, Posse members were required to pretend they had pursued and captured such diverse characters as Billy the Kid, Doc Ock(sp?), and The Masked Forger;

    c. Posse members were provided secret Posse decoder rings and required to communicate through means of coded messages; and

    d. Posse members were required to sign confidentiality agreements that they would keep these activities and others, secret.

    5. These are obviously NOT the actions of a person in full control of their mental faculties and the Defendant prays this Honorable Court take judicial notice of this fact, since the Defendant has already spent all the money he surreptitiously obtained, and is unable to adequately compensate his attorney.

    6. The Defendant, pleading now as a Third Party Plaintiff, further seeks permission to add as Third Party Defendants, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, Deputy Jerome Corsi, and John Does 1-100, to be named at a future time, for their intentional and reprehensible conduct in taking advantage of the Defendant’s obviously impaired mental condition in criminal violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act.

    For this, and all other just and proper relief, the Defendant earnestly pleads.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Fabia Sheen, Esq.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  33. richCares says:

    just loved Squeeky’s report on Fabia Sheen, really spot on!

  34. Making a joke of a serious matter does not show intellect but displays the misleading
    illusion that nothing is wrong. Putting NAMES on people just to promote such illusion
    only illustrates the character of the individual.

    Obama has stated several times his reference to KENYA, as his homeland. His FATHER being a BRITISH subject transfers his citizenship to the BRITISH EMPIRE.
    It is clear the piece of paper called BIRTH CERTIFICATE does not mean a thing.
    It is only a reference which the illerate use to “say its okay”.
    When the hard evidence is considered the facts do indicate OBAMA IS NOT ELGIBLE. He has posed as a citizen of INDONESIA to get grants. ( per application exmanier). While the illiterates are busy “BASHING THE BIRTHERS”, the evidence
    continues to stack up.

  35. There’s something ironic about someone misspelling “illiterate.” But your facts are no better than your spelling.

    The laws of other countries (in this case England or Kenya) do not decide who is eligible to be President of the United States. Obama was a “Citizen of the UK and Colones” and later a citizen of Kenya by their laws, but not by the laws of the United States, and is is not a citizen of any other country today by anyone’s law.

    The bit about Obama posing as an Indonesian to get grants was an April Fools’ article on the Internet that the credulous birthers took into their store of bogus facts. That deserves being poked fun at.

    Birther delusions are a serious matter, but it has nothing to do with Obama’s eligibility.

    Evidence Tracker: Making a joke of a serious matter does not show intellect but displays the misleading
    illusion that nothing is wrong. Putting NAMES on people just to promote such illusion
    only illustrates the character of the individual.

    Obama has stated several times his reference to KENYA, as his homeland. His FATHER being a BRITISH subject transfers his citizenship to the BRITISH EMPIRE.
    It is clear the piece of paper called BIRTH CERTIFICATE does not mean a thing.
    It is only a reference which the illerate (sic) use to “say its okay”.
    When the hard evidence is considered the facts do indicate OBAMA IS NOT ELGIBLE (sic). He has posed as a citizen of INDONESIA to get grants. ( per application exmanier (sic) ). While the illiterates are busy “BASHING THE BIRTHERS”, the evidence
    continues to stack up.

  36. He reportedly didn’t even contact the Hawaii Department of Health. A joke indeed.

    richCares: Zullu’s investigation was a joke.

  37. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Evidence Tracker: Obama has stated several times his reference to KENYA

    No he has not said it was where he was born nor his homeland.

    Evidence Tracker: He has posed as a citizen of INDONESIA to get grants. ( per application exmanier).

    No he has not. He didn’t get grants as an indonesian citizen since he never was an indonesian citizen. It’s funny you claim the evidence shows he’s not eligible yet you had 1000 words to show this and failed to prove it.

  38. Majority Will says:

    Evidence Tracker: ( per application exmanier).

    What’s an “exmanier”? Is there an exwomanier too?

    P.S. If you don’t want to be ridiculed, don’t be ridiculous.

  39. Following is a list of all the birthers who have submitted entries in the 1000 word challenge:

  40. Evidence Tracker: a reference which the illerate use to “say its okay”…OBAMA IS NOT ELGIBLE…( per application exmanier).

    I don’t know if I should laugh, or cry.

    Did you go to school in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi or were home schooled?

  41. bovril says:

    Evidence Tracker: Obama has stated several times his reference to KENYA, as his homeland. His FATHER being a BRITISH subject transfers his citizenship to the BRITISH EMPIRE.
    It is clear the piece of paper called BIRTH CERTIFICATE does not mean a thing.
    It is only a reference which the illerate use to “say its okay”.
    When the hard evidence is considered the facts do indicate OBAMA IS NOT ELGIBLE. He has posed as a citizen of INDONESIA to get grants. ( per application exmanier). While the illiterates are busy “BASHING THE BIRTHERS”, the evidence
    continues to stack up.

    Yawn…………another drive by troll but, hell, I’m a bit bored so I’ll bite…

    Obama stating that Kenya is his homeland……Nope, not even once, and even if he did he never said he was born there, Same level of idiocy was not raised when Kennedy called Ireland his “homeland” etc etc

    Father was a British subject…….Yeah, and…? Relevance to his sons birthplace and citizenship in the USA…..well that would be zero/zip/nada. The President was born in Hawai’i, Hawai’i was and is a state of the Union, he was born a citizen he’s an NBC

    BC doesn’t mean anything…….Curious that the US Government says otherwise and will use it in the issuance of a passport. The Hawai’i government have on multiple occasions confirmed the details recorded on the BC and according to the real Constitution that means Birthers get to FOAD

    Obama was an Indonesian citizen…..Strange that there is no record of that anywhere and the law in Indonesia when Obama was there states quite clearly that he did not meet ANY of the requirements to be granted Indonesian citizenship. On top of which even if in Bizarro Birfoon world, the President HAD been granted Indonesian citizenship, guess what it has bugger all squared to do with US citizenship and he would have retained his US NBC status by virtue of his birth

    So, by saying “the evidence is stacking up” you mean the mud and cack slinging is still failing abjectly to stick to the wall and Birfoons are and remain irrelevant, seditious, bigoted racists.

    Next troll please, this chew toy has expired its sell by date

  42. john says:

    “He reportedly didn’t even contact the Hawaii Department of Health. A joke indeed.”

    I thought Zullo went to Hawaii. He was treatly very poorly. In any event, it would have been a waste of time to contact the Hawaii DOH. Everything goes to Janice Okubo and she just sends a standard denial. In fact, inquiry with Hawaii DOH over the 5 years by birthers has accomplished no positive response by the Hawaii DOH. I see why Zullo avoided them.

  43. john: he was born in 1936 which might the year the forger realied on.

    Yes, exactly.

  44. Since when does a REAL investigator not interview a vital source just because he thinks he’ll get the brush off?

    You might do that. I might do that. A real law enforcement investigator would not do that.

    Therefore, Mike Zullo isn’t a real law enforcement investigator, and the Cold Case Posse isn’t doing a real investigation. Zullo is just another birther.

    Thanks for making my case.

    john: I thought Zullo went to Hawaii. He was treatly very poorly. In any event, it would have been a waste of time to contact the Hawaii DOH. Everything goes to Janice Okubo and she just sends a standard denial. In fact, inquiry with Hawaii DOH over the 5 years by birthers has accomplished no positive response by the Hawaii DOH. I see why Zullo avoided them.

  45. CarlOrcas says:

    Kiwiwriter: I wonder if Scott E will try?

    Any day now…..I’m sure.

  46. Jim says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Therefore, Mike Zullo isn’t a real law enforcement investigator, and the Cold Case Posse isn’t doing a real investigation. Zullo is just another birther.

    What investigators would not interview material witnesses?
    What investigator would rely on a book for most of his investigation?
    What investigator would publish a book about their investigation before it is finished?
    What investigator would rely on a used type-writer salesman and a software user to do an analysis of a computer image?
    What investigator is shown proof that his evidence is wrong, just ignores it and moves on?
    What investigator provides affidavits in cases that don’t even involve what they are investigating?

    But john, even more curious
    We now have proof that the forger was a Xerox copier, when is bathroom monitor Zullo going to slap handcuffs on it and arrest it?
    If his evidence is so solid, why does he need to keep it secret? It’s never stopped him before. Could it be that he doesn’t have the evidence he claims or could it be because his evidence isn’t evidence of any crime?
    If Zullo himself says no crime has been committed by the President, what is he investigating?
    What proof do you have, john, that Arpaio and Zullo are NOT working FOR the President? Isn’t it amazing how Arpaio’s Fed discrimination case was just dropped after the first book selling. Isn’t it nice that the recall effort suddenly ran out of cash just after the latest book selling? Isn’t that PROOF that Arpaio and Zullo are working for the President?

  47. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Following is a list of all the birthers who have submitted entries in the 1000 word challenge:

    Any day now.

  48. American Mzungu says:

    John, how is the writing of the1000 word essay in defense of Zullu/Gallups going? Some of the other defenders of Zullu/Gallups seem to have developed writer’s block, but I think you are the birthers’ best hope on actually putting down words. Don’t let me down.

  49. Kiwiwriter says:

    bovril: Yawn…………another drive by troll but, hell, I’m a bit bored so I’ll bite…

    Obama stating that Kenya is his homeland……Nope, not even once, and even if he did he never said he was born there, Same level of idiocy was not raised when Kennedy called Ireland his “homeland” etc etc

    Father was a British subject…….Yeah, and…? Relevance to his sons birthplace and citizenship in the USA…..well that would be zero/zip/nada. The President was born in Hawai’i, Hawai’i was and is a state of the Union, he was born a citizen he’s an NBC

    BC doesn’t mean anything…….Curious that the US Government says otherwise and will use it in the issuance of a passport. The Hawai’i government have on multiple occasions confirmed the details recorded on the BC and according to the real Constitution that means Birthers get to FOAD

    Obama was an Indonesian citizen…..Strange that there is no record of that anywhere and the law in Indonesia when Obama was there states quite clearly that he did not meet ANY of the requirements to be granted Indonesian citizenship. On top of which even if in Bizarro Birfoon world, the President HAD been granted Indonesian citizenship, guess what it has bugger all squared to do with US citizenship and he would have retained his US NBC status by virtue of his birth

    So, by saying “the evidence is stacking up” you mean the mud and cack slinging is still failing abjectly to stick to the wall and Birfoons are and remain irrelevant, seditious, bigoted racists.

    Next troll please, this chew toy has expired its sell by date

    You know, Bovril, by Birther logic, I’m not an American citizen either. My mother was born in England, grew up there, came here in 1957, and did NOT get American citizenship until 1985, objecting to the phrase in the naturalization ceremony about “bearing arms” and the potential loss of her British citizenship. But the Americans changed the rules so that people can be dual nationals (because of the expansion of world trade). And the “bearing arms” thing was not out of pacifism…she was just weird.

    So under Birther logic, because she was and remained British until her death, and was not a US citizen when I was born, I’m not an American citizen, and that means my service in government is probably treason against the state.

    So I’m a birther nightmare.

  50. train111 says:

    You say Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery because it has the wrong age for his father?

    How about my wife’s BC? It has her mother’s ex-husband and not her real father’s name on it. Does that make it a forgery?? Funny thing is, that it is accepted anywhere she has presented it without question.

    What about my grandmother? Her BC has her mother’s name crossed out, and another name handwritten in ink there. A forgery?

    Truth is that if you do any genealogy work and look into vital records, you will find boat loads of anomalities, lots of which can never be explained away.

    You guys’ trying to pick gnat shit out of pepper isn’t going to amount to anything as Obama is going to be President until the end of his term.


  51. richCares says:

    In Hawaii, Zullu primarily harassed an old woman, other than that he did nothing. As for his visit to DOH, he did not have valid authority as a police officer, DOH has no obligation to respond to a wanna be cop. He made believe he was a cop, they made believe he was not there, touché!

  52. This is what I found on Zullo and the HDOH:

    “Zullo – who met with Hawaii Department of Health officials in Honolulu the day before the letter to Bennett was issued – said that after he returns to Phoenix to brief Arpaio, the sheriff will schedule a press conference “at the earliest possible date in June.”


    IIRC (which means If I recall correctly), they were not too impressed by Zullo, and may have even asked him to leave. Or was that the nursing home???

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  53. Jim says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter:
    This is what I found on Zullo and the HDOH:

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

    The funny part is when they tried to intimidate the HDOH…and basically got told to take a hike! 😀



  54. Joey says:

    I would say the birth certificate is what proves Obama is a citizen of the United States.But the birth certificate is a forgery, so we have no evidence Obama is a citizen.Regardless of the anomolies, we know the birth certificate is a forgery due to the age of Obama Sr. on the birth certificate as 25.Around 1961, all documentation indicated that Obama Sr. was born is 1934.This would make him 27 years old but 25 is noted.Later, around 1962, Obama Sr. stated indicating he was born in 1936.It also generally regarded that family and friends say he was born in 1936 which might the year the forger realied on.

    An error on a document does not mean that the document is forged. The ONLY information on a birth certificate that is relevant to Article Two, Section One eligibility is date of birth and place of birth of the named child.
    On six official occasions the state of Hawaii has confirmed the authenticity of the President’s birth vital record.
    There has never been a law enforcement investigation for forgery, only the guesses of a volunteer, not for profit educational organization attached to a county sheriff’s office.

  55. Majority Will says:

    Joey: An error on a document does not mean that the document is forged. The ONLY information on a birth certificate that is relevant to Article Two, Section One eligibility is date of birth and place of birth of the named child.
    On six official occasions the state of Hawaii has confirmed the authenticity of the President’s birth vital record.
    There has never been a law enforcement investigation for forgery, only the guesses of a volunteer, not for profit educational organization attached to a county sheriff’s office.

    Relevant facts and the truth only confuse and anger the poor birther bigots.

  56. Joey says:

    “He reportedly didn’t even contact the Hawaii Department of Health. A joke indeed.”

    I thought Zullo went to Hawaii.He was treatly very poorly. In any event, it would have been a waste of time to contact the Hawaii DOH.Everything goes to Janice Okubo and she just sends a standard denial.In fact, inquiry with Hawaii DOH over the 5 years by birthers has accomplished no positive response by the Hawaii DOH.I see why Zullo avoided them.

    Janice Okubo hasn’t been Director of Communications for DHOH since the Republican Administration of Governor Lingle and former Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino left office due to term limits in December of 2010.
    Since the administration of Governor Abercrombie was sworn in DHOH Director Loretta Fuddy and Registrar of Vital Statistics Alvin Onaka have handled communications regarding the Obama birth record.

  57. Rickey says:

    American Mzungu:
    John, how is the writing of the1000 word essay in defense of Zullu/Gallups going?Some of the other defenders of Zullu/Gallups seem to have developed writer’s block, but I think you are the birthers’ best hope on actually putting down words.Don’t let me down.

    He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don’t let that fool you. He really is an idiot. – Groucho Marx

  58. This is the account of the meeting with Jill Nagamine the Asst. AG that took place. From the Fogbow Report on the Second CCP press conference”


    Claim: Investigators met with the Hawaii Assistant Attorney General, Jill Nagamine. Nagamine refused to give Sheriff’s investigators permission to see the original birth documentation held by the Hawaii Department of Health which was used to create the President’s long form birth certificate. Furthermore, Nagamine refused to verify whether the PDF birth certificate released by the White House is in fact an exact copy of the document released to the President’s attorneys.
    TRUE. Hawaii state law restricts who can access vital records and who can get official verification of information in those records. Zullo, Corsi, and the deputy from the Threats Division of the MCSO aren’t among the parties entitled to see vital records. The CCP’s trip to Hawaii doesn’t change that.

    Claim: (Corrected from Transcript 7/19/2012) Zullo said ” At one point in the conversation I held up a copy of that document [indicates LFBC] and I asked her point blank ‘could you at least tell me, is this a copy of the document that you provided Mr Obama’s attorney’s?’ She accused me again of wanting a verification of a birth certificate and pointed me back to her statutes.
    I said to her, if I had to present my drivers license to the public for whatever reason and I handed my drivers license to you and you scanned it into a computer, but then you decide to change some information around; maybe move some information around, and then you display it, is that my drivers license?
    Her response to me was, ‘but you still have a drivers license’. Y’know, we’re trained to understand what people are saying. The answer to that should have been ‘no’, but what she’s telling me is, that’s probably not what we released, but he still has a birth certificate. That’s what she’s saying to me.”
    MISLEADING. President Obama requested two copies of his certified birth certificate, which the Hawaii DOH sent. A staffer at the White House scanned the paper copy and posted the image as a PDF on the official White House website. Zullo printed out a copy of that image and showed it to Nagamine. So her statement that the copy of the PDF “was not what Hawaii issued but that there is a birth certificate for Obama” was correct. Zullo’s implication that the information on the PDF would thus not match the original record is false.

    Claim: Alvin Onaka wouldn’t meet with the CCP.
    Dr. Alvin T. Onaka is the Registrar of Vital Statistics for the State of Hawaii. He referred the CCP’s questions to Assistant Attorney General Jill Nagamine, the lawyer for the Hawaii Department of Health. Birthers have falsely accused Mr. Onaka of committing crimes. He has been named as a defendant in several birther lawsuits. There is nothing unusual about his asking his lawyer to speak on his behalf.
    (Added 7/19/2012) The CCP went to the Department of Health as their first stop in Hawaii. Zullo and Mackiewicz arrived unannounced and without an appointment. They approached a security guard, identified themselves, and asked to see Dr. Onaka.

    “We wanted to talk to the State Registrar, Mr Alvin Onaka and ask him a simple question. ‘Sir, did you validate this document, the document that has been presented by the White House?’ … We were told immediately Mr Onaka doesn’t speak to the public. Detective Mackowitz advised him that ‘we’re not the public. We’re the police. We’re here conducting an investigation. Is there someone else we could talk to?'” See Transcript, 36:19.

    “… The Deputy Attorney General comes walking out, identifies herself and basically tells us again that Mr Onaka couldn’t talk to us. Detective Mackowitz asked her if there was a place we could speak in private. They said we could find an office that we could use for about fifteen minutes, and we went into that office.” See Transcript 38:00.

    “He reportedly didn’t even contact the Hawaii Department of Health. A joke indeed.”

    I thought Zullo went to Hawaii.He was treatly very poorly. In any event, it would have been a waste of time to contact the Hawaii DOH.Everything goes to Janice Okubo and she just sends a standard denial.In fact, inquiry with Hawaii DOH over the 5 years by birthers has accomplished no positive response by the Hawaii DOH.I see why Zullo avoided them.

  59. Jim says:

    Day 2 of the Doc Challenge:

    Not a single birther has accepted the challenge (AFAIK)

    John continues to show his ignorance: “I thought Zullo went to Hawaii. He was treated very poorly.”
    Sounds like they were very nice to me, took the pretend cop and his attempt at intimidation by bringing a deputy and explained Hawaii laws to them…something they could have done without the trip. Wasting taxpayer money…again.

    Zullo continues to beg for money…copier still at large.

    ORYR caught fabricating a letter from a Texas Congressman, waiting for them to blame us.

    Orly has gone quiet…actually, this is a good thing.

    Trump patents the phrase “Any day now”. Not sure if he plans to use it about the President or his hair.

    There’s a rumor that Zullo and Gallops have pre-recorded shows through Christmas and Zullo is no longer even working on the investigation…other than to collect the money they’re scamming from the birthers.

  60. Curious George says:

    The trip to Hawaii was revealing. Zullo flew to Hawaii with a paid Deputy Sheriff for security. The Deputy could carry a gun in Hawaii. From what I’ve read, Federal law allows all active police officers to carry firearms in any state. Why didn’t Zullo carry his own firearm? Does he have a firearm? He’s not a real sworn active duty paid police officer. He’s a volunteer. If he’s not a real law enforcement officer, how is this a real law enforcement investigation?

  61. richCares says:

    “But the birth certificate is a forgery, so we have no evidence ”
    “so we have no evidence the birth certificate is a forgery”
    Zullu thinks the pdf copy is a forgery, he never saw nor investigated any birth certificate, basically he proved he is an idiot

  62. Benji Franklin says:

    Majority Will: Joey: An error on a document does not mean that the document is forged. The ONLY information on a birth certificate that is relevant to Article Two, Section One eligibility is date of birth and place of birth of the named child.
    On six official occasions the state of Hawaii has confirmed the authenticity of the President’s birth vital record.

    The clownage of the Birther movement, having no provable offense to bring against Obama, exalts in simply preposterously applying the word, “forgery” to any scan of his BC, regardless of how accurately that copy displays the same vital information as was on the original.

    Calling such a publicly posted likeness a “forgery” is like calling its online presence “Reckless endangerment” just because the displayed information would probably kill anyone who tried to swallow a printout of it without removing it from the printer.

  63. richCares says:

    Zullu (and john) ignored this from Republican Gov. Linda Lingle:
    You know, during the campaign of 2008, I was actually in the mainland campaigning for Sen. McCain. This issue kept coming up so much in the campaign, and again I think it’s one of those issues that is simply a distraction from the more critical issues that are facing the country. And so I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health, and we issued a news release at that time saying that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that’s just a fact. And yet people continue to call up and e-mail and want to make it an issue. And I think it’s, again, a horrible
    distraction for the country by those people who continue this. … It’s been established.
    He was born here.

  64. ASK Esq says:

    Curious George: Why didn’t Zullo carry his own firearm? Does he have a firearm?

    Yes, he has a gun, but Sheriff Andy doesn’t even let him keep a bullet in his pocket.

  65. Mr. Nash has expressed interest in submitting a response to the challenge. If someone wants to submit an entry with special formatting, let me know via the contact form and I will provide information on how to do that.

    Interestingly, I was reading an article yesterday of his at The Patriot Post web site. In a nutshell, he argues that the children of guests to the United States aren’t citizens under the 14th amendment because their fathers are not subject to being drafted into the military.

    Nash might be surprised to know that illegal immigrants are required by law to register for the draft and may be conscripted, along with seasonal agricultural workers not holding an H-2A Visa.

  66. richCares says:

    “illegal immigrants ”
    I think you meant “legal immigrants”
    I had a problem with the draft, on going to their office I found most of those arriving to clarify their draft registrations were not American citizens.
    (in my case, I enlisted in USMC, I did not know I was supposed to register for the draft since I enlisted before I was 18, and did not register after my discharge, silly huh)

  67. Dave B. says:

    Why that’s the silliest thing I’ve read today that wasn’t written by R.C. Laity. Have you, by any chance, had a gander at Mitt Romney’s birth certificate?

    I would say the birth certificate is what proves Obama is a citizen of the United States.But the birth certificate is a forgery, so we have no evidence Obama is a citizen.Regardless of the anomolies, we know the birth certificate is a forgery due to the age of Obama Sr. on the birth certificate as 25.Around 1961, all documentation indicated that Obama Sr. was born is 1934.This would make him 27 years old but 25 is noted.Later, around 1962, Obama Sr. stated indicating he was born in 1936.It also generally regarded that family and friends say he was born in 1936 which might the year the forger realied on.

  68. ballantine says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Mr. Nash has expressed interest in submitting a response to the challenge. If someone wants to submit an entry with special formatting, let me know via the contact form and I will provide information on how to do that.

    Interestingly, I was reading an article yesterday of his at The Patriot Post web site. In a nutshell, he argues that the children of guests to the United States aren’t citizens under the 14th amendment because their fathers are not subject to being drafted into the military.

    Nash might be surprised to know that illegal immigrants are required by law to register for the draft and may be conscripted, along with seasonal agricultural workers not holding an H-2A Visa.

    It is an old argument. It comes from a few cherry-picked quotes from the debates on the 14th amendment that said “complete jurisdiction” is required. The argument is that aliens in 1866 were not subject to being drafted and hence were not within our complete jurisdiction. There are many problems with this. First, both persons who made such statements elsewhere made clear that children of aliens were citizens. Second, they were talking about indians who were not subject to our complete jurisdiction because they were living on land we considered as foreign nations where our laws generally didn’t apply at all. It was made clear that their children would be citizens if they left such tribal nations and had children living among us, even though the parents could not be naturalized under our laws. Third, the amendment speaks of the children, not the adults. No exemption from the draft was made for native-born children of aliens during the Civil War as they were considered native born citizens. Fourth, such argument completely misrepresents the state of international law in 1866. Any textbook as such time clearly stated that a nation’s jurisdiction over all persons within its terriroty was absolute. The sole exception to such jurisdiction was persons with the privilege of extraterritoriality, i.e., ambassadors and their families and the like. Any limitation on such absolute jurisdiction was voluntary. Hence, the failure to draft aliens was a matter of mutual comity and custom among nations, not a lack of jurisdiction. In fact, during the Civil War, the United States did draft aliens who had annouced their desire to become US citizens.

    “To be resident within the territory of a Nation is to be subject to its Jurisdiction; but Nations, from considerations of mutual Comity, do not apply the same Laws in all matters to persons who are only temporarily resident, as to persons who are permanently resident within its territory. The discretion, however, of a Nation as to the particular Law which shall be administered in its Courts is absolute, and it may decline to allow its Courts to give any effect to Foreign Law…” Travers Twiss, The Law of Nations, (1861)

  69. Dave B. says:

    Trying to spread malicious lies like you are shows neither intellect nor integrity.

    Evidence Tracker:
    Making a joke of a serious matter does not show intellect but displays the misleading
    illusion that nothing is wrong. Putting NAMES on people just to promote such illusion
    only illustrates the character of the individual.

    Obama has stated several times his reference to KENYA, as his homeland.His FATHER being a BRITISH subject transfers his citizenship to the BRITISH EMPIRE.
    It is clear the piece of paper called BIRTH CERTIFICATE does not mean a thing.
    It is only a reference which the illerate use to “say its okay”.
    When the hard evidence is considered the facts do indicate OBAMA IS NOT ELGIBLE.He has posed as a citizen of INDONESIA to get grants. ( per application exmanier).While the illiterates are busy “BASHING THE BIRTHERS”, the evidence
    continues to stack up.

  70. Dave B. says:

    Well, at least you got all the smart ones.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Following is a list of all the birthers who have submitted entries in the 1000 word challenge:

  71. Dave B. says:

    What, he didn’t get lei’d when he got off the plane?

    john: I thought Zullo went to Hawaii. He was treatly very poorly.

  72. Dave B. says:

    And that’s the kind of thing I show up for. Quote of the day?

    train111: You guys’ trying to pick gnat shit out of pepper isn’t going to amount to anything as Obama is going to be President until the end of his term.

  73. Dave B. says:

    Okay, that’s the new silliest thing I’ve read today.

    Reality Check: Zullo: Y’know, we’re trained to understand what people are saying.

  74. john says:

    Zullu (and john) ignored this from Republican Gov. Linda Lingle:
    You know, during the campaign of 2008, I was actually in the mainland campaigning for Sen. McCain. This issue kept coming up so much in the campaign, and again I think it’s one of those issues that is simply a distraction from the more critical issues that are facing the country. And so I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health, and we issued a news release at that time saying that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that’s just a fact. And yet people continue to call up and e-mail and want to make it an issue. And I think it’s, again, a horrible
    distraction for the country by those people who continue this. … It’s been established.
    He was born here.

    on the contrary, Mike Zullo took great notice of this event. This in light of the fact that Governor Abercrombie could not locate Obama’s birth certificate after some sort of internal investigation. This isin complete odds of what Governor Lingle reported and Governor Abercrombie should have been able to do the same thing.

  75. JD Reed says:

    train111: JohnYou say Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery because it has the wrong age for his father?How about my wife’s BC? It has her mother’s ex-husband and not her real father’s name on it. Does that make it a forgery?? Funny thing is, that it is accepted anywhere she has presented it without question.What about my grandmother? Her BC has her mother’s name crossed out, and another name handwritten in ink there. A forgery?Truth is that if you do any genealogy work and look into vital records, you will find boat loads of anomalities, lots of which can never be explained away.You guys’ trying to pick gnat shit out of pepper isn’t going to amount to anything as Obama is going to be President until the end of his term.train111

    Welcome aboard! Good post.

  76. Dave B.: Have you, by any chance, had a gander at Mitt Romney’s birth certificate?


    It has “VOID” several times on both sides, and no seal.

  77. train111: You guys’ trying to pick gnat sh!t out of pepper isn’t going to amount to anything as Obama is going to be President until the end of his term.

    That makes them miserable. I hope it keeps them up at night.

  78. Dr. Conspiracy: Nash might be surprised to know that illegal immigrants are required by law to register for the draft and may be conscripted, along with seasonal agricultural workers not holding an H-2A Visa.

    I did not know that. Thank you.

  79. john: This isin complete odds of what Governor Lingle reported and Governor Abercrombie should have been able to do the same thing.

    Drugs or organic brain anomaly?

  80. john says:

    It would appear that RC is NOT Professor Richard Rockwell of the University of Conn. I just found this presentation: http://www.agci.org/library/presentations/about/presentation_details.php?recordID=17194

    The speaker is Professor Rockwell. His voice doesn’t sound like RC. But, this is way back in 1993 so his voice might have changed over the years. In an event, RC is probably not Professor Rockwell. I doesn’t see how Professor Rockwell would have the time to devote to this issue being any active Professor at a major University.

  81. richCares says:

    Governor Abercrombie could not locate Obama’s birth certificate
    not true and you know it

  82. Gee, I could have told ya…

    john: It would appear that RC is NOT Professor Richard Rockwell of the University of Conn.

  83. Dave B.: And that’s the kind of thing I show up for.Quote of the day?

    Yes, pithy.

  84. john: It would appear that RC is NOT Professor Richard Rockwell of the University of Conn.

    Ya think?

  85. Dave B.: What, he didn’t get lei’d when he got off the plane?


  86. richCares says:

    for those that don’t know john is lying:
    CLAIM: “Hawaii Governor Can’t Find Obama Birth Certificate.” Corsi claimed that “Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie suggested in an interview published today that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health.” Additionally, on the April 4 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh claimed that Abercrombie “can’t find” Obama’s birth certificate.[WorldNetDaily, 1/18/11; Premiere Radio Networks, The Rush Limbaugh Show, 4/4/11]

    REALITY: Abercrombie Has Said That The State of Hawaii Has The Document In Its Archives. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser printed excerpts of an interview Abercrombie gave to the paper’s editorial board. During the interview, the Star-Advertiser asked him about his efforts to release Obama’s birth certificate. From the Star-Advertiser:

    Q: You stirred up quite a controversy with your comments regarding birthers and your plans to release more information regarding President Barack Obama’s birth certificate. How is that coming?

    A: I got a letter from someone the other day who was genuinely concerned about it; it is not all just political agenda. They were talking on Olelo last night about this; it has a political implication for 2012 that we simply cannot have.

    (Abercrombie said there is a recording of the birth in the State Archives and he wants to use that.)

    It was actually written I am told, this is what our investigation is showing, it actually exists in the archives, written down …

    …What I can do, and all I have ever said, is that I am going to see to it as governor that I can verify to anyone who is honest about it that this is the case.

    If there is a political agenda then there is nothing I can do about that, nor can the president. [Honolulu Star-Advertiser, 1/18/11, emphasis added]

  87. OMG. John takes a step down the slippery slope of verifying facts. Watch out John, you don’t realize where this can lead. Your birther friends are already drawing away.

    john: It would appear that RC is NOT Professor Richard Rockwell of the University of Conn. I just found this presentation

  88. john says:


    While many birthers are highly intelligent and can see the conspiracy, most are driven by hate. This is one of major reasons Obama is still in office and why the media has completely marginlized birthers.

  89. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    Nash might be surprised to know that illegal immigrants are required by law to register for the draft and may be conscripted, along with seasonal agricultural workers not holding an H-2A Visa.

    Also, legal alien residents were subject to the draft during the Vietnam War. A high school friend of mine was born in England to Irish parents. When he was young his father was transferred by his employer to the U.S. but neither my friend nor his parents ever became U.S. citizens. My friend was drafted into the U.S. Army shortly after he graduated high school, but he lucked out and was sent to Germany for 18 months.

  90. Sactosintolerant says:

    It would appear that RC is NOT Professor Richard Rockwell of the University of Conn.I just found this presentation:http://www.agci.org/library/presentations/about/presentation_details.php?recordID=17194

    The speaker is Professor Rockwell.His voice doesn’t sound like RC.But, this is way back in 1993 so his voice might have changed over the years.In an event, RC is probably not Professor Rockwell.I doesn’t see how Professor Rockwell would have the time to devote to this issue being any active Professor at a major University.

    Don’t jump to conclusions. He could be using voice altering software (prolly made by Adobe). Go forth and demand access to his vocal chords. His body must be hiding them for a reason.

  91. Dave B. says:

    Well, I’ve looked through that article, as well as I could stand it, and the bar for the silliest thing I’ve read all day just keeps getting higher and higher.

    Dr. Conspiracy: Mr. Nash has expressed interest in submitting a response to the challenge. If someone wants to submit an entry with special formatting, let me know via the contact form and I will provide information on how to do that.

    Interestingly, I was reading an article yesterday of his at The Patriot Post web site.

  92. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Some idiot:

    While many birthers are highly intelligent and can see the conspiracy

    But can they see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
    Also, I think “highly intelligent” was a typo, I believe you meant “irredeemably stupid”.

  93. I guess it depends on what one means by intelligence. Certainly a PhD from Harvard (Jerome Corsi) suggests above average intelligence. But there is also what I would call “functional intelligence” which is the ability to function within a society effectively and not easily fall prey to scams and hoaxes, and to recognize nonsense when they confront it. Indeed, people who believe one conspiracy theory tend to believe others. It’s a failing. Look at Dr. Kate, PhD in hydrology, but who is a birther and believes in HAARP weather control and chemtrails.

    john: While many birthers are highly intelligent and can see the conspiracy,

  94. Dr. Conspiracy: Mr. Nash has expressed interest in submitting a response to the challenge…Interestingly, I was reading an article yesterday of his at The Patriot Post web site.

    I read the entire post. Nash is a neo-Nazi who considers President Obama “a half-breed.” Nash considers inter-marriage this: “It’s the civic equivalent to dogs having off-spring with cats. With Nazis having children with Jews. With Eskimos having children with Africans. Quite dissimilar natures result in off-spring that do not fully belong to either parent’s group.”

    Nash also trots out the anti-Semitic ‘H!tler was secretly Jewish.’

    “No one wants to touch it because it’s like an electrified fence or the third rail of the subway line. There are serious consequences to even mentioning it. It might be like daring to claim in 1940 Nazi Germany that Hitler was actually Jewish by ancestry…No one would dare go there, especially when Obama’s NSA flying monkeys know everything about everyone going back decades.”

    Speaking of the NSA, Snowden doesn’t have anything about Obama.

    Nash also trots out the other neo-Nazi garbage: “Obama’s mother’s American citizenship was only relevant by law for situations of foreign birth — not native birth. There is no law by which an American mother’s citizenship descends to her children if they are born in the United States. The nationality law that provides American citizenship to children of American women only applies in situations of foreign birth. So Obama has no source of U.S. citizenship in actual American law, even if some courts have ignored the law because they didn’t understand it…”

    Dr C – it’s your blog. If it were mine, I would not give a platform to Nash, who is clearly disturbed, and trying to incite a lone wolf.

  95. Violent language or incitement are off limits for the challenge. Making racist statements is not.

    misha marinsky: Dr C – it’s your blog. If it were mine, I would not give a platform to Nash, who is clearly disturbed, and trying to incite a lone wolf.

  96. Dr. Conspiracy: But there is also what I would call “functional intelligence” which is the ability to function within a society effectively and not easily fall prey to scams and hoaxes, and to recognize nonsense when they confront it.

    It’s alcohol. Look at Corsi’s picture.

  97. Suranis says:

    Dont give up hope on Kenyaobamaacorn, John. Voice altering technology has become vastly sophisticated these days. Hell, the technology is so sophisticated these days that it can make it appear that Cheryl Cole and Beyonce can actually sing.

    It would appear that RC is NOT Professor Richard Rockwell of the University of Conn.I just found this presentation:http://www.agci.org/library/presentations/about/presentation_details.php?recordID=17194

    The speaker is Professor Rockwell.His voice doesn’t sound like RC.But, this is way back in 1993 so his voice might have changed over the years.In an event, RC is probably not Professor Rockwell.I doesn’t see how Professor Rockwell would have the time to devote to this issue being any active Professor at a major University.

  98. Suranis says:

    I would say the birth certificate is what proves Obama is a citizen of the United States.But the birth certificate is a forgery, so we have no evidence Obama is a citizen.Regardless of the anomolies, we know the birth certificate is a forgery due to the age of Obama Sr. on the birth certificate as 25.Around 1961, all documentation indicated that Obama Sr. was born is 1934.This would make him 27 years old but 25 is noted.Later, around 1962, Obama Sr. stated indicating he was born in 1936.It also generally regarded that family and friends say he was born in 1936 which might the year the forger realied on.

    Wow, are you telling me that a guy lied about his age in order to get a woman into bed? HOW DARE YOU EVEN SUGGEST SUCH A THING, YOU LIBELOUS RASCAL!

    Evidence Tracker: Obama has stated several times his reference to KENYA, as his homeland.

    Obama has several times referred to Ireland as his home, and even said when he visited that he felt glad to have returned home. He also enjoys a pint of Guinness.

    I’m shocked, shocked that birthers have not spun any of the truth out of that.

  99. richCares says:

    “While many birthers are highly intelligent and can see the conspiracy, most are driven by hate. This is one of major reasons Obama is still in office and why the media has completely marginlized birthers.”
    I have submitted this to the World Book of Records, as the dumbest thing a birther ever wrote.
    john, nobody is asking you to like Obama, you are more than welcome to support anyone you wish, just stop being stupid.

  100. Dave B. says:

    You mean like Aristotle the Hun and his rusty sidekick, Gifted Legal Mind? They sure don’t want anybody to forget how smart they are.

    john: While many birthers are highly intelligent and can see the conspiracy, most are driven by hate.

  101. Daniel says:

    john: While many birthers are highly intelligent

    Sorry John, but if you were highly intelligent, or even somewhat intelligent, you wouldn’t be birthers.

  102. john: While many birthers are highly intelligent

    Corsi reminds me of: You can always tell a Harvard grad, but you can’t tell them much.

    john: most are driven by hate


    john: This is one of major reasons Obama is still in office and why the media has completely marginlized birthers.

    Neo-Nazis, the KKK and the rest of their motley crew, tend to poison what they are associated with. Amazing.

    Obama is still in office, because he won 2 elections, fair and square. I know you and your ilk, cannot accept that. Even Boehner and Liz Cheney, cannot accept his election.

  103. misha marinsky: Even Boehner and Liz Cheney, cannot accept his election.

    Birtherism is kept alive because Boehner, Cantor, Arpaio and Liz Cheney, are fanning the embers.

  104. Lupin says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I guess it depends on what one means by intelligence. Certainly a PhD from Harvard (Jerome Corsi) suggests above average intelligence. But there is also what I would call “functional intelligence” which is the ability to function within a society effectively and not easily fall prey to scams and hoaxes, and to recognize nonsense when they confront it. Indeed, people who believe one conspiracy theory tend to believe others. It’s a failing. Look at Dr. Kate, PhD in hydrology, but who is a birther and believes in HAARP weather control and chemtrails.

    john: While many birthers are highly intelligent and can see the conspiracy,

    Intelligence is like the horsepower of a vehicle, IMHO.

    It doesn’t prevent the driver from driving drunk, slamming into a tree or going over a cliff.

  105. Arthur says:

    misha marinsky: I read the entire post. Nash is a neo-Nazi who considers President Obama “a half-breed.” Nash considers inter-marriage this: “It’s the civic equivalent to dogs having off-spring with cats. With Nazis having children with Jews. With Eskimos having children with Africans. Quite dissimilar natures result in off-spring that do not fully belong to either parent’s group.”


    Here’s a news article about a recent Tea Party event in Washington D.C. (attended by right-wing flame-throwers Ted Cruz, Steve King, and others) at which one of the speakers uses essentially the same language as Nash:


    “From those incredible blood lines of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington and John Smith. And all these great Americans, Martin Luther King. These great Americans who built this country. You came from them. And the unique thing about being from that part of the world, when you learn about breeding, you learn that you cannot breed Secretariat to a donkey and expect to win the Kentucky Derby. You guys have incredible DNA and don’t forget it.” Ken Crow, Tea Party Community

    Photos and video of the event are at the link.

  106. Dr. Conspiracy: Look at Dr. Kate, PhD in hydrology, but who is a birther and believes in HAARP weather control and chemtrails.

    Intelligence does not preclude mental illness.

    Goebbels earned a PhD from Heidelberg University.

  107. Arthur: Here’s a news article about a recent Tea Party event in Washington D.C. (attended by right-wing flame-throwers Ted Cruz, Steve King, and others) at which one of the speakers uses essentially the same language as Nash:

    I saw it, but had not yet linked to it. Thanks for posting.

    The TP is the John Birch Society, redux.

  108. So far still no submissions for the challenge. Of course, I encourage birthers to take their time and do their best.

  109. Jim says:

    Let me see if I can help get their creative juices flowing…

    Evidence the President was Born in Hawaii
    1) Hawaii Records, all consistent with his birth in Hawaii
    2) Newspaper announcements of the birth
    3) Independent witness vouching for the birth
    4) The President never lost or revoked his American Citizenship

    Evidence the President was born anywhere but Hawaii
    1) ???

  110. Jason Swenson says:

    Doc, I am going to post a link to this on the Many Lies of Mike Zullo and Carl Gallups facebook page.

  111. Jason Swenson says:

    “But the birth certificate is a forgery, so we have no evidence ”
    “so we have no evidence the birth certificate is a forgery”
    Zullu thinks the pdf copy is a forgery, he never saw nor investigated any birth certificate, basically he proved he is an idiot

    To me the only thing that Zullo has ever proven, other than he is a liar and an idiot, is that HE can forge a copy of the Selective Service registration card.

  112. Captain Charles Tuttle, MD, US Army, retired. says:

    I am new around here. But it is a great site Doc.

  113. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: So far still no submissions for the challenge. Of course, I encourage birthers to take their time and do their best.

    I would say you give an open invite to bob gard but he couldn’t figure out how the submissions work let alone keep under 1000 words

  114. Captain Charles Tuttle, MD, US Army, retired. says:

    It would be funny to see Apuzzo try to limit a response to a 1000 words. I know his is a different issue, but it would be funny anyway.

  115. Dave B. says:

    Just like they always do…

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    So far still no submissions for the challenge. Of course, I encourage birthers to take their time and do their best.

  116. davidfarrar says:

    I just listened to that radio broadcast, starting from 65:00 to 67:34 minutes and it seemed reasonably clear to me the caller put forth the proposition that because Obama has “published” two state certificated birth certificates, he is, ipso facto, president of the United States.

    I think what the challenge actually was, was for anyone to call into the Carl Gallups radio show with evidence that would prove Barack Obama was even a citizen (independent of the Hawaiian Health Department records). The caller was simply quoting from HHD records and was, therefor, unresponsive to the challenge.

    If you think this unfair, I will certainly challenge anyone to bring forth any prima facie evidence INDEPENDENT OF HHD RECORDS that proves Barack Obama is even a US citizen by reason of birth.

    ex animo

  117. davidfarrar says:

    And please, no boring posts about two, contemporaneous, birth announcements being published in two local Hawaiian newspapers….both were taken from HHD recorders.

    ex animo

  118. American Mzungu says:

    ballantine: It is an old argument. It comes from a few cherry-picked quotes from the debates on the 14th amendment that said “complete jurisdiction” is required.

    Nash (h2ooflife) wrote a most interesting essay (January 28, 2012) in which he asserted:

    Obama: son of a foreign student and an American female, -devoid of U.S. citizenship at birth? So it seems because both his mother and foreign father were not subject to the full U.S. jurisdiction and so neither was their child. In order to be fully subject, women in 1961 would have needed to be subject to military draft registration and conscription, training in boot camp, and two years of service, possibly in a war zone. But women were and still are exempt from mandatory full subjection to the authority of the central government, -just as are foreign diplomats, visitors and students, and children born to them while on U.S. soil. So BHO would not only have not been a natural born citizen but would not have been a U.S. citizen at all, -whether born in the U.S. or abroad.

    It will be interesting to see how he uses his 1000 words that Doc C has offered. I don’t think that taking more time will improve the quality of his presentation.

  119. So at least you are willing to admit that there has been a duly registered birth certificate for Barack Obama in Hawaii since 1961?

    Which means that Tim Adams who had a story about there being no certificate on file was wrong.

    Which means Jerome Corsi’s story of a contemporary insertion of a birth certificate into the files is wrong.

    Which means all the claims of certificate numbers being out of sequence is nonsense.

    Wow, I need to do some research to see how many birther conspiracy theories you’ve just shot down.

    davidfarrar: And please, no boring posts about two, contemporaneous, birth announcements being published in two local Hawaiian newspapers….both were taken from HHD recorders.

    ex animo

  120. Jim says:


    If you think this unfair, I will certainly challenge anyone to bring forth any prima facie evidence INDEPENDENT OF HHD RECORDS that proves Barack Obama is even a US citizen by reason of birth.

    ex animo

    He has a passport, he’s never been naturalized. BTW David, how many citizens of the United States would be eliminated from being President using that same criteria? Would you?

  121. Given that RC was cut off after just a few words, I could readily surmise that there could have been a lot more than that.

    If I had 20 seconds, I would go for Hawaii’s verification given to Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett that verified that Obama was born in Hawaii. You either accept that Obama’s birth certificate says he was born in Hawaii or not.

    If you don’t accept that, basically you are saying “everybody’s lying,” and if you say that then any opinion to the contrary is what you want to believe because there is certainly no documentation or competent testimony that Barack Obama was born anywhere else.

    If Birthers deny the Arizona verification, then they have forfeited any claim to a fact-based theory.

    davidfarrar: I just listened to that radio broadcast, starting from 65:00 to 67:34 minutes and it seemed reasonably clear to me the caller put forth the proposition that because Obama has “published” two state certificated birth certificates, he is, ipso facto, president of the United States.

  122. Be my guest.

    Jason Swenson:
    Doc, I am going to post a link to this on the Many Lies of Mike Zullo and Carl Gallups facebook page.

  123. Mr. Nash believes Stanley Ann went from Seattle, WA. to Vancouver, B. C. to give birth to Barack Obama. He believes that there is a master PDF file that no one has ever seen that was shrunken down to be posted at Whitehouse.gov. He believes that any birth certificate other than a photographic (chemical not digital) copy of any birth certificate is worthless and suspect.

    I am very much looking forward to his essay.

  124. davidfarrar: If you think this unfair, I will certainly challenge anyone to bring forth any prima facie evidence INDEPENDENT OF HHD RECORDS that proves Barack Obama is even a US citizen by reason of birth.

    ex animo

    It’s called Seroquel. Look into it.

    ex lax

  125. Suranis says:

    I’m not seeing Ex Antelope’s 1000 word essay of truth..

  126. Jim says:

    I’m not seeing Ex Antelope’s 1000 word essay of truth..

    Relax, have a beer with the President. Homework is not due till the 23rd. 😀

  127. misha marinsky: Nash is a neo-Nazi who considers President Obama “a half-breed.” Nash considers inter-marriage this: “It’s the civic equivalent to dogs having off-spring with cats. With Nazis having children with Jews. With Eskimos having children with Africans. Quite dissimilar natures result in off-spring that do not fully belong to either parent’s group.”

    American Mzungu: Nash (h2ooflife) wrote a most interesting essay (January 28, 2012) in which he asserted:

    As I wrote above, http://www.obamaconspiracy.org/2013/07/1000-words/#comment-275953 – Nash is a neo-Nazi.

  128. Poor David. All these many months and he still does not understand the meaning of the term prima facie. How many times have we told him? I couldn’t count.

    I was going to mention the fact that none of Zullo’s evidence is “court ready” including the latest hidden report from Reed Hayes. His expertise could be successfully challenged by a rhesus monkey.

    davidfarrar: If you think this unfair, I will certainly challenge anyone to bring forth any prima facie evidence INDEPENDENT OF HHD RECORDS that proves Barack Obama is even a US citizen by reason of birth.

  129. Reality Check: Mr. Nash believes Stanley Ann went from Seattle, WA. to Vancouver, B. C. to give birth to Barack Obama. He believes that there is a master PDF file that no one has ever seen that was shrunken down to be posted at Whitehouse.gov. He believes that any birth certificate other than a photographic (chemical not digital) copy of any birth certificate is worthless and suspect.

    There are people who believe Santa Claus is real. Give the guy the benefit of the doubt.

    Maybe the Earth really is flat. Who knows?

  130. That’s a strange standard, since state birth registrations are prima facie evidence of place of birth in the United States. We have birth registrations to settle these kinds of questions. They are the gold standard, and it’s somewhat difficult to go back 50 years to document something if the standard documentation is rejected out of hand.

    But if I had to offer some evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii, I would point to the statement of State Department officer William Wood II who wrote August 31, 1961 filed in Obama Sr.’s immigration file that the Obamas had a son born in Honolulu on August 4. See: http://www.obamaconspiracy.org/2012/02/mark-hatfields-error/

    I can also prove that Stanley Ann Obama did not travel by air to Kenya that year because of an INS statistical report that said that NO US Citizen left Kenya and traveled to the US by air that year. See: http://www.obamaconspiracy.org/2012/03/born-in-africa-myth-crushed-under-weight-of-complexity/. And of course Obama Sr. was taking final exams at that time.

    davidfarrar: If you think this unfair, I will certainly challenge anyone to bring forth any prima facie evidence INDEPENDENT OF HHD RECORDS that proves Barack Obama is even a US citizen by reason of birth.

  131. Soduko says:


    Obama has a passport. Records from the passport office show that he was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961. His tax returns for at least 12 years IIRC are posted online.

    How would you prove your citizenship without using your birth certificate, passport or tax returns?

  132. American Mzungu: Nash (h2ooflife) wrote a most interesting essay (January 28, 2012) in which he asserted:

    As noted above from the TP:

    From those incredible blood lines of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington and John Smith. And all these great Americans…These great Americans who built this country. You came from them. And the unique thing about being from that part of the world, when you learn about breeding, you learn that you cannot breed Secretariat to a donkey and expect to win the Kentucky Derby. You guys have incredible DNA and don’t forget it.

    Read more: http://www.thenation.com/blog/175276/ugly-opposition-immigration-reform-comes-back-capitol-hill#ixzz2ZWXLMttJ

  133. dunstvangeet says:

    davidfarrar: I think what the challenge actually was, was for anyone to call into the Carl Gallups radio show with evidence that would prove Barack Obama was even a citizen (independent of the Hawaiian Health Department records). The caller was simply quoting from HHD records and was, therefor, unresponsive to the challenge.

    You do realize that anybody who’s had thorgeeir parents die would not be able to meet that standard for themselves. That includes everybody on medicaid.

    Ronald Reagan wouldn’t be able to produce that. He got his birth certificate after his parents had died, on the word of his younger brother, who obviously wasn’t there when he was born.

    Again, the reason that birth certificates exist is that they actually provide that proof that you’re asking for. Obama can walk into any court of the law, and provide that exact document as proof that he was born in Hawaii.

    Now, that you’ve admitted that Obama has the prerequisite documentation in the Hawaii Department of Health, you will have to admit that Obama has the proof required to be President of the United States.

  134. dunstvangeet says:

    Soduko: How would you prove your citizenship without using your birth certificate, passport or tax returns?

    Let’s break it down to more Obama’s situation. Do not use any testimony from your parents or grandparents (since if you were Obama, both your parents and grandparents are dead).

  135. Reality Check: His expertise could be successfully challenged by a rhesus monkey.

    How many times do I have to say this? STOP insulting the so-called lower animals.

  136. American Mzungu says:

    David Farrar, will you accept Doc’s challenge to write 1000 words to defend Gallups and Zullu against the charge that “[T]hey are liars and frauds and they know full well that their so-called evidence is a house of cards that will fall down from the slightest touch of criticism?”

  137. Yoda says:

    I just listened to that radio broadcast, starting from 65:00 to 67:34 minutes and it seemed reasonably clear to me the caller put forth the proposition that because Obama has “published” two state certificated birth certificates, he is, ipso facto, president of the United States.

    I think what the challenge actually was, was for anyone to call into the Carl Gallups radio show with evidence that would prove Barack Obama was even a citizen (independent of the Hawaiian Health Department records). The caller was simply quoting from HHD records and was, therefor, unresponsive to the challenge.

    What a disingenuous statement. No one listening to that audio file could [fail to] come to the conclusion that Gallups did not allow RC to complete his statement. Gallups, they lying weasel that he is, cut RC off, hung up on him and then lied about what he said.

  138. Yoda says:

    If I recall correctly, when Zullo was on the Alex Jones show (yes, apparently real law enforcement people appear on Alex Jones, in public, on purpose), Jones stated that the US Government threw Obama Sr. out of the country because the marriage to Stanley Ann was a “sham” and that he was not the President’s father. Jones was trying to prove that Frank Marshall Davis was the President’s real father.

    The INS records showing Obama Sr., to be the President’s father have been available for years. Zullo didn’t correct Jones. SO either Zullo didn’t know about them, in which case he is a horrible detective, or he lied by omission. Either way, Zullo is scum.

  139. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    davidfarrar: And please, no boring posts about two, contemporaneous, birth announcements being published in two local Hawaiian newspapers….both were taken from HHD recorders.ex animodavidfarrar

    Okay how about the 1967 State department memo?


    Page 38

    Memo to file
    A 14 128 294
    Sept. 14, 1967

    Pursuant to inquiry from Central office regarding the status of the applicants’ [Lolo Soetoro] spouses’ child by a former marriage.

    The person in question is a united states citizen by virtue of his birth in Honolulu, Hawaii Aug. 4, 1961. He is living with the applicants’ spouse in Honolulu, Hawaii. He is considered the applicants step-child, within the meaning of Sec. 101(b)(1)(B), of the act, by virtue of the marriage of the applicant to the childs’ mother on March 15, 1965.

    W. L. Mix

  140. Jim says:

    Jim: davidfarrar:

    If you think this unfair, I will certainly challenge anyone to bring forth any prima facie evidence INDEPENDENT OF HHD RECORDS that proves Barack Obama is even a US citizen by reason of birth.

    ex animo

    There you go David, the President’s passport fills all your requirements. Now, are you finally going to admit the President is eligible, or you going back into your corner and pout for a while?

    “Prior to enactment of 22 U.S.C. 2705, a United States passport was regarded only as prima facie evidence of United States citizenship. Now, however, United States passports are given the same weight for proof of United States citizenship as certificates of naturalization or citizenship.”

    “Accordingly, we hold that unless void on its face, a valid United States passport issued to an individual as a citizen of the United States is not subject to collateral attack in administrative immigration proceedings but constitutes conclusive proof of such person’s United States citizenship.”


  141. Dr. Conspiracy:

    If I had 20 seconds, I would go for Hawaii’s verification given to Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett that verified that Obama was born in Hawaii. You either accept that Obama’s birth certificate says he was born in Hawaii or not.

    If Birthers deny the Arizona verification, then they have forfeited any claim to a fact-based theory.

    An interesting example of this has just occurred in the Birther world. ORYR ran a Rep. Kenny Marchant (TX) letter, where Marchant supposedly said there was an ongoing investigation into Obama, for impeachment.

    Marchant found out about it a few days later, and said the letter was a FAKE, and had been altered. Which, there were several anomalous things on the letter indicating forgery. ORYR pulled the letter today. Now the whole thing may have just been a Birther originated hoax so that they could claim it was easy to fake online documents. Or, it could have been an OBOT punking.

    The important thing, which I was very careful to point out in my Internet Article, there was no way to be positive the letter was fake from online analysis alone. It was only when the ISSUER, said that it wasn’t his document that we could be sure it was a fake.

    Here, there are several official verifications of the fact Obama was born in Hawaii. Forgery is no longer an intelligent suspicion.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

    PS: I screensaved the ORYR article and comments if anybody needs it.

  142. Suranis says:

    So, according to mr Ex Anus (its latin), Gallups challenge was to prove Obama’s Hawaiian birth without using any proof of Obama being born in Hawaii. Which to him is fair.


  143. Dave B. says:

    So, David, while you were listening to that radio broadcast, did you by any chance happen to remember whatever became of this?
    If somebody produces this “prima facie evidence INDEPENDENT OF HHD RECORDS that proves Barack Obama is even a US citizen by reason of birth,” where are you going to move the goalposts to then? Just exactly for whom have you ever seen that kind of proof anyway?

    I just listened to that radio broadcast, starting from 65:00 to 67:34 minutes and it seemed reasonably clear to me the caller put forth the proposition that because Obama has “published” two state certificated birth certificates, he is, ipso facto, president of the United States.

    I think what the challenge actually was, was for anyone to call into the Carl Gallups radio show with evidence that would prove Barack Obama was even a citizen (independent of the Hawaiian Health Department records). The caller was simply quoting from HHD records and was, therefor, unresponsive to the challenge.

    If you think this unfair, I will certainly challenge anyone to bring forth any prima facie evidence INDEPENDENT OF HHD RECORDS that proves Barack Obama is even a US citizen by reason of birth.

    ex animo

  144. Dave B. says:

    Said the ever-scintillating David Farrar.

    davidfarrar: And please, no boring posts about two, contemporaneous, birth announcements being published in two local Hawaiian newspapers….both were taken from HHD recorders.

  145. It was not my intent to limit the topic that narrowly.

    American Mzungu: David Farrar, will you accept Doc’s challenge to write 1000 words to defend Gallups and Zullu against the charge that “[T]hey are liars and frauds and they know full well that their so-called evidence is a house of cards that will fall down from the slightest touch of criticism?”

  146. scott e says:

    I did write a fabulous essay, but it was 1056 words. I know cyberspace is limited here, and so now you all will just have to wait ’till the movie comes out..

  147. Dave B. says:

    I’d be happy to see David Farrar write 100 words on whatever became of his PROMISE to file a challenge against Mitt Romney’s name appearing on the Georgia ballot.

    American Mzungu:
    David Farrar, will you accept Doc’s challenge to write 1000 words to defend Gallups and Zullu against the charge that“[T]hey are liars and frauds and they know full well that their so-called evidence is a house of cards that will fall down from the slightest touch of criticism?”

  148. American Mzungu says:

    Well, yes, but the full context of the challenge was:

    “RC played a clip from the Carl Gallups radio show where Gallups challenged any “Obot” to call the show and prove that Obama is even a citizen. RC called in, was on a few seconds, and Carl muted him, shouted him down and cut him off. It was shameful, shameful, but very much in character for Gallups and his sidekick Mike Zullo. They are fine when they control the microphone, but they will not debate. They will not release their proof. They flee in terror from subpoenas where they might be cross-examined in court. They are liars and frauds and they know full well that their so-called evidence is a house of cards that will fall down from the slightest touch of criticism.


    If you think otherwise, I offer you 1,000 words that I will publish on this blog, to make your argument to the contrary.”

    I think it might be helpful to potential respondents to give more direction about what exactly what they should be arguing against.

  149. richCares says:

    What an easy task, all I have to do is write USERPER” 1000 times, DONE!
    (it’s really spelled USURPER, but just giving birthers the benefit of their intellect)

  150. sfjeff says:

    davidfarrar: I just listened to that radio broadcast, starting from 65:00 to 67:34 minutes and it seemed reasonably clear to me the caller put forth the proposition that because Obama has “published” two state certificated birth certificates, he is, ipso facto, president of the United States.
    I think what the challenge actually was, was for anyone to call into the Carl Gallups radio show with evidence that would prove Barack Obama was even a citizen (independent of the Hawaiian Health Department records). The caller was simply quoting from HHD records and was, therefor, unresponsive to the challenge.
    If you think this unfair, I will certainly challenge anyone to bring forth any prima facie evidence INDEPENDENT OF HHD RECORDS that proves Barack Obama is even a US citizen by reason of birth.
    ex animo

    So your challenge is that you want us to prove Obama is a citizen- but not by using any official records that anyone else would use.

    So in other words- once again Birthers insist that Obama be treated differently- but in this case not only differently from every other President- but from every other American Citizen.


  151. CCB says:

    “Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.”

    ― Eric Hoffer, The Temper of Our Time

    The same happens with little causes but more quickly.

  152. CarlOrcas says:

    davidfarrar: If you think this unfair, I will certainly challenge anyone to bring forth any prima facie evidence INDEPENDENT OF HHD RECORDS that proves Barack Obama is even a US citizen by reason of birth.

    I have a US Passport. Am I a US citizen?

  153. CarlOrcas: I have a US Passport. Am I a US citizen?

    Prove it. [Ow. Stop hitting me.]

  154. davidfarrar: I will certainly challenge anyone to bring forth any prima facie evidence INDEPENDENT OF HHD RECORDS that proves Barack Obama is even a US citizen by reason of birth.

    ex animo

    OK – Is this birth certificate good enough? http://tinyurl.com/kd3pnsx

    ex anum

  155. Dr. Conspiracy:
    So far still no submissions for the challenge. Of course, I encourage birthers to take their time and do their best.

    Well, if this continues, I think me and my BFF Fabia Sheen, Esq., an attorney, should get any prize money or award.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  156. Joey says:

    Here’s visual proof of US citizenship for President Obama that does not come from the Hawaii Department of Health:

    By the way, persons who don’t have birth certificates can provide other forms of verification to the US State Department and be issued a passport.

    The federal government considers a passport to be primary evidence of citizenship and identity and birth certificates to be secondary evidence of citizenship and identity.
    Barack Hussen Obama II has a US Passport and there are no records of a Certificate of Naturalization for him, ergo, he is a Citizen of the United States at Birth.

    Swensson, Powell, Farrar and Welden v Obama, Administrative Law Judge Michael Mahili, State of Georgia Administrative Hearings:: “For the purposes of this analysis, the Court considered that Barack Obama was born in the United States. Therefore, as discussed in Ankeny, he became a citizen at birth and is a natural born citizen. Accordingly, President Barack Obama is eligible as a candidate for the presidential primary under O.C.G.A. under Section 21-2-5(b). February 3, 2012

  157. Northland10 says:


    Obama has a passport.Records from the passport office show that he was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961.His tax returns for at least 12 years IIRC are posted online.

    How would you prove your citizenship without using your birth certificate, passport or tax returns?

    David’s next demand will be for the “natal records” from the hospital. He likes to make that the standard. In the extremely unlikely scenario that such a thing even exists and was released, David would be slamming down the accelerator on the goal posts with some comment on how hospital records from that long ago are not reliable.

    He keeps forgetting that it would be easier to reduce the efficacy of the Hawaii BC by finding strong, verifiable evidence that Obama was born elsewhere. Generally, it is best not to use evidence presented by a convicted forger.

  158. aarrgghh says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: So far still no submissions for the challenge. Of course, I encourage birthers to take their time and do their best.

    no submissions is already by far the best birfers have to offer. all their arguments go downhill from there.

  159. Majority Will says:

    Northland10: David’s next demand will be for the “natal records” from the hospital.He likes to make that the standard.In the extremely unlikely scenario that such a thing even exists and was released, David would be slamming down the accelerator on the goal posts with some comment on how hospital records from that long ago are not reliable.

    He keeps forgetting that it would be easier to reduce the efficacy of the Hawaii BC by finding strong, verifiable evidence that Obama was born elsewhere.Generally, it is best not to use evidence presented by a convicted forger.

    And the goal of a birther jackass is to be a birther jackass.

    We know birther bigots are just full of sh1t.

    Farrar could be the fabulous Grand Wizard of the New Klan.

  160. Keith says:

    Majority Will: We know birther bigots are just full of taitz


  161. aarrgghh: no submissions is already by far the best birfers have to offer. all their arguments go downhill from there.

    Today I wrote what I expect is my final exposition on natural citizenship but it came in at over 2,700 words. So to be able to submit it will require a heck of a lot of editing. I’ll see if it is possible without being too destructive. It may or may not be possible because it contains insights that no one has ever noticed before, -connecting puzzle pieces that reveal a picture previously unseen.
    Here’s the link to the full-length version: http://h2ooflife.wordpress.com/2013/07/20/the-british-roots-of-presidential-eligibility/
    The British Roots of Presidential Eligibility

  162. Majority Will says:

    Keith: FIFY

    Except crap is at least useful as fertilizer. Taitz is useless.

  163. Jim wrote; “United States passports are given the same weight for proof of United States citizenship as certificates of naturalization or citizenship.”

    There’s two things you need to understand. One is the implication of what “weight” means and the other is the dependency of some forms of “proof” on the honor system. If it is violated by lying and/or counterfeit documentation, then the resulting official papers issued are based on falsehood and are therefore illegitimate as far as the truth of the matter is concerned.
    One can obtain official government papers or permission by lying to officials. It’s been done “a millions times” in just the form of marriage fraud alone. It has been done an unknown number of times in Hawaii via affidavit claiming birth to a one-year resident of Hawaii but outside of Hawaii. Even outside of the U.S. The government’s entire system of welfare and disability payments depends entirely on the honor system, hence the billions of dollars wasted each year to fraud. In Florida, I believe, millions of dollars in IRS “refunds” were mailed to about 24,000 people with the same address.
    Today I wrote a lengthy exposition on the bastardization of certification with the letter to SoS of Arizona, Bennett as the focus. It unveils the truth about what the states have degenerated to. I haven’t published it yet online, but will soon.
    Instead I published the second exposition I wrote today (yesterday). Adrien Nash

    Here’s the one published this week at the PatriotPost.us

    Grassroots Commentary
    A Stateless, Unconstitutional ‘World Citizen’ President

    It’s sure to make your head explode.

  164. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Majority Will: Except crap is at least useful as fertilizer. Taitz is useless.

    She’s good for laughing at.

  165. Submissions to the 1000 word challenge may contain hyperlinks.

    h2ooflife.wordpress.com/: Today I wrote what I expect is my final exposition on natural citizenship but it came in at over 2,700 words.

  166. My head was not the body part that wanted to explode.

    h2ooflife.wordpress.com/: It’s sure to make your head explode.

  167. Doc

    I owe you one. (Check your email).

  168. aarrgghh says:

    aarrgghh: no submissions is already by far the best birfers have to offer. all their arguments go downhill from there.

    h2ooflife.wordpress.com/: … my final exposition … contains insights that no one has ever noticed before, -connecting puzzle pieces that reveal a picture previously unseen.

    like i said, downhill — on a rocket sled strapped to the backs of a clutter of greased cats.

  169. richCares says:

    reading h2ooflife’s essay did not cause my head to explode, but I did laugh. He used the word “insights”, that was funny.

  170. dch says:

    At this point, Birthers should be grateful that anyone even takes the time to acknowledge their existence much less respond to them.

    Well said. Yes The Doc is the best thing ever for Birthers. If it were not for Doc they’d have nothing but those echo chamber websites and nobody to argue with.

  171. Dave B. says:

    Do any of us know how many times Adrien has dressed up in women’s clothing and gone out looking for a good time– and I mean a reeeeal good time?

    h2ooflife.wordpress.com/: One can obtain official government papers or permission by lying to officials. It’s been done “a millions times” in just the form of marriage fraud alone. It has been done an unknown number of times in Hawaii via affidavit claiming birth to a one-year resident of Hawaii but outside of Hawaii.

  172. Dave B. says:

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that of course. I mean, he’s not fooling anybody.

    Dave B.:
    Do any of us know how many times Adrien has dressed up in women’s clothing and gone out looking for a good time– and I mean a reeeeal good time?

  173. Here are the first three paragraphs of h20’s “masterpiece. I thought I would’ve you the trouble of reading it.

    If you were required to testify in a trial and you were asked: “Do you have internet access?” and you answered” “Yes”, then you would have failed to adhere to your oath to tell the “whole truth”.
    If the commission of a cyber crime was dependent on your internet access, then a more precise answer would be needed. So you would then have to elaborate by saying; “I have Hi-Speed internet access.”
    That too would fail your oath to tell the whole truth. That is well known to myself since I suffered under the torture of dial-up access for eleven years. Recently my sister got me upgraded to DSL.
    DSL is via the phone company ground wire but is about 20 times faster than dial-up. But also about 20 times slower than fiber-optic cable. So to say “I have internet access.” doesn’t say it all at all.
    What’s my point? It’s this; saying “I have internet access” is directly analogous to saying “I am a citizen.”
    Saying: “I have High-Speed internet access.” is directly analogous to saying: “I am a born citizen.”
    Saying: “I have High-Speed Fiber-optic internet access.” is directly analogous to saying: “I am a natural born citizen.”

  174. Tablet typing got me. The first sentence should have read:

    Here are the first three paragraphs of h20′s “masterpiece”. I thought I would save you the trouble of reading it.

  175. Dave B. says:

    That must be one of those “insights that no one has ever noticed before.” Gosh, I don’t know how he’s ever going to find 1700 extraneous words he could cut out of that to make it fit Doc’s word limit. It’s so…so…well it’s just indescribable!

    Reality Check: Here are the first three paragraphs of h20′s “masterpiece. I thought I would’ve you the trouble of reading it.
    Adrien: What’s my point? It’s this; saying “I have internet access” is directly analogous to saying “I am a citizen.”
    Saying: “I have High-Speed internet access.” is directly analogous to saying: “I am a born citizen.”
    Saying: “I have High-Speed Fiber-optic internet access.” is directly analogous to saying: “I am a natural born citizen.”

  176. Majority Will says:

    The stupid. It burns.

  177. Majority Will says:

    To paraphrase from the Principal in Billy Madison:

    “Mr. [Birther Moron], what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”

  178. Dave B. says:

    DSL is via the phone company ground wire but is about 20 times faster than dial-up. But also about 20 times slower than fiber-optic cable.
    What’s my point? It’s this; saying “I have internet access” is directly analogous to saying “I am not a birther.”
    Saying: “I have High-Speed internet access.” is directly analogous to saying: “Birthers are gullible and misguided.”
    Saying: “I have High-Speed Fiber-optic internet access.” is directly analogous to saying: “Adrien Nash is an idiot.”

    Reality Check:
    Here are the first three paragraphs of h20′s “masterpiece. I thought I would’ve you the trouble of reading it.

  179. Keith says:

    Reality Check: (quoting H2OofLife)

    What’s my point? It’s this; saying “I have internet access” is directly analogous to saying “I am a citizen.”
    Saying: “I have High-Speed internet access.” is directly analogous to saying: “I am a born citizen.”
    Saying: “I have High-Speed Fiber-optic internet access.” is directly analogous to saying: “I am a natural born citizen.”

    Except the question was ‘do you have internet access’ NOT ‘do you have high-speed fiber-optic internet access’. So if you answer ‘yes’ then you have indeed answered the question fully, accurately, and precisely.

    Showing a birth certificate that reports your birth location as Honolulu Hawai’i is congruent to proving you are a natural born citizen.

    Thanks for the intro, RC, now I REALLY know I don’t need to read the whole thing.

  180. aarrgghh says:

    Majority Will: The stupid. It burns.

    always remember: staring directly into the birfer mind without proper shielding is not recommended and can lead to permanent or fatal injury.

  181. Joey says:

    Here is “the law of the land” from the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR):
    42 CFR 435.407: “Types of Acceptable Documentary Evidence of Citizenship”

    The Reader’s Digest version is that a US Passport is Primary Evidence of Citizenship and identity and a certified birth certificate is secondary evidence.

  182. BillTheCat says:

    Yes David, of course you don’t want facts to get in the way of a smear, hmm?

    Obama was elected twice and will be in office until 2016. Not only that, but in the future his name will appear on buildings, airports, highways, schools, and his face will likely someday appear on US currency. He will, in fact, go down in history as one of our GREATEST PRESIDENTS.

    You? Not so much.

    And please, no boring posts about two, contemporaneous, birth announcements being published in two local Hawaiian newspapers….both were taken from HHD recorders.

    ex animo

  183. h2ooflife.wordpress.com/: It has been done an unknown number of times in Hawaii via affidavit claiming birth to a one-year resident of Hawaii but outside of Hawaii.

    Dave B.: Do any of us know how many times Adrien has dressed up in women’s clothing and gone out looking for a good time– and I mean a reeeeal good time? I mean, he’s not fooling anybody.

    Adrien has done that an unknown number of times. Here is Adrien singing his affidavit about it. Just like Obama, he’s proclaiming it to the world:

    Feast your eyes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQOMxz-O7Sc

  184. CO2ofLife says:

    h2ooflife.wordpress.com/: One is the implication of what “weight” means

    Here is the explanation of what weight means: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjCw3-YTffo

  185. Dave B. says:

    Well, he is living that “unique life in an amazing natural environment, -one where one encounters bears and giant Redwood trees 20 feet wide.”
    And, presumably, where one chops down said trees, eats one’s lunch and goes to the lavat’ry. He never did answer my question if in this unique life of his, he had discovered how to catch a unique rabbit.

    misha marinsky:
    Adrien has done that an unknown number of times. Here is Adrien singing his affidavit about it. Just like Obama, he’s proclaiming it to the world:

    Feast your eyes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQOMxz-O7Sc

  186. misha marinsky: It might be like daring to claim in 1940 Nazi Germany that Hitler was actually Jewish by ancestry…No one would dare go there

    Since Adrien Nash does not like Jews, I have this challenge: The polio vaccine was invented by two Jewish physicians, Salk and Sabin. I challenge Nash to refuse the polio vaccine, and to advocate that the polio vaccine should be refused.

    The atomic bomb came from Jewish scientists: Einstein, Oppenheimer, Teller. I challenge Nash to write letters to Japanese newspapers and government officials, apologizing for the two bombs.

    Dr. Carver invented peanut butter and proved tomatoes were not poisonous. Since these discoveries were made by a black scientist, I challenge Nash to refuse these and to advocate a boycott of them.

    I await Nash’s response. My e-mail is at my blog.

  187. h2ooflife.wordpress.com/: the implication of what “weight” means

    Dear CO2 ofLife: Here is an illustration of the meaning of weight:


  188. I can help out H2Ohhh. His first three paragraphs contain 200 words. He could replace them all with just 8 – “There are two types of United States citizens.” You are welcome.

  189. Arthur says:

    misha marinsky: Dear CO2ofLife: Here is an illustration of the meaning of weight:


    The Band and The Staple Singers . . . doesn’t get any better than that. Plus, Levon Helm is probably the best singer of American roots music that I’ve ever heard.

  190. Arthur says:

    misha marinsky: The atomic bomb came from Jewish scientists: Einstein, Oppenheimer, Teller. I challenge Nash to write letters to Japanese newspapers and government officials, apologizing for the two bombs.

    The Nazis were infamous for rejecting the principles of “Jewish physics.” Here’s a NY Times book review on the very subject, “Einstein’s Jewish Science,” by Steven Gimbel.


  191. Arthur:

    Did you ever hear this one??? It is on a CD I stole from my father:


    Plus, this is easy to play on guitar because it only has 2 chords, which are usually A and E. But don’t have to be, because you can change them to like C and G. Which are the same 2 chords you use to play Grandpa Froggy, by Smiley Burnett.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

    PS. I do have Internet Access, which is why I am able to communicate the above.

  192. aarrgghh says:

    Reality Check: I can help out H2Ohhh. His first three paragraphs contain 200 words. He could replace them all with just 8 – “There are two types of United States citizens.” You are welcome.

    actually he’s saying there’s three types of citizen but he could replace even that with just two words: “i’m delusional.”

  193. Arthur: The Nazis were infamous for rejecting the principles of “Jewish physics.”

    Goebbels called psychiatry ‘the Jewish science.’

  194. Dave B. says:

    I read it, Adrien, and my head remains intact. That must be some skull you’ve got there, that keeps your own head from imploding.

    h2ooflife.wordpress.com/: Here’s the one published this week at the PatriotPost.us

    Grassroots Commentary
    A Stateless, Unconstitutional ‘World Citizen’ President

    It’s sure to make your head explode.

  195. Arthur says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: Plus, this is easy to play on guitar because it only has 2 chords, which are usually A and E. But don’t have to be, because you can change them to like C and G. Which are the same 2 chords you use to play Grandpa Froggy, by Smiley Burnett.

    That’s for the link. I had never heard that song before and I enjoyed it. I play guitar, too. So I’m looking up that song on Chordie.

  196. Reality Check: “There are two types of United States citizens.”

    There are three: Tom, Dick and Harry.

  197. CarlOrcas says:

    Reality Check: Here are the first three paragraphs of h20′s “masterpiece. I thought I would’ve you the trouble of reading it.

    I read it on his site and then I found it here. Now I’ve read it twice. This is not good.

  198. h2ooflife.wordpress.com/: The government’s entire system of welfare…depends entirely on the honor system, hence the billions of dollars wasted each year to fraud.

    Ah, yes. The welfare queen myth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welfare_queen

    The term “welfare queen” is most often associated with Ronald Reagan who brought the idea to a national audience. During his 1976 presidential campaign, Reagan would tell the story of a woman from Chicago’s South Side who was arrested for welfare fraud:

    “She has eighty names, thirty addresses, twelve Social Security cards and is collecting veteran’s benefits on four non-existing deceased husbands. And she is collecting Social Security on her cards. She’s got Medicaid, getting food stamps, and she is collecting welfare under each of her names. Her tax-free cash income is over $150,000.”

    Critics Paul Krugman and Mark J. Green have argued that the story grossly exaggerates minor cases of welfare fraud.

  199. This is the best Nitty Gritty Dirt Band video I’ve found:


    @CO₂ofLife: Care to join the real world?

  200. Suranis says:

    What about Tom, Jerry and Spike?

    misha marinsky: There are three: Tom, Dick and Harry.

  201. nbc says:

    What’s my point? It’s this; saying “I have internet access” is directly analogous to saying “I am a citizen.”
    Saying: “I have High-Speed internet access.” is directly analogous to saying: “I am a born citizen.”
    Saying: “I have High-Speed Fiber-optic internet access.” is directly analogous to saying: “I am a natural born citizen.”

    Wow… That really brings home the case… Is he seriously making these claims? Hilarious…

    OMG… this hurts.. please stop…

  202. Arthur says:

    nbc: Wow… That really brings home the case… Is he seriously making these claims? Hilarious…

    OMG… this hurts.. please stop…

    What? It makes perfect sense to me. ‘Course, I’m totally high right now.

    Did I mention I was high?

  203. aarrgghh says:

    … and therefore since none of the founding fathers had either fios, access or an internet, that means not one of them was even a citizen, much less a birfer-approved natural born citizen.

    they were all usurpers!

  204. Arthur: ‘Course, I’m totally high right now.

    Did I mention I was high?


  205. richCares says:

    A downloaded pdf copy of a birth record is merely an informational copy. Zullu downloading a pdf copy and calling it a forgery means diddly squat. It is not a legal record of anything, if his document examiner is basing his opinion on this downloaded copy then his reputation will go down, really down. Zullo is very stupid and would be laughed out of court. Now who is going to write 1000 words on this silly thing, especially if Obama’s COLB is introduced with verification by the state of Hawaii. Another birther loss guaranteed.

  206. bovril says:

    nbc: Wow… That really brings home the case… Is he seriously making these claims? Hilarious…

    OMG… this hurts.. please stop…

    So, in other words, “water on the brain is saying that you can buy NBC status and its usually on offer…?

  207. Woodrowfan says:

    And when you gaze long into the stupid, the stupid also gazes into you.

  208. Woodrowfan says:

    Every single Birther is a perfect example of the the Dunning–Kruger Effect. It’s really quite amazing. There’s got to be at least one doctoral dissertation’s worth of research potential there.

  209. misha marinsky:
    As I wrote above, http://www.obamaconspiracy.org/2013/07/1000-words/#comment-275953 – Nash is a neo-Nazi.

    You need to re-learn how to read or how to stop lying. The comparison you mischaracterized was NOT between mix-race couples or marriage. It was between mixed nationalities that produce politically-hybrid children and parents who are the same nationality. They produce political half-breeds, -half this, and half that, half Russian, half American, etc.

  210. Atticus Finch says:

    American Mzungu: h2

    “The national allegiance of the parent does not, per se, in any respect affect the status of a child born in the United States. Such a child is born “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States, whether the father be at the time in the United States or not. If the father be in the United States he is himself “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” If he is out of the United States he is beyond their jurisdiction, but the child is not.

    Certainly the status of the child cannot depend upon the fact that his father is or is not in the United States at the time of his birth, when the constitution has prescribed as the only condition that the child shall at the time of his birth be himself “subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.”. . . .

    The child [In re Look Tin Sing, 4 West Coast Rep. 363 ; 21 Fed. Rep. 905] when born was absolutely and completely subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, and so were his parents, if at the time they were both in this country. The parents being aliens, owed allegiance to their sovereign, the Emperor of China, but being beyond his territory they were not subject to his jurisdiction or laws. A citizen or subject when abroad owes certain duties to his sovereign, but these duties need not be recognised by. the citizen and cannot be enforced by the sovereign, so long as the former remains away from home and beyond the jurisdiction of the sovereign.
    Speaking of the binding force upon a citizen of the laws of his own country, Justice STORY says: “Whatever maybe the intrinsic or obligatory force of such laws upon such persons, if they should return to their native country, they can have none in other nations wherein they reside. Such laws may give rise to personal relations between the sovereign and subject, to be enforced in his own domains, but they do not rightfully extend to other nations, ‘statuta suo clauduntiir territorio nee ultra territorium disponunt,’ nor indeed is there strictly speaking any difference in this respect, whether such laws concern the persons or concern the property of native subjects. * * *

    When, therefore, we speak of the right of a state to bind its own native subjects everywhere, we speak only of its own claim and exercise of sovereignty over them when they return within its own territorial jurisdiction, and not of its rights to compel or require obedience to such laws on the part of other nations within their own territorial sovereignty. On the contrary, every nation has an exclusive right to regulate persons and things within its own territory, according to its own sovereign will and public policy:” Story on Conflict of Laws, sect. 20. “Citizenship” American Law Register , Vol 25 (1886) Page 6-7

  211. Majority Will says:

    “You need to re-learn how to read or how to stop lying.”

    Oh, the irony and sheer hypocrisy.

  212. Atticus Finch says:

    A child born in the United States has only one allegiance and that allegiance is the United States. To have a “dual allegiance” a child must be under the jurisdiction and control of TWO sovereignties at birth in the United States which is a legal impossibility since the United States doesn’t share its jurisdiction of its citizens with another country.

    Unlike hair color or eye color, a child doesn’t inherit a parent’s allegiance at birth. “[I]t has consistently been held judicially that one born in the United States and subject to its jurisdiction is, from birth, a citizen of the United States; that such citizenship does not depend upon like citizenship of his or her parents, or of either of them (except in the case of the children of ambassadors etc.). United States v. Richmond, 274 F. Supp. 43, 56 (CD Ca 1967). See also Von Schwerdtner v. Piper, 23 F. 2d 862 (D. MD 1928) (child born in the United States to German nationals)

    “A person who is born in the United States, regardless of the citizenship of his parents, becomes an American citizen not by gift of Congress but by force of the Constitution. U.S.C.A., Constitutional Amendment 14, Section 1.” In re Gogal, 75 F. Supp. 268, 271 (WD Pa 1947)

    As such, the allegiance of parents whatever their situation is irrelevant in determining the citizenship status of a child born in the United States. “ At common law, a native is a person born within the jurisdiction and allegiance of a country, irrespective of the allegiance of his parents, except the child of an ambassador. Ex parte Palo, 3 F. 2d 44, 45 (W.D. Wa 1925) (internal citation omitted)

  213. Atticus Finch says:

    At the time of his birth in the United States, Obama’s owed complete allegiance to the United States. Dual citizenship at birth does not mean dual allegiance at birth. Obama owed no allegiance to his father’s country because his father’s country had no jurisdiction over Obama while he resided in the United States.

    Courts have long recognized that foreign nations have no jurisdiction over its citizens or subjects in the United States. “[T]he legal status of foreign nationals in the United States is determined solely by our domestic law — foreign law confers no privilege in this country that our courts are bound to recognize.” Vanity Fair Mills v. T. Eaton Co., 234 F. 2d 633, 638-639 (2nd Cir. 1956). See also Rundell v. La Campagnie Generale Transatlantique, 100 Fed. 655, 660 (7th Cir. 1900) (“Such laws may give rise to personal relations between the sovereign and subjects, to be enforced in his own domains; but they do not rightfully extend to other nations.”)

    Moreover, United States’ jurisdiction over Obama while he was residing in the United States is complete and it does not share its jurisdiction with other nations since other nations do not extend their jurisdiction within the United States. “`no sovereignty can extend its process beyond its own territorial limits, to subject other persons or property to its judicial decisions. Every exertion of authority beyond these limits is a mere nullity, and incapable of binding such persons or property in other tribunals;'” Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Co. v. Radcliffe 137 U.S. 287,296 (1890)

    “In our territory, the alien is “subjected,” no less completely than the citizen, to the jurisdiction of our courts (jurisdiction in the narrower sense) and to the general authority of our government (jurisdiction in the wider sense). Aliens, in the language of the common law, are temporary subjects of the state in which they sojourn; they owe the sovereign who harbors them in his domains temporary or local allegiance. The phrase “born subject to the jurisdiction” is therefore precisely equivalent to the common law expression “born under the actual obedience.” — The constitution, then, invests with citizenship all persons born under the jurisdiction or obedience of the United States, without regard to the nationality of their parents or to the opposing claims of foreign states.” Munroe Smith, “The Law of Nationality”( 1883) Page 948-949

    As such, United States jurisdiction over Obama was exclusive and absolute at the time of his birth. “The jurisdiction of the nation within its own territory is necessarily exclusive and absolute.” Schooner Exchange v. McFaddon, 11 U.S. 116, 136 (1812)

  214. Atticus Finch says:

    Courts do not recognized “partial” citizenship nor do they acknowledged “defective” 14th Amendment citizenship. Either Obama is a natural born citizen or is an alien.

    There is no “hybrid citizen” in that a person who is born in the United States is a “citizen” but not a “natural born citizen.” In other words, stating that Obama is an United States citizen but not a natural born citizen is similar to being “partially pregnant” either he is a natural born citizen or not.

    If he is not a natural born citizen because of misguided notion that he was not born under the 14th Amendment’s “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States phraseology due to the status of his alien father then he must be an alien.

    However, numerous courts have held that native born children of alien parents come within the 14th Amendment citizenship clause. Podea v. Marshall, 83 F. Supp. 216, 219-220(ED NY 1949) (“It is a long recognized and well established principle that plaintiff acquired American citizenship upon his birth on September 21, 1912, at Youngstown, Ohio, even though his parents were immigrant aliens. Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1” ;Benny v. O’Brien 32 Atl 696, 697(New Jersey 1895)(“Two facts must concur: the person must be born here, and he must be subject to the Jurisdiction of the United States according to the fourteenth amendment, which means, according to the civil rights act, that the person born here is not subject to any foreign power. Allan Benny, whose parents were ‘domiciled here at the time of his birth, is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, and is not subject to any foreign power.”; Kwock Jan Fat v. White, 253 US 454, 457 (1920)(“It is not disputed that if petitioner is the son of Kwock Tuck Lee and his wife, Tom Ying Shee, he was born to them when they were permanently domiciled in the United States, is a citizen thereof, and is entitled to admission to the country. United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649. But while it is conceded that he is certainly the same person who, upon full investigation was found, in March, 1915, by the then Commissioner of Immigration, to be a NATURAL BORN AMERICAN CITIZEN”)(emphasis added); Mustata v. US Dept. of Justice, 179 F. 3d 1017, 1019 (6th Cir. 1999)(“Petitioners Marian and Lenuta Mustata are citizens of Romania. At the time of their petition, they resided in Michigan with their two minor children, who are NATURAL BORN CITIZENS of the United States.”)(emphasis added)

    As such, there has not been one decision by United States courts that they have held that a native born child of an alien father or alien parents was not “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” under the 14th Amendment and thus was not a United States citizen.

  215. Dr. Conspiracy:
    Given that RC was cut off after just a few words, I could readily surmise that there could have been a lot more than that.

    If I had 20 seconds, I would go for Hawaii’s verification given to Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett that verified that Obama was born in Hawaii. You either accept that Obama’s birth certificate says he was born in Hawaii or not.

    If you don’t accept that, basically you are saying “everybody’s lying,” and if you say that then any opinion to the contrary is what you want to believe because there is certainly no documentation or competent testimony that Barack Obama was born anywhere else.

    If Birthers deny the Arizona verification, then they have forfeited any claim to a fact-based theory.

    I’ve just posted my exposition regarding the letter to Bennet. It filets and dissects the meaning and authority of the so-called letter of verification. Read it and your eyes will be opened to reality. It is not what you’ve erroneously presumed.

  216. CarlOrcas says:

    misha marinsky:
    Adrien has done that an unknown number of times. Here is Adrien singing his affidavit about it. Just like Obama, he’s proclaiming it to the world:

    Feast your eyes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQOMxz-O7Sc

    Is that Adrien in the pigtails? Kinda cute, don’t you think?

  217. dunstvangeet says:

    h2ooflife.wordpress.com/: You need to re-learn how to read or how to stop lying.The comparison you mischaracterized was NOT between mix-race couples or marriage.It was between mixed nationalities that produce politically-hybrid children and parents who are the same nationality.They produce political half-breeds, -half this, and half that, half Russian, half American, etc.

    What you’re suggesting is that the United States allows every other country to have veto-power over who the United States can elect President. That is what your “dual citizenship” test requires.

    The United States has no control over what other countries do with their laws. So, why would the United States allow foreign law to control who is eligible for the Presidency?

  218. Quote: Atticus Finch

    “At the time of his birth in the United States, Obama owed complete allegiance to the United States. Dual citizenship at birth does not mean dual allegiance at birth.”

    NOTE; Allegiance has zero connection to minors, especially babies. Also, it has no connection to American principles. Our principle is purely one of citizenship responsibility or obligation, -the obligation to defend the defenseless and the nation as a whole. That obligation falls solely on the shoulders of adult male citizens and residents. It does NOT fall on the shoulders of guests of our government nor to their children born within our borders who are also guests.

    “Obama owed no allegiance to his father’s country because his father’s country had no jurisdiction over Obama while he resided in the United States.”

    JURISDICTION is not the same a Full Jurisdiction. Just because Kenya did not have jurisdiction over Jr. does not mean that the U.S. therefore had full jurisdiction over him. That would require that his parents be Americans or be legal immigrants sanctioned to live and work in the United States. They or their children must register with Selective Service because they are subject to a future draft. Foreign visitors are not, nor are children born to them because they are only guests and not members of American society. They are members of their own foreign society, -their homeland.

    Quote: “In our territory, the alien is “subjected,” no less completely than the citizen, to the jurisdiction of our courts and to the general authority of our government (jurisdiction in the wider sense). Aliens, in the language of the common law, [THE BRITISH COMMON LAW, not American common law!] are temporary *subjects* of the state in which they *sojourn*;
    -they owe the sovereign who harbors them in his domains temporary or local allegiance [OBEDIENCE, not allegiance]. The phrase “born subject to the jurisdiction” is therefore precisely equivalent to the [British] common law expression “born under the actual obedience.”
    — The constitution, [NOT THE CONSTITUTION but the Wong Kim Ark opinion] then, invests with citizenship [NOT anything other than citizenship] all persons born under the jurisdiction or obedience of the United States, without regard to the nationality of their parents or to the opposing claims of foreign states.” Munroe Smith, “The Law of Nationality”( 1883) Page 948-949
    [A TOTALLY UNDISPUTED FACT -after the court’s distorted opinion was handed down, but propped up as if it magically implies that such citizenship can’t be anything other than natural citizenship when that was not the view nor the holding of the court.]

    Quote: As such, United States jurisdiction over Obama was exclusive and absolute at the time of his birth. “The jurisdiction of the nation within its own territory is necessarily exclusive and absolute.” Schooner Exchange v. McFaddon, 11 U.S. 116, 136 (1812)
    [SUCH OVERLY BROAD AND IGNORANT GENERALIZATION. By such pompous language all foreign ambassadors are also absolutely subject to the American government. By such language the government can draft foreign tourists and send them to their death in battle per the reality of true absolute jurisdiction.]

  219. Dave B. says:

    Oh no. That’s not Adrien. You’ve never seen Adrien in his pirate get-up, have you?

    CarlOrcas: Is that Adrien in the pigtails? Kinda cute, don’t you think?

  220. h2ooflife.wordpress.com/: You need to re-learn how to read or how to stop lying. The comparison you mischaracterized was NOT between mix-race couples or marriage. It was between mixed nationalities that produce…political half-breeds, -half this, and half that


    “half-breeds, -half this, and half that” – You are a half-wit. It’s not against the law, but maybe it should be.

    “You need to re-learn how to read or how to stop lying.” – My irony meter just turned into shrapnel. Thanks.

    I have a cousin who is Afro-Judeo. What is she?

    I can tell you on good authority that the International Jewish Conspiracy™ is monitoring your internet. Just ask Snowden and Putin.

    Putin and I go way back. Rasputin was secretly Jewish.

    Да з’равствует Ленин!

  221. Atticus Finch: “stating that Obama is an United States citizen but not a natural born citizen is similar to being “partially pregnant” either he is a natural born citizen or not.”

    U.S. Constitution: Art. II, Sec. I: (paraphrase) NO CITIZEN *except* a natural born citizen, OR a “citizen of the United States”…shall be eligible…”

    Yeah, clearly they are one and the same.

    Finch: “As such, there has not been one decision by United States courts that they have held that a native born child of an alien father or alien parents was not “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” under the 14th Amendment and thus was not a United States citizen.

    WOW! Do you even read what you write? “not a *United States citizen*” is somehow in your magical thinking indistinguishable from a *natural* citizen? Where is the word “natural” found in your true but irrelevant statement?
    Arguing the citizenship of children of immigrants was old over a century ago. How about you join the 21st century? (as well as return to the 18th century when the meaning of what a natural citizen is was clearly understood.)

  222. American Mzungu says:

    Atticus Finch: At the time of his birth in the United States, Obama’s owed complete allegiance to the United States. Dual citizenship at birth does not mean dual allegiance at birth.

    Thank you for the legal analysis and case citations.

    Mr. Nash, would you like to respond with some case law of your own?

  223. It is verified that “natural born” in the 18th century meant a quality by birth, and specifically the term was used with “subject” which was applicable specifically to the people who were subjects of the colonies that became the United States. No amount of denying the historical record, the authorities and even the dictionary can change that, will not change that. It dooms your crank theories to the dustbin of history. The only open question is whether “natural born citizen” in a legal sense, and as a term of art, is so tied up with the English common law as to restrict it to persons who were not only born citizens, but born citizens in the United States itself. So far the courts have said, and most authorities agree that anyone born a citizen meets the natural born citizenship eligibility requirement.

    “Natural born citizen” doesn’t mean what you think it does. Sorry, but you lost that argument years ago.

    h2ooflife.wordpress.com/: Arguing the citizenship of children of immigrants was old over a century ago. How about you join the 21st century? (as well as return to the 18th century when the meaning of what a natural citizen is was clearly understood.)

  224. Perhaps you will also grace us with an essay that proves that black is white, up is down and cats are dogs.

    h2ooflife.wordpress.com/: I’ve just posted my exposition regarding the letter to Bennet. It filets and dissects the meaning and authority of the so-called letter of verification. Read it and your eyes will be opened to reality. It is not what you’ve erroneously presumed.

  225. Sam the Centipede says:

    Hey! Adrien Nash is a fan of ButterLogic and its super-powerful technique of indirect confirmation: “Spewing ambiguous statements that seem to mean one thing but in reality mean something completely different.”

    There’s just so much stupid poured into his flatulent prose that it’s not worth picking over; it’s undiluted idiocy.

    But why does he (and plenty of other idiot birthers) think that officials would make these misleading statements with a hidden sub-text when it would be much easier and safer to produce a nice simple clear lie? I guess it’s because that’s how conspiracy theory idiots work; they want to find a special hidden meaning for the wise ones.

    If Doc. C. wants to give Nash 1000 words, that’s fine by me. It will be just another clown show. But Nash would do better spending his time reading rather than writing. If he reads, he might learn something; if he writes, he just exhibits his idiocy to the world.

  226. h2ooflife.wordpress.com/: I’ve just posted my exposition regarding the letter to Bennet.It filets and dissects the meaning and authority of the so-called letter of verification.


    I read it, and have some observations:

    1. You are clinically insane.
    2. You are a neo-Nazi.
    3. You are pretending the Digital Signature and Electronic Authentication Law does not exist. Join the 21st century.
    4. When I lived in Taipei, I had a chop made with my signature in Mandarin. It is legally the equivalent of my hand signature.
    5. The 2 signatures on US paper currency is a reproduction. Do you refuse to accept paper money?

    @American Mzungu: You are getting a good taste of the virus of white supremacy.

  227. nbc says:

    h2ooflife.wordpress.com/: U.S. Constitution: Art. II, Sec. I: (paraphrase) NO CITIZEN *except* a natural born citizen, OR a “citizen of the United States”…shall be eligible…”

    Citizen includes naturalized citizen and natural born citizen. The courts have been quite clear on that.

  228. Sam the Centipede: officials would make these misleading statements with a hidden sub-text

    I can’t explain right now, because my cat Obama wants me to get in my spaceship car, and go to the Costco White House.

  229. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: ………..and cats are dogs.

    Isn’t that misha’s territory? I thought that’s what Mr. Soros said in the last meeting anyway.

  230. CarlOrcas says:

    Dave B.:
    Oh no.That’s not Adrien.You’ve never seen Adrien in his pirate get-up, have you?

    No. But he could have more than one get-up……couldn’t he?

  231. CarlOrcas: I thought that’s what Mr. Soros said in the last meeting anyway.

    Thanks for spilling the beans.

  232. CarlOrcas says:

    misha marinsky: Thanks for spilling the beans.

    Kosher….of course.

  233. CarlOrcas: Kosher….of course.

    OT, but apropos: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pickled_cucumber

    A “kosher” dill pickle is not necessarily kosher in the sense that it has been prepared in accordance with Jewish dietary law. Rather, it is a pickle made in the traditional manner of Jewish New York City pickle makers, with generous addition of garlic and dill to a natural salt brine.

    In New York terminology, a “full-sour” kosher dill is one that has fully fermented, while a “half-sour,” given a shorter stay in the brine, is still crisp and bright green.

  234. CarlOrcas says:

    misha marinsky: In New York terminology, a “full-sour” kosher dill is one that has fully fermented, while a “half-sour,” given a shorter stay in the brine, is still crisp and bright green.

    The kosher baby dills I buy on the left coast are made in India. What is the world coming to?

  235. Keith says:

    h2ooflife.wordpress.com/: U.S. Constitution: Art. II, Sec. I: (paraphrase) NO CITIZEN *except* a natural born citizen, OR a “citizen of the United States”…shall be eligible…”

    Yeah, clearly they are one and the same.

    The rest of the context of the quotes you are promoting form the Constitution is

    No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President

    So the ‘or a citizen of the United States’ part is referring to ANY citizen, natural born or naturalized who was part of the Patriot generation and directly participated in the founding of the Nation. Of course, since the phrase is redundant when applied to the natural-born Patriots, it really referred specifically to those of the Patriots who were naturalized. You know, people like Alexander Hamilton who was born in the West Indies and naturalized in New York.

    Born citizens and made citizens ARE exactly the same under the law except for that one specific case – Presidential eligibility – and no one here has ever said otherwise.

    There are two ways to be come a citizen in America: you can be born a citizen or you can be made a citizen sometime after you are born. If you are born a citizen, you have gained your citizenship naturally, and are called a ‘Natural-born Citizen’. If you are made a Citizen sometime after birth, you are made as much like a natural-born citizen as it is Constitutionally possible (that is, exactly like a natural-born citizen except that you cannot become President) and are called a ‘Naturalized Citizen’.

    If you are an “American Citizen”, you are either a “Natural-born Citizen” or you are a “Natural-ized Citizen”. The words “natural-born” and “natural-ized” describe nothing more and nothing less than the route you followed to become a citizen. There are not other routes, and no other meaningful categories that have any relevance to Presidential eligibility.

  236. Keith says:

    misha marinsky: OT, but apropos: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pickled_cucumber

    Thanks for that. NOT.

    I have been carping for years at my Aussie friends that insist on calling sweet pickles ‘gherkins’, when I know for a fact that ‘gherkin’ is a type of cucumber, not the method of pickling and a sweet pickle could be any cucumber. Now your Wiki article tells me it is a perfectly reasonable habit to use ‘gherkin’ for any small pickle. Well (Bronx cheer) to that.

    Anyway, I think I’ll go have a Polish Dill (almost the same, except, I suppose, to the picky pickle connoisseur) and an obviously non-Kosher cheese kransky for lunch.

    To (outrageously) paraphrase Laurie Anderson: “Que is mas oxymoron: ‘Kosher cheese kransky’ o ‘Kosher ham sandwich’?

    CarlOrcas: The kosher baby dills I buy on the left coast are made in India. What is the world coming to?

    Huh. I was gonna say that my Polish Dills were actually made in Poland, but I looked at the label and it said… you guessed it… Made in India.

  237. SInce h20 guy could not get to this site yesterday he posted his response in a comment over at my blog Why Obama’s LF COLB can’t be believed

  238. CarlOrcas says:

    Keith: Huh. I was gonna say that my Polish Dills were actually made in Poland, but I looked at the label and it said… you guessed it… Made in India.

    Interesting. The brand I’m talking about is Farman’s……a long time Seattle area brand. Dick Farman was known as the “Pickle King”. He died about 10 years ago and I’m not sure when the company was sold.

    The company that owns the name now is Masterfield and it looks like they own lots of brands.

    There you are…..more than you ever cared to know about pickles.

  239. ballantine says:

    Well, we see Adrien is repeating his self-made citizenship law citing no authority and getting everything wrong. Kind of sad to be so deluded.


    NOTE; Allegiance has zero connection to minors, especially babies.Also, it has no connection to American principles.Our principle is purely one of citizenship responsibility or obligation, -the obligation to defend the defenseless and the nation as a whole.That obligation falls solely on the shoulders of adult male citizens and residents.It does NOT fall on the shoulders of guests of our government nor to their children born within our borders who are also guests.

    Gibberish. In England and America, one is born into the allegiance of the sovereign and everyone in our territory including babies and women owe allegiance. Such term simply means “obediance” and everyone in our territory owes obediance. The only distinction is whether it is permenant or not.

    JURISDICTION is not the same a Full Jurisdiction.Just because Kenya did not have jurisdiction over Jr. does not mean that the U.S. therefore had full jurisdiction over him.That would require that his parents be Americans or be legal immigrants sanctioned to live and work in the United States.They or their children must register with Selective Service because they are subject to a future draft.Foreign visitors are not, nor are children born to them because they are only guests and not members of American society.They are members of their own foreign society, -their homeland.

    More ignorance. The most findamental maxim of international law is that all persons in our territory are fully subject to our jurisdiction. The notion of not drafting aliens is a matter of comity and custom, not a lack of jurisdiction. Children of aliens, of course, have always been subject to the military draft. Such is true today and such was true in th Civil War when some native born citizens of English subjects complained to England about being drafted. Of course, England ignored such complaints recognizing such persons were native-born American citizens. Why do you comment on things you know nothing about?

    [A TOTALLY UNDISPUTED FACT -after the court’s distorted opinion was handed down, but propped up as if it magically implies that such citizenship can’t be anything other than natural citizenship when that was not the view nor the holding of the court.]

    Poor deluded person. See, it is the court’s opinion that counts, not yours. No one in our history agrees with your made-up definition of natural citizen.

    [SUCH OVERLY BROAD AND IGNORANT GENERALIZATION.By such pompous language all foreign ambassadors are also absolutely subject to the American government.By such language the government can draft foreign tourists and send them to their death in battle per the reality of true absolute jurisdiction.]

    Again, you are showing your ignorance. The sole exception to the rule that all aliens are fully subject to our jurisdiction is the privilege of extraterritoriality. The leading case on such is The Schooner Exchange v. McFaddon where Marshall explains such exception is based upon the notion of implied consent. Under basic international law, a nation could draft tourists, however such violation of custom would result in protests in other nations and their threats to treat our tourists the same. In fact, nations have at times drafted aliens against notions of comity and custom and it usually resulted in dimplomatic arguments. However, in the language of international law, such persons are still under our full jurisdiction.

    And, of course, their is no rule or custom against drafting children of aliens born on one’s soil. These people are, of course, natural born in any jus soli nation and it is clearly consistent with international law for a jus soli nation to treat them fully as their citizens. Such has always been the law whether you are aware of it or not.

  240. Pip says:

    I personally am waiting for Nash to prove he is not a Russian sleeper agent leftover from the old days, albeit an ineffective one thus assigned the birther circuit, pursuing an updated mission to try and foment low-grade discord.

    Reality Check:
    SInce h20 guy could not get to this site yesterday he posted his response in a comment over at my blog

  241. Kiwiwriter says:

    Reality Check:
    Here are the first three paragraphs of h20′s “masterpiece. I thought I would’ve you the trouble of reading it.

    So Barack Obama is not an American citizen because he did not have high-speed internet access when he was born.

    I knew it all along.

  242. Kiwiwriter says:

    Arthur: The Nazis were infamous for rejecting the principles of “Jewish physics.” Here’s a NY Times book review on the very subject, “Einstein’s Jewish Science,” by Steven Gimbel.


    Not only that…Hitler didn’t think the atomic bomb would work. He thought it would just ignite the atmosphere and destroy the world. Enrico Fermi thought the same was possible, and took bets on the possibility.

    Hitler assigned atomic bomb research to the Post Office.

  243. Dave B. says:

    Adrien has an unknown number of get-ups, but the get-up that would transform him into anything more than a grotesque parody of that blonde hasn’t been got up yet.

    CarlOrcas: No. But he could have more than one get-up……couldn’t he?

  244. American Mzungu says:

    Kiwiwriter: So Barack Obama is not an American citizen because he did not have high-speed internet access when he was born.

    I derived a different message from Nash’s screed. Since neither my father nor my mother had been drafted or volunteered to fight for six months in one of America’s wars, they were not fully under the jurisdiction of the United States and therefore not citizens. Since neither my father nor my mother were American citizens, I inherited their stateless condition. Who knew?

    But, when I learned from Nash that having high speed internet was analogous to being a natural born citizen, I immediately called my local cable company to upgrade to their ultra high speed internet option. I hope that retroactively takes care of the problem.

    I advised by sister, also born stateless, to upgrade her internet connection. She never volunteered either, and her son was born after she divorced. Her son works for the Department of Defense, and I’d hate to see him fired because it’s revealed that he’s not really a citizen.

    I think Obama is in the clear. As Commander-in-Chief, he’s on ultra-ultra high speed internet, putting him–by analogy–in a class even higher than natural born citizen.

    If you have a different interpretation, please advise immediately.

  245. Well, I have a submission from Mr. Nash. Unfortunately all the paragraph breaks got lost on the submission form and I have provided him email contact to send it again. If he doesn’t reply, I’ll try to add some reasonable paragraph breaks and publish it.

  246. Dave B. says:

    That would be some undertaking.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Well, I have a submission from Mr. Nash. Unfortunately all the paragraph breaks got lost on the submission form and I have provided him email contact to send it again. If he doesn’t reply, I’ll try to add some reasonable paragraph breaks and publish it.

  247. Monkey Boy says:

    richCares: john, nobody is asking you to like Obama, you are more than welcome to support anyone you wish, just stop being stupid.

    Wow! That’s like asking a cottonmouth to stop biting, or a bear to please relieve himself on spread out newspaper.

  248. Monkey Boy says:

    davidfarrar: If you think this unfair, I will certainly challenge anyone to bring forth any prima facie evidence INDEPENDENT OF HHD RECORDS that proves Barack Obama is even a US citizen by reason of birth.

    David, I know that you are not too bright, but you should be able to understand this challenge:

    Prove that you have a valid driver’s license independent of the records of the GA Bureau of Motor Vehicles.

    You can’t? I thought not.

  249. Reality Check: Why Obama’s LF COLB can’t be believed

    I can’t believe it’s not butter.

  250. Pip: I personally am waiting for Nash to prove he is not a Russian sleeper agent

    Ask Anna Chapman.

  251. Pip: Nash to prove he is not a Russian sleeper agent leftover from the old days

    I’ll have to check the archives. I have inside info. Rasputin was secretly Jewish.

  252. Pip says:

    Apparently, she’s the one who does the asking:

    “Snowden, will you marry me?!”

    1:36pm – 3 Jul 13


    misha marinsky: Ask Anna Chapman.

  253. The Magic M says:

    scott e: I did write a fabulous essay, but it was 1056 words. I know cyberspace is limited here

    Was that Fermat reference intentional?

    misha marinsky: Critics Paul Krugman and Mark J. Green have argued that the story grossly exaggerates minor cases of welfare fraud.

    Indeed, if it were so easy, there wouldn’t be cases like the recent one where somebody actually had to abduct and lock up several people to collect their welfare checks.

    Arthur: The Nazis were infamous for rejecting the principles of “Jewish physics.”

    Even the Nazis had to concede at some point that their attempt to create “German physics” which renounced all findings by Jewish physicists had failed.
    I think it says a lot when even those deluded monsters were able to accept you can’t just wish reality away whereas the birthers will not be able to do that at any point in their lifetime.

  254. The Magic M says:

    misha marinsky: Rasputin was secretly Jewish.

    To paraphrase a recent birther article:

    “Rasputin” just happened to be a song by Boney M who just happened to have been produced by Frank Farian who just happened to have the same first name as Frank Marshall Davis. Coincidence? I think not.

  255. richCares: just stop being stupid

    What would we do for entertainment?

  256. The Magic M: I think it says a lot when even those deluded monsters were able to accept you can’t just wish reality away whereas the birthers will not be able to do that at any point in their lifetime.

    Malala Yousafzai was shot by a conspiracy of Jews and Freemasons. They are also behind the polio vaccine:

    On the one hand, the letter is an audacious attempt to justify the shooting of a little girl. In places, it seems rambling, talking of a conspiracy – led by (you guessed it) “Jews” and “freemasons.” Yet the words also provide an insight into the motivations, ideology and even deep-rooted fears of the Taliban in Pakistan.


    The polio vaccine was invented by two Jewish physicians, so of course it’s a Jewish conspiracy and should be refused.

  257. aarrgghh says:

    The Magic M: To paraphrase a recent birther article:

    “Rasputin” just happened to be a song by Boney M who just happened to have been produced by Frank Farian who just happened to have the same first name as Frank Marshall Davis. Coincidence? I think not.

    birfers are huffing anonymous spam and calling it news.

  258. Dr. Conspiracy: Unfortunately all the paragraph breaks got lost on the submission form

    It worked. Hehehehehehehehe…

  259. Paper says:

    Well, the nice thing for me is I do not even find it entertaining anymore. Watching these guys repeat the exact same points years after they were already definitively debunked, in direct discussion with them, has left me without even the interest in the intellectual exercise involved in evaluating their nonsense. Another round with Nash, covering the same points, as if those arguments weren’t already serving time in oblivion?

    I think, suspect, hope that in following our resident birthers here I’ve finished working through my issues with my birther family, people who often sound just like the birthers here, frequently with the same arguments, despite claims by such as Nash of originality and novelty.

    I think I may be just about content to let oblivion embrace their arguments.

    misha marinsky: What would we do for entertainment?

  260. aarrgghh says:

    Paper: Watching these guys repeat the exact same points years after they were already definitively debunked, in direct discussion with them, has left me without even the interest in the intellectual exercise involved in evaluating their nonsense.Another round with Nash, covering the same points, as if those arguments weren’t already serving time in oblivion?


    i consider myself a charitable person when it comes to the opinions of others. one my favorite quotations comes from camus: “is it possible to found a party for those who are not sure they are right? that would be my party. in any event, i do not insult those who are not on my side. that is my only originality.”

    however, after a point, it becomes obvious that one is dealing with the willfully ignorant, and then jefferson becomes necessary: “ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them.”

    the onion‘s flaying, gutting and dressing of the ideologically entrenched and barricaded explains with surgical precision my utter contempt for all birthers and anyone who thinks like them. my contempt is undisguised, naked and preening; it flashes schoolkids from the porch at morning rush hour. birthers deserve nothing more and will get nothing less.

  261. misha marinsky: Dr C – it’s your blog. If it were mine, I would not give a platform to Nash, who is clearly disturbed, and trying to incite a lone wolf.

    Dr. Conspiracy:Violent language or incitement are off limits for the challenge. Making racist statements is not.

    Dr C: I owe you an apology. You were right – you took the plunge to shine a light on Nash.

  262. Well, a week went by. I got one taker for the challenge. I published it, and it is being discussed.

    While the official challenge implied a time limit of one week, I’m open to other submissions that meet the guidelines in this article. However, only one submission per customer.

  263. Dr. Conspiracy:However, only one submission per customer.

    Only one coupon per customer. Happy shopping!

  264. David Farrar says:

    Okay, I have read all of these posts, and not one supplied Obama’s passport record.

    Moreover, his passport records, unless I am mistaken, were breached, so even if we has access to them, there would be a ‘custodian of records issue. But I am willing to check it out if someone kind kindly give me access to Obama’s passport records.

    ex animo

  265. David Farrar: But I am willing to check it out if someone kind kindly give me access to Obama’s passport records.

    Here you are: http://tinyurl.com/phwo85h

    ex anum

  266. Kiwiwriter says:

    Only one person took up the challenge? That’s laziness or cowardice.

    If the “birthers” believe in their positions and their evidence, they should be proud to stand tall on the side of history and truth.

    But they don’t.

  267. Jim says:

    Only one person took up the challenge?

    Yeah, the others were busy getting their Sunday goto Lynchin white sheets cleaned.

  268. Monkey Boy says:

    David Farrar:
    Okay, I have read all of these posts, and not one supplied Obama’s passport record.

    Moreover, his passport records, unless I am mistaken, were breached, so even if we has access to them, there would be a ‘custodian of records issue. But I am willing to check it out if someone kind kindly give me access to Obama’s passport records.

    ex animo


    I really want to see all of you mail order records for small, battery-operated recreational appliances. Whereby did Darren Huff come by his. It’s a mystery.

  269. CarlOrcas says:

    David Farrar:
    Okay, I have read all of these posts, and not one supplied Obama’s passport record.

    Moreover, his passport records, unless I am mistaken, were breached, so even if we has access to them, there would be a ‘custodian of records issue. But I am willing to check it out if someone kind kindly give me access to Obama’s passport records.

    ex animo

    If you can see the passport why do you need anything else?

    Check the video on this White House site page:


    At 1:41 into the video you see the info page of his diplomatic passport. Notice it says he was born in Hawaii U.S.A.

    What else do you need?

  270. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    CarlOrcas: At 1:41 into the video you see the info page of his diplomatic passport. Notice it says he was born in Hawaii U.S.A.

    What else do you need?

    Most likely a functioning brain.

  271. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Most likely a functioning brain.

    Yes. That would help, wouldn’t it?

  272. David Farrar says:


    You may be right, but that, in and of itself, doesn’t offer any independent proof until we know where they got their information.

    But he got the diplomatic passport while he was a US Senator; if I am not mistaken. Did the information come from Obama, himself, when he applied for a diplomatic passport. What investigation did the passport agency use to verify this information, if any, and what is its probative value?

    Where are the records for his first passport? What I am seeking is his US passport that allowed him to travel to Pakistan in the early ’80s.

    ex animo

  273. Daniel says:

    David Farrar:

    What I am seeking is his US passport that allowed him to travel to Pakistan in the early ’80s.

    ex animo

    What makes you think you have any right of access to these documents?

  274. CarlOrcas says:

    David Farrar: You may be right, but that, in and of itself, doesn’t offer any independent proof until we know where they got their information.

    Well I suspect they got it from the same place all of us get the information for our passports…..from a certified copy of our birth record.

    David Farrar: But he got the diplomatic passport while he was a US Senator; if I am not mistaken.

    Obviously you didn’t watch the video. The staff member talks about filling out the paperwork right after he was inaugurated. And, of course, it lists his job as President of the United States. I doubt he got that while he was a Senator. What do you think?

    David Farrar: Did the information come from Obama, himself, when he applied for a diplomatic passport. What investigation did the passport agency use to verify this information, if any, and what is its probative value?

    The answer to both questions is the same: His certified birth certificate from Hawaii. Does the State Department investigate every passport application if they are accompanied by a certified birth record?

    David Farrar: Where are the records for his first passport? What I am seeking is his US passport that allowed him to travel to Pakistan in the early ’80s.

    And, again, exactly what do you think they would reveal that would be different than what we’ve seen in the certified birth records from Hawaii and in his current diplomatic passport?

  275. David Farrar: Where are the records for his first passport? What I am seeking is his US passport that allowed him to travel to Pakistan in the early ’80s.

    Soros is making sure you will never see them.

    The plan is to make sure you lose enough sleep, that you become even more frantic and irrational.

    ex anum

  276. Majority Will says:

    misha marinsky: Soros is making sure you will never see them.

    The plan is to make sure you lose enough sleep, that you become even more frantic and irrational.

    ex anum

    It’s known as the Racist Redneck Rule.

  277. Sudoku says:

    Sorry to put this here, Doc (and posters), but I am on my phone and it crashes where there are many comments.

    @Ardien Nash

    I think you really put your foot in it, again. If Prince Charles becomes king, he will have the title via his mother, not his father.

    Your comments on royals being royal by birth and not location is true, but it is also a very clear example of why US has its own citizenship laws, as the founders did not want royalty.

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